5 CBN'iTS ffiJAIffl! QKHKXKKKKKKXX? SHIRTS. SHIRTS. THE BEST UNLAUXDfMi:f) WHITE SHIRT OX THE MARKET. Ask to See it ard then C n )or3 it to Any Other Shirt for tho Sams Pres. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS ooooooooooo EVOTGJITOR' PUBLISH BVCRr AFTtRNOON. lEcrpl Sund.iy) EVENING VISITOR Mil -CO. rut "vKiTfiR bv carriers in tlw C'ty. THE VISITOR, hy carriers iS cents per month. rvices for nuihng. f3 per year, or 25 cents per month. Otiice-Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Boblv.t's Orui; Stre, 2nd lloor. V M JUIOWN, Sk., yi'fi't. IUleiirh, N. C FRUD. A. OLDS, ROBERT L. GRAY, LDliOK CllY tblTOR HALFllili, NOV 1. 11 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If subseilbers fail to ffet their paper in future they will -h-n favor by -porting the failure to this othre. fSubscriptioiis to the Vihitok may be left at No. 327 West .lolies street. 321 West Lane street, and CIO Kast Daue Ht reet . Cleveland has lost 20 pounds in llesh sin.e he left Washington lat August. Russia has in its treasury fe" rubles to the number .f 0 Ul.'JS 1 ,(H )( . nearly .-J500.000.000 in g"UV. A movement is materializing o eoii neet Raleigh. Durham, 0 reensbo.-, Winston, Charlotte and other towns by telephone. In spite of the railway strike t uli fornia has increased its shipments of fruits over last year by 1.050 car loads of green fruit. Yesterday the young empress nf : China commicted sui-ide. She .was rebuked by the emperor, who slapped her face, whereupon she took poison. The New York democratic state com mittee has begun to do some figuring. It says that if Hill gets 40,000 ma jority below the Harlem river he will be elected. . The board of directors of the ( i reens- boro female college yesterday elected Prof. Peacock president. This election was expected. Prof. Peacock is a very able man. The latest, news from Russia is that the czar is dying. The, dispatch ;: says his left lung is so seriously iiir flamed that all hope is abandoned ami the news of his death may be expected at any moment. , - A Methodist church in New ...York city allows mothers to attend with their infants, and if a baby cries din ing service a committee .. of.-.-yrnmg' ladies is provided to care for it in an adjoining room. . Yesterday at, Bethlehem, Pa., Le high university won a hotly contested game of foot-ball from the, university of North Carolina; 24 to 6.. Guion's phenomenal 80 yard run for ' the university of North , Carolina was . a feature of the. game Secretary Herbert of the navy has ordered the swift new cruiser Mont gomery to report at Mobile November 18th. The secretary will represent the government on the vessel at Mobile when the city of Montgomery presents a splendid silver service. The statement is made at New York headquarters that the grand jury has just found indictments against police captain Stephenson and wardineii Glennon, Burns and Smith, upon evi dence brought out before the Lexow committee. The specific charge is blackmail. , Some interesting facts as to the downward tendency of food prices are given by the "American Grocer" from its market reports since 1809. It appears that a certain quantity of fourteen articles of daily household consumption which cost ,62 in 1869 van now be bought for $30, and that the only article of general use that is Li', her now than it was then is coffee. Thy cheapening is attributable to in creased production, improved methods of manufacture, and a gradual lower, ing of railroad freight rates. ! The report" i current in Smt!i Carolina that independent letfi lative tickets will he miimiincej on the dav preeediii:.' elii t i ri in tinny .mintis with a view to Kill in ie the Till.nM.Mtes a.l rapt tire the ture, thus insuring '! illnmi' .lefeni be Butler. The story it is alleged is beiiiLj l ircnlated by T illiinnili"-, and thi' a nl is set it down as s s heme toatoi.s- the I illmaiiiles to go to t lie pi. lis and mte for li aus for peiim-. To Alabama, boys a'cd 10 mid 1.1 years, were taken sick list Sunday and seemed to be a lette 1 with l.ydii -phobia. They would l ite and gnaw at anything they could reach. They continued to grw worse and both died Monday within six hours of each other nu t were buried in one colliii. None of the family knew anything about their haviu,' been bitten by any animal. It is a very suaiue case. The extent and power of ma bin -ry construction aie perhaps nowhere more wonderfully exhibited than in the working equipment of the latest cruiser. There are sixty-one separate engines, not comitiiiLT cylinders, win h would run up to '120 for main, auxiliary and pumping purposes. The low-pressure piston is T2 niches in diameter, has an area of 45 square feet and an initial load ofjtk) tons. The condenser tubes, if placed end to end, would form a tillie 33 miles long, and the cooling water passed through these tubes equals 30 000 000 gallons per day", or enough t. supply a lartre city with water. The main boilers, if placed end to end, would form a tunnel 150 feet long and large enough for a train of cars to pass throutrli. The heating . surface is equal to one and one-eighth acres. ROBl'.FRS RI X DOWN- y Sharp Work by the -Pacific Coast Detec tives. Tub Dallks, Oregon, Oct. 31, Af ter two weeks' endeavor on the .-part of detectives and local o Ulcers, the parties xvho robbed the Pacific ex press company's oflice in this city of $14,000 October' 12 ' have at last, leen apprehended and placed under ar rest, and all but .2()0of the money re covered. ' : Frank Klein and and Otis Savage, young men of respectable parents, living here, are in jail, haying made, a complete; xonfessiotl. of the theft. Many clews were followed by detec tives, but all proved fruitless until it was suggested that possibly Klein and Savage, who have been living in idleness about town, and who once I e loiiged to what is known as the Haw thorne gang of desperrdoes, might be implicated. . It was reported that the young men were separated from the gang on ac count of a disagreement as to the plan for robbing a Union Pacific train. Shortly after seperating Hawthorne and pals robbed a store of a lot of &uns, and left for their rendevous. '! he only cle,v to the robbers was a bar of steel, sharpened at one end, which fastened into a hook, found I e side the empty treasure box on the Hour of the express office on the morn ing of the robbery, A. Dreadful Death. .Kansas City, Mo; Oct. 31. C. M. I'liall, foreman of an elevator, met a l rightful death here. He was taking n the slack of a wire cable which was wound around an iron drum and drew ars up an incline. His arm was caught between the cable and drum. The cable, slowly coiled around his body. His hand was cutoff and drop ped to the iloor. Then the cable cut through the body in se.eral places and his legs fell to the fioor. His horrified fellow-workmen watched him die. Phall's brother stood beside the drum, powerless to aid him. When the drum was stopped Phall's body had been cut to pieces, and mangled limbs and chunks of flesh i.ay in in a pool of blood on the lloor. Courting a deaf girl in a boarding- honse parlor is an undertaking fraught with difficulties. Huge Drop InSug vr Imports. Wamiixotos, O.-t. 31. Tli- impor tations o' Hiiitir f t s..;.teu, , i -box t r m-i i I.Vue ttllin.' ''!' i .. i in H v from ptev i,.!i in oil 'is. I : I ily ll was imported Tti5 (NMI (NMI p.oiud .. hi A l. J nil 1 IS OK) (SI.) nds. lii!ii:r September, which s!i-.ws tl - l;i .! f reus ,f t he it . !,n ill act. i lie imp" i -tati.ois aegieat.-d n little less firm 50 OOi) r.M p.. mo is, valued at rl 4"0. O.l'.l. ii decrease from A u n -it of !J - t 1 1 1' v 1 1 ii i-1 ,..i. .. ,1 t- ,n, in),- . ,r Tiii " i "j (HKI (Ml,). . . . riirt for ll'nt-''!i AsHreino tp 'op l f irili" ( i.e. l actlf Hec' i ''lter. I.,n urovpil to "-l-(. v 4r b. l tf ..'ts I'Pnus t cure a i ' " ' 'oo-i i-e (b' t tnt i ,l e'elr b" -''lie', ..j ip' t to 'm liiienee. Ve O'i;. .M n jr ,iliefo.t t oro ere ii-f 'e Hn I (n il (l is n milv ' fair tri I In cn - of Is i r o c' ii p,ijo, K'le'ne -.r n-ns l e;i-, inuftlie ii.'fiiii I to,.'to il'. bov,iii4 nt few ci(i s long rebt the nw'rl thi "i"ii on v "iv I' tl onf- I.ri' liottle- onlv Mli! lit .John Y l f'tl'l''' drug p'urii. Pine fiber mattresses a specialty, a: Thomas & Maxwell's. A rapor Magnet. If a sheet ofc larse Iuoaii piper ii held up to the lire until it. is qililJ dry and folded and cut into small strips, being subsequently drawn briskly under the arm tin or l life times, . they, are converted iiutanlly in'o a veritable paper magnet. I, ii'"", if von .-Hnf p ire delicate Sdfufiir ttie e iii)l X' '. .'riiifcist'i wid l" re o iiiti "id J .bnion's Orient :! M-dicitnl Toilet iiosp ut J Y MacR 'e'B ..Ma'V'V'iiiis fsil Is From a letter written by Rev. .1. i vi uiKierinan, oi mmoniiaie, ivm-ii., we I,.., i,t'initt.,l I-., ,,,',L-., 0!u avl..,,!. i.l i v i ' "1'iAi.u i.i iiiiii- iiiir, .ii. i . i have no hesitation in recommending' Dr.. King's New Discovery, lis the re sults were always marvelous in the case of my wife. While I wan pastor ' of the Baptist church at Uivea Junction I she was brought dovh with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. . I errilile paroxysms of coughing woull last hours with little interruption- and it seemed as if she could not .survive' them. A friend -recommended Dr. Kind's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfa tory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. i.,, , i .. . .uacuae s urug store, tiegul.-ir size 50 . and flOO."' Hand polished curtain pules 20 cts, each at. Thomas it Maxwell's. Indigestion, Dillionsness, And all stomach troubles are cured by P. P P. Prickly Ash, PokeKoot and Potassium. Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aches in the back. shoulders ! knees, ankles and wrists are all at 'tacked, and conquered by P.p. J Ins great,, medicine, by its blood cleansing properties, builds .up and strengthens the ,holebody. Not hing is so ellica -ions as P. P. p, at t!iis season, and for toning up, iu vigoi atiug and as a sirengthener and appetiser take P. P P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con dition. . Abbott's East Indian Corn .Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Seoond Hand IFTTIR, IN" I T URE ASD 0THKR ARTICLED FOR SAL15 CHKAP. 6 Walnut Parlor Chiirs, 1 Tete-a-tete. 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Ash Extension Table, 8 feet long, 1 large Kit hen Safe, 1 small Kitchen Safe, 1 round ,;arble Top Ta'de, 4 large Dining Tables, 6 feet 0 inches long, 3 feet 3 inches wide 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 large Mirrors, best French rlass, 1 Trundle Red, 1 Feather Red, 1 high Desk, 4 feet long, 1 Iron Safe, 3 Show Cases, 1 Indian (cigar sign), 1 Spice Cabinet, 4 Tea Cans, , 1 Taming Lathe, Several pairs of Scales, . 3 large Saloon Lamps, 1 large Cooking Stove, a Pool Tables, 1 Delivery Wagon, 1 Rockaway, r 1 one Horse Power Steam Boiler, A. W. FRAPS, East Davie st., 3d door from Fay oc!8 2w .-, etteville St., Room No. 1, i prr FLOWERS, j Bonji ETi, &c. Ruses, carnations and other flowers, li.tskets and rior.'il desiirns it short llo t ice. I'llMIMKII III I.IIS fir wiu'er bbioiiun ;. .lust arrived, a - lei li I c.i'le ti.ui of hyacinth'. Iulip. ii-iri isn, I'ei mini i and ( hi liese leled lilies, d r I. ill I bulbs, be-l! for f ut iiit:. pvi.m.-. rr.i.xs ill i other pot plant i fir deeorat i:ig I lie I m. l"S-s, e er.'.rreens m d shide trees. .Sugar mid Norvvny iiiaplei, lini'M' e!ic limits niid Kntrli Ii wa hulls., f i ii y ail I other tlower i.'ts .'Hid tel II dlslies. i'n.i.ie 1 1 . Sti;inmktz, t he Florist. Wn.LlAMSOX'S i). Sal". I . ill t ike p;.i e in llaleigh Till is:).V, iVK illKK 8th, i Ml 'i Hit. XtlVKHBKK Oth. 'v e u o er Kill head of beautiful, hi.: li bred : Oil! lis, I! .;! SS and SAIIULK 1 CJ HSES Will be sold at Al'CTION for CASH, wiritorr. ins khvh mn. All of the great Sires and Dams are repre sented in this sale. The blood of OHOUOH WIUvKS, KliKCTlONliKIl and I'.HIjMOXP predominates, Matured Standard-lired Stallions, llroodiii.ires, tieldings, Colts and Fulies can be had at Yoi'R Own PliU'H, as the wlrole lot is consigned to a: solute -'sale, and will be sold For TUB lllvs'l' utn. No such lot. of horses was ever offered at public sale in North Carolina before, and in fact nowhere this side of Kentucky. Catalogues will I e ready 25th October and can be had on application to 11. P. WILLIAMSON, Fairview Farm, Ualeigh, N. C. 1 bstkuky Saddle asd . Harness Horses. Mr. Sheloy T. Harbison, of Lexing ton, Kentucky, consigns 25 head of these Saddle and Harness horses, the very cream of the Dlue (Jrass. Many of them PllH.MIIJM WINNERS. The very lest evfr seen in North Carolina, lie also consigns a lot ot highly bred, young, sound clean trotting horses that can show speed and great merit. 15. P. W. Salo o: La:d. Under and by virtue of a decree of Wake superior court, made the 24th day of October, 1894, in the special proceedings entitled Stronach & Johns, administrator of David Lewis (de ceased) vs. Miss SallieC. Lewis et a Is., we will sell at puMic outcry, to the highest bidder, at the court house door, in Raleigh, on the 1st day of December, 1894, at 12 o'clock in., cer tain tracts of land situated in St. Mary's township, Wake county, N. C, kno.vn as the "Jordan" tract, the "Home-place" tract and the Doane tract, all of which are are fully described in the petition filed in the naid specia I proceeding. Terms of sale', one-third cash, one third in six months and balance in twelve months. Stho.v veil & Johns, oc:24.ds Commissioner.. fHotice of Executor. ;;; Having qualified as executor of the last will and .testament of Louisa Gooeh, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to the execu tor, and all persons having claims against said decedent will present the s line to me on or befor.) the 2:lrd day of October, 1895, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Levi Branson, Executor of the will of Louisa Gooch. October 23, 189 1. A LAiil TOILET Is 'not complete without an ideal r- nOHPLEXIOM POWDER, ly pozzoNrs Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when J rightly used is invisible. A most fi rlolirat-n orA lni.:..UI. . IN to the face in this climate. : Insist upon having tht genulns. $ IT IS f 0 , SALE EVERYWHERE, OAK CITY STKAM LAUNDRY. TheOak Citr Stenm Lannil j dcymir work better than any laiindi v in the city or stale, with less wi-at mm ' ir, at roinpeiiti.iii prices. Bei-nuse is the i.idest and most, colllplele 'nit iii ...i lii Carolina, with latest ij'-'.vi'd machinery and most experi ii e I operatives. ' Kilicieucy Mud , i in -.t ii.-ss guaranteed. '1 : phone" . c7. I L. li. WfATT, Plop. A e . I of baby cm ria.-.-s j:j! re ceivi a, at 'n.nias & Ma well's. AM'PIW I ..nuts, i IN H. HOTCTln Ku mecu Vmnu.er. Au-ii'l ,S Hni.t H IJ K. I. J'AKK, in cll'.rKi yn iia mf hIioiip. fiOYSTER, PARK & CO. (SuosHU'in to Ellington, Royettr Co.) IIAMDrAlTDKItRe OF Doors, Sas(if Blinds, Scroll Work, 8TAIK HAILS lud all Other Ktuds of Building . Material. Will contract to bui'd anywherejin tic State, or furnish any kind of material d. aired. Our shop is equipped with the latest and best wood working machinery We are lo cate.! on tlie fl. . L. liallrnsd, which runt through the beat timbered lands In North Carolina, from wbicb we net our lops an cut our own tuiuber. This enables us to nil orlers of any s'ze or dienbion on short notice W" can cut lS.OoO feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a rapacity or fiO.OOO feet, and we out, f'ry and dra lumber for the r ublh at rfnsonablp rate. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops are on West etreet at Wrtit terr icon of Kdentoii street. feh2- ON HAND TON COM, mm Gayton lied Ash, Hemi-Anthracite Coal (for stoves or grates.) Pocahontas, Small Lump, Pocahontas, Large Lump, Russell Creek, large Lump, Semi-liituminous, for grates or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, ) Bituminous, Jellico Splint Coal, Blazing grate Tennessee Splint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, ChestnutSize " "' Stove " Kgg '" " Furnace " All Fresh From Bust Mines in this country. riiASONKD Pine mid Oak Wood, cut 0 and sjilit, for stoves and fireplaces, or in 8-ioot, lengths. . SHINGLES, Laths, (i r.ii u, ILiy, Meal, wJ Bran, Ice, &c, wholesale and retail, at lo.vesD prices by JONES & POWELL , Kalekih, N. C. )CAH0NTAS steam still stands 1 above -all others in quality and price. Several cars always on track, on each side of the city. Aiiticep'itt jij; i tie ! (Auti-oephal-algine.) rhe Great Hea laotie and Neura'gi itenojy. Cures quicalyaud safety headline in all it various forms. iVfauuf.only by Prop ,Jai I Johnson, Kaleigh. i6.5tkj Dot. Fot sale Dy all'druggiats. Oil J IHY-vO.V, , DRAI.B11 IN staple an I Psoiy Grocer ies, Pine Uigurs and Too i'oi, Prnitij, veaiwtable, .fco, 331 d llsojrc dtreac. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of authority conferred in a certain mortgage executed by Hugh Campbell and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 513, in Register of Deeds ollice of Wake county, N. C.j we will, on Monday, the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'elock m., sell to the highest bid der for cash, that tract of land lying and situate in Cary township, Wake county, N. C, on the R. and A. A. L. railroad and waters of Swift ffeek, Bear the ' villige of Cary, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Hawkins Jones, 11 Yates, John H. Winder and others, containing 109 40 100 acres, more or less, more fully described in the afore said mortage, and being a part of the tract formerly owned by Peter H. Knight, This October 31st, A. D. 1894. PbbCb St M ATNARD,. Attorneys for mortgagees. a a.l Aboard Air-Line. C'NIKN i'l) PCHFPUl K. I FirrcT July 8. w. l.iHVf RH. iK,.t 6a -JJHv. 'MlKDta HprcUi.'t Fll.lll.M Ve.(t,, H,. rt. recn v. , ,100 p,r horir, Rirhtpr.D'l, VP,.ili. lo;. h.tiuor. HbiUrtri. piil. Nw yorN fc0(1 fc, poti in north Bnff"! draw, in room fleepr., n,i po, man w.sbes Atlanta to WsMiitoti, p.rlor rrS VV Hshlnton to New York. I'iiIIi an -ltdng rar An- tf"S to PortHOL ut-. .1 A M DmHv "o it uoilny f , r Hoi (leri-Olt Wtlrloo. Hi f. folk. Horifitunnth, Norfo H end loteruj.dlate itatiou,, connects at Portsmouth with BavLlneforOld Point and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washington Stearn boat Co., for Washington, with N Y. P & N. R b! for Philadelphia and rlntB north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Rioumoud Washington, Bal'irrore. Philadelphia and Hew y"ork Through, slevpers Weldon to New York an j wit h Scotland Meek Branch for Green ville W aehington and Ply mouth. 5 22 A M Dully, "Atlanta Special," Pullman Veetibule for So. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester, Clinton. Hreen. wood. Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, bile, New Orleans, CbsttM nooa, Nachville, Mempiia snd all points south and. southwest. Thrnnirh Pnll. man Buff at 8leepers and dav coaches Washington to Atlsiita connecting direct ly at, Union depot Atlanta with rl I versing lines. 8?0PM-Dally, for Kmirhu.... Din.. TJ l.i M xtjon, Wilmington, Wftttesboro, Monroe, Char, lotte, lincolnton, Bhelbv, Kut berfordton and all local sUtiooe C. O. R R, and K. St A A L B. E. Traios Arrive Raleigh : 5 17 AM -Daily. "Atlanta Special." Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north. Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull rrau Buffet Sleepers and dav coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 20 P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R, also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington anl Eastern Carolina points, via Wei don, Petersburg. Richmond v Washington una points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepei New York to Weldon. 1.20 A M-Iaily. "At'anti f peoial," Pullman Vestibule, lria Atlanta, Athens, AM eville, Greenwood, Chester and points sooth. Pullman day couches and sleep. -r Atlati ta to Washington. 11 ?G A M Dally from W i I m i n g t on, Shelby, Liooolnton, Uhar lotte and all local s'atiot'g C O R R and R 4 A. R. R ; also from Fayettevllle and Greensboro via Sam ford.,- Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Henderson and Intermediate stations 6 00 p m ; re. tnrniog arrives-Johnson Street 95 am. Pas engr leaving Raleigh at 8 30 p m arrives at. ihariotte 9 41 p m, , returolng leaves Charlotte at 9 45 a. m . arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. m No 402 and 40i. " Atlanta S'-eolal," are solid Pullman vestibuled trains, composed of n sgniQaent dav roaches and palao" drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and Atb nta without change, on wh oh thre Is m extra fare charged - For Information relative t- sched ules, Sic., apply to ticket agent, or A. J Cooke. S P A . Kltfgh JOHS H JFIvnHm. fleo'l Mau'g'r. T. J ANDEftSON Gen l Pas Agt. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored, - MABNETIC NERVINE reetoreLottManhood. Cores weakneeaes, Nerrom Debility and all the evils from early or later ex cesses, the remits of overwork, worry, sickness, etc. Full strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improves ment immediately seen from the first box. Ihons. ands of letters of praise on file in oar office. Can "V be carried in vest pocket. Bent by mail to an V. address on receipt of price. One month's treat V mentineachboz. Pnoetl.00, 6 boxes, SS.00, with Written OoBran tee to ref und money if not oared. Send to as fur the Genuine. Circulars Free. (John Y Macf i Dragglst, Ralrfgh NO, Lost. Found. Wanted. For Rent. For Sale. Situation Wanted. Help Wanted. 5 THE VISITOR U THI FA1R YOB XOXt TO ADVXBTISI 18