NIGHT CLERK Can always be found at THOMAS J. WATTS' DRUG STORK. Bill at Sidi Wisdow. VISITOR , Line vt Toilet Suapa, Cigar and Tobacco. oda and Mineral Waters. Smcku tb Adtaloretn Cigar-brtt in town. Th'! J. Watt, Prescription Druggist. YOL XXXI. Pkomptskss! Neatsrjm! Accruer! THOMAS J. WATTS, Prrscbiitu.sist. RALEfGIf, X. C, FRIDAY. JULY 30, ISiH. I TKE PlFWKS IX hfKMMJIHE I'l U.IC 1A I B NhiHT. THOMAS J. WATTS, l'MAHMAtl.-T. X0. 70. mmm is mm. mmim it m at hi mm mm m tke mm cigtye m tmie mm&c. 66 CITY TALK." 2 for Wholesale at?d Retail hy J HAL, EOBBITT, EVENING I I; : v i 114 G. R. Stuart's Soft Snap. The Cleveland, Tenn., correspond ent of the Chattanooga Times says: At a temperance lecture delivered at the courthouse last Sunday afternoon, Rev. George K. Stuart, assistant of Rev. Sam P. Jones, took occasion to correct that he would become a prohi bition candidate for governor by sy iaie: "I do not want any office. When G id called me to preach He gave ine an oiflce higher than any within the gift of man. My salary is three tim-s as much as that of the governor of Tennessee," and that, he hoped this would be enough to convince the peo ple that, he was seeking no oflice. The governor's salary being f4,0(X) a year, we au see how extremely foolish it would be ftir Mr. Stuart to give up a position that pays $12, (XX) a year, even it" the result of his candidacy would result in his certainly being elected. SPECIAL NOTICES. A bis; bargain in toilet so.ips. At Tl'K.VliU & iVv.N'XK S. Moore will take i.holos in of the city. n.y .;,r j , 19 ,11 li.irvey'n i'ure lard, . Hindu's Reliable Hams, I.ugiisli Cured Shoulders, X. C. Hams, Sides :t:ul Soiibli'rs, I'ure Apple iuegar 1 years old, "Royal Crown" Fancy Patent Flo ir, Dunlap'sWater-ground Bolted ileal, Finest Grade Rockwell Creamery Butter. The above are a few of the many brands of high grade staple groceries now on saie at u. i. loiinsou s. it A complete Hue of ladies muslin un derwear from 25c a garment at Woollcott & Son's. 3,000 yds ginghams,5c, former price 10c, 1,000 yds cliallies 3 3-4c yard. 1,000 yds lawn at 5c yd, at Woollcott & Son's. All slippers at reduced prices at Woollcott & Son's. Hand polished curtain poles 20 ets. each at Thomas & Maxwell's. Special Sales in Counu ip 'ties. We have placed in a conspicuous nook in our store a lot of Marseilles and crochet quilts and counterpanes r.'itli specially marked prices, in plain llgures, for 98c. You can get a good one. D. T. Swindell. We are having big sales in our wash dress goods. The figures on them are so low customers can't resist buying them. Swindell's Department Store. Special bargains in trunks at D. T. Swindell'.-. n,.'t ,,u;t,.i n. u.u linun t.. ble cloths and fruit cloths. You may miss some good things if you don't "lbm- Swindell's. In our carpet and "matting depart- ment we , are giving good values in most any qualities you wish. Now is the time to h.iv caroets .hunt will take pleasure in showing you through the stock. Swindell's Department Store. A damage suit for 6.50 wherein a cow was defendant and the late Den Butler was plaintiff, 35 years ago, is still ringing in the ears of the profes sion. Barring the cow, we have a suit for $6.50 that will eclipse any sensa tional occurrence up to date. D.T.Swindell. Office space for rent on ground floor. Also large shop in rear. Apply at 126 Fayetteville street. jyll Get your meals at 130 Fayetteville street. Y.ou can get board by the day, week or month at Jordan's Dining Hall. While your family is away this sum mer get your meals at Jordan's Dining Hall. Prices reasonable and every thing first class. Extra bargains in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. Fine Ye. low Bananas, Cheap by the bunch or dozen : at D. T. Johnson's. Fine photographs are now made by Moore at about half tne former price. "Melrosb" flour in barrels, halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths, at Turner & Wynnb'b. All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas Maxwell's at 90 cents each. DOTS AND DASHES MADE ABOUT TODAY'S HAPPENINGS. Intrestlng Items Gathered and Around the City. in A colored excursion came in today from Louisbnrg, 3UO strong. Work on tb.i repairs to the street car tracks is still being rapidly pushed. The handsome residence Mr. W. H. Holleinan is building on llillsboro street is almost completed. Don't forget it. Next Tuesday is the big excursion goes to Asheville, and the cheapest four dollars, bee pos ters for full pari iciilars. It will be finest of the season and the cheapest only four dollars to Asheville ami return, on July 21th. Don't get the date mixed. The governor has appointed Dr. J. V. Banders, of Ocean, Currituck county, a director of the .North Caro lina insane asylum, vice L. A. Potter, resigned. The governor lias offered a reward of IflUO dollars for the apprehension of Dallas Dellington, wanted in Mc Dowell county for outraging a young white woman, named Callaway. George R. Graham, the publisher of Graham's Alagazine, died in the Mtfmm.ji hospital in Orange Friday. , . ,., ., , , , . He was born in Philadelphia on Jan 18, 1813. It has been decided to hold the meeting of the executive committee of the southern states immigration and industrial congress, which was ad journed on the 30i.h of May, at Look out Inn, near Chattanooga. . The watermelon party given last evening, complimentary to Miss Lucy I Leach, of Littleton, who is now visiting 1 Miss Roberta Smith on Halifax street I was a very enjoyable occasion. The ! "treat" was given by by Mr. Marshall Haywood Mr. Gaston Stafford, superintendent of the fair grounds, is busy getting the grounds and buildings in readi ness for the fair. He says that 'the poultry exhibit will be so much larger this year than usual and especial ar rangements are being made for it It's going to be a Jim Dandy, so ev erybody says who went with Daniels and Pippin last year to Asheville; and ouiy iour ..uonars. irain leaves tne 24h of July and returns on the 28ih, an,l leaves at such a nice hour, ten!kin thfc morning. Are'nt you going? You can get your tickets now ; at J; Y. MaeRae's.' i ,,, , , , , "reat heavens, .what are we cum ing to?" said a gentleman yesterday who had been around with a party of young men. ''The boys are parting ' their hair square in the middle, the girls wearing double-breasted vests like boys an(i the nejt th!ng t expect to see is the boys wearing dresses and girls breeches." To our friends en quiry ye will say that we have man aged to get along with all such inno- vacations and suppose we can survive A a to girls wearing "breeches" there are numbers of cases where married women have done so at least it has so appeared. Greensboro Record. An ingenious inventor has provided himself with a pair of bicycles for his feet. The wheels are about four inches in diameter, and are strapped to his feet like skates. They have rubber tires, and glide over the con crete pavement with great ease. They are very superior to the common roller skates, and the owner moves along almost as fast as the bicyclist Scientific American. At New Orleans, recently, the ther mometer registered 115 in the shade Several people and a number of ani mals were killed by the stroke. Go see W. B. Mann's stock of meats large hams, small hams, and all kinds of hams. j20 2t Go to W. B. Mann's for small and large hams. Weekly Cotton Report. ' The receipts np to date this year are 20,321 bnles against 24,21)3 bales up to this time Ust year. The re ceipts for the week are 438 bales against 301 bales for (he correspoiid- ng week last year. Shipments for the week 43 bales. Number of baled a the cotton platform, .r2. Middling, 1-8 to 7 1-4 cents. An Exchange of Courts. The governor has granted an ex change of courts between judges Shu- ford and lloykin. Judg Boykin will preside over the fall term of Gran ule court beginning July 23d vice judge Shuford who was to have held it, vice judge Hoke. Judge Shuford will now hold the Madison term of ourt which convenes on July 23d. In the Market. The prevailing market prices for the week are as follows: Cabbage, 5 and 10 cents; snaps, 5 cents per quart; squash, 10" cents a dozen; onions, 5 lents per basket and 25 cents per peck; Irish potatoes, 5 cents basket i nd 25 cents per peck; apples, 5 cents basket and 35 and 40 cents per peck; peas, 10 cents quart; tomatoes, 10 ients a dozen: cucumbers, 10 to 15 ents per dozen; watermeHon; 5 to 25 cents; eggs, 10 to 12 1-2 cents per dozen, and chickens, 10 to 25 cents, iccovding to size. A Deputy Gone Wrong. O. J. Carroll, Esq., United States marshal, accompanied by C. 15. Aycock, 'sq., and deputy collector Gibson, vent to Lumberton a few-days ago to investigate the larceny of some whis key Jfrom a guardhouse at that place n 'March 20; h. It had been alleged that John Britt, a deputy, was mixed up in the affair find his commission had been taken iiway. A letter received today from deputy Gibson says that the matter had been investigated and that suffi cient grounds had been found to bind - Britt. over to court. Joseph Stone, James Roberson and David fUlen. were also bound over. They will be tried on the 27th of July. . The Weather Report. For North Carolina: Showers, cool er in western portion. Local forecast Saturday fair and warm followed by thunderstorm towards evening. Cooler Sunday evening. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. today: Maxi mum temperature 86; Minimum tem perature 70; rainfall 0. The storm yesterday central over the lake region has moved east to the St. Lawrence valley. A high area and moderate cool wave has moved in from the northwest. The winds have shift ed to northerly in the west lake region and upper Mississippi valley. In the southern states the weather continues partly cloudy with variable winds and scattered showers. A .trough of low pressure in the Ohio valley makes the conditions favorable for thunderstorms Saturday or Sunday afteruoans. -, Brought Back for Trial Geo. Arkle, a proninent citizen of Wheeling, West Virginia, was brought to Whiteville, N. C, several days ago charged with larceny. The case as will be remebered, is a very peculiar one Arkle while traveling in North Caro lina picked up a pocket book on the car which had been dropped by a gen tleman who lives in the eastern part of the state. When Arkle returned home he notified the gentleman that he had found the purse and claimed $200 of the $2,403 which the pocket book contained, this the gentleman refused to do and Arkle refused to give up the money. Proceedings were then started charging Arkle with lar ceny. Gov. Carr then sent requisition papers to West Virginia and a big " habeas corpus" was held there a day or bo ago. The case went against Arkle and he was sent to Whiteville for trial. Arkle is a well known and prominent citizen of Wheeling and his arrest has created quite a sensation. A big legal squabble is expected when his trial comes off. finest New York State cremery but ter 'at v Tusnbk & Wynsb's. PERSONAL POINTS. ABOUT PROMINENT NORTH CAROLINIANS. People Who Come, People Who go and People You Know. Mr. R. B. Wh Col. Julian S. of Apex, is here, t'arr came iu today from Durham. Maj. S. F. Telfair has returned from Morehead City. Col. A. B. Andrews returned today from Washington D. C. Mr. Leo. D. Heartt and daughter, left this afternoon for Durham. Dr. G. K. Matthews of Ringwuod, has been appointed a notary public by 1'ivernor Carr. Major William Grimes relumed yes terday from the encampment at More head City. Mr. Herbert Granger, of the reve nue department, left for his home, Kinston, today. Mr. Bedford Brown left this morn ing for Norfolk where he will spend several days visiting friends. Mrs. S. T. Smith and children re turned from llillsboro taday, where they have been on a visit to relatives. B. C. Beck with Ksq., accompanied by his wife and little son, have gone for a visit to the country iu search of health. . Collector Simmons returned today irom Dunn where he has been in at tendance upon the democratic con gressional convention. . Successful Applicants. At the recent meeting of the board of medical examiners held at More head, July 17th to 20! h, thirteen ap plicants applied for license to prac tice medicine. The following attained license : Dr, Jno. H. Woodcock, Ashe ville; J. W. P. Smithwick, Merry Hill; G. J. Atkins, Thomasville; J. H. Price, Price's Mills; 1C. M. McCoy, Bristol; F. H. Arthur, Herold's Mills; L. H. Crocker, Garner and Isaac Robb, (llomoepath) Asheville. Wm. H. Whitehead M. D. Pres. L. J. Picot, Sec. ? ? ? Who killed Cock Robbin ? Who struck Billy Patterson ? Who bought the News and Observer? Three great questions, but the greatest of these, right now, in Ral eigh is the last, Some say the opponents of state aid to the university, are the real pur chasers. Some say the party of the third part is in it. Some say those of the present reg ime are simply changing front. Some say this others say that, Debs even, is thought not to be an impossi ble factor. In the meanwhile Air. Holding says he has bought and will organize a company to push the business and publish a paper second to none in the state.- Railroads Offer to End the Strike San Fransisco, Cal., July 19. It may be stated absolutely this evening that overtures have been made to the strikers on behalf of the railroad com panies, which, if accepted by them, will bring the long pending strike to a close. The terms offered as a basis of a compromise are that the company will take strikers back to work, except those who have been guilty of crimes. The matter is saidH to have been sub mitted to Debs for his submission. A republican was proclaimed in the Hawaiian Islands of July 4th. Sand- ford B. Dole, the provisional presi dent, is the first president of the new republic. . There will be no trial trip for the cruiser Baleigh, built in the Norfolk navy yard. "Melrosb" flour jusi received at Turner & Wynne's, Third Coufjmjslonal District. The following liispnleh tollie I: 1 ToR was reseived yesterday aflei n-ion too latrf for publication : Dim.n, N. C. July 19. Special. The congressional convent ion of the third listrict was organized here to-day by heeleetion of W. K. Mureliisnii, chair nan, Jno. (i. Shaw, of Cumberland. as nominated for congress aft-r a qiirited contest. The nomination was 'iiade unanimous. S. Collector ."-ominous, who attended the convention returned to-day. He said that there was no official vote on the last ballot, ss when ('raven county sentiu a unanimous vote for Shaw, the nomination was made unanimous. Sunday School Conference. Ox Kim n, N. C. July 19, 1SJU. Correspondence: The opening ser vice of the Sunday school district conference was conducted by Rev. .1. A.Ctiujiinggim I). D.. presiding elder, in place of liev. Kenneth Holmes, who was detained at home by sickness in his family, on Tuesday evening. The rotitei'enee was caned to order ny me president neoru-e r. li.-iKerat :t o i-ioei; Wednesday morning. Rev. N. If. I. Wilson, of the l'rauklintoii circuit, I and Mr. John W. Hays, of (Moid, each made strong speeches in advo cacy of "heart work" in the Sunday school, instead of head training only. The afternoon session was occupied iu discussing the general interests of the Methodist Sunday schools in the district..- The district conference was opened this morning with - Dr. Cunninggiiii lirusidiiiif . The following from Raleigh and vicinity are in attendance upon the two conferences: Rev. D. H. Tut- v. D. H. Tut- , , ,, 'escud. Airs. J. A. Junes, tle and wife, Miss Alary 1 Dr. Cunninggitn, Mei Miller Hughes, Jl. Mial, of Raleigh: W. B. Ballard. T. J, Cheatham, of Franklinton; W. N. Sne.lling, K. I Thomas, S. W. Walker, S. M. Parish and others, yuite a large delegation are in attendance. T. 0. W Interesting News Notes From Here and There. Blackberries are about all gone. A rattlesnake is scaring .people in Salisbury. Cabarrus county boasts ot a gander 86 years old. Davie has one 47. Vietor Taylor shot and killed Chas. Stuart at Newton last Saturday. Whis key.- It is said that Hon.. O. H. Donkery will be a republican congressional can didate this year. Messrs.-F; K. Hege & Co., of -New- bern, have built a dam and will com mence to raise bull frogs. Not much wheat was raised in Lin coin county this year. Henry Conner, colored, a black smith of Charlotte, says the News, is oue of the unluckiest of negroes. H has been married three times and is the father of 18 children. He is 33 years old and his first marriage took place 16 years ago. His first wife left him three children, his second three His third wife as given birth to 12, the last two being twins. She is still living. In the case of the receivers of the Richmond and Danville vs the town of Durham was heard yesterday at Greensboro, says the Record, by judge Siinonton iu chambers. The receiver isked for an injunction restraining the town from tearing up a track on Peabody street. Durham contended the property belonged to the town Durham won. The telephine is one of the greatest inventions of the 17th century. It saves time and money, Central, give me .128, C. O. Ball. What do you sell Acme flour at ? i'2.00 per sack. All right; send me up asack atonce, Aluch oblige. Something else ? I can save you money on a good many other articles. Nothing else now; will give you more of my trode in the future. xnis transaction took about one minute's time, and saved the customer 25 cents cash, and a long walk. Of course, we are indebted very much to I Air. G. H. Glass for good management i of the system. If? f Th. y are not testi a hall. 'd ill The 24 1! wheel has been tested on t he roughest roads Pw Over a Year and have rm n i i.-i It' you want the best you should buy this wheel. IS RALKIGH, N. C Q-00-OKKKKK5-0-0-0--Q A magnificent stock of stylish , and seasonable goods at prices V that tell t.heir owi O ues that, "when ci Y . ' . A vince, gives us J croak about hard that tell t.heir own story of val- compared, con ns no reasou to , times. Aleat in the smoke house, tine stock in the stables, fine crops, fine prospects which our people ( T .niinu t,. i ,v,u) , .,vfoit. rhtin V ever before, .indicate prosper-' ity, coupled with the low prices I we make on all kinds of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hals. Trunks and Domestics of all kinds, are I also favorable and conducive to , happiness. The great array of kinds, styles and qualities we offer are gratifying and pleas ing. The purchasing value of j your dollar today is greater with us than elsewhere. Our expenses are lighter and we make it so. ' Try us before you buy. 0o;; XXKMOKKKK-6 -Fon- -hot mu - We. have just placed on sale lone casei 3.600 yards, of Print--ed Lawns, white, black and navy blue grounds,' at the 'Very low price of 3c per yd, really worth 5c per yard. - Also, one case, 3,100 yds, "of Figured Lawns, new print- -ings, in Dresden, Organdy and Dimity effects, at only 5o -per yd; would be very cheap-:at71-2c. : ; - These are in new colorings, dainty designs and wholly! -unlike any goods ever shown in the city before at 5c per' -yard. a a'u. :HJ 61. 41123 and 125 Fayetteville St. KXXHKXXK) O mi fflEUff TIIEJILL ? f- t t r-.v. r IIP - it mm i ,S'i--:p. -- list IK 'Mm !) irtiTT) T1V TIP