4 TH! 'I r- 1 1 r- CHINA riRATE-MUL'EX. Privites Boldly MurJerJ Cr$ in Djy I'Sht. SaS Fbaci.i-o, Oct. 31. Chinese papers received by temer tontain account of numerous outrages ly bandits and pirates. A band f iiieu miJ desperate by loss of crop and homes in tii" recent oerllo have es tablished a. ffirn 'f terror. This band consist a of 2X) armed men. They Lave secured several boats, with whin tuny carry on operation. During three week of the raids of this law less band twenty ineu were killed and morn than three times that uamber were wounded by them. Their oper ations covered distance of nearly 130 miles along the Liao river. For protection boats now travel in batches and so powerful have the ml -bers become that they do not hesitate to attack numbers of Uiats at the Maine time, even in daylight. Four boats were attacked by one of the pi ratical craft hiving a i rew of forty armed men. All valuables ana arms were takeu, two sailors were killed and two others wouuded. Japs Attack Port Arthur. Shanghai, Oct. 21. The second Jap anese army is reported to have made an advance on Port Arthur and cap tured one of the outer forts. The place has been completely invested bv the Japanese and cannot hold out long. It is believed at Tokio that the linal attack upon the stronghold will take place at the end of the week. There are 40,000 in count Oyama's corps, while the garrison at Port Ar thur is said to number only 13.0(H) men, of whom 4.000 are raw recruits. The Japanese victory at Chin-Lien-Cheng, or Kin-Lien Cheng, is con tinued, and it is said that the Chinese troops have retreated to Moiikdeu. Bad but Dead Game. Princeton, Ky., Oct.. 31. fid. Mar tin was lynched yesterday iu Crimedeu county by 100 men. He was called upon at .his home after midnight. When he opened the door he was seized by a dozen men, who asked for information of Kill Goode, comniis Hioner of Crimenden county. The mob told Martin they had come to hang him, but if lie would turn state's evidence upon Goode he would be spared. "If these are the only terms, gentlemen," said Mr. Martin, "let the hanging proceed. 1 i 1 1 Goode has been my friend, and I will shield him." The mob quickly did its work and left Martin's body swinging from a limb. A Five Years' Divorce Case. Chicago, 111., Oct. 31. After live years of sensational litigation the de cision of the supreme court yesterday terminated the celebrated divorce suit between Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Car ter, giving him custody of their child and refusing the appellee's applica tion for alimony. This is but the cli max of a series of favorable decisions for Carter. The charge upon which litigation was brought is that during Mrs, Carter's absence in 18S5, on a tour in Europe for -'the -'benefit of her health, she spent some 40,000 re ceived from William Constable, of 'ew York, and, moreover, had im proper relations with him. Mrs, Car ter may now return to the stage, A Child With a Double Head. Dr. W. F. enbow has shown the Yadkin Ripple a mal-formed infant. It has a well formed and matured head, sitting straight up on its shoul ders, but with so a short neck that its chin rests on its breast. Proceeding from the back of this neck is another neck, to which is attached what Dr. Benbow calls a boneless head as large as the natural head. Both heads have natural hair on them and the ex tra one has places for eyes and a piece of gristle where one ear ought to be. This boy was born last week to Mrs. Speer, near East Bend, and is now living. Killed by a Stage Robber. Arthur Meyer, driver of a stage running between Hock Creek and North Bloomfleld, was shot aud killed by a highwayman this afternoon, says a Nevada City telegram. The incom ing stage was stopped by a lone high Tfayman, who commanded Meyer to af rl.-twti nnt. of the hoi.. fUU VA I' U ' - Meyer refused and the bandit fired twice at him with a revolver. The second shot passed through the dri ver's body. C. H. Bovee, the only passenger, jumped from the coach and ran into the forest. After the robber had gone Bovee took charge of the coach and horses and brought the dead stage-driver to town. THE WEATHER. The Conditions and the Fore cast. Forecast f jt Nottb Carolina: Fair, followed Friday by iucreasin cloudi ness and probably raiu in western por tion; warmer. Local forecast for K.ileigh and vicinity: Friday fair, warmer. Local data for 24 hour, eliding 8 a. in. today: M.minum temperature (U; minimum temperature :!'.!, ra in ft II 0.30. The hih area and r..o wave is -en tral this m- ruing over the south At lautic states. The stoim in rth of the lake region has nearly disappeared, while a new storm is forming west of til Mississippi river. Over the Mouth er n states the weather is clear and cool. Frosts ire reported this morn ing from Kileib, Charlotte, A u'ut i. Kuoi ille aud laveupoi t, lo.v. '1 lie weather is becoming cloudy an 1 warmer west of the Mississippi. Some raiu has fallen over the region between Cincinnati, lluir.ilo and Nor folk. The prospect are for wanner fair weath-r. A Curious PleU;o. A curious pl-il'e was taken by a lot of San Francisco tfirls at t he instiga tion of their pastor, a ir. Martin, said a young woman yesterday. "Last week he delivered a lecture to young women only. The majority of per sons when they saw the dainty l adies pinned on the shoulders of the girls were very mil h surprised when they learned their import. They had signed a vow. a unique one, contrived by Dr. Martin, that none of them would ever hold a secret engagement or recei e attentions from any man when their parents did not appro. ej that come what may, nothing could ever induce them to break the vow they so solemn ly made. The thing was thought to be a joke at lirst, but on inquiry 1 found that the young women have thus pledged t hemselves. I do not think the idea has spread eastward yet, but it has caused a deal of g .ssip on the Tacitic slope." There is no danger of the Chinese overrunning America this year, " hey are busy running over their own conn try. The ll!Sth anniversary of Mithodism in America was celebrated in New York yesterday. SPECIAL XIFU'ES lr: 11 t)- CENTS A PECK '-' is the price of good cooking Apples, at D. T. Johnson's. k BAllRKLS OF APPLES just re- ) reived; for eating and cooking. Price 2.60 to $2.75 per barrel. W. S. Bar.nes & Co., 122 Fayetteville St. lf CENTS a pound for the best 4U French candies at the North Side Drug Store. 31 3: H ave ynur prescriptions .filled at the North Side Drug Store. Extra bargains in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with brouchitical or lung troubles. : piIOIGE FRUITS. The first Pine Vapples of the season. Grapes, Con cord, Delaware and Niagara. Peaches, of the choicest kinds. Pears, fresh and fine. Apples of the best varie ties. All at Bragassa's. MATRIMONIAL An honorable gen tleman, aged 27, having a. good income and well educated, desires the acquaintance of an attractive young lady. Object matrimony. Atldress A, Box 32, Raleigh. Special No'ice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will continues the. business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at 310 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at oghi'S, on Fay etteville street. 'TO MAKE big money sellijig our 1 Electric Telephone. Best seller on earth. Sent all complete ready to set up; lines of any distance. A pratical Electric Telephone. Our agents making $5'to $10 a day easy. Everybody buys. Big Money without 'work. Prices low. 'Any one can make 75 per mouth'. Address, '."'." W. P. Hakkiso.v & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, 0.' pHILDREN'S WRAPS. -".. U Our new wraps for Misses and children are all in store. We show both coats and long garments. Prices this season fr children's waps are, as for many other goods, much- lower than formerly. Besides the newlines we have some garments carried from last season, styles very good, that will be sold at merely a fraction of their former prices W. II. & 11. 3. Tucker & Co. W. B. SNOW, AT TORNEY-AT-LA W. Office in Law Building, 333 Fayette ville street. Of last week' business ass giatifving hide I; wha' ;re.tt week' bui nessitvas! 1 his city nc it m t!ie beat if it. A iiea of humanity flocked to our toie in .-.(r h of liieir fall an. I v inter supply and no call was answer J with a NO" I. e: ,-.t .. i r bougiit and was ery well please t. Many were the pretu i uip,n.i-ir y i o-ir lumiici'tli and well seleeted stock . It wis si ' t W4- io . i- i-xji i '- I .i!n.',s. wis a seen., lhal only foieshadowM the p., I hr in'. Te-t 1 ha; .1 iul. iisilie I the coining week by special oir.-rinr. We si. ill III ike. it . , . ! ; 1 1 7 rJ . . -1 rl mi fm mil That were found in our r-gul.- st.K-1. (th-y are one an 1 two of a kind only) were placed on the tabie vherc I ey are wailing your selection at It ft v cents on ill., d dlar. Come early for a selection. We epe t to b.- busy aii t'ii winter. ha if the stock ; prices are lower th iu before on .-v hiiig iu Ol'lt ILt.'SK. arid where else do von liu. I ,-ueh mi assortment as VK HAVE? ClULDKKN'S sriTS. A I.I. TIIF. NXV STYLK-. b'HO I 2 ."() TO .f 10.00. i;.ivs' LoNvi t it sins, .li s; thf si yi.f. tiik urown FOLKS LIKI-: SO YVF.LL. FROM f.'i.OO TO le- (). I'll lerwear stacked to the ceiling. We are sole agents for the lloheniollern Sanitary I'u ler.vear. l!-st mule, without the monopoly pi i o attached. TE2A31HQ 1J3 OeJ'J BtJUSE IS EASY. You call for whit you lik -; it, a i l at the very lowest price. Ti;;: widf.-awakk clotuikrs. HUN'KST VA1JIKS LOW PRICES. Von will liud it to y.i ir int-resr t -m our (m l-te st ick; we have many bai -aius which 'inu-t b seen to !,. a ,.;.r.-,- i :e I. Ve offer 1 complete line of elegant Fall Suits, at pri.es t'.i e, i -t b - mif '-d by any other house for same .t:iality of mat.-riil, pel : -i ml -k-u uiship. Fine all wool Cheviots in olack". blue and fain y iu . . . ml- and double-breasted at our great specia' price. $8.98 THEY'RE WORTH $1 2 TO $1 4 Elegant Suits made from line imported mat. 'rials, garments eijual to cus tom made et. j2v).(J0 and t i.OO-S: KC1A L AT 14.00. HOY'S ci.omixG Dvuble-P.reasted Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years, fancy Cheviot, Cassi ineres, and Homespuns, well made ami trimaied, worth f'4..")0 to 0.00 AT ?2.HS AND ;3 OS. An elegant assortment of Scotch Cheviots, Homes -uns, Tweeds, Thibets and Tricots, regular value i'0.00 to j7.50, special at . Jj-'4.98. OVf70OAT3, OVERCOATS. We offer the largest and most varied assortment ot Overcoats ever pre sented jto the public, in Chin.-hilla. Cheviot, Serge, Worsted, -Melton and Reaver, at prices which defy competition. An inspection of our superb sto.-k will convince you that our prices are lower than the lowest, and our quality -better than the best; wd give the best aud the most, for the least money. :'j?gfjilib&l OoibiQg Co 305 KA YHTTKV1 L IjK ST.. 0PP0S1TK POSTOFFICB. op miM STATIONERY CO., : Manufacture? : Stationers. r NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. Manu:acl-urGr3 ard inportars. STATIONERY Wholesale and Retail Dealers. ... fc 9 IHceciiool u'plies A SPECIALTY. Ynu May Desire. lUm PayetteviJle t., Oxposltj9 DPo3ti Offices W.G.SEPARK i MANAGER. V :' ::-":-v . 'V:.4:-:''';;''':-'-'r';-' s- ' mo IANHQUMCEMEMT ! ON JANUARY 1ST, 1895, TUE SENIOR MEMBER OF OUR S I'lUM WILL RETIRE E B FROM ACTiyE Ie business. S ttttt.....,! I . tttili S THE PRESENT JTOCK WILL 3 HE CL0t;L;D ZZZ B OUT AT AND NEAR COST. 3 So with the New Year and the new management m h ran start with new goods in all Departments. m After Jauuary 1st the business will be conduced "Zm in the same place aud under the same plans and principles by MR. WALTKR W00LLC0TT. ZZm Mil. WM. WOOLLCOTT will remain as a special y partner and the firm will continue to do business as WOOLLCOTT & SON. x rooo-o-aooo-a-o-o-o-o-o-o- mm iw w wm ST. oo-oo- QOOO- OUR ENTlltU STOCK OF d11kss goods, domestics, prints, PAjT l'S (iOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, TRUNKS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, LACKS, EDGINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, RLANKETS, JEWELRY, GLOVES, ELEAiHINGS, DOMESTICS, CURTAIN GOODS, AND OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF SHOES WILL BE OFFERED FROM NOVEMBER 1st TO DECEMBER SI.st AT COST, BELOW COST FOR OTHERS AND A SMALL PER CENT ABOVE COSTS FOR A FEW THINGS. On the Whole the Stock Will be Sold for COST ON THE AVERAGE. The Stock is New and we are Coins: to Sell the New Stock as Well as the O d No Such Lot of New and Seasonable Goods Has Ever Been Offered in Raleigh Before- REMEMBER, $50,000 WORTH i . , ' -..' TO BE SOLD OUT IN 60 DAYS. h . During this Sale no Goods will be Charged Under Anv Circumstances to'Anvbbdv, WOOLLCOTT- tSfi-SQN. f"Jf'-.V.)'''"::i