DROPPED ELEVEN STORIES- A AUn Falls 145 Feet nj Lives t Describe His Sensations. Washinutos, 1. C, O.-toWr 14. Albert Dealt, a steam titter, fell from the eleventh story of the new Schnei der Hat:), in this city, l the basement, a u i escaped without injury. At the ground floor the small i f his la.-k struck a heay beam, which makes his escape the more marvelous. He turn ed two or three somersaults as he hot down to the ground. Two or three times his head graz-d projecting iron beams, liter and over he went, and as he Btru. k that I t-am. after a d.op of 14." feet, the f' ree of the blow is ed limi to bound back 2 or 3 . .-t. Then he fell to the .ellar limp and apparently dead. Several workmen on the first floor, who had heard Deale strike the beam, ran into tin base ment, eip.cJiug to find their friend unconscious and mangled, if not ac tually dead. As they approached le.tle, he got up, looked da.ed for a Moment, then said slowly, as if he could hardly find breath : " I fell oil' the eleV atur." The men lifted him, and he started to walk. 5ut after two or three steps lie become deathly sick and sank to the ground unconscious. His friends thought he was dying from the shock, and ran for a doctor and a priest. Dr. Weaver returned with men, and found Deale recovering rapidly, only com plaining of a bad pain in his ba k. A Jin sty examination showed that no bones were broken. There was n braise where he had struck the beam. 1 ut the skin was not la crated. The sickness resulted from extreme fright and dizziness, caused by the lightning" like drop through the air. For hours he had all the symptoms of an aggrawitedattaek of sea sickness and could not swallow even lime wa ter. He complained a little of the pain in his back, but thought lightly of it. Dr. Wenverassured him he had received no internal injuries. Deale told the story cf the fall. " I could not help it," he said, " the elevator gave a lurch, and 1 was thrown off. 1 knew 1 was turning over and over, and thought I would strike against the sides of the shaft. 1 thought 1 had reached my last Moment, and I was rattled. I could not get my thoughts together. 1 seemed to think I ought to grab hold of something and save Myself, and then 1 would think it was no use, and that it was all up with me. Then I hit the beam, and that's all. 1 was going down on the elc-va-tor to see about some steam beaters." A Curious Suit For Insurance. A curious action arising from a re markable accident at a German chemi cal works is about to puzzle the Her man courts. Conrad Wtuhner enter ed the works with a lantern. An ex plosion occured, followed by the burst ing of the acid tanks, and nothing has since been seen of tbe man, not even a shred of clothing or a morsel of his fojdy, Wuchner was insured, and the widow cl.iinu the amount of his policy, but the company declines to pay on the ground that there is no proof of death. A chemical analysis at the Hooded works after the explosion revealed traces of animal matter, such as dis solved bone,-'butty the insurance com pany declines to accept such a novel proof of death, be a use, among, other things, the analyst cannot swear that the liqu fled bone was the bone of a human being. The unhappy widow was saved the expense of a funeral, but in every other respect, she is a badly used woman, and public-sympathy is taking the form of subscriptions to help her to light the insurance com pany. . ... Cyclers as Policemen. Philadelphia, Oct. 12. With the approval of a committee from the as sociated cycling clubs, several men were selected today to take up the work of patroling the streets on bi cycles with the special object of arrest ing violators of the ordinances bear ing upon reckless riding. All of the men were selected from members of the regular force familiar with the use of the wheel, and will enter upon the work at once. f o avoid attract ing unusual attention, they will wear either ordinary citizens' clothes or the uniform of some of the local clubs. The beautiful display of fruit at Dughi's today attracted much atten tion. Rosy apples, lucious Califor nia grapes, pears and very tempting peaches made up 'an eye-arresting show. : ' Lemons and oranges at Dughi's. THE WEATHER. The Conditions and the Fore cast. Forecast for North Carolina: Fair, frost Tuesday morning; slightly warmer Tuesday evening in the in terior. Local forecast for R.tlcL-h aud vicinity: Fair, followed by rain Tues day evening or Wednesday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. in. today: Maximum temperature Oi); minimum tetnp.Tit in e 38; rainfall 0.00. 'le.il, cool weather prevails east of the Mississipppi. The center of high pressure is over the midde states. Frost occurred this morning as fol lows: Killing it N'ashv ille. Know ille, t'incinnatti. l'ittsburg; light at har lotte, i:.ileigh, Washington, Philadel phia ami New York. It is considera bly warmer in the west; temperature at Kansas city at t? a. in. 58 degrees An ara of low pressure is central over Kansas and Nebraska. There seems to I e a storm south of Florida, but nothing definite iau be said of it yet. Registration Books ara Open. The registration books are now open it the folio,, ing places: Raleigh, first ward. F. 15. Phillips Registrar; next door 1 elovv Lee's livery stable. Second, 15. F. Wouible registrar; itronach's tobacco warehouse. Third. .1. Y. Macllae registrar; .MacKae's drug store. Fourth, T. D. Watson registrar; Victor engine house, coiner Davie aud Salisbury streets. Fifth, D. G, Conn registrar; Conn's store, corner Dawson and Martin .treets. Outside east, '. H. Bledsoe regis : rar; convict quarters. Outside west, V. K. Ashley, rcgis rar; Turner & Wynne's grocery, cor ner Halifax and .lohnson streets. Spanish siveet onions af Dughi's The jury in the case of Shields against the town of Durham has brought in a verdict for 200 for the plaintiff. Shields sued for 2,000 for injury a used by exposure to cold while in the guard house, in which there was no lire nor blankets. Plenty of oysters, at Dughi's this evening. The Duke cigarette factory will not be moved from Durham. It was said it would be moved to escape increased taxation. The Dukes do not like the action of the county commissioners in assessing their stock at '4,000,000; twice the valuation they placed on it. Fine northern apples at Dughi's BELLHOP DURHAM. Rest 5-ceut, hind-made, Havana filled Cigars. Sold in Raleigh by H. F. Smith & Co., Yaboro. House, A. Dughi, . West End Pharmacy, -; 0. Q. King & Co., I a troll & Harris, J. ti. Nevvsuin, A, V. Finery, John U, Smith, W. J. Ilea vis, .. Sam. T. Smith, Jas, I. Johnson, and others, etl2 tnou wed fri tf. Fine photographs are now made by Moore at about half the former price California pears at Dughi's. This is for You. ' If you are a subscriber to the Visi tor and are in arrears, pay up. In order for you to get the paper in fu ture yon must settle up. lie ready for the collector when he calls aud whack up. If you fail to get your paper in future it will be your fault. you have not paid up. TLANTIO & AOIlTJi UiUO LINA RAIL ROM). Time Table No. 20. Passenger Trains Daily, Kxc. Sunday. 3 east. 4 WEST. AU LV. AR. LV. P.M. P.M. STATIONS. A. M. A. M. 3 20 Goldsboro, 11 10 3 43 3 46 Best's, 10 36 10 40 3 56 3 59 LaGrange, 10 22 20 25 4 11 4 13 Falling Creek, 10 06 10 07 4 25 4 30 Kinston, 9 48 9 53 4 45 4 45 Caswell, 9 39 9 39 4 55 4 55 Dover, 9 28 9 28 5 09 5 09 Core Creek, 9 12 9 12 5 21 5 25 Tuscarora, 8 55 8 58 5 31 5 31 Clark's, ' 8 48 8 48 5 50 5 58 Newbern, 817 8 30 6 25 6 25 Riverdale, 7 52 7 52 6 gO 6 30 Croatan, 7 47 7 47 6 46 6 46 Haveloek, 7 31 7 39 7 03 7 06 Newport, 7 10 713 714 714 Wildwood, 7 03 7 03 7 18 7 18 Atlantic, 6 58 6 68 7 28 7 33 Morehead City, 6 42 6 47 7 43 Morehead Depot, 6 25 Train No. 4 connects with the w. & w. train bound north, leaving Golds boro 11:55 A. M., and with R.& D. train west, leaving Goldsboro 2:35 P. m. Train 3 connects with R. St D. train arriving at Goldsboro 12:15 p. and with w. & w. train from the north at 0:55 r. k. S. L. PILL, Supt. HEADQUARTERS DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHOES, UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. 'I he or.nid.-st ilispliv "f 1 1 Ii 1 1 l! t, thin. rs in Coat. Cloaks, .'LASS NOVF.I.TIFS i Foreign and w ; ,illK Pi.l.ieslie Dress 1- .1 lies w e liav e ever . made. Thelariir reduction menus 25 j 'l-r made garments. 1 he very latest per cent cheaper than a year ago. ( Kuropca n stiles. THE SHOE-MAKERS' AMVfril; HIUil'ST SAVING ! shown iti the ftoir orortt lilies of Ladies', Gents' aud Children's line Shoes, whieli we eoiitrol in the city, and can't be beat at any other store. Tr T " r Vi" V"; 1 1 i In Hosiery. Having cloned several jobs, ,e .lifer today the best 10, ' 15 n ad 25 cts. leaders in this or j anv otber market. Co 0 SHERWOOD M'KUAL 0M(KS 0 I'll sr. t i ll sale Tuesday w ill lie a II ur 50 pan's l -tli, except all . ! keiseys, at 42 a yard. A I.di'of llbb.'l Merino vests for childr.-n at 1.V-. 17 1 2.- and 20- each, worth double the money, is only a small l-'t and will This Ml be sold. Woollcott & Son. . A full lineof rubher shoes, all kinds, C1'H ladies' aud misses hats are the ,.,Hsizes. Tremendous stock of um most stylish to be found in the city )r lias and umbrella covers. Goods and oh. so cheap. u oohcoti i ciin. IF YOl" buy your shoes of us you will get your money's worth. .Woollcott & Son. UTANTK1 SALKSMAX. 75 00 per week, selling electric light outtits for houses, stores and shops. Motors for rniiuinur machinery, and other popular patented articles; outfits com plete v, hen shipped, liest people buy j permanent situation; no experience. W. 1'. Harrison & Co., Clerk Xo. U, Columbus, Ohio. MvXTLF.M F.X'S VT KMT rXDKUWHAU. We are now sliowi.ii; trentlemi-n's underwear in jut the 'veiht for pres ent wear. Textures to use before put ting on heavy flannels. These are to be had in all wool and merino. In some instances, prices are from 25 to ,r() per cent lower than formerly. V. 11. & R. S. Tl-ckek & Co. Q- oo-o-o-o-o 0 - 00 iHEm ffll i MAxi'FAcrnuxt; stat; .s;,-km.s asd blaxk-dook makers. FIXE oHL AXD COPPER i Ti ' A complete line of fine Correspond ence Papers, Staple and Fancy Paper,Children'sPapeteries and Tablets. (S FIXE WEDDIXIt STATIOXERY. All kinds .Mourning; Stationery. A full variety in e-,ery line with new goods con , stantly added. . I We make our Papeteries and Tiil)lets a big leader. This is the idea we had in view When mak ing up our new line of en tirely new and fash ionable papers. (It is an attractive line at attractive prices of our own make. OFFICE 'AND SCHOOL 'SUPPLIES A SPFCIALTV. 5cb Book-Bags, Slates, Pencils, Penholders, Pens, Erasers, Ink, Blackboard Erasers, Crayons, Rules, Pencil Boxes, Sponges, Hook Straps, Note Books Composition Books, Drawing and Tracing Paper and Cloths, Tablets and Pads. Vv'e can hope to offer comes under t'ae getieral term i f KNIT FN DKI1 WKAi; Wo.l, hail'-oo and rot ton for all aces and b ih seses. ARCAINS In I'mbii'lltis aud ium Slopes. Our goods and prices talk and carry eoiiv -eii,.u to the piost incredulous. If you buy before you hear from us you will blame yourself ever aftei wards. 0 n nrsiMiss (Hi pleasi'ije. u hile in Raleigh, stop at the Central hotel Neit rooms, clean linen, table supplied with everythinjr the market alVoi Is in season. Kates very reason able, di-iicf H,ir,.-e:t and Wilming ton sts. H. J. Oowki.l, o. 13 0 1'ropiietor. irsr 1;1X K1VK1. : a,j prices talk. You should see them C. A. Sherwood ' Co. IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING ?5. CORDOVAN, FRENCri&ENAMELLEDCALF. 4.3.5-i,FlNECALf&KAN3ARCa 3.yP0LICE,3 Soles. 2.i.7JBoys'SchoolShoes. i. 'LADIES SEND FOR CATALOGUE " WL' DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Vou con Bivve monrt by purchnsiug VV. L. lyuuvlim flnies. Because, we are the largest manuracturers oj adverUM.il shoes in '.he world, aud guarantee the value by str.mpini! the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shots equal custom work iu style, easy fitting and werrinsr qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower pi ires for the value Riven that anv other make. Take no substitute. If youi dealer cauuot mpply you, we cau. So.d by HELLER BROS - K0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - aO - CH0 0 I1EW MIP'l We make a specialty of COMMERCIAL PRINTING. We are prepared to do alL king of JOB PRINTING.; Let us quote yon prices. Oar. prices can t be beaten. Letter and Note Heads. Bill Heads and Statements, Fhive'opes and Cards, Bills, Receipt, Note, Draft And Check Books, Blank'Books. -.,.;-'.': : We make a specialty of Custom Work, Ledgers, Journals, Cash. Books, Sales and Day Books. Record Trial Balance Books. i i Notes and Bills, P. and R. Books. An n a fi' JZS fa? L Grandest and America' Largest, Heat and Leading Eibibitinns, Presenting Big S Ring Circus, Wild Trained Animal Show, World' Fair Midway, the Matehleaa Menagerie, the Magnificent Iipodronie, Wild East and Wild Went. tlTThrt Aiitm-r.it of American Amusement KnterprUea! Endorsed by tb 'lergy! Applauded by tbe Critic! ' ( IS COMING TO RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17. 'ROOSTER -"Of 7LIV1NQ SIP KvervthimjPke.-5E.nteb as Advertised. Xo False Rbpuesbstatioss. Truthful, Moral, Instructive. GREAT CIRCUS COMPANIES BIG ZRIT J. B COIVLF-LjICTE C I X-IG CX3ES- 3 (liant Male Gorilla, Only Living A:n ricaii-IJorn M mUeyg, Gaza, the Electrical Yv'ouder, Highly Educated Ki-:li.itits, only Living Rooster Orchestra, deu of Baby Lions Born HIE HORSE HACK. RIDING L10X, WORLD 20.- FUNNY CLOWNS 20. B GRAND MIL1TAR V ND. Admission -50 Cants. Children Undar 12 Years Half Price. . Doors open at 1 and. 7 p. in. Performance omai.Mice.-i one hour later. Avoid the crowds at the Ticket Wagon by p ji-chajing your Tickets in ad ,ance at W. H. King & Co.'s Drug Store. tS'Iinmediatoly after the parade don't fail to see the Free Exhibition on lot before the opening of the big doors. Remein'.ier day and date. Excur sion Trains on all Railroads at Reduced Fare on day of Performance. A PRELUDE BARGAIN ! Brfforo winter really sets in, while the new sto.-k is getting all complete, we want to sell some SPRING OVERCOATS That we bought in the "Heidelberger Stock" and some that were left over from last season. Both are perfectly made, elegant. For all that we have no room among our mammoth winter stock. They shall not be shown to you as such. Every thing in this house Hies its true colors. Tomorrow morning you will find these overcoats out on a separate table about (500 of them, not any more. Look them over. Compare them with others. Try them on, and if you find one that suits TAKE ' ONE-HALF OFF. $30.00 is now $15.00 $25.00 is now $12.50 $22.50 is now $11.25 $20.00 is now $10.00 $7.50 is mi ii WHAT JHEY'-WILL MST III HOW . These prices will hold good until the last one of these Overcoats are sold. BETTER BE ON HAND PROMPTLY. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. SSSffiEITMiroi In order to make room for new goods we make this extraordinary announce ment of the greatest reduction sale ever inaugurated. Every light-weight garment in our house must go. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing in all colors and fabrics. Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, in desirable paterns, all sizes. Summer Clothing, in Aljiaca, Drap d'ete, Mohair, eje, all go at the remarkable reduction of ONE-HALF PPI 3 You get the light-weightfgarments, without reservation, at half price. The celebrated everywhere Negligee Shirts everywhere ' Negligee Shirts .HIRT8. 75c, sold everywhere for $1.25. - White Shirts, Plaited Bosom, 75o. to $1.00, sold ' ' every where for $1.00 to $150. , Call early and se'eure th) choice. Terms strictly cash, during special sain, 805 FAYETTEYILLB ST., OPPOSITE P03T0FFICJS. Bast on Earth. ORCHESTRA! WWffJimilAIIW 3 July 4, 13,11. at (il -us Falls, N. Y. THF !).LV RIDIXG LION IN THE TODAY. $18.00 is now $0.00. $15.00 is now $7.50. $12.00 is now $6.00. $10.00 is now $5.00. now $3.75. ooo ooo unlaundried F. & B. Shirts 38o., sold v for 75o. . s in handsome patterns, 49o., sold for 75o. in handsome patterns (best quality)