OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. Th 0k City BU-m Laaadr will doyoar work better than any laundry in (he eit or state, with lens wear and tear, at competition prices. Becaune it ia the oldent and mot complete plant in North Carolina, with latent improved machiner and moat experi enced operatives. Efficiency and promptneKa guaranteed. Telephone Ho. 87. L. R. Wtatt, Prop. WasTSD Good, quirk ironer. Steady work. Oak Citt Citt Steam Laukdrt. Extra bargains in furniture at Thoinaa & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. LIT GdiEM IFI1 ZM On Monday, the29th day of October, 1804, at 12 iu., at the courthouse door in llaleigh, under power conferred ly a deed of iuortgage,executed to me by V. C. Emery and wife, dated November 8th, 1830, and registered in Register's office for Wake county, in book 60, at page 109, I will sell at public auction, a parcel of land near the northwesteriSboundary of the city of Raleigh, on the old Hillsboro (or Oxford) road, beginng at Ephrsim Emery's comer, on said road, runs with said road southward 222 feet to A. Ferguson's corner, then eastward with the line of the fence 120 1-2 feet to a corner post, then nearly north west 190 feet to the beginning. E. W. McVea. By Battle & Mordecai, Attys. Raleigh, N C, Sept. 28. AUCTION 3 ALE Of Real Estate in Oberlin Village. By virtue of authority given in cer tain mortgage deeds made by John Jones and others to Cieo. W.Foe, dated July 25, 1884, and recorded iu book 79, at page 72 and a mortgage made by John Jones and wife to (leo. V, roe, dated April 27, 1S87, and re orded in honk 95, at page 426, in the office of the ItegHter of Deeds of Wake county, 1 will oiler for salt! to the highest bidder, for cash, on J.on djiy, O" .tuber 29, 1894, at 12 o'clock in., at the court houNe door in Kali'igli, a certain house and lot, described in the mortgage last above mentioned, being a lot now oc. cupied iiy '1 hoinas and Catherine Williams, in Oberlin village, on the old Ilillsboro road, adjoining the lands of Thomas Williams, Win. Hardy and others. " Charles McKimmon, Assignee of Mortgagee. J. M. Broi'uhton & Co., Agent. Sep 20 4w TORTU CAROLINA, Wake County, In the Superior Court. William A Miuor, plaintiff, vs. Jane E. , Casper and her husband, Solomon E. Casper, and Henry M. Farns- worth, defendants. The defendants Jane E. Casper and her husband, Solomon E. Casper, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the buperior court of Wake dfeuntyj that tbe purposs of said action is to fore close a mortgage executed by said Jane E. Thomas to the plaintiff, on the 26th day of May, 1887, upon certain real property iu the city of llaleigh, and described therein, which mortgage has been registered in the register's office of Wake county, in book 95, at page 578. The note secured by Raid mortgage having been transferred by the plaintiff to the defendant Farns worth as collateral security for money borrowed, ihe said Jane E. Casper and Soloiuou E. Casper will take fur ther notice that they are required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said Wake county, to be held at the court house, in Raleigh, on the seventh Monday after the first Monday of September, 1894, it being the 22nd day of October, 1894, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Jno. W. Thompson, C. S. C. Strong & Strong, Att'y s for Plaintiff, sep 8 6w PENNSYLVANIA'S Leadinc NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to mnke a first class journal. THE spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of the Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to "w . THE HOUSEHOLD, ' THE FARM, WOMAN'S WORLD, SCIENCE, ART, MTKRAUKE, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATB WORLD. . Presenting a complete magazine every day SUBSCRIPTION RATBa: Daily, one year, $3 00 . Daily and Sunday, one year 4 oc Address The Record Pub Co. 917-916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. LI Hang Chang. Li Hung Chang li belly sick. All Mined h get lick Chin mikee mu. Lee racket, Li Hung lom he yelle jacket. Li Hung he get licked again On the aea by many men; Alle sitmee chilly weather, Li Hung lose he peacock feather, Next time Li Hung he get liik, Better watch out I elly quick; There'll' be a pretty how-dy-do, And Chang will Use his pigtail, too! Transparent Bricks. Glass building bricks are the latest. The inventor is a Frenchman, M. Fal conier, an architect of Lyons. The bricks are hollow, being blown like bottles, and in various shapes. A bi tuminous cemeut, with a base of as phalt, is used with them. It is claimed the bricks serve as double windows, giving protection against both cold and heat, and also that they are good insulators -of humidity and noise. They are recommended for meat mar kets, bath halls, hot-houses, hospit als, refrigerating establishments and buildingsln which absence of windows would be an advantage. A hot-house of glass bricks is of about ordinary cost, saves fuel and resists hail. SLUGGED THE SAINT. . Seth Morton Objected to His Wife Becom ing a Mormon. Lake Ann, Mich., Oct. 10. Rev. C. Smith, a "Latter Day Saint," has been proselyting here. Among his converts was Mis. Seth Morton, whose h isband objected to her joining the i'i .riiions, but who, When he was away, w.is baptized. Morton returned to day. When he learned what had hap pened he waxed wroth. He found Smith at the depot, just ready to leave, and began operations by knock ing the preacher down as fast as he got up. Smith was well thrashed and promised to leave on the next train and not return. He kept the lirst sec tion of his promise and will undoubt edly keep the other. A Third Ticket Named. . New York, Oct. 10. Edward M. Shepard, the leader of the reform democrats of Kings county, who bolt ed the regular democratic ticket se lected at Saratoga, nominated today, in accordance with his promise, and with the help of other representative democrats of New York state who are dissatisfied with the party ticket, a full third state ticket as follows: For governor, Everett P. Wheeler, of New York city; for lieutenant governor, Daniel N. Lockwood, of Buffalo; for judge of the court of appeals, Charles F. Brown, of Orange county. Swore He Was Innocent. Norristown, Pa., Oct, 10. liaising his hand to heaven and calling on God to witness that he was innocent.Frauk Brooks, a colored convict, died in a hospital this morning. He had been convicted of assault on Mrs. Hatti Johnson, and his sentence was only deferred owing to his severe illness. Starving With a $1,340 Draft. Detroit, Oct. 10. With a New York, draft for $1,340 in his pocket which he was unable to get cashed because he could not get anybody to identify him, Matthew Shearer was fqund starv ing here today. He is from Arizona, and is a veteran soldier and pensioner. Sympathetic policemen gave him money enough to buy a meal. An Aged Couple Forced by Rob bers to give up their Money. Sharon, Pa., Oct. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman farmers, living near Fredonia, this county, were bound to their bed last night by masked robbeis and tortuTed. This was to force them to reveal the whereabouts of their money. The robbers burned the aged couple's feet with a poker heated in the lire, and the Kaufmans yielded. When Baby was Rick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried tor Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horse brand , &o, is a po werf ul lini ment eg -p oially prepared for external nse for persons and all diseases of horses and cattle. ' f l oo size oo cents, ou e size 85 cents. nAnattniittnnanil alik riaArlnfthfl tier manently onred, and piles prevented by Japanese Liver Pellets ; especially adapted to children's use. For sale by John Y JtaeRae. . FOR BEAUTY, LOVE AND DUTY- WhyO'nt Zichy Chancel his Religion and Emigrated. Brklin, Oct. 10. Count 7A hy, a member of th Hungarian upper house, has written a letter to his constitu ents from New York, in which he say that he has emigrated to the Failed States for the purpose of leading a new life. His family had renounced hi in because he had epoused the I'ni tarinn faith, with a view of marrying the mother of his children. Mile. Ba viere, a well known operatic singer. Count Zichy left Newp.nt a fortnight ago for West Point. Joi n Y MncRgp c'rmre' will t.e'l you t'l Jotin-or' VMKn. if-)i nl ways giver n-iMff -rtian n 1 is tbe cheat est. 1 00 iiiz- cent ; ?0 cent" size 25 cents. British vice consul Charles Wool rich was stabbed and almost killed by an unknown man at Mnzatiou, Mex. We guarantee Johnson's Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aches and pains, internal or external, rnn or l east. $1 0' size 50 cents; 50 rents siz.i 25 cent at John Y MacUae's. This is for You. If you are a subscriber to the Visi tor and are in arrears, pay up. In order for you to get the paper in fu ture you nusi settle up. Be ready for the collector when he calls and whack up. If you fail to get your paper iu future it will bo your fault you have not paid up. V. L. Douglas $3 SHOE' S THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING, 5. CORDOVAN, r rvciivnw.ciirw'itMJ-w rLj . 4.3.5JFlNECAlf&KANGAR01 3.5J P0LICE.3 Soles. 2.l7JiBOYSSCHOOL5nOES. LADIES1 SEND FOR CATALOGUE W.L.DOUGLAS. RROCKTQN. MASS. You can save money by purchasing W, L. ouiln Shoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given that any other make. Take no substitute. If yout dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by HELLER BROS TSjRiEliSr vur i mvan i o. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For prompt answer and an honest opinion, write fa HI 1 S N it CO., who have hud nearly titfty years' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook, of In. formation concerning Va tents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue cf mechan ical and scientific books sent free. I'atcnts taken through Muun & Co. receive special notice in the Hcientine American, and thus are brougUt widely before tbe public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $; a year. Sample copies sent free. Building KditioDjj monthly, 2.5tla year. Single conies, ',. cents. Every number contains beau tiful plRtes, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling Builders to Bhow the latest designs and secure contracts. Address HUNK A CO. NEW YOKK. 3il BaniuwlT Theme tiny Capsules nr. PBuies nr- V n without1 A reefi in 4 no urn v inconvenience, nil in wliif! ( 'nnnih beba and lujectiona fail. N,ir CHARLOTTE ..i. OBSERVER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North Caro lina and the South, f be beat advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 8 if per year. WEEKLY, $1 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Oaldwkll, Editor, Charlotte, N C. E$rFor sale at ftimer M Shaffer's news tand. Ttaleiaa. NO. . 15 tl TIB IK Hi! Mil FOB1894. The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Morning Herald" has recent ly wen enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or $3 per year to mral subscribers each edition contains as much news and more general reading matter than is printed by the Baltimore two-cent dailies. Thp Telegraphic Service of "The Yoriiing Herald" is unexcelled by .any other Balti more paper. - " Its News Service' i the counties is thor ough and reliable. Its Market Keports are full, complete and accurate. . lis illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not be found in any other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Dr ; Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Monday morning's edition. "The Morning Herald" will continue to oa an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in its statements and fearless in the expression of its opinions t "THE SUNDAY HERALD," of 24 piges, is the best Sunday paper in Bal timore, and ia sold at So per copy, or 11 50 for a year. "THE WEEKLY HEfJALD' is the cheapest and best eight-page weekly newspaper published ia the Hnited States, theannual subscription being 60o. t37"The M-irniog Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any person sending his or her address, enclosing a cents, to the HERALD PUBLISHING OO., Baltimore and Charles Streeta, Baltimore, W. , A BMHHom, Gnwral Manager. if. J ' r l P T for Infants torla ism wi ll aauiti tochildrcn tli.U 1 nctiiiiit.-ttd it an KUHrir toony ir-stri)ti -u lDun luntc." H. JL Au iiKit, M. I)., Ill So. Uxford fit., llruoklju, X. Y. "Tbe use of 'Castoria is so univi-rKtl and its iiuriu m weUknuwu th;.t it Mvmsavork cf Mipirt-ni;atioa to -udnn it. Few are tin" fntfllitp-itt faiiiilipn who du iu.it kwu Castui ia willuu easy n-arh." VXHUMt Mautyh, 1. I)., Siir York City. TH t'EMTAt'K J, Hal. A Hplendid assortment of the best Turnip Seed just received; 5 cents V 4ter!bari Llifeia . Wa4r0 This justly popular water will make you feel comfortable and cheer ful. It regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia in all its forms, and is a "panacea" for all bladder and kidney trouble..';. Received direct from the Springs every few days, and de livered to any part of the city at. 20 cents pet half gallon bottle. Try it. J. Hal, l.oiuu'iT. 1 have all the conveniences for serving the finest Fountain Bever ages, and spare neither pains nor expense to pleas the most fastidious. MAXIM As my soda is good or bad, likewise will my drugs par, take of the same reputation. J. Hal. Bubuitt. I have Domestic Cigars and Havana Sugars from live to twenty five cents. Nothing cheaper. J. Hal. Kounrrr. When you have them compounded eigh are satitied that you are doiny ddipii aoli onic onriT and potassium Wakes Marvelous Cures 1 in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula 4 P. P. P. purines the blood, bnllds up aw the weak and debilitated, (fives strength to weakened nerves, expels . lP diseases, giving the patient health and jaw happiness where sickness, frloomy leelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary" syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers,, tetter, scald heart, boils, erysipelas, eczema- we may say, without frar of contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes fiositlve, speedy and permanent cures -n all cases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood Is in an Impure condi tion, clue to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonio and blooil cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. Bprinofiki.d, Mo. , Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak In the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, plonrlsy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best ihrslclnns ana spent hundreds of (hil ars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done me more food than anything I have overtaken, can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. BUEVBLL & DUNN, Wholesale P. e. n . j Li I f - S and Children. Ca.tria cun-s loli.-, ,m4ipati?i, Sir Monyu-h, liLirrlMi-.i, lnii-Uiti.tii, Kills Worms, givi-s (J.-.'!", and uniiiiw-4 ,11- WlthiMit iiijiirinus liBiliiatiwii. Ior wv.-ntl y-ars I hav.i 'onH:Il n l.-.I yuur 'I'iLlfrt-ia,' and sli.iil always i-nl int.,' l,' do a?t it hiti invariuMy linwlnonl Im-u.-ii i.i! rt-snlis."' r.iiwm V. l'llllil-K, M. 1., lJTjtli Strict und ith Aw., Sew York l ily fllPNV, 77 Ml'RKlY STKKET, 'lW YoHI fltT, viirieiies of Unist's new croji per niiuee, or 50 cents pel lb. J. Hal. UoiiiiiTT. 0 a my store, the doctors of Ral 'til you can for your sick. '-... J. Hal. Hoiinrrr. Pimples, BSotches - and Old Sores Catarrh. (Vlalaria 4 and Kidney Troubles Arc cntlrrly removen by P.P.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on earth. Aberdeen, 6. , Juiy 21 , 1S91. MESSRS. IjIPPMAN II kos. , DiiV.illUKU, a-f.fr Ga. : Dear Sirs-I bought a bottle of f our P. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. , ana ig t has dono me more good thiin three . monthft'trnatmentatthellotSDrlUKS. Send three bottles C. O. D. Eespectfully yours, .IAS. M. NI?WTON. Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. .. . Capt. J. D. Johnston. : To all whom it may concern: I here- 1 by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my race, i trieo evory kuuwii reino dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was Used, anil am now entirely curen. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, Savaunah, Ga. Skin Cancer Cured. Testimony from the Mayor of Sequin,Tex, Seqoin, Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. lippman Bros.. Savannah, da. fipntlciifinl have tried vour P. ' P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin caucer,or inirty years- , Btanding, and found great relief: it purities the blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the . sores. I have taken fiveor six bottles and feel confident that another course me from indigestion and stomach i" troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Diseases Mailed free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppman'i Block,Savannah, Ga ad EeUU Agants, Charlotte, N. 0. J 13 4 i r B S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Lino. C M ) K v D P n H H ) U L K . is knx:T .h i v 8 , "M Trxit-ti lmr l! ilt 't; , 12tiA M "Atl. ti V -i .!,' I'u. in i.t V.-i-' ii iiSt- f "'e u ii tf u Wi 'mi, IV r I . r. . 'i.-ltn ii i, W't-i-l,i if K . H-ilth:inrt. F;iiUilfl. f ; '. w r.rk Riid nil I" I-Of :i; lilltft-t (liW. ii . r in '. ttfrn ' nd Pu'! r : i i '. . A:! .i:'i t.t ' i' ,-.. . . .tt "Hid VI' 1 i u t.. ? I n :? .! ; :ni' dr . Lri,'.i i.i I'm nf . !! ',0 t M l! i -i .(; t,t Mi)lrt. for H -t i'i r on Wt lilmi, . f f. !!;. (' r f..i!iiiM 'i. Noi i'ik i ! -' i i i il' i'c ra-i.'(i, i : 1- i K ' lrl j i' 1. . . rOi ( IVir.t, ii ' I- !' wiiii i air! h- c'i ' if-ua i-!;' ' o . i r W -ihh in 'on, . s v. v a i: k. fi r t'!:'l,-.(!' I( lii tun.) ..- ji.ts ii-ir!!'.; i.t -! i1 r-rj v illi Af'uMia Oj'.it Line tor "iftl'iiioinl "Vaf-hii.fion, Hnl iu'ort. Pliila1r Iphia htHl i'i-w Virk Tbroa .'i H'l'lf'TS W-!l!ou to V'..rk siil with Si-ot1 mtl erk Hrspeh for jr, i-u-villo. Wwsliiug'on ami i:y u'oufh. 5 22 A M Daily. "Atlanta PiieciaV Pu!!uMn Veftibule for Jso. Pines, Hurulpt. Monro", Chester, Oiintuii, Hncu. wood, Alilievill, Atbf-ns, Atlanta, SioutfTomerv, llo- bile, Jie Orleans Cliarta ui"o;rn, NitHlivilie, MempblH i-uil ill points south ami soutliwesr Through Pcll iimu, Bnlt'ut Slfepers and ltd y coaches Vasliiutou to Atlanta, couutx'tin direct ly ut Tiikm depot Atlanta with (iivci'tiiu;.' lines S ','Q r ii -Duily, lor frtouthcra Piurs, Hauilot, M k 1 1 o n, Wilmington, Wi-.iH'hhorn, CJourue, (,!har lotto, 1 itmolnton, 8itlbv, I' al herft.rdtoij aud all local I-' d,ious O. 0- R. H. and K. i, b Ii 1! U. T ruins Arri Raleigh : 5 17 A M ' ' 'i'y. 'Mtljinta Speci e' " Pulhiiau Vestiliuio from. JShw York, Piiiip.-ieliihia, B!il)iiorf, ... Wih Qtrrrm, . Ricliuioml,. Portsiuo-fli, Norfolk and all pc'ots north Parlor curs "tw York to VVatsbUigion; Pali a an ' Uuffet dlfepers end . dav (!i,v.chcs VatihirtTton to At'auta. 3 20 P M Daily fr.jiij Portf-mouth and points north vii. Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R , also tronv tirpnuville, Plymouth, VVashingtou an 1 Eattern Oaroli-i'i. poiutn via Wei ; don.Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast .. ' Lino, steepen New York to ' We.Uiou. 1 20 A M Daily, - "Atlanta Special," Puihiiaa VeRtioute, train Atlanta, Atbeus.Abbeviils, Greenwood, Chester and poiuts south, Pullman day coaches and s'eepsr All m ta to Vatilnt,oa. 11 30 A M Daily from W i lui i ua t on, Shelby, Linoolaton, t ' har lot te ami all loci! staii his C. 0 R R a'ud R it A U. , R.; also from Payette villa ami fireausbora via fcliiUK '-'ford. . ;' Mixed trains leave Johnson Sfreet Station, for H e n d e r s o n s nd intermediate stations (i OiJ p. in";' re., turning arrives Johusjon SSireet 9 05 a.'m. - Passenger leavins; Raleigh at 3 30 p m arrives at 'Oh-trlotte 9 1 v m , returning le ) e Oil riotie m J S.' a. tn.', arrive K-ii-ivjii li m. : No. 402anU 't'lO'-'At.la.ii'U anet,.i;l;" ' are solid Pii' iu iu ve-.tibulod t-iias, compos--d of ' i:-. m g'lj.i ll'ee a t 'd ay aan:h es and. pulac dr.iwiijg rooim .Buffet sleetvi-rs. he-t vimi ... Wafiliifsgtqa '. r- ad A tl nt.ii wi!ii:it fusn,;", i.ell tlieriv;a a i i-y tr i f ul1.,; 1 Ftrr'4,..ri0'v'i. Wlstiv.e'-t sovio 1- . ules.iie. rti'til'v A'o tickbt-tiSftit,' or A. .1 Oooke, S I A , K J. i-U ': JOHN Fi. WlNnKK.bu'l 'duxS. ?. J- ASDE,V,; 3.iii'l ,;t. l i I niT,ci. diait II : Is not complete without an ideal : Combines' every element of beauty and purity.; It is beauti fying, soothing, liealing, health ful, and hannless, and when rightly used is invisible.. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate..: Insist tiporj having the genuine. jVg ' .IT IS. rO i SALE EVEftYWHRRE, Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC KERVINE 8srSLs2f.5lfe TOBUiniLostManhood. Curen weaknesBos, Nervous Debility and all the evils from early or Inter ex C8RS0R. the results of overwork, vorry, sickness, etc. Fall streiiKth, tone und development given to every orran. or portion of the bouy. . Improve- . inont immediately eoen from the first box. Xhoun ands of letters of pruiso on tilein oitroflioo. Can. be carried in vest pocket. Bent by mail to any address on receipt of price. One month's treat ment in each box.' Price jl ,00, 6 boxes, $5.00, with Written tinurantee to refund money if notoured Bend tutu for the tiennine. tlircollira Free. . POMPLEXIOEj POZI0NI'S :;

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