BANNERS- I:- LOW PR3CES apd CLOTHIERS SHATTERS M OODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY RELIABLE GOODS'JVil-iy ! h 3 1 ; J s'i 4 .,2 f ft-''' - f Vrarffi;YISITOR. rilHLISHi n UVCRY AFFI RM . . Uxi'Vl uiil.iv) VEMNC VISITOR TUIJ-CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, Ui cents per month. t'fices for mailing, 53 vr .VW- or 2-; cents per month. Ddiee I'pst.iirs over Mr. J. Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd lloor. W. M. BROWN, Sit., M'g'r. Raleigh, '. C. FRED. A. OLDS, ROBERT L. GRAY, Editor City Editor ttYLKIUil, OCT 15, 1891 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If subseiibers fail to get their paper in future they will do a favor by re porting the failure to this office. Subscriptions to the Vhitok may be left at No. 327 West Jones street, 324 West Lane street, and 610 Kast Davie street. NORTH CAROLINA STATIS TICS. A 5peci.1l census bulletin has been issued- giving statistics of farms, houses, and mortgages in North Caro lina, and the following is a synopsis of the result, as reported to the secre tary of the interior: The leading results of the investi gation of farm and lunne proprietor ship in North Carolina for 1800, con ducted iiy special agents George K Holmes and John S, Lord, are con tained in this bulletin. . In regard to farms the conclusion is that 41.72 per cent, of the farm families hire and 52 28 per cent, own the farms cul tivated by them; that 4.S8 per cent of the farm-owning families own subject to incumbrance, and 95.12 per cent, own free of incumbrance. Among 100 1 a rm families 42 tire their farms, 3 own with incumbrance, and 55 with out incumbrance, (hi the "owned farms there are lien's amounting to !j3,757,577, which is 45 59 per cent, of their value, and this debt bears in terest at the average rate of 9 05 pel cent., making the average -'annual interest-charge 57 to each family. .Each owned and incumbered farm, on the average, is worth 1,584, and is subject to a debt of $753. The corresponding fa.-fs for homes are that 74.23 per cent, of the home families hire, and 25.77 per cent, ow n their homes; that of the home-owning families 65.10 per cent, own free of incumbrance and 4:90 per cent, with incumbrance, In 100 home families, on the average, 74 hire their homes, 1 owns with 'incumbrance,' and 25 with out incumbrance. The debt unowned homes aggregates $1,354,530, or 48.15 per cent, of their value, and bears in terest at the average rate of 9.80 per cent., so that the. annual amount of interest to each home averages $67 Au average debt of $864 incumbers each home, which has the average value of $1,795. There are Ave cities in the state in the class of those having a population of 8,000 to 120,000, and in these cities 73.70 per cent of the home families hire, and 20.30 per cent own their hoine.Sj and of the home-owning fami lies 6. 30 per cent own with incum brance, and 93.70 per cent own free of incumbrance. In 100 home families, on the average, are found 74 that, hire their homes, 2 that own with incum oo-o-ooo PROMPTNESS! IDEA brance, and 24 that own without in rinnbranee. The liens on the owned homes are 40.82 per cent of the value ..f lb...- subject to lien. Several averages show that the rate of inter est is 7.94 per cent; value of each owned and in -umbered home, $2,421; iieu i'ii the same, $1,135, and yearly iuteieM charge on e.v.h home, $90. Ilea! estate purchase and improve ments, when not associated with other objects, aused52 31 per cent of the farm families to in. ur 49 39 per cent of the farm debt, and 01.14 per cent of the home families to incur 51.40 per cent of the home debt. They have practical ideas of religion in Baltimore. At the last meeting of the Baptist clergymen in that city a resolution was passed that a sermon on the necessity of fenders on street cars should be preached in all the Baptist pulpits of the city yesterday. They also decided to request minis ters of other denominations to unite in a crusade for fenders on rapid transit cars. Judge Mcl'uinas of the dictrict of Columbia supreme court has declined the application of the Miles sugar manufacturing company, of Louisiana, for a mandamus to compel secretary Carlisle to appoint inspectors to as, er tain the sugar production of the com pany. The object of the suit, it is un derstood, who to test the legality of the recent repeal of the sugar bounty ; provision of the McKiuley lav and! also to lay the foundation for an a p-' peal to congress for the payment of 1 the bounty for the current year. J Japan's war expenses are now $1, (XX).(XX) a day, and thereby hangs l,,OIT.,T O tout t,,- t,U Uutflull !,V fMliim hereafter, with several provinces thrown in. The South Carolinians seem to want a czar, and have selected one of the most dangerous kind. The reckoning will come later. Mr. Davis' Pastor Dead. 'Alrxanpiha, Va., Oct. 14. ltei Dr. Minnegerode died here yesterday af ternoon after a long illness. He was the former pastor of Christ church, at llichmond, Va., of which Jefferson Dav is was a member, and the rever end gentleman ministered to .Mr. Davis while in 'confinement at fortress Mon roe, after his capture. Mr. Davis was attending service in Dr. Minnegerode's church when the newsof Lee's surren der came. Journalistic Woes In Indiana. The editor of a paper in a small town in Indiana says: "We're mad; confound the people! How can they expect us out here, 12 miles from a railroad, 25 miles from a river, mil lions of miles from heaven, about two from the devil, and 300 feet from a whiskey shop, to get out a live news paper?" ,-. Hand polished curtain poles 20 cts. each at Thomas & Maxwell's. It Mny do hi irtucli fur You. Mr Fred Mil'er, of Irfing, 111, writes that lie bad a severe kidney trouble for inaiy years, with severe pains in his back and "ilso that his bla 'der wis affected He tried limy so cabled kidney cures but without iiiV Kood reult About a year atro he began .se of Electrie Hitters and found relief i.t once Klectric Bit'ers is especially ailapted to cure of all kiduey and liver troubles and itten gives nlmost instant relief. One triul will prove our statemer t. Price only 50 for large bottles, at John Y MacRae's drugstor'. oooooo SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LACES, GOOD WORK i FREE DELIVERY! TIIKKIC IS. There i One gr it dangerous American tro'ib.e, an i that is Blight's disease i f the kidneys. There i Scarcely a man or woman that does not symptoms of it at certain periods of life. Tlier- 1 No mistaking these symptons. They are dullness, headaches, indefinite pains, bearing down, unnatural urine, brick dut and burning. There is Hut one thing to do upon the approach of the first signs, and that is use the only sta nda id remedv for these troubin in the woild. Thtrrv is lint one known, positive pre ventive of Bright' die and thai is W arner's Safe Cine. Tier;! i No possible danger if you care fully observ e tin- first symptoms and take this great Safe Cure in time. 11 P. WILLIAMSON'S B'codsi Hcrse Sal"-. Will take place in Raleigh Till USD I Y, XOVKtlllKIt Stli, A X I) FIUD1T, 0VKI1IKU 9tli. When over 100 head of. beautiful, i ' high bred ! TK0TTKUS, ;iIAHESS itiid SIU1ILE j HORSES 1 i Will be Sold at AUCTION for ( ASH, WITItolT ltti-EKVE lill. All of the great Sires and Dams are repre sented in this sale. The blood of (JKOKli K W1LKKS, ELKCTIONEKU and i'.KLMONT predominates, Mat'iie ! Standard-lired Stallions, Hroo lui iies, (Jeldin"s, Colts and Fillies can be had -at Yoi u Own PltH E, as the whole lot is consigned to a' solute sale, and will be sold , i on Tin; iikht mo. No such lot of horses was ev er .offered at public sale in North Carolina before, and in fact nowhere this side of Kentucky. Catalogues will ' e ready 2'th Oet.'ber and can be had on applicant: ; i , 11. 1'. WILLIAMS : Fairview Farm, Raleigh, .. C. 1' EXTI'i KV SaIiIU.K AXtl ' V II Houses. Mr. Shelby T. Harbison, of Lexing ton, Kentucky, consigns 25 head of these Saddle and Harness horses, the very cream of tht! lilue (irass. Many of them PREMIUM WINNERS. The very I est ever seen in North Carolina. He also consigns a lot of highly bred, young, sound clean trotting horses that can show speed and great merit. B. 1 V. pUT FLOWERS, y Boi:quets, &c. Roses, carnations and other flowerM. Ilaskets and floral designsat, short no tice.";. IMPORTED Bl'LIlS ... f ir winter blooming. . Just arrived, a splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, liermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. PALMS, FERNS v and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Steixmetz, the Florist. c ELERENH Gum at liobbitt's, 5 cts. W.-R STEAM 1'OR KKN i'. Thr. 8-room house and basement, mi Davie, bet, v ecu I'ay-ette-ille an, I Wilmington slr-ets. now occupied by Mrs. J. K. Kay. Apply t ' se25 e odlf' A. V. I'llWM. Special No ice. Mrs. Thaddciis Olive will continues the business of cleaning, d; eing and repairing i-lothim; as conducted by her late hiisba ud at 310 Soul h Salis bury street. Careful attt-ii'ioii will be given alt work sent t-o her. Orders may be also left at Dughi's, on Kay etteville street. X ntice''ii'mi'i ! j (Auti-ceplial-algine.) rinJrMt til.Me ail Nura'gU te-only Our.M quicKly amlsife'y hvlih in all its, vsnoin fjr-m. M inuf.o'.lv liv Prop ,Jn t Johnson, !UWgV5.5 to ool. j Korfti'-s by all I'laist" 0 a j v ox, DBA LRU IN wple anl Kn vy (ir.icer les, r i:io cigars an t loh'o f'Vuin. '.V.;--; i , it S'U !i ilsbor; &.r Wii iiuuiii:4, , DKALKH IX China, Crockery, Glassware, L.inips and f.iblc Cutlery. Alio a specialty of Ice Cream 1'reezjti, relii:;eratnrs, ice hines, lemon squeezers, oil sioves, lly fans, ily brushes. MortzngQ Sals. lly virtue of authority conferred in two certain mortgages, executed to me by Patri k Sweeney and wife, and duly recorded in books Nos. 110 and 117, at pages 427 and 483 respectively, in the Register of Deeds' olli e of Wake county, N. C, I will, on .Monday, the Stli day of October, A. 1). 1S!)4, at the court house door, in the city of Ral eigh. Wake county, at 12 o'clock in., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the lot of land described in said mort gages, situate on the eas'side of South West street, in the city of Raleigh, adjoiuing the lauds of Hen. M. Moore, Dr. F. T. Fuller, Dr. Win, Raker and others, being the lot whereon the said Sweeney and wife now reside. This September 3, A. D. 1S94. THEOPIIILUri J. HaKKIS, Mortgagee. Peele & Maynard, Attorneys. The above sale is postponed until Monday, Oct. loth. V OUT II CAROLINA, Wake Couxtv, 1 In the Superior court, September 10th, 1894. Lizzie Watson vs. Henry Watson Notice of summons. To Henry Watson: Take notice, that Lizzie Watson has instituted an action against Henry Watson for divorce on aecoiint of desertion and adultery; that summons-lias been returned, not to be found, and that she has a good cause of action against him. And let him take further notice that he is hereby required to appear at October term, 1894, of Wake Superior court and an swer or demur to the complaint which will be filed during the first three days of said term, beginning on the 22d day of October,' 1894, or the plain tiff will demand the relief prayed in said complaint. W, Thompson, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. sep' 10 law 6w rSu-'-f ltd Tninrii CAVtA 0. MUt MAKKS COrYKlvinTvi. CAS I oriTAIN A PATENT? Fort Sro-vipt answer tuid an honest oimion, write fo I I'M N i"c CO., who have Lad ueafTy fifty years' exF'crier.ce la the patent business. Ckjuimunica tkrits strictly confidential. A l!iiul!inoli of In ferinnflon concerning latels aud how to ob tain them pent free. Also a catalogue of median lull nnrt sclentlllc booke. sent free. J'atentfi taken tnroiiKti Munn & Co. receive mveeial notice in the -cieiitille Aiiierirnii, and tliu aro urotiL'ht widely before the public with out to the inventor. Tills splendid paper, IsmiipiI wcoliiy, elegantly illnstratori, has by far the lan-'eut i-.em:itioa of any scientific work la the woild. &,t a vear. Sample copies sent free. Itutlilmu hilitiou. monthly, tiMa year. Single eopie, vi- cents, Kvory number contains beau tiful plates, iu colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tha latent designs and seizure contracts. Address MUNN CO. NKW YOUK. Htil BRnoWAT oooooo PHONE 19. La r ' ' A. Hollow innmrw J. Jnnn, I f p. H. RoroTrr, !uiness Manager. Aich't A 8uit B'lc'g B. P. Park, in rbarps yards ana tbopa. naYSTEa, PARK & GO. (Succesaors to Ellington, Eoyuter C.) MAKCfAcTUBIES OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Scroll Work, STAIll HAILS And all Other Kinds of Building Material. Will contract to bui'd anywhere, in tee 6tate or furnish auy kind of material dc aired. Our shop ia equipped with the latest and bst wood working machinery. We are lo otttti on the 8. . L. Railroad, which runf through the best timbered lands in North ( arobna, from which we get our logs an cut our own lumber. This enables us to till or.lers of any rm or di ' ension on short notice. We can cut 18,(XM feet a day. Our lry Kiln has a capacity o' 00,000 feet, and we cut, dry aud dre?s lumber for the public at reasonable rates. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shoin are on West street, ft '(i t-rrri!in ff Kifenton atrwl 'pt-24 ON HAND TONS COA. (JOHDj wood" Gayton lied Ash, Semi-Anthracite' Coal (for stores or grates. ), Pocahontas, Small Lump, Pocahontas, Large Lump, Russell Creek, large Lump, Seini-Uituininoiis, i'or grates or loves. Virginia Splint Coal, ) Bitui Jellieo Splint Coal, Hlazi Tennessee Splint Coal. J coal. uuuuous, azing grate Pennsylvania Anthracite, ChestuutSize ' Stove " " " , Kgg " " i'urnace " All Fresh From Rest Mixes in this country. PKASOXKl) Pine and Oak Wood, cut O and split for stoves and fireplaces, or iu 8-foot lengths. CHINGLISS, Laths, Gr.iin, Hay, Meal, 0 ISran, 1 e, &c, wholesale and retail, at lo,,esi priies by JONES POWELL Rai-eioh, N. C pOCAHONTAS steam still stands 1 abo.e all others in quality and i price. Several cars always on track, I on eaeh side of the city, II 111 I bay direct from the manufacturers the Strictly High Grade Sewing Machines known as THF STANDARD,' and offer those at the lowest prices. A good machine at Bottom Figures. I also keep always on hand full IlQes of machine sup plies, such as needles,psrt8 and attachments One of my specialties is the repairing of roa ohines of any make, this being done at youi noire or at my otlice I have hid Years oi Experience in tliis business and Guaranty 8it'8faitioi'. Hog, caitle or any kind of country pro dnoe taken in exchange for machines. G E MARTIN, 13 West Harnett Street. h20m The CITY LIVERY STABLES. Having purchased Blake's stables and re' fitted the same, we are prepared to furnish carriages for PARTIES, WEDDINGS OR FUNERALS with careful drivers who will always be on time. We can furnish Buggies for Pleasure or Business. YANCEY k MARTIN. I3t East Morgin street. Tel-rhone 79. Jy2 2 E t . x . l- ' tn Eo . u 4, o a 5i'H. THKl ARE CHEAPJi. No other material entering into thu manufacture of a Corset can com pare with FEATHERBONE. The FEATHERBONE Cokskt Waist is beyond question the most comfort able garment made; it fits like a glove, has all the style of a Corset, and wears like iron. We make a specialty of I these goods and recommend them to you without reserve. We are author : ized to refund your money after fouf weeks triaj, if not satisfactory. OUR FALL STOCK Is iu and prices the lowest. THE LYON NORTH CAROLINA, Wake conntj In the Superior Court. ' Geo. W. Norwood, plaintiff, vs Oscar Ligon, Edmund Ligon, Sidney Finch and others, defendants. Service by publication. Edmund Ligon and Sidney Finch, two of the defendants above named, will take notice that an Action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county to cause the lands of Washington Ligon, dee'd, to be sold to satisfy mort gages upon them, nrhich lands are sit uate in House's Creek township, Wake county, and the said defendants will ta ke notice t hat they are required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of Wake county, N, C, to be held at the court house in Raleigh, on the 24th day of October, 1894, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. JOHN THOMPSON, C. S. C. This Sept. 1st, 1894. 6w oo-ooo-o DRESSES, ETC.

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