JOHN U. SMITH HktJver Received & Fisi List op Wine, Brandt? and Wliixkira, loth imported and domeKli-. And ton "OU IMisbl-" R. A. 3TKI AIM-S ROCKBKIDGK CO. RYE. MIXED DKINKS A SPECIALLY. Corn Whiskey from $1.50 to 2..r0 per gallon. I ha on band the largest nti-k that h.ia evrr been xhovtn in the citjr of Raleigh. UTMVB ME 4 nALI.jl John U. Smith. til 5rn. THE! ARK CHEAPER. Xo other material entering into the manufacture of a Corset c-in com pare with FEATHEKIUNK. The FEATHEKiDXKCou-iur Waist is beyond question the c..mlnit-;iM- garment made; it fits like a glove, has all the style of a Corset, anil wears -iike iron. We make a specialty of these goods and recommend them to yon without reserve. We are author ized to refund your money after four weeks trial, if not satisfactory. OUR FALL SiOCIC Dreff Qoo4$9 Is iii and the lowest. prices THE LY mm sit AN EVERY DAY MATTER AT THOMAS PESCUD'S. You will find always a complete stock of the best ' Family Supplier Carefully s"'ectnd as to quality, at lowest possiblt pi'ices,ne:itlv put up ami promptly delivered. Tbe. very best Teas and Coffees, Staple Canned (Hoods, Cauued Fruits. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts (the best.) Canned Sweetbreads (something . V new), Cdnned Sausauge J(also new.) ' au8 tf THOMAS PESCUD N iiire of AdrainMraM' Having qualified as administrator of th late Elizabeth E.. Glenn, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to the undersigned and all person having claims Against the said . deceased will present the same to me on or before the 27fh day of October, 1895, or this notice will be plead in lar of their recovery. W. R. BLAKE, oct296w Administrator. s IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING, : 5. CORDOVAN, 4.3.P FlNECAlf &KANGAR01 3.5P P0LICE.3 Soles. 4,50.J2.VyORKINGHEN? EXTRA FINE. u, 2.l.7 Boys'schodlShoes. I W.. DOUGLAS, RROCKTON. MASS. Von can lore money by purchasing W. li. Douglas Shoes, . Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertise! fclioes in the world, and.guarantee the value by-stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects yon against high prices aud the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy Bttliig and wet ring qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given that any other make. Take no substitute. If youi dealer cauuot supply you, we can. 6old by HELLER BROS. roitt in 4H bourn without inconvenience nffoctioni bebw ami lit feet loir fail. W. L. D JhK T18ITOB 26 DATF, 25c From Day to Day. BT sSSIl L. Mt'ZZBT. From day tody. ' Take uo thought for the morrow. Why hope or why remember, Or in the uhit Dei-ember ' 'l Hi J "t to borrow The rosen of th-t May ? From da- today. This moment is the lever With wliii lito lift the mountain And loo, d the prisoned fountain Thai (Lias and tl ws f-trever. And iiieu hes thirst for aye. - From day todiy. Ther- is no wider measure, Uravely as yioi may will it. Striving you eannot till it, So, life's immortal treasure Is hid b n in the d iy. V"nU's Coiiiviiiion. Ni:V KV.LANh STORM SWIU'T. Six liK'livs 'l SimwIiII :unl GriMt Uinutre is I J-UK'. ItoSMN. ' 'isi.. Nm. 8 The wreek pe of shippliij; and pr peity, as re ported from aiious points in New Kiiglaud. and a'rematiiii,' several huudreit t li .i it t dollars in value, :s fie ruinous trail the terriilo storm that lias raed iu this section of the country for ihe prist thirty-six 1 o irs has left behind it. tir-rit damage was dime in this eity, many horses which had stepped on "live" wires having been shocked to death, or shot after ward to put them out of misery. Great ruin tn also wioiiht in I'ro . idence, II. 1., where li inches oi peiiitelit .-lee. trie . ires moineii arily eirbin .'ered I i- lives of pe le i! ;i.l!IS. At S ilem i i ich 's s:i ,,v h.s fallen, mil ill tele', r" i-h , ii m are all down. i i hi i ! ("iirt)i4 Knt i. Oiikimt rui'ia il iikv nit. m .mmM i.k.'TOP. Twi' ti e-'iv filter T i. i'v. 8 ly ' e - lien Sam Sii .1 v -c o ' -it II ' 'i Hi iep r- ico (in I seinoi I' a in Kvni' b r ii.f t. 4:3 I ii m f'm m i s i'li-it c li w i k "Vfuresilay it 4:3 1 m n d !"ri at. 10 a m. Fro- se.its. All invited. Pt t-, i"i's I hm'ki. ro-nor Wst, ain' 'oh i' ii Mr' p's.- t!t V Oiorg- V. (iilreatl', lei - n in ( b-.rire Smi !y rli -o' at '0 n - Divine seiviees in ! s rmon at 11 a m Bin'e clii'- ft Dm Kvcnii K service nml fprmo at 8 p m. Pc its all tree. Fvery one welcome. Cill'Kl'll OF THE HOOD Sll KI'K KKIl RRV. I MCK IMTTlNliElt. RRl'TOH. Twmtv li'th Pnnday aftir Trii i'y HoH Con ui'iiron f t 8 a m. Vi rn ng p ay r nd sr.'iiiin at 11 a. m Puiulsv sc oil at 3:30 p in Kveni if r raver ad wninnit7:"0 p m 8erv;c ''ii'ini the weer: IVediieaday at 10 a m , F'iilay pvn!n at ft p m. Seats free; All cordially invited. MET;! ilHr. BUENTON- ST. M. E C. "EV. .1. N. CO! E, I'ASTOF. Preachiuis at It a m and 7:' 0 pra Sunday school 0:3() a.m.'V" .J. Younji.Supt l" NP AI. M K HEV l U 1ITTI.K. PlSrOR Preacbi-g t n a m and 7 3 ) p m Sun luy school at 9:30 in CITY .MiatiloN AMI BROOKLYN R. 11. W1IITA K7K PIWTOK Services every Sunitav a id weeirly prayer meet pgs as follow: Kl'HORTU I IIAI'KI. Fun lav H. lioolat 9:3 J p iu.t 0 Williaw, Sr. snpeii.i'eiid ut. ''r a liing ar 11 a m, by t ha pastor, Tev K H Wbi-ascr - ' HliOilKI.Y . Sunday "chool p m.'J H I'.irter Supt. I'ri'.icuitie at 7:'"0 p m, br y p s'or. Prayer meeting VVeiliiPsday niglit 7 30. BAPT18 FlI'.BT HEV. PH. J. W. CARTER, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer iueet.ii); V -dnesdav uiht 7:30. All seats fwe. Politj ushers at church servio. s. Sundaychool 0:30. S. 'V. Brewer, Supt. BAPTIST EST KNI) M1SSIO.V. Pun lay : cli.'ol 3 3 i'r in. Services II a. m tnul 7:30 p m. TAHERNAl'I.E REV. A. M. S'lIM', PASTOR. Preu'hii k at II a 111 and 7:30 i m Sunday school !):1S. N.U.llronghton, Supt. PAYE'TKV'I.I.E HTKKET. REV O I, HTKIXliriKI U, P'SrOR. Sunday School at H: 5 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. IHKITIAX. CIIltlSTIAN RKV J. I,. FOSTER, PASTOR, Sunday school 0:30 a. iii P.eachiiiK at I' a in a ,d 7:30 p ra. All cordially invited. PHESUYTKRI'VN. ' PIR8T RKV E JOKNE HASIKIj, D D, PASTOR Sunday school al 9: 30 a iu. Precliim at 11 a to and 7:30 p m. Cjrdiul invi'ation o all s-r ice-. , V Couldn't Kick Much. How is your sou doing college this year? Mother lie. d tu't seem to have the least ambition. Just like his aged father, . " ' .. He don't stand well iu his classes, eh? ' . Mercy, yes; lie's up in them, but he can't kick a football more than twenty When Baby was side, we pave her Castorla. When she was a CliilJ, she crieU tor Castoria. When she became 3Iiss, she clung to Castorla, , When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. W P Praper. drntreist, Pprinprfleld, Mass writps: Japanese PI'o Onreha enred a larlv 8 years afflinted; could not walk half a mile in tbe last three Tears; now walks any distance. For tale by John T Mao&ae. WOMEN ALWAYS TIRED. Mrs. Henry Ward B.jecher Says Sli a ILn Known BIT HALF A Ixi7i;N WOMEN WHO WCFE TlluKul i.ilLV WELL. Hi? ii Lionu-stic Tasks Over duins Tlu'ir Nervous Forie. 'Among all my friends aud the number of my a-'iuiiutain-ea has nec essarily been ra'ber lirge," say Mrs. Henry W.irl liee her, "I can re call bur half a d 'zeu thoroughly well women." So many, in or b-r toobia in the repu 'aTioli f bi-ine; j;i nd luniswi es, work fro ii m'r.i':i .' 1:1! i iuh'. ookiug, sweei:i;r en ! in ,-i h .) lllin..'. A'b .t . iii I the house . .ok lile if I ere n I clistiiii y i,i.,ig after it?" Ii n!d . tf- in'v l-.rd; a - . id deal in. l..ii: eliLe ii l'ie wife and the in. ih-r kcj'l h. r h .ilt'i anl high tpiiits in-N-.-id of growing old and v n ew,. i u I,- i;i t;(. struggle with dust ;mi I the n... , ( i heir tired, aching ner -s :nl pale watery blood that daily b-cines more and more badly lio'ii i-died. It is not the healthy, weariness of muscle an 1 brain, s i easily forgotton after a l'hoI nblit's sleep, but it is (be weari'iess that remaius lid morning, and follows one through t'i day, tht should cuise anxiety and a desire for prompt relief. When the and the blood Ve thus bee-line so badly nourished and the tt-ength thus reduced, foot' foo l appropriate for building up ti e ner .ous tissue and rest are the plain and simple means, in factJJ the only means of restoring vigor and health. All th material so urgently needed by the million of exhausted ner e (tells and by the,' thin, depleted blood are found in that remarkable invigor, the food for the brain a ud nerves Paine's i elery compound. It lills the nervous and muscular tissifi-s all over the body with the means of rapid growth, the blood gains new red cor puscles and grows ruddy and capable of thoroughly feeding the body. The strength returns, and headaches, dys pepsia, neuralgia and nervous debil ity disappear when the tone of the system has been thus raised and the body abundantly supplied with fresh, life-.viving blood. The very llrst, week in which this pet-fuel ner', e food, Paine's celery compound, is conscientiously employed it will declare its tonic '-effect by the feelingof returning strength, a marked increase iu the appetite, freedom from pain and depression. ".' Paine's celery 'compound cures radi cally and-permanently rheumatism, heart weakness, diseases of the liver and the kidneys, and encourages the excretory organs to expel whatever impure humors' there may be in the blood. This is evident by the healthier, cleaver condition of the skin th'il physicians say invariably follows when they pres ribe Paine's celery com pound, as .they so commonly do where the body needs building up and when reco ery is slow after aeute diseases. 'Here. in the evperien e of Mir. E. L. of Putney, Vt., told in her own words: "I had been alii icted with rheu matism and neuralgia for many years. In a yvaranda half I have taken eight bottles of Paine's celery compound and have not been so free from these troubles in 15 years." as I am now. I ad ise all '..ho re aillicted in any way with rheumolisin or neuralgia to use Paine's celery compound. "For the nerves and tired feelings, I think it is the best dose of ambition that 1 have ever found. Before I had taken one bottle I felt almost like another person. Other medicines have given me only temporary relief. Hut the---compound has done me more permanent good than the doctors or any other medicine, and I can hardly feel grateful etioujh for the benefit that I have derived from its use. ' Hitting tne Notes. . Musical shots are the latest thing out in the sensational line. A sharn- shooter, of the name of Pardon,' flres at the metal bars of a set of bells. The ball.jn striking the bar, sounds a note, and the shots follow each other in such rapid auccession aBo with such accuracy that Pardon is capable of "shooting'' any tune required. TJncklen's Arnica Salve. "Trie host 8Rlve )n the world for outs, bruises, 'sores, ulcera, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hauds ohil blalns, poms, anri a'l skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pav required. It. 1s jroaraoteed to give per'" sat'wfaotion or money refund d. Price 85 cents per pox. For aale by Jobo Y UaoEUe. A Horrible Asiatic Fad. Prof. IVsl. thu ethnologist, baa described the Asiatic society the present state of Ihe liea 1-hiinting Na ra of the Asam border. The wo men are to blame for this human weakiie-s of h-ad limiting. The y.oiiig w..iuen "chair" the young men who are not ta'tooe 1, and theu the young ineu go out and cut olf a few heads aud eibi'iit them to the girls. Hut at least half the heads taken are those of women and children. The area occupied i lndi't by ihe head hunters is ale I to be not more than twenty miles square, in whic'i daring the ,,st i.ny years there been 12,(1 K) m ir lers for the sake of these ghastly tr'phies. London News. Ii'-rl'e. I' tw 'ant pnra dplieaip BT'iif r tli r ' ntdej' , Irnu'rlh Wi'l lll'r ' r 0")". -rl J ihpil" t-)eiital Uedi. iiisil Toilet Posp at J McU'e'B .1 pspee l.'f.-r 1 : U ts re t b be ' ft. in i I iu d eb e o- !)v.t e. Ulidail hi bo i f itn'i.t; '0 niHe 'n i vial; Cf. een'S, H .lolin V H'aiR p't Little Icy Folks say that ihe Chi nese tortine their prisoners. Little gii I How? Little boy 1 d"ii"t kn iw. Maybe they have apple dumplings for dinner and don't ah- the prisoners '"y. (loud News. A lions, ho il T'-iiMii D V Full r. of ?Mi..,j d)er! vs t h t t e 'i wh s '( eens ' N w Disc M"V in 'liu lmi' V Y ''IB'' I bi -111 -I. b r i . ill, I r 1 -l::t ll 'ir.ll ''l, N l.e i ' I n ! - Y St M" II ' II' ho IS 'Iti-'nit ' l.e 1 1 ii ed . ; ! h ' !l- 1'" i. f T ii-b' i Di cov. r oigb re .i . ti f inily s fi.-ve- fail- i i it i e ) tn ) t i 1 1. i !...!.,;,. ( f, r if. .T a T ' r ''"i I " i - n I rie.l hi il tf e I ' i ll ln' i If ... 11' .lobl! Y 'f'lplt .' ' driitf store r'i giil:tr t-tso c suit sfl Perhaps it was an Accident. Haiti. nii iito, N. t;., Nov 8. Tues day liiurniiig Wylie Ciji.'kmore, aged 17, residing near here, left home, ac companied by his two dogs. Failing to return, his people became alarmed, went to look for him yesterday morn ing and fo ind him in Swift creek, one mile from home, dead. One pistol, with one loaded car'ridge and empty shells, was found np.m the ground near by. and one othr revolver was found on his person, partly loaded. When found his dogs were by his side, having gnawed one side of his face entirely oil'. I'pi-c Pilis. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they ha ve been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfe tly free from every deleterious substan e and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bo vels greatly invigorate the system, ltegular size 25c. per box. Sold by John Y. Macltae, druggist. A Madrid Scandal. A raid was recently effected 'on a novel kind of gambling den at. Madrid, Spain. When the police entered the place they discovered a small chapel or oratory. A gentleman was stand ing at the altar preaching a sermon, while the rest of the company were kneeling and .praying. The poli.e were,, not to be battled iu this way. . They mi le a '..'thorough search of the premises and found that by pressing a lever the chapel could be transformed into a gambling sa loon, and vice versa, in an incredibly short space of time. The gamesters were recruited, from the cream of Madrid society, and interesting par ticulars are likely to conn out at the trial." A LAUY S TOILET Is not complete without au ideal : OlPLEXtOM I POWDER. B B POZZOuI'S . Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Intiit upon baring tht genuine. IT IS F0 ! SALE EVERYWHERE. for Infants ( utorl Uhow.-II j.liiiliofliilitrrallut 1 r.'.Miur-rt'ti'l il uji K;i4Tir t"aiiy ir4ripiiun l.j inc." II. A. Au. in R, M. I'., Ill So. lnl..r 1 : t , llnx.ilj u, S. Y. "Tin- ua of Casl..ri i i ho iiuocrsal and lis ii.i-.-it.-. x well ku. n I !t it b.'ein a wurk .f kii.T.T...-ation to enJ..rse it. I Vw are Hie intelli--. i.t f.iinilieH w!i d ii t k.-. pCasUiri V il liiu c;,. r':.-U," I'tuKiH JUaivs, r. )., New York City. Tb C'kktai'R FOR THIS FALL. I have put in a stock of TOILET St)AIM, Fancy Articles and Suudries, larger than ever; ho when you are ready for any goo'U of this kind, you nee 1 not take what you see and can get, but what strik is your fancy. Special indueetn mts in the matter of price and utility. I have leading makes of Soaps, at prices which can not be duplicated anywhere. For 10 een ' I cm sell you an artiele superior to t'i if ordinarily offered at 2" cents. J. ILVL. BOBBI LT, d:ut31st. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM IMes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula 3 Cf Or- P. P. P. purlflos the blood, builds no thiv weak ami debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expslg diseases, giving1 tho patient health and hrippin&iis where sickness, ploomy foelingsand lassitude tirst prevailed. For primary, r cornJi.rv !i;id tertiary syphilU, for blood poisutih'fr. mercu rial poison,. niaaria, Uy.-jj('psia, and in all blo-id and skin diee-;en, like jlotchos, pinipit'i-. ciu chioo-o ulcera, tetter, scaid head, bous, er.vjsipolas, eczema we may sry, wlihorc fear or C(HitradkM:lon,that; P. P. P. Isthebest blood iurilkr in ifio world, and makes j-'sitiv6, spoody audporoiaij-jQt cures in all cases. Lailies whose systems nie poisoned and whose blood is iu an impure condi tion, duo to menstrual irrot;i'larities( are poeclinrly bcnelited by I he won doriul tonic aud blon,i clean si ip: prop erties of p. P. p. - Prickly A n, Poke Koot and Potassium. wiiiiiwwiwii wwiiwrii mm -nrrmmnmm : fipniNOPiELP, Mo. , Ausr. 1 Uh, 1893. I oun speak iu tho lilicst torma of youi medicine from my own personaj KrovlouKe. I waHHiU-cf.ed v.ith heart di-e.ic, pleurisy aud rheumatism for S.i-ynp:i, w.' ticated by the very best i liysici iii'. ann spent hundreds oXdol lar '., tried every known remedy with out lin linsr relief. I have only taken on ot-n ib of your P. P. P., nd can clic rfulty say It has done me more food than anything I have ever taken, can recommend your medfoin a to ail sufferers of the above diseases. MR9. M. M. YE ART. Springfield. Green County, Mo, o cr-j i n n n i n 1 1 n n n and Children Caclorls rurm Colic, Cumitlpulun, Sour Slontacli, llUrrha-A, Eruclation. KilU WurniK, gives sleeps aud prmn t.i di ititm, Witliuut iujuriong nie.liittoa. 'For wvTal yean 1 have ps-oii. -ije4 your '1'af.ttirui, and Khali alwayt cot :iii to do no an it haa luvariubly iodueed I" rcwilu.' F.WWIN V. l'AKUKR, M. 1 Kireet aud 7th Ave., New Y . -fity. Company, 7T McaiuT STHr.rr, Kntr Y'ok:: ; ;rT. 5 Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria E t9 19 and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removea bf P. P.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium, tbe greatest blood purifier on eartb. - Aberdeen, O., Jniy 21, 1891. Messrs. Lipphan Bros. , Savannah, G;i. : Dear Sirs I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Sprlnps. Ark. .and It has done me more good than three months treatmentat the Hot Springs. Bend three bottles C. O. D. Respectfully yours, J AS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. 4 i9 C t9 & Capl. J. D. Johnston. ' To all whom it may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P- for eruptions of the skin. I Buffbred for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on luy face. I tried every known reme dy but in vuin, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely eured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, Savannah, Ga. Skin Cancer Cured. : Testimony from Ihe Mayor of SequinStX. Sequin, Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lipphan Bros. , Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen 1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years' standing, and found great relief; It purifies the blood and removeB all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the ores. I have taken flveor six bottles and feel confident that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved me front Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. 9 9 v book on Blood Diseases 'lour Free. - ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN DROS. PBOPBIETOES, Uppman's Block, AaTaanah, G 9 9