V its' IS ? LWIW VISITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB-GO. THE VISITOR. by drricrj in the city, 25 cents per month. Prices (or mailing, ti per year, or 25 cents per month. Ollice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hil Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BROWN, Sr., iVg't, Raleigh, '. C. FRED. A. OLDS. ROBERT L. GRAY, Editor City Editor ttALklOlI, ;SE1T 10, 1MU1. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If subscilbers fail tn tr' their paper In future they will do a favor by re porting the failure to this ollice. Subscriptions to the Visitok may le left at No. 327 West Jones street, 324 West Lane street, and CIO Hast lavie afreet. HINTS TO BUSINESS MEN ! Uood advertising consists iu the se lection of a few strong, quick sell spe cialties, to stand as the representatives of your stock in price, pattern and quality. No tradesman need lack for specialty. Let specialties sell staplss always and try to take rank among your competitors as one who is the quickest to recognize a good thing and the first to Nell it. Invite patrons to come and see yon.' The great advertisers of the country never cease reminding the people of their names, location and nature of business. Advertising in an invest ment and newspaper advertising col umns are a boou to uiau. They help him out of his troubles and into the Binile.s of prosperity. The Pennsylva nia railroad advertises exclusively in the newspapers. There is not a great business that, has baen built in the past, twenty years nithout the aid of newspapers. This at-i is too bustling and com petition is too great, for the merchant to allow himself any longer the luxury of waiting supinely behind his coun ter for trade. He must Bhow in ad vance of the purchase just what he Las to sell and how he intends to sell it, and a persistent publication of his wares is the means by which such showing can be made. Frank Siddall, the Philadelphia soap man, says: "I have confined my advertising entirely to newspapers. The man who does not read a news paper does not use soap." The annual eniampnienrof the grand army of republic at Pittftbng is the eveut of this week. According to recent statistics there are about 2,000 women practicing medicine on the countinent of North America. The sultan of Turkey has decided to rebuild the system of conduits con structed by Solomon to supply Jeru salem with water. Since June 1 about 40,000 French-Canadians have left New England for their old homes in the farming districts of the province of Quebec. A well known free trader has pie pared a balance sheet showing that the new tariff will save consumers of woolen goods the neat sum of $163, 534,000. There is. a well-founded rumor at Washington that Mrs. Nellie Grant Hartoris, the pretty widowed daughter of (Jen. Grant, and ..Maj. Henry Kyd Douglas, formerly of Stonewall Jack son's staff, and now adjutant general of Maryland, are shortly to be mar . ried The deepest mining shaft in the world has reached the copper lode in the Tamarack mine, in Michigan. The . mine is in itself a wonder, and the stupendous machinery on the surface, the awesome depths of its shafts, the richness of its lode and the size of its dividends render it a most interesting property, It is three-quarters of a mile in depth. One of the great Loudon gas com panies reduced its price 2. last March, making the price 68c. a thousand feet, .- and the increased business since that date has been 5 3-4 per cent. This company has nearly 30,000 gas stoves on hire and also supplies penny slot machines to 30,000 customers. Its . profits are larger than ever before, dividends exceeding 13 per cent. A private telegram from Shanghai seems to confirm the report that nego tiations for an armistice between China and Japan are in progress. In official circles it is not believed that the armistice refers to anything more than negotiations between the generals com manding the opposing armies in Corea. The opposing armies of China and Japan in Corea are now separated only by the Itnjin river, which is at present impassable, owing to the aa " nual floods, but it normally an easily Jordable stream. ' ; Tb brotherhood of loeomotive trw ma met ia aatioaal eoateatioa at Harrixburg today. It ia one of I ha moat prosperous labor orgaoiiatioa ia the would, and for the reon that it niinda itanan business and sensibly avoid quarrel either within or without its numerous fold. The advance ia the rate for money in the principal busiuess centers is a good aign. It means an increase iu the demand, and this ittands for a trade expansion. Money is still plenti ful, though, and it will not le high enough this year or next to retard the business improteuieut. Kleven members of the New Orleans , ity couiii il, including its president, have been indicted for corruption in ollice. The showing of their offenses is a most disgraceful oue, and it is to be hoped that the public sentiment which has secured their exposure will also I a' le to secure their rontictioii and proper punishment. The St. Louis union railway station recently opened for traflio is in some resp-cts the greatest station in this country. There are thirty tracks and the building is used as a terminal by twenty-three railroad corporations. The cost, including the land and furnishings, was in round numbers $5.000,(XX. At Memphis last Saturday a great mass meeting was held to condemn the work of the mob which lynched six negroes. It was attended by several hundred business and professional men and negroes. The floor of the merchants exchange could not hold the crowd, and many failed to gain idmitan.e. Resolutions condemning the lynching were passed, and a sub scription was started for funds to assist in the work of running down the assassins and aiding the families of the dead men. The committee has raised $10,000, and it has power to set aside part of the fund for the purpose of assisting the officers iu their work, and the remainder will go to the twenty-four orphans. Strong speeches were made by editors, lawyers and business men. Nine men charged with complicity in this horrible crime are under arrest and are charged with murder. STOLE TO Bl'Y DIAMONDS. A Pretty Little Postmistress Robbed Uncle Sum. Wamitm, Pa., Sept. 9. Daisy Ma jors, the 16-year-old postmistress here, has embezzled about ' $1,500 in ,14 months she " has tilled the office. Daisy is the daughter of Frank Ma jors, of the general merchandise firm of Brady & Majors, iu whose store the postoflice is located. Her downfall is to love of fine dresses and jewelry. She is a petite brunette, the belle of the village, and has always been en vied by the other girls on account of her captivating ways. The envy was in creased some months ago when Daisy blossomed out in new and costly gowns that were not bought iu the home dry goods store, but were pur chased at New Castle or elsewhere. Later she added diamond jewelry to her adornments and then the tongue of scaudal wagged faster than ever. Th; talk finally reached the ears of the girl's parents and they began a quiet investigation of the postoflice accounts, which soon revealed her girl -like, poorly concealed peculations. A postoflice inspector was sent for and he has concluded his .'examination, which show that the girl has em bezzled about $1500. It May do as Much for Too Mr Fred Mil'er, of frying, 111, writes that he bad a severe kidney trouble for may yean, with severe cams in his back and also that his bladder ws affected. He tried Tuny so called kidney cures but without any good reult About a year aeo he began 8e of Eiectrin Bitters and found relief at once Klectrio Bit'ers is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief Oue trial will prove our etute.iie-1. Price only 50 for (urge bottles, at John Y MaoRie's drutwtore. A Favored Patient. Family doctor Well, let me con gratulate you. 1 Patient (very excitedly) Am I go ing to recover? , ' Doctor No, not exactly, but--well, after long consultation we find that your disease is entirely new, and if the autopsy should prove the fact, we have decided to mame it after you. A Quarter Ceutury Test. , For a quarter ofa century Dr King's New Discovery has been tented, and the millions who have received benefit from its use te tif y to its wonderful curative powers id a'.l dis eases of throat chest and lungs. V remedy that has stood the test so long acd that has given so universal sitisfsnMon is no expert ment Kaon bottle ia positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded It ia admitted to be most reliable or coughs acd colds. Trial bottles free at John Y alaoBae't drug store. Large six &Oo and $1 , Trustees' SsJs of Lai? J Ry virtue of power eoofered oa m by a certain deed of trust neruted by Kerry MrKinni and Virio McKiooie, bis wife, which ia duly recorded ia registry of Wake county, ia bok No. 07. at page 77. I will offer f .r le to the bigbt bidder, for rah, at the court h"tis door, ia the city . f IIil eiifh, N.C., Monday,Octobr 1. 1 ".U at 13 oVItH-k m., all that tract r parrel of laud iu said deed of triint dem-ribeil, lying iu Holly Spring township, said county and state, adjoining tin lauds of A. Woods, Paschal Itridgers and others, and said to coutaiu lifty-seveu acres aud known as the homestead of said Kerry McKinnie. K. V. M"NTVurK, Trustee. Kaleigh, Aug. 31. 18N4. Sak of LaiC Ky authority of a decree of the su perior court of Wake county, in.i.l. in special proceedings entitled J. t.'. Jl.tr com, administrator of Wiley M ss, s. Martha A. Pearson ami others, I will on Monday, October lit, 1S94. at 12 o'clock in., at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bid- der a certain tract of land, situate iu Swift Creek towuship, Wake county, N. C about four miles southwest of Kaleigh, adjoining the lauds.of K. McK. Goodwin, John W. Cole, V. t'. Koyster and others, containing 48 acres, more or less, and being known as the home place of the late Wiley .Moss. Sale made to make real estate assets. Term of sale, one-half cash, balance six mouths from sale day. Title reserved until purchase money is paid. .1. C. M.VKCOM, au31tds . Adm'r. and Imn'r, rvnOKTII t A !!L1N., Wake county fil In tlie Superior Court, (ieo. W. Norwood, plaintiff, vs Os ar Ligoii, Kilmnnd Ligon, Sidney I'uii-h and others, defendants. Service by publication. Kdmnnd Ligou aud 'fcidm-y l in.li, two of the defendants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county to cause the lauds of Washington Ligon, dee'd, to be sold to satisfy mort gages upon them, nhich lands are sit uate in House's Creek township, Wake county, and the said defendants will take notice tint they are required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of Wake county, N, C, to be held at the court house in Kaleigh, on the 24th day of October, 1804, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said a. tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu said complaint. JOHN W. THOMPSON, C. S. C. This Sept. 1st, 1894. 6w LAND LN BARTON'S GREEK TOWNSHIP FOH SALH. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Wake county, made in the case of L. P. Sorrell et al. vs. F. P. Oneal et al., at the April term, 1894, 1 will sell for cash, at the court house door of Wake county, at 13 in., on .Monday, the 1st day of October, 1894, a tract of land situate in Kartoii's Creek township, Wake county, con taining' 90 1-2 a.res, adjoining the lands of D. K. Moore, A. F. King, Demetrius Carlton and others, and known as the F. P. Oueal tract. This is a desirable tract of land, and is situate convenient to Jit. I'icas.-mt academy, at 'which 'place th-i - -:is a flourishing school for girls an i - . sepStds J. II. Flemish, t iu r. ami?d f r Sale is? s?4 0 ti n a Ky virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Wake county, made at Feb ruary term, 1894, in case of J. T. Ed wards vs. Jack Hooker, I will, on Mon day, the 1st day of October, 1894, sell for cash, at the court house door, in Kaleigh, at 12 m., two tracts of land, situate in House Creek township, Wake couutyj oue contains 121-2 acres and theottier24 12 acres. First trait adjoins the lands of J. T. Ed wards on the east, J. K. Smith on the south and west; other tract is bounded by the lands of Henry Turner. J. T. Kdwards, Anna P. Hayes, Stephen Holloway and others, and are known as the Jack Hooker lands. J. H. Flemish, Com'r. sep 4 tds. Mortgage Sako By virtue of authority conferred iu two certain mortgages, executed to me by Patrick Sweeney and wife, and duly recorded in books Nos. 110 and 117, at pages 427 and 483 respectively, in Kegister of Deeds 'office of Wake county, N. C, I will, on Monday, the 8th day of October, A. D. 1894, at the court house door, in the city of Kal eigh, Waii county, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the lot of I s ltd described in said mort gages, sii.ute on the eastsideof South West stiv - in the, city of Kaleigh, adjoinin ; ,:,o lands of Ken. M. Moore, Dr. F. Fuller, Dr. Wm. Baker and others, : eing the lot whereon the said Sweeney and wife now reside. This September 3, A. D. 1894. - Thbophilus J. Harris, Mortgagee. Peele & Maynard, Attorneys. RALEIGH MALE ACADEMY, won Principals Seventeenth annual session begins Monday, Sept. 3d. Prepares for col lege or business. Full conrsen in .11 departments. Reference in all parts of the state. - ..Address Principals for catalogue. aulftlm XTORTII CAROLINA. WaiiContr, i In the Superior Court. William A Minor, plaintiff, . Jaae S. Caaper aad her busbaad, Soloisoa . K. Caaper, aad ileary M. Fa ma- worth, deiendar.'a. The defendant Jane R. Caaper aad Iter hoa'and, Solomoa K. Cat per, will tike nuti tt that an action entitled aa n' e has leu com in en d ia tli S r -i i r coirt of Wake c-omtv; that the .i.irp.m "f said at ion is ! f re il'.sc.i ni.ii r'i exe ut-d t v s.ii I J.ine K. 1 h .m is to I- plaintiff, on th 20ih day nt Jlay. lsv7. upon rertaiu real property in the eity of Kaleigh, and descri ed therein, which nmrtgage has been registeiel in the rc-i-cter's ullice of Wake county, in look 0.". at page r78. 'the n.e secured by a id mortgage li.i in been transferred by the plaintiff to the dereiidant F.irns- n-rih as 'lhler:l . irity fur money orrowvd, the sid J.ui K. Casper and Solomon L. Caspar ill lake far ther notice that they are re lired to appear at i lie nef f .-nil .if i !i - S merior court of said Wake co inty, to !e held at the court house, in llileigh. iOi the seeuth MoiollV" after the lirst Monday f Sep'eiu'i.T. 1894. it being the 22:id d I.V "f itc'ober, 1S94. and, ans .er m- d -m ir to the complaint. in said ;n-!i .;i or the plaintiff will apply ti the . .nu t for the relief demanded in the oinpl.iiut. Jno. W. Thompson, . S. C. Strong & Strong, Att'ys for Plaintiff, sep 8 0 Adm'!)is'rator's ITavirg thH d-y oualiti'i1 a 'mi'iistra- torofthe etit-- of Sa oh Jnixs, Hi pms-d, in's is to no'itv an f rmns I'arpt; c'aims against mil estit toprewtn ih.m ot or be 'ore the 15th d y of An mim, IKh.'., or thii no- ic will be (ilea l in I ar nf thei r-coverv; d all rHTons owinf aant psla e are herobv n' tilif i to iia' im "ediMe pay niRiit JCNt UO:)M. Amu'r. AiMist IV W. THE Evening Visitor. A PAP8R FOS THE PEOPLE. NOW H THE TIM B NOW IS THK TIME TO SDBHIBF. I'O 8DBH0KIBE. ThemiHsioi of THE VISITOR wi'l be in the future, it has been in the pas , TO ELEVATE L'BOR TO PUBLI3S ALL HOME NEWS, TO INTEREST READERS OF ALL CLASSES. ADVANCE THE INTERE3 T OP RAfEIGlB. to REPORT ALL INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. i will contribnte, by its advocacy oi Progressiv-Ideas of Business to make Rab igh a prosperous ' manufacttirlntf centre, a model of oommercial enterprise, aud the most prosperous CITY IN THE SOUTH , Its small price will attract subscribers. Its real merits will make it a poouiar favorite -SUBSCRIBE FOR THE VISITOR Mechanics. Laborers, Merchants aud . Professional Men It ia read In tbe oonntfog room, in the mar s of trade, in every bouse hold, in rallrond cars. In work shops, and is a vaiuable advertising medium. 8parklinar, racy lively, its Local Department will be a specialty, attractive to all readers and . valuable In giving all the home o.e'wg. Letters from the pople "will enable the people to diseass all matters in whlah the public are loterested. i TRRMs : One year, inside the city, One week, " " One month,-' . One year, outside the city, One week, " " One month," " Olnbs of four, one month. Postage paid at this office 3 fC 08 21 3 t'O 06 S5 $109 Address, EVENING VISITOR, Ealelgb, N a t allepUUclaia f (Aati-erphal-algine.) . NuratKia 1-It Curm quickly andufa'v niia in alt iu vanoai f jran Mnu(.onlvhf Prop ,Ja I J-vhnaon, Kalii(S. -8 to bnt. Kor a by all 'm(it. Q II JiMI.V ON, tlHiLKH IS tap'a an Knv (imcer. trx, r'Pe ara ana To "&? Tll VfpUMn' Ac, S31 H ibborc Hlrrt. WII IIKJIIF.s, , DKU.KK IX China, Crockerv, Glassware. Lamps and Table Cutlery. Also a specialty of Ice Cream Freezers, refrigerators, ice boxe, lemon squeezers, oij stoves, lly tans, fly brushes HATE T0U LOST A KEY ? If mo, don't fret. You can get one at. Pkockwkll'm. He also re pairs locks cheaper and better than anybody iu the known world. Locks repaired anywhere ia the city on short notice. Shop 213 S.Salisbury street, sign of thtbig gun. near the new opera house. PENNSYLVANIA'S Leadina NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that sutlice to mnke a tirst class journal. THE spares no trouble or exivnsc to irilhr an.t present to its readers all the news of the Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a Competent editor, treat lully of maters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, THE FARM, woman's WORLD, SCIENCE, ART, LITKKAUBB, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATE WOULD. Presenting a complete magazine every day subscription rates: Daily, one year, $ j 00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 OC Address The Record Pub O x 91 7-916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1! 1894. The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Morning HeralJ" has recent ;y ben enlarged from four to eight pages, ind that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or $3 per yar to mril subscribers uuib edition contains aa much news ard more general reading matter than is i rinted oy the Baltimore two-cent dailies TV- Telegraphic Service of "The Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Bait! more paper. Its News Service t the counties is thor ough and reliable. its Market Reports are full, complete and tccurate. Its illustrated woman's naee is a feature that will not be found iu any other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Dr Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Mondav morninn'a edition. "Tbe Morning Herald" will continue tc oa an Independent Newspaper fair and im. partial in its statements and fearless in tin expression of its opinions "THE SUNDAY HEItALf ." of 24 p igea, is the best Sunday paper in Bal timore, ami ia soia at oe per copy, or i ot lur a year. "TUB WKf-'KLY HE AL!V is the cheapest and best eicht-p"ge weekL newspaper published ia tlis '"nite I .-.tales theannual subsoription bet'-g 60c r-7""The Mornta FfprHliI" a ill h on on trial for one week to any person eeadiny his er her address, enclosing S cents, to the nanALu r.i..j)i.uiHini4 uu,, : Baltimore and Charles Streets. . Beitiuore. MH A Boswori 0i! Vmr." iTLANTIO te SOUTH UlltO- LINA It AILKO V I), Time Table No. 20. Passengeb Trains Daili, Exc.Sundat. 3 east. 4 WEST. ar. lv:: A. H. A. M. 1110 10 36 10 40 10 22 20 25 10 06 10 07 9 48 9 53 Xa lv. P.M. P.M. STATIONS. 3 20 Ooldsboro, . 3 43 3 46 Best's, . 3 56 3 59'Lattrange, ' 4 11 4 13 Falling Creek, 4 25 4 30 Kinston, 4 45 4 45 Caswell, 9 39 9 89 4 55 4 53 Dover, 9 28 9 28 5 09 5 09 Core Creek, 9 12 9 12 5 21 5 25 Tuscarora, - 8 65 8 58 5 31 5 31 Clark's, . 8 48 8 48 5 50 5 58 Newbern, 8 17 8 30 0 25 0 25 Klverdale, ' - 7 52 7 52 6 g0 6 30 Croatan, 7 47 7 47 6 46 6 46 Havelock, 7 31 7 39 7 03 7 06 Newport, 7 10 7 13 7 14 7 14 Wildwood, 7 03 7 03 7 18 7 18 Atlantio, 6 58 6 68 18 7 33 Morehead City, 6 42 6 47 7 43 ! Morehead Depot, 6 25 Train No. 4 connects with the w. & w. train bound north, leaving Oolds boro ll:5a a, m., and with b. & d. train west, leaving Ooldsboro 2:35 P. x. Train 3 connects with R. & n. train arriving at Ooldsboro 12:15 p. m., and with w. & w, train from the north at 9:55 r. iu 8. L. DILL, Supt. WI HAVI both Shaved. and Sawed Heart p'na, 4 inch t'biuelea nicely bupdlwl aDdj.the vry b uitxvsat vrn low hcf i,r ttix tlioiiMiid or carload h-livril at any depot. JON Ml A PO FIX. Rock Salt For horeea and cows a' le pw pou d We wet tbia b ihecarloa.l dura Irwai the mine. No need for ai. v borse or ouw tnauffer lor aa't hereafter, livery oue aho'Ul have lcuip. Steam AND Domestic Coal, the beat and cheapest in the oountrr Fcr sale by ' J0NES& POWELL I bny direct from the manufacturers the 8trictly High Grade 8eing Machines known aa THF STANDARD, and ofl r those at the lowest prices. A good macbiue at Bottom Kgures. I also keep always on hand full Hue of machine sup plies, Biich ae medlep.pt. rt and attaebments. One of my specialties ithe repairing of ib chipes of any make, this be'ng done al your hoit e or at my otUee I have had Years of Rxrrienre in tbis businesM and Ouarantee 8 ttiefactior . Hogs, ctitle or any kind of country pro duce taken in exchauge for machines GK MARTIN, 13 West Harvett Street. h20m Mortgage Sale. By vhtueof a mo tae exiruled by B. A. caiutsing nnd wile, Hawkins baintaing, bearing ilste Oct ber !tth IN1, and duly recorded in the KKster's oltbw or eake count-. N. I'., in book 114, page S','2, o vernier 18th, 1MM, 1 wid on M. inlay, 8p tciiu.er 17t'i, Mil at the court house door, in the city of haleigh. t 12 o'clock m. sell to tbe highest bidder for cash the la ds tberoin desirited, situated in Oak Grove township a1joini"g tbe land of W. T. itay, Mrs. Kannie Rogers, Mrs lit tiy Ray aud others, containing 724 acres, "more or lees, and more fully described in s id mortgave, JOdii 3. CBESSHAW. Mortgagee. B " Montagu. Attorney. Wake Forest, Aug. 14, 1894. IN THK PtiPKMOR Cot b: ( n,K, 1oni of Wak Co., N. C. ) October t-rm, 1894 AUfr' P. Mas-ey. Admintoator, d. b, o, t. a. of Solomon Augustus and Mary Ann "a'eon acairift K'.'.die A. Punstou and Paniuel Watts " To Eddie A. D'irston: Tbe purpose of this action is to sell a tract of land on Kay etteville (treet, described in the will of Solo mon Augustus an ' to divide the proceeds' according to said will letwut-n the plantin, ho '8 emitl'd to one-half according to their in erests, the defenaut, Dunston, nav uig mortgaged the a me to the defendant 'Aatts The defendants are required to ap pear before the Jude of tb Superior couit of Wake county, at a curt to be held for the con oty of Wake, at the co rt house In Kaleigh, V. C on the 7tu Mondav after tbe tirst Monday in September 194, it being the 22d day of ctober. and answer or d- mur to thr camp'ai t which has been ' led iu the office of the clerk of the t-uptnor conn cf shi I county. Otherwisa the plaintff will epply to the court for the re;inf de manded iu th" complaint. J'HN W. THOVFSON, !!erk Superor Court Wake Couutv. Iohw W. Hinsd'Lr, Plaint'ff 'a Attoruey. Unleigh, N. C . Aug. 18, 1894. oa6in W.L. Douglas 03 SHOEtNOSaUEAKINb, V3. CORDDVAn, . FRENCH ENAMELLED CA1T. 443.S-PF1NECALF&KAN6AHI1 . $ 3.SP P0LICE.3 Sous. 2.I.Boys'SchoolShoe3. LADIES "bestdn6U SEN0 FOR CATALOGUE V W-U-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yea can eave money bv parchaaloa W. Im Daaslaa Hhoea, Because, we are the largest manufacturer! of advertised aboea in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping tbe name and price oa the bottom, which protecta you againat high prices and the middleman's profits. Our ahoea equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the Value given than nv other make. Take no substitute. If J out .dealer cannot supply you, we cao. Sold by HELLER J OR03. -CHAFLOTTE .OBSERVER. WIKLT V A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North (Jars Una and the 8outh. Tbe best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta, i'ailix, tn m per year. WEEKLY, 1 00 per year. '.- 4 THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P OaXDweu Eil tor, Charlotte, SC. r7Korsaleat hunar M bUatlur's Bewi- taud, Ralegh, N u, aUatt "t-;: V- tip i : ,