P. P. P. timnUtw the appetite and aid the pro- a of Mimilaiion, car nertoot truaUen, end tnigorti and strengthen avrr organ of the body. Kertouft pr.mtration la a I ao cured by the great and powerful P. P. P. It'a effocta are pHrmaueut and l.ixtiiig. If von feel weak and badly take P. P. P. aud you il regaiu your fl:U ! ana utrrngtb. For rlienmatittm, malaria and svpli ili P. P. P. rkkly AkIi, Pke H..t and riitAHHiuin ia the lent knoAn remedy, For friualeH in delicate health, for iudigtxtin and d.VHpepx'a, take only i P. P. P. It in of the bent spring' nifd- j h-iues in the world. W. II, Wilder, mayor of Many,' tia., H.iy a lie has auffered with rheii iiiaiiHin for fifteen years and in that t hue he tried all the no- ailed Hpeoif-ii-n but In no purpoHe. 1 1 is grandson, who van on the It. & W. rsilrmid, lin. . ally (ft him a bottle of P. P. p. he lir.st bottle of P. P. P. ah, vied its iv jnark;i Id eff.-ctN, and after using a Huoit time the rheumatism disappear ed, aud he writes he feels like a new n.an, and takes pleasure in rerojir iii end in;,' it to rheumatism suirereis. Hnrwell & Duun, Wholesale aud K.' tail Ageiits, Charlotte, N. C. Fnr eol.n Fcur, ai a'n , rnia t l -in, elllrife ld all di"l )irrm vn pu il.i 'oliprnt V M-Ke'le Oil, borfe bntnd Hvp eirelle. r m jM-ac'iO ' $1 00 . U Vs cent- ; 5 lf ent (.ij . o,-. ,.. ,,( j Fold by .Inhu V ilsc cir :tt All diseases of the skin riii), oi itoinplexi 'l) reatoret) by Jobii'm Oriental Reap. For a 1- by.lchriY MacRae. I'nrkln'M Arnica Nlve. The beat salve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, sti'r rhcnui fe ver sores, tetter. eheppi' h-tiirie rhi! b ulns, corn uml tk' ertrptini. a .t iwtiitiveh ei;r" t ' pf ir im reqi'ireil If ts itnerfr'fe.t r- !v perfect stifaotinn or ino"e r. ii ' ' Pr'ee R eent pet ' Frr ' 1-hn V 'ee".- B FOR OTB. In Postage, vn will aenit A Kuniple Kuvclopc, of either WHITE, l'LKKII or L'RINETTE pZIOMl'S i 0W0ESL Yon have seen it advertised for many years, but have you ever triad in If not, you do not Know what an Ideal 4 oiHloxlou lowlr la. h ! besiifas bolnff an acknowledged bemitlflor, :ihh muny relrc.HliiiiK uso. It prove titaehulV Itiir.Hiin-hurii. witiiltiiH. l4KiMHiurMiiirtitif in. j cut, In t ftctttmainofaUi'hteiuitliivdirnblO J urutfiotinn til t.hn ttton dunnit hot, waiithur. JU la Sold JCvrywhurea For flamoto. Address h A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis. Mo MENTION THIS PAHKH. The New York Recorder. Ali AMERICAN KOME NEWSPAPER. The Recorder for 1894 will sustain the prorai-e of its vigorous youth. It was born a .full-grown newspaper, and it Is bigger, better and brighter day by day. The Reoordar la a paper of Ideas. It Is a paper for the Home. It Is the woman's favorite daily. It is the friend and upholder of good government and common sense, and Its motto Is - FIRST OF ALL, THE NEWS. The subscription rates of The Reoorder tro as follows : On year, daily and Sunitny,, .... .. $8.80 Hix month; ittMii and MiiimIii ,.,,. 4. US Three mouth, daily aiirf Sunday.. .15 One year, Amity only . UUtnonth; daily only 3.00 ThrntntliB, Untlfi only 1.60 One year, Sundry only B BO . tlmmontht, Sunday only l.HS Three month, Sunday only .6a ITKEKhT, one year J."0 WKEK.LT, lu month .60 Generous premiums are offered for sub acrlbers to all editions. Write for particu lars. . ' The magnlfloent hellochromes given with The Sunday Reoorder are the delight end ornament of the home. THE N. Y. RECORDER, 15 Spruce St, N. Y. ClhjL Noriolk and Carolina Failroad Ooudensed schedule, in effect December 8, If 93. s , No 23 No 103 Daily Kx Sun 8 4H a m 2 10 i ni 9 44 a in 4 05 p v in SH a in 3 f7 p m 11 48 a m 5 25 p m Ptatiina Lv Vorfolk, Ar Siiff ilk, Tunis, Hobgood, Tsruoro. Itocky Mount, Williarustou, "j. Plymouth, . Washinn, Kincion, Wilson, Uoldanorn, r iln ington, FayctUville Florence, Charlis'on, Columbia, , Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Stlma, . Kaleigh, Ur'ei.sb'iro, vi 07 p m n ou p ni 12om 6 21pm 7 50pm 920pm 73'pm 7 35pm 1 45 m 11 23 p m 2f5pm 720am 5 3) p m 10 OU am 4 'JO p m 1 15 a m 7 05 p m S 27 a n 11 00 p m 6 6") a m 10 00 p m 11 05 a n HSOam 412pm 2 14 am S23 sm 8 40am ISfiam U 45 p m 13 05 m 4 05 p m 7 20pm Asheville, 4 iw p m No 23 daily connects with AOLtraln23 fo al p inte south No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes close connection at Uobgoo'1 for Washington, Kinston, riymouth and all Eastern Oatnlina poiuts; also at Rocky Mouut with AOL train 3" for all points south. Tra'r a arrive at Norfolk at 6 05 p m daU v in at 10 26 a ni diily except BunHap. J A NKUCHBATJKB, Passenger and Ticket Agent. JAMES F MAUP1N, General Forwarding g?nt, TMEMKESOK, Ooneral Freight and Passenger agent. Q HiUtHSUM, Qaoeral Manager. - - The Country Safe. With a igh . And with a song. Still this eonntry Joga along. Talk and tariff. Hitter, gold. lUtn or siinHliine, Heat or cold. Wrei-k or reel, I'raise or Maine, Btill slie geta there Just the same! Atlanta Constitution. A IU RCLAR IN l'HTTICOATS. tS-Year Old Kate RearJon Confesses a Robbery. By her own mnfeHHinn 18-year-old Kate Heardon, of Philadelphia, la a burglar and a Hucueaaful one, too. She is nerving a term in the home of correction for other mindeeds aud ahe admitted yesterday that ahe wan the burglar who broke iuto the Shipley residence. She broke open the shut ters of a wiudow with a poker, climbed in, bundled up a lot of clothing aud Home jewelry and managed to rarry it out without arousing attention. The artirles of jewelry were valued very highly. Suspii-iou of the burglary rested upon Benjamin Hall, brother-in-law of the girl, and he waa ar raigned for a hearing, the girl being called as a witness. She told such conflicting stories that the magistrate at length suspected her of at least complicity iu the crime. He taxed her with it and she finally broke down and made a clean breast of the whole story. She unlilushingly told how she used the poker to force open the the shutters aud how she dim' ed in at the window. She will be prose cuted fur burglary. She Wasn't Badly Scared. A little girl sat gazing at the new 1 onnet of one of her mother's visitors until the latter smilingly asked: "Do you like it, my dear?" The child innocently replied: "Ys, I do. .Mamma and Aunt Milly said it was a perfe. t fright, but it doesn't frighten me a bit." Tit Bits. "W-w-where are yon g-g going?" asked one. "(i-g-going t-t-t-to the stut-stut-stut-stammering institute," said the other. "G-g-g-good pup-pnp-pnp-place," said the first. "They kick-kick-kick- tired me." Standing of the Baseball Clubs. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cluba Won. Lost. PerCt. Baltimore, 78 30 .084 New York, 77 41 .653 Boston, 75 41 .647 Philadelphia, 66 50 .509 Brooklyn, 63 52 .548 Jleveland, 58 55 ,513 Pittsburg, 57 58 .490 Chicago, 51 65 .439 Cincinnati, 50 67 .427 St. Louis, 47 70 .402 Washington, 40 77 .342 Louisville, 33 83 .284 mom When Baby was sick, we Rare her Cnstorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gavetheua Castoria, It will astonish you how qtilok Johnson's Mpr etio Oil wiH kill all puios. i ternal anH ex'emal; tl t'O a?Z4 TO cents ; 60 cents size 2 cents tit Jo n Y MsoKaeV Advertising pays: A Texas man who recently advertised for one wife got Ave in less than three weeks. Johncoo's Magnetic Oil, hors brand Sio, is a powerful liniment ep p cially prepared for external use for perrons and all dis iases of horsea and cattle $100 aize 50 ceuts. 50 cts lze 25 osnta. A man is lingering at the gate Some tramp or burglar, maybe; ' Oh, no, he is a candidate- He wants to kiss the baby. W P Draper, druggist. Springfield, Mass, writes: Japanese Pile Cure baa cured a ladv 8 years offlioted; could not walk half a mile iu the last three years; now walks any distance. For sale by John Y MacRte. . A Pointer for You. Are you a subscriber 1 Do you take The Visitor ? If not, now is a good time to do so. Thk Visitor has all the city news, has the latest city news, has the best city news of any paper published in Raleigh. If you get a copy read it and subscribe for 'it. If you are a subscriber show the paper to your neighbor. Drop us a postal or send your number and street to this office. The manager . will do the rest. Try it one month. " Thb Visi tor leads, never follows." Doctors recommend "The Standard Sewing Machine" because of Its light raanlnj. - Will for Infants ' Cutorla Ik an well wUpU-d to chil.Irm that 1 rvOMiniiM-inl it on ituri(ir toany rvwcritkMa Louwu to nie." It A Amu, M !., Ill So. Ulfurd St., liruuklyu, X. Y. "The u of 'Ca-J ia 1 : n unireral and Itfl meriu m well kmun i:i..t 1. t4etiui a work (uf snjiererY'al ion to rinlit e it. Few are the intelligent families who J ) n t I .f-pCkstorto w uhiu r..-y n-ach." t'Auuua Vauttx, 1'. !., K.-w York City. Tim CuiTAia J. TU A splendid assortment of the best Turnip Seed just received; 5 cents Hal. tterbarii) Litfeia Water0 This justly popular water will mke you feel comfurtable and cheer ful. It regulates the bowels, cores dyspepsia in all its forms, and is a "panacea" for all bladder and kidney troubles. Received direct from the Springs every few days, and de livered to any part of the city at 20 cents per half gallon bottle. Try it. J. Hal. Bobbitt. 1 have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fonnl lin Bever ages, and spare neither pains norexpense topleasthe most ''utidious. MAXIM As my soda is good or bad, likewise will my d ugs par take of the same reputation. J. Hal. Bi:ibitt. I have Domestic Cigars and Havana Segars from five to twenty five ceuts. Nothing cheaper. J. Hal. Bobbitt. Prescripts!) When you have them compounded a my store, the doctors of Ral eigh are satitied that you are doiug ill you nan for your sick. J. Hal. Bobbitt. P. P, P. 5- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium g: Makes i Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula ' P. P. P. pniifleitbe blood, builds np , the weak and debilitated, Rives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient bealtbsnd happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For prlmary.sf oondary and tertiary syphilis, lor blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and akin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers. ' tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eciema- we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood puriner in tne world, ana mattes fiosltive, speedy and permanent cures n all eases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, are peoullarly benefited by the won derful tonlo and blood cleansing prop ertiesot P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. Bpbingctbld, Mo. , Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in tbe highest terms of your medicine from my own personal Knowledge. I was affected wltb heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians and spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully aay It has done me more good than anything I have ever taken, loan recommend yonr medicine to all sufferers of tbe above diseases. MRS. M. M. YKABT. Springfield, Green County, Mo. BURWBLL & DUNN, Wholes!, ' - Vim tSVt iVil and Children. Taaturl cum folk-. Constipation, Sour Ktonuuh, IiarrU.ea, Eructation, Kill Wurnu, gin uleep, and prouiot.- di- Caaion, Hltnuut UijurkMin nwdk-atbm. For apTerol year I hare rwonmieftilfd your 'CaHtorio,' and ahall nlwuyn eontiuue to do an it baa iuvariiJily pniduced benefii io) rewiltii." KnwiM K. I'aruck, M. I)., l'JUb Street and Tth Ave., New York City. CoMPANr, 77 Hi-kjmY Rtkut, Nw You City. DI varieties of l'.nist's new crop per ounce, or 50 cents per lb. J. Hal. KuniiiTT. 1 iw S m Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3! n . u m Catarrh, IVIalaria and Kidney Troubles g Are entirely removed by P.P.P. " Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas- turn, the greatest blood purifier on "sw earth. ay Abkrdkks, O.. Juiy 21, 1891. - & Messrs. Lippman Bros. , Savannah, Ga. s Drab Sirs I bought a bottle of ' your P.P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark., and It has done me more good than three months' treatment at the Hot Springs. ' 8end three bottles O. O. D. 09 Respectfully yours. J AS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. . m& Capt. i. D. Johnston. ' 9 To all whom it may concern! I here- sw by testify to the wonderful properties -o& of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I ,m suffered for several years with an un- "mw sightly and disagreeable eruption on -0 my face. I tried every known reme dy but in rain, until P. P. P. was used, kw and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, . Savannah, Ga. 9 Skin Cancer Cared. : . "9 Teitimony from the Mayor of Sequin,Tez. ' fltEomw. Tsix. . Jannarv 14. 1R93. . 1 Y . . U ...... aavannah -.MjB Qa.: Gentlemen 1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years' . standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and removes alt h?" 4 rltatlon from tbe seat of the disease i and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken five or six bottles ' and feel confident that another course , will effect a cure. It bas also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach 1 troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Hook oo Blood Diseases Mailed Free. ' ALL DRUOOIBTH BELL IT. LIPPMAN DROS. .PROPRIETORS, ? Uppman's Bloek.SaiTannah, d and BaUU Agents, Charlotte, N. 0. S3 S33333 11 11 11 11 11 11 S3 23 83 222222-.J3 3333 23 22 S3 23 22 333333 mm mm' (JIVKS ALL Til K LAT1T NKWS. If yni ar- U"l n Kuli-i ili.-r, lo-w it iL' tiuiH to f.'t-l thf l.t-hl aftfi noun aier niljishcj in ! ltal.-ie.-h. i THK VlSlTiiK will i-..st v-.ii l-ss tli.iti j OXK I'KNT -r da.r. ; Semi your ail'lr.-sH and rffeiv a sample rnjiy, EVKMNC VISITOR PL' It. Co.. W. M. P.iitiw.N, Manager. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. CONDENtEl) HUH f DULE. IN KKKKCT JCLY 8 , '94. Traios Ieave Raleigh, A M "ally, "Atlanta SpecKI," Pullman Vestibulefor Hen ileraon. Wehlon, PeterR bnrg, Kii'limoD"!. WfcBbiDK ton, Baltimore, Pliilailel. pnia. New York and all points north. Buffet draw ing room ileeperaud Pull man coaches Atlanta to WHshiutou, pHrlor cars WauhiuKton to Sew York Pullman sleeping car Au irosfa to Portsuiout' . 11 50 A M Daily except Sunday, for Henderson. Weldon, ouf folk, Portsmouth, Norfolk aud intermediate Bta'ioUH. count-eta at Portsmouth with BavLineforOld Poiut aud Baltimore, with Nor-, folk ujid Wtthhitigton SLeauj boat Co., for Washington, with N. Y. P & N li R. for Philadelphia aud points north; aleo at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Kichmoud, Washington, Hal iiDore, Philadelphia aud New Vork Through sleepers Weldou to .New York anl with Scotland Neck Brunch for C-rreeu-vtlle. Washing ou and Ply mouth. 5 82 A. M Daily. "Atlauta Special,1' Pullman Vestibule for Ho. Pines, Hamlet, -Mooroe, Chester, C'iutun, Hreen wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis aud "11 points south aud southwest, Through Pull man Bullet Sleepers and day coaches Wtishiugtou to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at (Juion depot Atlanta with diversiug liues 3 30 P M Daily, for Southern Pines, Hamlet, M s x t o u, Wilmiugton. Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Liucoluton, Shelby, Rutherfordton and all local statioue C. C R. and R &AALRR. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 5 17 A M Daily. "Atlanta Special." Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, : Norfolk and all poiuts north. Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pul! mau Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 20 P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P & N. R. R , also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington ani Eastern Carolina poiuts via Wei don, Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coasi Line, sleepers New York to Weldou. 1 30 A M Daily, "Atlanta Spocial," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athens, Abbeville. Qr.-enwood, Chester and points south. Pullman day couches and sleepjr Atlau v ta to Washington, 11 80 am Daily from W iliu iugton Shelby, Lincolnton, C'har lotte and all loc-U stations O. C R R and R & A K R ; also from Piyetteville and Greensboro via San ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Stree Station, for Henderson end intermediate stations 6 00 p. m ; re taming arrives Johnson Street 9 0i a. hi. Passenger leaviu? Raleigh at 3 30 p. m arrives at Charlotte 0 4'i p m , returning leaver Charlotte at 9 41 a. m., arrive Raleigh It 41a m. No 402 and 40 1. "Atlanta Snecial,'' are solid Pullman vetibalod trains composed of rr-agaidoaut daycoacbe' and palao drawing rooms 'Bullet sleepers between Washiogton and Atl nta without change, on wh-ch there is no egtr fare charged. For Inf rmUion reUtive t-i sohed nles, Ace., apply to ticket agent, or A. J. Cooke. S PA. R-iUlgh JOHN H WlSfDN-i, leu'l Mau'gT T.,J ANDB&30N. Qeu'I Pass Agt. r. ie'd with writle: uu.uiitea In curs NetvjusProstra lion. Fits, Diir.i- N!'tirnlhriHft. -.IVVHke . fulu.'N,caui.cil ;)y.'X-' cPf.pivousefOi:ium, Tn V-po nnd Alci- BEFORE - AFTER - Rion s0ftnin oi the Brain, cnusinR Misery, Insanity and Death; Barreness, Impotenoy, Ctnt Power in eitbarsx, Prematura Old Ape, '.nvohiutury Losee, caaxod by over-indulgence, ovor-xertl. u or the Brain and Errors of Youth. Iteiveato Wenk Orenns thoir Natural Visor and doubled the Joys of life; cures Lucorrbcaa and Femhle WeaknosR. L month's treat ment, In plain package, by mail, to t. ly addrers, H per box, 6 boxes ft. with every M ordnr we w ve a Written Ouarantee to cure or rofuud the lurmny. Circulars free, Ouarantee iaeuod onlvbjr our ex- oiusive dura n a. John Y. MaotUe, Druggist, Raleigb, P 0.. 1111111111 23 i i a i COPYRIGHTS. -t l N ' V i f..h i Any : ' 'rm ti-.Tis tr iir imniiOs n;nl. A liuy.itiktk ul in-f-Tii)a imi mnN'ii)iiifr Pult )' gtid bw to ob lain ittt'lu m i I U. AIm 1 fd-it Uuv ul lUCCalAO it" B'i! . peril . ra(i.t rt- t in Oi Crvf it: !t.r -:! I. - ' ttr.i f " b 'art. (lll-'i'LH MT frli'lHl!'. Ml ft CO -ri.l.-lv n p ttif put lie wilh ..i M'liiu!u1 paftar, flo ..rk iq tli '. w ni ir!. , ju o ti ,ir. stnrt it -i n.nf i vte. and l-l: 'scrMi'hi cf nt- i l hitiir-. .!... li i.i-vti. in! nv t l- hihI liiTiiiisi fml. .-CUTHKHN i AIL WAY LOS'Y. il'i (linoiit Air Lilt.) 1 1 e1-rt Juue ' ". 1'14. I'u.s i-niul.'iised Kfliediile is imblisU e.l us ill loi'iuiiti.iii iiiid is subj.'ittJ rhiingi' ttillmut ii.itifut.i the public. DAILY. V. SI. AM Lv Kichmoud, 1240 12 50 Burkeville, 2 ao 2 46 Lv Kesville, 311 3 20 ArDauville, 5 31 5 35 AM LvDaoville, 5 00 7 00 5 40 Ar Greensboro, 7 29 8 40 6 58 P II AM Lv Goldsboro, "2 00 tS 00 Ar Raieigh, 4 01 8 20 Lv Raleigh, i 10 5 41 a iu Lv Durham, 511 0 41 Ar Hreousboro, 7 20 8 35 P M AM P M L-Wii.aou'8alem, toi'5 5 40 to 01 Lv Ure.tnsboro, 7 31 8 45 0 t!S Ar Salisbury, a 08 10 25 8 11 Ar StHtesviile, 11 ID &r Asuevil1", 4 UC p iu Ar Hot Spi'U8, 5 30 p m am am Lv Salisbui 7, 915 11 30 8 11 Ar Cnanoi id, 10 40 U u U 25 am p m Ar Spartanburg, 12 57 2 E8 11 37 a ui Av Greenville, 1 52 2 05 13 28 p m Ar AtUuta (C T) 5 20 9 30 51 p ui am Lv Charlotte, 10 60 8 SO am put Ar Augusta, 8f5 40i Ar Charleston (SO) 10 30 8 45 Ar 8avanna(f,c&p) 5 30 4 30 Ar Jacksonville, 1010 935 DAILY. Nos f.o No S'.iSlO 12 38 NORTHBOUND. V M AM P M Lv Augusta, 7 00 1 30 AM Lv Columbia, 3 20 510 Ar Charlotte, (5 40 8 3U P M Lv Atlaiita,(0 T) 9 00 8 00 12 n AM PMPM Ar Charlotte, 0 30 i! 10 8 20 Lv Charlotte, 7 00 7 00 8 3d Ar Salisbury, 828 821 941) Lv Hot Spriugs, 12 44 Lv Ashevtlle, 2 30 Lv Statesville, 7 11 Ar Salisbury, 8 00 pa LvSalisb-ry, 8 33 830 9 40 Ar Greensboro, 10 05 10 05 11 Otf AM- ArWicstonSalem,ll 15 t9 25 19 25 Lv Greensboro, 10 10 12 01 Ar Durham, 12 a 3 35 P M A M Ar Raleigh, 1 00 73!J Ar Goldsboro, 3 00 tl 00 p ui Lv Goldsboro, f 1 00 2 00 2 00 AM P M Lv Raleigh j4 4 10 4 10 Ar Greensbr . 8.(1 720 7W Lv Green".-v.- 1(. 0 1)10 I: 00 . V M , A M Ar an-'i;, 11 45 11 40 2 2" f l A M 'r K-M--vi i . Vl 32H 32 0 : H r (,Ih. S,Q OP 4 08 r Vi. .!;;!! ..i 1. I :,j . M 0 20 Ti' v-.-j.- ,,uik1h y. IS Bui liie, , J S B i'liuiiiyBOu, S.npt, Bapt. Greensboro, KO, Richiu-ud, Va. W A Turi. Gen Pass Agt, Washing ton, DC S ri Hardvrick. Asst Geu'l Pass Agt, Atlanta, Ga. W a Greeu. Sol Haas, Gvjsi Mna'g'r, Traffic ttauVf astiiugtoa, D O. Washington, i fl . Wiii4ir.girt,'- it Weldon Sniircac and. 'Jranoss Uonde&(- Sr.aelr. TKAlNrf GOIy 60DTB. i)ue.l May IX- "To 3i- No 31 St, 41 If.yt. naily. Daily. Daiiy. Irf vVeldPij. 11 5i?aai 927pu ir Hooky Mt, 102am lo20pui POOr.sn ir 'f Krburo, 2 4;aui La T'ibo-o, 12 25am L Wiin, 8 Ggaia 11 01p Ar 'rielmu. 2 68a4 Ar Fay'tvllle 4b5avi la SI Ar Ploreuce, 7 25am !' 00 Lv Wilson, 2 18pn 6 V-sim Ijo O.deboTO. 3 0r.pm 7ain Le -Va'iora, 4 lOpni 8 2!'aiu fej- i JlVtvt, 85 ipro 1'iOHani TKA5K8 GOING NORTH. - No 78 No 32, No 40. Daily. Daily: Daily, Lv Floreuce; 7 8 am 7 8ipm LeJTay,tvllU1025am 980pm Lv Belwa, 1208am Ir WiUor.. 1 00am 11 27pm No 48 Daily 0v Wll'gton, 9C0an 7 a0pn Lv Magnolia, 10 40atn 8 3pw Lv G'dsboro. !l t5m 90dm No 73 Daily U Daily Lv WUbdp, 1 10 pm 11 87aua 10 a 'pin M P,ockvMi,2 15 12 05am 11 15on Ararboro, 9 44p n Lv Tarboro, 18 85pm Lv Rock ;Mt 2 18pm 13 05arc kt Weldoc, 809tim UBam JOHH V1VIB Gener il Hiperlnfodrt. . 1 i ' ' afl ?au X I

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