OAK CITY STBAM LAUNDRY. Ths 0k Citjr Stsam Lsnndr will dooar work better than iny Uundrr in the city or ilttt, with lens wear and tear, at competition price. IWauxe it is the oldest and moitt complete plant in North Carolina, with latent improved machinery and most experi enced operatives. Kfficiearr and promptness guaranteed. Telephone No. 87. L. R. Wtatt, Prop! Wahtid Good.qaick ironer. Stead work. 0e Cur CiTf Stkax Laundry. Extra bargain in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lonngea with detachable mattresses a specialty. LOT M RALMFlalALE On Monday, the 29th dajr of October, 1804, at 12 iu at the court house door iu lUleigh, under power conferred by a deed of murtage, executed to iuh by W. 0. Emery and vtife, dated November 8th, 1880, and registered in Register' office for Wake county, in book 00, at page 199, I will sell at public auction, a parcel of la i;d near the northwestern boundary of the t ity of Raleigh, on the old Hillaboro (or Oxford) road, beginng at Kphraim Emery's corner, on said road, runs with said road southward 222 feet to A. Ferguson' corner, then eastward with the line of the fence 120 1-2 feet to a corner post, then nearly north west 190 feet to the beginning. E. W. McVea. By Rattle & Mordecai, Attys. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 28. Of Real Estate in Oberlin Village. Ry ' irtue of authority given iu cer tain mortgage deeds made by John Jones and others toGeo. W. Toe, dated July 25, 1881, and recorded iu book 79, at page 72, and a mortgage made by John Joiies and wife to Geo. W. l'oe, dated April 27, 1887, and re oi ded in book 95, at page 420, iu the office of the Register of Deeds of 'ake county, 1 will oilVr for sale to the highest bidder, fur cash, on .V on day, t) tuber 29, 1894, at 13 o'clock hi., nt the court house door in Raleigh, a certain house and lot described in the mortgage last above mentioned, being a lot now oc cupied by Thomas and Catherine Williams, in Oberlin village, ou the old Uillsboro road, adjoining the lands of Thomas Williams, Win. Hardy and others. Charles McKimmox, Assignee of Mortgagee. J. M. Rroi'uhton & Co., Agent. Bep 20 4w NORTH CAROLINA, Wake Countv, In the Superior Court. William A Minor, plaintiff, vs. Jane E. Casper and her husband, Solomon E. Casper, and Henry M. Farns worth, defendants. The defendants Jane E. Casper and her husband, Solomon E. Casper, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Wake county; that the purposs of said action is to fore close a mortgage executed by said Jane E. Thomas to the plaintiff, on the 20th day of May, 1887, upon certain real property in the city of Raleigh, and described therein, which mortgage has been registered in the register's office of Wake county, in book 95, at page 578. The note secured by said mortgage having been transferred by the plaintiff to the defendant Farns worth as collateral security for money borrowed, the said Jane E. Casper and Solomon E. Casper will take fur ther notice that they are required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said Wake county, to be held at the . court house, in Raleigh, on the seventh Monday after the first Monday of September, 1894, it being the 22nd day of October, 1894, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu the complaint. J no. W. Thompson, C. S. C. Strong & Strong, Att'ys for Plaintiff, sep 8 6w v PENNSYLVANIA'S Lsddincr NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to mnke a first class journal. THE PliLJHIA ' spares no trouble r expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of the Old and New World. Us several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to ( . THR HOUSEHOLD, THE FARM, " WOMAN'S WORLD, SCIENCE, ART, LITBKAURB, FINANCE, THE RBAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine eve,ry dayj SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, 13 00 Daily and Sunday, one year ' 4 0C " t Address The Record Pub-Co. 17-916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. - The Inner Vision .3. I think trne love is nerrr blind. But rather gives a ad.I.-d light; Ad inner vision quick to And The beauties hid from common sight. No soul cau ever truly see Another highest, n"blest part. Save through the sweet philosophy And loving wisdom of the heart. HEROIC MEASI'RE. I met him and said he was looking well. He seized me at oine by t lie coat lapel. "The tariff" was what he began to say. Rut I instantly floored him and got away. A THORN. Among life's thorns, alas, we find In all too frequent growth, The girl who neither sings nor play And thinks she does them both. MAY Bll'VcLTl-:. The Presence Near Acquia Creek of an Ex perienced Robber and a Mysterious Yacht. FiiEDERicKsui Rfl, Va., Oct. 13. In terest in the robbery of the express car near Quantico last night is intense. There is a clue to the robbers. Three years ago there lived in Stafford coun ty Charles Carter, who absented him self from home frequently, and on his return was well supplied with money. The robbery of a country store in his neighborhood was the cause of his ar rest. In making the arrest the sheriff of the county was forced to shoot the fellow. He was lodged iu jail, made his escapef and nothing more w; s heard of him until accounts in the New York papers of a daring robbeiy committed in that state, and of Cal ler's being sent to Sing-Sing for a 1 ii,-r term i-f years. Subsequently the papers told of his mysterious escape from that prison, no clue being left how he accomplished the daring feat. It has been said he was seen several times after this, get ting on and off the train just where last night's robbery took place, and his family having all left this part of the country there are many persons here abouts whothiuk Carter was the lead ing spirit in last night's performance. That he was fully capable of such a job, those who have known hiin all his life bear witness. Cool and fearless, every inch of the ground as familiar to lii in as an open book, it is more than probable that when Carter is caught the full facts of the robbery will be ascertained. While captain Dan. Lae was at his home, on the Potomac, yesterday af ternoon, sitting on the porch, his at tention was called to a trim and grace ful yacht lying off his landing. After a long look at the beautiful craft he acknowledged he had never seen her before. It is supposed the robbers, after committing the deed and aban doning the engine, made their way to th.s vessel, which was evidently waiting for something unknown to those living near by. It was only half a mile from where the engine was abandoned and turned loose to where the yacht was riding at anchor, " and her disappearance this morning leads to the belif that the robbers took this method of getting away and so success fully concealing their tracks. Wasaixqton, O.t 13. This after noon a man came to police headquar ters and gave himself up, declaring that he was one of the bandits, but being refused a share of the booty, would turn state's evidence. He is closely guarded by the detectives, and reporters are not allowed to see him.'' This is Seasonable. "Preacher made a bad break yes terday." ' "How was that?" "Well, there was no fire in the stove, and he meant to read the text: 'Many are called, but few are cho-: sen."!:.'. - f'Well?" "Read it: 'Many are chilled, and a few are frozen.' " When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Cfietoria. When she hVl Children, she gave them Castoria, The treasury gold reserve is now beyond the $59,000,000 mark. All Free. Those who have tued Dr Kind's Hew Dis covery know its value, and those who have not. have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a tri al bottle, free. Send your name and address toHKBucklen fc Co, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pill five, as well s a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free All of which Is ruaranteed to do vou good and costs yoa nothing at John Y MacEisa drag store. TRAiTKD HIS M0THFR IN LAW- How Charles AUrvin Revued His BriJe She was Locked in a Cellar IsiASsptmT, Ind., Oct. 14. Charle Martin, who lives near Idaiille, tourt ed Ida Rich for several years. Their union was bitterly opposed by the girl's parents, so lst Tuesday they eloped and got married. Wednesday they returned t leg forgiveness, but Mr. Rich locked the bride in the cel lar and drove his son-in-law out of the house with a gun. All that night the bridegroom sat up, pondering a plan of rescue. Whe.i morning dawn ed he sent word t hi nu tlier-iu-law to come and get her daughter's effects as he was ready to ri-Ioi nish all claims. When the old lady lady came she found herself entrapped. Mar vin locked her in his house and re fused to let her return. She was held as a hostage until yesterday, when Mr. Rich appeared with a flag of trine. Prisoners were exchanged, and Marvin and his bride are reunited. The girl's mother is also said to have become so favorably impressed wi'h her son-in-law during her deten tion at his home that she is anxious to "kiss and make up." Batklen'g Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve la the world for cut, brnines, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, cbspped hands chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pav required. It is gnarauteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Pi ice 25 cents per pox. For sal bv John Y MbcKhp Doctors recoiuiueuii "'t he Standard 'ewlpg Machine" because of its light running. Call 'or the Horse Brand of Johr sou's Mpgnetic Oil. .It ban notqual 'or the r'isftases of horse and cattle. $H o s'ze 50 cents ; R0 c ut size 20 cts. For sale hy John Y MacRae A New Profession "Window gazing" is said to be a regular profession in Loudon. A couple of stylishly dressed ladies pause before the window of a mer chant, remain about live minutes and audibly praise the goods diplayed in side. Then they pass on to another store on their long list of patrous. Ladies, if you want a pure, delicate soxpfor the compbxljo, druggist will alwavs recommend Johnson's Oriental Medicinal Toilet Soap at J Y MacRne's J"panese Liver Ptllets are the best family medicine tor liver complaint and constipation; ""0 pills iu a vial; 35 cents, at John Y MacK le's. A Durham firm has just finished the erection of a handsome monument to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ma son, at'cording to the will of the late Mrs. Mason. It is on a plot in the cemetery near near Chapel Hill de. vised by them to the university. The monument is in excellent taste, the Globe says. O L Rice, Memlota, III, writes : ' Have used your Japanese Pile Cure and found it a sure and permanent cure." For sale by John Y MacRae, Rheumatism, . neuralgia, headache and pains of every kind iostant.lv re lieved by Johnson's Mafrnetic Oil ' bz" 5 c; 0e size 25o. Sold by John Y MacRae Indigestion, Billiousness, And all stomach troubles are cured by Po,P Fo Prickly Ash.PokeRoot andPotassium. Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aches in the back, shoulders, knees, ankles and wrists are all at tacked and conquered by. P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleansing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P. P. P. at this season, and for toning up, in vigorating and as a strengthener and appetiser take P. P P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con dition, Abbott's .East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. These tiny t'nptmlpi or- inconveiiieiice9nllectionHrMiny 1 In which Topniba, rn-V1" J oeDfj ana iiiiecnons iaii. CHAFLOiTE" ""V OBSERVER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North Caro lina and the South fbs best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 8 f C per year. WEEKLY, trouper year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Oaldwim Editor, Charlotte, SC. tT"For sale at turner M Shaffer's news aUnd, Raleigh, N U a 16 U (01 i a r ?v v s iv yi i for Infants C'untHIiMiwinddaiti(l tochiMlvtitlial 1 ritniiiiHntl it bh Ktiirir Uiany ir--hjli n kiHion to hit." II A. Aki :n . M. 1., Ill So. Uxfurd St , l;r .kl)ii, :;. Y. 'Tlu U' of 'Castoria ii i- universal cul iu iiu-rits well known tlu.l it so'insa work of Kupcrtrui?ation to nl rs it. Few are tl lul.-llint familial who do ut I. tvp Castoria votliin eo.y iv:t-h." I'AULU Mautvs, 1. !., Sew York Ci'y. Th ("ESTArU FOR THIS FALL. 3 si 1 have put in a stock of TOILKT SOAPS, Fancy Articles and Sundries, m, larger than ever; so when y.u are m ready for any goods of this kind, you need not, take what you see and can si get, but what strikes your fancy. 10 Special inducem jn s in the matter s of price and quality. I have leading n makes of Soaps, at prices which can- s not be duplicated anywhere. y For 10 cents I can sell you an arti In superior to that 'ordinarily offered at ,; . S 25 cuts. J II V L BO B B IT P, DlUT(iGIST. ' f 1 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium gWakes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism HMBMSMMMMH and Scrofula P. P. P. pnrifles tbe blood, builds no , the weak and debilitated, idves Btrenpth to weakened nerves, expels " diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude ilrst prevailed. For primary, S( oondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu- " rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and . in nil blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, " tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema- we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. lsthebest ' blood purifier in tbe world, and makes fiosltive, speedy and permanent cures n all cases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condi- tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won- " derful tonic and blood cleansing prop- ertiesof P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. - Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I oan speak in tho highest terms of " your medicine from my own persona: Knowledge. I was nffeoted with heart .disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy witta- - out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done me more good than anything I have ever taken. I oan recommend your medicine to all " sufferers df the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YE ART. Springfield, Green County, Mo. BUBWVLL h DUNN, WholMl Pi l i 7 1 r 9 and Children. utftorla l unit ('itlio, ('instipatiin. Sour Miimacli, luirr!ica, Kniitati -h. Kills VVuniij, gives fel'Vii, aul jiriin Wltluii:! uijurixii inliratioii. Fr wvcnl yi-ar-t 1 hnvi rn;;-! your ''a.-ti.ri.i. c.n-l sii:i'.l la:yd r"i.: tin n.1 us it lixs iuvarLJuy iim1ucc1 IX'Mlll.S." 1'iiwin 1". r.otiu:p, M. I'M lMii Struct unl Ttli An-., N w Yin C'OSII'AXV, Tl Ml'BRAY Stkeet, Nkw Yokk (ill. 9 w Pimples, Blotchss - . 42i and 0!d Sores Mlnri Catarrh, Jalaria and Kidney Troubles Are enf lrely removed by I.I.P. Prickly Ash, Poko Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purillor on earth. Aberdeen, O., July 21, ism. Messrs. I.ippman Biios. , tsaviinnnh, Ga. : Dear Sirs I bought abouieuf f our P.P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and t has dono nie more goo.l thun three months'trcatmentattlie HotSpflngs. Bend three bottles C. o. 1. Respectful?' yours, J AH. M. NKWTOJT, Aberdeen, Brown County , 0. Cnpt. $. I). Jolmwloii. To all vhom it may concern: I here by testify to the wonderir.l properties of P. P. P- for eruptions of the skin. I Buffered for soveral years with an un - sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried evory known reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, . Savannah, da. S9 ' O 9 ss !9 88 . &J ' S0 S9 v Skin Cancer Cured. Tettimonyrom the Mayor of Sequin,'fex, Messrs, Lippman Bros. , Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen I have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of theskln, usually known as skin cancer, ot thirty years -SE9 standing, and found great relief: it j. purines the blood and removes all ir- 1 ruation iroin uih sw.ii ii iiio uncuso . and prevents any spreading of tlie sores. I nave taken live or six bottles and feel confident that another course , will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and stomach 1 trouDies. nours truiy, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Diseases Mailed Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. . LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, IJppman'a Block.Savannab, Ga ad IUUU Anis, Charlotts, N. 0. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line- Cf i.M4KNr.J CH r DL'I.E. in n-K-cr Ji lt s , "M. Tr 'IK I Ht 11' i, i! ... I ii i-Yt ft (i.nlr f. i'cn i'. t' r ii ; p. J-. . .-i-h. i.i.'. I'.. n V cl i' i-t- . : : s .eU I ' ' ' i ' ' '-rk n-d n'l : ;' l'.uiT' ?. i'hw. i ' i - i -i r.-i ml I u!' i Allmts ti - ' . ' -r V rh. i . ' t.j I I . (.- M . f a m ! :.. ' i.-.; . for I . . . i 1,',-n, :, f. I ' !!,. N..I 'k 1 . ; i i .1 r I' :m, V)r fr:- ..'tl : I ri i! 1 i'-.jvr, . : ', v ' 'i ' ' .-. 'i! : i:u i . . - : 'H ..' 1111, I' V . i B. I "..! . : I i i.,8 i ' : . ; c '.i f'i ii-ii illi !';. i?! V' Lit for ( i :,', Ui. ; -a, !' ! o-i- ?h""i!i-.- '.i. i. i ll v ork 'J l.i- rSi K!' i' t v. . ,.i ll to V r,i i I. I v j: !; hi-o! i": I i k iiri.. t, for Hi i u v.!!j. V tliii g m aijd i."iy 1'iont !i. 5 22 A M iMily. "Atlautx. pecit I," I'ullm- u Vei-tibult1 for t?o. Piiin, J'i-.uiSff., Mo roo, MifSior Oliuti-c, Hit"u wooi!, Abl.'vi!ie, Atifod, AtlnntH, i.'nntj-'ouiprv, IAo bilp, OrlfauB. ChutiA uoot'H. Nashville, Mempliis bdI i ll points BOUtil f-ll(l sou'hwff Throuijli Pull liiHU HnlT'f Sii'ppprs fiU'l c fiv coix:h'8 Wcshinjrtf.n to AtiBiita (ioi.iici.'tiriK (li'-eet-ly ut i'ub-n depol Atlanta witli divfrsiiif; lices 3 ?0 V M-D.-iily, i. r fo!i(l'crii i'ii , H.i'.'iiet, M x ! n ii. Vi uiitmt'.iii, ,-V,:.!ch!,.).''! MitrtK CIihn l'.:t.j, LiuC'ilut-Hi I'I'i Ibv, I ' ' !..?rt-r.lfou iu t! "eal t.tOL-s 0. ' :' K.. and R. l- V A I. U Trains Arr H : 517 AM-i iiy. 'illsoia Bprvi.v ." I i ! u Vestibule :. m w York., . P'iilmlel;"!i4, Fnl'iiuor.', Vv'n'..Dir: on, Kicbtu.-iiii!, Porlsuj;.1 itii, oi-rfoilt unl all pci its north P'irlor csr.'s Seir Vol k ;o v-,-i.libinj;oo; Pull- "hu B '.fl'et SUeiH'i- nud div L".-:ic.b'8 SVasliit i?toa to Al i'niiti. 3 ?0 P M n-il , f Pijrl-m i ;i h Rml pfi'atu north via Kav Ijine N. Y. P. it 'IN. R. R , alfo irora .i r?fvi'!o, P 1 iu o u t h, ' Vajhh'.ton anl Eabdra .Oaroll-.J-i poiutti via 'V'el ."'. . don. Petfhuru, Bicbtxjond ;AVashi.ig'.on ncd ' i'latB north via Atliotio (Joast I. iu?, Rieepers New York to Wehioo. 1 20 A M iViily, "Atlanta Bpoci-U," Pullman Vestibule, from 'Atlanta, Athens, Ab!-viilo, (rr-enwood, !yhester anl points Boiuh. i'allmaa day co-u-.h.-'f'Had '(,) ?r ASa.a ta to NVnMtitfto-.i. 11 cli A M ':iiiyf rc iu W i liu i u ton, Nu!o, Liuiioluton, 'J'lar lot te and nil loail erar ioiin (J. C U ii an l U 4i A U. II. ; alio troui Fayette ille nud (treeusboro via teaiv . '.'. ford. Mix'd trfiias l.-ave 'Johnson Street Statii n, for li e si e r o u find iuterruiMli ii n et itio.is ii(j) p in ; re tarniDi; arrive Joi-.u-iou cMrei'l 9 05 a. m. Pasfen'i-r len.viu Uilei;;h at 3 30 p m arrives nt Oii !.f!ot: 9 4") p m., returuiniT if :'i'--iot' nt ) 4"5 a. in , arriv' F 1 ?!i 11 r ;i :ii. No 402 it i 1 ( ".: ! in " 1 si," arn solid i'u -j v.j nbiili l trms, c-npos ' l ui-li-1;!'. ilm- co - 'Mas ;-.'.ir! rcilic i v. i n '.rwil- h iTt !, iN t V. 1.it -hh i" on ad -i . ii'i n ;ica. , 4 I M it i '-" f i 8.:ln I-".ii-'n-!.' ' : 'ii, or A, ill- '-.'''I t. i si'l M r. . i- v t .1 Oook -, M P V . .Tons 4. -vi yn-A r t- ?t. A LADY'S TOILET Is not coTnplcte , without au ideal OIIOII'S' Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, sooihiiig, healing, health ful, anil harmless, and .when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desnable protection to the face in this climate. . . ..' -.V.VA I Insist riu fearing ths genulce. . MlKSKrVM a 49. I I Mm Ml., ll.will IIMI 17 J "Alt 'VI FRE. '.S.f. w fOIPLEMIQl W POWDER, , ' . I A- V'w .'i"i' t . t. ; -" ' s- Tf-tnii;i;"iil, ran'.-4slinii"Oi-Vl i'vni'i ' 'IU , c.m Hies tlf Ol-.in-a.ut and two'- . -oi..,! i . . i-,..vi-jr-fai!i". Ouro foi- Vilei if i. ver,v iriiui c jdji I ill Kin... n iimimi aa omtratinn villi ltj..'!itun or iijocli iuc a; Riu'MIc ai:iii, hioh ire pi-.iuful iiiul f iIdui:i ttT i-cmn-joiu cure, nacl often i-.itlnitT in ily::h, or :h.i.-c:.;.iiiv. Why enluro .ins tornbto rfH"-.8? W Kunrentfi noxee to oyrr i-.n-- c.ir.e. V-u ouly piiy for laim.fit iiwci-,1.1. 1 1. !-.i)i. i, f r (j. Sent by mull. Ouaj-ai-.Ujp? l.-f. ii-i liy onr neuts. . . 4 SjtJ.iO Mi Ml Ivil by Japanese Liver Pellets li prciit I.IV1- It atul 8 FUJI ACll liiiOULATOU end T'LUODPUKll'IEH. Small, mi Id and pleamnt ti InkB, especially adupte'l ;or ohlidreu'd um. bu Iluses 3 ?euta. -WBANTKES taaoa !.niy by John X. Mac Kid, Druggist, Raleigt Uj 0.

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