Iodigeation, Rillioaaneaa, Dyspepsia And all ImuIh am cured by P. P P. PrlcklAah.PokeRoot andPutaaHium. RbeomatNm in curd by P. P. P. Paina and aeufa in the bark, Nuoulriera, knrea, anklca and writtta art" all at taked and ruutiTd by P. P. P. Tbi great inedirine, by it blid cleanaiug properti, builds up and atrengtuena tli wind body. Nothing in b rfllca.-ioua aa P. P. P. at tli in mch in, and fr tuning up, in vigorating aud aa a Htrengtlipuer and appetiaer tak P. P P. it throws off tb malaria aud puta you in rfood uon diliou. Abbott' a East Indian Corn l'aint curea all corn, warta aud bunion. Harwell & Dunn, Wholesale aud He tail Ageuts, Charlotte, N. C. Monroe WhaUo, of Birndopba 5 Ala irrltfi: "1 parnhxted all tiotfiea ft your Japanese Pile Cnro fr m Mr AmzMioddn Mid it haa entirely nnrt"i toe of a eaaof piles of 99 vrarr rtand Ipr; will ad Tine it v Mends to line it " For aale by Jnhn Y MacRae Lid lea. If yon want a pure dH-ate imp for the complex! jd, rfrmrlats "III .alwava reoo'O'iiend J,hnon Orlentnl Medicinal Toilet 8oar at J Y MaeRae'a. Knrkloii'B Arutca Slv. The beat aalve in the i-r!d for enta b'uifec. aorea. nicer, aalt rheum f Ter aorea. tetter, chapped hand ehil blna, eorna and all akin ernpHoi and poaltlvely cures piles, or no pa required It la guaranteed to glv. perfeet atWacMon or money refund ed Price 2R cents pel pox. For aa'e h John V Veee THE liveniDg Visitor. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. NOW 18 THE TIMP NOW M THE TIME TO SUBTRIRE TO 8UB80RIBF. The mbslon of THE VISITOR will be in the future, n a it haa been in the pus, TO ELEVATE L4B0R PUBLISH ALL HOME NEWS. TO INTEREST READERS OF ALL GLASSES. TO ADVANCE THE INTEREST .OF RALEIGH. TO REPORT ALL INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. It will eonlrlbn'e, by Its advocacy of Progressive Ideas o( Business, to make Rablgh a prosperous manufacturing oentre, a model of nommereial enterprise, and the most prosperous OITY IN THE SOUTH. Its small price will attract subscribers. Its real merits will make it a popalar favorite. -SUBSCRIBE FOR T HE VISITOR Mechanics. Laborers, Merchants and Professional Men. It Is read In the counting room, In the mans of trade, in every bouse hold, in railroad cars, in work shops, and is a valuable advertising medium. Sparkling, racy, lively, its Local Department will be a specially, attractive to all readers and valuable Id giving all the home news. Letters from the people will enable the people to discuss all matter in which the public are interested. -TERMS : The Model Husband He rises every morulas;, Juat at tb break of danj Ha lighta tbe kitrben fire And be puta tbe kettle on. Ha waabea all the dixbea, Puta biaouita in to bake; And aa calmly aa a ry clone Beata to tendernena the stock. Then he drexaea all tbe children. Heart 'einaay their morning pray ara, And leta 'em go to take the air, Or tumble down the stairs. Ha aeepa the bonne all over Knock the dimt from eery shelf, Hi wife mIih runs for office. And he jiiMt. can't help himself. LIU T BAIi v "at T 1 1 lT I IOT One year, Inside the city, One week. One month," " One year, outside the city, One week, " " Onemonttu" Olobs of four, one month, Postage paid at tbls office. $3 CO 06 25 $3 00 00 85 $1 00 Address, EVENING VISITdR, Raleigh,, N.O. A Woman's Clever Scheme for Getting Rid of Her Infant. A handMome, well-dressed woman who called at a hotel in Camden Tueaday evening hit upon a a. heme for getting rid of nndeHirable babies far in advance of the old way of put ting them in baskets aud leaving them on the atepa of some house. With a aix-weeka-old infant in her amis, the woman arrived at the hotel and regis tering, was shown to a room. She sent the waiter for a bottle of warm milk, after which everything became quiet and mother and child were sup posed to have retired. An hour later a messenger brought tbe following message: "Go up to room No. 27 atonue." The clerk was puzzled, but liually went up and knocked on the door of the room. There was no answer, and tbe door being unlocked, he walked in. Tbe woman had disappeared, but snugly tucked away in bed, with its bottle of milk aud fast asleep, was the baby. On a chair near the bed was a bundle of clean baby clothing, but nothing that could in any way lead to tbe identification of the woman. Tbe hotelist sent word to the police. They could do nothing, however. A Sl'N GLASS- A Practical Joker Denuded the Head of a Friend. Trimble, Tenn., Sept. 21. A case of unusual interest wijl be tried at tbe next terra of circuit court. The case is the result of a practical joke, Jim Harber and half a dizen others were sitting talking. Bob Jellow, thinking to have some fun, drew a sun glass from his pocket and forused its lens on Harber's uncovered head. Jellow expected to see Jim jump up with an explanation jjf pain. The glass did more than was expected of it. The concentrated rays of the sun did not reach Harber's scalp, but suddenly his bead was a mass of flames, caused by tbe ignition of the bay rum on his hair, he having just come from the barber shop. Others extinguished the blaze with their hats and handkerchiefs. Har ber would doubtless have killed the joker had he not been restrained. He has brought suit against Jellow for $15,000 damages, Physicians say Har ber's head will never be adorned with another set of hair. Jellow is very wealthy. Bits Of Fun. Angry parent "Young man, what were you doing at a moment ago with my daughter?" Edward "N-o-othing, sir, I assure you." "And what were you doing, Helen?" Helen J'l was telling him that he must stop right off or I would scream. Indeed I was, papa." Truth. "Men," said Sharpe, "may be di vided into two classes-knaves and fools." "That's a pretty bright re mark," said uncle Silas; any man who takes you for a fool is mistaken." Chicago Record. "The doctors say that kissing is un healthy,", said the young man to his girl; "what do you think of it?" "I never had much faith in doctors," she replied. New York Press. : Constipation and siok headache per manently cared, and pilee prevented by Japanese Liver Pelleta ; especially adapted to children's use- For sale by John Y MaoRae. When Baby wa eick, we gave her Castorla. When sha waa a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. J panese Liver Pellets are the best fumllv medicine tor liver complaint and constipation; 50 pills In a vial; 85 osnts, at John i umkm's. . t V 1 for Infants and Children. Cutnrla tn wrlla4nl (orhndrrn tliat I niiMinimid it m Kuiwir to any pnnrriptioa LnowB lo iii." 1L A. Aariu , M. P., Ill Uxlortl St., i:nAl)u, X. Y. "The u -n of Cat"r;.i i uuin-mU and Im uw-riti mi well kiHmti l!u.t I; Mftiisawork if sun'n;-ation to i-iulcr- it. Few are the lnu-lli(,i'nt raiiiilics who do 11.4 Li-ep Castoria within i-a y iv.i" h." C'AHUua ViHTTN, H. I ., X-w York City. Tularin ran Oilir, (Vnntipatinii, Sour SbHuach, Diarrhii-a, ErucUUioa, Kilh Woniui, givm slw, and ruuuiU-H .11- " For w-vernl y-rii ! ha rTorumciiili'd your 'CuKtorio,' and hliaU always i-onliniu to do ao art it has iiivariuhly pr-jduccd buclicial nwulu. Kuwm K. I'ardek, M. 1) lXth Street and 7lb Ave., NVw York City. Tim CicKTAca (Vmi-anv, 77 Mcrrat Stkeit, Niw York C'iit. J. HaL Bob-bitl D! A splendid assortment of the best, varieties of Huists new crop Turuip Seed just received; 5 cents per ounce, or 50 cents per lb. J. Hal. Hiiuuitt. Otterburij Litbia' -Water. This justly popular water will make you feel comfortable and cheer ful. It regulatea the bowels, cures dyspepsia in all its forms, and is a "panacea" for all bladder and kidney troubles. Received direct from the Springs every few days, aud de livered to any part, of the city at 20 cents per half gallon bottle. Try it. J. Hal, Hobhitt. 1 have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fountain lever ages, and spare neither pains norexpense to pleasthe most ' istidious. MAXIM-As my soda is good or bad, likewise will my d.'iigs far take of the same reputation. J. Hal. B MiiiiTT. I have Domestic Cigars and Havana Segars from five to twenty five cents. Nothing cheaper. J. Hal. Hohhitt. When you have them compounded af my store, the doctors of Ral eigh are satified that, you are doiug ill you can for your sick, J. Hal. Hohhitt. P R Pimples, Blotches IT I a I onH nirf Cnroe --5 DDIPIIV tCU DnlC DrtflT g and potassium CatarrhMalaria S Makes Marvelous Cures Erin Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula alS p. p. p. parities the blood, builds np the weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels SB-- diseases, glvluit the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy teelings and lassitude first prevailed. fWfc For primary, sroondary and tertiary zT syphilis, for blood poisoning, mereu-SatS-" rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and skin diseases, llko Diotones, pimpies, oia oaronio uicers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, ecsema- we may say, without fear or contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best Diooa partner in toe woria.ana manes positive, speedy and permanent cares In all cases. and whose bloodls In an impure oondl- tion. due to menstrual irregularities, i are peculiarly benefited by the won f derful tonlo and blood cleansing prop- 1 ertiesof P. P. P. -Prickly Asb,Pok Boot and Potassium. 1 Sprinofibld, Mo., Aug. Mtb, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of Jour medloine from my own personal nowledge. X was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best Iihyslcians and spent hundreds of dol ars. tried every Known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it haa done me more. food than anything I have ever taken, oan recommend your medicine to all eufferera of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YKART, Springfield, Green County, Mo. and Kidney Troubles g Are ntlrely remove by P. P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas- Blum, the greatest blood purifier on mf earth. BBJ Aberdeen, O.. July 21, 1891. s? Messhs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. : Dear Sirs I bouRht a bottle of your P.P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark., and B it has done me more good than three gj months treatment at the Hot Springs. 1 Hend tbree bottles C. O. D. . .aT4? BespectfuKy yours, mm j as. m. Newton, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. -a0 Capt. 1. D. Johnston. -sr9 . To all whom U may concern: I here- by testtfy to the wonderful properties w0B of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. 1 suffered for several years with an un- "W sightly and disagreeable eruption on .M my faoe. I tried every known reme- dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, BF and am now entirely cured, i gf (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. i Savannah, Ga. -Taw Skin Cancer Cared. ' aar TetHmony from th Mayor of Seqvin,Tet. Seqoih, Tex., January 14, 1993. MESSRS. Lippman Brob., Savannah. SBB Ga. : iientlemen I nave tried your Y . P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin canoer,of thirty years' standing, and found great relief; It purifies the blood and removes alt Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the sorss. I have taken five or si x bottles and feel oonfident that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and atomaoa troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at law. . Book on Blood Diseases Hailed Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, lippmaji' BIock,flTajinali,ea 1 BURWHLL DUNN, Wholes!. ad Retail Agents, Charlotte, N. 0. w . A LAI) V IS TOILET Is not romiilete wilbout an ideal POMPLEKIOri U POWDER 'j pozzoi's Combines every element of beauty ami purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and' when rightly used is invisible. A most delirale anil desi table protection to the face in this climate. Insist upon having ths geniine. r COPYRIGHTS. ! .rip-;r mi i .! i t..-i k'.il Ji'i! , I'll'! nr.- iaJ i. out r 5 M IV IMTI r . ft.tti-t 1. iji.i.jl' .. st' 'tt I'll-. ' 1.14 (t.V-.;'i .1. A Sf ..Malt .-.! t Ita- '"iiiir I'tti' i ii si.J (' to t , . M ' in 1 iue ol tuorhao ! i.fs.if Amt'i inn. n4 , W; I(H ir T,lli' Wi((t- 1 i I . i" r i ,i r -it.i ri. tH'ti Ml . Vv,w Vni k. -, 1 V - Y I'lil i! I' ''If-lS ! -Ii -W Ii 1 1tiV i u (.-ii,'". fit t . I i lia.... .1 I...., nt iitciiri , Hi. itMf.f tfinv t-l- i:n. lit.M !i1(i: full. I IT IS (! . Qil J cwtuJL 'il r S. A. L. i I'ii l iiioiit Mr Line.) In e'Tnct junt IT, l't'4. Seaboard Air-Line. CONDKNHKI) SCHEDULE. IN KKKKUT JlJLV 8 , 'J. Trains heave Kal(if;li, I 26 A M v. "-Ulnuta 8pici-il,"' Puilmau Veetitiule for Hon (terson, Weliion, 1'HtPK bnrfr, Hichrnon'l, WhHhiutr ton, BaliiuiorB, Puil iilfi. phiu. New York aud all olLta north. Buffet draw iiigrot iu sleepers and Pull iuiu coaches Atlanta to Wnghiugtou, pnrlor curs ';ig!iiiif,'tou to "ew York PnlluiHn Sleeping earAu trust to PortSDiouf-. II 60 A M Daily except. Sunday, for Hemlersou. Weldoa, Buf fulli, I'ortsiuooth, Norfolk and intermediate stations connects at Portsmouth o itti BavLiueforOld Point and Uitltiinore, with Nor-, folk aud Waehinirtou Sleaa. boat Do., for WtttdiiiHttou with N. Y. P & N U H. for Philadelihiaand j.ointK north; also at Weldou with Atlantic Coast hine for Kiclimoud Wachiiiton, Fal'iicore. ?hiadelpliia and Wew York Through sleepers Weld'ni to e York au 1 with !SeiillHi;;l Week Brunch for tirei u villo WBshiuir'ou uud Ply tuoutli. 5 82 A M Daily. "Atlauta Special," Pullman Vestibule for 8o. Pines, Haiulet, Monroe, Chester. Ciiutou, (Green wood, Abbeville, Atbens, Atlanta, Montfiomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Chatta nooga, Naehvilie, Memphis and ell points south and southwest Through Pull man Bullot. Sleepers aud day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverging lines 3 30 PM Daily, for Southern Pines, Hamlet, M k x t o n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Lincoluton, Shelby, Rutherfordtouaud all local statioue . C H. U. and K. & A A L B K. Trains Arrive Raleigh: 5 17 A M Daily. "Atlauta Special," Pullman Vestibule from N'ew York, Pniladelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north Parlor cars New York fo Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 20 P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. &i N. R. R , also from Ureenville, Plymouth. Washington au 1 Eastern Carolina points via vVel don, Petersburg, Richmon.i Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldou. 120 AM Daily, "Atlanta,'' Pullman Vestibule, from -Atlanta, Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood, Chester ami points south. Pullman da coaches aud sleep ar Atlan ta to Washington. 11 36 A M Daily f rom W 1 1 m i u g t on Shelby, Lincoluton, ;h.r lotle aud all loc tl 8taJlo;'S O. C. R R and R & A U R; also from F i.vetteville aud (ireensboro via Sail" . ford."-. Mixed trains leave Johuson Slree' Station, for H e n d e r s o n and Intermediate stations 6 00 p m ; re turning arrives Johnson Street 9 uf a. in. Passenger leaviu? Raleigh at 3 31' p. m arrives at Charlotte 9 4 1 p m , returning leaves Charlotte at 9 4") a. m., arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. m No. 402and 405, "Athmta Special,'' are solid Pullman ve.stibuled trains composed of -t Mgaillcent dayeoaehe and palace drawing rooms Bulfel sleepers between Washington ami Atl' nta without change, ou which there is no extr i fare charged. For inf .rmation relative to schei ales, &c, apply to ticket agent, or A J.Cooke. SPA, R thigh JOHN H WISDKt. .ien'l M. ui'g'r T. J ANDERSON, (leu'l Pa8 Agt. iidciist-d llll.ti . .i ' a It Ik.iiI 11.(1 1. 1 t pubiisli- 1S :.lll.j,.,t to . I lie public. daily. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Xlic.limoud, Lv Burkevilie, Lv Keisville, Ar Danville, Lv Danville, Ar tireensboro. Nob U i :.5 Pi ii. 12 40 20 311 r,3l & :.o Lv tioldsboro, Ar Kateigh, Lv Raleigh, Lv Durham, Ar Ureensboro, 2 00 4 OS 1 10 515 7 20 P M Winsou'Salem, Lv iireeusboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesvillo, Ar Aehevi!'". Ar Hot Spi !u,'s, Lv Salisbut Ar Charioi ( , Ar Spartanburg, Ar Oreeuville, Ar Atlanta tO T) Lv Charlotte, 7 35 J Ct( p m 915 lo 40 a m 12 07 1 52 5 20 p m 10 50 a iu No 11 A M 1 50 2 10 3 20 fi ;(5 700 8 40 P M 6 45 0 41 a 35 A 11 5 40 8 45 111 25 11 19 4 ui: p ui 5 30 a m K 30 12 n p m N-r7 A XI 653 A M a in p M tt) 05 o ta 8 U am 8 11 9 25 2 C5 9 30 Ar Augusta, Ar Charleston (SC) 10 30 Ar 8avanual.(,f,cS(;) 530 Ar Jacksonville, 10 10 DAILY. NORTHBOUND. Lv Augueta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atiauta,(C T) ir Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Ashevilie, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, N.'8 30110 P M 7 00 AM 3 20 0 40 P M 9-00 AM 0 30 7 00 S2tT 8 33 10 05 No 12 A M 1137 a iu 12 23 p in 5 a iu I 3U p in 4 02 8 45 4 3) 9 35 No 33 P M 130 510 8 30 ArWluBtonSalem,ll 15 Lv Hreensboro, Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh, Ar (ioidsboro, Lv (ioldsboro, Lv Raleigh, Ar liroensbnru, Lv Uroeusb . r r Dan r b.. ' T H Ii in ud,? eept 1010 12 u P M 1 00 3 00 t o 00 A M j4) 8 35 It. ;o 1145 - V J! 3-'0 4 !U 8 00 P SI o to 7 00 8 25 12 41 2 30 7 11 8 00 P M 8 30 10 05 A M t9 2a 12 01 3 35 AM ?S'.I ' tl 00 p m 2 00 2 00 P 11 4 1.0 7 20 12 n p M 8 29 8 39 9 49 U 49 1109 t9 33 10 10 P M 1140 A M 3 20 . 4 OS 30 4 10 7 20 il 00 A M 30 0 4 08 .6 29 -luuday. fi B-.iivi:; , ' J -S B Tho-uison. Supt, Hupt, (ireeasboro, N C. Riehikml, Va. V A Tnik., (ion Pas Agt, WafNng ton, D C i U Hard vick.. Asst. tfu'l PasK, Atlauta, tia. W H Hteon. Uou Mau'g'r, Vaehinstoav D 0. Sol Haas, TralHc ilan'g'r, Washington, 1) 0 , WIliai)gi.v-, & Weldon B'Rllraad and Branahea. OonderiO BcaadiU. TRAlNtt GOINW SUUTU. i)iitd May li. No 93 No 55 No il 18H4. . -" Oftily. Daily. Daily, he Weidon. Il Saui 9 27pm A.rKocky Mt, lOiam lo 20pm 600.a, ir Tfo'ooro, 2 4 am be Tiurbcro. 12 'i'ain La Wi'sva, Sfrfam 11 Olp Ar deliKit 2 5;.am iir Fay'tvlUe 485au 1251 ; Ar Florence, 7 25am H 00 Lv V;ilsiin. 2 lSpt.i La ti'daboro. BoSpui 'u Ma.-r.oiia, il lOpiai ir WU',:tor, 6 5;-ia Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINE Kt ntoreLot Manhood, l ures weaknesses, Nervous Debility and nil the evils (rom early or later ex cesses, the results of overwork, worry, sickness, etc. Full strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improve, ment immediately seen from the first box. Thous ands of letters of praise on file in our office. Can be carried in vest pocket. Bent by mail to any address on receipt of price. One month's treat ment in each box. Pnee $1.00, Ii boxes, 1 5.00, with Written Guarantee to refund money if not cured. Bend to ua for Uie Uenuine. Cuoulaia Free. 6 3iaiu 7 3)tu 8 2yam 10 00au CEUNa eoifQ NORTH. fo 40. Dteily. 7 00pm 8 3pm 9 40pta . No 79 N.- 32, : Daily. Dally Lv Florence; 7 3 am 7 d-iuin' LaFay-'tTliislOgSaiu 930puj Lv Selma. 12 03iu ir Wilson.-'; 1 OOaui 11 27pm No 48 Daily Lv Wirgtoa, 9ti')am : L' f -itao!!a,10 '.0a i Lv i'dsboro, il 1 j.u no 3 iJaiiy Hi l)ui!y Lv Wilsoa. 1 10 pm 11 27am 10 2Upm r itoolr.7ult,8 11 12 05aia 11 15-n Ki V:1 ooro, 9 44pm . .1 farboro. 12 25pia LvRock ;Ut 2.18pm 12 05arc t 'oldo ., 3 09pm 12 ft-ana . s JolH F J'lTlWH ... ?rn-ral H ipfrii andot. ':r; . f -np't Tranc. T M 5 iS3l, 4ar Pf A is. 6' IS 11 1.V; j, ... m-'-;i";. ; E, i...;- . H,.?l'7A