4 i i J ? i I , v. V. i i j ...!. . : ft - J Jr : If i i EXE1IHGXISIT0R; PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Eiccpt Sunday) EVENING VISITOR ITB.CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, 25 cents per month. Prices (ir nuilini;, f J per year, or 25 cents per month. Oilice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. 51. BROWN, Sk.. M'tr'r, Ualeigli, X. C. M ALK1UII, JULY 3. I SI) I. NOTICE TO SI BSCKIBEKS. If subscribers fail to ft their paper ! in future tliey will do a favor by re-! porting the failure to this ollice. Subscriptions to the VisrroK may be I left at Xo. 327 West Jones street,.' 3:24 West Lane street, Hiid CIO Kast lavie ( atreet. I HINTS TO BUSINESS MEN! ; tt.iod advertising consists in the se- , lectiou of a few strong, quick sell spe- ! eialtics, tnf taud as the representatives ! of your stock in price, pattern and; quality. I'o tradesman need lack for j a specially. Let specialties sell staplss always and try to take rank among your competitors as one who is the quickest to recognize a good thing and the first to sell it. Invite patrons to come and see you. The. great advertisers of the country never cease reminding the people of their names, location and nature of . business. Advertising is an imest mont and newspaper advertising col umns are a boon to man. They help him out of bis iroiihVi and into the smiles of prosperity. The Pennsylva nia railroad ad.ertises exclusively in the newspapers. There is no. a great business thai has baeu built in the past ivventy years nithoitt the aid of newspapers. This atv is too bustling and com petition is ton great for the merchant to allow himself any longer the luxury of waiting si'pinely behind his coun ter for trade, lie must show in ad vance of the purchase just what he has to sell and how he intends to sell it, and a persistent, publication of his wares is the means by which such showing est n be made, Frank Siddall, the Philadelphia soap man. says: 'I have conlined my advertising entirely to newspapers. The man who does not read a news paper does not use soap." The sugar bounties paid by the pub lic treasury last year am Hinted to $115,000,00. ' The pending tariff bill surpasses all previous ones in the number of amend ments that have been made to it since Mt was introduced. The prohibition party appears to be growing in Texas. It has held a state convention and nominated a full ticket without assistance from any other party. ' Yesterday 250 deputy marshals and seventy-five deputy sheriffs sent to Blue Island, Illinois, to raise the em bargo on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad traffic were over powered and whipped by a mob of over to nm ..i..:!....... -.l 'ni... 1 y.uw .bmuvcms nuu ny uipai ui.ers. . xne cond regiment of Chicago has been ''JSered to the scene. Sunday was the hottest day Xew Orleans has ever seen. The mercury registered 104 in the shade. Five per sons are are dead and a number pros trated. A: base-ball game had. to be stopped on account of the excessive heat and players had to be taken to the hospital in ambulances. A num ber of animals have been killed. The suffering has been intense for several days and deaths are more frequent than ever before,. . Massachusetts has a new law passed, establishing a standard ink for use in " every state and county office. This was caused by the discovery that inks have been used for many years on . bocksyof record which fade, often rendering their contents illegible in a few months. It would be well if all the states and the federal govern ment had such a law, requiring all accepted writing . fluids to stand conclusive chemical tests, and thus in 8 .ire the permanency of public records. Rev. E. E. Willey, a congregational minister, was to have lectured last Sun day at Sedalia, Mo., at a Chautanqua. He was informed that the programme, as originally prepared, had been re arranged, however, and there was no time allotted him. Mr. Willey umpired a ball game at Hermann, Mo.r4i couple of Sundays ago, and this was the direct cause of his being shut out from the day's programme. He does not deny the charge that has been brought against him, and also admits that he preached that same evening, bat says in explanation that hia presence on the ball grounds was an accident. Macartney and Chapman, the recal citrant broker who refused to tell the aenate. committee whether an Senator had speculated tu augur through their means, represented by judt'e Shallabarer an counsel, ap peared in the criminal court yesterday and pleaded not guilty to the indict ment fonnd against them. Chapman gave $1,000 bail for his hi appear ance. .Macartney was already under bail. The arguments are tu be heard in the case Home time in August. There has not been a war within the last quarter of a century, except the Franco-Prussian conflict, hslf ho de structive to property as the warfare now in progress against the western railroads. Whether this irrational conflict shall also be attended by hu man slaughter reniainsto be seen. The best guaranty against anarchy and bloodshed,- and therefore the most merciful course to be pursued toward i the boycotters themselves is in ener- ; getic and prompt suppression of the ' strike. j Resolutions of Respect. i At the last meeting of Kpworth league, Xo. 24. the following resolu tions were adopted: od the Father having chosen from among us our dead brother. William K. Pell, to represent this league in the greater league of purified brotherhood and fellowship: and, Whereas, We deeply appreciate the singular hearty and purity of the Christ-like character of him who has fallen asleep; and feeling that the re membrance of his life can but be an inspiration to each of us to grow into a closer likeness to the Perfect Pat tern; therefore, be it Resolved, 1. That Kpworth league, Xo. 24, laments sorely the loss of this young life, he having been an active worker in the league since its organi zation until the last illness. - Resolved, 2, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing mother, praying that God the comfort er may strengthen and uplift her in this great grief. Resolved, 3. That a copy of these resolutions be sent the mother .of the deceased and also to the city papers for publication. A. F- Row k.n, C. Ml U.Kit Hl'liUKS, Telfair Hohto.v, Hk.nky J. Yor.(i, Committee, Love's Strategy. A story is told in central Maine of a young woman who distanced pater familias, so to speak, in a matter of parental authority. "Xow, Mary Jane," said the stern parent, "I will consent to your going to the dance at the Corner this evening only on one condition." "What is that ?" asked Mary Jane, meekly, her eyelids drooping pathetically. "It is," said the father, "that you won't let that young scapegrace, '-, bring you home." "I'll promise," said the maid, and she Went to the dance. Scene next morning: "I thought you promised me not to let that fellow bring yon home," said the angry parent, with fire flashing from his eyes. "He didn't bring me home," said Mary Jane, archly. "Rut he came home with you, for I saw him." "Yes, but he didn't bring ine. I told him what I had promised, so we walked home and he led the horse." Lewiston Journal. Speciuieu 0u8cS. 8 H Clifford, New Caseel, Wis. was troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism; his stomach was disordered, bis iver was affected to an Manning de cree, apretite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles o Electric Bitters cured him. . Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing Used three bottles of Electric Bitrers aDd seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg 1 sound and well John Speaker, Oa f.awba.. O. had flr larca fovr inma on bis leg, doctors said he was i"ou, LI. I I 1.1 n, . . . - . rnuie. uub Dottie uiectric iJitterc d one b-x Hacklen's Arnica Halve cu-ed him entirely. Sold by John Y VlacKae, . The latest news from China is to the effect that 700 persons have died of the plague at Hong Kong and that the pest is breaking out in new quar ters. : , A million If rieuds. A friend in need is a friend Indeed, nd not. Ias than nna mlllinn nunln have found just such a friend in Dr Klno-'a New ItiannvArv tnr Hnnmnmn tion, Coughs and Golds. If you have never used this great congh medicine, one trial will convince 50a that it has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of Throat, Obest and Lungs. Each bottle g guaranteed to do all fViat la nl,lm,H i 111 V. . - funded. Trial bottles free at John Y MaeRae's drag store. Large bottles AOeaad ft. JHE 181111 llll! FEW m:soxs why you ahouM buy your pantry tipnitt from me. MY HOOKS ARK MkKITtV Livi Rfgi i RIOUfl rvm- we b'lT the brrt to be hail 'n each rarlicti lr Pne wecar y MY8ER VICK l0Ol. because mv clerk a nil portew are polit anil attentive to the wants of all cii'toniern, bin or 'inle aril goods are pmini tlv iMivereil 're ay wl ere in the rit v. MY PRICK are as low a can befoin.d anv-liee. Phone 2S. It t JOHNSON, agt, 16 Ha'gett street- is a wieiitiflc f six of the l ines known Foil nam: jTxr 11. ni tiiii:s, itttiiu. i The riitht ( Peter Pruicis'lOhiiu. Crivkcry. illivswirc. bius. Toilet Articles, To Patent Alarm Lock, state, jLamps and Table Qillerv.'baiViN.(ii:.ir, soda and min countvor the V. i-.: terms' Also a specially ul he Cie.iineT.il waters, call on O O easv; call on or w rite t Peter francis, Gr. FayettevilleiSj Davie sts. boxes, lemon stoves, tly tans, JT DON'T cost one cent to have w ork done at IUkkis' Steam Dvf Works. .lust brini; ah nit; yuiir old cliches. We take them fur charges. Ant ioeplmliigine ! I (Aiiti-cephal-algine.)! The Great Hea lacLe anil i Netii'u'gia ''eticilv. Cures quii kiy ami 9ufe'y heil "he ; in ail iit- var'ous forms. ' Manuf.otilv iiv 1 roi .Jai I Johnson, Kaleiti. "'5 5 k: tot j Korsa'e by all Jruggist. - II ,1'HIX'OV, J, KK.M.KHIX atap!e air I F.mcy (irm-er-;ts, Kiiie t 'ipirs a ) I Toia'vo'!. Fruita Vepetahle"', Ac, mi li lUborc atrtet. new opera house; imnutactu rerofall kinds kevs for any 25 lock. Locks rep.tire.l in the! city on slii ul notice. Prices t suit. Key checks, &c. Ofi-h k of S. ('iiiiitr.v, 21 Drayfuii St., Savannah. ia., Dec. Iti'lS'.ll. Messrs. Lipjinian I!ims., Savanna'i.tia: ltear Sirs 1 would like tu add my testimony to the almost miraculous effect ofV. 1', l'. in the case 1 if Mary lngialinin. a woman living mi my plnce; she had a coustaut cougli, sore throat, debility, etc., and w.is emaci ated to a degree that she was unable to get out of unaided, being given up by physicians: she had taken 1 he r iiu ous so-called blood medicines without the least effect, until being put under the 1'. 1'. 1'.. tin- immediately began to improve and is' now in as good health as ever -in her life. You can refer to me ai any time as to the ef fects of P. P. P. in the foregoing case. Yours truly, Samuel Chukky. A MARSHAL SAVED LIFE AND HAIR. MoNTiCELLii, Fla., Jan. 21, 1S90. For the last eight years I have been in bad health, suffering with malaria, rheumatism, dyspepsia, dropsy. My digestion was bad. and my hair all came out, in fact I was nearly a wreck. I had taken kidney and blood medi cines, which did me no good. 'When I began taking A. P. P., about three months ago, I was as weak as a child. I have only taken four bottles small size, and today I am a well man and my hair has "come again." I cannot recommend P. P. P. too highly. W. F. Wake, Marshal, Monticello, Fla. F. C. Owens, witness. Uurvvell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Lost Found. For Rent. Wanted. For Sale. Situation Wanted. Help Wanted, THE VISITOR is THE paper for you to advertise in. 4TLANTI0 & MOUTH UAKO LIN A KAILKOAD. Time Table No. 26. Passesoer Trains Daily, Exc.Slwday. 3 EAST. 4 west. AH LV. AR. P. M. P. M. i STATIONS. A. M. LV. A. M. 3 20 Goldsboro, 11 10 3 43 3 46 Best's, 10 36 10 40 3 56 3 59 LaWrange, 10 22 20 25 4 11 4 13 Falling Creek, 10 06 10 07 4 25 4 30 Kinston, , 9 48 9 53 4 45 4 45 Caswell, 9 39 9 39 4 55 4 55 Dover, 9 28 9 28 5 09 5 09 Core Creek, 9 12 9 12 5 21 5 25 Tuscarora, 8 55 8 58 5 31 5 31 Clark's, 8 48 8 48 5 50 5 58 Newbern, 8 17 8 30 6 25 6 25 Riverdale, . 7 52 7 52 6 go 6 30 Croatan, 7 47 7 47 6 46 6 46 Havelock, 7 31 7 39 7 03 7 06 Newport, 7 10 7 13 7 14 7 14 Wildwood, 7 03 7 03 7 18 7 18 Atlantic. fi BS B 8 7 28 7 33 Morehead City, 6 42 6 47 ' 7 43 Morehead Depot. 6 25 Train No. 4 connects with the w. & w. train bound north, leaving Golds boro 11:55 A. M., and with H. & D. train west, leaving Goldsboro 2:35 p. m. Train 3 connects with B. & p. train arriving at Goldsboro 12:15 P. m., and with w. & w. train from the north at 2:55 p. m. S. L. DILL, Supt. ; FOli 8 ALE. Potato all pa, cabbage and tomatoj plants for aale by R M Utzniao, con ner Dawson sod Jojeg atreeta. . ml aim ltW.UW ooiurd plants. O FOIWYTHF, I8LSB IM UroVrics, Cnfetionerirt, Ti Air Hfi TM Foreign and Uhucmk- Fruits. IW. mmiikik Tinware a spciialtv. I I tiuvt nri. fti.irinttfHl eombinationi No. 122 tjst Mirlin street. best medi-i to the lri-! J- I.LOLIv, fession for cleansing, pn-' J rifying, building up and) Sit.it Writer. streiiirtlieliing thehiimaiii , , . r 01 .ii1 IW of relcrcikcs. system. haiuplet at allj drugstores. Try it. Sat-()rjers Soluitt-d from anv isfaction guaranteed. , Jisuiiif. Freezers, retrerators, icelKINO. The ciimpoiiiulini; su'eers, oil nl pievriptions a specially tly brushes. ICor.W'ilininjjuin .Exchange. g W, Kl.Xi, General Agent fo K WANG LU'fl R'tYAI, CHIXtSE LATN Itl'.Y POI.I8H. The on'y jwrfc-t preparation in use It pum Kli-h ou linen like eraiue' and saves onr-haif the labor of iron'iw. Keej s the clothes clean longer and washes much tasii-r. A 'so aceut for the TanrVer'sons Nri:-Ex-p'osive Saf'ty Lamp lturner ( t.) doz3n now 111 use in thi ciiv ): will ti'a i,y size Hat wick lamp, t Iso agi'nt fo' other honsnh M nov elties, sich as "Stove M 'tteus." Tillow Sham HoUlera.aiiil other irooil novelties at verc low prices. Hol'inilv 'on onlers by U w Ki 405 S Wilmington st, near Harrison home. Ageut wauled T w BI,.Kr, JKWEI.KIt end Optician. Watches. I xkjand il erware. S"rchri!iizl time wltH the IT 8 Observatory daily. 117 Farettevilie street, Kale-gh, N 0. CENTS A MONTH- 1-2 PRICE PUFF. MSII SHIRTS 7.rc, former prices $1.25 and jl..r)0. we ahe iifkf.ui.no to make room for fall stock CLOTHIERS SHATTERS Administrator's Notice. HaviDe this diy Qualified as administra- tor of the estat? of wile Moss, deceased, this is to notify all rersons haviu claims against, saul estate to-present them on or be fore the 19th dy of June, 1895. or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery; anil all persons indebtei to said esta e are Hereby notilied to make immediate pay ment. JCMARCOM. Adm'r; June 19, 1891. Administrator's Notice. Having this dav qualified as administrator of ths state of Kunbral Kelly, deceased, thi ia to notify all persons holding claims afainit the said estate to present the name tome on or before the 23 h dav of May, 185, or this tioti-e will be plead in bar of tieir recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate are he eby notifie 1 to make im mediate payment JOMARCOM, May 25th, 1894 6 jv Aiminiatrator. FOR CTS. In Postage, we will send A Maniple Knvelope, of either WHITE, FLESH or EIll JiETTE li OVOER. Tou have seen H advertised for many years, but have you ever tried it? if not, yon do not know what an Ideal Complexion Powder la. beeidee being an acknowledged beantinor, baa many refreshing- uses. It prevents ohaf-ng.ann-bnrn, wind-tan. lessens perspiration, eto.i Infaetitlsamostdelloateanddeslrnble protection to the face during hot weather. It la Sold Everywhere. a rw Baiupn,, wiaresa J. A. POZZO Nl CO. St. Louis, Mo MHirrioH this FApea. idd r CENT5 J s ir 'Ca.xLixf aot-arers S"ta."boxL03? BLANK BOOKS of all kinds. PF.ALF.R.4 IS Pipe Statioi?c ryP Sdiool Supple of all kinds. Orliire Supplies a specialty. I'lmne 142. Special atlentloni Ji.rdrs. W. G. SEPARK. Miniger. J. TURNIP splendid assiirtini-nt nf th Turnip Seed just leceive.d; 5 Hal tterlbarn) LiIa Water0 This justly jiopulnr water will make you feel emnfortable, and cheer ful. It ref uliites the bnwi-ls, riirrs dyspepsia in all its forms, and is a "panacea" fur all bladder and kidney troubles. Keeehed dirivt from f he Springs every few days, and de livered In any part nf the eity at 20 eents per half gallon buttle. Try if. J. Hal. Uohwtt. I have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fountain llever ag -s, and spare neither pains imrexpeuse to pleas the must fastidious. . MAXIM .s my soda is good or bad, likewise will my drugs par Ink of the same reputation. J. Hal. IlountTT. 1 have Domestic I'igars and Havana Sugars from five to twenty live cents. Nothing cheaper. . J. Hal. Bobbitt. Prcscrip4Ip When you ha ve them cDmpounded- at my store, the doctors of Kal eigh are sati.'ied that, you are doing all you can for your sick. J. Hal. Bobbitt. I buy direct from the manufacturers the 8trictly High Grade Sewing Machines known as THF STANDARD,' and offer those at the lowest prices. A good machine at Bottom figures. I also keep always on hand full linei of machine sup plies, such aa needles, parts and attachments. One of my specialties h the repairing of ma chines of any make, this ba'n done at your home or at my olflce I have had Years of Experience in tuia business and Guarantee Satisfaction. . Hogi, cattle or any kind of country pro dace taken in ezohange for machines GK MARTIN, 13 West Hartrett Street. h20m cMATSJRADEMAisT ,.ir rnnDiouTe - i- wwr i rviun t o. w CABf I OBTAIN A PATENT Por a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write fo Ml NN dfc CO., who have had nearly tlity years' experience In the patent business. Communloa tlons strictly oonndeutiat. A Handbnek of In formal ton ooneernina Patenta and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan tool and sctentlfle books sent freeT T """"" Patent taken i throngh Munn k Co. receive (peciul notice In the HcieniIHe Americas, and thua are broueht widely before the public with. , pot cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa by fax the largest circulation of any sclent I Be work In the wSldIj,3JfJTar- """J!'? oopies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, iiw a year. Blnila npiea, 23 oenta. Every number sontaina beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plana, enabhnf builders to sbow Uta ladeslgna a siniraintrai Addreaa JalUUi tXa, aiaa Kiuut, Ul aoaiwafi Boppitt DS best varieties of Buist's new erop evil's vr ouii'-e, or 50 cents per lb. J. Hal. Hvibuitt. FOB1894. The publishers take pleasure in announo ing that "The Mor' ing Herald" has recent V h"eu enlarge I from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or 13 per year to mr.il subsoriberg. ea:h edition contains aa much news and more general reading matter than is printed by the Baltimore two-cent dailies. The 1'elegraphic Service of " the Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper. Its News Service ' l the .counties ia thor ough and reliable. its Market Reports are full, complete and accurate. Its illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not be found in any other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Bey Dr Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Monday morning's edition. " The Morning Herald" will continua to be an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in i;s statements and fearless in tha expression of iU opiniona "THE 8UNDAY HERALD," of 24 p iges, is the best Sunday paper in Bal timore, and ia sold at 3c per copy, or tl 60 fora year. "THE WEEKLY HE BALD" ia the cheapest and best eiiiht-psge weekly newspaper published in the Onitel tjUtes. uisauuutu auuauriHuuu oeiog uuo. ' JThe Mvning Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any person tending hia or her address, enolosing 6 cents, to tha HERALD P OBLISHINa 00., Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, Md. A BiOHHoria, General Manager. CHAPLOITE" " 0BSER7ER. A Daraocratio Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North Uaro link aui the South, f be beat advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 18 1 0 per year, i l: WfiiCKLY, II 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Oaldwill, Editor, Charlotte, NO. HfFor aale at Jsunaz M doaffar1! oewf aiand. fialehih, M U aX&U. 1 A