FINE STATIONERY, IV tin. Pencil and Iok at W.:tur Finm-i-tyf1" l,,u:, ASl rK-PP.IF.TKT ARTICLM. EVENING VISITOR And a' " ' OL XXXI. Hbckheh, Gi ated rot tu 8hko, at Watts 1'habmact. HALEICH, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMHEU IS, 181)4. WhIiT P.r.ooM.-.CLoTHK 111: I IU AM HaIK li:l Mltj. j Tiioma-J. Waits I'mi-gixl. OIL COMPLEXION SOAP uHSSbonHini Una Oil. Buttermilk , ,,11 Glycrri. t. The best loc. ,Ba yp in tbcity. r WHO STRITK BILLY PATTKRSONY And Now We Ask How Does This Strike You? Ia order to bring into Raleigh mum surplus cash I have made irrtDga tueuts to secure loans for thoHe who seed money and can't get it injbis way. Several thousand do! Urn lent in Raleigh already. Read: The peculiar advantage of the En dowuient plan ia in the conven ience and certainty with whi. h a debt may t paid off. Auybody with sufficient credit or security may be a Me to incur an obligatiou to pay $1,000. Rut the trouble ia that when the debt falls due he still owes the $1,000, and in moHt. cases it is then as difficult to pay it as it was when the debt was created. The Endowment plan solves the question "How to pay the prin cipal of your debt." The Company makes loans for either seven or teu years. Kvery borrower is obliged to carry an Endowmeut poli y, which will mature on or before the d:iy hi. loau I ec mien due. The Kndowiiient ami the lu.-ui both being for years, the pay ment of the Endowment ana1 lex the borrower to pay off his loan the day it becomes due. Should the borrower die before the end of the seven years, the life in surance payable under the En dowment policy goes to reduce or repay the loan. If death should occur at the end of three years. . the life insurance would pay off '. ' more than half the debt iu thin case the balance of the loan would remain on the property' at 6 per (ieut. interest until the end of the seven years. The life insurance under a seven year Endowment amounts to the face of the Endowment after six years, and under a ten-year En dowment after eight years. Merest.: The interest on loans is sis per c-n: per annum, and is paid in monthly instalments. Thus on a loan of 1 XX) the monthly interest is $5 To secure the loans and interest the Company requires a first mortgage on real estate worth double the amount of the loan. Cost. The following table shows the total cost per iiiont of a loan on the Endowment plan: tOAH OF $1,000 FOR SEVEN YEARS. Interest at 6 per cent per an num, - - -' - - - - - $ 5 00 Premium on sev en-year Endow ment. - 12.50 Total coat per month, - - $17.50 . LOAN OF $1,000 TBN Y"8AR8. Interest at 6 per cent per an num, - - - - - - - - $ 5.00 Premium oni ten-year Endow ment. - - ...... 9.50 Total cost per month, $14.50 Amount of life insurance per $1,000 of the Endowment granted payable under the policy if death occurs after the policy has been in force for either of the following periods: If Endow-: If Endow ment is pay- ment is pay able at end able at end V of 7 years, of 10 years. After 1 year, $ 350 200 300 400 500 . 750 775 1000 -1000 1000 After 2 years, 400 After 3 years, After 4 years, After 6 years, After 7 years, After 8 years, AfterJJ years, After 10 years, 525 650 825 1000 If the Endowment is greater or less than $1,000 the Life Insurance pay able will be in proportion. Call! on C. C. McDonald, Special Agent. It requires about 30 days usually, to get papers complete and to Vave tbla cheek ready for issue. DOTS AND DASHES MADK AWIT TODAY'S IIAITKX IttiS. Items Gathered In and Around the City. At Metropolitan hall this evening Relle Boyd, The new floor of the city market is about two-thirds completed. This week's event here is the state mass contention or tue democratic clubs. The ties for the extension of the street railway to the nniou depot have been delivered. Register of deeds Mial and his clerks are all busy getting out the tax lists, which will I e ready in a fe days. Charles Gray, the young man who tried to commit suicide Sunday morn ing, is getting on nicely and is blessing his stars" that he took an overdose of laudanum. Do the city authorities know of the quantity of weeds on East Polk street? l'he weeds are so numerous as to make the street look nearly like an abandon ed farm. The "basket social" advertised at the residence of Mrs. A. W. Shaffer this evening has been indefinitely post poned on account, of other entertain. meuts noticed for the same evening. A gentleman from Chapel Hill re ports that there are now 494 students at the University and says there will be over five hundred iu the spring. Dughi's restaurant opens for the season Thursday. Improvements of its interior will be made. Dughi's jyaters, &c, make a great hit. At the supreme court building pre paration is being made for the meet ing of the court. Next Friday and Saturday the applicants for license are to be examined, and of these it is said there will be at least 45. Mr. Chandler of Nebraska has rented through Allen & Boyden's agency the (lading place, east of this city. He will breed horses. That has been his .msiness in Nebraska. French coach Uorses are to be a specialty. Greensboro is to have a baby show lext Friday evening. The ladies could lot find auy one reckless enough to act as judge, so they have decided to charge 5 cents a vote and let it be de cided in that way. Ninety convicts were sent yesterday from the penitentiary to Weldon. Ten go to the Great Falls canal, 30 to the Northampton farm and 55 to the Cal edonia farm. This leaves 137 convicts in the penitentiary. Of these 25 are females, 8 of them white. Yesterday the democrats of Burke county nominated Charles F. McKes son for the legislature, He is well known all over the state as a fine speaker, and has relatives in this city. All the pension lists are on hand at tha state auditor's office. It is the be lief that there will be some increase in the number of pensioners, but the clerk says he cannot yet tell how great tkct witl be. TEe negro boy who has been pre senting forged orders for hams to Raleigh grocers is being tried before mayor Badger this afternoon. The trial was postponed to await witnesses from Wake Forest This is the third week of the meet ing at the Fayetteville street Baptist church and the interest in the meet ings seems to be growing every day. Last evening there were two profes sions and several went to the altar for prayer.:-'' '7. .' The A. & M. college football team has settled down to hard practice un der the direction of captain Joel Whit aker. The college team plays the University eleven at Chapel Hill on Oct 12th and will probably arrange a game with either Wake Forest or Trinity during fair wdek. Governor Carr, who has just return ed from a short visit to his Edge combe farm, says that two weeks ago the cotton prospect was poor, but the recuperation isjremarkable. He was really surprised at the improvement, and aays he will make a fair cotton otop. COL. CARR HERE. He Is on Hand to . Arrange for the Club Convention. This afternoon Col. Julian 8. i'arr, president of the state association of democratic clubs, arrived here aud is at the Yarboro, where he will hate his headquarters until Friday. He is here, as he says, "to slake off the ground;" in other word to mtke all arrangements for the ilub contention. The latter goes in ressioii at noon Thursday, pro ably at Metropolitan hall. Col. Carr says he expects a great attendan e, if even only half the people w ho say they will be here do come. 'I he chief trouble. Col. Carr says, is with the railways, which will not give thecheap rates asked for, but have put on tariff No. 2. The Southern rail way wants Col. Carr, he says, to guar antee, or iu other words give his check for, $475 for two special trains from Goldsboro and Greensboro here. He has this matter under advisement. He says the following speakers, known all over the country, will cer tainly be here : Gov. B'ack of Penn sylvania, C. If. Mansur, of Missouri, secretary of the interior Hoke Smith, W. C. Oates of Alabama and senators Ransom aud Jan is. He cannot say positively that Bourke Cochran of New York, senator Daniel of Va., or senator Faulkner of West Virginia will be here, but most probably Dan iel will come. New York influence is being brought to bear on Bourke Cochran to induce him to come. The organization of the association of clubs is to follow the speaking. It Will be Very Attractive. W. H. King & Co. will have many im provements of the interior of their store. All the fixtures are to be of hand-carved oak, and all the cases are to have plate glass fronts reaching to the floor. The prescription case will have a front entirely of mirrors. A new soda apparatus will be put in and hot soda is to be a winter special ty. There will be a steel ceiling. All the carved oak wood work is being prepared here. The prices and style of this won in competition with work done north; King & Co. will at the state fair exhibit a model drug store. "The Spider and the Fly." M. B. Leavitt's spectacular panto mime will be presented at the academy of music Friday evening. It is said that the company numbers fifty peo ple, and embraces American oparetie, pantomimic and vaudeville stars and several late European novelties. The story of the "Spider and Fly" serves as the foundation of an evening's en jovment with catchy music, funny topical songs, half a dozen ballets, processions, marches, grotesque com edy and "local hits." A High Speed Motor. The street car company has ordered and is expecting daily a moter for one of the cars, which is the latest inven tion for street car propulsion. The chief points of utility are the ease with which it can be stopped or put in motion and the speed which it is capable of generating. It; is said that a car fitted with this motor can run. on a level at as rapid a rate as 30 miles an hour and can ascend the steepest grade at a 15 mile clip. A New Elrm. Mr. B. W. Upchurch, better known as "Bailey," and Mr. Charles Ander son, formerly at D. T. Swindell's, have purchased the grocery store of John R. Terrell & Co. and will con tinue the business under the name of B. W. Upcliureh & Co. Belle Boyd. During the war "Belle Boyd" was very famous as a confederate spy. Many were her daring deeds and her name was on every tongue. This eve ning she lectures here, at Metropoli tan hall, in aid of the soldiers' home. Fun and Fight. This afternoon Mr. Brown, who stays in DeBoy's saloon, and Thomas Conway were having a friendly box ing match. After about five minutes it became so exciting that the police ar rested both. The trial was set for this afternoon. Both profess the highest regard for each other and de clare it was too bad 10 arrest them for what was merely play. l'F.RSOXAI. POINTS. AHitl T rRoMlNKNT NORTH CARO LINA n:ol'LK. Here And Elsewhere in the State. Mr.Jesse Taylor is critically sick at his farm near this city. Thomas W. Keene will plav 'Hamlet' here next Monday evening. Mr. C. B. Edwards is at Chatta- niHiga attending the meeting of the supreme grand bilge of Odd Fellows. Mr. George Stronach, formerly of Raleigh but now engaged iu the gro cery business at Wilson, returned home today. Mr. George Holder, who for two years has beeu a compositor in this oflice, is now "sticking type" at the News aud Obsener oflice. Mr. Andrew Williams, who has been sick with fever at his home on South McDowell street, is now much better. The fever has left him. THE YARBORO HOUSE. Its Interior Being Remodeled It Will be Made Attractive. Work has begun on the alterations of the interior of the Yarboro house. The owners, the Grimes estate, aud the manager, Mr. Lewis Brown, will make it a modern hotel in point of equipment. Halls aud rooms are be ing attractively papered throughout the old portion of the building. Steam heating apparatus with radiators is being put in position and a great deal of sanitary plumbing will be done. The dining room will have a painted wainscoting four feet high, oak finish This room will have a steel ceiling of attractive pattern, with new combina tion chandeliers and electroliers. The walls will be papered in a style in har mony with the new woodwork, 'l'he oflice will have a steel ciling, painted aud decorated, and tV- floor will be laid with white and black marble tiles, with variegated borders. This room will also have a painted wainscoting, and this and all the other woodwork will be of oak. The counter will be placed on the east side and will be semi-circular in shape. It will face the main entrance. The present plain arches will be filled with ornamental grilles or net work screens of steel, and the windows will be ornamented with colored glass. A new and elab orate mantel, with mirrored cabinet, will be opposite the main stairway. The arches in front of the oflice, now separating it from the lobby, will be removed, and steel pillars will act as the supports. The reading room is now in rear of the oflice.' There will also be a special baggage and parcel room. In the rear wing of the north end some rooms will be specialty fitted for sample rooms. Architect Bauer has designed all these improvements, which will be so made as not to interfere with the comfort of patron's. The September Crop Report Was completed today by the state department of agriculture. It shows the" percentages of condition to be: Cotton 81 2-3, corn 98 1-4, rice 87 5-8, peanuts 80 1-2, peas 87, tobacco 82 12 sorghum 90 2-3, meadows 86, sweet potatoes 85. These figures are lower than those sent out by the government which are: cotton 88, corn 104, rice 90, tobacco 92, sorghum 93, potatoes 94. The preparation of land for wheat is said to be 80, for oats 82 3-4, for clover 83. The Louisville Herald publishes a statement attacking the Carolina fire insurance company of Asheville and intimating that some of its assets are valueless.. This company was char tered not long ago. The directors of the insane asylum meet on the 27th instant, to elect two assistant physcians. ; Two convicts from . Wayne were brought to the penitentiary today by sheriff Grant. 1 Milton Nobles played "For Revenue Only" to a very fine audience at the academy last evening. Tba Standard ia tbe highest grade ewlng maobln manufactured. OOO OOO 11 Vv aooo NOT TEN CENTS BI T TELEPHONE NO. in. At any time of the day, from 7 a.m. to 10 p. in., this call will reach ALFIIKDWILUAXS&CU.'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. And whatever you order will le promptly delivered at your residence or place of business. School Book ', Plain and Fancy Sta tionery, Ilia Ilk Bonks, Latest Novels or Magazines, all School Supplies, anything for Business Oflice, Law Books and supplies, Writing Materials, Standard Books, or anything else in our line, and you will receive the very best article at lowest possible prices. Trinity Tries Another Man. Some time ago the V 11 Ton told of the flattering offer Mr. Zeb Andrews. Raleigh's heavyweight, had received from Trinity college to play football there the -coming seasons. Mr. An drews, for reason best known to him self, refused the offer. Trinity seems determined, however, to get good players whether they go to college or not. so her footballists have recent ly been corresponding with Mr. It. O. Fry, a 240-pounder, who has for sev eral years been the "centre rush" of the Wake Forest team. An offer was made him of tuition, board and all necessary expenses, with $25 a month thrown in. to play on the Trinity team. Mr. Fry doubtless Wake Forest but filthy lucre prevailed and he left yesterday for Trinity. The other state colleges had better keep their eyes open as Trinity seems to have an unlimited quantity of "dough." Many persons drive out to the spring west of l'ullen park, which Mr. Pullen has recently opened. The water is deliciously cool aud of re markable purity and the location at tractive. Mr. Jabez Myers was on the streets of Charlotte yesterday aud for several hours was greeted by his friends. The News says he plainly shows the .aarks of the suffering he has gone through', but is now 011 the mend rapidly and will soon be himself again. The Perjury Case. The. .'case; of perjury against Jim Hawkins, which was told in yester day's Visitor, came up before mayor Badger this - 'morning.' M. W. Vass, Esq., counsel for Hawkins, stated that the prosecution did not wish to press the case and asked the mayor to dis miss it. This mayor Badger refused to do but postponed the case to con sider the matter. Hand polished curtain poles 20 cts. each at Thomas & Maxwell's. LANNELS and WOOLENS This department is now at its best, com pletely stocked with a Hue; of goods so fine in quality and so low in price that you cannot ask or expect more favorable opportunities for buying. We think, you will call aud inspect our trustworthy bargains which now await your coming.JJJIn this line good goods can't and won't be offered cheaper, and we don't believe they will be offered as cheap by anybody this season. Come early and select from a full stock at the fairest prices you have evr known. ; , '; 1). T. Swindell. HOSIERY. Our fall and winter weights aud styles are now ready for your favorable consideration and you can't possibly help being pleased with them. You never saw the like of the low prices we are able to make you for strictly first class goods. D. T. Swindell. G OTTON In startles of this kind we do not propose to have a shadow of a doubt in your mind as regards our ability to do better by you than anybody else. Come in and see our complete line for yourself. It is well stocked in every grade and fully represents the product of the best and most reliable factories in the country. , Y6u will find in quality and kind exactly what you want; and you will have a price named for it that is so low as to leave nothing, else to be desired. D. T. Swindell. OOO mm M V V I F.W I.KIT. EE r U uiliLvailJ III! I AT To make room for other iroods. at jc 05 0 ro iO 75 (X) .0 85 S 50 $9 mt IB Ml! RALEIGH, N. C. PICKING UP B AROAIWS Successfully done, as a casual gla lice will show. TAKE. A LOOK ! 1.247 yds. G iughatus, worth 5c, 4,021 " Calico (standard) 7c 5.000 " 4 4A A Domestic 6c now 3i? " 4 , " 5' AT JCST EXACTLY 1-2 PRICE. All Summer Dress -Material, su. h as Pongees, Lawns, Tissues, Crepitus, &c., &c, at one-half former price. WM SKI & SO! SIWUSI Of all kinds and qualities for Ladies, Misses and Children, - to be sold out regardless. JUST RECESVEia 1 A full line of Blanker, (ierstle & Co. 's Cincinnati Made Fine Shoes. These'goods have achieved a wonder ful reputation for the .short time they have been introduced. Try a pair none better. Mill Ml. Two weeks ago' we began a special Carp ( sale, with prices lower than a 'free wool basis. We co 11 1,1 .'ilVH'ai pets at these low pi-lee.-; f .r two reasons: -1 Some vv.'i e past terns--'pallefijs lliatcouM not be'dupiicaied,' We bought for quick cash, from manufacturers .who "needed, .money,, all the -.'Carpels 'that suited ns, at prices lower than the new tariff rates, For another week, begin ning MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, Carpets will be the principal item, and our cus tomers can have the benelit of prices which are lower than t he reduced tariff figures, CA DEMY OF f CSIC. : Yttmtm tmttt-Httttm tttttttmtmttt.Ht One Night Only, Fkiday, September 21st, Special Engagement at (Treat Expense Mammoth Spectacular Marvel, SPIDER AXI) THE FLY All new aud up-to-date. 4 1 noi le. yCELEBKIT1ES Positively an entirely new organiza tion this season, including, as a spe cial feature, the very Latest Craze, Living Pictures, now the rage of Lon don, Paris, New York; 20 Superb Groupings, the perfection of Art. MKTS- BELOW ; TTMTh TPIVTHP