P. P. P. makes poaititt cure of all stages of rheumatism, syphilis, blood poison, scrotals, old tore, eczema, malaria and female eomplainU, P. P. P. is a powerful tonic, and an eiceU lent appetizer, building up the system rapidly. For old sores, skin eruptions, pim ples, ulcers and syphilis use only P. P.P. and get well and enjoy 'the blessing ouly to be domed from the nse of P. P. P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potassium. roR CoBNH, WARTH A.1D BUSIoXH ase only Abbott's Ksst Iudian Corn Paint. Erysipelas, swollen limbs, bad sores. Scales aud scabs on the leg have been entirely cured by P. P. P., the most wunderfal blood medicine of the day. A course of P. P. P. will banish all bad feeling and restore your health to perfect condition. Its curative pow ers are marvelous. If out of sorts and iu bad humor with yourself aud the Aoild, take P. P. P. and become healthy and rational. Kurwe.ll & Dunn, Wholesale aud Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Johnson's Maroetle Oil. horn? brand, tie, is a powerful liniment e p daily prepared for etroal nse for pereoiio end all disease" of horses ai d ctttle ft 00 size P0 ceuts 50 ctv ize 25 cbtB. A second hand Singer sewing ma chiue cau be had cheap by applying at this office. Jrl.i nri'iOrieut ! Crap la he most K A Iichk fuclal oap for ladles' nm-in eila enne absnlatelv pure and highly uie'Mcted for sale b John Y MacKae l utkleii B Arntcu Nlve. The best salve in the world for en' bruises, sores, ulcers, sa't rheoui. f ver sores, tetter, clist ped bauds chil I.IhIi', corus and all skin eroptlo' i ft.nl iMniHely curps pi'es, or ur p r (it ired It is itnnrMriti-il to giv I f--et a!lfiloii or moijev re'u fi , i Price pen's per pn For.'i! I ) r. V V,.f.., a wi In Postajre, ire will aend A Sample Knvelope, ol ell her WHITE, FLESH or BRUNETTE QOZZONI'S f OVDER. Ton have seen it advertised tor many years, but have you ever tried It? If not, you do not know what an Ideal Complexion Powder la. POZZOFJI'S decides being an acknowledged beautlllor, has many refreshing uses. 1 1 prevents cuaf bui.sun-biirn.ivuid -tan. lessens perspiration, clo. ; In f act It laa niostdellcata and desirable protection to the face during hot weather. At la Sold Everywhere For aamnle. addrasa IJ.l DrtTTnui rn inula ui I 1IRNTIOM THIS PAPKR. The New York Recorder. AN MIERICU HOME NEWSPAPER. Th Rooordor for 1804 will sustain the proml-e of Its vigorous youth. It was born a full-grown newspaper, and It is bigger, better and brighter day by day. Th Reoordsr is a paper of Ideas. It b a paper for the Home. It Is the woman's favorite daily. It is the friend and upholder of good government and common sense, and Its motto la FIRST OP ALL, THE NEWS. The subscription rates of Th Raoorder are as follows: Onayear, daily mnd Sunday,.,,.,,. $S.S0 Blm month, amilir and Sunday d. US Three month, daily and Sunday,, 9.1S On year, daily only ,, 6,00 Hi month; daily only 3.00 thromonn, daily only 1.60 tno your, Sunday only S.SO MUt month, Sunday only l-a Thr month, Sunday only . , TTKBKLT, one year -0 . WEKKLT, Urn month SO Generous premiums are offered for sub scribers to all editions. Write for particu lars. Tbe magnificent hellochromes given with ft) Sunday Rooorder are the delight and ornament of the home. THE N. Y. RECORDER, 15 Spruce Si, W. Y. City. Norfolk and Carolina Railroad . Condensed schedule, in effect December ' 8,1893. No 23 Daily 8 40am 9 44am 10 38 a in 11 48 a m 12 07 pm 1245 pm No l63 P tat ions Lv Norfolk. Ar Suffolk, Tunis, Horgood, Tsrlioro. Rooky Mount, - Williamiton, Plymouth, - Washington, Kireion, : WHmui, GotHshorn, . v ilniinpton, f ayetteville Florence, . Oarks'on, Columbia, . Augusts, Savannah. Jacksonville, Btlma. Baleifth, ' Grei.shoro, Ex Sun 2 10 r m 4 06pm Sfi7 p m 5 25 pm IS SO p m 625pm 7 mi p m 9 20 p m 7 3? p m 7 35 p m 1 45 t. m 11 23 p m 255pm 7 20 am 5 3)pm 1000 am 4 V0 p m ' 1 15 a m 7 06 p m 8 27 a m 1100pm 6 50 am 10 00 p m 11 05 a ip f 30 a m 4 12 p m 2 14 am Bzaam 8 40 am 1 S6 a m 1 45 p m IS 05 a m 4 05pm 7 20pm Aaheville, itxipm No 23 daily oonneots with AOL train 28 for al1 points south. No 103 dailv. except flunday, makes close connection at Hobsxx for Washington, Vindton Flvmout1! and all Eastern Carolina noiiits: alio at Rocky Mount with AOL train 81 for ail points south. - . Tra'ns arrive at Norfolk at 8 06 p nt da'ly also at 10 25 a m-dHly ez-pt Sunrtsp. JANKUGBAUEB, Passenger and Ticket Agent . JAMES V M4UP1N, . - General Forwarding - Ik EMERSON, General Freight and Passenger agent. MaKUFflUA Oeaeral Manager S The Maiden's Mistake. "Something; ia bluer Why, certainly!" The clerk said, with a smile. For oh! the very loveliest girl Ia standing in the aisle! And though the clerk is sometimes cross. He ia so charmed by her That he unroll piece after piece, Without the least demur. At last the maiden cries: "Oh, my! Now isn't that too sweet!" And, looking in her eyes, the clerk Says: "Yes; that can't be beat." "Xow, how much shall I need?" she says, "To make a pretty dress?" And he replies: "Just seven yards, You couldn't do with less." "Seven yards," he says; "$10.50 then. All right. Please send it out." And then she wonders what the clerk Is so amused about. "Kicuse me! Seventeen yards ia all," He says. "The style deceives. You'll need seven yards for the dress, And ten more for the sleeves." Sonierville Journal. A WIFE'S STRATEGY. She Calls in a Strange Man to Finish Her Quarrel With Her Stubborn Husband. The other evening, as a muscular person was passing a house, a lady who stood at the gate called out to him: "Sir, I appeal to you for protection!" "What's the matter?" he asked, as he stopped short. "There's a man iu the house, and he wouldn't go out of doors when I or dered him to." "He wouldn't, eh? We'll see about, that." Thereupon the man gave the woman his coat to hold and sailed into the house. He found a man at the supper table, and took him by the neck and remarked: "Nice style of brute you are, eh? Come out o' this, or I'll break every bone in your body!" The man fought, and it was not un til a chair had been broken and the table upset that he was hauled out of doors by the legs, and given a fling through the gates. "Now, then, yon brass-faced old tramp, you move on, or else I'll finish you!" "Tramp! Tramp!" shouted the victim, as he got up. "I'm no tramp! I own this property, and live in this house!" "You do?" "Yes, and that's my wife holding your coat." "Thunder!" whispered the muscu lar man, as he gazed from one to the other, and realized that it was the wife's method of finishing a row she had been having with her husband. And then he made a grab for his coat and disappeared into the'darkness. New York Recorder. Standing of the Baseball Clubs. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Clubs Won. Lost. PerCt Boston, 69 36 .655 Baltimore, 67 36 .648 New York, 68 38 .639 Philadelphia, 57 45 .564 01eve!and, 54 48 .543 Brooklyn, 55 48 .M0 Pittsburg, 51 53 .495 Chicago, 48 58 .448 Cincinnati, 46 59 .442 St. Louis, 42 64 .405 Washington 37 69 .337 Louisville, 32 73 .308 When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried tot Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When Bhe had Children, she gave them Castoria. Mrs. Glasscock says that senator Stewart of Nevada has really persecu ted her and taken advantage of her distress, : Itching, bnrninfr. scaly and crost, scales of infants cleansed and healed, and quiet sleep restored bv Johnson's Oriental Soap at John Y MacRae's. Johnson's Mngnetio Oil cures cramps and colic and interna! neuralgia and beadaohe and backache iLstsntlv. 25 and RO cents, for sale by John Y MacRae For ten years fighting has been go ing on in upper Egypt. The Mahdl is now collecting his forces with the ob ject of making an attack on Kassala, an important town now occupied by the Italian forces. : The dervishes were driven out of the place by the Italian governor general, at the head of 2500 men. : The Arabs fought deperately and were routed with heavy loss. : AH Free. Those who havt used Qr King's New Dis covery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to trv it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a tri al bottle, free. Send vour name and address to H K Bucklen & Go, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pills free, as well ps a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free ' All of whioh is guaranteed to do von good and ooats you nothing at Jobn Y MacBas's drug store. , im 1 1 1 j .ii. niiiir 1 11 rrt for Infants " aatorU U so wrll adad to children that 1 nvoininrnd it anKuperiorUi&or pnwcriptloa known to ute." 1L A- Aamca, M. I)., Ill So. Oxford Ht., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria I ; in universal and Ita nieriu ) well kuuvrn tli. t it uremia work of auperrniatioa to t ntlorn- it. Few are the intelligent families who do n..t l.ivp Cavtoria within Tin j mwh." CiKUJO Masttx, 1. Ii., X.-w York Otr. 'I sa Cornea J. Hal A splendid assortment of the best varieties of Buist's new crop Turnip Seed just received; 5 cents per ounce, or 50 cents per lb. J. Hal. Robbitt. tolbarsi) LitWa Wateiv This justly popular water will make you feel comfortable and cheer ful. It regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia in all its forms, and is a "panacea" for all bladder and kidney troubles. Received direct from the Springs every few days, and de livered to any part of the city at 20 cents per half gallon bottle. Try it. J. Hal. Bobbitt. 1 have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fountain Bever ages, and spare neither pains nof expense to pleas the most fastidious. MAXIM As my soda is good or bad, likewise will my drugs par take of the same reputation. J. Hal. Bobbitt. I have Domestic Cigars and Havana Segars from five to twenty five cents. Nothing cheaper. J. Hal. Bobbitt. Preseripitl When you have them con 'onnded a my store, the doctors of Ral eigh are Ratified that you are doing ill ou can for your sick. J. Hal. Bobbitt. iff E B ' " 1 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT S and potassium g Makes Marvelous Cures EE in Blood Foison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds op the weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, sriving- the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary .ecoondary and tertiary Kphifls, for blood poisoning, mercu li poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin diseases, Ilka Diotcnes, pimpies, oia onronio nioers. lrt9VLVr, KBIU UMU, UU1IB, erisijiowf eczema' we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. ia the best blood purifier in the wrld,and makes positive, speedy and permanent ourea tetter, scaiu neau, uous, vri in an Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, are peouliarlx benefited by the won derful tonic aid blood cleansing prop erties of p. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke. Boot and Potassium. SPKIlferiKLD, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I oan speak In the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affeoted with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, waa treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every Known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and oan cheerfully say It has don me more good than anything I have ever taken, loan recommend your mediolne to all BUKerera ot tne a dots uiseases. MRS. M. H. YBART. Springfield, Oreen Oonnty, )f o. BUHWBLL A DUNN, Wholesale and Children. Caatorl curat Colic, Constipation, Hour KUmiai'h, Diarrhcna, Eructation, KUIs Worma, give sleep, and proinob-a di- geation. Without injurious medication. "For several yearn I have recommended your Castoria,' and aluill always continue to do so as it ha invariably produced beneficial result," Enwia F. 1'Aauu, M. I)., 12&th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Miiuiat Btbxr, Niw Yocx Cm. Bo D! Pimples, Blotches E5 and Old Sores 3 TZ . M . . Catarrh. Malaria and Kidney Troubles g Are entirely removed by P.P.P. "J Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas- "L ium, the greatest blood purifier on sw earth. s9 Aberdeen, 0. , July 21, 1891. . Qf Messrs. Lipphah Bros. , Savannah, J Qa. i Dbab Sirs I boutcht a bottle of "enjeF f our P.P. P. at Hot Sprisgs,Ark.,and t haa done me more good than three m months' treatment at the Hot Springs, av Hand three bottles 0. o. D. 9 Respectfully yours, . M Ji8. M. NEWTON, "a Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. '-9 To all uhom U may concern: I here- aw by testify to the wonderful properties af of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un- ""aaW sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, m and am now entirely oared. s (Signed by J.D.JOHNSTON, Savannah, Qa. " aaw Skin Cnneer Cared. ""f Tettimony from the Mayor of Sequin,Tex, SEqrm, Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippuan Bros. , Savannah, "saw Oa.t Gentlemen I have tried your P. gBB P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known aa akin cancer, of thirty years $9 standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and removes all lr- "aw ritailon from the seat of the disease 0 and prevents any spreading of the aorea. I have taken five or six bottles av and feel oonfident that anrther course aaw will effect cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and atoms oh aaw troublea. Yours truly, , M wurr. w. h. kust. Attorney at Law. Book nt Blood Diseases lolled free. ALL DRUQQI8TS SELL IT. LI PPM AN DROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppmaun's Block,SaTBnnah, Gai and BeUU Agents, Charlotta, N. 0. 1111111111 S3 S3 S33333 11 11 11 23 23 S3 11 22222223 S333 11 23 23 S3 11 23 23 S33333 EVEKUGG VISITOR GIVES ALL THK LATK.ST NKWS. If ynu ar not a snlKcrib-r, now is th- t tiiiin to gft thf best n f tt-i ! u jisjifr imblishfd iu THK VISITOR will :..st y..n less Minn OXK (KNT inr da jr. tVud j-uur address sud reciv a sanil cuiij'. EVKMNG VISITOR PI' II. CO., W. M. Brows, Manner. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. im kvkkct July 8 , 'U4. Traios Leave Raleigh, 126AM raily, "Atlanta Special," Pailman Vestibule for H?u dereoo. Weldoo, 1'ntere barg, Richmond, Wbehiug ton, Baltimore, Pbiludel pbia. New York and all points north. BulTnt draw inn room eleepersand Pull man coaches Atlanta to Washington, parlor cars Washington to New York Pullman Sleeping car Au gusta to Portsuioot''. 11 50 A SI Daily except Wnnday, for Heudergou. Weldon, Suf folk, Portsmouth, .Norfolk and intermediate stations, connects at Portsmouth with BavLineforOld Point and Baltimore, with Nori folk and Washington Steam boat !o , for Wut-hiugton, with N. Y. P & N tt R. for Philadelphia aud points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Washington, Faliimore, Philadelphia and New fork Through sleepers Weldon to New York anl with Scotland Neck Branch for Wreen ville. Wshingou and Ply mouth. 5 82 A M Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule for So. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester, Clinton, Wreen wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis and 11 points south and southwest Through Pull man Buffet. Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diversing lines 8 80 p M Daily, for Southern Piues, Hamlet, M a z t o n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Lincolnton, Shelbv, Rutherf ordton and all local Btatione C. C R. R. and K St A. A L B. R. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 517 AM Daily. "Atlanta special,' Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia 1 Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers aud day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 3 20 P M Daily from Portsmouth, and point north via Bay Line N. Y. P & N. R. K , also from (Greenville, Plymouth. Washington ani Eastern Carolina, points via Wei don, Petersburg, Richmond Washington and point r north via Atlautio Coaal Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 1 20 A M Daily, "Atlanta ftpoolal,' Pullman Vestibule, from Atlauta, Atheiis.Abbevillt' (ireeuwoou, uhoster am', points Bouth. Pullman daj coaches and sleep ?r Atlan ta to Washington. 11 Stt A m Daily from W ilui iugtou Shelby, Liueolnton, Char lotto and all locul stationi 0. O. R R and R & A R R; also from FayottevilU and tireeusboro via San" " - ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Stre' Station, for Henderson hui1 intermediate stations 6 00 p. m ; re taming arrives Johnson Strei t 0 0! a. m. Passenger leaving Raleigh at 3 3' p. m arrives at Charlotte 9 4i p m , returning leaves Charlotte at 9 45 a. m., arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. in. No 403 and 403, "Atlauta Special,'' are solid Pullman vestibuled traius composed of ruegnifloent davcoache and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and Atl' nta withttut change, on whioh there is no extra fare charged. For inf irmtion relative to sched ules, &c, apply to ticket agent, or A J. Cooke. 8 P A ,RaUigh. JOHN H WINDER, Qen'l lltt'g'r. T.;J. ANDERSON. Gen'l Pass. Agt. JAPANKSIS CURB A New and Complote Trealjnor.t, c(mslf.tini; o SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Oiu.meut and rw. Uaxfisof Ointment. A never-failiiu? Cum for Pile; of every nature an.l degree. It rankes an operatiou vith the knife or inieclions of carbolic acid. whicL ire painful and seldom a permanent cure, aud often lesulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We auarantee 6 pexss 10 oure any ease, sou uuiy pay ioi benefits received. i a box. s for 5. Sent by mail. Ouaranteea Issued by our agents. PfiMCTID ATIAK! Cured. Piles Prevented. wno lirni IWIl hyjananesa Liver Pellett the sreat LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR nnU BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and plennaut to take, especially adapted for children'! use, OuDotca t cents. u ARAMTEE8 lasued only by r ' 1 John T. MacIUe, Druggist, Ralefgh, f.A). 1 BrUl aaaW M ' JlJilMPJ -TTriTP TDinrT7Tr v wwr i niun I o CAV I CHITA I A PAT" N'T t r rrmi.t at.nwfr id mit hfnwt or iuion, wnlc to IM I SNA t O., fn have b.i Dilvhft ni1 ipcnnre in patent to .ui ttrminn r-liwntmru-t.y r.,ilid-uiml. A llaudtiouk of ia f.-rrji.tion o.,n. nuur Patrtrin .rl bow Ut ob l.iiu i hftu cfti fir. A Imj a ntniiwiiioi mmrun k-tl 'id fH.M-nti:tLa Uwika unit ft-. kKirnflt Amcriraa, and thus arc OUl f ftf i. Worn). a. i iii"tr i mine punuc with ivnior. t ppiondid paper, -aiijr:!uri . Hi.ba b? far thw 'i of w mo tHc w trk Id Ui v m t-r .ir..il in ;n b'r'iS ft !) -, euMbitiu; bu.t irr to ilmw Uta 'awM"'"t ,s "''"Mr iff .ii. , . r ii, , i muxi SJnY D1" nrrn i iiriin lit II. CUTEftPN TAIL WAY COJJ'Y. l'i (Iniont Air Liuo.) h eT .-c-t June 17, If 84. Tu.s uoiidi'iisi-d srhedule is publish nl :is iiil'.n iiuitioii and is subject to lump' without notice to the public. DAILY. . 80UTH BOUND. LvRichmoud, 12 30 Lv Burkeville, 'i'M 2 40 LvKeysville, 311 3 20 Ar Danville, 0 31 5 35 A M Lv Danville, ft 00 7 00 5 40 Ar Ureensboro, 7 2 8 40 6 58 Lv (ioldsboro, 2 00 T5 00 ArRaieigh, 4 05 HiO Lv Raleigh, 4 10 645 am Lv Durham, 515 0 44 Ar Ureensboro, 7 20 8 35 P H AM FI L" Wiuaon'Salein, t6 05 5 40 t6 05 Lv Greensboro, 7 35 8 45 6 (58 Ar Salisbury, 0 03 1025 811 Ar Statesville, 11 10 arAehevil: '. 4 0C p m Ar Hot Spiinjs, 5 36 p m am am LvSallsbui?, 015 U'30 811 A r Chariot tj, 10 40 12 u 9 25 a in p m Ar Spartanburg, 12 57 2 (8 11 37 a iu Ar Greenville, 1 53 2 05 12 28 p ui Ar Atlanta (OT) 5 2 0 9 30 3 65 put am Lv Charlotte, 10 50 80 am p in Ar Augusta, 8 45 4 04 Ar Charleston (SO) 10 30 8 45 Ar SavaunaL(f.cbp) 5 30 4 3! Ar Jacksonville, 1010 9 3S DAILY. Nos No No 38 P M 180 510 8 30 NORTHBOUND. 86&10 P M 700 A M 3 20 6 40 P M 9 00 AM 630 700 8 28 12 A M Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(C T) Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, 800 P M 6 10 700 8 23 12 44 230 711 8 00 P M 8 30 1005 12U P U 8 20 8 3 U4U 8 33 10 05 9 49 1109 t9 23 A M t9 25 12 01 ArWicBtonSalem,ll 15 liV ureensboro, Ar Durham, 1010 12 n P M I 00 3 00. 1 5 00 AM 4 8 .i i a o II 15 P M i'l 3 00 i 'JU 835 AM 780 tl 00 p m 2 00 2 00 P M Ar Raleigh, Ar Goidsboro, Lv Golds boro, Lv Raleigh, Ar Greensboro. Lv Greene :.i.;rvj r Dauvih, 41'J 720 1J 10 P il 1X40 A M 8 20 4 OS 4 10 7i0 i.00 A M 2 27 i i 0 .4 08 6 20 r ii Pw i;ie. ' f ':'''MO..U.J, I U v-' t ;! t, : Sunday. K Boriiiu, J 8 B Thomou, Sup!, Supt, Greenboro. N O, Richitnd. Va. W A Turn, Gen Paas Agt. Washlnif tou. D (3. , 3 li ilrn d vick, As.it Geu'l Pass A at . Atlanta. Ga. W H Gret a. Sol Haas, Gon ulan''r. Trafflc Mau'ar'r. Washlntoa, D O. Washlng;ton,D O . Wihaltwv- & WaMon SaJlioad and Branches Oondnjic4 Siosdnb. TKA1KU GoIk SCTJTH. Uatsd May U. No 83 No 85 No il 1894. Daily. Daily. Daily. Le Weldon, li 5iara 9 27dbi JkrRooky Ml, 1 02am lo20pm fiOOam U ' A. CXI uvi e wnui Le Tarboro, 12 St&am LeWllsoa, aefeam 11 OlpA Ar8ehna, , 2 58am . Ar Fay'tvlll 4?5ai 18 51 Ar Florence, 7 25am H 00 Lv ViJsoa, 818piu 6 am Le G'doboro, 8 05pai 78am L Hanolis, i 16pm ' 8 2am kf A U'citon, 860pm lOOOain TKA1SB G JINQ NOBTH. No 78 No 82, Daily. Dally. Lv Florence; 7 3am 7 2pm LeFay'tvillel025am 980pm Lv Selma, 12 08am Ar Wllsor.. 1 00am 11 27pm No 48 Dailv Vo to. Daily, LvWil'gton, 9C0an , Lv Magnolia,10 40a n LvG'dsboro. 11 isaim 700pm 8 3Upm UiOow Lv Wilson, 1 10 pm 11 87am 10 8 pm Ar RockvMt,8 H 18 05am 11 lfn A Tarboro, 9 44pm Ly Tarboro, 18 85pm Lv Rook ,Mt 8 lHpm 12 05am 4r Wt'ldoc, 809pm 18 K'aia JoHaFDmtrc Gennral 8iperitindnt. J E KBBfaT, Sup't Trftni. i .4. Hunt, Jrl Pa Xi

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