IT' OLD, NORTH STATE Interesting News Notes From ' fiere and There. A druuCfifo and bugle corps, eon aistngof twenty young men, U formed in connection with WiltaiogUm's Zeb .Vance division uniform lank Knights of Pythians. The government telegraph line be tween Wilmington and Southport ban been purchased by t'apt. J. T. Harper from senator Kausuut for $500, will now be kuovn as the Wilmington and Suutbpnrt telegraph lint, and will be kept in good order. Dr. Andrew It. Il.irris was severely hurt last Wednesday at Wrights ille the hurse he was riding falling on the turnpike at the railroad crossing. The horse fell upon lr. 1 1 a n is' right leg, and the doctor' head was cut by striking one of the iron rails, lie s uncoscioiis when picked up, the Star says. The trial of Kdward J. Fuller, which has been progressing at Rockingham, Richmond county, several days ended yesterday with a verdict of arquital. He was charged with the murder of B. C. Packer, at Fayettev ille, and was tried tl ere last .March, convicted of murder iu the lirst degree, and sen tenced to be hanged. The case went to the supreme court, which granted a new trial. Change of venue was then made to Richmond county. . The storm Weduesday night caused muoh alarm among the people at Ocean View and the Hammocks. Every body deserted the leach Thursday morning, the ladies crossing the tres tle to the Hammocks on hand-cars and the men following on foot. The Star says at Ocean View the tide washed over the beach, and was knee deep iu seeral ptaces. The piazza of Hon. D. L. Russell's cottage was blown away. A great deal of damage was done to the "shelter of the Silver Cross." The colored people's pavilion and the bath houses were blown down. A Duel Across a Dinner Table. Hennessey, Okla., Sept 29 Today at the house of John Patterson, a shooting scrape occurred between Geo. Goodman and Alf. Mathews. The trouble arose on account of money matters. Both drew their revolvers and commenced shooting across the dinner table. Elven shots were ex changed, when Goodman received a serious wound, the ball entering the abdomen, comiuj out near the back bone. Mathews has escaped, and offi cers are in pursuit. Lover Sues for Damages. Wilkesbarke, Pa., Sept. 28. Un der k promise of marriage John Rob bins made many presents to Fanny Stephani. At the eleventh hour Miss Stephani backed out, and gave her love to another. Robbins then had her arrested for accepting goods un der false pretenses. 'Squire Ford bound the woman over iu the sum of $31)0 for a trial. Corbett Talks About His Class. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 28. Champion Corbett said yesterday regarding Fitz simmons' challenge after his victory over Creedom Wednesday evening: "Fitzsimmons may keep on fighting middle weights until doomsday, but 1 will not meet him until he gets into my class. He has been challenged time and again by O'Donnell, and he has got to recognize him before I will fight, him. ' No Pay-No Fight. Of the Europeans in the service of the king of Korea only one draws his pay quite regularly, viz., the electri cal engineer at the palace. The king and his court are terribly afraid of ghosts, and consequently sit up at night. Only magicians and the elec tric light are capable of laying the spectres. Whenever the engineer's salary is not paid to the day, the elec tric current suddenly gives out, and does not resume its aotivjty until all arrears have been settled. Heartless. Mrs. Rhoades Think of it, Josiah. There are people heartless enough to sell their own flesh and blood. Josiah Rhoades How do you know, Maria? 'Maria Why, here's an advertise mentJn this paper, "Heavenly Twins," 4dctiits. : Beyond the Doctor's Care. Doctor (shaking his head) "Well, my dear sir, I can do nothing more for you." - Patient "Wh-a-a-t? Good gracious, Proctor!" Doctor "No, really my friend, yon arSia perfect health." Der Schalk. WISE WORDSFOR WOMEN Hints That No Female Should Ever Neglect. A LADY'S GOOD ADVICE. A Careful ExpUmtion f theCausiof Most of Their Trouble and What They Should Do. "Women are great sufferers." "Pale, iunkeu-eyed maidens who gaze with regret on their hollow chests, slender arms, aud projecting collar bones; bloodless, haggard looking mothers, miserable sufferers from htomach troubles and distressiug ail ments peculiar to their sex such are the modern women," says a recent writer in the Home Ooctor. "And is it not a lamentable fad," she asks, "that there are really very few women today u ho are hale and healthy to the core, and that this sad state of affairs is to be attributed to our fast, nervous way of living?" "lint," some one objects, "if this is so, why are men blest with greater power of endurance and better health?" One main reason is that men pay more attention to their health. They known hat sickness means not only misery but loss of time and money. Women too often allow themselves to become the slaves of weaknesses that could be easily overcome by the use of a timely remedy. And yet there are thousands of bright, happy women who have dis covered the truth of this. They are never sick or despodeut, dragged .out or irritable. They are always' well because they have discovered that a reliable remedy taken at the right time enables them to keep healthy and strong. This is why so many women think so highly of Warner's Safe Cure, and recommend it at all times as being the best remedy that, a woman can take. If it were not so Warner's Safe Cure could never have stood the test of years and received so many strong endorsements from emi ueut physicians. It has made friends through merit alone. It is popular everywhere because it is known to be safe and reliable. Nothing demonstrates so clearly the value f this great medical discovery as the unsolicited testimonials of those who owe health and strength to its use. Here, for instance, is one se lected from letters written by ladies 44hich tell of the benefit they have re ceived through taking this splendid remedy: Okiskant Falls, N. Y., Feb. 27, '94. Messrs. H. H. Warner & Co,, Gentlemen: I cr. mot find words strong enough to praise Warner's Safe Cure, but as it might do some of my afflicted sisters good I will b,e briefly state what six bottles of Safe Cure have done for me. Two years ago my right side was completely paralyzed, owing to what doctors term congestion of liver. I could not dress myself; my right side aud a;ui were entirely useless; my skin yellow as parchu e it; my extrem ities always cold, auu so completely used up 4 as I that doctors ga ve me up to die. One day a pamphlet was put iu iny house, and as I saw that others .4 hose cases were somewhat similar, had been cured I determined to give vVarner's Safe Cure a trial. Hefore 1 had used two bottles I could use my hand and dress myself; and after taking six bottles, using at the same time Warner's Safe Pills, I was en tirely restored to health. I was able to walk and work, and am in better health now than I have been for sev eral years. There are many kinds of medicine in the market, but I know that when everything else failed. Warner's Safe Cure and Safe Pills saved ray life and made me well. Maroaret Foster. $75,000 IN THE WARDROBE: The Old Thing Had Stood There Fifty ' Years. While an old wardrobe that had stood for fifty years in the house, of the late David Morrison, of No. 226 Western avenue, Allegheny, was being moved today, says a Pittsburg telegram, the bottom fell out aud with it came $75, 000 in bank notes and government bonds. Morrison died five years ago. His widow refused to tell her relatives anything about his affairs. They thoaght he had nearly $100,000, but she disclaimed all knowlege of it. The secret of the hiding-place of the money died with, her last montln John Fitz simmons, one of the four heirs, who lives at No. 1637 north Seventeenth street, West Philadelphia, settled up the affairs of the woman and began moving the furniture today. As the men were carrying the wardrobe from the garret where it had stood so long it fell to pieces. Carnegie Cuts Wages. Braddock, Pa., Sept 29. The Car negie steel company today gave notice to his 5000 workmen employed at the Edgar Thomson steel works and furna ces at Braddock of a desire to termi nate its sliding wage scale contract with them. The new scale'will make reduction on all classes of work . ex cept common laborers. : Y. U- O. A. Mr. 8. W. Whiting will speak Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock in the par lor of the Y. M. C. A. Song service lasting twenty minutes Every man in the city is cordially invited to be present. W. P. Wood & Son will sell Octo ber 1st ISO head of fine horses. See their notice elsewhere. SPECIAL JO TICKS Moore will take photos in any part of the city. jyl9 m pHOICK FIU'lTS. The first Pine Vapples of the season, (irapes. Con cord, OeUware and Niagara. Peaches, of the choicest, kinds. I'e.irs, fresh aud flue. Apples of the best varie ties. All at Iiragnssa's. 'ELEl; UXE GiImi at Bobbin's, 5 els. Ituy lb" light swift running Stand' tM sew iuir luiirhlue. Fine photographs are now made by Moore at about half the former price. OUR Millinery for the fall is com plete and is the most stylish we have ever shown and the prices are extremely low. WoolUott & Sou. TK will sell Monday, Oct. 1. i 9 4 Cnbleached Sheeting 17e yard. 9-4 Bleached Sheeting 18c yard. A lot of Cups and Saucers, semi porcelain, 50- a set, worth 75" dinner plates 45c, tea plates 40j a set. Woollcott & Son. 11TK will uii e.ery day of the month of Octol)--r have some special lnr gaiu on sale. It will pay you to see them. Woollcott & S m. Doctors recommeud The Standard dewing Machine." because of its light ruDiiintr. 1)lt Nervousness and Dyspepsia chew Celerene Guiii. For sale at Bobbin's. I'ST RECEIVED at Barbee& Pope's a nice lot of Apples, for sale cheap, 'by barrel or measure. The Standard is the highest grade ewtrg machine msnnfaetnred II AVE your prescriptions filled at the Xorth Side Drug Store. CO " rWV '' per week using v'.(J.UU am d selling Old Reliable ii..., u.-.,.. r ...:i.. i, i.. .. ...... knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly nisi ten hv ninninar in i.ltMil instill . i rt o " No experience or hard work; a good situation. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk Xo. 14, Columbus, Ohio. OO-O-O 0-O-OO-OC O - O - O MBm SBTilEW 0IIP1 MAXTFAC1TRIXG STATIONERS and BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. FINK STKKL AND COPPER PLATE IMMiW ' A complete line of fine Correspond ence Papers, Staple and Fancy. Paper.Children's Papeteries and Tablets. : (FINE WEDDING STATIONERY. All kinds Mourning Stationery. A full variety in every line with new goods con stantly added. ) We make our Papeteries and Tablets a big leader. This is the idea we had in view when mak ing up our new line of en- I tirely new and fash- ! ionable papers. (It is an attractive line at attractive prices of our own make. : OFFICE AND ; SCHOOL 'SUPPLIES A SPFCIALTY. Book-Bags, Slates, Pencils, Penholders, Pens, Erasers, Ink, Blackboard Erasers, Crayons, Rules, Pencil Boxes, Sponges, Book Straps, Note Books, Composition Books, Drawing and Tracing Paper and Cloths, Tablets and Pads. Wc Go REPAIR XHX0OOO0KHO I HAVE NOW IN STOCK HscKcrf5 Self Raising BucKwfwt. F'rcsb Cranberries, Every Friday. ALL I'OKK SAl'SAGE now on Fridays; j during cold weather every day. FIX K NORFOLK OYSTERS every Fri- day, beginning today. N-4v Packing. Canned Fruits ami Vegetable of every kind, at the very lowest prices, either by i can or at retail. If you are !. king fum...rthitiir special en II on me. have the lirsl of the j season of everything. h tan. M. ROSENTHAL. PHOXF. Xo 52. MPS Mi FALL AND WINTER Dry Qd -AND- Millinery- i We are displaying a full line of elegant Foreigh and Domestic Dress Fabrics in all the ne.v weaves and colorings, embracing Mroadiloths, Black Silk Wraps, Henriettas, Cash meres, Camels' Hair Cloth, Flannels, j Serges, Fancy Suitings and a variety of Woolen Plaids suitable for waists and children's dresses. Our prices will be in conformity with the low rarin. .i tie .v feature of our Dusiness: Ladies' R:idy-iuade Wooleu Suits iu navy ami I, lack at only $5 value 8.50. Don't I ny your Miiinery before finding out our prices aud styles. 'EV yORK . JILLlNERY l)RV (jDS ND jAZAAR 211 Favettkvillb St. The Choicest Meats J. Schwartz, at the Richmond meat market, 222 Fayetteville street, has the choicest meats, beef from the mountains, lamb and mutton. Prompt attenhon to all orders. Telephone 114. All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas & Maxwell's at 20 cents each. - OOOOOOO - O - C vXHH? J We make a specialty of 1 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. ! We are prepared to do all ' kiug of i JOB PRINTING ! ' Let us qnote yon prices. Our . prices can t oe beaten. Letter and Note Heads. . Lill Heads and Statements, ' Envelopes and Cards, , Bills, Receipt, Note, Draft And Check Books, Blauk Books. We make a specialty of Custom i Work, Ledgers, Journals, Cash . Books, Sales and Day Books. Record Trial Balance Books. Notes and Bills, P. and R. Books. - HKHH0 ooooooo LUCKY FOR YOU I WK RorGHTTHR F.XT1RK STOCK OF THE WELL-KNOWN FIRM & CO., Baltimore, ti. They are going out of biiainea, we bought all there was About Hit Thousand Dollars' worth of MEN'S AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, Manufactured in the Latest Styles of Sack and Cutaway Suits. Tbesaving to you on this stock is 25 per cent, on the dollar. This is not a Semi-annual clearance sale of a lot of old stock. Eery gar ment is guaranteed by us. We know the house; we know the goods; we've sold them before; its only the taking of all the' had on band, paying down the cool, hard rash, that euables us to save you dollars. Our benefit shall be yours as long as our business stands. v The goods are marked in plain figures. Come and make your selection as early as possiMe iu order to have choice of the BEST. xx,' oool fflEIT REDU In order to make room for new goods we make thin extraordinary announce ment of the greatest reduction sale ever inaugurated. Every light-weight garment in our house must go. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing in all colors and fabrics. Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, iu desirable paterns, all sizes. Summer Clothing, in Alpaca, Drap d'ete, Mobair, etc, all go at the remarkable reduction of NE-HALP OFF I 3: You get the light-weight garments, without reservation, at half price. IcDTO The celebrated everywhere Negligee Shirts everywhere Negligee Shirts vs in m riM voc, sola everywutre tor ft. aft. White Shirts, Plaited Bosom, 75c. to $1.00, sold everywhere for $1.00 to $150. Call early and secure the choice. Terms strictly cash, during special sale. 305 FAYETTEVILLE ST.. THELY RACKET 16 Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Everything Below Market Value. Everything Marked in Plain Figures. ONE PRICE TO ALL. BUETCSAfH OUR O0BLY.TERM8. Notwithstanding our low prices and small margin of profit we will present to each purchaser of 50 cents a Panel Picture 9x31 inches; and to eaoh pur chaser of $1.00 a Perforated Card Board, 1721 inches, for Fancy Worsted Work, and to eaeh purchaser of $5.00 the choice of 135 different cloth bound 50. Standard Novels; and to each purchaser of $8.00 a hand some $1.00 Gilt Edge Poem; and to each purchaser of $10.00 an extra fine Gilt Edge Poem. We are catering for the cash trade of this country, and if fair dealing, big values and courteous attention will secure it we are sure of it. CT Don't forget the Great Horse Sale mimm mi. The Biggest Sale that has ever been held in North Caro . lina. 180 HEAD OF HORSES " At auction; will positively . be sold for the high dollar. See large hand-bills for description of stock at R. K. Parbam's stables. W. P. WOOD & SON. sept 20 6t : Choice California Fruit At BRiOAS8A.'s, under National bank of Raleigh, corner Fayette ville and West Hargett streets. California Pears, Peaches and " Plums. Fine Northern Apples. v Fall line of Nats. Remember the place, Braqkassa's. Thomas it Maxwell, the leading fur niture dealers, are selling curtain polea at 20 cents each. . , - jyl7 SHE SSSS unlaundried F. & B. Shirts S8c, sold for 75c. in handsome patterns, 49c, sold for 75c. s in handsome patterns (best quality) OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. The CITY LIVERY STABLES. Having purchased Blake's stables and re ' fitted the same, we are prepared to furnish carriages for PARTIES, WEDDINGS OR FUNERALS with careful drivers who will always be on time. We can furnish Buggies for Peasu or Business. YANCEY & MARTIN 131 East Morgan street. Telephone 79. jya Akdbiw . Jons. Lin. H. Botrtis, Banness Manager. Ateh'tftSupt. B'ld'g B. B . Pabk, in charge yards and shops. ROYSTER, PARK & GO. (Bacoeseors to Ellington, Boyster Co.) MAVUIAOTUBCBa Of Doors, Sasfj, Blinds, Scroll Wcik, STAIR HAILS 4nd all. Other Kind of Building Material. Will contract to bnl'd anywhere in to e 8tate, or furnish any kind of material do, aired. Our shop ia equipped with the late and best wood working machinery We are lo cated on the 8. .. L. Railroad, which run through the best timbered lands in Non Carolina, from which we get our logs rn 1 out our own lumber. This enables ns to fill orders of any s'se or dimension on short notice. W can tut 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a capacity of 60,000 feet, and we oat, dry and drets lumber for the public at reasonable rates. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops are on West strset. ft wsst Utwinns of JCdenton street. , . ,, tthSi IOR RENT. The 8-room boose and basement, on Davie, between Fay-' etteville and Wilmington streets, now occupied by Mrs. J. R. Ray. Appyly te ' e35 aodtf , , j A. W. Fam. . , ' i

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