r A Bird With a Broken Wing. One day a convict in Jollet prison picked up a scrap of paper from the corridor on which were tbeae lines: "I walked through the woodland meadows, Where tweet the thrushes sing, And foand on a bed of moss A bird with a broken wing. I healed its woo ad, and each morn Ing It Bang ita sweet old strain; Fat the bird with the broken pinion Never soared as hiph again. "I foand a young life broken By sin's seductive art, And touched with a Christ like pity, I took him io my heart. He 'Ived with a noble purpose. And struggled not in vain, Bn the life that ein had stricken Never soared as high again. "Bat the bird with the broken pin ion Kept another from the snare, And the life that sia had stricken Rtised another from despair, Each loss had its compensation, There is healing for every p do; Bat the bird with a broken pinion Never soars as high again." ? hen Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Captorla, When she be. J ChiI.lron.Bbe gave them Castoria A storm of snow, rain and slet over spread Mar-laiit yesterday, from Worcester to Aliogha-iy. The snow fall in some pieces the heaviest reported since the March blizzard in 1888 In Baltimore the air was filled with the falling moisture and the streets were rendered disagreeable for man and beast. It will astonish you how quick Johnson's Magnetic Oil will kill all pains, internal and external ; $1.00 size 60 cents ; 50 cents size 25. cents. Sarah York, an aged, wealthy, childress widow, living alone near Sycamore, Ind., was found dead yesi terday on the floor of her room. . Th body lay for five days against a hot gas stove. Twenty years ago her husband was found dead in the same house. H Heineman. Milwaukee, writes : " One box Japanese Pile Oure has cured me of a case of as years stana iner. after being treated by New York's best phvsicians " For sale by John Y MacRae, druggist. - . Mr Bland says he will have a free coinage measure before the house within the next month. 600.000 boxe J itpnese Pile Care were sold hi 1833 in the United States. It is sold with written guarantee to cure or money refunded at John x Macuae's. An Interesting Case, The railroad com mission has a ease of more than common interest, A cotton ein was shipped from Bir mingham, Ala., to a Tarboro man, via the Richmond & Danville rail- rotd.That road took it to Greensboro, where, by an error, it was sent to Wilmington. There it was offered to the Atlantic Coast Line, which de dined to receive it saying, that it had a contract with the Richmond & Danville to the effect that freight from Birmingham for the Atlantic Coast Line must be turned over to it at Columbia, SC. For a month the gin was held at Wilmington; then it was sent to Tarboro. Che consign nee claims damages. The Atlantic Coast Line says it had no bill of lad ing and claims that this is an inter state commerce matter. The oon eltraor claims triat the Atlantic Coast Line refused to handle the gin at Wilmington and said it bad no through bill, the f eight was local and the North Carolina railroad com mission has jurisdiction. Mr F H Busbee appeared for the Richmond & Danville in this case. The matter oomes op again on the 23th instant. We guarantee Johnson's Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aces and pains, internal or external, man or beast. $1 00 size 50 cents ; 50 cents size 25 cents at John Y MaoRie's. Down in San Antonia, Texes, they have had a storm of hailstones which killed cattle and went through the roofs of the houses. No correspon dents are reported dead, however. The hailstones are afraid of them. Japanese Liver Pallets are small, bat great in their effects ; no griping ; 50 doses 25 oents. For sle by Joan Y MacRae. Oases of 40 years' standing where operations have failed bre been .ourad by Japanese Pile Gore. Foe lopr JebqXMatiUvv A for Infants and Children. ' Castoria la so well adapted to children that I recommend it a superior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Abcuer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria Is ao universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within eat.y reach." Carlos Mabtvn, D. D., New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour totnarh, IHarrhiea, Eructation, Kill Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious mntllratioa. "For (several years I have recommended your Tastori.V n id Khali always continue to do so as it hs im.niuMy produced 1-eurflcial results" tnwn F. Pardee, M. r., 135th Street and Ttli Ave., Xew York City. Tn Ckntauk Commit, 7T Murrat Street, New Yore Citt. A Queer Proceeding The Durham Globe learns that the commissioners of Person counsy have granted permission to a lot of Mor mon elders, for one year, to hold meetings in the court house of that county, and that the elders asked the Presbyterian minister to announce from his pulpit the hoar of the Mor mon service. The newspapers are telling of one Daniel Bangh, of Jeffersonville, Ind, who has lived to be 1C5 years old. The really remarkable feature of the item, however, is the absence of any statement as to whether he smokes and drinks. TIMS SEWLV& IB MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is oid with written Guarantee to care N ervous Prostra tion, Fits, Dull ness, Headache and Neuralgia nndWake fulness,caused by ex ceswiveuseof Opium, Tobacco and Aloo- before - After the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death Barreness, Impotancy, Lost Power in either sex, Premature Old Ane, Involuntary Losses, caused byover-indulgenoo.over-oxerlionol the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cures Lucorrhcea and Fema'H Weakness. A month's treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, $1 per box, 6 boxes 15. With every 5 order we give a Written Guarantor to cure or refund the uionoy. Circulars free. Ouuiuntee Issued only by our ex clusive agent. Joho Y. MacRae, Druggist, Raleigh, N.O. FOR CTS. I buy direct from the manufacturers the Strictly High Grade bewing Machines known as the STVNaAbDf' and offer those at thelo west prices. A good machine at Bottom Figures. I also keep always on hand full lines of machine sup plies, such ss needles, parta and attachments. Oue of my specialties is the repairing of ma chines of any make, this being done at your home or at my office I have had Years of Experience in this business and Guarantee Satisfaction. Hogs, cattle or any kind of country pro duce taken in exchange for machines. G E MARTIN, mh20 13 West Hargett Street. o In Postage, we will send A Sample Envelope, of either WHITE, FLESH or BRUNETTE rtn OZZOfJIS OVVDER. Yon hare seen it advertised for many years, but have you ever tried it? If not, you do not know what an Ideal Complexion I'owder Is. besides being; an acknowledged beantlfler, has many refreshing uses. It prevents cnaf lug, sun-bum, wmd-tan, lessens perspiration, etc. ; In fact It is a mostdel Icate and desirable protection to the face during hot weather. It la Sold everywhere. For HAmnlA. fLririrnnfl U. A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo.1 MENTION THIS PAPER. TIE 111 in POE:i894. &The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Morning Herald" has recent IV oen enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or (3 per year to mail subscribers, each edition coatains as much news and morn owner nl rnaciinar matter than is printed ' by the Baltimore two-cent dailies. lne reiegrapmc service 01 "ine aa..rmng Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper. Ita Newsservice' the .counties is thor ough aud reliable. Its Market Reports are full, complete and accurate. Its illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not be found in auy other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Dr Taimage the .celebrated B;ooklyn preacher appears in Monday msrning's edition. "Ihe Morning Herald" will continue to be an IndeDeadeat Newspaper fair and im- I partial in its statements and fearless iu the expression ui iuj uumiuus. iMFaysteilleSL UPSTAIRS. Call the attention of hit friends and the Sublic to the fact tnat he .has just received is stock of Fine looks I of 24 d iees. is the best Sundty paper in Bal- m ' j j - . tim ire. and is sold at 3c per copy, or $1 50 for spring and satntner wear, and is ready J i "r ' 2r TaB SUNDAY HERAX.D," tonuxe the. a uain thi best style, aim -i txiu Give rah HrXHH if, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for moderate Fees. Our OrrtcE is Opposite U. S. patent Otfice and we can secure patent ia less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawiog or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patent?," with cost of same In the U. S. and fieign countries sent free. Address, TiIE WfcJiiKLlt HEttALD" ; is the cheapest and best eight-pige weekly newspaper pab'asiiel ia the 'IniteJ dUtes, j theannual subscription being 50o. 3-''Tho rrniner Herald" will be sent ' on trial for one week to any persoa sending his or her address, enclosing 5 cents, to the : HERALD PUBL.I3aiiM 00., Baltimjre and O'narles dtraets, ' Baltimore, Md. ' jgA BKoiiHorKB, General Manager. iii f ctiauascce o. C. A. S ?J O W & GO5 enarecommuniucs and hold it year after .71. IIAAMA CiMnrvllla .Ab tOxo pii nr.u CTiTinurPY rn MALM fin iiiai luiiLiii uu..i 309 rayetteTlUs St., OPPOSITE POarOFFICE, can be had the latest, freshest and moat at tractive goods in this line to be found any where, such as Note & Letter Paper all qualities, both folded or In box. Writing Pads, all grades. Pens, from the finest point to broadest stab. Pencils, all srades and prices. Inks, numerous brands. Stationery Supplies, in endless variety. Anything in our line to fit out the best appointed olnce or library. A call solicited. CHARL0 HE OBSERVER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North Caro lina and the South. The best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. A DAILY, 8 CO per year. , WEEKLY, f 1 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Caldwkli,, Editor, Charlotte, N 0. I lt"For sale at Elmer M Shaffer's news stand, Raleigh, N C. jal5 tf 1VT ORSOLK AND CAROLINA R.R a.1 OOBDBNSBD 80HBDDLB. Dated August 9th, 1891. South Noth Bound Bound Train. statioss. Train. No. 101. No. 100 a. m. p. m. m 50 J L've Pinner's Point Arrive 5 25 1015 L've Drivers, Arrive 2 01 10 27 L've Suffolk, Arrive 4 47 1102 L've 'Gates. Arrive 414 1120 L've Tunis. Arrive 3 54 1137 L've Ahoskev. Arrive 3 1152 L've Anlander. Arrive 3 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 3y 12 53 L'e Tarboro. Arrive 2 17 ;i 20 Ar Rocky Mount, L've 1 5q P. II. A. M No 101 makes connection at Rocry Mount with W & W Train No 23 for all point Sonth, and No 78 train for all points North. far At OBRPKIi, J it rLBNIiX, Gen'l Manage ', 8upt Trains TMS'tjii . tvi'l Pmsoaisr Agt V COPYFUGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to 1 V N N Oc CO., who have had nearly fifty rears' experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median, leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive epeoial notice in the Scientific Amerieaa, and thus are brought widely before the publlowith. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly ill ottrated, ban by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. . S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 12.50a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in eolors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN CO., Miw YORK, 301 BBOADWAT. DON'T PUT OFF today what oan be done tomorrow. Send THE VISITOR to a friend or relative. Take it your self. It is only 25 oents onto. ADVERTISE. ADVERTISE. Advertise Advertise Advertise Advertise in the in the in the in the Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Evening Evening Evening Evening Visitor Visitor Visitor miwil'Mhmh BJ.Co. Samuel Spencer, F. W. llulde koper and Reuben Foaler.Ite-ceirers. RICH. & DinjAND N, C DIVISIONS, Condensed Schedule. In effeot beptember 24, 1893. SOUTH BOCHD. Lv Richmond, Lv Burkeville, Lv Keyavllle, Ar Danville, Lv Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Goldsboro, Ar Raleigh, Lv Raleigh, Lv Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Winson'Ualem, t6 05 Lv Greensboro, 7.38 Ar Salisbury, 9.10 Ar Statesvllle, DAILY. Nos Ho Ko 9 & 33 11 87 P. M. A. M 1240 li&J 2 41 2 40 3 24 317 540 5 35 AM 605 5 50 )5 40 783 7 20 0 54 235 4.85 4,30 1 OC 524 2 30 730 5 80 Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Ar Spartanburg, Ar Greenville, Ar Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Colombia, Ar Augusta, 9jl7 1050 A M 1.10 155 6 20 P M 11 35 La m 510 .'8 45: 4,45 8 00 ;6 54 9U45 i813 Hi06 P M 4 CO 5 86 a m; .'am (9 50 ;813 1125 ,9 25 P M 2 55 1137 P M 4 05 12 28 10,15 4 55 A M 935 P M 120 425 NORTHBOUND. Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte,! Lv Atlanta, DAILY. Nos No No, 86&10 12 38 P M AM ,P M 5 00 ,1 00 915j ;4 8U A 11; 2 20 8.10 P M, 6 45 9.50 1100 AM P M Ar Charlotte, , 2 30 7 45 8 14 Lv Charlotte, 240 8 35 ,8,24 Ar Salisbury, 410 10 03 9 37 Lv Hot Springs, ui 12 44 Lv Asheville, 2 30 Lv Statesville, , 711 Ar Salisbury, 800 Lv Salisbury, 415 1010 J9 37 Ar Greensboro, 600 1140 10 49 .- AM Ar Winston-Salem,8 35 12 50 Lv Greensboro, 7 30 12 01 Ar Durham, ) 928 8 35 Ar Raleigh, 1030 7 30 Lv Raleigh, 1035; P M j Ar Goldsboro, 1210, AM PM P At Lv Greensboro. 6 05 11 50 10 49 AM AM Ar Danville, 7 40 130 12 07 Ar Keysville, 10 20 4 05 405 Ar Burkeville, V 11 05 4 51 4 51 PM Ar Richmond, 108 700 7 00 tDaily except Sunday. E Berkley, J SB Thompson, Supt, Supt, Greensboro, N C. Richmond, Va. W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing, ton, D C. 8 H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt, Atlanta, Ga. WH Green, ,8ol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Man'g'r, Washington, D O. Washington,!) C. Atlantic CJoant .Line. Wilmuigton & Weldon Railroad and .Branohei. Condensed Senedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 28 No 27 No 41 1892. Dally. F't m'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y Le Weldon, 1280pm 5 43pm 640am ArRooky Mt, 1 40pm 6 86pm 7 47aM Ar Tarboro, 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 68pm R 00pii Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 00pw 8 17hM Le Wilson, 2 86pm Ar Selma, 8 80pm ArPay'tville 580pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pa a uuam Le Warsaw, 414pm 10 00am Le Magnolia, 4 27pm 8 40pm 10 14am Ar WiTgtoa, 6 00pm 9 55pm 11 45am TRAIN S GOING NORTH. No414 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex dally Sund'y. LvWii'gton, 210ara 915am 400pm Lv Magnolia. 3 87 10 57am 5 40dhi Le Warsaw, 11 11am 55 5pm Ar G'dsboro, 4 83am 12 05am 0 56pm LeFay'tvlllsv 9 10am Lv Selma. llOPem Ar Wilson, 1210pm Lv Wilson, 5 14m 12 58pm 7 48pm Ar RookyMt, 5 37 1 30pm 8 21pm Ar Tarboro 6 80am4 18pm LvTarbovc, 12 58pm Ar Weid xu. 685am 2 55pm 985DIU Daily ijept Sunday. Jotta S? DxvitfB, General Superintendent. J R KaXiT, Sap't Trans. T H. KutaaosT, General Pass Agt. i c.d ur co i. j. t a, Time Table No 15. In effeot Deeember 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going wes$ gSo 51 Pass trains No 50 A Lve Stations Ar Lv o m 8 8P Goldsboro 11 28 a w 6 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 43 449 4 54 J Klustoa 10 09 10 1 4 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 4 IN pt MoztliodOUr Lm 8 aAtisaasjjvt4 m - I

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