ON HAND Early Peace Expected. Washisotos. D. C, Nov. 31. Offi COil CORK WOOD. Gatun lied Ab, Srini-AnthitciU Coftl (fur stute or grates.) - Pocahontas, Small Lamp, Pocahontas, Large Lump, Russell Creek, larga Lamp, Semi-liituminoos, for grates or stoes. Virginia Splint Coal, I Bitnminoas, Jelliuo Splint Coal, Sjtlatiug grate Tennessee Hplint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Siie Stove Furnace All 1-VfHh Fnnn IIkt Hiss in thin c'Mintry. C li VSONKD Pin a -i J Oak Wood, -nt 0 hi I Mlil fir Ktor-4 and fireplaces, 01 in 8 length". SIINULKS, Lntli, Grain, Hay, Meal, Hrjin, Ire, &., wholesale and retail, at ! em pri -en by JONES & POWELL KaLEIUII, X. C. ; .'k:HONT rf st-uu still stands 1 I'Hive all i.thrn in quality and pric.-. .Several cars always on track, on -iflh Hide of the city. 5th. THEY AUK CHEAPER. No other material entering into the manufacture of a Corset can com pare with FEATHEUBONE. The FEAT1IERUONE Corset Waist is beyond question the most comfort able garment made; it tits like a glove, has all the style of a Corset, and wears like iron. We make a specialty of these goods and recommend them t you without reserve. We are author ized to refund your money after four weeks' trial, if not satisfactory. OUR FALL STOCK Is in and the lowest. prices ' THE.LYOfi' AN EVERY DAY MATTER AT THOMAS PERM'S. You will find always a complete stock of the best v Family Supplies, r Carefully selected as to quality, at lowest possible prices.neatly put up and promptly delivered. . The 'very best -Teas and Coffees, Staple Canned Goods, Canned Fruits. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts (the best.) Canned Sweetbreads (someth'ng new), Canned Saasauge (also new.) au8 tf THOMAS PESCUD Iidiiw J. Johis, Law. H. RoTsras. Bwraea Manager. Aich't & Supt B'ld's B. F . Pabk, in charge yards and ahopa. ROYSTER, PARK & CO. (Baoossson to Ellington, Boyster Co.) MAMjrACTCBIM Of Dcors, Sash, Bliods, Scroll Work MARK Ph 8TAIR HAILS y And all Otber Kinds of Building - Material. Will contract to bui'd anywhere; in tbs '. State, or furnish any kind of material de ,:V aired. . Our shop it equipped with the latest and ' beat wood working machinery We are lo eatt on the 8. K. L. Ballmad, which runs " through the beet timbered lands in North . ' Carolina, from which we get oar logs and out our own lumber. This enables us to fill order! of any I'm or dimension on abort notice. W can cat 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kim has a capacity of 50,000 feet, and we eat, dry and drew lumber for the public . at reasonable rates. Telenhone No. 125. V ',". Our yard and shops are on Wast street, at mtWRnmuof K&toaittMi. fabli WEDDED THE WRONG GIRL John Kobilsky'j Distressing PlicM, Due to a Bad Jjxtrpreter. Wilkbxbabri, ra., Nov. 24. Alder man J'lhu liriftlin of tbia city got him elf hod a Hangarian lad and lassie into a decidedly odd matrimonial pickle yesterday by marrying the man to the wrong girl. Into the court huase marched squire John Perkins, accompanied by a Hungarian lad and a blooming-cheeked Hangarian Uhm. They wanted a marriage li cense, and Perkins acted ax interpre ter, as he ban of late mustered that long-y liable lauguage. 'lhey want to be married, said squire l'erkics, and squire ISrislin voluuteered to perforin the ceremony, after the license had teen duly made out and pocketed by the prospective groom, John Kobalsky, whose bride wsh docketed as rareida Siebelsk. .A wedding ceremony wa duly and legally performed, John and the sup posed Fareida, whose hands bad been joined by Perkins, nodding a half-!- wildered assent to the alderman s questions "you take this woman to l your wedded wife? etc repeated in presiitn.i y good Hungarian inter pretation to the pair. . After the knot had been firmly tied and alilerman Bri&luffTTended his hand and mildly asked for the $3.50, the groom exclaimed in horror: "Me no want to get married. Me no tink you doiug that. This ain't the girl, anyway, and you,,' he shout ed, Blink in-' Ins clenched list in front of Brislin's face, "ain't no priest." Not a word of the ceremony, it seemx, had been understood by the pair, aud John, who had only brought a feminine friend along to help him answer questions and get the license for Fareida, was astounded and very wroth when he discovered the error. Hut the couple were regularly wed ded, and only s decree of court can untie the kn. t to the tying of which both had .so freely, yet misguideJly HS-teUti-d. Moving an Entire Village. It is an un. ninmon thing for a whole town to pa k up and move. But this is going to be done ly the people who live in Katouah, in esk-h-ster county, N. Y. They are not only going to move their personal effects. They in tend to take the houses with them The work of grading for the new Ul lage of Katonah will be begun in a few days, about half a mile south of the present town. Whether the town of Katonah will be a new town six months from now or whether it will be the old town in a new place, is an open question. Only one thing is certain, and that is that thirty days after May 1, 1895, Katonah, if it exist, must not exist where it is. Commissioner Daly of the New York water depart ment decided that the proximity of the town to the water supply of New York was dangtrous, and that it must go A board of appraisers w as appointed to award damages to the property owner? I he city of New York became owner of all the town. A Soldier Musician's Plea. Strange Dayton, O., Nov. 24. The trial of Max Gripprich, a musician, charged with stealing money and jewelry, re ceived a sudden termination. He con fesses his crime, but advan es in ex. tenuation the plea that playing upon the oboe has the tendency to make the performer insane. He is given the minimum sentence of one year. At first the plea was considered absurd but a number of musicians have en dorsed the prisoner's statement. They aver that the reed mouthpiece to the oboe is so small, and it is so necessary to blow strongly in it.that players frej quently feel the effect in their tem pies. A move will be made to get Gripprich off on this ground. Bucklen's Arutca.Malve. The best salve in (be world for cute bruises, sores, nlcers, salt rheum. fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blalns, corns and a'l skin eruptions. ana positively cares plies, or no pa required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund el Price 85 cent per pox. For sa e b John i MAcR&e. Gone Wild Over Gold. Milford, Ky Nov. 24 John Mo" Campbell, a farmer, has appealed to Gov, Turner for protection against the people, who are overrunning his land since the discovery thereon of gold, len thousand people are on bis place. Five thousand dollars were nnearthed yesterday and so far the yield has been $50,000. For collo, scour, sprain , braises uaio, swellings and alt diseases of horses and cattle -Johnson's Magnetic Oil, borse brxnd, pives excellent sat isfaction. $1 00 size 51 cents ; 50 een size 25 cents. Sold by John Y Mae Kae, druggist. Monroe Whalen, of Birmingham Ala, writes: "I purchased six bottles of your Japanese rile Cnre from Mr a mzi Qodden and it has entirely oared me of a case of piles of 23 years st nd Ing; will advise n v friends to use i( For sale by John Y MaoRae Necessity the Motner of Invea tlon. ; He "I wonder who first thought of trying to invent some way to fly?" She "Probably some man wh reached home at 2 o'clock a. m. whe he'd promised to be there at 10 p. m Johnson's Oriental Soap is the most dalicate facial soap for ladles' nse in existence, absolutely pore and highly medicated aaia b J oaa x Mao&aa cials of thettateand nay departments agree tbat the capture of Port Arthur renders China helpless, and no doubt s expressed that overtures for pesce ill be immediately submitted to Japan through the good offices of ministers Denby and Dun. Meanwhile the au thorities are insuring the proper dis- osition of the American warbips in hinese treaty porta as refuges for American ritixens whose safety may e threatened by the panic that conuot fail to spread in hina when the nowledge of the capture of Port Arthur becomos known. Officers of the army and nay regard the Japanese ictory as remarkable, and a shining example of magnillcent military strategy for the Japanese commanders. It is the opinion --of experts tbat the apanese attack on Port Arthur was most perilous venture. Having t'i needed aie'it t more that) iunke it toil l iho Hilvertising t)a1iu-d for them, the following four rem'iies buve reeti k phenomenal sale; D Kinq's. New Discovery, for oo"Mimptio:i coocrrs HD'l coins, each bottle gnartuteed -Llectrio Bitters, the erent r 'i-edv 'or liver stomach aud kidunis: Hucklen's arnica Salve, he next, in the world, and Dr King's ew L.fre Fills, which are a perfect i'l All these reiudies are guaran teed to o just, what Is cUiuied for them and the lealer whose name ii a.'tac hed herewif li will be g'ad to tell yoi more of them. Bold at John 1 M )C ?ae s drnir storo. rrUUXER'S North Carolina Almanac 1 is for sale at Snelling & Hicks' drug store, next to capitol square, on tayettewlle street. Caught in His Arms Little Annie McDonald, aged 5 years, tell Saturday from a tuird story window of a house in New lork. The screams caused Herman Edwards to look up. With rare presence of mind Edwards extended his arms and caught Annie. Policemen arested the child's father on complaint of his wife, who charged Lim with throwing Annie from the window. McDonald's wife sub sequently retracted this charge. Jus tice Tighe found McDonald guilty of assault in the third degree, for seizing Mrs. McDonald by the throat, and McDonald was sent to jail for twenty days. All Free. Those who have uied Dr Kw's Vew Dia covery know its value, and those who bav not. nave now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the adve rt'se.l druggiot anl et t a tri al bottle, free. Head your name ana address ioHK Bunklen & Ob, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pills tree, as well es a copy ot uume to neaun and Household Instructor, fie8 All of which is guaranteed to do vmi good and costs you notning at Jolm x MacKae s drug store. TF YOU WANT to know what promi 1 nent citizens, men and women who have died in the state during the year, with a brief biographical sketch of each, most valuable for reference, get Turner's North Carolina Almanac for 1895. Price only 10 cts. Jerry Landers of Helena shows with pride the largest bearskin ever seen in Montana. Jerry was out hunting last week when he saw approaching an enormous grizzly. Having no weapon but a shotgun, be awaited the bear's approach, and, with a single charge of birdshot, put out both eyes of the rapidly approaching bear. The ani mal still pursued uim by scent, how ever, and was about grasping him Jerry nimbly slipped behind a tree trunk. The bear's skull struck it with resist less stroke, breaking it short off at the base. The mighty tree thunder ed to its fall and came down whack ! upon the Samsonian bear like another Temple of Gaza. The grizzly weighed 1,140 pounds. When Baby was Rick, we gave her Castorla. When she wag a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she become Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Little Jack prays every night for all the different members of his family. His father had been away at one time for a short journey, and that night Jack was praying for him as usual. "Bless papa and take care of him," he was beginning as usual, when sud denly he raised his head and listened, "Never mind about it, now, Lord," ended the little fellow; "I hear him down in the hall 1" Itchinsr, burning, scaly and crust, scales of infants cleansed and healed, and qnlet sleep restored hv Johnson's Oriental Sop at John Y MacRae's. Johnson's Magnetlo Oil. hors" brand &o, is a powerful liniment e p cially prepared for external use for persons and all diseases of horses and cttle. $1.00 size CO cents. 50 cts size 25 oonts. Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large: lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with bronchitical or lung troubles. TURNER'S North Carolina Almanac is for sale at J no. Y. McRae's drag store opposite Farmer's & Commercial bank on Martin street. nov W. B. SNOW, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. title atreat. for Infants Cutoria ban wr3 adapUd tochDdren tltat 1 rrrmiiiiH'ml It a superior U) any pnwriptioo Lnuvn In UH-." JL-A. Aui iirn, M. 1' , HI Su. Oxford IX., I:ruuil)-n, X. V. "The ii w of 'Castoria ii so universal and Its ineriu ku well known Hint it Mv-maa, work of super. miration to endnrxe it. Few are the intelligent families who do u keep Castoria within eay n'o.-h. Or.lt Mamttx, P. P., Kew York City. The Cnrrara IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH! BY COMM' X CONSENT IT 1 DJUDGED A N U DKCKH. D THAT A MAN If he in.luljr.w in die luxury at all slioulil smoke only the HKSI' CltrAKS. Among the many brands I carry the following a re popular with CONNOISSEURS: El Soltero, ... 5 cents. Si. 1. n Shingle, ... 5 cents, liobbitt's 108, ... 5 cents. Tansill's Punch, ... 5 cents. Spot ting Club, ... 5 cents. La Eiita, - - - 5 cents. Cherokee, - - - 5 cents. Sa' orosa, - - 5 cents. Resagos (all Havana), - - 5 cents. Lady Gertrude (all Havana), - 5 cents. Live Indian (2 sizs), - - 10 cents. Flor de Teller (Londres Perfect),' 10 cents. Dult e de Cuba (Havana, 3 sizes), 10-15 cts. La Fortuna, Perfect, - - 10 cents. De Witt Clinton (Key West), - 10 cents. Coronet Bouquet(lvey West),- 10 cents. Lyceum Bouquet, Invincibles, 15 cents. Roig's Cabinets, - - 20 cents. X o US X h m s D O o m Q 111 m 3 D. ftffal. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium Makes iE Marvelous Cures IS in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purines tho blood, builds np the weak and aebilttated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary, sroondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skfn diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas, eczema- we may say, without fear oi contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier in the world.and makes f positive, speedy and permanent cures n all cases Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood Is In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blond cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own persona! Knowledge. 1 was affected with heart disease, plenrlsy.md rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best ihyulcians ana spent hundreds of dol ars. tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., md can cheerfully say it has done me mora good than anything I have overtaken. I can recommend your medicine to all offerers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEAET, Springfield, Green County, llo. BTOWUJ. DUNN, Wkoknl B B and Children. ranturia curve Colic, dmAlpation. hour rU.Muat h, piarrhuta, hructalioo, kills Worms, (rives sleep, and projuot.-s ill Kt-stlon, Without injurious medication. "For several year I have recommended your 'Castoria,- and shall always continue to do so as It baa invariably produced beneileW results." Edwin F. Pardie, X. D, ltu Street and " Ui Ave., New York Citj ConraKT, 77 Ui aaaT Strut, New Yoaz Citt. Bobbitt. rimpies. aipicnes and Old Sores z2 : . . . . Catarrh, Malaria g and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P. P.P. ' Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on earth. Abebdre, O. . July 21, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savaonab. Ga. : Dear Sirs I bought a bottle ot your P. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and it has done me more good than three months' treatmentat the Hot Springs. Send three bottles-O. O. D. Respectfully yours, J AS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Cup t. J. D. Johnston. To all vhom U may concern; I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an nn- ' sightly and disagreeable eruption on . my face. 1 tried every known reme- -dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was nsed, 1 and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHlf ST0N, Savannah, Ga. . Skin Cancer Cured. Tettimont from the Mayor oSejttin,Tex. ' Beuotk, Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippman Bros. . Savannah, ' Ga. : (Jentlemen1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, ot thirty years' , standing, and found great relief: It purines the blood and removes all lr- ' rltation from the seat of the disease . and prevents any spreading of tha sores. I have taken live or six bottles ' and feel oonfldent that another oonrse , will effeoc a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and stoma oh 1 troubles. Yours truly, , CAPT. W. ft. RTJST, Attorney at Law. ; Bocx on Blood Diseases MP Free. ' ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. ' LIPPMAN 3R03. PROPRIETORS, Uppmsm's BloektoTsuUMh, te id SaUil Agwita. Osjlotte, N. L Indigestion, Billioasnea, And all stomach troubles ar rure I y Po F P. I'ricklyAnh, lVkrKo.it aiidl'ot"-.i mi. Rheumatixin is cured by 1. 1'. 1'. Pains and acbri in the 1h -k .-!i u I l.i knees, aukles and wrists are all a ; -tacked and conquered by i'. 1'. 1'. Thi" great medicine, by it lil.i.i.t cleansin properties, litiiMs up find lit relict liens the. ullole ltly. Nothing is ho etlica inns .in I'. 1'. I', at this season, and for toning.' m., in vigorating and as a xtreiif;tlieii, i an l appetiser take 1. 1 P. It tliros the malaria and puts you in I i-oii-ditlon. Abbott's East Iudian ('rn VaUtt cures all corns, warts and luini mis. Hurwell Si Duuu, Vboleali- ;uid He tail Agents, Charlotte, K. C. Hand polished i urtiin poles 20 cts. cacb at Thomas & Alaiweli's. Spcond Hand AND OTHER AHTIC'LES FOR SALE CUKAP. 6 Walnut Parlor Chairs, 1 'IVi.-.i-t. i,-. 2 Hocking Chairs, 1 Ash Extension Table, 8 feet Imv-r. 1 large Kitchen Safe, 1 small Kitchen 8a fe, 1 round .Marble Top Tai-le, 4 large Dining Tables, 6 feet 0 iin-hes long, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 large Mirrors, best French Has;, 1 Trundle lied, 1 Feather Bed, 1 high Desk, 4 feet long, 1 Iron Safe, 3 Show Cases, 1 Indian (cigar sign), 1 SpicefCabinet, 4 Tea Cans, 1 Turning Lathe, Several pairs of Scales, 3 large Saloon Lamps, 1 large Cooking Stove, 2 Pool Tables, 1 Delivery Wagon, 1 Rockaway, 1 one Horse Power Steam Hoiler, A. W. FRAPS, Eist Davie st., 2J door from Fay ocl8 2 etteville st.. Room So. 1. REMOVAL. The undertaking establishment of John W. Brown is now in new quar ters, at the corner of West llargett and South Salisbury streets. '1 he es tablishment is prepared to furnish coffins and caskets, of all styles, at all prices, and to pay special attention to undertaking, embalming, &c. Tnesu tiny Capsules nr- riUt In hniiru u'ial..... inconvenience, nllectioiiHfMirY in which Copaiba, ('u-V,"w neos ana miccnoiis mil. cai A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POHPLEXIO 3 POWDER. pozzoNrs Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when ricritlv licpsl ic in,riei'Kl.a A .r.r.i. m delicate and desirable protection to the face m this climate. Insist upon having the genuine. IT IS tO'i SALE SVERVVHFRc W.L; Dowlas S eLSSTiEr ISTHE BEST. Wtat dllUka NO SQOEARINri CORDOVAN, F RENCH& ENAM ELLEO CALF. 43.5PRNECALF&iAt;GAR0! 43.5PP0L1CE.3SOLE3. $2so.$2.W0RKINGMEfj EXTRA FINE. 'xi 2.I.7-5BoysSchoolShdes. LADIES' '502. SEND FOR CATALOGUE W-L'DOU&LAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yon can SBTe money by purchasing V . 1.. Dougin rhoes, Because, we are the largest manufacturers oi advertised shoei in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against hiRh prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fittiuR and wearing qualities. We have thcra sold every, where at lower prices for the value Riven thai; any other make. Take no substitute. If youl dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by HELLER BROS. JAPANK -CURE A New and Complete Treatment, con i-liu ot 8UPPOSITORIE8, capsules of Oiiitmuut and -m Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles of every nature and decree. It mnkos nr. p;.irntTon with tho knife or Injections of carboltn ac;d, wh-.eh are painful and eeldom a permanent e.,., im.l ofle resuitina In death, nnnecescsry. Why erujur this tarrlble disease? Wf Bu:trant4e S boxes to cure any case. You only pay for benefits received, tl a box, 6for $5. Sent by mall. Guarantee Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION by Japanese Liver Pellets the mat LIVER and. STOMACH REGULATOR imd BLOOD PtJRIFIEK. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. eu Doses i wnta. nRAKTEESIams4 Tulyby JhQ 7. AImRm DragUt, RUelglx O. i 4 59 .1 If sl r

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