EVENING VISITOR. VOL XXXI. PRESCRIPTIONS A specialty. THOMAS J. WATTS, Dmooisr. RALEIGH, X. 0., TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1894. PfRK DKCUS .iD CHEMICALS at WATTS' COR. WlLMI.IiSToJI A.D HAKl.ETT ITS. xo. :;. V- j 7 , cv 5 1 i ) 1 f PK'HLNOTr fi Plcklinf Cucumber Frb from the vinat fl pvrbush el. Leave orders at J.R.Ferrall &-Co't. Je2 3t JWe.ved today another lot of those ale melons, chickens, egg tod butter. Je2 2t W. H. Rogers. A second band Singer xewing ma chine can be bad cheap by applying at this office. Doctor reo. iuiuo I "The Standard flvg Machine", because of Ita ligLt roo 'Id. ImmcDie fpecial Sale Monday, June 15. A lot of checked muslin at 4c a yard. A lot of printed lawus. at 4e a yard. A lot of printed illies at 4c a yard. A lot of i.ice vents 17c, former price 35c. This in a sale well worth attending. Woolleott ii Sou. If you waut to bay an easy pair of shoes or slippers, we can Huit you in quality aud price. G. . Woollcott & Son. Th "Kurturd ia th hehst grai' fwiiiir rancbiue manufactured pr'8t Quick Salea to Reduce Stock. To make room quickly for the carpen ters we shall sell all of our trunks at cost. - Large linen of shoes and slip pers at bargain prices to close. Must reduce stock before the improvement are made. C. A. Sherwood & Co. - - For Rei t. One 5-room cottage; outside cook room; a well on lot. Apply to je30 6l A. M. Powell. f) 1.1 fid to ( e "The 8'n !tr ' l r re tiu I giu iug mac'iioe We have just opened the finest line of Linen Mourning paper and En velopes ever shown here. Kaleigh Stationery Company. A ffull assortment of Hammocks. Can suit you. Raleigh Stationery Company. kvOne hundred Reams Linen note pa per ruled and plain (special price 10c quire,) Envelopes to match. 1 Raleigh Stationery Company. Boy the light swift running Stand ard eewiurmsAhlrje Our Specials in Vv hite Goods About 600 yards of white dotted muslin at 19c, worth 25c. Sheer, white lawn stripes, cheeks and fancies, at 9c, worth 15c.. Sheer white lawn stripes, assorted . patterns, at only 5c, worth 7 1 2c. Indian linen and check muslin at only 5e per yard. Real dot ten Swiss muslin at only 10i! per yard. . All these out on special tables and counters. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. There are a few choice patterns of black silk grenadines left which will be closed at a small advance on cost. Colored grenadines for evening wear, uice shades, all silk, at 39c. Swindell's Department Store. Spring and summer dress goods in woolens. You can buy at your price; the lines are badly broken, but there are still some good things left. Swindell's Department Store. In all the lines of summer wash fab rics we have made big reductions. These goods are in reach of all and the assortment is good. Enquire the prices. '.' Swindell's Department Store. Ladies, misses and children's Oxford ties at prices that will astonish you at Swindell's Department Store. We have marked down a lot of em broidered flouncing. It will pay for the time to look through them. There are some real genuine bargains. Swindell's Department Store. Laces and embroideries. We have had a ' big season on these goods bnt we still have the lines in good condi tion; all the latest styles. , Swindell' Department Store. ' ;.'' -: ' We have placed on sale a line of summer silks, 28 inches wide, at 53c. Ask toaee them. D. T Swindell. Hammocks at Swindell's. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. ' The Oak City Steam Laundry will do your work better than any laundry in the eity or Btate, with less wear and tear, at competition prices. Because it is the oldest and most complete plant in North Carolina, with latest improved machinery and most experi enced - operatives. Efficiency and promptness guaranteed. Telephone No. 87. L. R. Wtatt, Prop. Wanted Good.qulck ironer. Stead; work. OU Cm Citt Stam LkxmvKt. Died. SASnKHs. Miss Sainantha Sanders died suddenly this morning at her residence. No. 513 East Cabarrus street. The funeral services will be e inducted from the house tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock by Dr. J. W. Carte', pastor of the First jBaptist church. Friends of the deceased and of ber blind sister, Miss Cornelia, who is left alone, are invited to be present. IMoiM.E. Mrs. Idn Riddle, wife of Capt. J. S. Riddle, died tu'.s morning at 5:50 o'clock at the residence of her husband, corner West Lane and North Harrington streets. She was in the prime of life, being just 24 years old, and ber death is a sad blow to all who knew her. She was a daughter of Capt. Young blood, of Johnston county, near Smith field, and her father and. mother both servive her. She also leave1 a husband, one child and -several brothers and sisters to mourn their loss. The remains were today carried to the home of her parents, where the funeral will take place at 9 a. in. to morrow. Kino. At his residence on Hillsboro street, at 115 o'clock this afternoon, Mr. L. N. King. The funeral will be held from Kdenton street Methodist church at 4 :" o'clock tomorrow after noon. Friends of the family invited to attend. Lixxkiiax. At her residence on North Per.son street, at 1 30 o'clock (his afternoon, Mrs. P. Llnnehan, wife of Mr. Patrick LinnehairT''y In Memoriam. The sad news of the death of Miss Blanche Heartsl'elld will cause very trenuine sorrow to a large number of v - friends and admirers in this i'ity Though not always a resident or Ral e'gh, her parents living in the north ern 'part of Wake county. She has made her home in our midst for the past two years, and her beautiful traits of character and lovely disposi tion have at once made her a favorite wi Mi all who came within the range of her gentle influence. That this pure young life should be cut off in the very prime of young wo. manhood, seems a dispensation hard to comprehend, and our hearts go out in tenderest sympathy to the sorrow ing family circle, to whose grief our r;ef is as -nothing. Her character abounded in those truly Christian virtues, "Love, gentleness, goodness and truth," and will be held in loving remembrance as a beautiful example of that rare charity which is "Kind, envieth not, seeketh not her own," and above all "Thinketh no evil." "Blessed are the pure and heart, for they shall see God." F. The Races Tomorrow. The races which will beheld at Fair view tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. promise to furnish some excellent sport. There yill be two races, one to road carts and the other to track sulkies. The entries for the first race are "Baronet,"' by Bourbon Baron; "Bob Parham," by Robert Medium; "Alf Thompson," by Robert Medium and "Dan," breeding unknown. The entries for the second race are "Cock Robin," by Franklin .Chief "Maggie Watkins," by Melville Chief, and "Nellie Jewett," by Jerome Eddy Both races will be half mile heats best 3 in 5. One of the horses in the first race has the reputation of being very speedy, but it is the race to sulkies that Will excite the most interest; the three entries for this race are well known to be the speediest trotters in this section, and their trial of speed will be very interesting. There will be no charge for admis sion to the track and the public gen erally are invited to attend. - The last meeting passed off pleas antly and without a hitch, and was an entire soccess. The sport-loving gen tlemen who furnish us with these ex cellent trials of speed deserves the thanks and appreciation of the people of Raleigh. The Albany Journal has a very earn est article on "The Foolhardiness of Arctic Exeditions." This article may be all right, but this is not the time of year to spring it. Belgium has apologized for not saluting the cruiser Chicago when she arrived. When a United States war ship is out on a picnic, all nations I iftOBt, be polite to her LOTS AND DASHES V MADE ABOUT TODAY'S HAP PENINGS. Intmilij Itim Gtitnrl U and Around the City. Mr. T. O. (iattis, an extensive farmer, 1 living about 4 miles southeast of the j c'ty, se.it iu his first cotton bloom todav. i "Wie-funeral of Miss Blanche Hearts- j leild was held today at 1 o'clock from the reside of Mr. J. w. Jones , at Po.vsfville. . Capital Lodge 1. O. (. F. will make a grand success o their "Triple Link Xcursion" o Norfolk, Washington and Baltimore. A colored man named Eaton Drake fell frm a wagon on Fayetteville street, Suudav afternoon, and was knocked senseless. It was some time before he regained consciousness. The Lynchburg Earth collapsed Saturday evening. It was an evening paper started there some weeks ago by "Col." Al. Fairbrother, an Ohio man who went there from Durham. We call attention to the advertise ment of J. M. Bronghton & Co in this issue. If you are looking for a home, fa.'in or any kind of real estate, read what :hey say and call and see them. One hundred to one you will be satis fied. A diagram of the reserved seat ear to be on the "Triple Link Xcursion'' to Norfolk July 5 is at II. F. Smith & Co.'s cigar store. You can mark off your seats now, they are only 50c. extra, there being a limited number, they will go very quickly. There will be a lawn party at the residence of Mrs. lfhy, corner Wil mington and Davie streets, Friday evening, where abundance of refresh ments will be served. The net pro ceeds will be contributed to tbeThomas- ville orphanage. Let all go and help the good cause. Miss Wimberly Has a Relapse. Dr. A. T. Cotten, of Morrisville.who is one of the physicians attending Miss Wimberly, was here this morn ing. He said that Miss Wimberly 's condition was not near so favorable as it was yesterday and that her symp toms were, in fact, very discouraging. Her respiration is now 100 and her pulse 78. . Dr. Cotton left this morning for Apex to consult with Dr. Moore, of Gary, who is the other physician on the case, aud to perform the operation of trepanning. If Miss Wimberly does not recover Wake county should show the state that although she occasionally has such fiends, she never fails to mete out to them stern and terrible punishment. Mills said today that he was pray ing every night aud morning that Miss Wimberly might recover and tell who assaulted her. Weather Crp Bulletin. The reports of correspondents of the weather crop bulletin for the week ending yesterday, indicate generally improved conditions. A large major ity of the reports are very encourag ing. Some damage by hail is report ed and three deaths by lightning. At many places in the central dis trict it has continued very dry and crops are needing rain. The weather has been quite warm. Cotton is small, but looking much better aud is bloom ing. Farmers are "laying by" corn. Some damage was done to corn by stalk-borers during the dry season. Grass is nearly housed, and harvest ing proceeding rapidly. July Weather. The following is the average weath er for July: Mean or normal temper ature 78. The warmest July was that of 1887, with an average of 81. The coldest was that of 1891, with an average of 74 The highest tempera ture was 103 on the 18th, 1887; the lowest was 54 on the 8th, 1802. New Advertisements. Paskola, D.T.SwindellSpecials. W. H. Rogers Watermelons. J. R. Ferrall & Co Pickling Cu cumber, j ' Chess Club. A chess club will be organiied on Friday evening at the Y. M. C. A. All Uners of the Kmne are invited to i join aud participate in the tournament j which will be arranged for. An Epidemic or Hangings, j The sheriff of Montgomery county will have his hands full next month, j there being no less than eight hang j ings in order. He will have 3 on j U:e 13th, 4 on the 20; h and 2 on the j 27ih. The crime in each case is mur 1 der. I Carolina for Carolinians. I Prof. Wilbur F. Tillett, a native North Carolinian, but now a professor in Vanderbilt university, at Nashville, Tenn., is said by some to be the com ing man for the presidency of Trinity college. He is a thorough scholar r ,d "an all around" man, morally, mentally aud physically and the trus tees could go farther (or not so far) and do worse than to select him. Among the Moonshiners. Deputy collector Woods reports to collector Simmons the capture aud dertruction of a 75-gallon copper still and outfit, near Anderson, Caswell county. The supposed owner is John Reid. He also reports the destruction of a 75-gallon copper still and worm in Caswell county. The owner of this still is also not in evidence, but is sup posed to be Jack Burton. The Price of Railroad Sales. Capt. Charles Price, of Salisbury, the attorney of the Richmond and Danville railroad, has had a run of luck this year. Judge Goff, of the Tinted States circuit court, ha.s ap pointed him special master or com missioner to conduct the sale of the Richmond and Dauville railroad and other subordinate railroads of the sys tem and it is said that his allowances will amount to the neat little sum of $51,000! It's an ill wind that doesn't blow a richly freighted ship into some body's harbor. The Weather Report. For North Carolina: Showers. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: On Wednesday, thunderstorms. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a m. today: Maximum temperature 90; Minimum temperature 71; rainfall 0. The barometer is high on the south Atlantic coast, but has fallen since yesterday. Threatening weather with showers prevail over the Atlantic and gulf states. The heaviest rains re. ported during the past 24 hours are Charleston, S. C, 1.62 .inches? Au gusta, 1.66; Charlotte, 1.80; Wilming ton, 1.06; Tampa, Fla., 1.50. The pres sure is low from the lakes to northern Texas, and the temperature has fallen somewhat. Frequent showers appear probable during the next few days. Women's Missionary Conven tion. Yesterday evening the delegates to the woman's mff&ionary convention, wh'.ch has been in session here for sev eral days were given a reception in the Sunday school rooms of Edeuton si reet Methodist church by the ladies of Raleigh who belong to the society. The exercises which consisted of reading, recitations, etc., were opened with a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Sim mons, Papers were read by Mrs. Crawford, of Durham, and Mrs. Winston; Miss Wynne gave a recita tion and Miss Branson sang a solo. ,Af ter the exercises an informal re ception was held and the evening passed very pleasently for all. This morning the convention met again, the business of the day being the election of officers. The officers elected were: Presi dent, Mrs. J. A. Cunninggim; vice president, Mrs. L. W, Crawford, of Durhamjcorresponping secretary, Mrs. Swindell, of Goldsboro; recording sec retary, Miss Blanche Fentress; treas urer, Miss Mary Pescud; superinten dent of juvenile works, Mrs. L 8. Hendren, of Newborn, and auditor,. Mr. Robt. Burkhead, of Raleigh. Af ter the election of officers the conven tion'adjonrned, Tne visiting ladles leave many strong friendships behind them, and the Visitor hopes thai at no distant day they will meet with us again. PERSONAL POINTS. ABOUT PROMINENT NORTH CAROLINIANS. People Who Come, People Who go and People You Know. Mr. here. J. F. Moore, of Winston. Mr. W. S. Primrose left for Chai lotte yesterday on business. Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Carlisle, of Wake Forest, are here today. Auditor Furinan left today for Ashe ville where he will remain until the last of the week. We are sorry to say that Mr. S. M. Parish keeps quite feeble aud is not feeling so well today. Miss Mollie Parish has returned from Richmond, Va., where she spent a most pleasant time with friends. Gov. Carr has left for a short visit to his country home iu Edgecombe county, he will be gone only a few days. Mrs. Craft, of Wilmington, who has been visiting at the residence of Mr. W. H. Hughes, on Martin street, during the e woman's missionary convention, j turned to her home today. Trash in the City. j ret Correspoi ondence of The Visitor. j :ome of our all-wise and exact- j health ollicers explain why it i Will tome ing city is that trash naturally accumulates in back yards is so much more detrimen tal to good health in the yard than in the streets ? There is trash on a cer tain street in the city now has been there for three weeks and attention has been called to it more than once, but none of the city officers live near them aud its a little out. Guowlek. Two Assaults in One Day. Pelham, Ga., June 25.- Frank j Moore, colored,'' has had recorded ' against him within the past twenty four hours two of the most outrageous crimes ever kno ing he committed an ' Vesterday mornin assault . on Mrs. Dollar, a widow, in the Northern portion of Decatur coun ty. Sheriff Patterson, of Decatur, at. once put bloodhounds on his trail, and started in hot pursuit. In less than twenty four hours after the first out rage the same fiend made another as sault, this time on the wife of M. F. Brnberly, a farmer living about three miles above here. Several posses of citizens and sheriff Patterson are hot on his trail. The country is thorough ly aroused over this double outrage! and the negro's doom is -scaled. News Notes. The curtain to a New York threati'e was delayed nearly half an hour 1 u Monday evening on account of the prima donna being unable to find a certain wig and refusing to appear without it. Now that it has been decided by the federal court that it is not a crime t" steal a decoy letter an anxious world wants to know how it is about shoot ing a decoy duck. The old lady iu New York who left $300 in her will for the keep of her dog "Bobby" may have had a reunion in view. Bobby is a Skye terrier. The man who has always found a way to keep from doing any kind of hard work is the one who talks loudest about the bard times. 1 Electricity always pursues the line of the least resistance. The thunder bolt which found a Chicago sky-scraper in its way Saturday morning plunged into it rather than take the trouble to climb over. ' A Pointer lor You. Are you a subscriber ? Do you take The Visitor ? If not, now is a good time to do so. The Visitor has all the city news, has the latest city news, has the best city news of any . paper published in Raleigh. If you get a copy read it and subscribe for it. If you are a subscriber show the paper to your neighbor. Drop us a postal or send your number and street to this office. The manager will do the rest. Try it one month. " The Vibi tor leads, never follows." i E1E III X They are not tested in Q 6 The 21 lb wheel has O t$. X." A been tested oil the Q X roughest roads O 9 if- j 0vc v Year 9 1 X a iid have Q I 6 6 M ; 5td is? Tef t X If you want the best you I I ; T should buy this wheel. jr - !0SJlMMIIlill,9 ' i I X HALKKJII. N. C. I . -if 1 rT t-t . IJj jU Ji Jr II )J Ladies' line machine sewed.and hand turned Oxfords and Blucherettes, In Doiigula and Russia Calf, New Square and Opera Toes. They are easy, attractive, durable and cheap. You want the best at the lowest prices, D Toy Trunk? 'it- In order to make room for the car penters we will dispose of all trunks at cost price. - FOR- TIM TRUNK. Guaranteed more desirable and conven ient than any other nuke.aiul cost no more. It has six solid corners, the tipper two cor ners protect the lid from being knocked olf in rough handling. We will take pleasure in showing the ad vantages and superiority of the "Common Sense trunk. Tile New Leatheroid Rawhide Telescopes and Traveling Cases. . Steamer Trunks, Grips and Gladstone Bags. Kearonahle prices throughout the de j artment. W o u Uo ir 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street. The Fentress residence, 117 Fay etteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Twelve rooms, with bath, water, and other conveniences. Possession given. June 1st. . -.. . Address, - HERBERT L. FENTRESS. 114N. SouthSt. Wilmington, N. C. . etx. Old Style. I I HUNK. j Sf I ' I INCHES TUllMllSKllllilTUlKlL W XJQ mm t'.r WS m pi m?0

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