8WBST SIXTEEN. ' tAMUL M1STCR5 PICK. Th aUrlight through the lattice vine Fell alanllng on her brow, The rosea white with dew a-thine 8wajed on the wind-rocked bough. And wared perfume quaint and fine Like incense around her mouth, Whe-e dwelt mid curve and hue divine The glamour of the south. Just sixteen years of joys and fears Just sixteen years hath she, But her eyes are blue, And her heart is true, And she's all the world to me. The row-tree hid the stars from me But I could watch her eyes; . They shone like stars upon the sea Soft miTored from the skies. Her little hands upon her krees In folded stillness lay, And in the dusk bloomed winsomely Like lily buds astray. Just sixteen years of Joys and fears, Just sixteen years hath she, But her faith is sure And her soul is pure, And she's all the world to me. A silence fell; it seemed a spell Had fallen on my sweet; I saw her quivering bosom swell, I heard my heart a-beat I spoke! bat what? I cannot tell, I hardly know the rest But just before her teardrops fell I clasped hei to my breast. Just sixteen years of smiles and tears Just sixteen years hath she But the wedding chimes Will ring betimes For my little bride to oe. Southern Magazine. Eloped With Commoawealers, A Runnels, la , special to the New York World Bays: Kelly joined his Commonwe&lers here this afternoon, bringing the com.' mlssary boats with him. He found the men discontented and surly, but they were soon put in a better humor by the Issue of rations aad a little "jollying." This morning a wild eyed man passed here in a skiff. He carried a shot gun, and was seeking for "a lit tie woman with brown hair and blue eyes, and about thirty years old." The man was a farmer from near Adelphl, la, and the woman was his wife- He said she had become infat- nated with one of Kelly's ineu, and he declared that one barrel of his shot gun was for his false wife and the other for the man. Tonight two Des Moines men step ped from the Wabash south bound train long enough, to inquire for their wives. Kelly spoke in the town hall here tonight to about four hundred people, and took up a collection which netted about $250. Mrs Harper and Miss Houton, of Council Bluffs, occupied seats on the platform with Kelly, They are the only women allowed by Kelly in the flotilla. Most of the wo men who left Des Moines with the Kelly crowd have been taken from the boats by officers along the line. Kelly telegraphed ahead to the shert iffs and other officers to take charge of all women traveling with his men. Only one woman is now known to be with the army aside from those who travel in Kelly's boat. This woman is about eighteen years old. She refuses to give her name, but claims to have come from San Francisco to join her husband, who is a member of the army. ' Bee 1 the World's Fair for 15c. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps we will mail yon prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Kxpjsition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you t have one. we make the price nominal. You will find it a woik of art and a thin; to be prized. It contains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and is exe cuted in highest style of art. If Lot satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the tamps and.let you keep the book. Address UJfi Bl'oklin & Co, Chicago, IlL The Indianapolis Sentinel credits this story to James Whitoomb Riley: Three bosom friends started out one evening to have a good time, and when the time came for going home they were so drunk that walking was difficult. They finally reached the home of Brown and made noise enough to waken the neighbors. A "Window was raised and a feminine voice said: " What on earth is wan ted ?" In thickened accents came the answer: "Will Mish Brown pleesh ome down and pick out her bus- Fifty Burned to Death. New York, May 11 A fir started at 4 o'clock this morning In one of the wooden building enclosures known as Jones' woods, at Avenue A and Sixty eighth street. The flames spread over four blocks between Sixty seventh, Sixty first streets. Avenue A and East river. Over $200,000 damage was done. The sudden changing of the wind caused the fire to spread, when the firemen thought that they had it un der control. Fifty horses were burned to death. A number of persons were injured. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scales of infants cleansed and healed, and quiet Bleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap at John Y MacRae's. One bald headed man in town has painted a rabbit on the top of his cranium, so that people will think it is a hare. Constipation and sick headache per manently cured, and piles prevented by Japanese Liver Pellets ; especially adaDted to children's use. For sale by John Y MacRae. Woman leads the world. She used smokeless powder for ages before men ever tnongnc oi adopting it. Call for the Horse Brand of John son's Magnetic Oil. It has no equal for the diseases of horses and cattle. $1.00 size 50 cents : 50 cent size 25 cts. For sale by John Y MaoRae. Mosquitoes are going over their ac counts and getting their bills in shape. Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horse brand, &c, is a powerful liniment es pecially prepared for external use for persons and all diseases of horses and cattle. $1.00 size 60 cents. 50 cts size 25 cents.' Transylvania county, will hold an election June 30th upon the question of issuing $60,000 in bonds in aid of the French Broad Valley railroad All diseases of the skin cured, and lost complexion restored oy Johnson's Oriental Soap. For sale by John Y MacRae. Rev Abe Mulkey has the town of Longview, Texas, so stirred up in a religious revival that politics have been regulated to the rear. Congress man Culberson, who was booked for a campaign speech last Wednesday, cancelled his appointment on account of the big meeting. Two Lives .Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and tnat mere was no nope tor ner, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and Bhe says it saved her life. Mr. mos. lagers, 'ionaa t.. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold. apDToachina consumption, tried with out resuit eve :y thing else ; thev bought one I . . 1 . T ' ' II T-w- . 1 Douie o JLr. -TLiug s new uiacoveiy uuu 111 two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. - It is sue a results, of which these are samples, that Drove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at Joan Y. MacKae s drugstore Regular size 0c and $1. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, re ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. For sale by John Y MacRae. Asking for Sealed Bids. Sealed bids for constructing and placing in position, according to the plan and spe cifications, the roof and tower of St Paul A il Jfi church will be received by the trus tee ot said church until Friday, June 1st, 1894, at 12 o'c ock m. The trustees reserve the right to reject any ui uu uius. iuo yiau auu sutauiuua ums ;au ii l- : J m. i ,1 : ,. a : be seen at the said church building. Said bids to be filed with Rev & H W Leak, pas tor, my 15 tit BIG : BARGAINS CALL EARLY BEFORE THEY ARE ALL SOLD. 309 FatkttkviliiB Strbbt )00 boxes fine society paper, latest style ) tints 25o, worth 50o. )00 boxes fine society paper, latest style, ) cream 25c, worth 4Uc. 00 boxes fine society paper, latest style, ) cream, 20c, worth 30o. 00 boxes fine society paper, latest style, j cream, ouo, wortn too. 303 boxes fine society paper, latest style, cream, 25c, worth 40c. 300 boxes finest society paper, latest style, cream, 18c, worth 35c. Office and School Supplies a Spacialty. 1 Raleigh Stationery Company, Then Baby was (, we rave hw Caotnrta. When aba wa a Child, abe cned t or Onturta. Wueo aha became Mlsa, ah clung to Castorla 'bob kL'9 bad ChUdvo. ah pveUtou Caatorta, Land Sale. "By virtue of a deed of truest executed to me as guardian or r a we tin ore by A. v Jones and Vary E Whitaker.on March 25th, J8iW, registered in the Register's otHoe of Wake county, book 125, page 498. 1 will sell at publio auction at the court house door in Raleigh, on Monday, 4th day of June, 1894, at 12 o'clock m. for cash, that tract of land on the north side of the Fayetteville road, near tne city or itaieign, described as fol lows: Beginning at a stone corner on the north side of the Fayetteville road, known as James Young's corner; thence north 71 degrees west 4.25 chains to a stone on the east sid of the gulley; thence n 6i degrees e 5 61 chains to a stone; thence s 71 e 5.67 chains to a ttake on the railroad; thence witb the side ot tne road south, zu.cu degrees west 5 50 chains to tbe beginning, contain ing three acres more or less and being de scribed in deed from Jesse Win borne to W Atkinson, registered in book 37, p 438. JOHN W HINSDALE, May 3d ta Guardian of T B Wetmore. notice ot Sale By virtue of authority given in a deed of trust from Arthur Ivey, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Wake coun ty, in book 10 1, page P05, 1 will sell, on Fri day, the 1st day of June, 1891, at 12 o'clock m, at the court house door of ake county, the three lots of land described in said deed of trust, the same situate in the town of Oberlin, Raleigh township. Wake county, N C. The three lots adjoin each other and contain 10 acres, more or less,andare bound ed by the main road running through Ober lin on the west, and also adjoining lands formerly owned by , James M Harris and George Ray. The said lots are fully de scribed in said deed of trust which is hereby specially referred to for a full description of said lots as part of this notice. Terms of sale, cash. This ofay 1st, 1894 J N HOLDING. Trustee. City Property for Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in the action, entitled;Wm A. Miner against Nancy Haywood and others (foreclosure proceedings), I will sell, on Monday, the 11th day of June, 1801, at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Ral eigh, N C, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described Jot or parcel of land si'uated in said citv: A tract or parcel of lard conveyed by Rufus Haywood and his wife, Nancy Hay wood.to George M Smedes. fully described in a mortgage deed from the said JPufus Haywood and wife to said Smedes, executed the 24th dy of March, 1880, and recorded in the umue ui tue rweiaier ot ueeas ior wate county, in book "No 53, page 603, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the southerly line of Lookout street in said city and running tnenc a easterly along said street uu reel to a state in said line, a corner or lot jno o ou tne f lat or tne Manly home stead, made Dy JUngsiand and Miller; thence southerly along the line of lots Nbs 8, 7 and 6 one hundred and fifty feet to a staKe, a corner of lots Nos 5 and 6; thence westerly aiong tne line ot lot jno 28 sixty feet to a stake in the liny ot lot No 27; thence northwesterly along the line of lot 27 and zj one hundred and ntty feet to the begin ning. BCBEOKWITH, my8tds Conun'ssioner, Notice of Sila Uadw Mortgage Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a mortgage executed by j and D McLiin, recorded in book 83, page 498, Register of Deeds olfioe for Wake county, I win, at 12 o ciock m, on Monday, the nth day ot June, 1891, at the court house door in Raleigh, N 0, expose to sale at public auc tion, for cash? ti e land therein described, be ing a tract ot land in switt ureeic township, containing 10) acres, more or less. R T GRAY, Trustee. May 9 tds Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Wake county, made May 11th, 1894, in the special proceeding, entitled Stronach and Johns, administrators of Da vid Lewis, deceased, against Sally 0 Lewis ond other, ve will sell at public sale at the court house door in Kaleigh: on June 18th, 1894, the lands fully described in the peti tion filed therein, lying and being in St Mary's township, wake county, and known as he "home tract," the ''Jordan tract" and "Doane tract." Terms of sale: One-third cash; balance payable in two equal instal ments in six and twelve months; time of sale, 12 m. STRONA.0H & JOHNS, Alex Stronach, Attv. tds Com'rs. Abbbdkkk, O, July 21, 1891, Messrs Liooman Bross, Savannah. Ga. Dear Sirs I bought a bottle of vour P P P at Hot Sorinzs, Ark, and it has done me more good than three months' treatm ent at the Hot (springs. Jtiave you no agents in this part oi tne country, or let ma know how much it will cost to get three or six bottles from your city by express. j&espectiuuy yours, J AS M NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. NbwnansviliiK, Fla, June 5, 1891. Messrs Lippman Bros, Savannah, Ga: Dear Sirs I wish to eiys my testimonial in regard to your valuable medicine, P P P, for the oure oi rheumatism, neuralgia, dys pepsia, biliousness, eto. in laoi 1 was at tacked with bilious muscular rheumatism, and have been a martyr to it ever since. I tried all medicines I ever heard of, and all the doctors in reach, but I found only tem porary relief; the rains were so bad at times tnat i did not cue wnecner l uvea or died. Mv dikestion became so impaired t&at every thing I ate disagreed with me. My wife also suffered so intensely with dyspepsia that her life was a bur 'en to her; she would be confined to her bed for weeks at the time: she also suffered greatly from giddiness and loss of sleep. Some time in March I was advised to take P P P and before we (my wife and I) had finished the second bottle of P P P, our digestion began to improve. My pains subsided so mucn that i nave been able to work, and am feeling like doing what I haven't done before in a number of years. e will continue tamn r r e un til we are entirely cured, and will cheerfully recommend it to all soffjring humanity. t .awfc r w m ft ' j for Infants " Caatorlm Isao well adapted to children that I recommend ltoaiuipcriortoaiiy prescrijition known to me." IL A. AncHiR, M. 1)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The um of 'Castoria Is so universal and its merits ho well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few ore the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Ma&tw, D. D., New York City. Tb Cintauk jo) p p grllii Up Iii PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT g and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism aaaMBHaMslMBtVi and Scrofula ' P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds np , the weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels 1 diseases, giving- the patient health and , happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. . For primary.seoondary and tertiary ayphifls, for blood poisoning, mercu- ' rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and . In all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, eczema-we may say, without fear of ' contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent ourea ' In all cases. Ladies whose systems are poisoned ' and whose blood Is in an impure condt . tion. due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won ' derful tonio and blood cleansing prop . ertiesof P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. . Sprinopield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal , knowledge. I was affeoted with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol " Jars, tried every known remedy with- out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more food than anything I have ever taken, can recommend your medicine to all " euSerers of the above diseases. . MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. I buy direct from the manufacturers the Strictly High Grade Sewing Machines known as 'THe STVNaAUD,' and offer those at the'loweat prices. A good machine at Bottom Figures. I also keep always on hand fnll lines of machine sup plies, such 83 needles.parts and attachments. One of my specialties is the repairing of ma chines of any make, this being done at your home or at my office. I hare had Years of Experience in this business and Guarantee Satisfaction. Hoei. cattle or any kind of country pro- duoe taken in exchange for macliiarfs h20m 13 West Harnett rftrnet. Shim WE HAVE BOTH Shaved and Sawad Heart pine, 4 -inch shingles, nicely bundled and of the very best timbers at very 'ow nriaes bv the thousand or carload deliverel at any depot. TT t mn.T T Rock Salt For horses and cows ar lo per pound. We get tnis Dy tne carioaa direct irum tue mine. No need for auv horse or cow to suffer for salt hereafter. Every one shoald hare a lamp. Steam AND Domestic mmm mm WWII Goal, the best and cheapest in the country , For sale by J ONES & POWELL and Children. Castoria rurrs ("nlio, CUKtitiou, Sour I'toiiiaeli, liarrlm-a, Kmotatiiui, Kills Worms, fives sleep, and pronn ites !! tri-stion. Without injurious m -diralion. "For several yours I have recommend, i! your 'C'jitoria.' mid shall always continue to do so as it ha iuvurialjly produced 1-enetieil results." F.nwis F. FAitnEE. M. !., 1:5th Street aud 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 7T Mi-brav Street, New York City. Pimples. Blotches and Old Sores p , M.,ariQ Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles: Arc entirely removed by P.P.P. " Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on -earth. Abkrdbes. O. . July 21, 1891. -Mbssrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah. Ga.: Dkar Slue I bought a bottle of your P.P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark. , and -It has done me more good than three months' treatment at the Hot Springs. Hend three bottles C. O. D. Hespectfullyjours , Aberdeen, Brown County, O. - Cupt. J. D. Johnston. To all whom it may concern: I here- by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un- Bightly and disagreeable eruption on . my face. I tried every known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Oa. Skin Cancer Cored. ' Tettimony from the Mayor of Sequin, Tex. ' SRQ.tnN, tkx. , January it, ina. Mksbrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen I have tried your P. , P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer.of thirty years . standing, and found great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of the disease . and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken flveor six bottles and f eal confident that another course , will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. P.CST, Attorney at Law. Book on Bioofl Diseases lolled free.'-' ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. ' LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppman'i Block, Savannah, Ga FOR CTS. In Postage, we will send A Sample envelope, of either WHITE, FLESH or l'Kl AETTK HP OZZONi'S OWOEfi. You have seen it advertised for many years, but have you ever tried it? If not, you do not know what an Ideal Complexion Powder is. besides being nn acknowledged beautlflor, has many retroshlnt; uses. It prevents chaf ing, sun-burn, wtud-tan, lessens perspiration, etc.; in f actitisa mostdolieatc and desirable protection to the face duritiK hot weather. It Is Sold Everywhere For sample, address .A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo, MENTION THIS PAPER. JAPANESE! A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two. Uoxes of Ointment. A never-falling; Cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife or Injections of carbolio acid, which are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible dlaeaae? Wa guarantee boxee to oure any ease. You only pay for benefits received. $1 a box, 6 for 5. .Sent by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION 9u:ed PI,M ,nto(, vUilw I Irn I lull by Japanese Liver Pellets the great LIVER and STOMACH HEGULATOlt and BLOOD PURIFIEH. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted tor children's use. eo Dosm Kcents. 9DABASTKES iaaned only by John Y. iMaeBae,Draggist, Balelgh: xourg yy rwpeotiauv, . ikmsm. bfiainilllWiV.Wu