(. 1 I Pretty Is as Pretty Does. BY 4LIC1 CiT. Tbe .r wear a plain brown drr-sa. And aha ta atad spinner; To are her, qaiet a a uionse, Going about her silver house. Too would never, never, never gueiia t The wijr she g-U her dinner. She look aa if no thought of ill In all her life had HtirreJ her; but while she uioveit with careful tread. And while Hhe spins her silken thread. She la planniug, planning, planning still The way to do hoiii murder. Tli- trirl who reads this wimple lay. With eyeH down-drooped and tender, Remember, the old proverb nays That pretty is nn pretty doeHj And tuat worth does not go or stay For poverty or splendor. 'Tin not the honse and not the dress That makes the saint or (tinner. To Bee the spider ait and spin. Strut with her webs of silver in. You would never, never, never gne.ix The wjr ahe grta her dinner, News Notes. The Russian Czar recently found npon his table a document which set lorth that sentence of death had been pronounced upon him and that the sentence would be carried out witl: n twenty-four hours. This document was signed. "The society for the libera tion of the Russiaus." A few days afterward the Czar found upou the dressing table in his bedroom a skull, with the word "Alexander" inscribed npon the frontal bone. At Norfolk, Va., trouble appears to le brewing between the prohibitionists and their colored a Hies over the spoils. The six colored men voted for as conn cilnien in the fourth ward decided to protest to the new council last even ing against being ignored in the dis tribution of places about to be made. A race between a kangaroo and an -ostrich is to be run in Sydney, N. S. W., this month. It will be h handi cap. The course is one mile, and the kangaroo will have 200 yards start. The ostrich is now being fed on a light dint of broken oyster shells and glass to get her in condition. The funeral of president Ciirnotwi s one of the most imposing pageants even Paris has ever seen. The pro cession was long and imposing, and the trappings were gorgeous. After the orations the body was carried into the porch of the church and there de posited while the garrison of Paris and other military filed by. Then the body was laid in the crypt between the bodies of Rosseu and Victor Hugo. A Bushel of Corn. From a bushel of corn a dealer gets three gallons of whisky, which retails for $16. Of this the government gets $3.60, the retailer gets $7, the dis tiller gets $4, the railroad gets $1, the farmer who raised the corn gets 40c, .the consumer gets ten days or more in "the cooler," and the policeman and judge get good salaries for sending him there. Boston Transcript. Messrs. W. F. Burbank, of the Win ston Sentinel; Thad. R. Manning, of the Henderson Gold Leaf; W. W. Mc Dairmid, of the Lumberton Robeso nian; John 0. Tipton, of the Shelby Review and H. A. London, of the Chatham Record are at Asbury Park, attending the annual meeting of the national press association. They in tend to make an effort to have the as sociation meet at Asheville next year. Johnson's Urieutal Soap le file moat delicate faolal soap for ladles' use in existence, absolutely pore and highly medicated tor sale b John Y MacRae About five yearsago the marriage - of Miss Clemmie Tise and R. B. Brew er was celebrated in Winston. The family relations not being pleasant a separation followed, and last year the court granted the husband and wife a divorce, It appears that dissatisfac tion still existed ' as a new courtship was renewed which resulted ' in the ' couple reuniting their love and aff ec- - tions last week. The-twtf took the marriage vows withas much earnest ness as they did the first time. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer have a son five years old, the Sentinel says. -. r.xttaa If son want a, nil re. delicate oap for the complfibo, druggists will always recommend jonnsoo's Oriental Medicinal Toilet Soap at J i UacRae's. Y Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache and pains or vet? moo winuur in -A Inhnann'a M&trnetis OIL 1 I HOT Wt wj . - " . y'sise W e; 0c size 25o. Bold by John Y Doctor recommend "The Standard Sewing Machine" because of Ite light The Louiaiana legislature hat with out opposition voted an appropriation for statue of Thorny Lafon, the ne gro philanthropist, who died there a few months ago. It is inserted that this is the first statue ever erected to a negro in the south. Lafon. who was tJ years old when he died, left a fortuue of $GOO.O(K). nearly all to charity. N W P Draper, rirugeist. BprlogftVd, Mass writes: Japaoet Pl'e Cnre bar eired a ladi 8 v ars ftlintert; could uol wa'k ha'f a mile to the lai-t tbree vesrr; now walk any distance For ale by John V M fRi iMod'ok Vt h.lru, f H'iulog)m A'a, writ: "I porch' rd li bottle of your J tuM'f' Pile Cure fr in Mr luri (Joddeo end I' has entirely cured m- of esse of film of 9i veurr t-n1-li'K; will advise v friends to ose it " For sale bj J hn Y MacRae VThrn Bahy - sick, we pare her Castor!. Wh she woh a Cliihl, she i-rifd fur Custoria. When she became Miss, Khe clung to CaKtnrio, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Read What They Say. The R.M.F.iiiii Evesi.mi Visitor ap pears in a new dress and in an enlarg ed form. It thus commemorates its lift 'eiithbirth day. Charlotte Demo crat. iialeigh's oldest daily, The Kve.ni.no Visitor, appears in a handsome new dress. Under the direct ion of Mr. Fred. A. Olds The Visitok is rapidly forg ing to the Trout as a local paper. Durham Globe. The llaleigh KvKNi.Nu Visitor has recently come out in il new dress of type and in an enlarged form. It is is a great improvement, and we wish the Visitor the good luck which it richly deserves. Wilson Mirror. The Raleihh Visitor celebrated its fifteenth birthday by appearing in a uew suit, and eularged to six columns, last Monday. We congratulate the Visitor on this evidence of prosperity and wish it much moie. Wilmington Star. The Ralkiuh Kvenixu Visitor ap peared Monday evening in an eularged form and a new dress of type, and its general appearance greatly improved. For fifteen years it has enjoyed the confidence and patronage of the pub lic and we hope a long and prosperous existence is before it. Christan Sun. Hu. klen's Arnica Nlve. The best salve In tbe world for cote. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheniu. fe ver sores, tetter, chapped bands nhll blnins, corns and a'l skin eruptions and positively cures piles, or no pat required It Is crnaranteed to giv oerfect satisfaction or money refund rl Price 25 cents per pox. For sal lv John Y Vastus WnLDoUCLAS f sJr IT is the best. V1 WllWla N0 8QUEAKINQ. . tOKUUVAIN, FRENCH&F.N1AMELLE0CALF. 4-.3.sp FINECALF&KAN6AR01 3.5P P0LICE.3 Soles. 2.l7JBOYSSCH00LSrl0ES. LADIES WLDOUfiLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. Yon can aave money by purchasing W . i Dougina Shoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers ol advertised shoe! in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equaT custom work in style, easy fitting and wesring qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other inakeT-Take no substitute. If you dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by HELLER BROS. PENNSYLVANIA'S : Lcaiir.? : NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suflice to mnke a first class journal. THE spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of the Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, TUB FARM, WOMAN'S WORLD, SCIENCE, ART, LITERAURE, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every day. s SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, Daily and Sunday, one year, 3 00 4 00 Address The Record Pub Oo. 9i7-9i6Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. mm FfllMUIa Xhb visitor 26 PAY8 25o fcVj.VN.V.-V i','i1i'isWMiV,m i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i for Infants Caatoria In ao wi-tl adapta! to children tliat 1 m'uiiiiimiil it a BuTir t-taujr pmcriptton knoan to hm-." IL A Aai naa, L I , 111 Su. uxlurd St., i:ruuklya, N. Y. "The una of 'Castnrla it do universal and lis iiu-riu ho well known Hut it Mvinaawork nf uiK-nnHration to eiuluna; it. Few are the iuU-lllKeut funilllea who du u.A kiyp Castoria within easy rvarh." Vahum Makttm, !. )., New York City. Til a Ckiitads P P P ' 11 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures Srin Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. parlfles the blood, builds ap the we;ik and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, trloumy feeliDKand lassitude tirst prevailed. For primary, sr condary and tertiary syphilis, tor blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema we may say, without (ear of contradiction, that P. P. P. Is tbe bent blood purifier in tbe world, and makes fiositive, speedy and permanent cures n all cases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is In an impure condi tion, due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blorui cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, lh93. 1 ean speak iu the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal , knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 1 35 years, was treated by the very best frbytficians ana spent hundreds of dol ars, tried every known remedy with 1 out finding relief. I have ouly taken , one Dottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done me more fjod than anything 1 have ever taken, can recommend your medleine to all 1 sufierers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. IIURWELL & DUNN, Wholesale'and Retail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. A MOUTH, 13.00 PER YEAR. V E ft I N C PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING ,X0BPT BDKOaT. Have you an "ad." in THE VISITOR? If ttmato insert and Children. C aNtorla cum Colic, Ouoatlpatlon, Sour Ktouiach, Diarrhoea, ErucUtion, Kills Worms, iT V and promotes di- jreMtion, 1 Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommendnl your ' dastoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial nulu." F.dwik F. Pabdik, M. P., I'jTitb Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Oobhany, 77 Huajur Strut, New Yoax Cm. P'ples, Blotches E5 and Old Sores T . . . 3 Catarrh, Malaria g and Kidney Troubles lr entirely rcaorN by P.P.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potas- shin., the greatebt blood purifier on QP artb. 0 Abkbdhew , O. , July 21, 1891. Messrs. Lippham Bros., Savannah, Ga. : Dear 8irs I bought a bottle of "W f our P.P. P. at Hot springs. Ark. .and t has done me more good than three months'treatmentattheHotSprlnga. sw Houd three bottles C. O. D. Bespectful.y yours, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston -s9 To alt whom it may concern: I here p nw by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P- for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly nd disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried eTery known reme- . dy but in Tain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. tt (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, " Savannah, Ga, Skin Cnncer Cured. "W Testimony from the Mayor of SequiiiTe& Skqitin, Tki., January 14, 1893. Messrs, Lippwan Bros.. Savannah, -nW Ga. : liHtletntnl have tried your P. .sM P. P. fitr a disease of the skin, usually "Tr known as skin cancer ,of thirty years' standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and removes all Ir- mmmmw rltation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the sores. I nave taken flveor six bottles and feel confident that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach "vF troubles. Yours truly. -sbs CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law "s Book on Blood Diseases Mailed free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. PE0PEIET0ES, U?pman'sBlocfc,SaTannali,e V I s I T ' av" O R not, now la tha ov 23 S3 23 23 S.W333 83 S333 33 333333 23 23 23 23 EB9I99C VlilTiE! GIVES ALL THK LATKST NEWS. If you ire not a Kiibscriber, now i the tim to get tin lies! arternooii N)er published in THK VISITOR will est yoii .-ss tlmii ON K V'KNT -r Any. Snd your adtlifss and rft-ive a Ramjile eoj)y. EVENING VISITOR l'UH. CO., . W. M. Rkown, Maiuif-'er. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line CONDENPED SUB EDI' LE. IS kFFKCT JUBK 34, 'U4. Trains Leave Raleigh, 126 AM Paily, "ttlHuta Special," Pullman Vestibule for Hen derson. Weldon, Peters bnrif, Richiuond. Wfc,hin(f ton, Baltimore, Phlhdel. plna. ew York aud all point!) north. Buffet draw iui;roi iu (ileepersand Pull luan coacbes Atlauta to WBsbingtoti, parlor cars Wi-biLiptoD to New York II 50 A M -baily exc-pt unday, for Heiiderou. Weldoo, 8u( folk. Portsmooth, Norfolk aud iDtermedlate statiens, eouaectg at PortHiuoul h flth BavLlue for Old Point and Baltimore, witb Nor : folk ami Waphii'Kou Pteiin ' boat Co., for Washington, with N Y. P & N. R R. ' for Philadelphia aud points north; also xt Weldon with Atlantic Coant Line for ! Ricbinoud. U'aBhiiigton, 1 Pal iu ore, Philadelphia! and dew York Through sleepers Weldou to New York anl with Scotland Neck Branch for Green ville. Washington and Ply mouth. 5 80 am Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vectibule for So. Pines, Hamlet, Monro, Chester. Clinton, Hrreu wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Ohatta unoga, Nashville, Memphis anil -11 points south aud southwest. Through Pull mau BulTt. Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct, ly at Uulon depot Atlanta with diversing Hues 8 80 P M-D.iily, for Bouthern Pines, Hamlet, H i t o n, Wilmingtou. Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Llncolnton, Shelbv, Rutherford ton aud all local statione O C. R R. and R & A A L B R. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 6 15 AM -Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule from New York, Puiladelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poiuts north. Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull man Bullet oieepera ana day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 SO P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R , also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington anl Eastern Carolina points via Wei don, Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 1 20 A M Oaily, "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vesti&uie, irom Atlanta, Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood, Chester and points south. Pullman day coaches and sleep fr Atlan ta to Washington. 11 45 a M Daily from W i 1 m i n g t on. Shelby, Li'ncointon, uuar lotte and all local stations 0. C. R R and R & A. R. R ; also from Payetteville and Greensboro via San" ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Henderson and Intermediate stations o 01) p. m ; re turning arrives Johnson Street 9 05 a. in. Passenger leaving Raleigh at 8 31) p. m arrives at unarioue ni i) ui , returning leaves Charlotte at 9 4) a. tn., arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. m. No. 403 and 401, "Atlanta Boeeial,' are solid Pullman veatibuled trains, composed of magnificent day coaches and palace drawiug rooms euuet sleepers between Washington aud Vtl .nta without change, ou wniou there is no extra fare charged. For Information relative to 80161- ules, &c, apply to ticket agent, or A. J.Cooke. 8 P A , RaUlgh. JOHN H. WIHDBH, Gen'l MauV- l'. J. ANDEUSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is told with writtoi Aiiirf)nUt in rilr n6SS,Hoaimche and V euralgia and Wake tulneBs,Raut4ed by ex cessive useof Opium, ToDaoco ana aioo- ,AI. Uuil.l TtenMl. BE-PORE -.AFTER aion. floftaninsiof the Brain, canslngMlsary, Insanity and Death j Prematura Old Aa;, involuntary Lm;s, oaaMid by over-lndulgenoe, over-eiertion of the Brain and rroraot Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their natural vigor ana aoaoies me jvgm ox mvi uurm Luoorrboea and Female Weakness. A month's treat ment, In plain package, Dy mall, m any aaarem, . nor txn. K hnua 1&. with every K order we give a Written Guarantee to our or refund the money. Circulars bee. Quarantee Issued only by oar ei- aiusiTewD 1111111111 11 11 11 11 11 11 John T. P.O. If aoBa, JDrogfrlat, Raleigh Kichmocd $ tawiHe n. K. Co. Namuel Sveuctr, t V.'ltnltte boperuud KeubeD tvMlrr,lte celterit. RICH. & DAN.; AND N, C. DIVISIONS, t'oudeurrd 8'liliil. In eCr-ct Juue 7, ley. AILY. Nor 'o Jfo W A. 11 87 r ii am 3M 3 -i't f-i MM a M r .0 7 tXJ 5 4i 7 8 MI KM P l AM a 'mj tcoii 4 10 6 45 am 511 6 44 7 20 8 35 PM AM P M i, t ''5 5 40 t 05 7 35 S 4S .' 8 UC8 1085 8 11 11 19 4 0l p m 5 80 p m a uj am 9 15 11 30 8 11 10 40 19 u 9 25 am p id 13 57 a 18 1137 a uj 1 53 2 05 12 28 p tu 5 20 9 30 a 55 p tu am 10 50 S i'O am p m 8 45 4 04 0') 10 30 8 4i J;. 5 30 4 3) 1010 9 3i DAILY. Nos No No 36&10 12 88 P H AM P M 7 00 1 80 A M 3 20 5 10 0 40 8 30 9 00 8 00 12 a AM P M P M 6 30 6 10 8 2 7 00 7 00 8 89 8 28 8 25 9 49 1244 2 30 711 8 00 P M 8 33 830 9 49 10 05 10 05 11 09 AM i,1115 19 25 t3 25 1010 12 01 12 n 8 35 P M AM 1 UU 7ii) 3 0u tl 01) p m t i 00 iW 2 00 AM P M j4i 4 10 4 10 "tifc 7 20 7 80 K10 1010 1100 P M AM 1145 1140 8 27 P M AM 218 3 20 32 0 3 00 4 08 ,4 08 4 50 0 20 .6 20 BOUTrB' I'M). Lv Kirbmi'iiil, Lv Hmki i I . a, Lv KnjtiVllIti, Ar lMuviilt, Lv 1:iiivI,Ih. Ar 'iei.i,i-luiro, Lv (i iltlkiioio, Ar U.i i-Uii, Lv KaleitiU, Lv Durtiuiu, Ar Urecnuboro, Lv (rreeushoro, Ar Halisbury, Ar Statesvltle, r Asbevil'e, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Chariot te, Ar bpartanburg, Ar Greenville, Ar Atlanta (OT) Lv Charlotte, Ar Augusta, Ar Charleston (H Ar Savanna (f,cS Ar Jacksonvi;le, BORTHBOUttD. Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(C T) Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv8allsb"ry, Ar Greensboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh, Ar Goldsboro, Lv Goldsboro, Lv Raleigh, Ar Greensboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Ar Keysville, Ar Burkeville, Ar Richmond, fDaily except Sunday. E Berkley, J SB Thompson, Bupt, Supt. Greensboro, N C. Richtwnd, Va. W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing. ton, DO. S H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt, Atlanta, Ga. W H Green. Sol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Mau'g'r, Washington, I) 0. Washington, D 0 . ORtiOLS AJXD CAROLINA H.R OONDBHSltD SOHBDULB. South Ho- lh Bound Bo,. 'id Train. stations. uun. No. 101. No. 100 7 . M. 3 L'vc l.'uer's roint Arrive 6 25 l j 1, ve .-..Drivers, Arrive 01 ' .. Suffolr- Arrive 4 47 I i '- ': -Wr .CJatt'S, Arrive 4 14 I: 1,'ya Tui! i.i, Arrivo 3 54 U - t.'vt Aii-jtikey, Amva 8 36 II Ui l.'vt A uUuder, Arrive 3 21 12 31 L:ve Hobgood, Airive 2 39 12 53 U-t Tarboro, Arrive 2 17 1 20 Ar Kooky .Mount, L've 1 5o P. M. A. M . No 101 makes conneuuou at Rocsy Mount with W d! W Train o 23 for all points South, and No 78 tram for all points Korth. 9 M SKRPKIj, J R K.KNLY, Geu l ilanage:. Supt Trains A.t;antlo Uoast Line. Wllmlngtvw & Weldon Bailroad and. Branches. Condensed 8adule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 13. No 23 No 85 No 41 1891. Daily. Daily. Daily. Le Weldon, l! 5iam 9 27pai Ar Rocky Mt, 102am 1 0 20pm 6 0naj Ar Tarboro, 2 4-am Le Tarboro, 12 25am Le Wilson, 8 08am 11 OlpA Ar Belma, 3 68am Ar Fay'tvtlle 485am 1851 Ar Florence, 7 25am 3 00 Lt Wileon, 818pn 8 35am Le G'dsboro. 8 05pm 7 8 jnj Le Magnolia, 4 16 pin 8 29am Ar Wil'gton, 8 50pm 10 00am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 78 No 32, Daily. Dilly. Lv Florence; 7 3 'am 7 Stym LeFay'tviUel025ain 930pm Lv Selma, 18 08am Ar Wilson, 1 00am 11 37pm No 48 Daily Lv Wil'gton, 9 00am Lv Magnolia.10 40am Lv G'dsboro. 11 15am No 40. Dally, 7 00pm 8 g'Jpin 9 40pm No78Dailv B.Dailv Lv Wilson, 1 10 pm 11 87am 10 9 1pm Ar Rooky Mt, 2 15 18 05am 11 15pu Ar Tarboro, 8 44 pm Lv Tarboro. 19 85pm Lv Rook JMt 8 18pm 13 05am Ar Weldou, 8 09pm liSti Josv Dxnsa, General Boperlomdcnt. 3 X atMiT, Bup't Trana. T A !) J, iMl now i touting. i )

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