7 Night clerk Can always be found at THOMAS J. WATTS' DRl'Q STORE. Bill at Side Wiswh, VISITOR. k SPLENDID Line cf Toilet rVa pa, Cigara ana Tobacco. Soda and Mineral Water. Smile the Adtabrem Cigar bent in town. Thomas J. Watti, Prescription Druggist. VOL. XXXI. PROMPTNESS ! Xhtsw! Acci'BACY! THOMAS J. WATTS, Prb-mhiptiojust. RALEIGH, X. C, THURSDAY, JULY VI, 1891. I Take Pleamfe i.x Smvi.xu the Ft llic Day r Nl.ht. THOMAS J. WATTS, Phara 1st. NO. 0. khhkookhhk LATEST FRi THE GREAT STRIKE I ookkkhkkokok . EVERYBODY HAS STIUCK ON KVKIIY OTHER llltAND 01' CIGAREr fES AND IS NOW SMOKING "CITY TALK." 20 FOR 5 CENTS. THE LATEST AND BEST. olgsale aod Retail by Jo HAL B IB B ITT EVENING SPECIAL NOTICES. " A Complete linn of ladies in.isliii mi. dtfrmre.tr from 2"c a garment a' Vi'nolliTiiH & "iin'. 3 TU) yds ginghains,5c, forme pri-- 10- 1 0(t() yd rh.tllies 3 3 4c yard. 1 000 yds lawu at .V yd. "at Wnolleott & S..i,'s All slippers at reduced price ;il Woollcttt & - jifiCM for rent on ground iUor. Also larieshop in rear. Apply it 120 Fayetteville street, j' 11 (let your meals at 130 Fayftteville all-eft. .. - in Y'.u ran jret. board by the day. we.-k or in oitli at Jordan's Dining Wait. While vonrfaiiiil.v is away (his iia- user get ymir nienlnt Jordan's D;ni:or UmH. Pri.-es reasonable and evei r- thing Ilrst class. Chicken, cue ami eonn'ry pr at I'uriier & Wynne's. til ii Fresli bread and yei ii:" ninj; at i'tirnei l ..M.. The "great strike" is going on, but i .... :n !.., o i.,. ! I u.rn nir 1.1111 i v i 111 n-i Wynne's. "Melrose" flour to arrive ilils .. at Tin iter Si Wynne's. ladies Sumner Shoes & I i ). 1 j The prevailing styles in ladies sum mer shoes are tan leather and canvas lies. We are making a display of two desirable lines of' these and are nifer ing each at 1 below the usual price. The tan Russia leather and grain M : ehers and Oxfords are now ,2 50; $3 SO. The canvas ties are now f 1.50; were $2.60. W. II, & R. S. Tucker & Co. Fresh and Salt Water F ish. . Parties wishing fresh or s.ilt wa'er fish can always find them at onr stand on Wilmington street, opposite Tuek- er'a store. We sell only the very best fish a. id guarantee satisfaction; we sell as low as the lowest. Call and bi- con vinced of what we say. ' .' jy5 6.'. Sthicklasd & Dixok. Pread, Pread, Biead tiive me your orders for br"ol, A I ways fresh and carefully baked. ! member I sell full weight lo-ivs. 14 ounces f ir 5 rents. i"-i:;es hiv a spe ciality. .Mi; Ju.vn.-, Lie Raker, comer S. McDowell and W. Lenoir sts. je89 lw. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. The Oak City Steam Laundry will doyour work better than any laundry in the city or state, with less wear and tear, at competition prices. Because it is the oldest and most complete plant in "rlhlj1 ' Ll operatives Efficiency and promptness guaranteed. ( Telephone No. 87. ; T , T sAT.T' u.'j Wantbd Good,quick ironer. Steady work. . . Oak City City Steam Laundry. iii.iniiun. iiuiici. ulcoiuy In our table linen department we have put on the counter a "job" in colored cloths which is worthy of your attention. Nice for fruit or tea cloths. Ask to see them. D. T. Swindell. We have still left a few pounds of green and black tea at 45c. D. T. Swindell. In the carpet and matting depart ment we hare some regular, nice good things at figures away down yonder. D. T. Swindell. Don't forget the turkey red damask at 12 l-2c, at Swindell's. The sawed off prices in our woolen dress goods department have aroused the folks, and we are closing them put rapidly. Remember these goods are eut from S3 1-3 to 50 per cent. D. T. Swindell. . Straw hats at your price. Swindell's Department Store. Don't overlook the fact that Swin dell is still in the clothing business, and the bargains and values he will give yon in their line are astonishing. Cnt prices in all departments. We are busy all the while dealing oat toffs to anxious customers who know the value of dollars and come to Swin dell's to invest them. Mr. Luther White's handsome cot tage on South Blount street, facing Jloor square, is nearly completed. CASHES ! MADE ABOUT TODAY'S HAP. PENINGS. Intrestlng Items Gathered and Around the City. In What has become of the project of establishing a brewery here? On South Wilmington street a one story cottage is being built for Mr. Herbert Fentress. This evening at the Atlantic hotel a military ball will be given, in compli ment to Gov.Carr and theStatetiuard. Mrs. W. R. King and children left today for Frank Rnton, her old home. It is her first visit therein nine years. Good progress is being made on Mr. Frank Stronaeh's carriage repository and sales stable on South Wilmington street. Mr. Meade Lambeth says that the listing of state and county tax-s was more largely done this year than ' usual. Rev. Dr. J. W. Carter returned to- J day from Carthage, where for ten days he had been conducting a very success ful revival. I It will be finest of the season and the cheapest only four dollars to Asheville and return, on July 24th Don't get the date mixed. Just one week from next Tuesday tl.. Ki uvin ruii in i AaliuvHIu an1 " ' ...... v., the cheapest four dollars, bee pos ters for full particulars. Reference was made yesterday to the fact that a mutual fire insurance company would pay well. Some state- ments showing how such companies iiave prospered elsewhere are to be made. j The old dwelling which formerly stood at the southwest comer of South Blount and East Martin streets has been moved on the next block east- ward. On its site Leach & Barbee's large stables will be built. Do vou want" to see the sea? The you 25th of July is the time to go; Nor folk the place; $2.50 tue cost. How about big ships and steamers you will see there at Norfolk. Excursion steam ers to Virginia Beach, Old Point Coin- fort, Fortress Monroe, Newport News -ht b There is a current rumor, for which, however, no foundation can be found, that the woodwork of the S. A, L. is H to be done at its Portsmouth shops and the iron work at Raleigh; that the machinery at Abbeville. S. S.i' is to be brought here and repair shops . located at Monroe. Officials of the . road deny any knowledge of the matter. . .; Yesterday was set apart for the hearing of exceptions ; to the assess- ment of the railroads, steamship lines, etc., by the railroad commission, Mr. Gary, superintendent of the Lake Drunnnond canal company, appeared before the commission and argued that under the terms of the charter that company is exempt trom taxation. - i . The commission finds the company is not exempt. JUaj. W. H. Malone, of Asheville, died suddenly at Statesville last night at 11 o'clock. He had a few hours before arrived, having some profess ional business at the court house. After tea he visited some friends and remained until about eleven o'clock. On leaving he reached the front door,' turned back, entered the parlor, trying to reach the sofa, but fell on the floor and a .special to' the Charlotte Observer says he died without speaking. The United States troops at Sacra mento, California, number 695. T;hey took possession of the depot which the strikers had held. A number of strikers who were ambushed on the Yolo county side of the river fired into the militia after the regulars had gone to the depot. The militia re sponded. Over 200 shots were ex changed. One striker was wounded . A RALEIQH MAN Is Now Norfolk's Chief of Police. Nokfoi.k, Va., July 12. Special I I . J. Iredell, formerly of tialei rli, wa- today appointed chief of police of Norfolk. Tiio. N. Ramsay. The State Guard In Cam p. The following are the troops in camp at "Camp Vance," which is be tweeu the Atlantic & North Carolina railway and the sound, two miles this j side of Morehead City. Third regi ment, Col. W. A. Robbitt commanding; Co A, Winston, Capt. J. C. Bessent, strength 40; Co. B. Reidsville, Capt A. J. Ellington, 37; Co. C, Henderson, Capt. P. T. Jones, 42; Co. D, Capt. T. J.Winston; Co. K.Oxford.Capt. W. W. Landis, 42; Co. F, Burlington, Capt. A. A. Iseley, 42; Co. G, Reidsville, Capt. G. W. Howlett, 31. Fourth reg iment, Col. J. F. Armtield command ing; Co. A, Statesville, Capt. J. M. El lison, 35; Co. C, Wayuesville, Capt. P. E. Hyatt, 38. Co. E, Charlotte, Capt. F. S. Franklin, 40; Co. F, Asheville, Capt. W. (j. Smith, 35; Co. G, Con cord, Capt. W. S. Bingham, 31; Co. H, Shelby, Capt. B E. Hamrick, 37. Concert This Evening. The programme for the concert this I evening at 8.30 at Metropolitan hall, I in aid of Caraleigh sufferers, is com- I piete ana an wno aueua win De nigniy entertained, and will besides help a good cause. The following is the I programme: I Grand introduction, Independent J cornet band; overture, orchestra; se- lection, banjo, mandolin and guitar club? reading, Dr. R. H. Lewis; quar- tette.Mi.sses Nowell and Thiem, Messrs Martin and Cooper; recitation, Miss Birdie Lawrence; vocal solo, Mr. A. H. Yearby; selection, banjo and guitar club,' piano solo, Frof. Ueo. D. Meares; male quartette, Messrs. Smith, Nowell, Betts and Cooper; selection, orchestra; vocal solo, Miss Manuie Nowell; banjo I Mr. William Smith; finale, Independ- ent cornet band. General admission I 25 cents; reserved seats 35 cents. Box sheet at W. H. King & Co.'s drug store. A Road Roller Valuable. Raleigh has a steam road roller, bon flit, last autumn, hut. it. lias never been ornament, prob- bly, not use. Charlotte has a roller and uses it to good purpose. City engineer Butler tells the Observer that Laving been freqilently ques- tionad M to the efficiency of the work done by the 0. S. Kelly steam road Aiw n,ni,.. in M.r,.n k he gives comparative estimates of the v 0 q . " o Brevard street from Tenth to the Boulevard. The comparison is made between the old method employed, with nine inches of stone rolled with a horse roller, and the present method, of six inches of stone rolled with the 16-ton roller now employed on the . work. The width of the macadam is 26 feet and it contains 16,975 square 1 yards of surface and is about 1 1-8 I . i mi. . . . ! I . mues long, ine comparison snows a. difference or saving of $1,277.74 in fa vor of the present method employed with the steam roller, and the total working time employed on the work was 14 weeks. I. O. O. P. Regular meeting of Seaton Gales lodge, No. 64, I. 0. 0. F., this evening at 8 o'clock, sharp. Conferring of degrees, &c. Every member earnest ly requested to attend. Organist and degree team be on time. Cordial in vitation to all Odd Fellows. J. M. Norwood, N. G. Thiem, Sec. New Advertisements. P. P. P. . D. T. Swindell Specials. Woollcott & Son Specials. Turner & Wynne New Goods. C. W. Lambeth Sealed Proposals. F. 0. Moring -Administrator's No tice. Mack Taylor, colored, was before the mayor this morning for larceny and was sent to jail. PERSONAL POINTS. ABOUT PROMINENT NORTH CAROLINIANS- People Who V me. People Who go and Pr . le You Know. Mrs. W. 11. Crow returned fr Virginia today. Prof. James Dinwiddle returned from Virginia today. Mr. A. F. Page has been quite sick at Aberdeen several days. Mr. Norman Horton is very sick at his home on Franklin street. Mr. O. D. Dans, of Salisbury, is the new treasurer of Davidson college. Mr. H. H. Patterson, of Chapel Hill returned to his home today. Prof. Holmes, state geologist, went up to Chapel Hill this afternoon. Mr. H. H Powell, formerly of Wake, has been appointed postmaster at Aberdeen. Miss Minnie G. Roberts, formerly of Gr ensboro, and Mr. S. A. Vest, of Cary, were married yesterday at the bride's home at Cary. Mr. Will. Merrimou, formerly of this city, but now of Greensboro, who has been visiting here several days, re. turned this afternoon. Col j s Car, with hi8 usual libr ality ha8 authorized mayor Badger to draw on him foP 50 for tlje f uui for pnrciiasing a present for the cruiser Raleigh. OBSERVATIONS. Several young men of Greensboro are making a trip to Wilmington down Deep river and the Cape Fear in two small boats. At 8:30 this evening there will be a meeting of the local Wake Forest alumm association at the Baptist mis- sion rooms. The "Shining Star Band" will have an ice cream feast this evening at Mrs. j L. N. White's on South Wilmington I street. Everybody is invited. The proceeds are for a good cause. Quite a large party left for More- head City today, among them the fol lowing: William Andrews and Miss Janie Andrews, George Gatling, James Litchford, Van Hoke, Michael Hoke and Hal W. Ayer. A called meeting of St. Luke's circle, King's Daughters, will be held toinor- row afternoon at Mrs. Moffitt's on Fayetteville street. All members are I earnestly requested to be present as I there is important business. i. I There are now 159 female and 143 1 I male patients in the insane asylum j here. It is said the number of females is the greatest inside the building at I one time. Including patients at home on probation there are 320, Hon. Cnauncey F. Black of Philadel- phia is expected to be here tomorrow or Saturday. Mr. A. A. Artburof Bal timore will be with him. : Mr. Black is president and Mr. Arthur general manager of the southern immigration and land company Mention was made yesterday of the arrest of a negro fireman, Robert Jackson, for stealing a watch from L D. Taylor. After the arrest Jackson's j wife took morphine, because of trouble I She was saved by the" use of the new I morphine antidote. Jackson is in jail In the third congressional district there are no less than six candidates for the democratic nomination. Con gressman Grady is out for his third term, and his contestants are E. J. Hale, of Cumberland; J. G. Kenan, of Duplin; D. II. McLean, of Harnett; John G. Shaw, Cumberland, and Mr. Black, of Moore. : Last evening the engineer of an in coming freight train saw a woman ly ing on the track on the "Y" near the Southern railway freight depot. He was able to stop the engine when the pilot was in ten feet of the woman, who was found to be Sarah Baskerville, colored. She was drunk, and was taken to the station house. A VILE DEED. Strikers Derail a Train In California. Sacbame.nto, July 11. The first train to leave Sacramento with I". S. rroops w.is ditrhed on a trestle eight miles from Wsliiii: ..ii, I ol nornl i . Che train was bound for San hranei ro. Regular troops were m.ii i..n-! on the engine and upon each car, The engine and four cars went down. There was mo shooting at the train. The killed are eugineer Clarke and privates Buris.Lubbearden and Clarke. Private Dngan lost both arms and is likely to die. All belonged to Bat tery L, Fifth artillery. Private Clarke was drowned. The others were crushed in the wreck. Another private uamed Smith is missing. Two companies of cavalry thoroughly skirmished the vi cinity afterwards but made no captures and met with no resistance. The train was brought back to Sacratueuto. The disaster was caused by the removal of the spikes from the rails for one hun dred feet. The miscreants had cov ered up their work with sand. While the train was being made up strikers in the crowds around the yard were bold in thair predictions that the train would never reach Oakland and it was greeted with shouts, yells and ' curses. The soldiers are savagely bitter over the outrage and if they are called upon to meet the strikers in conflict there will be none of the pa tient endurance of abuse that charac terizes their conduct elsewhere in deal ing with violent mobs. Two strikers have been captured, who are suspect ed of knowing all about the loosened rails. The strike leaders repudiate the aut The Weather Report. For North Carolina: Friday fair. Local forecast: Friday fair weather, slightly warmer. Local data for 24 loura ending 8 a. m. today: Maximum ! temperature 87; minimum temperature 04; rainfall 0. The rain area ou the south Atlaut i coast has nearly disappeared, but a heavy local storm is reported from ' JacksonvilleFla., with 2.08 inches of rain. The high area is central over northem Alabama and Georgia, with clear weather south of the lakes. The storm is moving east far north of the lake region. The Leading Question Correspondence : Mr. M.F. Barnett of Baltimore will address the citizens ; 0f Raleigh at the court house at 8:30 ( this evening subject : "The Money Question." He islnot a professional I orator, and nothing flowery ma be expected. He is here on business and . . " - :t some citizens have requested him t speak for the benfit of business and professional men and the mechanical ' classes. Very little will be said about political parties, but the speech will be from the standpoint of a people's party man. Raleigh is always willing to give every respectable speakers hearing. R. What did you say? Only 2.50 for a three days trip to Norfolk on the mo excursion on July 25th, and they are giving a new route, too. 1 want to see that country and Selma, Rocky Mount and Pinner's Point and take my girl down to Virgina Beach. Well, you can count me in. Sam is going to see the big ships. Jakk. Special Notice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will continues the business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at 310 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at Dnghi's, on Fay- ettevule street. Flowers, Roses, Ac Cut Flowers, roses, bouquets, bas kets, floral designs, palms, all kinds of bedding plants, coleus, heliotrope, tuberoses, geraniums, &c. vegetable plants. Sweet potato slips, potgrown egg plants, tomato, cabbage, celery plants Telephone 113. H. Steiiwtz, Florist. North Halifax, street, near Peace in .stitute, ni26 mm - mi CD 1 3 Uf ipR SHOEf i .Right Kind, Right Price, at the Right Time. All colored shoes lor Gi'iils. La dies, Misses and Children at sacri- licinirlv low prices. Fnce. Now iRed Goat Oxlords. 51.25,62 1 2 Pearl Ooze Oxlord, 2.00 51.00 Gents' Tan Shoes 4.00 3. 00 " " 3.00 2.00 All the above at less than the New York cost. We cut the price and itliev don't last long. i lb Crrie4 Fine shoes of everv description pump soles, turns and liuht weights to be cleared out. regular stocks; all sizes.all widths, all kinds. Fine kid button shoes on I which special prices will be made to. close. ll'ST RECEIVED:: A New Lot Today. Tlip ire:ii line i tf OiiiL s.'llr-iV is Blacker, Ger .tie N d.'s "Cinrin- f) nati Made S'i . ' .itiM.tciuin everv A time or n. r.r.v t):weorn. always T m.l tew as aihKl. O n .in is nit' lea- 9 HO We wish to let every mother in Raleigh know that we have the two best lines of CHILDREN'S Heavy Ribbed, Fast Black Hose at 10c. and 25c. per pair. La We call attention to a special value in Ladies' Ribbed Vests, at 19c, were formerly 35c. W.H HO 123 and 135 Fayettevilla Street Sfissest m iabtm Q They are not tested in Q I a hall. i 0 The 24 lb wheel has O Q been tested on the Q 1 roughest roads I 9 Per vir & Ysr 9 Q and have Q oSd tk Tef to JL If you want the best you X V should buy this wheel. T PTMI.M3WaiMI,9 X ( RALEIGH, N. C. i worn. N. eie i : : '.and the iv.. r . of I'l'i .-.s all kiii-In at c M i eh ise. O ra i el, i x - X, m iV.i m iv r DID T1VTT

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