SAVE UP YOUR ROCKS. Wki ti world It tana, 8ae mp yoer rocks! vVbea you're out of money, Kotala'e ever fanny Not a bite u" hoary Save np your rocka! Time has got a sickle 8ae op oar rock! If 700 rnted a tickle You'll b la a picklej Won't laugh when they tlckl Take what life ii bringin' Save op your ruck! rVe the flower a-apringin'; A nan of Io a-rlingln'i Hear the birdn a-ningin'i 8av np your rock!" Atlanta I'onatitation. OLD KORTlfSTATE. Interesting News Notes From Here and There. In Randolph county a mole 32 yearn old died recently. The Jane term of the federal court for the western district convened in Charlotte today. The attendance at Trinity college commencement this year it much larger than last year, the Durham Sun reports. The woman's miHHionary society of the western North Carolina conference will hold its regular annual meeting in Greensboro, beginning Friday and continuing to Monday. At a revival at the Brevard street Methodist church at Charlotte Mrs. Carpenter, wife of Rev. Mr. Carpen ter, a superanuated Methodist minis ter, has taken a great interest and oc cupies the pulpit. James Moore, a negro captured in the act of robbing the poxtoffice at Matthews, was given a hearing at Charlotte yesterday, the News re ports, and was committed for trial by the federal court in default of $300 bond. At Greensboro last Saturday Claude Beard, yard master at the C. F. & Y. V., fell from the end of a platform and was badly hurt. After falling he was unable to call for help and re mained some time before he was dis covered. He was delirious for some time, the Record states. Officer Geo. Means, of the internal revenue department, has returned from a raid in Stokes and Surry coun ties. He had 21 men with him, the Concord Standard says. He cut up a large distillery near Lexington last week. Johnson's Magnetic Oil. horse brand i a woorHrful liniment for rbeunia tlim. neuralgia apralua ami hru for man or beast tl.OO size 50c, 60c a'zeS'e. At John Y MarRae's Two negroes, . John Johnson and Henry , Eames, were engaged in a friendly tussle near Salisbury when they stumbled and fell into a kettle of boiling water. Johnson was not badly hurt. Eames was almost submerged and was terribly scalded. After much suffering he died Saturday night, the Herald saya. Call 'or the Hone Brand of Joh ni ton's Magnetic Oil. It. bat no equal for the diseases of borsei and cattle 1 10 a'za 50 cents ; 60 cent size 25 ct. For aale by John T MaiRae O L Rice, Ifendota, III, writes : Have used yonr Japanese Pile Care and foond it a anre and permanent cure." For tale by John Y MacRae. The lowest temperature ever regis tered on the surface of the earth was 157 degrees below zero at Werckjensk Eastern Siberia, in February, 1892. Johnson s Magnetic Oil caret crarope and co'lc and Interna! neuralgia and headache and backache iist?ntlj. 86 and CO cent, for aale by John Y MacRae At Washington there is a list of all the known anarchists in the world, and their place of residence when last heard from. The French govern ment haa a similar list. The Graduation Lass. With graces rare she gaily goes Upon the stage to show 'em Her essay is firatrate as prose, , But her dress is just a poem. St. Louis is the greatest mule mar ket In the world. The males that transported the baggage of the British army daring the last Egyptian war were bought in St. Loait. Wbaa Batqr rick, w gava ar Cutorla. Who aha wm a Child, nb cried for Castoria. mm she Btoame Mat, the ehug to Outorla, Wkm rite had Chodraa, aha gave them Castoria, Read What They Say. The Raleigh Kvksiko Yisitob baa a new spring drea. It looks "quite be coming" in ita now costume. Concord 8tandard. The Raleiuh Kve.xisu Yiitob ap pears in a new dress and iu an enlarg ed form. It thus commemorates ita flfteenthbirth day. Charlotte Demo crat. Raleigh's oldest daily, The Kvrsisu Vihitiir, appears iu a baiiloiu new dretts.l'nder the direction of Mr. Kred. A. Olds The Vixitor is rapidly forg ing to the front as a local paper. Durham Globe. The Raleigh KvE.xi.xo Visitor has recently come out in a new drexs of type and in an enlarged form. It is is a great improvement, and we wish the Visitor the good luck which it richly deserves. Wilson Mirror. The sprightly Kve.niso Visitor, of Raleigh, has donned a new dress and enlarged its size. It always gives the Times pleasure to see its contempora ries dress up and get larger. Frank lin Times. The Raleiuh Visitor celebrated its fifteenth birthday by appearing in a new suit, and enlarged to six columns, last Monday. We congratulate the Visitor on this evidence of prosperity and wish it much more. Wilmington Star. The Rm.i.ioh Evbxho Visitor ap peared Monday evening in 11 n enlarged form and a new dress of type, and its general appearance greatly improved. For fifteen years it has enjoyed the confidence and patronage of the pub lic and we hope a long and prosperous existence is before it. Christan Sun. The EvE.'iN; Visitor has donned a new dress and it looks well in it. Col. Olds, the city editor, is a born news paper man, and he is making a paper that Raleigh is proud of. The Visi tor is not only one of the oldest, but it is now one of the best afternoon dailies in the state. North Carolin ian. The Raleigh Evesinci Visitor came to us Tuesday decked out in a new dress. It is now a six column folio, with nice clean print. The Visitor has stood the storms and hard times for 15 years, and is now a better pa per than ever. May it continue its good work, and much success to you, Rro. Brown. Clarksville (Va.) Chron icle. The Raleigh Evexiso Vjsitor has got "unbeknownst" to itself and conies out in a new dress of type and in enlarged form. Wo are pleased to observe this evidence of prosperity and spirit of enterprise on the part of our esteemed contemporary. The Visitor has held its own against all obstacles and is getting to be one of the ancient as well as honorable insti tutions of its kind in the state. Long may it continue to grow and prosper. Henderson Gold Leaf. A Million Friends.'. A friend in need Is a frieud indeed. nd not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr King's New Discovery for Coosump tion, Coughs and Colds If you have never used this great cough medicine. one trial will convince jou that it has wonder Ml curative powers In all dis eases or Throat, Client and Langs Each bo le is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or meny will be re funded Trial bottles free at John Y MscRae's drug store. Large bottles Co and i . Six Cripple Creek Leaders Ar rested. Cripple Creek, Col., June 11. Six leaders of the striking miners and three of the officers of the miners' union, today surrendered to the military au thorities and have been placed under $5000 bail each. The sheriff has war rants for their arrest on the charge of assault to murder, Johnson's Magnetic Oil. horse brand. &, is a powerful liniment es ptcially prepared for external use for persons and all dls-ases of horses and cattle 81 00 size 60 cents. 50 cts size 25 ents. FOB1894. The publishers take pleasure in announc ina that "The Mowing Herald" has recent rebm enlarged from four to eieht nas ea. and that while the price remains at one oent par copy, or , 3 per ysar 10 mm suDscriDers. eauh edition contains as much news and more general reading matter than is printed Dy the Baltimore two-cent dames. The Xelegraphio Service of "The Horning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper, ita Newsservice t the counties is thor oueh and reliable. . Tt Market Bepona are full, complete and accurate. lit illustrated woman's page is a feature mat win notoeiounain any other ubiu mora dailv. verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Or Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appeatt in Monday morning's edition. . "The Morning Herald" will continue to Dean inaepenaentmewspaper rairana 1m- cartial in ita statements and fearless in the expression Of its opinions "THE SUNDAY HERALD." Jfli la frttt kaaaf flnnrlav ntnaf In Hal. H ay pegue), jo we vujw wuuuHj jrMrat au was- timore, and it told at 80 per copy, or 81 60 for a year. , "TUB WEEKLY HERALD It the cheapest and best eight-page weekly newspaper puDiisnea in me unitea states ueannuai tUDiciipuoD neing ouo. . -"The Morning Herald" will be tent on trial for one week to any person tending BU tjf jjajr luum, ouuiuoiuk v vouw. w vaivj HXHALD PUBLISHING CO., . Baltimore and Charles Streets. Baltimore, lid. "' a Biwretw. General Htntgrr, plllHU IIIIIM "HWIH.II III Iil.W I III Mil I III i t,i, . - " for Infants C'aatarla lsao wrll adapted tochfldraa Uiat I nvommrod It a superior to any prrwcripUoo. known In um." IL A. Aat-au, M. P., Ill Su. Oxford KU, Brooklyn, X. Y. "The una of 'Castor! U ao unirrraal ami iu nwriu ao well known that It seems a work of supereroffatioa to endorm it. Few are the inb'UiKent famlllea who do m krp Ctatoria within aixj rfooh. Cuuoa Mabttx, D. D., Sew York City. The CraTAtnt P p p PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium Makes : Marvelous Cures In Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula C-w- p. p. p. purifies the blood, balldsnp 4 the weak and debilitated, gives m strengti weakened nerves, expels Sjl diseases, givlnjc the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy r: feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu- W rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and Sks In ail blood and skin diseases, like m blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, W tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, aa eczema- we may say, without fear of " contradiction, that P. P. P. tsthebest blood puriUer in the world, and makes a positive, speedy and permanent cures fn all cases. Ladies whose systems are poisoned m- and whose blood Is in an Impure condl tlon. due to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benellted by the won W derful tonic and blooa cleansing prop aa ertiesof P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke - Root and Potasslnm. tea' Sfkinopield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of sw-"-" your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 4pp 35 years, was treated by the very best -a. pliyrilclaus ana spent hundreds of dol " lars. trlod every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one Dottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than auything I have ever taken, m" lean recommend your medicine to all t-" sufferers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YE ART, Bprlngfleld, Green County, Mo. BURWELL & DUNN, Wholesale PUBLISHED Have you VISITOR? If ?,-n"it9lr3flrt A HO N TH, -COOPER YEAR. e; v M I N C V I S I T O R and Children. Caatoria rurra Colic, Cooatlpatioa, Sour Ktomarh, DiarrboM, Erurtatloa, Kill Worm, gi alep, and promotn dl- Wllliout Injurinus modlrattna. or amral years 1 aaT raoonuacadrd your 'Caaturia,' and shall alwajra oobUdim to do so aa It haa invariably produced beorocial mult." ' Edwm F. Paboec, X. D., mh Street and 7th are.. New York City. Compakt, 77 Hcbjuv Stuct, Mcw You Cm. Pimples, Blotches ES and old sores 2 . . . 3 Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles --g Are Urely fcy P.F.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Hoot and Potar alum, th. greatest blood purifier on aaW earth. a) Abxkdeek. 0.. Jaly 21, 1891. fy Hassu. Lippman Bros.. Savannah. Oa. : Dbae Sir I bouKht a bottle of aw rour P.P. P. at Hot apnain.ArE.fena '-9 t haa dona me more food than three month,' treatment at tne Mot spring.. Hand three bottles C. O. D. "".ThwTOK, Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. . 9 Capt. J. D. Johnston. "ffs To all whom it may concern: I here " aw by testify to tbe wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of tbe skin. I , suffered for several yrs with an un- "aW elKbtly and disagreeable eruption on -a-9 my face. I tried every known reme -dy but in rain, until P. P. P. was used, " and am now entirely cured. m (Signed by) J.D.JOHNSTON. Savannah, Oa. Skin Cancer Cared. -W letHmmy from thi Mayor oSequin,Ttx, ' SKQtmr, Tei., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippman Bros. . Savannah. -aaW Oa. : Gentlemen X have tried your P. etafj P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin canoer.of thirty years' m0 standing, and found great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all lr rltation from the seat of the disease ) and prevents any spreading of tbe sores. 1 have taken iveor six bottles "'aW' and feel confident that another course gfa will effeot a uure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach MaVw troubles. Yours truly, .A CAPT. W. M. E08T. Attorney at Law. " Book on Blood Diseases Mailed Free, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. ' PEOPRIETOES, IJppman's Block, Savanoah, Ga 1 and Retail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. EVERTl EVENING SXOBPT 8DN9AT. an "ad.1 in T5 not, tow Q9 one. Bocklen'. Arnica Noivf. Tba bal aajr la iha worl.i tor eoU, brnlaea, torra. nlc rt, aaJt rheum, fa Tr anra, tatlar. ebarpod haoda. ehll blaloa, eorrja acd aJJ akla argptloca, and porlfltaly care pl.Va, or oo pay ragalrad. It la Koaraoted to it P'rfrrf aatlf,e'lon or iood7 rfaod d. Prie S5 eenu pr ox. For aJ by Joba T MaeKaa. S. A. L. SeobolAir-Lino. IU hr CTMai!ili, bl. Traloa laa Kl irii.-- SO A M-'Vily. ttlaota Hprulii," Pn linu Vslbuif. Hiu (l.rfoa Wrldou, Ftt r h"rt, Hlebaioud, i tblir ton, Balliuinr. Pbilxdel. phia. New York and all polbta norib. Buff-I IDKroom sleepers ac man coache, AtlauiM Wagbiogtou, parlor . WMshioRtOD to New Yd .. Arrivi a at Wanhir ;too 3 4 ' a p in, Haltiuior 04 p in rnii8dlpni 7 13 ,. m , xew York 6(8 p til ; aleo Fortuiont Ii, iNorfoik, O'd Point a ud loel etHticua i nod P. K ?1 25 A M Daily "iept. r ondAy, for Hud iron. Weliloo, Stif folk. Poriarnootb. Norfolk and iutrrii: iliati s'a'ioiiB cooDecta at Portsiuoah with BiivLineforOId Poiur and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Vahii'gton Moaiu boat '., lor WHnhio(ito-. with K Y. P & N R K for rhiladelphlx and points north; alao xt Vilrtr,rj with Aftiiniic Coast Jjine for Richmond Vt'a(,hii)(;ton, Pal in ore, Philadelphia and iVew Vork Through f le pern Weldnn to New York anl with Scotland Neck Branch for (ireen villa V. ashiugion and Ply month 2 80 A M Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Veftibul for So. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester. Clintun, Hreeu wood. Abbeville, AthPiin, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Chatta nnoga, Nashville, Metupbi and 11 points pouth and southwest Through Pull man Bi.fT'f Sleepers and day conches Woshington to Atlaiita. couneetiug direct ly at Union depot Atlaiita with diverging lines 10 15 A M Daily, exc pi. Suuiiav, for Southern Pines. Hamlet, M K t o n, W ilmington Wadesboro, Monroe, Char o'te, J.iucolutou, Shelbv, Ruthetfordtonaud all IochI siatione (7 0. R R. and R & A A LB R , connect Ht Hartford with O F & Y V. R R for Payetteviile, (ireenglioro, Winston and Mount iry at Hamlet with train for C 8. & NT. R. R via witson, for Benuetts ville, Darlington and Sum ter and Charleston, arriv ing Charleston 845 p in. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 8 05 A M Daily. "Atlanta 8pecial," Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poiuta north Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 60 P M Daily, except Sunday, from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R. also from dreenville, Ply month, Washington ani Eastern Carolina poiuts via Wei don, Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 6 15 A M Daily, "Atlanta Spocial," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood, Chester and points south. Pullman day I coaches and sleep. ir Atlau- I ta to Washington. j : 0 00 P M Daily.ffxe-.'yt "iiiuliV, ,-o Charlttfiuu, ftuii.r.-r, HtM 1 uettsviISi, Wiluiingtoo, j Sheihy, Lifinointon. i;har- lotto Mud all local ?afor ; O. ("!. h R and R & A. I I U; -!"o uotn k'aet.irvi.i: i and l-rreetieboro via Bui i. ford. 1 Mi red trains leave folr.iion !jtrv.-i Station, for Hamiet and lcoal satio.n 8 V o. u , '-efuruiag arrim Jokoaon .ret rt ,1i a ;u for her erenn i jt' Intennediatt' s!tionp 7 i 'nralog a'Tivos .Jou sou a. w. T ..wsetije'i leaviiHft Ri ' a. u arrives ftt( loi;e4 43 p ni , retnv lotte at U -U) a in , ' in -eet 91i . I1) 15 .'iiar- , fil.--.- , la M I i.ri js . 'tiiiiee , ffe r. p. m , wrrii RaJh No. 181 aod ) -7. ffl are so1 1.1 Pu'.lw ooar,ie l or t- agii I uuil pALi.O'" irawit. g 'aper. bit'" en Wat rt(, w tl o it chani fo 'x .'I a fare ehah . (Hon xelati V f -if , aaaavv-an ia A New ami Oomnlnte Treatment. ronsis,iluii HUPPOBITOKIES, Capsule rtt auil Un Boxes of Olntcaeut. A never-lnilinu Cure for Ptlw of evenr nature and decree. 11 mnkia an oporatinn with tba knife or Injections ot carbolic add, which are painful and seldom a nersianent cure, and often resultinc In death, unnecesfarr. Why andure thla tarribla dlaaaaa? i W, auarantee boxaa ta our snv oaaai you only nay (or I benefits reset red. tl a box, rffor to. Sent by mall. 1 Onarantees tasned by oar agents. CONSTIPATION the areat LTVKR and BTOM ACH EEGULATOR and ttiAajuruiuFiKB. amsu, mua ana pleasant to take, especially adapted (ot aUldreu's naa, 59 Doaat seats. tOAMAKTW kNH onjj DJ Thn T. ltaaRa. DrusgiiL Raleigh RkboLH riDTllle B. R. Co. atuiiel bvtvttr, i. A III kN rtnd Iteuben roalr,irrj reivera. RICH. & DiN.! AND N, C tl VISIONS, loudeured 8thlule. luvff-cl Hay 8, 1&V4. DAILY. Noa fcJo5 P. si. IS 40 8 30 811 681 6iO 7 H r no 11 7 A. M 18 60 840 880 685 A U i oa 84C 64 P M AM ts 00 8 SO 6 45 m m 841 88) AM PM 640 t0 8 46 flfa 1083 811 11 ri 4 00 p m SCO a in a m 1180 811 18 n 9 85 p in 8 45 1187 a m 8 05 13 28 p iu 080 65 a m 6 80 p m 4 08 8 41 4 30 8 35 HoliThB'MlllU. Lf Ricbmoud, Lv Harkevilie, Lv Ke.vllle, Ar Danville, Lv.Daiitllla, reensuoru, .ldboro, 8 00 05 4.0 7S0 P M ' iMilelgh, irbam, 4r Urecnsboro, Winaou'Salein, t8( I Lv (ireensboro, 7 8"5 , ar oatiaoory, : Ar Statecville, 88 r AsbeviHe, Lr Hot Springs, pnf i5 ViiO a in 2 67 158 L Pn- ,'jf Ar A.r-m ce, fir Lpartanburg, Ar Qreeovitle, Ar Atlanta (OT) Lv Charlotte, 5 20 p m 10 50 a m Ar Augusta, 8 45 Ar Charleston (8C) 10 30 Ar Savanna (f.ctL) 5 30 ar j tcasouvnie, 1110 DAILY. Noa So No NOKTUBOCND 86&10 18 38 P M AM P M 5 10 1 80 AM 3 40 5 01 6 40 8 8J PM, yyj 8 0) 18 a AM P M P M 030 tt 0 Svi 7 tKJ 7 00 8 3i 8x8 8 25 8 40 12 41 8 80 711 8 40 PM 8 3 3U 9 !) ; lUOi 1005 11 U. AM 11 15 8.j t3 8i 0 10 18 01 12 n 8 85 P M AM 1 00 "j-so 300 tl 10 p io , ti00 MOO i00 A SI P M .) 54 410 4 1ft '8 35 7 20 7 80 It 10 1010 11 00 V ' P M AM 1145 1140 1887 P M AM 2 18 8 80 800 3C0 408 408 460 0 80 6 80 Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(C T) Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury. Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Sulisb 'ry, Ar Ureeusboro, ArWicBton8alem,4ll 15 Xjv ureeuHiioro, Ar .Durham, Ar Raleigh, Ar Ooidsboro, Lv (ioldsboro, Lv Raleigh Ar Ureeusboro, Lv (ireeushoro Ar Danville, Ar Keysviile, Ar Burkeville, Ar Richmond, tDaily except.Sanday. K Berkley, J 8 B Thompson, 8upt, supt. (ireensboro, NO. Richmond, Va. W A Turk, tten Pass Agt, Washlag, ton, DO, 8 H Hard wick, Asst Qon'l Pass Agt. Atlanta, 9a. ' WHttreen. Sol Haas, m n Man'g'r, Traffic Man'gT, Washington, D C. Washlngtou,D O . ORSOLK AJHD CAROL IN A. R.H OONDBHSBD 80HBDULJB. doath Bound Train. So. 101. . M. Noth ' Bouod STATioHS. , Train. No. 100 P. M.' Jb.naer's Point Arrive 6 25 39 50 10 15 10 27 1102 1120 U 37 1152 12 31 12 53 ' 2(- L've L've L've L'r L've L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers. Arrive 8 01 4 47 414 8 64 8 sa ' 8 21 8 89 217 1&0 Suffolk atea, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, iUiciy Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive .L'T P. K. ;fh 12 S?nP sciioa at fiooay Mount A No 23 for allwSit. A.M 30i;Ui i -"o,;1Pa5J- - --. -'cV i,nt(ef)oMt Line. u ts eldon jBallroad and auohsi. CojnUnscdSadula. IRAlWo tWlNd flOUTH. P i t.i.t ,V nf,88 r? o4! Da ly. Dittiw rv-ii ;on," 'Mi, S a k i.':Ul:oro eooa L X iflwro, h -V i! B, t.i Uuv.. tn Ka .vlil 8Civm ani tWtV A Si 7 84a "'"8 0u 818 26am 1'fuir Msim noBTB. S?'J No 88, Mly. Dally. v I- lore.uof : 7 aatn 7 Spra ii V'aytTillvidt'fiam 980pnt Lv Oelita, 18 US& n Ar Wilson, 1 00am 11 87rm No 48 Dally LyWll'gton, 9 00am Lv Magnblia.10 40aTn Lv Gi'dsboro. ti laara. No 40. Dally, V 700pm 8 8pm UtOpm 0 78 Dailv Hi Dailv Lv Wllaon, 110 pm 11 87am 10 8'lpin Ar Rooky Mt a IV 12 06am 11 l6Dia At Tarboro, 8 44pm Ly Tarboro. 18 85pm ii? hoob lspm 18 06am aiweiaori, B Uvpm 1 o'ara JonVDmii, Qenral Bxiperlnendent. J KbbtIiT, Bnpt Train. I' 1 i i nil aria laaMM dal: DTD TKTT

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