Climb Oil. Kf J enoot drita tb Uara, Don't Uad back a-braggia' Thraw 7 conceit' mild dream Climb onto th wagoo. Ef yon cannot win the rac Wai'i tbe m o'liggin'f Hyrtilrop and get jr pi a re Climb onto tbe wagon. Ef yt annul cra.k th whip, Herjr Meed a-naggin', Pat a padlock on yer lip t limb onto tbe wagon. For ye'U never atop tbe earth Iloldin' ba k 'n' draggiu' Come along far ail yer worth. Climb onto the wagon. CAUGHT ThTbL'RGLARS. Men Armed With Shotguns Surround the Building. Flehinotos. N. J.f Oct. 26 Two burglar were caught this morning by men armed with shotguns, who nur roanded the building in which they were and kept them inside until a con table arrived.. George Rarker some weeks ago had his store connected with his houne by an electric burglar alarm. This morning the alarm bell, close to his bed, set np an aful din. There was no noixe-making arrange ment connected with the alarm at the atore, so the burglars kt.e.v nothing of the racket they were raising in the house down the street. Harker slip ped on his clothing, but fearing the alarm might be false did not awaken any of his neighbors. When he reached tbe store he found a window had been opened, ifa did not dare to go away, fearing the men would come out, and he did not enter the store, as he feared a pistol bullet. After a time he took his chances and ran to the house of a neighbor and awakened him. Ten minutes later ten men surrounded the store. Each carried a loaded shot gun. The burglars, who had been keeping quiet, tried to make a break and run through the watchers. When the door was opened a load of buck shot poured into the wall close to it, causing it to be shut The watchers kept up the patrol until 6:30, when a constable arrived. After parhying with the constable the thieves surrendered. Touched the Fatal Knob, Utica, N. Y., Oct. 26, Steward A. England, 18 years old, was killed to night by an electric shock, received from the combination knob of jeweler Goldstein's safe. Goldstein had be come alarmed at the robberies recent ly perpetrated in jewelry stores here, and to protect himself tapped the wire furuishing the current to the electric motor running his lathe, and connected it with the knob of his safe. A device on the floor of the store com pleted the circuit when any one touched the knob. Englind and young Louis Mather went in the store to look at some goods. Mather dared England to handle the knob. He did so and died. An Acqula Creek Robber Iden tified. Nebleyville, Mo.; Oct. 26 Chief of police Flanagan of this city sus pected when he read of the capture of Morgaufleld, one of the Virginia ex press robbers, he was really Charles A. Morgan, who has made his home here with his young wife for the last two years. The chief's suspicions were confirmed by the photograph of Morgaufleld, aho.ving- that he and Morgan are one and the same person. The train robber was in the ha oil of leaving home for a month or two at a lime. He departed the last time near ly two months ago and not even his I wife knew of his whereabouts. ' " i' . - ; ' W P Draper, druggist, Spriogfleld, Mass, wiites: Jspauese Pi'e Cure bat eared a lad) 8 yars hfflinteri; coolri doi walk half a mile in uie lata tlire. ymrs; now walks any distance For aale by Jobo Y MacRne. Ladles, If yon waot a p ire, delicate Bospfor tbe ooiupluiju, drugnlsts ' will alwayi recomuiend J)bnson:f Oriental Medicinal Teilet Boap at JY Mactt-e's An Appropriate Service. It is stated that the following notice was read last Sunday from a suburban pulpit: "The pastor will preach his last sermon this evening and tbe choir has arranged a special praise service for the occasion." Boston Transcript. Backleu'a Arnica Swlve. The brat aaJye In the world for eats, braises, sores, nloers, salt rneaut, la yer sores, tetter, chapped bands, chii blalns, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or no pay req aired. It is guaranteed to glye perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Prloe W cents per pox. for aale by JobaXUMSM. Wife mikukr and indDE. Three Months of Married Life EnJ in a Double Tragedy. Hakxibal, Mo. Oct. 25. Solomon Baldwin killed his wife this morning and committed suicide. The couple were married three months ago. He was a widower, 57 year of age, and she was a widow of 37. !( had two daughters, married, and she tad four children, two of whom were at hme. He struck one of her children last night, and in a quarrel which follow ed threatened to kill her and commit suicide. She be, sine frightened, and with her children, speut the night with a neighbor. She went home this morning to get breakfast for her hus band. They talked a few moments, when Baldwin secured a shotgun and killed his wife, and, placing the muz zle of the gun to his mouth, blew otf the top of his head. Both died in stantly. The man preseuted a horri ble appearance when the neighbors, who were attracted by the shooting, appeared on the scene. The walls were bespattered with blood, brains and pieces of flesh, and the carpet was a pool of I lood. Baldwin was considered a crank on religious subjects. Both he and his wife were members of the Methodist church, but attended the meetings of the Salvition army and testified at a meeting yesterday. He was a mem ber of the Grand Army. Both drew pensions, she on account of her form er husband, ho is in an insane asy lum. A coroner's jury returned a verdict in accordance with the a oe facts. Tomtit row tit tlio Churches. CHRIST l lllitu l. RIV. PR. MARSHALL. HCTOR. 88 mii cir": ml Ju fe. Twenty-third Sul da? ter T-ii i". , Ka''y eleb'nt on K . m Fii'-dav Pel-oil st 0 a. m. Divine 'frvice and sermon 11 a. m. Kvrni' K ervite st r:S 1 u m Services during 'he w k Wedmsds at 5 p n , T' urs'iny ( 11 Saint's Di-y) Poly i'o nmunin 1 am Friday at 10 a m. Free seats. All invited. 8p PA'iort-'s ' iucki, comer West and Johnson streets. Key George V. Oilreatb, deacon in charge 8'iniliy Thoo' at '0 a . Divine seivices an s rmon at It a m. Evenii g service and sermo at 8 p m. Seats all 1 ree. Everyone welcome. CHURCH OF THE UOOl) BlIKPHKRD RBV. I MC'K. PITTINUER. RKCTOR. 88. c'rcon and Jude. (Twenty-third Sun day after Triii'v . , - Hol OoTiu'inion st 8 a. m. Sunday sc .oil at 9:15 a ni Vrrning prayer fnd iimrn at It a m Eveni-K Grayer and sernun at 7:30 p m Serv'ca 'ui inir the week: Wednesday at 10a m, Ti ms-lay (Ml Fain's Day) Ho'y Coniri. union 10 a lii Friday evening pri-yer lit 5 n in. Seats free. All cordially invited. METHODIST. IDKNTON ST. M. E C "EV. J. N. COL E, PASTOR. Preaching at U a m arid 7:"0 p m. 8unday school 9:30 a.m. .J. Young.Supt IV lil-uAL M K RKV U U " UTTLE. PASTOR Preaching at Ham and 7-3) p m. 8unday school at 9:30 a m CITY .MISSION AND BROOKLYN B. H. WHITAKHR PASTOR Services every Sunday and weesly prayer meetings as follows: EPWORTB CHAPEL- Sunday Schoolat 9:3J g m.T C Williams, Sr, superi.itend"Dt. h-eachiug a1 11 a m, by the pastor, Bey EHWhitaaer. BROOKLYN. Sunday school !' p m. J H Porter. 8upt. Preachin? at 7:30 p m, by h p stor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30. BAPTIS T. FIRST REV. DR. J. W. CARTER, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer Wednesday night 7:30. All seats free. Polita ushers at church services. Sunday school 9:30. S. W. Brewer, Supt. BAPTI'T WEST KND MISSION. Sunday -chool 3:30 P m. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. TABERNACLE REV. A. M. S'SIMJ, PASTOR. Prea-hiug at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. FAYE1TEVILLE STREET. , REV O L STRlNliPIIC' U, PtSTOR. Sunday School at 9:'5 a. hi. Preachin at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, y JHRHTtAN. - Christian rev J. l. foster, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a. m P.eiicliing at li a m and 7:30 p m. : All cordially invited. , PKK3BYTERHN. FIRST REV BUORNE DANIEL, D D, PASTOR- Sunday school at 9:30 am. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Ojrdial invi-ation to all scr icei. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she eave them Castoria. A second Japanese army, number ing between 25,000 and 30,000. yester day began military operations for the capture of Port Arthur. Free Pill. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteod to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their aotion, bat by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular site 85c, per box. Bold by John T. Haeitae, druggist. Doutile Tragedy id teid. Pnithtilik, Teiaa, Oct. 25. This forenoon a shooting occurred on oar streets, and as a result a white man and a negro lis ready forth grave, Frank Scott, a negro ei-s. hool teach er, and Charles C'happel, a negro gambler, fur ame time past have been at loggerheads, and this morn ing they met and Scott pulled his pis tol and fired at C'happel, missing him. Chappel then caught hold f Kd. Tur ner, a railroad brakeman, and held him in front of him, but Scott shot and hit Turner right above the heart, killing him instantly. Turner's weight I .ore Chappel to the ground, and as he (Chappel) was on his hands and kuees Scott walked up to him aud, holding the pistol right over him, shot him through the lungs, from which he died iu about Cue minutes. H. utt uiaiV no attempt to escape and, as feeling for a time ran high ou account of the cold-blooded murder of Turner, the officers deemed it advisable to hurry the assassin off to Bastrop, where he is now lodged in jail. Johnson's Mneuetic Oil cares cramps and co'le and interna! neuralgia and headache aod backache tistxntly. 25 and '0 cents, for sale by John Y MscRae O L R're, Mend ota, HI, writes: Have used your Japanese Pile Cure and found it a sure and permanent cure." For sale by John Y MaoRae. All diseases of tbe akin cured, arid lst complexion restored by Johnson'? Mental Soap. For sule by John Y BIicRae. Strange Epidemic Prevailing. Spokane, Wash., Oct. 20. A mys terious pl-tgue has suddenly broken out at Wardner, in the Conr D'Alene mining district, and within the last few days several hundred people have been strickeu, most of whom are miu ers. The local physicians are baffled as to the origin or nature of the epi demic The people are greatly al armed and surrounding towns are afraid that the pleaguo will spread. AUCTION &LE Of Real Estate in Oberlin Village. Hy virtue of authority given in cer tain mortgage deeds made by John Jones and others to Geo. W. Poe, dated July 25, 1884, and recorded in book 79, at page 72, and a mortgage made by John Jones and wife to Geo. W. Poe, dated April 27, 1887, and recorded in book 95, at page 420, iu the oflice of the Hegister of Deeds of Wake county,, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, on Mon day, October 29, 1894, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in Raleigh, a certain house and lot described in the mortgage last above mentioned, being a lot now oc cupied by Thomas and Catherine Williams, in Oberlin village, on the old Hillsboro road, adjoining the lands of Thomas Williams, Wm. Hardy and others. Chakles McKimmon, Assignee of Mortgagee. J. M": Bkocuhtos & Co., Agent, sep 26 4w W.LDouclas () CUftr 18 THE BEST. OllWt NO SQUEAKING, CORDOVAri, cdcupua cm&mci i PhnAi r 4.3.5-FlNECALF&KAN6AR01 3.3-0 P0LICE.3 soles. ,soZ.WOHKINGMPiuB EXTRA FINE. " ,175BOY&CH00LSH0ES. LADIES' "btDongoi.a SPKin FOR CATALOGUE W.L.DCUCLAS. RBQCKTON. MASS. Von can aTfMmoney by purchasing W. L ueutia " Because, we are the largest manufacturers ol advertised shoes in the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices ana mc mmuiciuou a .w.a. equal custom work in style, easy fitting aud wearing quauues. wc uavc wtm where at fower prices for the value given that any other ma kc. lane no suosiuuic. ii yum dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by HElilER BROS. Norfolk aod Carolioa Railroad Condensed schedule, in effect December 8, 1893. No 23 No 103 , Stations Ly Vorfolk, Ar Snff.ilk, Tunis, ' Hobgood, Tarboro. Rocky Mount, Williamston, Plymouth, Washington, ; Kinsion, Wilson, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Fayetteville Florence, O ark 80-1, ; Columbia, , Augusta, Savannah. . Jacksonville, Stlma, Raleigh, ; Oret.8boro, Daily Ex Sun 840am 210m 9 44 a m 4 05 p ro 10 88 a m S M7 p m 11 48 a m 6 25 p m 12 07 pm R50piP 1245 pm 6 2ipm 7 60pm a ai p m 7 35pm 735pm 1 45 o m 11 23 d m 2 56pm 7 20 am o a j d m iu uu a m 4 20 p m 1 15 a m 7 05 p m 3 27 a m 11 00 p m 6 50 m iu no p m ii ua a re 8 30am 412 pm 2 14am823am 8 40 a m lUS a m 9 45 p ni 13 05 t m 4 oo p ro ,7 20 pm a on r. y. Asnsvuie, No 23 daily connects with AOL train 23 Jor al' p -tints south. No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes close connection at Hobgoo'1 for VasMngton, Kinston. Plvmout1! and all Eastern Carolina points; also at Rocky Mouut with AOL irain si ior aa points soutn. Tra-'ns arrive at Norfolk at 6 05 p m daily auo at iu to a m asiiy eznent aunnap. J A NEUCt BAUER, Passeneer and Picket Agent. JAMES V MaUPIN, General Forwarding Agent, TMBtfBRSON, General Freight and PasMager Agaat. Q if BJtRPSiX, General Managar. c-4 -'a 41 I.! ar A i for Infants Cxtorta Isaoirt'U ailuptnl tochlMrm tluit I ni-ofuiiHud it OHSiiiriorUittiiy pnvMTipti m Lnuwo tu me." II .V. Aui io:h, M. 1 . lit So. Oi.f.ii.1 : t , i:r..LIvu, X. Y. "Tliu un of 'Castiirlii ii m, ui.iwrKal anil lu iiwiits imj well kuwv. ii Ciut il h-miiaA'ttrk of KtiM'rfnration to t iuturK. it. hVirarethe iutc'lltfiMit fuiuilies who n..t ktvp Castoria within eay ri'a-h.- t auujS Makiv.n, I. ., N.-w York t'ily. Tm ('ISTAI R FORTIUS FALL. IJj.ive put in a stock of TolLKl' Si A l'.un'v Arrieles and S.mdrios, S l.-ii-.T than evvi si wh.'ii yioi ,u' sj 're uly for any of this kind, you m nee I not take what yoi see andean m .t, hut what strikes ymir fanny, m Spiil iiKincem-Mit in the m-itter a of pri. and quality. I hav livi.lin.r makes of Soaps, at priees whieh tan aw not be dnplieated anywhere. F r 10 cents I can sell you an arti.-lo ' superior to that, or linarily olVere. 1 at m 25 cents. L TI AL BOHBIT F, utiiiuliiuuia I I PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes :g Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula ' P. P. P. parities the blood, builds np the weak and debilitated, Rives . mr strength to woakened nerves, expels . diseases. giving the patient health and taii)iness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude lirst prevailed. For primary. sr oondary and tertiary gyphliis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, maiaria. ayspepsia, In all blood and skin diseases, liko blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolls, eryslpcliis. contradiction, that p! P. P. Is thebest blood punner in ino woriu.auu umKea positive, speedy and permanent cures in ail cases. Ladles whose syatvoms are poisoned ' and whose blood is in an Impure conul . tlon, due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benetitod by the won ' derful tonic and blood cleansing prop , erticsof P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. " . Spkinopield, Mo., Ang. 11th, 1893. I oan speak in the highest terms of ' your medicine from my own personal , Knowledge. I was affeoted with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best fihyslcinns ana spent hundreds of dol ar, tried every known remedy with- out finding relief. I have only taken . one bottle of your P. P. P. and can cheerfully say It baa done me mora. food than anything I have ever taken, can rflcommend your mediclna to all ' auSerers of the above diseases. , MRS. M. M. YfiABT. 8prlngfleld, Green County, Mo. BUBWKU. DUNN, Wtafoul end Children. ai.ttri4 -unn Colic, ('.ntipatin. Sour l.m.i h, 1'Urrlnea, l'.nma'.i..ii. Kills Worms i,!- tlep, aii'l prmn. WiUitHil iiijiiriiturt intili.-ntiitii. For wvi-ral years I have nNinnnu1 yMir ' 'a -Otl iu,' aii'l islt.ilt u!a) s i-.mi: ti is. n il ha.s iutaru.Lly pMMlni!-,! l-ui nulLs." l'.lwi. K. Taxiilk, M. Ii., liMli Sliwl uinl Till Av, Sew Ym-k I,' l.i lit i.o ('OMFANY, Ml'SRAV STBKET, KeW YkRIJ I uiuuiiuiuuiiii Pimples, i i otcnes and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria anil Kidney Troubles Are entirely h iuiivwi i.v 1MM. -Prickly Af'.i. PoKe Koot ami Potas ....... iho ..... .. i ....r. hloo.1 '..uriUeT on earth. . Ahhrdfkn, O. , July 21, 101. Ga. i i)EAK Sins I nought a bottle of your P.P P. at Hot 8prinics,Ark.,and It nas none me un.rei;wi .u,ni ....po months' treatment at the Hot Springs. ' Send throe bottles C. o. I). Respectfully yours, - m JAS. M. NEWTON, . Aberdeen, Brown County, O. C'apt. J. D. Johnnlon-...... To all trhom it mny concern: I here by testify to the wondertul properties of P. P. P lor eruptions of the skin. I guttered for several years with an un sightly aud disagreeable eruption on my face. 1 tried every known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signedby) J. D. JOHNSTON, .-. Savannah, Oa. Nfcln Cancer Cuicil. 1 Tettimony from the Mayor of Sequin,TeX. SKorm, Tex., January 11, lsilS. f Messrs. mppman Bros., bavannsh. On.: Gentlemen I have trld your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skill cancer, of thirty years' standing, and found grent relief: It pun Hub the blood and removes all ir ritation from tho seat of the disease and prevents ny spreading of the ores. I have taken flvoor six bottles ad feel conlldent that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and atouiacu trouble. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Aturnoy at Law. i Book on BiGoa Diseases low Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. PROPRIETORS, lJppmn'Bloch,avannah,Cia ui Httfttt iuita, Charlotte. N. 0. iS. A. L. Seabonrd Air-Lino. C'M K H) .SCHJ lil'LE. ISl t-n ct .It i.y 8 , Mi. Truit's l.em t-1; .;. , r.uit-'.::. i: i.ih HpiciHi," I'll In mVi'h' ll.lile lot bfll il. i. ill' ii, J Vier6 l- ,l : . I, -.'..I. i 'nl il f . h I in .-. I't ii. del. .!t. Ni or!, ami al I m tc i I'll!!, t ii'w il.L '.'i lu -leepfrfi-llll l-'ulU n -ii ciMi I eH AtUiitu to ' -f' iin:'oi., pxrlor cura '. s'.n ,:(.!, f. N w York, j u l-ihn i- imf n rio V tu l'oi!li" tit . '!.1 Ji-I'-I'i p 'oiidi y (or l'-ii!r-oii r-hlon, .'if t Ik I'-ir'Hiooth, Norfolk in-. I :.: no. ilinip pta ;ciih, , ., (.. .-I t i (.1 tMH. u' h - 'il. i; . l.i. . f .rt iiii I'oiut ' i. I I. ( i i ; ie, wit Ii Vor I lk )i Ijit e ' on etlUl l . if ' . tor v t l- iii, ton, iaiI'i V tJ V .N. II K. f.-.- ii. I) bi- if ' 1 1. iota n r i , :!i-ih! NWj.ioii vviili .;!.. ic (,'ti:ft Line for I: itli''io.i. H'atliirat-n, i:,il ,0 ore i'hiiaiU'ii tiia iiinl .Vt-w Yor Tliri-niili (In in rs Wi Mod to Mew or'; iml with Si otlhijil e k iirT.-b for !-ien v;:io, V aohii. oti aud Fly- II Oil ill. 5 22 A M I). lily. "Atlaut v Hpe ul," 1'ulllUin Vestibule for So, Pini h, H.iiulet, Mo i roe, 'lien'.r, ('liutuii, l-i ten. wood, Abbevil!':, Atliene, AtlnntH, Montgomery, Moh bile, Ha Orleaue, Cba.tta uoo'H, Nnt-hvilie, MemphlB HUli Oil pCiutS bOUtli liOd (outhweKt. Through Jil. in in HulTt Sleepers ami iii v coHclieH W'ttuhiutou to A !.tH, eouuei-tiriK direct I t.t L i ioii depot AtUuta with i;iveisiur Hues 3 ?0 F M-l.ily, lor Soatl.trij li r.tjj, HiiPiiet Me Hull, WiiluillKton, Wautfiii iio, Monroe, Char loUe, 1 i;;(;-,ilnton. bbeluy, Kotlierfor ifonHLni al) Iccal K'titic.i.h J O. H K. atiil It. ,V A A 1, 11 R. Trains Arriie I' ! 'li : 5 17 A M J'Hily. .M'.iuta 8pfciil," i uilu tin Wi'tibole from ev Vi-ik, J'i'.iliiileliiUia, l-il'iiuure, Waiiii uloii, Hii'hiu.ii) .J, I'orsauKiClli, iSfrfu.k mill all points liorl,!;. 1'ur'or cars New Vork to Wabliiiilou; Pall li nn HulTet 8l,iepr8 and ilia- coacht'8 Wasliii'ft in t-- Ati'ii.l'i. 3 20 V M Dai) j from Furtnu ourh and pr.iiitg uoi'li via -5ay Lino N. '. P. ii b. II. R., a'so irom (Jreeuvi;., Plymouth, 'VaiiUii;r'toa.aul Eastern (7aroli:i- poiu's vi.i Wei-. ilon.Pttfrhburg, Richmond. . V'afiiiui.'ton and points north via Atlattic (.""oaat J.ine, sleepers New V'cvkto We!. ion 1 20 A M Viily, "Atlanta Spouial," ruilujiiu Vtstibale, trom Atlanta, AUeu, Abbeville, iir ifnwood, (Hiester and points bouM). Pulliuau day cojii-.hes and sleep r Atlam ta to V;'.8hlli:-to i. 11 P(i a m Daily from W 1 1 :n i u t ou, Shel'iv, Li(jcoh.!oti, iVitir lotte and. ail locl wtati ni (3. O R R au 1 R. il A R. R; also from Fiyettcvillo aud Greensboro via Man" ford. Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Henderson end intermediate stations ti Oil p. m ; re turning arrive 'Johnson .'Street. !l 05 a. m. Pagi--er!g?r leaving Raleigh at.; 3 30 p. m arrives at OhiHotte 9 45 p m, retarninff leaver Olitriotto at 4 a. in , arrive Rileih 11 45a. m. No 402 ami .m "Atiyiita Snecial," irB solid f'nli'ij Hi vestibulod trains, composed of .dav coo she ind pilac .dra wiiii? rooms Hoil'et sleepers ti.-t -v ea Wasningtou and Atl'ut i ;' !m'U ;h i 'u, on which there U o -xi iM, t tr - ' For in i ii i ' i"u iciiiiv to sa'ied" .dw, in a ) tic'ic fiut, or A. J Oo'ik "S ' . ! .' i v JOIJN H 1 V-". I. i ; i .fuiV'r. i'.J AN' i.'.J-".N' '-: P,ii Agt. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an idual 2i a a BiaSisBW POWDER Covr.bines every . element of beauty ami purity. It'is beauti fying, .soothing, 'healing, health ful, and ..harmless,-" and when, rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the lace in this climate. Insist cpon having th9 gDnttirtf. a lis 1 IE1 Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINEKaTj restore Lost Manhood. Cures weaknesses, fcervoua .Debility and nil the evils from early or later ex cesses, the results of overwork, worry, sickness, etc. Fall strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improve ment immediately een from the first box. Thous ands of letters of praiso on file in our office. Can be carried in vest pooket. Bent by mail to any address on receipt of price. One month's treat ment in each box. Price $1.00, 6 boxes, $5.00, with. Written Guarantee to refund money if not cured. Bend to us f or the (Jenuine. Circulars Free. John Y U.sRi), Draxit, ftUal, WO