Jeeus Loves Ma. Ia tb crowded railway train, Dimple cheek arainst the pane, Btthg a baby soft sad low. "Dmii loe mo. Mm I know." Tbea eoDwioiiH, rleir and titrong, 'IttU oan to lira belong" Roa lb dear voice at our aide, "Demi lore roe, bo who died." Hniihed the hum of tolce Bfar, Hoary heads bent low to bear, C.-ona lorn m. Mr I know, Fer dr Bible tell me no." 80 'mid silence, tearful, deep, Bab aang huriwlf to sleep. Bat the darling nerer knew How the mtHMt sweet and true, Rained one heart from full diapair To the "love" that lighten care. But I think, beside the King, I ahall aoine day aing, "Juh lotrea me, thix I know, For the Bible tell me au." THREE MONTHS' PLEDGED 100 Denver Women to Don Re form Dress. Denver women have organized them selves into a dresa club, which was to put its uniform in ocular evidence ax aoon eh 100 women have signed the pledge of its membership. But stormy weather ruling about that time, the earlier members concluded not to wait for the century number. So they have enjoyed their dresses and their clean ski.-ts and will allow the sensi ble dres to commend itself. The fol lowing was the pledge: "Believing that the health, grace a id comfort of women will be in creased by the adoption of more ra tional dress for business (including housekeeping) purposes. I, the un dersigned, in the consideration of the ninety nine other women of the city of Denver severally pledging and binding themselves by an agreement similar to this, do hereby pledge and bind myself and agree: "1. To provide myself with a cos tume as follows: A rational dress skirt, a" comfortable fitting blouse or waist, using no whalebone or stif- felling of any kind whatever, whether in the form of a corset, under waist or dress waist), and shoes with common sense heels. "2. To wear the same publicly5 in the city of Denver, commencing at auch time after 100 women shall have signed this document as maybe deter mined by the Colorado rational dress club. "8. To continue to wear the same as a working, business on street cos tume for the period of at least three months after date." Women Wield the Trowel. At the laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial hospital, in Brook lyn, mayor Schieren tried to square himself with the women. "The hospitals in Brooklyn," he said, "were not built by the men, but by the women, the glorious women of Brooklyn." A patter of gloved ap plause from the perspiring but happy officers and friends of the hospital, who composed the audience. Then the mayor added: "Brooklyn is prond of them." After the speaking came the climax s of the day in the laying of the corner atone itself. Mayor Schieren laid the first trowel full of cement, spreading it with the deftness and neatness of an eipert. Mrs. Burtis placed the next one, gingerly, as if she was put ting cake dough in a tin. Then Dr. Adams took his turn, followed by Mrs, : J. L. Marcellus, Dr. Mary Lines, Dr, U. M. Hanford and others and the stone was lowered into place. Burled His Heart. Oakland, Cal., June 25. A strange incident in the history of Freemason ry, unprecedented in this country, took place at Mountain View cemetery today. It was the burial with Mason ic rites of the heart of Ygacia Herre ray Cairo, one of the early governors of Mexico, and a Mason, whom mem bers of the order call a martyr to their cause. The heart has for a year been deposited in a casket in the Masonic temple of Oakland, it having been brought from Mexico to Gethsemane ehapel No. 5 of the Rosacroix. At the burial place in Mountain View cemetery the foundation stone of monument was laid by the grand lodge of Masons of the state. The casket enclosing the heart was wrapped in two silken flags, one American and the other Mexican, and deposited under the foundation of stone. Masons from all over the state were in attendance. Johnson's If agnatic Oil, horse brand la a wonderful liniment for rheama tliin, neuralgia sprains and bruises for man or beast 41.00 sire 60c, 60c tlx 85o. At John X Haetue s. . , All In the Family. It la not generally known that ev ery crowned head in Europe, except the Hultaa, i descended from two sip. ten, who were born only about l.V) yearn ago, the daughter of Duke Ludwig, Rudolf of Brunswick-Wolf, enbuttel. O L Rl Meodta. IH. rt : H od Tonr J puce Pile Cur and foord l a nr and iroanr n enr.n For tale hr John Y Maeai AC dl of the skin rnrri, and iri cnmp'tl n restored hv Johnaon's Oriental Boap. For sal by John Y MacKae. Human Nature Mother I wish you would take up the dead leave in the yard. Small Sammy I've got a sprain in my wrist, an the rheumatism in my bS'k, an' growing pains in my right eg, an' an' rraiup iu my left one, an' headache, an' toothache. Mother After yon have raked the eaves into a pile, you may set in on fire and jump over it. Sammy Whoopee ! where's the rake? John V MaeRae. draggist. will tell yon th t Johnson's Magnetic Oil al ays eive attiffHction and ia the clifB' est f 1 00 p'z- 50 cents ; 60 cents (ze 25 cents. Kver so many have been waiting io hear of au electric bicycle, and it seems sure to come. Any now legs are 110 longer necessary, for the motor cycle is here. 1 11 it the motive power is produced by coal oil and as soon as rider takes his seat the machine does die rest. A gallon of oil, it is said, will drive a single seat motor 200 miles. For col'c. ce-nr, sprain , Vrulsef a 'In. swelling nrvl all (leiap o' h"rs anrt cattle -'ohPsonV Msgneti' 01'. horse brnnd. civet , excellent sat' ii PcMo-1 $1 00 siz fi'f oent : BO eent six 21 cents Hold by John Y Mac Kae. druggist Under Iowa law husband and wife are one and can not conspire, bargain or do ary of the numerous; other. things which it requires two to accom plish. This oneness of husband and wife saved Mr. and Mrs. Mlitzger, of Council Bluffs, from prison for con spiring to defraud a neighbor. When Baby was sick, we paw her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she Lad Children, she gave them Custoria, Read What They Say. The Ralekih Evening Visitor ap pears in a new dress and in an enlarg ed form. It thus commemorates its fifteenthbirth day. Charlotte Demo crat." Kaleigh's oldest daily, Thb Evening Visitor, appears in a handsome new dress. Under the direction of Mr. Fred. A. Olds The Visitor is rapidly forg ing to the front as a local paper. Durham Globe. The Raleigh Evening Visitor has recently come out iu a new dress of type and in an enlarged foi.n. It is is a great improvement, and we wish the Visitor the good luck which it richly deserves. Wilson Mirror. The Raleigh Visitor celebrated its fifteenth birthday by appearing in a new suit, and enlarged to six columns, last Monday. We congratulate the Visitor on this evidence of prosperity and wish it much more. Wilmington Star.: The Ralekih Evening Visitor ap peared Monday evening in an enlarged form and a new duress of type, and its general appearance greatly improved. For fifteen years it has enjoyed the confidence and patronage of the pub lic and we hope a long and prosperous existence is before it.- Christan Sun The Evening Visitor has donned a new dress and it looks well in it. Col Olds, the city editor, is a born news paperman, and he is making a paper that Kaleign is proud of. : The V isi tor is not only one of the oldest, but it is now one of the best afternoon dailies in the state. -North Carolin ian..'-. The Raleigh Evening Visitor came to us Tuesday decked out in a new dress. It is now a six column folio, with nice clean print. Thb Visitor has stood the storms and hard tunes for 15 years, and ia now a better pa per than ever. May it continue its good work, and much success to you, Bro. Brown. Clarksville (Va.) Chron icle. . The Raleigh Evening Vjsitor has got "unbeknownst" to itself and comes out in a new dress of type and in enlarged form. We are pleased to observe this evidence of prosperity and spirit of enterprise on-the part of our esteemed contemporary. The Visitor has held its own against all obstacles and is getting to be one of the ancient as well as honorable insti. tutions : of its kind In the state Long may it continue to grow and prosper. Henderson Gold Leaf. Thb visitor 26 DAT3 25c for Infants a.torla hi ao wrll adapted to children that I recommend It an superior to any prescription known to nie." IL A. Aacuia, M. D., ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The uaa of Castoria Is so universal and Its merit so well known that It aeema a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are th intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy vach." Cuxua Marty, I). !., New York City. The CEHTArn. : p A p ' ' ' ' PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT g and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula Hs- P. P. P. parifles the blood, ballds up .the weak and debilitated, gives atrenRth to weakened nerves, expels diseaaes.givinic the patient health and fBte... happiness where sickness, glouniv feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary T syphilis, for blood poisoning', mercn-s- rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin disease, like T blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, W tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas. -b eczema- we may say, without fear of " contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best fcs blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures In all cases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned " and whose blood is in an impure condi 's. tion, due to menstrual irregularities, irL are peculiarly benetlted by the woo- i derf ul tonic and blood cleansing prop aw ertiesof P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Springfield, Ho. t Aug- 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of sb your medicine from my own personal Knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, waa treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with stR ' oat finding relief. I have only taken 0 one oottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than anything I have ever taken lean recommend your medicine to ail b aufierers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YE ARY. T Springfield, Green County, Mo BITKWELL & DUNN, Wholesale -.3 a lira, 3.03 PER YEAR. , E V E N I N C PCBLISHED every evenino eXOBPT 8UHDAT. Have you an "ad." in THB VISITOR? If not, now lsna time to Insert one. ,. 1. i.w. iWVTfc a -! i in i.iimi 1 1 1 j and Children. Caatorta cures Colic, Oonatlpeitna, Sour Stomach, DUirfccea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gites sleep, and prontotr dl- Keatton, Without Injurious medication. "For pveral years I nave recommended your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results," F.nww F. P Annas, M. D., 1'Ath Ktrwt and Tib Are., New York City. Compact, Hubjut 8tust, New You Crrr. Pimples, Blotches 5 and Old Sores Ei , , . Catarrh, Malaria t Kidney Troubles Are entirely reniovea by P.F.P. ' Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potss- slum, the greatest blood purifier on s eartb. g Abebdehk, O.. July 21,191. -9 Messrs. Lippmam Bros.. Savannah. Ga. : Dear Sirs I bought a bottle of " "" ?ourP. P. P. at Hot Sprints, Ar.. snd S9 t hss done me more good than three months treatment at the Hot Springs. " Send three bottles C. 0. 1. -( BeapectfuKy yours, JAB. M. NEWTON. -ss Aberdeen, Brown County, O. . ay Capt. 1. 0. Johnston. To all vhom U may concern: I here- " by testify to the wonderful properties vs of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I m suffered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on Mgstt my faee. 1 tried every known reme . dy bnt In vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. -Rft (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, L Savannah, Ga. tV Skin tisecr Cared. " teitimony from the Mayor of SequitTeX. " SRQrjiic, Tsx., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippuan Bros. . Savannah, "Ba" Ga. : Genttetnen 1 have tried your P. B P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin canoer.of thirty years' ssv standing, and found great relief: it m purines the blood and removes all ir- "T rltatlon from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the sores. 1 have taken Ave or six bottles and feel confident that another course m will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and stomach BB" troubles. Yours truly, -sss CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. " ejs Book on Blood Diseases Moiled Free. ALL DRUQGIBT8 BELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. , PROPRIETORS, Llppmu'i Block.SaTannah, Qst and Retail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. V I S I T O R Bat kirn's Arnica Naive. Th boat q ibe vorld for eut, bralre, warr. Bler. saJt rboom. f r ore, lHr. cha pad hands, ebll blalo. roro rl all eklo troptloDa, and pc-ettlTelf care ptlrt, or no pr required. Il is cntraoteed to rIt prfret rktlsfaedoo or fflonjr rvfnod ed. Price Vt ornte it poi. For rale by John Y MseHao S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. CONIE! ED SCHEDULE. IN YVrCT M AliCB 'VI. j Trains Iavr Kulelicii, ! 6 80 A M-"lly, Ulauta Special," Puilmau Vestibule for Ben dtnou. Weldon, Peter, burif, Kichuiond, Washlnif ton, Baltluiore, Ptillmlel. pbia. New York and all point north. Buffet draw Ion room cleepersand Pull man coacbe Atlanta to Washington, parlor earn Washington to New York Arrives at Wachit gtoo 3 40 p ui , Baltimore 4 S4 p in PliiUdolphiii 713 . ui , York Wf8 p m ; also f' Porli-iLoiilli, .S'orfok, U!d Point and local station f and K K. R '1 23 A M Daily exo-pt r'unday, for Uui1treou. weliion, onf- folk, Portsiuooth, Norfolk , and iuti-ruidiate Bta'iouB. . connects at Portftiunu'h i with BavLineforOld Point : and Baltimore, with Nor , folk and Wattiii gtou Meam ooat ;o , lor VVHHhiutftO". with N Y. P & N KB for Philadelphia and f oiuts uorlh; alsoHt Weldon with AtUutic Coat Line fur Kiclimoud. waghingtou, Hal in ore, Philadelphia aud Wfw Vork Through Hlei-pere Weldou to Nev York ani with Scotland iNeck Branch for (ireen ville W wsbiug on aud Ply mouth. 8 r0 A M Daily. "Atlanta Ppecial," Pullman Vectibult for 8o. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, (.'heater t'liutun, Hrpen wood, Abbpville, Atbenf, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Chatta nnoga, Nashville, Memphis and k points south and southwest Through Pull man Buff" Sleepers and day coachrs Washington to Atlanta connecting direcr ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverging lines 10 15 A M Daily, exepf. Bumiav, for Southern Pines. Hamlet, M a x t o n, VVi'uiiugton. i Wadesboro, Monroe, Char- I lotte, Iincolnton, Sbelbv, j Rutherfordtouand all IocmI I siatione O 0. R B. and H it A A L B R , coniiects Ht Sanford with O P 4c Y V. R R for FayettevHe. ttreeusboro, Winston and Mount 4 iry at Hamlet wbh train for 0 8. & N. R R via wir.eon, tor Bennetts ville, Darlington aud Sum ter and Charleston, arriv ing Charleston 84i p ui. rains Arrive Raleigh : 8 05 AU Daily. "Atlanta Special 1 Pulhun Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Wash'ngton, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poiuts north Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull nau Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 60 P M Daily, except Sunday, from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P & N. R. R , also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington anl Eastern Carolina points via Wei don.Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 6 15 A M Daily, "Atlanta Spucial," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athens.Abbeville, Greenwood, Chester and points south. Pullman day coaches and sleep it Atlan ta to Washington. 6 00 P M Daily, except Sunday, from Charleston, Sumter, Ben nettsville. Wilmington, Shelby, Llncolnton, Char lotte and all local stations C. C. R R and R & A. R. R ; also from Fayetteville and Greensboro via fan" ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Hamlet and local stations 3 50 p. m , returning arrives Johnson street 10 55 a m for Henderson and intermediate stations 7 00 p. m ; re turning arrives Johnson street 8 1 a. m. Passenger leaving Raleigh at in 15 a m arrives at Greensboro 2 48, Char lotte 445 p in , returning leaves Char lotte at 11 40 a ui , Greensboro 12 59 p. m , arrive Raleigh 6 00 p m. No. 184 and 127. "Atlauta 8oecial," are solid Pullman vestibuled trains composed of magoiilcent day coaches and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and Atl-nta without change, on which there Is no extra fare charged. For Information relative to sched ules, fto., apply to ticket agent, or A J Cooke, 8 P A.RUtigh. JOHN H WINDER. Gen'l Man'g'r. r. J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pass Agt. JAPANESE CURE A Msw and Complets Treatment, constating o. )UPPOSITORIK9. Capsules of Ointment and two RnxMof Ointment. A nnvnr-fnlHncr Cure for Pile? f every nature anil degree. It makes an operation Jrith the kmie or Injections of oarbolic acid, which ire painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often (esuitinff In death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible diesase? We guarantee 6 DOiea to oure any oae. Yoa only pay for oeneflts rseelved. II a box, 8 for (S. Sent by mall, auarantaea lasuae by our agents. nfiNTIPATinNCured' Pll Prevent)), the treat LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PUB1FIEH. Small, mild and pleanaet to take, especially adapted for children's use. U'pom oents. - i fl 1DAJUXTXXB lesutd only by V? foho T, HmRMi DragstUt, Balelgb Ricbmocd 4 Ptmille 8. R. Co. Uiuuel SpBCtr, F. IT. llnld ksprmnd IteubB Foaler.It. eel era. RICH. 4 DAN.; AND N, C DIVISIONS, Condensed Schedule. In e(Tcl Juno 7. 18M. 'UILT. Nv. u i. p m U4" 3'1 r 3i 560 7 8 No 11 A M 12 VI . i4t 8 30 35 700 8 40 P M t- 0i 810 6 45 6 41 85 OUTHrl " !i. L If Ir-1 t:.K ,1 Lv I ur.- i'le. Lv krvhVill), Ar li.ti;lp. -l.v !..t le Ar ie-i.horo. t M 6 0 K 8 A M Lv ioll ion, Ar Ks rij i, Lv K'iieiKli, t Lv Durham, : Ar (irerusboro, no 4 05 4 10 sit 7 80 a tn P M L WiDoD'Baleui, tti5 Lv Gref Dsboro, 7 35 Ar HalUbory, 'J Cb Ar Statesrille, Ar Anheville, Ar Hot 8priDge, A M p M 5 40 t05 8 45 flf8 10S5 8 11 11 19 4 OU p m 6 86 p in am am 915 11 80 8 11 10 40 11 u 9 25 m m p m 12 57 8f8 1187 a ru 1 52 2 05 13 28 p m 5 20 9 30 8 65 p m am 10 50 8 ?0 am p m 8 45 4 04 ) 10 30 8 4 5 30 4 8) 1010 9 3J DAILY. Nf-e N No 8G410 12 SH P H AM P M 7 00 180 A M 3 iO 5 10 6 40 8 80 P M 9 00 8 00 12n AH P M P II 6 30 ti '0 8 29 7(10 7 00 8 80 8 ' 8 23 9 49 Lv 8M,lHiry, Ar ie, Ar bpartanburg Ar Grtea? ille, Ar Atlauta (O T) Lv Charlotte, Ar Aufirusta. Ar Charleston (Sr ' r Havanna (f,ct Ar Jacksonville, SOUTHBOUND Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(C T) r Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisburv. Lv Hot Springs, Lv AsheVille, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbnry, 12 44 280 711 800 P M 8 30 1005 A M 9 25 T.o RuliaK - it OJ 9 49 1119 j Ar Greensboro, 1U05 ! ArWinston8alem,ll 15 t2S Lv Greensboro, 1010 12 01 12 n 8 85 P M AM 1 00 780 3 00 n 0J p in t i 00 J 00 i 00 AM P M j4i 410 4 !0 835 720 720 1C 10 1010 1100 P M AM 1145 1140 8 27 P Af A atf 218 3 29 83 0 3 00 4 08 ;4 08 460 , 620 .6 30 Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh. Ar Goldsbaro, Lv Goldsboro, Lv Raleigh Ar Greensb ro, LiV Wreensboro i Ar Danville, Ar Keysville, Ar Bnrkeville, Ar Richmond, tDaily except Sunday. E Berkley, J 8 B Thompson, 8rpt, Snpt. Greensboro. N 0. Richit-od.Vn W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing ton, DO. 8 H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt. Atlanta, Ga. W H Green, Sol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Man'g'r, Washington, D 0. Washington.D O . ORJSOLKAJXD CAROLINA R.H OOHDHHSKD 80HEDULB. South Bound Train. No. 101 A. M. 39 50, 10 15 10 27 11 02 11 20 11 37 11 52 12 31 12 53 ,120 Nonh Train. No. 100 STATIONS. P. M. L've Kuer's "oint Arrive 525 2 01 4 47 4 14 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 217 1 6q L've L've L't L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers. Arrive Suffolk ,Gatea, - Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Kocky Mount, Amve Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've P. M. M, No 101 makes connection at Rswkv Mn,nt with W 4 W Train No 23 for all point South, and No 78 train for all points North. GMSBKPJtb, J R K.BNLY, - Gen'l Managd. Snpt Tralna T Agt Atiantlc (Joast Lin. Jllmlngiou & Weldon Railroad and Branohos. Condensed Stnednl. TRAINb GOIK SOUTH. Oated My 13. No 88 No 85 No 41 18U4. Dallv. Dallv Daily. 8 00am Le Weldon, 1 5 'am 9 27pm ArRockyMt, 102am JoSOpio Ar Tarboro, 2 4 am Le Tarboro, 86am Le Wilson, 8 68am 11 01 pa Ar Selma, 2 58am Ar Fay'tville 4 35am 12 51 Ar Florence, 7 25am 8 00 Lv Wilson, 818pm Le G'dsboro, 805pm Le Magnolia, 4 16pm Ar Wirgton, 8 60pm 6 95am 7 8joi 8 89am 10 00am TRAINS GOING NORTH. Wo 78 No 88, Wo 40. r r,, Pa"y- "y- Dally, Lv Florence; 7 8am 7 85pm UFav'tTlU1085atn 8 80pm Ly Selma, 18 08am kt Wilsor., 1 00am 11 87i m No 48 nallvV Lt WiTgton, 9Q0an 700r)m F KSlia10 40aa 8 8ipm Lv G'dsboro, U I5an , 9 40Dm r w KoK Daily 81 Daily P Lv Wilson, 110 pm 1187ain 10 8 'pm Ar RookyMt,, ,18 05am 11 15pm ar Tarboro, 8 44pm Lt Tarboro. 18 85pm Lv Rook Jilt 8 18pm 18 05am kt Weldon, 8 09pm 18 S'am JOB JF DXTIKB, I .W'Jp r y : : i I - i mm km - - m s s UTMT