MCIE! a LEADER FOR ONLY fL2! i SKK OUK SPFOIAL LKl)KU IX. SILOES. t 4 CLOTHIERS SHATTERS A FULL STOf IC, VAV MJOES, 0:4LY SI. 24. 1 -' y i r ' I N 1 I . 4 3 : l. EVElilNGVISIIOn- ITtiLbilED tVtRV AFTtKNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB-CO. THE VISITOR, by arriers in Hie city, i5 cents per moiilh. Prices for mailing, f3 per year, or 25 cents per month. Oilice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drus More, 2nd iloor. . W. -M. LKOWN, !?k., M'ir'r, Kaleio'b, '. C. FKLD. A. OLDS, ROBERT L. GRAY, Editor City Editor UALKIOU, NOV IO, ISiU NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If .snhsciibers fail to pet their paper In future they will do 11 favor by re porting the failure to this office. Subscriptions to the Visitor may be lft at No. 327 West Jones street," 321 West Lane street, and 610 East Davie street. ."" NOTICE! Having made some changes of t ur carriers we would be glad if any of our subscribers would let us kno if they fail to get their paper. Notify us by card or in person. The bolting democratic Louisiana sugar planters would seem to be the only unvictorious republicans. In Tennessee, thus far the democrat have a certainty of only two congres sional 'districts the first and fifth out of thirteen. The heaviest moonshiner in the world is Mrs. JIullius, of Hancock county, Tennessee. She weighs COO pounds, and though the revenue officers have a clear case against her they (ind it impossible to get her out. of her cabin. The Southern railway company will control the whole a'o.k .of the re organized Georgia central company, but the latter will remain a separate corporation. Railway holds over 000,000 Georgia Central sto k and will purchase the minority interest. The surname of the present empeivr of Germany is Holieriolleri!, which i traced back to the time when his an cestors kfpt a toll-gate and collected copper coin from the drivers of ! ur dened donkeys. The divine right of the family appeared at a later period. At Chee Foo hundreds of Chinese are arriwng there from Manchuria, whence they are fleeing- frightened at the, approach of the Japanese. The Chinese troops and such vessels of the Chinese fleet as are cooped up at I'oit Arthur have been ordered to attack the Japanese whenever they meet them. It is reported that Port Arthur is still, invested by the Japa nese and that two of the forts there have been captured by them. The Chinese soldiers are deserting from New Chwang fearing an attack by the Japanese. The 12,000 striking cloakmakers in New' York are desperate and are mak ing numerous assaults on non-union hands going to and from work. The police make arrests, but this seenn to have no effect on the angry strikers, who take advantage of every oppor tunity to attack. The latter live in constant, terror. They dare not ven ture out wit hout police or other escort . So serious has the sit .nation become that several of the large manufactur era are boarding their employees in hotels. They are escorted to and from work aud to their meals by the police. Tilts is very tipensi.e, but the "manufacturer , find it is the only way in which they can keep their hands at work. In some of the facto ries meals are furnished to the hands from restaurants, and the working cloakmakers 'are living better than they ever lived before. Police and deputy sheriffs guard every factory entrance, and no one is allowed to ' pass into any of the workshops with out stating his or her business. The most determined and aggressive of the the strikers are girl cloakmakers and tha wives of men who are on strike. In Kentucky the friends of W0; Owens are becoming alarmed at the remarkable rsU-nlati.nn of l re publicans. Oweus' majority has I e-n cut down to two. He is the man 1.' dfe. t d llreckin ridge for fie nmiiin i tion. Chicago is sad. Two days ago its residents declared it was the gr'tiest city on the continent. No v all this i changed. The most epert mathe maticians have not figured out a popu lation ex ceding two millions, aud. as greater New .York will go this a mil lion better even the real estate boomers admit that for a while Chicago must be conteut with second place. A LIVING MKRMAID. An AUhtnu Girl who is H.ill Fish, Half Human In the Swiss colony near St. Floreii Ala., is a beautiful young girl whesled around in a perambulator, the lover portion of which is covered. She has never been seeu outside of this biig;:y ex. ept by her own parents, although she has enjoyed perfect health during the sixteen years of her life. She 's unusually bright and intelligent, and from her carriage thoroughly enjoys the society of young people of her age. The reason that the girl is doomed to spend her days in the confines of her buggy is that she is a real mermaid. Hefore her birth her mother was badly frightened by a shark while crossing the Atlauti ocean and the lower part of the child's body is that of a fish. Her father is a highly successful grape grower, and has be come well off, but no surgical treat ment has yet been found that can de vise a means for correcting the de formity of his daughter. She has none of the characteristics of a fish, and has no more fondness for water than is usually possessed .by girts of her age. ' CilOKhl) TO DliATli BY A CAT- j The Animal Lay Upon Bary Sadie's Until Death Cjine. : Dimple-cheeked, 1 lack-eyed Sadie ICrantz.O-mouths old, lost her life yes- ! terday through her love for her kitten, Ulster, says a New York paper. A pretty little Maltese kitten was pre sented to Mrs. Krantz two weeks ago, and a great affection at on e sprang up between it and the baby, l-'or hours the child would lie in its crib, perfectly 'content so long as Blister was near enough to be pulled T about. The kitten seemed to enjoy the j mauling as much as diil little Sa die herself. '''' ' Mr, and Mrs. Krant. retired at 10 o'clock, and lefc their little girl to sleep as usual near thttir bed. Before doing so, they drove Kuster, as they supposed, out of the room. Yester day morning Mrs. Kraniz awoke from a dream, in which she saw her child being torn her with hands that were stained with blood,. With a cry she leaped to the aide of her darling, but there lay little Sadie, sleeping peace fully, as she believed. To her great surprise, the mother, who had felt a thrill of unspeakable happiuess when she realized that she had only dreamed after all, saw Bus ter snuggled closely upon her baby's throat, with its head resting on her chin. She gently lifted the kitten away from the baby, and then kissed the child. At that the light, through dim, 'enabled' her to see that Sadie's face was perfe-tly black, With a scream she summoned her husband. Five minutes la'ter, when the doctor arrived, he pronounced the child dead, although its body was still warm, the cat's weight on the baby's ne k had choked her to death. AP dieaes of 1h" skin cu'ffl, nd Inut coir-plejlrtQ rpgforert by Jobnsou'p OiIeritHl 8oap For eil by Jobn Y vfacRae. Old custody says that if the women ever get to voting there will be trouble at the polls, for they will change their minds faster than the clerk can put their tickets in the box. We guarantee Johnson's Magriptlc OH; It ha no superior for all coups and pa'rifi, interniil or eitfrnal, nann .-r I east f I 0J fclze 50 eeuts; 50 cents size 25 cent at John Y HaeRae'i. Confessed Treason to France. r.R'.. Nov. P. Ci-t. .:' - t !i-y fu.", wh" ' .is c!iar'ei i h big'! tiei son .11 In . in.- it'll I'reio-1! miitit.v plans to I'tiii.-ui n-'-'r; I, . c nfefse-l his guilt. He b-.Ta.ved for nion-y the names of French spies abroni', a it-1 also soM plans desi-ribiu-..' the po. sitionof the artillery f t It- f Mii te.-iiih and fifteenth army corps in the event of war with Italy. His treachery was prompted by a desire to recoup gamb ling looses. . A 1 1 kiudsof certain poles at Thows & Maiwe'i's !tt 20 relit s e ieil. 'HOICK FIMTI'S. The Hist l'inc Vapplfs of the seasou. (irapes. Con cord, liel iare an I Niagara. Teaches, of the choicest kinds. Fears, fresh and line. Apples of the best varie ties. All at l'ragassa's. 1'ine liber mattresses a specialty, at Thomas & Maxwe'1" , vy u & n. s. Tiviv Kit & CD. . We are no.v ready to snppl, tMir itcutleiiieii paM-oiis, ho have in-.-;, waitin.r for sizes, in li ialip's Hats. recei ed -i u -t h-r shipmeiii of these just'y celebra'ed hats. I' i they have u- suo-ii, r iu ti'iali'y, stvles, and liuish. W. !I. & K. S. Tucker Co. Kjtra bargains in fuin!'!:r-' i't Thomas & Maxwell. Hed lounges detachable in at treses " soeiiilty. Branson's Alma. iaj .for 1895 i Single conies per mail 10 '-nts 20 copies per ma .1 , 61. 00 1 dozen c -pies per mail 7.") 1-2 gross per express 3. To 1 gross per express , 7.01 Merchants and o:hrs will send in their orders at ou.-e. To the amount of S5.00 in exchange for the same anioTit in alam niacs. Levi I.iiaxso.v, pubhsl- -r. uov 3 tf Haleigii, N. C. Hand polished curtain poles 20 cts. each at Thomas k Maxwell's, MT fl.dw i j llorotETH, iVc. Hoses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and Uoral designsat short no tice. - , 1M1'o!ITK' Dft.IlS for win'er blooming. .1 list ai ri ed, a spiendid colie.ti.oi of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, lieiinudi a a I lii nese sacred lilies, dry ca ll.t bulbs, best for forcing. TAI.ns, VEiiXS and other pot plants for : dec .r itiug the' room. Roses., e ergi'eens aud shade trees..'. Sugar and . No'ray maples, horse chestnuts and Iviglish walnuts, fan y aud other nV.ver pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Steixme.-z, the Florist. ; Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine liber mattresses for people suffering, with bronoliiti.-al or lung troubles. COLD;:;;WEATH:R ' IS unit AM) BID 3 LA MX rrs ART AGAIN I'Oi'l'I.AK. If yours need cleaning : send them to the ST.' AM LAUHDRY. Curtains, . . Carpet i, 'Linen Druggets aud Trackings done on shoft notice . Special rates to family work. t.'R.;WYATirPr:p.: PIIONH 87. Sale fif Town tots. By virtue of an ord-r of sale by the clerk of the Superi -r Court of Wake county, in a special proceeding to make real assets, entitled Maron Johnson, admr. "-Kmily ; Johnson, de ceased, against diaries Johnson et als, the undersigned will offer for sale at the court house door to the librhest bidder, on Monday, the 31 day of He cember, 1894, at the hour of 12 in, the following described jiropcr.yj sit ua ted on Smithiield street, in the city of Raleigh, adjoining the la'id'd Of Ma rion Johnson, Ashley Home and '('as well Pollard, fronting atjmn 35 feet on said street and back about 240 feet. Terms, one-half cash and the balance in sii months with interest at. eight per cent per annumfrom date of sale. Mauios Jonxtiox, no3 tds Commissioner. i-ptcial No-ice. Mrs. Th.i.ldeiis Dine will continues t lie iiusluess of cleaning, dyeiugaud repairing iloihtng as conducted by I'.rr late liiistiHinl at 310 South Salis- ! b ny street Careful al'.enli 'II ttill be : en w.-i"; sent I , h, r. Or lers , :n.-iy be aK b ft at n.ilii's, on Fay-' et leviile m ret. lu ligotion, Hillioiisness, An I ail st 'ia i 1; tuoibles are cured by P. P IP. 'cul.vAsh.l'okeltoot andl'otassinm. i.heiiiuari in is cured by 1". 1. 1. Fains and a.ies it, t he back, shoulders, ' nee., aiikl -s aii ! wrists are all at i i k 1 and conquered by I'. P. P. i'.,i great meiii ine, by its blood . i "in-dug properties, builds up and i fen ;t in'is the . hole body. . n i i n r is s i eliica -ions as P. P. P. it t '.lis .e M.ot. an 1 for t.miiig up, in .i - i.i ing and as a st rengtheiier and .pj.etjser t ike F. !' P. It .throws off ' 'iialar-a an 1 j -its you iu good cou :. i' i :i. .'.' i'-i! i.idian Com Faint car ; n .arts and bunions. Harwell - 1 ii cm. Wholesale and Iie f.'lii Agents, f'harlot'e. M. C. SpgoxlcI IHTaxicL ami otiiki: M-. rlCI.KS Ft'ii SAI.F. CI115AP. : 0 Walnut Parlor Chairs, 1 Tete-a-tete. 2 Kock i.-,g Cba irs, 1 Ash i'Ai-usioii Cable, 8 feet long, 1 huge Kit lieu Safe. 1 small Kitchen Safe, 1 round iarble Top TaMe, 4 large Dining Tables, C feet C inches long. 3 feet 3 inches wide, 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 large Mirrors, best French glass, 1 Trundle lied, 1 Feather Bed, 1 high Hesk, 4 feet long, 1 iron Safe, 3 Show Cases, r 1 Indian (cigar sign), 1 Spice Cabinet, 4 Tea Cans, 1 Turning Lai he, , Several pairs of S ales, 3 large Saloon Lamps, ; i 1 lare Cooking Slo.e, 2 Pool Tables, 1 Deliiery Wagon, 1 P.ocka.vay, 1 one Horse Power Steam Boiler, A. W. FRAPS, ' lvist Davie st., 2 I door from Fay- (. 18 2.v etteville St., Room No. 1. ; Sale :: La A. Under and by virtue of a decree of Wake superior court, made the 24th day of October, 1894, iu the special proceedings entitled Stronach & Johns, administrator of David Lewis (de ceased) vs. .'iliss Sallie C. Lewis et als., we will sell at public outcry, to the 'highest, bidder, at the court house door, in Raleigh, on the 1st day of December, 1891, at 12 o'clock m., cer- : tain- tracts of laud situated in St. ' Mary's township, Wake county, N. C, known as the Jordan" tract, the ; "Home-place" , tract, and the , Doaue tract, all of which are are fully ' described iu the petition tiled in the j said special proceeding. Terms of sa.le Hue-third cash, one third iu six months and balance in t .eh months. SiiioXActi & Johns, oct24tds Uoimuissioner. V inb Inna fir Si'a. By virtue of authority conferred on me as attorney in fact, I will ou Mon day, the 3.1 day of December, A. D. 1894 expose for sale at the court house door u Raleigh, North Caro lina, at public' outcry, and sell to the bidd.-r fur 'cash, ail that tract or. parcel of laud lying aud .being iu the county of Wake, in the state of North Carolina, in Cary to.Miship, ad joiniir! the lands of H. P, Jlaynard, ! 11. ,v:orriss, C. H. t lark and H. B. ; Jordan, contaiuihg about 100 acres, ! being the same formerly, -occupied by JelVel'Soll Goodwill, dee'd, Up to the , time of his death. This 1,-ind.lies about a half a mile southeast of the village of ( aty and contains aluable improvements. W. J. Pkblk, Afty. in fact. Peele & Mavnakd, Attys. n3 td I, l i '-'.H i inn i uv ' snii KtK si,r. 1 By virtue of r decree of the supe rior court of Wflke county, made iu the use of J. B. Lowry, executor of W. J. Lowery vs. W. J. Lowery and others, I will on Monday the 3i day of December, 1894, at 12 in., sell for cash, at the court .house door in Raleigh a tract of land containing 81 1-4 acres situate in Nw Light, township, about 4 miles from Wake Forest college, ad joining the lands of J. M. Creushaw, P. M. Manguin and otliera, being part of the. tract of the late W. T. Lowery, deceased. -Sale made for assets. Title good. J. H. FLEMING,; oc29 tds. Commissioner. hi ti'sVHr. A cli'l 4 Hin t B'l.i'. oncrMH-ors to !!in'tor!, H. yMr ; .. KtHOrtCTCVrRK oi - bTAllt fcAII, Aud all Other Kinds cf Funding Materia). Will contract to bui'd any w!ere, in, trie f'tate, or furnish any kind of material de sired. Our shop is equipped with the latest and best wood working machinery We are lo caUi on the 8. . J. Batlrne 1, which rr-r ti-rough the bes- timberel lanJs in Norlb Carolina, from whirl; we pet our loi-s n cut our own lumbtr. This enables us to til' criers of any s ze or li'"ersion on sHort notico W" can cut lx.OOO ftet a dav. Oil' lry Kiln has a iMpuciiy o' 5;i.tXV, ani; wo eut. (iry me I?-;-a iurile fr tDe t uWi-' Bt ,-. Te'-pi oiif So 1 3:1. Our 'yard and shops are on West atreet t -w-st tcfti irnc cf hoc i:tpn street. febi ON HAND Uaytoii Red Ash, Seini-Aiithracite j Coal (Tor or grates.) , Pocahontas, Small Lamp, , Pocahontas, Large Lump, iiusseii L,reeK, large Ijiiinp, Semi-Bit uminous, for grates or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, Bituminous, Jellico Splint Coal, Blazing grate Tennessee Splint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, ChestuutSize " " Sto.e " Kgg " " Furnace All Fresh From Bust Mixes iu this country. (REASONED Pine and Oak Wood, cut O and sjilit for stovesnnd lireplaces, or in 8-foot lengths. ' rillNULliS, Laths, Grtin, Hay, Meal, O Bran, i e, holesale aud retail, at lo ,, est prices by JONES & POWELL IlALEItllt, N. C. pOOAHONTAS steam still stands 1 abo.e all others in quality and price. Several cars always on track, tm each side of the city. J (Anti-cephal-algine.) ' l'a U-ett l-a In.: ie a i-l Nura'gi i tenniy .iurji piic&ly iiiulaife y heJ ilia in all va.-eMls tjr ui .Vtiiiuf.inly 0 frop.jHl J jnua ju, -'taleigh. i.&lo uot. Foraa'e oy all drug-jiatn. 0 II J ilV ()NT, DSALBtt IN t.ip!e au I Fau iy Orrer ies, f ine iiigari ana To ':-oi. Fruits, eeUble-, Ac, 3J1 H Ruboro Street. By virtue of authority conferred in a certain mortgage executed by Hugh Campbell and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 513, in Register of Deeds oiiice of Wako iouiity, N. C, we will, on Monday, the 3d day of December, A. D. .1894, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bid der for cash, that tract, of land lying and situate in Cary township, Wake county, N. (J., on the "II. and A. A. L. railroad and waters 'of Swift creek, near the village of t'ary, adjoining the lauds of Mrs, Hawkins Jones, Kli Yates, John H. WiiuTer and others, containing 109 46 100 acres, more or less," inure fully descriued iu the afore said mortage, and being a part of the tract formerly owned by Fetir H. ht. This October 31st, a. "D 1894. , PuEi.'k & Mav.nauo, Attorneys for mortgagees. Hctice cf Lzecuior. Having qualified as executor of the last vyill aud testament of Louisa Uooeh, deceased, this is to notify all personsindebtHd to said estate to make immediate payment to the execu tor, and all persous having claims agaiust said decedent wi.'l present the same to me on or before the 23rd day of October. 1895, or this notice will be plead in blr of their recovery. : ,, 1 Levi Buanson, lixeeutor of the will of Louisa Uooch. 0(11023,1891. S. A. L. Sccboard Air-Line. Oi NrKN'H) SCHKDUIE. IB KK-CT JlILT B, . " l eave . i 6 4H-nHllv. Mlanta Hpeelal," Pnilmm A'mMhnlefor hen lerern elrtort, Peteir, bnrir, Rli-hrpoo'1. v'K(,l,. ton, H-.iiiiuore, PoIImiIcI. I't'fo. New York end H pofi tt. north Fofffi 1rw. u jroi iu lerpernHDd Pull mm coaches AtUota to sBbiiitton, pmior ran Wrialiir'trioii to New York. Pii!ii.ii -leMluir car An. ru' in PoftturutK. M 6 A M JIhiIj . o pr ondny, for Kei.der on. Weldon. Hi, t-f-Ik. Portunouth. Norfo k find iriteruicdiaie atatioDe, connects at Portstnou'h with Bay Line for Old PolDt and Baltiiuore, with Nori folk and Wahlrgton Steaia boat Co., tor WashiuKton, with N V. P & n. R R for Philadelphia and points uorlli; also Ht Weldon witb. AtlMtitie Coast, Line for Picbnioud vvB8bii gton, Pal Iu ore Philadelpbia aid re- Vork Through sletpers Weldon to Ne ' York t.i. j with Scotland. ' eek Hrxnch for Qreen vllle, W oshlugion audPly. mouth. " ?2 A iu Dxilv. "Atlanta Ppeclal," Piilliuan Vestibule for So. INiK". Hamlet, Monroe, 'hetit-r. Olipt.iD, Wreen. wood. Abbeville, Atbeos, Atiautu, Montgomerv, Mo. bile. New Or lea up, Chattam noot'a, aehvlll, MeuipLis hii'f fil poiLts south aud eoutliwert. Through Poll ' man Htiffet Sleepers and i!v v co- cbis WsbiogtOD to Atleb' n connecting direct ly et Uniou depot Atlanta ith tiiversing lines. 8?0PM -Dally, for Hontiiirii Pines, Hamlet M x o n, Wilmington, W-'ed- eboro, Monroe, Char lotte, I ti.coluton. 8belbv, Kuthetfordtonand all local statiotie O. C R H. and R. & A A LBS. f rains Arrive R'ilelgh : 5 17 AM -Daily. "Atlanta Special." Pollu.-nn Vertibule from New York, Philadelphia, PelMttiore, Washington, Plcbujoud, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poluts north. Parlor oars New York to Wapbington; Pull rr au Buffet Sleepers and dav coaches Waehlrgton to Atlanta. 8 20 PM Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. Si N. R. R , also from (ireeo ville, Pit month, Washington anl Eastern OarolioH points via Wei' don. Petersburg, Richmond Washington end point north via Atlantic Coast LlrJe, sleeperc New York to Weldon. 120 AM Daily, "Atlanta Rpeclal," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athens, Abtevllle, Greenwood, Chester and points eout.b. Pullman day coficbes and eleepjr Atlan ta to Wsshington. 11 86 A M Pally lrom W iliu ington, Hbelby, Llocolnton, Uhar lotte aud all loci' etatlu 8 C O R R and R & A. K. ' R ; aUo from Payette vil I e f end ttreensboro via tJaaw ford.. . Mxtd trains leave Johppon Street Sfatl n, for H e n d e r 8 o n arid InteimedUte stations 6 00 p m ; r' turning arrive Johnson, ptre-t 9 5 a in Pas'engQr leRV'nc; Ra'elgh at 8 80 p m arrives at harlot re 9 4j p m, returning le e Oh'rlot'e at94S-a. m.. arrive Kullgh 11 45 . VP No 402 and 401. Atl.iita 8-eoial." are solid Pullman vetibu!ed trilus. oi.mpo',d of r.gnifloeot daveocb8 nd phIho13 drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washitig'on ard Atb nta wf'bout change, on wli rh tbre is no extr- fare charged For fofof motion relative to sehe ole. c.. anrdy to ticket agent, or A. J Cooke. 8 P A . R tMgh JOBN H VIVDfilH. i?eo'l MauV'r !. J ANDERSON Oeo'l P-e Air. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored, i MAGNETIC NEBVINEMaTi restore Lost Manhood. Oures weaknesses, Nervona Debilltar and all the evils from early or later ex cesses, the results of overwork, worry, sicknmn, etc. Full strength, tone and development givnn to every organ or portion of the body. Improve, ment immediately eenn from the first box. Thou, auds of letters of praise on fileinouroiiioe. Can bo carried in vest pocket. Bent by mail to an address on receipt of price. One month's treat ment in naeh box. Pnoe $1.00, 6 boxes, $5.00, with Written Unarantee to refund mbney if not cured. Bend to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free. John I. M ac i 6 JDruggiot . Belt Igh N..A ... : -BIF ME. ; Lost. Found. Wanted. For Rent. . For Sale. Situation Wanted. Help Wanted. I THE VISITOR Id IHI PAU fOa 100 TO iDTUTUU U I1 1 1