HOWi YOUR WIPE t Doea she fel poorly all tb tim. Buffer from lsk of energy, and a gB eral "Bo-arcoant" listleaa eneriatino? Sua d a tonic. Something ii wng with her Hood. Una f..r a dor. tor! Not at all, iny dear air. Get her a buttU of P. Ii. P. (Prickly Ash, Puka Root and Potassium), the arjr best woman' regulator and tonic ex tant. It reaches the source of trouble quietly and quickly, and brfr you know it, your wife will be another wo man, and will Ueaa the kiod fata tLat bronght P. P. P. to her notice and re lief. Our tKt physician endorse and recommend it, and no well-cuuducted household where pnre blood and ita con comitant happiness in appreciated, hould le without it. For sale by re putable medicine, dealer everywhere. Mr. Randall Pope, the retired drug gist of Madison, Fla., aaya (Dec. 3, 1880) he regard P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and PotaKHium aa the bent alterative on the uiitrket, and that he ha Keen more I eneficial results from the iiMe of it than any other blood medicine. Exhausted vitality, nerrousnesH.loHt mauhood, weakness caused by over taxation of the system will l e cured by the powerful P. P. P., which gives health and strength to the wreck of the ayHtem. Harwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Ladle, If yotr want a pnra delicate bop for the complexion, drniisu will always rerouiaiPiid Juhnson' Oriental Medicinal Toilet BJ9f at J Y MncK-e'a That oily aiid rough tkl cu'ed a- d he feca and bands LeaonnVd by Jol ticon Otiental Soap: medicate and l.lghlv perfumed. For (ale bv Johu Y MacRae Pot klcn'g Arnica Nulve. The boat salve In ibe world for eut broinee, sores, nicer, rait rhrnm. to v.'T gores, tetter, chapped hrds cbil b'alna, corns and a'l kln f rnpMot a id poeillvely rure pi'ea, or no pa required It I pnr.rnt'eii to g'v perl-ct satisfaction or luonev refui d e Pr'pe '!5 pent" pet pnx For ftp' h Mr. V vM(.i) BNl3SHarK.TSaVB!1 FOR In rM(ne, we will aend A Sample Envelope, of either WIUTE, FLESH or B BUNKTTE nv-. pzzoni's powder. Tou have seen it advertised (or many years, but have you ever tried it? If not, you do not Itnow what an Ideal Complexion Powder In. POZZONI'S bosldes being an acknowledged beantlfler, baa many refreshing uses. It prevenui olmf-tns;,sunburn,wiud-tan,toe8enBpersiilrntlun, eus.i In fact It ksamoatdelicate and desirable protection to the face during but weutlter. It la Bold Everywhere. Vnr anmtfl. address U.A.POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Nlo, MRNTION TUIS PAPER The New York Recorder. AX HUEROK HOME. HEWSPJf K. ' Th Rooordor for 1804 will sustain the promise of Its vigorous youth. It was born a full-grown newspaper, and It Is togger. better and brighter day by day. The) Raoordar Is a paper of Ideas. It Is a paper for the Home. It Is the woman's favorite daily. It Is the friend and upholder of good government and common sense, and Its motto is ' FIRST OF ALL, THE NEWS The subscription rates of Th RoorUr fere as follows: One year, daily and Sunday, .... Him month, aailn o Sndui, .v Tare month, daily mnd Sunday, Out yar, daily only ,. ttomilH daily only , Ihrto month; daily only Onoyoar, Sunday only Blot f nth; Sunday only, Shrt month; Sunday onln WKBSTir, one yor WEEKLY, tim month $8.M : 4. s , , 6.0O , 8.0O 1.60 , X.BO . l.S .63 l.tlO .60 Generous premiums are offered for sub- icribars to all editions. Write for particu lars.. The mairnlnoent helloohromes given with ft) Sunday Reoorder are the delight and ornament ol tne nome. THE N. Y. RECORDER, 15 Spruce St, N. Y City. Noriolfe and Carolina Railroad Condensed schedule, in effect December s, im. No 23 No 103 P tat ions Lt Norfolk. Ar SulT tlk, : Tunis, - Hohgood, Taroorur Kooky Mount, Williamston, , Plymouth, Washington, : Kinsiou, Wilaou, Goldsborn, v iliuiugtou, . Fayetteville Fiorenoe, Ci'arlfs'on, Columbia, i Augusta, . Savaunah, Jacksonville, , Stlma, Baleigh. . ' Or-ei-etmrO, Daily Ei Sun 8 40am 9 44 am 10 SH a m 11 48 a m 12 07pm 1245 om 210pm 4 05pm 3 67 p m 6 25pm n oo p rn 6 2' 7 6Upm 7 3p m 7 3pm 1 45 n m 11 s p m .2 AS p m 7 20 a m 5 3Jpm 1000 am 4 20 p m 1 15 a m 706pm 8 27 am 1100pm 8 60 am 10 00 d m 11 05 a it 8 SO am 412 pm zitaiuHKiam 8 40 am 136am 945pm 18 m 4uop m 7 20pm Asnevuis, tuupm No 23 ditily connects with AOL train 23 for ai p hqw soutn No 103 daily, except flundsy, makes close nnnantian ' at Hotwooii for Wasbineton. Kiuaton, Plymoiiti and all Eastern Carolina points: also at Rooky Mouut with ACL train 34 for all poinU south. Tra us arrive at Norfolk at 8 05 p m dally also at 10 2o a m aur enepi ounoap. . J A NEUCIBAUKR, , Passeneer snd Ticket A(?ent. ' -.. . JaMK3f MAUPJN,' General Forwarding gent, J' Genrl Freight and Passenger Ageut. Li al tj.J.yi.UC, Uaneral Manager. ggeTS. BKAUJaWHHBll September. Now the wand of aotomn toaebe Daintily the anmac'a plumes. Grim decay ita ruefnl clutches Fastens oa the meadow blooms. Winds that whifttla thro' the latti.-e Are with hints of froat af right. And the average straw hat is Just shoot to abdicate. Pippins peep from orchard perches, lira pea are purpliug arbor nooks. Pewa are Riling in the churches, Scholars tnrn sgain to books. Now doth every eaid Veaus To ber city home repair. And the wary of our genua Doa their flimay underwear. A COWARDLY C.KNHRAL , Chinese Comnundei Throws Away his Uniform and Runs from the Japanese. Details of the Japanese advancea upon and capture of (jaaan, Cores, with particulars of the battle at Siek wan, Lave been received. Cores ia hotter than Japan. The temperature s 06 degrees. The Japanese troopN, having to carry a heavy load lesidea their rilltm. through a wretched mad, were extremely fatigued. As tuey had no tents they had to ait under the burning sun, on the grass. ' There was no pure water and the troops had J to slake their thirst with muddy water. The main tody crossed s bridge, but when the last detachment was on the point of crossiug Chinese troops in ainbash , near the bank cut off the bridge and opened Are on the detach ment at about 00 feet distant. Th Japanese troops were at first confused but rushed upon the Chinese and bore them down. The Chiaee tied. The Chinese Gen.' Che is a noted of ficer under Li Hung Chang, and is well known among Europeans. The general cannot esape reponsibility for the defeat, for when the Japanese troops attacked his camp he deserted, threw away his uniform as an incum brance to flight, and left behind the papers which, as a general, he should never allowed to leave his side. It is not known where the general has fled .HEARTRENDING FATE. Parents Return from Church to Find Their Three Children Dead. Birmingham, Ala., Sept.0. In Perry count Thursday night John Spain, a farmer,- went to prayer meeting with his wife leaving three small children locked op at home. When they re turned the house was in ashes, and in the debris were found the charred bones of the children. Her Ten-Word Limit. This is the message the telegraph messenger handed to him: "Come down as soon as you can. 1 am dying. Kate." Eight hours later he arrived at the summer hotel, to be met on the piazza by Kate herself. "Why what did you mean sending me such a message?" asked. "Oh," she gurgled, "I wanted by he to say that I was dying to see you, but ray ten words ran put and I hrd to stop." Indianapolis Journal. When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried fur Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. Wbea she had Children, she cave them Castorla, Rheumatism, neuralgia, headach and pains or every Rind luetaitiy re lieved by Johnson's Magnetio Oil. tl size IK c; 50e size 25e Bold by John Y MaoRae. The republican county executive -committee of Wayne met a committee of populists at Qoldsboro Saturday and after considerable discussion, de cided on fusion, the republicans claim ing the officers of sheriff, register of deeds and one member of the legisla ture. J nanese Liver Pellets are the beet family medicine tor liver complaint and constipation; '0 pills In a vial; 25 cents, at John x uaeute's. The efforts of the Goldsboro Rifles to raise funds raise funds to erect a monument to the memory of the Con federate dead buried near Bentons- vllle have been successful, and the committee has selected and contracted for a handsome monument," which the Argus says, will be pushed to com pie tion at once and dedicated with ap propriate ceremonies the last of this month oi early in October. We guarantee Johnson's Magnetio Oil! It has no superior for all aches and pains, internal or external, man or beast. $1.00 size 60 cents; 00 oeota alxe oent at Jotm X Mae&ae'i. -j-r-BBii j an i n I ' ' 11111 '' i i.isai.M.MMn-T -"J LaUWi i .in urn iiimn mnnnn m 1 im iminil.liit for Infants C 'aaUra Is so well adapted tochUdrea that I iwnmnMod It as aupariur to any prmcrlptioa kaowatome." 1L A. A a. ma, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Itrooktya, N. T. Th ti of 'Cantor! Ii to uniTental and Its Dterlu so well kinx n t'i .t it tremsework of supMriucatioa to riulorm It. Few are the tuu-lllffrnt famMM who di n. It-cp Osatorte lUiin ew y rrwh." C'AaLus Mabtts, Ii. !., :.Vw York City. Tmk Cemtub J. Hal A splendid assortment of the best Turnip Seed just received; 5 cents tabard Litbi&- Water This justly popular water will make you feel comfortable and cheer ful. It regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia in all its forms, - and is a "panacea" for all bladder and kidney troubles. Received direct from the Springs every few days, and de livered to any part of the city at 20 cents per half gallon bottle. Try it. J. Hal. Bobbitt. I have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fountain Bever ages, and spare neither pains nor eipense to pleas the mosfistidious. MAXIM As my soda is good or bad, likewise will my drugs par take of the same reputation. J. Hal. BaiBiTT. I have Domestic Cigars and Havana Segars from five to twenty five cents. Nothing cheaper. J. Hal. Bobbitt. Prescript! When you have them compounded a my store, the doctors of Ral eigh are satifled that you are doing U you can for your sick. J. Hal. Bobbitt. P P R g-lfV- ro Itb PRICKLY ASH, POKE ftOOT and potassium Makes g Marvelous Cures IE in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. parities the blood, ballds ap the weak and debilitated, Rives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where aiokness, gloomy feelings and lassitude Urst prevailed. For primary, oondary and tertiary syphilis, tor blood poisoning, mercu rial poisuo, uiaiaria. u jupepsia, aim blotches, pimples, old onromo ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas. 111 ail uhwu luu uiaoMMj ii.a WHHT, auaiu iiwui uvus, vrjaipviita, eczema- we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P, is the best blood purifier In the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent ourea in all cases. - Ladles whose systems sre poisoned and whose blood is in an Impure condi tion, doe to menstrual irregularities, are peoullarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P.-Priokly Ajh, Poke Eoot and Potassium. BpaiHOFiBLD, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I oan speak in the nlgneat terms of tour medicine from my own personal nowledge, I waa affected with hear, disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, waa treated by the very beat physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried everr Known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can oheerroliy aay lt has don me mora good then anything I have aver taken, lean recommend your medicine to all snjerers oi the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YKABT, prtngflald, Oreen Oonnty, Mo. and Children. Castarla curca Colic, Ouaatlpatioa, Bout tstotuach. Diarrhoea, ErUL-tatiuo, Killa Worms, firea sleep, and promotra dl- eatiua, Wtthout Injurious mnlhtuioa. "For anvrral yars 1 have recommended your 'Caxbiria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has lnrarl&bly produced beneficial remilla." Euwta F. Piaoaa, M. D, ' UMh street and 7th Ave., New York City. Ctoapiirr, 77 MuaaaT Stbktt, New You Crrr. D! varieties of Buist's new crop per ounce, or 50 cents pet lb. J. Hal. Bohbitt. Pimples, Blotches anfJ oij sores 3 p . . fv Catarrh, malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.P.P. Prlokly Ash, Poke Root and Potas- slum, the greatest blood purifier on r earth. ABBRDBSif , O. . July 21 , 1891. -p Mbbsrs. Lifpman Bbos. , Savannah. Ga. s Dkab Siks I bought a bottle of "r ?'our P.P. P. at Hot Sprlags,Ark.,snd -a9 t has done me more good than three mm months' trestment at the Hot Springs. Send three bottles O. O. D. espectruSyonrskEwTojf , . Aberdeen, Brown County, O. . Caps. J. D. Johnston. To ell whom it may concern: I here ' by testify to the wonderful properties , of P. P. P. for ernptlons of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un- ' sightly and disagreeable eruption on , my face. I tried every known reme dy but In vain. until P. P. P. waa used, and am now entirely oared. , (Signed by) J.D.JOHNSTON. Savannah, Qa. kin Caweer CareU. TeiHmonyrm th Mayor of Sequit Tex, ' SBqnm, Tax., January 14, 1S93. ' Missks. tirpMAN Bros. . Savannah, Ga. i OentUmml have tried your P. , P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known aa skin canoer.of thirty years' standing, and found great relief: it pur IUe the blood and removes all lr ' rltation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the soras. I have taken five or six bottles ' and feel oonfldent that another course , will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach ' troubles. Tours truly, OAPT. W. M. BUST, ' Attorney at Law. , Book on Blood Diseases Hailed Free. ALL DBDOOIBTI BRLL IT. LIPPMAN BROO. P&0PBIST0B8, Uppasajs'a Bloek,Bavnnnavm, CUs ' 3ppitt 1111111111 32 3 833333 11 11 11 33 23 S3 1 1 22222223 3333 11 23 23 S3 11 23 23 S33333 GIVEH ALL TMK LATEST KW8. If you are nd a subscriber, now is the time to gt the best afternoon paper published in Raleigh. T1IK VISITOR will cost you less than ON It CKXT per day. Send your address and recehe a sample copy. EVENING VISITOR PT15. CO., W.' M. Brows, Mauuger. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. COHDENfED SCHEDULE. in kKKKCT July 8 ,'U4. TralDB Leave Raleigh, 1 26 A M Haily, ' Ulaota Speuitl," uiao Veatibale for tieu derson. Weldoo, Pel ere barg, Bichmond, WeghiDif tOD, Baltimore, Philudel. pbia. New York ami all points north. Buffet draw iiiK room sleepers and Pull man coaches Atlanta to VVaaliiugtou, pHrlor ears VVHBhiuKtou to He vi York Pullman (Sleeping car Au pifsta to Portsuout . 11 50 A M Daily except Sunday, for Heudersou. Weldoo, Suf folk, Portsmooth, Norfolk and intormodiate stations, connects at Portsmouth with Bay Line for Old Poiul and Baltimore, with Nori folk and Wat-uingtoii Sleaiu tioat )o., for Washington, with N. Y. P &, N K K. for Philadelphia and points north; also at Weldou with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Waabingtou, PaMtuore, Philadelphia and iVew fork Through sleepers Weldoo to Nee York ani with Scotland Neck Branch for Wreen ville, Washington and Ply mouth. 5 22 a M Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule for So. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester, Clinton, Hreen wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis and 11 points south and southwest Through Pull man Bullet: Sleepers and day coaches W ashingtoa to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverging lines Daily, for Southern Pines, Hamlet, 3 80 P M- M a z t o n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Lincolnton, Shelby, Rutherford ton and all local stations 0. C R. R. and R. & A. & L K R. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 5 17 A M-Daily. "Atlanta. Special," Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull mau Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 20 P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N, Y. P. & N. R. R , also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington ani Eastern Carolina points via Wei don.Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 1 20 A M Daily, "Atlanta 8pocial," Pullman Vestibule, Atom Atlanta, Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood. Chester and points south. Pullman day coaches and sieep;r Allan ta to Washington. 11 SO A M Dally from W i 1 m 1 n g t on Shelby. Lincolnton. Uhar lotte and all local stations O C R R and R & A R R ; also from J? tyettevllle and Greensboro via Han" ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Street 8tatlon. for H e n d e r s 0 n and Intermediate Stations 6 00 p m ; re turnloe arrives Johnson Street 9 0" a. in. Passenger leaving Raleigh at 3 30 p. m arrives at Charlotte 9 4) p in , returnipg leaves Charlotte at 9 4") a. m., arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. m. No 402 and 40J, "Atlauta 8recial,v are solid Pullman vestibuled trains composed of Tnagaiflceat day coach ef and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and Atl nta without change, on which there Is no extr fare charged. For lnf rinatlou relative to sohed nles, &c, apply to ticket agent, or A J.Oooka. SPA. RiUigh JOSN H VIDK4, aea't Miu'g'r. T..J ANDES30N, Gen'l Pass. Agt. IVlAGbTlU NaEBViNE. Is cdM with writtci f):i."ftiifla to cur. fdemusProotra tlon, Fits, DiZTt- n b n ft t Hoadache an ; tu: ; i :ia a. -d W ato fiTlnes,causT.l oyex- oosBi ve useor upi um , To oco and Alco- BEFORE - AFTER aion. softanlnarof the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Deathf Usrranssa, Impotenny, L at Power in eitlisasex. C'rematura Old Aga, involuntary Losses, oaooed y over-indulgenoe, overexertion of the Brain ana Srrora of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their storal Vigor and doubles the Joys of life; cures Laoorrhosa and Female Weakness. L Month's treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to a ly address, t: per box, ( boxes tft. With every US order we give a written Guarantee to oure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee leaned ouSi by our ex aluslvaaaana. I- JOQI s. q. John Y. MaeRse, Draggtet, Raleigh, mm WAVEA COPYRIGHTS. CAf I II1TAI! A PATENT t ftr-Mirt in r-r mud mit bf(lt t-mnh n, nu tt Ml N S A ( II.. wlio bfa hd iiriT lUi y ra iemiMir m th Bjitit buinr rnn.a Dfihi xmt ttfuMf n.nfMsuttil. A itaiif!bok ia furtr J um cotwTniuc l' Irtu 4 and hnw xt 06. lain ilirm M Ur. A'tit a raishigut of Oachaaa kl and aHtv'iitirtc txKfc muI fr. Paientia takra tlimurh Mi'im k Co. rMw4v ttHM-iaJ in the "ficwiil.- Amrrlmn, an4 tbu mm I wuii'ly I .j tlie ut..ic WHh- out r"rit I tirtfiitr T!'. Mltuhd par, lruMj . ' jjaiitiy iliUfttiHfed. ban , far t ha InjN't ( :i cf ttiir tM .,:)( ttic work la U Voritl. 1 HiTi-v c-f PBMit trr. Bu')'!.. i wi'mthiT, t Mia rr. SiatTl rt'i. .-ii rvcry liim ir contn'n bntu tiUt pi !, iti oiiUrt-s oj,& rho'it;ralii of prv bf.'i. t i .i i , viiaoiiiii: tfUttera it pbnw thm mjrt s.-mtrr.. ud Ur; i-vtntiitf'a. A.Mreaa UUTr:EN i AILWAI COB'Y. ( IMediuoiit Air Lin?.) Id e"f-.l JuDe 17. ll 64. Tu.h cuiidi-iist'd sclirdule ih imblisii ed as iiifoi inat icii and is Hubject t change without notice to t Liu public. DAILY. t-aaV.ii'-iiin iii iM't-.ntifi tmiiHi MTnY 1 1 aU bi inn! tijfiinna full. X, I BOUTHBOUSD. No - P. hi. AM Lv Richmond, 1240 12 50 Lv Burkeville, 2 30 2 4b LvKeysvillo, 311 3 20 Ar Danville, 6 31 6 35 A al Lv Danville, f,oO 7 00 5 40 Ar Greensboro, 728 U40 6 53 P M AM Lv Goldsboro, "2 00 T5 00 Ar Raieigh, 4 05 a 20 Lv Raleigh, 4 10 5 45 am Lv Durham, 515 6 44 Ar Greonsboro, 7 20 b 35 PM AM P M L" Winoou-Baleiii, tO 05 5 40 t6 05 Lv Greensboro, 7 35 8 45 6 68 ArKalisbury, 9 03 10 25 8 11 Ar Statesville, 1119 it AHlievill 4 0Cpm Ar Hot Sprin ;s, 5 36 pm tm ani LvSalisbuiv, 915 11 30 8 11 ArCharioua, 10 40 . 18 n 9 25 am p m ar bpartanburg, 12 07 2 68 1137 a m Ar Greenville, 1 52 2 05 12 23 p m Ar Atlanta (0 T) 5 20 9 30 ii 55 p m a in Lv Charlotte, 10 CO 8 80 am p in Ar Augusta, 8 45 4 02 Ar Charleston (SO) 10 30 8 45 Ar8avanua!.(f,cfcp) 5 30 4 30 Ar Jacksonville, 1010 9 36 DAILY. Nos No No NORTHBOUND. 8U&10 12 33 P M AH P M 700 180 AM 3 20 510 640 830 PS 900 800 12n AM P M P at ' 6 30 0 40 8 29 7 00 7 00 8 39 888 825 949 1244 2 30 711 8 00 P M 8 33 8 30 9 49 1005 10 05 1109 AM 1115 t9 25 t2? 1010 12 01 12 a 8 35 P M AM 1 00 7 80 3 00 tl 00 p m t)00 2 00 2 00 AM P M .j4i 4 10 4 10 8J,') 7 20 7 30 K i0 1 10 II 00 P M A M 1145 11 40 113 ; FSI AM 21b 3 20 3J 0 3 00 4 08 08 4 vj V, 6 30 Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(C T) Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte. Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, ArWicstonSalem,!! 15 Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh, Ar Goldsboro, Lv Goldsboro, Lv Raleigh. Ar Greensboro. Lv Greonsboro Ar Danviiii!, Vr tv.ysvi'1.;. '' r K.Cii Ul -lid, fi)iv ': pt Sunday. E tic i J S B TLoiutou, Supi, Supt. Greeusboro, HO. Richuud,Va. W A Turk. Gen Pass Agt, Washing ton, DO. S a H ard w ick, Asst Gen'l Pass A at , Atlauta, Ga. WH Green. Sol Haas, Gen Miiu'g'r, TralHc Man'g'r, Washiugtoa, 1) O. Washington, 1 0 , WllmlEgi-w.. & Waklon M:lroc.t and Branohei. Condsssed Baedt)", TRAINS GOING BOUTii, Oatod May 13. No 8B No 35 No 41 1894. Dallv. Daily. Daily. Le Weldon, 11 52am 9 27pm ArRockyMt, 102am lo20pn B0i)a Ar Tarboro. 84uam Le Tarboro, 18 25am Le Wilson. 2 68am 11 01p At Selina, 2 58am Ar i'ay'tvllla 485am 18 51 Ar Floreuce, 7 25am 8 00 Lv WiUoa, 8 18pm 0 85aia Le G'dsboro, 8 05pm 7 2 Mm Le Manual ia, 4 16pm 8 29am &r rU;tcn, eo'jpw 10 00am TKAINB GOING NOKTH. No 78 No 82, Daily. Daily. Lv Florence; 7 3 "am 7 25pm Le Fay 'tvliUlO 25am 9 80pm LvSelma, 12 08am Ar Wllsor.. 1 00am 11 37pm No 43 Daily Lv Wll'gton, 9 Claw No 40. Dally, 7C0pm 8 8pra Lv Magnolia, 10 40am Lv G'dsboro, il 15am 9 40pm No 78 Daily 82 Daily Lv Wilson, 1 10 pm 11 87am 10 28pm Ar RockvMt,2 U l05m 11 IRr at &r Tarboro, 9 44pm Lv Tarboro, 18 85pm LvRook jMt 8.13pm 18 05atB Ar Weldou. S 09pm 13 5'aro John V Diyih General SuperlDTndiit. ) K KfKiiT, Sapt Truu. T J l49tJJ. ial AJ