EVEMaiWSITQR: PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PlTB.C0. THE VISITOR, by Cirikrs in the city, JJ cents per month. Prices foe nuilin;, ?3 pee J'"'. 25 cents per month. Drug St re. 2nd flr. If. M. BROWN, Sr., M'fc'r, Kaleigh, X. C. 1 BALE. U II, JUNE 5.1 894. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If MiWribfr fail to tret their paper In future tbey will do ,i favor ly re- the failure to tin otnce. o HINTS TO BUSINESS MEN! Cood ndertiin;,' roiisists in the se lection "f a few Htroiiir, quick "ell pe cialtie, to Ktand he representatives of your stuck iu price, pattern and quality. No tradesman need lack for H specialty. Let specialties sell staplss 1wavaml try to take rank among your competitors as one who is the quickest to reci.guUe a Kod thing and the tirst to sell it. Invite patrons to come aud see you. The great advertisers of the country never cease reminding the people of their names, location and nature of business. Advertising is an invest ment and newspaper advertising col umns are a boon to man. They help him out of his troubles and into the smiles of prosperity. The Pennsylva nia railroad advertises exclusively iu ' the newspapers. There is not a great business that has baeu built in the past twenty years without the aid of newspapers. This age is too bustling and com petition is too great for the merchant to allow himself any longer the luxury of waiting supinely behind his coun ter for trade. He must show in ad vance of the purchase just what he has to sell and how he intends to sell it, ami a persistent publication of his wares is the means by which nucIi showing can be made Frank riiddall, the Philadelphia soap man, says: ,-I have confined my advertising entirely to newspapers. The man who does not read a news paper does not use s. .a)." All is quiet in Davies county, Iud., anions; the striking miners. Pennsylvania mine operators have decided to employ negroes. The striking miners in West Vir ginia have been burning bridges on the Cleveland, Loa riii and Wheeling railroad. As camp of Ooxeyites in Denver is threatened with a flood. If the water rises much higher the occupants will be drowned, as they are quite too lazy to swim. The Daily Press appeared yesterday in an' enlarged form. It is now a 28- eohunn paper, and makes a good ap pearance. We wish it much success in the future. The senate will begin today to hold longer sessions, in crder to expediate a vote on the -. tariff bill. Probably, however, it will only give the senators an opportunity for more talk. The net profits of the Suez canai last year were 8,000,000, and yet there are people in this country who pretend to believe that the construction of the Nicaragua canal is a scheme to involve the national finances and to bankrupt Amercan capitalists. Two of the greatest trusts in the world will probably soon arrange to divide the earth between themselves, so far as their own commodity is con eerned. The Standard oil company of the United States and the Russian oil monopoly directed by the Rothchilds are likely to divide the world's market, so that they will cease to be competi- . tors. A Sheep in Wolf 's Clothing. J. Asuspicious-looking stranger, while witnessing an operatic performance in Bordeaux, France, was quietly ap proacKe"ff"by two detectives and re quested to accompany them to th police station. He was supposed to be an anarchist. He had on a wig an false whiskers. He proved to be aja innocent clergyman, who is fond of opera, and had thus disguised himself to escape recognition by his pious friends. : Surgical Diet. What is known as surgical diet is , worth trying once in a while for the r comfort of the stomach and complex. ion. It includes milk and bread and : batter, broiled beef, old mutton, eggs, and prunes. .Milk, batter . and eggs are regarded as the best animal foods, because less force is expended in their digeston, an important item la med al and surgical work.. OLD NORTH STATE. Interesting News Notes From Here and There. The Newberu knitting mill bat added to the variety of its product , and in addition to the grades of hosiery it ha been placing on the market, it is now getting vat a heaati half-hose from fine long staple cotton in several colors; and corresponding makes in lisle thread. Quarter-master Harrell, of the state troops, and Capt. T. W. Jones, of the U. 8. A., have been at the encamp meut grounds, at Morehead City,' to layoff the rifle range, making it nearer to the camp grounds. Commission men are warning North Carolina truckers not to send in their potatoes too young. They say wait ntil they are matured and good prices re in store, while potatoes too young can only be sold at prices greatly be low quotations. Hungarians and Negroes Fight. iMoc.vr Pleasant, Pa., June 4. This town had a lively experience hatur day. A gang of Slav strikers attacked some of the imported Virginia negroes who were passing along a street in the centre of the private resident portion of the town. The negroos emptied their revolvers at the Slavs, but, being poor marksmen, did no more serious damage than break a number of win dows. When their ammunition failed the negroes lied and escaped. The Slavs were infuriated at the loss of their prey, and another colored man happened along at the time they rushed at him. He ran into the grounds of a private dwelling, but was overtaken and beaten teiTimv. rhe blood-covered victim managed in some way to break away and ran to the house of Mrs. Frank Washabaugh, who opened the duo r of her dwelling, and he fell within. The plucky wo man forced back the mob at the uuizle of a shotgun and held the fort nut i I deputies were ruu up from Moore Wood. Six prisoners were taken by the deputies and lodged in Greensburg ail. Trees Thousands of Years cftd. From Xotes and Queries. The Soma cypress of Lombardy is. I believe, the oldest tree of which there is any authentic record. It is known to have been in existence in 42 B. C. There are, however, many trees of which a vastly greater antiquity is claimed. The Senegal baobabs some of them are said to be 5000 years old. The bo tree of Anuradhaqura, in Ceylon, is perhaps the oldest sqeci men of another very long-lived Jspe eies; it is held sacred upon the ground that it sprang from a branch of the i lentical tree under which Buddha reclined for seven years while under going his apothessis. The oake is known to be a long liver, and there are specimens still standing in Pales tine of which the tradition goes that they grew oat of Cain's staff. The hawthorn, again, sometimes lives to be very old; there is said to be one inside Cawdor Castle of an "immemorial age." The cedars of Lebanon may also be mentioned, and there are, ac cording to Dean Stanley, still eight of the olives of Gethsemane standing, " whose gnarled trunks and scanty foliage will always be regarded as the most affecting of the sacred memorials in or about Jerusalem." Tore Down a Cleveland Flag. Altmojt, 111., Jane 4. N. M. Sapp today filed a complaint against H. H. Brown and S. L. Ranney, two promi nent business men of this city, for tearing down a flag on. decoration day that had the names- of Cleveland and Stevenson on it. The men tore the names off and stamped upon them. They are prominent G. A. R. men, and will have to answer in court for ttieir action. ' Specimen Canes. B H Clifford, New Cassel, Wis. waa troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism; his stomach waa disordered, bis liver waa affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in flesh aod strength. Three bottles o Electric Bitters cared him. Edward Shepherd, Harrlsbnrg, III, had a running sore on his leg of eight yars' standing Used three bottles of Electrie Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis leg Is tonud aod well. John Speaker, Oa rawba..O, had five large fever sores on his legi doctors said he was iieiu rable. One bottle Electric- Bitters and one box Racklen's Arnica Halve cared him entirely. Sold by John x MaeRae, The bill appropriating $200,000 for the government exhibit at the Atlanta eipofition, has . been reported favor ably b congress, f . Trains to the University. The R. & D. railroad will operate special train between University station and Chapel Hill, Jane Stb. 6th and 7th, to accommodate persons at tending the commencement exercises of the university of North Carolina. Trains will Irare University at 7 10 a. m., and arrive at Chapel ill nt .10 a. in. Returning, they will leave Chapel Hill at 1:50 a. in., and arrive at 1'niverxit T Mat ion at 3..V) a. in., connecting with trains at I'niversity station, enabling persons at Raleigh to spend the day in Chapel Hill and return home the same night. Xorth Carolina Teachers' lnrmsly For above occasion the Richmond & Danville R. R. will sell round trip tickets to Morehead Cif.v, X. C. at the . following rates from points named, I j'ij to cover membership coupon of the Teachers' Assembly, which will be sold with everv ticket: Reidsville, Selma. Raleigh. Chapel Hill, Klon College Greensboro, Salisbury. Charlotte. Winston, 7 80 Mocksville, S fit) 3 25 Ashloro, 8 30 4 40. Norwood, 9 5." 6 00 States ill, 9 2."i 6 85 Morirmiton, 10 83 7 10 Asheville, 12 !", 8 45 Wavnesvillel3 80 0 70 Murphv, 10 70 7 95 Wilkesboro, 10 05 Hates from intermediate points will be in proportion. Tickets to be sold June ItJih t.i30th inclusive, limited to July 15, 1894. Land Sale. By virtue of a deed of truest executed to mess guardian ot IB Wet mire by A I) lonesard vary K Whitaker.o i March 2ith, 1893, resist, ret in the KegHter's olli-e of Wake county book 125. pege 41)8. 1 will sell at puNl? auction at the cmrt lionse door in Kaleigh, on Monday, Hii day cf June. ISiU. at li o clock id. for cash, that iract of ".ami on the north side of the Kayettcville road, nertierity of Kaleigh, described as tol lows: Beginning at a stone corner on th north eicle of the Vayetteville roa. known us James Young's cornel; tbence north "1 degrees west 4.-J5 chains to a stone on the eas' 9id of the gulley; thence n 5J df greej e 5 (it chains to a s one; 'hence s 71 e 5.K7 chains to attukeon the railroad; thence with the side of the road eouih 2U. 0 iti greea west 5 5J i bains to ti e beginning, contain ing three aojes more or les3 and being de scribed in d?f d from Jesse Winliorne 'o W Atkinson, registered in book 37. p l'H. Notice is heredy given that the sale by vii tue of a dee i of trust t xecute i to r e as fuardiiiii of T B Wetmore'by A D Jones aud lry K Wbitaker, here tofo-e advertised fo Mond8y, June 4th, vill be postponed to vVednesnay, June'th, Et 12 o'clock in at the court house . ocr iu the ity of i?alcigh. JOHN W HlNKUAkK, May 3d ts Guardian of T 15 Wet more. Sale of I-and- By authority of a mortgage from R H Jinks and others, recorded in book S3, pace 31S, records of Keg'ster of Deeds cilice for Wake county, I will, on Vonday, July 2d, 1894, at 12 o'clock m, at the. court house door oi WaKecouniy, sen 10 ine murei ui un for cash, the following desc-ibf d real estate in White Oak township, Wake cmnty: First Tract: Adjoining he lands of J 3' Holleman and others, situate in the town of Apex, conUiuiog 3 acres. 1 rood and 32 poles, and particularly described in a deed from G W Atkinson and wife to Addaide Jinks, as shown in book 78, page 450, re cords said Re-ds'.er's office. Cwnnri Tract AdioiJB the lauds 0 W H Howard and others containing 41 acres.and is particularly described in adeec" from ( W Atkinson to A Unchurch, es shown in 'jook 79, page43t said Register's oltice. Third iract: aajoius me mum oi juun Baucom and others, situa'e in the town of Apex, contains 3 13 20 acres, and is particu larly described in a deed from H 11 Jinks and wife AdelaideJinks, book 43, pagePti, said Register' ? oice. Fonrth Trnct: Adjoins the lands of " h Patrick and otHers, contains 70 acres more or less, ard known as the borne place of the late R H Jinks, particularly described in the aforesaid mortgage. jel W N JONES, At'orney. City Property for Sale, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in the action, entitled Wm A Mier ngHinst Nancy Haywood aud others (foreclosure proceedings), I will st.ll, on Mouday, the 11th day of June, 1801, at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Ral eigh, N C, for cas1", to the highst bidder, the following described Jot or parcel of land si'uated in said city: A tract or parcel of lard conveyed by Rufus Havwood hnd his wife, Nancy Haywood.to George M Smedes, fully described in a mortgage deed from the said J-ufus Bay wood and wife to said Smedes, executed the 24tb diy of March, '880, end recorded in the urhceof the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in book N" 5C, page 008, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake "n the southerly line of Lookout street in said city and running thncj easterly along saiu gtrevt 60 feet to a stake in said line, a corner of lot No 8 on the t lit of the ilanly home stead, rade by King-land and Miller; thence southerly along tne line of lots Nos 8, 7 and 6 one hundred and fifty feet to a (take, a corner of lots Nos 5 and 6; thence westerly along tbe line of lot No 28 sixty feet to a stake in the 'in - ol lot No 27; thence northwesterly alcg the line of lot 27 and 23 one hundred and fifty feet to the b gin ning. x U J) bit 'K. Willi, myatds Comnr'aaioner, Notice of W Uodr Mortgage Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a mortgage executed by J and I) McLain, recorded in book 83, page 498, Register of Deeds office fo: Wake co inty , I will, at 12 o'clock m, on Mo day. the j 1th da; of June. 1894, at the court bouse doer in Raleigh. N 0, expose to sue at public auc tion, for cash, the laud therein describe.', be ing a tract or land in swift Urtet township, containing 10 1 acres, more or Jess. 1 R T GRAY, Trustee. May 9 tds ; Auction Fale of Splendid Forni- TUBS JUNE 9th, 1894. By yirtus vested in me by H Clav Harris, in a chattel mortgage, dated Deoember 14. 1893. and recorded in book 129. naire 19. in Register of Feeds office of Wake county, I win sen ire ioiiowng nrst class lumtture, to-wit: One complete suit chamber furni ture, walnut, marble top, consisting of one dressing ens'-, one wash stand, towel rack, four chairs, one rockiug chair, one bed mat tress and springs, 3 pair sheets, 3 sets pillow slips, one counterpane, 8 pairs blankets, one blaoking box stand, one set Queensware complete, one water set comptetc, one pair onoioe cuspauores, one eiectnc lamp, one or dinary lamp, one coil scuttle and blower. Sale to take place af the "Bee Hive" at 12 o'clock, on Aitmington street, now kept by air nay, june , itrat. lerms oi sale, Cain, B V MONTAuUf, Mortgages. : Johw R Upciiueoh, Const' le, salesman. my26,28 THB VISITOR 26 DAYS, 25 AAA et ft A. rl AAAA S 3 9 3 3 1 THE 1 3 p " Y7' 'lAU HT7 ATI 1110 VIkHIiT U I UUlll I . k PAPER FOR TBE PEOPLE. NOW H THE TIMF. KOW IS 1 HE TIME TO PUBSPPIBR TO SUBSCRIBE The uiUsion of THE VISITOR will be in the future, f it has been in tbe pus', TO ELKVATK LIBOR PUBLISH ALL HOME SEWS. INTEREST READERS OF ALL CLASSES. to ADVANCE THE INTEREST OP RAIEIGB. -TO- REPORT ALL TNDU8TFI AL ENTERPRISES. It will eontribnte, by its advocacy of Progressive Ideas of Business, to make Raleigh a prosperous manufacturing centre, a model of commercial enterprise, and tbe most prosperous CITY IN THE SOUTH. Its small price will attract subscribers Its real merits will make it a popular favorite. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE VISITOR Mechanics, Laborers, Merchants and Professional Men. It Is read In the counting room, in the marts of trade, in every house hold, In railroad cars, In work shops, and is a valuable advertising medium. Letters from the people will enable the people tn discuss all matters In which the public are interested. 8parkling, racy, lively, its Local Department will be a specialty, attractive to all readers and valuable In giving all the home news. TERMS: One year, inside the city, $3 TO One week, 06 One montk," " SB One year, outsld e the city, $3 00 One week, " ; 00 One month," " . JB Clnbs of four, one month, $1 CO ' Postage paid at this office. V ' Address, - ETENINGr VISITOR, Wslgh, N.O. J"4 (id Ar! ZRaxL-cLaotiXTro3?i Statioxa-ors. BLANK BOOKS of all kinds. VF.M.r.RS 15 T7- I A - School Supples t.f all kinds. Oilice Supr'ies a specialty. Phone i42. Special attention to orders. WAKE UP! im m COBWEBS Where fgnornnco is bliss You don't know what you Miss. A Clrar Head is the Clear Conscience. T: ese are Yours ifYOUwilldrirk-Only-at - SODA Tliin Glasses DAIfyTINESS-Tnorecla,re'1'ent8o( u'0"1 Soda Water are VJ M I U I lllbaa cleapliness. coolness, flavor and style. OL A I fifl-To furuih Refreshment and Gratification, at so small a nil 7 1 n"rlRa nobody grudges the uione;-. Irjpc IDC -To merit your preference bv excelling all In quality, sV w I W m purify, sweetness atd coldness. HQ YO II MDrink your soda where you happen to be, orfto to the , 1 oUce vou are sure ol? IVIIN E"1h tbe place to be8ure ot- YOURS FOR THIRST, H EUTl Pm UMsisljL I buy direct from the manufacturers the Strictly High Grade Sewing Machines known as THE" STANDARD,' and offer those at tbe lowert prices. A good machine at Bottom Figures. I also keep always on hand full linei of machine sup plies, such as needles,pirts an ft attachments. One of my specialties i the repairing of ma chines of any make, this be' ng done at your home or at my office. 1 have hid Years of (experience in this business and Guarantee Satisfaction. Hogs, cattle or any kind of country pro duce taken in exchange for machines OB MARriN 13 West Harirett Street. I h20m CAN I OBTAIN A PITIWI CKPlPt.anawor aod an honest opinion, write to vssjmit formal Ion onnonrninv Pabui and hn k. JTIUNN I dc C70.. who have hud nuarlv nf t.w ,mm tain them lent free, a lao a oauiogue of aMohaa. wrx-M! nnioo in th.. . ..ii.r.3 tbna are bronKht wtiieiy sernre the public with. OtlX AfME tA Vila invotltny 1 1 i I at anlunHIi auno oua am m tua inventor. Thla anlendld paper, MUd weekly, elnaantlr lllliMrated, baa by far thi lanreat circulation of any adentiao work In (be world. S:l a year. Bample ooploa aent free. Building Edition, monthly, a yew. Sinale nples, f. oenta, Kvery nurolier oontaina beau . tllul plate, in colors, and chotonrapha of new houiwL Hu plans, eiinliliiic huiluera to ahw tee laiMt rl'Hiiis aud statue onntrita, Adirea , AWsuii 4 CO AiaaT litud, AWA "--ar wan I rL JL . W. G. SEPARK, Manager. BIT OF YOi li&l 1 M xt Ifrt Thin to a MAMMOTH FOUNTAIN - Plentv of Ice- 5 Cents. eUK!ww JUuDtf MM1.1WV Sale of Land. Under and bv virtue of a decree of the 8u perior Court of W.ke county, made May Uib, 1894, in the special proceeding, entitled Stronacli and Johns, admlnistrato's of Da vid lewis, recased, against Sally 0 Lewi ond other', re will sell at pablio sale at the oourt house door in Raleigh, on June 18tb, 1891, the lands fully described in the peti tion filed therein, lying and beinc in St Mary's township. Wake county, and known as he "home tract," the "Jordan tract" aad "Doane tract." Terms of sale: One-third cash; bUnoe pivablein two equal instal ments in s'z and twelve months; time of sale, 12 ra. STRON xCH & JOHNS, Alex 8tronacb, Attr. : tds rom'rs. FOR CTS. In Postage, we will send A Sample Envelope, of either WHITE, 1'LESII or EKCXETTK pzzorjrs f 017DER. Ton have Seen it advertised tor many years but have von ever tried It? If not, -you do not know what aaldaal Complexion Vowder la. besides twins an acknowledged bMnUfler, ko ami nfreablng um, U preranta otaaf. taig.aun-Darn, wind-tan, leMenaperaplraUoew eto.i Inf aotUlBamovtdellaataanddwIrabte protaouon to tbe faoe during uoiwaatliar. It la SoM Erarwaera, - - .i For aamnla. addraas HHNTIOK THI PAPKft. THB J H rt I I I I I P 4 BAIL ' . WAAAAA' U A A JLai " c : . M v M v I i. ' iJ bbLK V tK.; af Ma AAi ! ' A DemooratlO Paper, - a paper devoted to Una and theBouth. Iba beat - advertiaina . media m between Washingtoa and Atlanta. . a. A r r vw a a VAiuXj 8 if per year. : WJiiiLLY.Iltfcperysar. U s; THE OBSERVER C0SP1RT.'-. J P Caiawill, Kd'tor , Charlotte, NO.' FiyFor sale avJtraar M Shaker's newts staud. Balay,S U , jaletX V

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