Tft lflltpl CesTSitlet. Winston, May 19. -The third day's session of the Ep'.eopal convention was opened at 9 o'clock. Rev H H Hardy road the litany and conducted the morning prayer. It was enacted that a clergyman coming to this state would be entitled to a aeat after It months' reeldenoe In the dioeeee. A reeolatton was paeaed Instructing the dloceaan trustees to invest all fnnds of the convention In good real estate as tar as possible. Miss Jnlia 0 Em ery, of New York, addressed the meeting of the diocesan branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to the board of missions. This evening a meeting in the interest of missions was held, at which speeches were made by Mr C'haa M Baa bee and others. Mr Ch. E Johnson was reelected treasurer of the diocese. Bishop Cheshire, Rev Mr George and Messrs Basbee, McBee and Dr Mordock made addresses on theorderof St Andrew's brotherhood. This order is comparatively a new one, and appears to be a most impor tant adjunct to the chorsh work. Bisbop Capers, of Booth Carolina, arrived this afternoon. Je will preaoh the memorial sermon Sonday in honor of the late bisbop Lyman. The next convention will be held at Morganton, May 15th, 1895. Con gressman Henderson was elected h! toriographer of the diocese Dr Mar dock, of Salisbury, was elected a trustee of the University of the Sooth. The old standing committee, com posed of Bevs Drs Marshall, Smedes, Button, DrHines, and R H Battle, Esq, all of Raleigh, were re-elected. Bishop Cheshire was instructed to memorialize the trustees of the Gene ral Theological Seminary, of New York, to use the interest of the North Carolina scholarship fund. Weather Conditions and Forecast. The storm yesterday central near the east lake region has moved southeast to Virginia with rain over all of the Atlantic coast states and in the Ohio valley. The heaviest rains reported were 3 97 inches at Raleigh; 1.60 at Knoxvllle; 1.24 at Savannah; and 1.01 at Charleston. A very de elded "cool wave" has advanced from the northwest into the central valley. The temperature has fallen since yes terday morning over 20 degrees at following places: Knoxville, fall of 18 degrees; Nashville, fall 80 degrees; '' Atlanta, 24 degrees; Memphis, 20 de crees; Cincinnati, 80 degrees. The probabilities are now for several days of fair quite cool weather. For North Carolina: Showers to night near the coast; Fair Sunday; much cooler. Local forecast: Show ers tottght followed Sunday by fair weathev, much cooler. "Cool wave." Monday fair and cool. Local data for 24 hours ceding 8 am today: Max imum, 92; minimum, 64; rainfall, 3 97. One of the special attractions ol the day Is at H F Bmith & Go cigar store. People who know a good thing when they see it ought to go there. Twenty dollars Is not to be picl.ed up any day. TODAY'S MARKET REPORTS. CHICA30 PBODUCK KABKET. Chicago, May 18 3 p. m. Closed Open. High. Low. Close ye'd'y. Today. WHSAT Mav, W 861 57 561 53 July, 57J 582 58 58 68 CORK. May, 37i 37i 371 37 37i July, 38 381 381 38 384 PORK. . May, 111 85 $11 90 f U 90 $11 82 911 82 IiAKD. May, 687 890 690 6 85 6 87 RIBS. May, 615 620 620 612 612 July, 605 612 615 610 612 . . cask quotations. Closed: ' Wheat 541;' corn 362; ribs 8 15; lard 7 20; pork 11 72. MISOELL AJN EOTJ H. The Washable materials now so Fashionable. The cotton fabrics so desirable this season are those having more body and stiffness than formerly, these textures beig neoesary on account of the prevailing styles of ladies and misses garments. Here we mention the names and prices of some of the leading lines. Fancy canvas 12o, striped galateas 15o and 85c, fanny printed piques 15c, 21o, 23c, 25o and 27c. English homespun cloths 25c, wide wale two toned welts 80c and 88o. Most of them are shown from tables near center of store, southern side. . . W H & R S Tucker & Co IDEAL JsiSteaa Laundry" 1 J It U lire te U Ksjsyasle. The Central M E Bandar school pleols will occur uext WeJoesUf and (be special train will go to Guilford battle ground, near Greens boro. The State normal and indus trial school exercises will com menes that day at Greensboro; eon gressman Bryan will deliver the ad dress, and those desiring to attend this commencement can do so and return the same day. The train will leave the nnion depot at 7 am, and returning will leave the battleground at 6 p m. Tickets are on sale at Snelling & Hicks,; J D Rlggan's and J 0 8 Iiumsden's stores. Fare for the round trip Is adults $1 20, children 75 cents. There will be plenty of ice water water on the train and refreshments on the grounds. Those not caring to take baskets can obtain dinner at reasonable rates. The ladies of 8t Mary's guild of the church of the Good Shepherd will give a lawn party in the rear of the post office next Tuesday evening. Refreshments will be served at mod erate prioes. Tomorrow at the Churches. METHODIST. EDENTOK 8T. M. E. C EV. J. K. OOLI, FA8T0B. Preaching at 11 am and 7:30 p m. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. W .J.Young.Supt CENTRAL M E HIV D H TUTTLI, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:15 p m. Sunday school at 9:30 a m. CITY MISSION AND BBOOKLYN R. H. WKITAKBR PASTOR. Services every Snnday and weedy prayer meetings as follows: CARALIIQH MILLS Preaching at 11 a m by the paitor. Sunday School at 10 a m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7.30. PILOT MILLS. Sunday School at.2 pm, TO Williams, Br, superintendent. Pr'achiug a 3 p m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. BROOKLYN. Sunday school K p m. J H Porter, Supt. Preaching at 8:00 p m, by the p-ator. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 8:00. BAPTIST. FIRST REV. DR. J. W. CARTER, FACTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30. All seats free. Polite ushers at church services. Sunday school 9:30. S. W. Brewer, Supt. BAPTI8T WEST END MISSION. Sunday School 3:30 p m. Services every Sunday night at 7:30. TABERNACLE REV. A. M. SIMMS, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m . Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt VAYETTEVTLLS STREET. REV O L BTRINGFIELD, PASTOR. Sunuay School at 9:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. EPISCOPAL. OHR18T CHURCH REV. DR. MARSHALL, RECTOR. Trinity Sunday. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Divine service 11 a ra. Evening service 5:30 p. m. Services during the week: Wednesday 6 p m; Fridap 1:00 am. Free seats. All invited. CHURCH Or THE UOOD SHEPHERD REV. I. MCI. PITTINUER, RECTOR. Trinity Sunday. Sunday sen oof at 9:16 s m, Morning prayer, sat moo and Holy Com munion at II a m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8:00 p m Services during the week: Wednesday 10 I to; Friday 6 pm. Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN. CHRISTIAN REV. J. L. FOSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 a m and 8:08 pm, All cordially invited. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST REV KUUENE DANIEL, D D, PASTOR. Sunday school at 9:30 am. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Cordial invitation to all services. ICE. All consumers of ice will please take notice that they can buy ice under the Central hotel from 6 a m to U p m at a very low price. Free delivery to any part of the city. Phone 125. 19 6 FLOWERS. Strong early cabbage and lettuce plants to set out now. Asparagus roots. Tomato plants, best known variety, ready April 1st. FIOWKRS, BOSKS, 0. Cut flowers, roses, bouquets, bas kets and floral designs, palms, prim roses, rubber and other decorative plants for the house. Fresh flower seeds. Magnolias and evergreens, double hyacinths, etc. H Stbibmbtz, Florist, North Halifax st, Phone 113. Near Peace Institute. Don't fail to see "The Standard1 before buying a sewing machine. Doctors recommend "The Standard Sewing Maohine" because of its light running. The Standard is the highest grade sewing machine manufactured. aprl8t s Buy the light swift running Stand ard sewing machine. MONET TO LEND. Money to lend on good real estate feele & Maynara, Attorneys. mylOU THIRST?? We have oar fountain la pO T " f u 11 r anii log order and off tJ L.U nDTRTITO wn,oh w" eUXak M UlilllilO serve better than you get tnem generally. MILK SHAKES All Cavort, COCA CO LA-J nit Right. PEACH CREIM-Deliolous. ORANGE PHOSPHATE Re freshing. FRUIT ICES-Coollng. GINGER ALE-StimuUting. GOOD SODA-Somethingnew" PERFECT VICHY. Remember our drinks are not sweet slope. Snelling& Hicks- DRUGGISTS. SHIN DELL'S BARGAINS. White goods, dotted Swiss India mull muslins at Swindell's. . Laces and embroideries at Swindell's. Fans of all kinds at Swindell's. Mosquito Netting at Swindell's. Hammocks, all styles, at Swindell's. Men's, boys' and children's straw hats, at Swindell's. Crookery, china and glassware at Swindell's. The cheapest and best black silk mlts at Swindell!. Hosiery and kid gloves at Swindell's. To close out at any price, a few Ice cream freezers, at Swindell's. Irish lawns, a beautiful qnality.f all width, at 80, at Swindell's. Straw matting at Swindell's. He Is Telling You Something. Do you drink iced teat You want the best if yon use tea. Well, in the purchase of the Durham Supply Co we got 1 caddies of the very best Ooo long tea, whioh retails at 1 a pound In Raleigh. We propose to sell the tea from now on as long as it lasts at 45o per pound. No less than one pound sold at a time, but as many pounds as one wants. Green or black tea at D T Swindell's department store. Try a straw matting from us. The tea Is 4$ cents a pound, remem ber. WOOLwCOTTift SN. The best cake 6f Toilet Soap In the country at Be; Dnlaundrled Shirts at 871 and 0O0 each; all shades in Crochet Cotton do a ball; JNewport Ties irom 65c pair; Laces and Embroideries In every style, width and price; 1,000 Handkerchiefs 2io each; Ladies' Lisle Thread Vest 87i; the best pair of Hose In the city for 10c a pair; a lot of Bailor Hats from lOo eaoh. Woolloott ft Bon. A $0 Hat for 93.50. That is about the average reduc tion in the price of Ladles' Hats that we bought of Mrs Weil and that we are selling at Sew York cost. We are also selling her stock of ho siery, dress goods, ribbons and shoes and numeroas other lines at ew York cost. Woollcott 6 oon, 18 Fayetteville street. ummer Good We have just received a nice line Ladies' and Children's Summer Hats, Ladies' Straw Sailors 10c, Men's and Boys' Hats 10c up, Cuffs, Collars and TJss, li prices; Gauze and Balbriggan Underwear, Slippers and Low Cut Shoes for ladies, men and chil dren. : ' This is the best bargain in shoes it hasever been our pleasure to offer 50c a pairl Just think of it." Umbrellas and Parasols, Fans of every de scription, Fire Screens, Fly Fans, Ham mocks, Straw Matting,' Plain and Decorated Chamber Sets, Watering Pots, 9c up; Bird Cages, Bats and Balls, Fish Hooks 2c doz; Lines lc; Lap Robes', Buggy Whips oc up; Sweet Soap lc cake. " v ; ; Hundreds of others but space forbids mention. Come to see us. That will settle the question at the r LYOH . RACKET STORE. A Ilothers Friend Shirt foists, WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS. ITNEVER RAINS BUTit POURS. n order to make this the banner week of the season, we will, berlnnlnr TODAY (Monday) present a MOTHER'S FRIBMD SHIRT WAlSTtSever? one porebaatog adult in our 7 CHS ClQTflM DBPAITH1T. Buy a Suit at from 93 to 4 50, you re the recipient ot a 60c waist. But Knit It In 17 m TKm v.UI im.. .ltb f. -. u-i. ....- . . ' - - .7 a eholee of oar Finest Waists, costing auu uuwuero wm job uuu suon a at such Popular Low Prioes as we sell . - ---- -"u. . . .ou w muj viuer mo uuih; no OUS tons can be torn off either in washing or wearing and daring this week yon can get one gratis and save some money besides on your suit. v. tm .v. vua nw VU17 Uiii oo(ut feo mui UlQgf nam UU WSSK . JSTKQ-Ijia-EH BHXRTS: If you are in our neighborhood any time daring this week we waald be glad to show you our line of Ngllgee Shir's. Every store has shirts bat there Is no suoh assortment as ours. Some are fancy and others plain and neat. .Some with Collars and Cuffs attached, others with Collars separate. Also Link Guffs separate with most of the dressier sort. We are right In the race with our stock of Sulrts and they win win the raoe easily. S. & D. BERWANGER. CSalaWeek for the QSoys o WE DEVOTE OUB ATTENTION THIS WEEK TO THE BOYS. SHIRT WAISTS f KNEE PANTS BLOUSE SUITS c2.rtD CLOTHING 15 PER CEHTOF- SHIRTS, SHUiTS ROSENTHAL CL0THITO C0MPA HY 305 FAYETTEVILLE ST BEET. OPP. POST OFFICE IDEAL Steam : Laundr?. All kinds of laundry work uusw on short notice and in the best style, with the least posaiblejwear end tear. Special attention given to Ladies' Dresses, Laoes, Ac. Free Delivery. TELEPHONE NO 19 t H. HOLLOVMY&SOHS 114 B Davis Street, BALSIQH, N a ml4 New Registration. Kotics is hereby given that there will be a new registration of the voters of thedtv of Raleigh, commencing June 27th, 18 14, or me purpose oi naving men new registration for use In an election to be held on the 1st taonJav in Amtuat. 1894. to obtain the coa- sent of the qualified voteis of the city to the issuance of efiO.OOi) o( bonds for street and other public i uprovdments. 1 aOM.lo BAiKiStt, M.yor. -0 W LiMiiSTa, Olxk. myl7 tjel JllJLLIMEitk Madame Beseon has reoei ved a lean tif ul line of spring and summer milli nery for ladles, misses and children, and Invites the ladies to call and ex amine her stock. - mhS8 8tw : POH SAI.E. Potato slips, cabbage and tomato plants for sale by B M TJtzman, cor ner Dawson and Jones streets. m? . Also 100,000 eotlard plants. FOUBEJNT. i ' ' ' """"" One 6 room house on Harrington street, next to Martin street corner grocery store. . mil A w raape. COAJLi . nd WOOD. itU dii x a. Jui.jutAiux. oiu,m 91.VU few aiu too nave $1 and upwards. complete aioex 01 uuuaren s Clothes, or them. There lent a boy anywhere w be 17c 17o, 17c, 17c, 17e.17c.17o. Sold every where at 25 osnts. i8c,18e,18cl). Just think of It- loo for a pair of Knee Panta, 4 to 15 years. Sold all over Us city at 35c. These Blouse Suits are mads of excellent material, long Sailor Collars; embroidered, With a sailor oord and whistle Kith eaoh Suit, 4 to 8 years, II. Ws are the pioneers of low prioes, and in augurated the hrst cut sale. Boys' and Chil dren' i Clothing in all fabrioa, 4 te 30 years. Ever- Boys' 8uit in the huse, without reservation, goes this woek at 13 perosnt off. Men'sJShirts, all linen bosom, reinforced front and hack, besi q la'ity muslin, 38 ots, regular prioe at any other atom, 76 osnts. JBS8I Q BALL. JOSEPH B BALL J G.8ALL&C0., Wbolesalo & Settil Gmen No. 7 East llargett St., BALEIGff, jr. C. NEW STORE AND NEff mi The Best Goods from ths Bast Dealers. Thres?loors filled with Entirely New Goods Heary and Fancy Groceries, Candies, Cigars, Theehoioeat Canned Goods, Goods in Glass, Crackers, Ac. Ws keep everything to be found in the Best Grocery Stares and in prioes are with the lowest. We always give full values. Parson's Snuff a specialty, in the old fash ioned glau bottles iuoh as were used before the wsr. " More Bargains! ABOUT 2002crI YJ auiu ivgBnueaa oi .C Jp' I OK - SUITS AT - e-a JFormer price 91 26, 91 SO and 91 78 85 L 62Former prSe Ml 25, 92 50$l5O auu eo uu. OA BorrsAT i 'An &) Former price 92 SO, 92 75 ani 93. 63?ormer priowwlof 94 ani 94 S0.$3 A BIB BED TAG SALE. CLOTHIERS X NATTERS e