Ghouls Caught at Wore. Ksi ' im, Mo., Nov. H la ths act -f r-ut mg grates iu iak Urbv. cemetery student of the univer sity medical college of tbia city were caught at tuidnight last night. Resi dents disco, vred the party of ghouls at work and blockaded the eiitrauce with agu and carriage, standing guard nli revolvers and shotguns. Then men liad been oo the alert for sotr.ethiug .-f the kiad, as several graves iu the cemetery have recently beeu robbed. The p -litie arre.ted A. K. Zimmer man, who was guardiug the team that was to receive the dead body, and seized his companions, all of whom are juniors. Zimmerman declared the ghoulish work had the sanction of the college faculty. Lashes and Eyebrows. Never tut or trim the eyebrows. Their beauty in ludes delicacy deli racy in cur e, width and teiture. Trimming them d."troys this by caus ing them to gi" coarse, stiff and wild. To get the the well defined, narrow arch, many I eanties pinch the eyebrows, after anoint nig them with oil to make the hair glossy. A stray wiry or (tray hair may be removed with a pair of tweeters, but should never be cut. On the other hand eyelashes are cultivated by clipping them once a year Hairdressers call it topping them and the term is pertinent. Only the irregular tip ends should be cut, and this can only be done by an other. Cutting the lashes weakens the eyes; reiueinl er that. Derivation of "Grass Widow." The phrase "grass widow," or rather "grace widow," for the first has no foundation in fat-t, and is simply a barbarism or fungus which lias attached itself to the English language. "Grace widow" is a term fur one who becomes a widow By grace or favor, not of necessity, as by death and originated in the earlier ages of European civilization, when divorces were granted but seldom, and wholly I y authority of the Catholic church. When such decree was granted to a woman the papal rescript stated "Vi diica de gratia," which interperted is 'widotf of grace." in the French it would read "Veuve de grace," which in England gives "widow of grace," or "grace widow." A. Vast Treasure Stolen Jloukden was up to 200 years ago the capital of China. Since that time $5,000,000 a j ear has been stored there. The Japanese wanted to get this vast sum of fl 000,000,000 But a strange story comes from Monkden. When the Japanese reach Monkden to pos sess themselves of the fabulous for tunes accumulated there they will not find the billions of taels, supposed to be safely stored in Moukden's great vaults. The treasury, according to the story, is empty now and has been so for years. Some one has removed the hoarded wealth and this theft of the price of empires has remained un discovered, thanks to the confidence reposed by the superstitious Chinese in the protecting power of their many gods A Big Bond Issue for the South ern Railway. Thq banking house of J. S. Morgan & Co., London, will shortly issue four million pounds sterling of 5 per cent, mortgage bon.ds redeemable in 1994. of the Southern railway company. There will be a general mortgage of 24,000,000, (.$120,000,000) but 16.000, (XX) pounds thereof will be issued in exchange for old bonds and'4,000,000 pounds be reserved forissnein annual blocks. The 4,000,000 to be issued will probably be put out immediately at the price fixed, 88. He WasBeheaded. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 24. It was an awful sight that the coroner's jury had to look at this evening. Frank Harton was found by the side of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, four miles from here, with his head cut off and his body horribly mangled. He had been in this city with a pocket ful of money on a spree, and is thought to have been murdered and robbed. The police have a clue to the mur derer. ; Terrible Epidemics at Detroit. Ravages of small pox and diphtheria have thrown Detroit into a partial panic. The spread of the latter dis ease praticularly has been rapid. There are several hundred cases. Va'nab'e Land For Sale. ?. H. Fallen, plaintiff, vs. A. H Pleas f ntr, 8. D. Cook and others. Superior court On Monday, the 24th day of December, 18!H, by virtue of au'hority conferred npon me in the above int'tled civil action latelr depending in Wake Superior court. I w'll exnose for sale, at the can't bouse doo, in Kslpigh, at 12, o'clock m , and sell to the highest bidder for rash, all that tract or par cel of land in Wakconnty, North Carolina, ji hiteoak township adjoining the lands of Nancy Howell, V. . Doud, B. Passmore and others and mon fully descrioel In the complaint and in a deed rrorded in book No 110, page 45. iu he office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, containing 217 ' acres, more or less. W J. Pbelk, fom'r. Prrix fc Matnjjd, Attorneys. '15 MAKE THE BEST, BATTING ever sold in this state; 10 cents a pojnd. Ralbwh Cottos Mills. A new lot of baby carriages just ra wit id, at Thomas & Maxwell's. THE WjiATllfeR. The Conditions and the Fore cast. Forecast for North Carolina : Fair, warmer. Local forecast fur Raleigh and vicinity: Tuesday, fair, warmer. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperature 50; minimum temperature SO; rainfall, 0.00. The pressor being high over the middle Atlantie states and low over the northwest country, the eonditiona are favorable for continued fair weather here. Aa the "low" now central over Minnessota advances east ward the winds will become southerly here and the temperature will rise. This will occur on Tuesday. Fine weather prevails everywhere this morning, except in the vicinity of the low" mentioned above, where it is cloudy, with chances for rain or snow during the day. It May d ng Much for Ton. Mr Krrd Miller, of Irving, 111. writes tbnl he bad a severe kidney trouhle for ma' y years, with severe a'"is in his back and also that his bla 'der w s affected. He tried UMiy so nailed kidney cures but without nv good remit About a year ao he began use of Klectrio Hitters and found relief at once Electric Bit'ers is especially arfaptrd to cure of all kiinev and livr troubles an-1 often gives sluioet instant relief One trial will prove our ftate wt Price only 60 for large bottles, at John V MacKae'a drugstore MEN'S FINDINGS AND FULL DRESS. Our department of findings for men contains the newest and best styles for full evening dress. The correct ideas in Manhattan shirts, E. & W. collars, cuffs. Auer back's neckwear, Irish linen cambric soft finished hemmed stitched hand kerchiefs, Fien , h lisle and silk half hose and Johnston and Murphy's pat ent leather shoes. The American Hosiery Co.'s full regular, close fitting, fine ribbed wool en underwear, the ideal underwear to use with dress suits, allowing the most perfect freedom of motion, ease and gratefulness. W. H. & R. S. Tucker 4 Co. Q7" fA A WEEK paid to ladies and tJ.Wgnt,, to sell the Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and dries them in two minutes without wetting the hands. No experience necessary; sells at sight: permanent position. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Colum bus, Ohio. FORSYTH E BROS., PLAI! AND FANCY GEOOEBIES. WE SOLICIT YOUK TRADE. 122 EAST MARTIN S i'REET. Hp! JOHN U. SMITH'S Regulator Pure Corn Whiskey and Rock Candy Syrup. It enlivens the tongue, freshens the memory and builds np loss of appetite. I carry the largest stock of Whiskies of any house in the city. I can give you goods from six months' old to six years' old. After the ball is o'er, After the break of morn, Give me a drink of John Smith's old Corn. " Johnnie has got the corn, made not far from this place, Neither addles your brains nor swells your face. Don't forget me, I'm still in the ring, With the best to drink of everything. Go on away and let me pass it For I'm going to John Smith's for a drink of Harry Bassett; Go away and let me be For it is prescribed by Dr. Jim. McKee. Your respectfully, JOHN U. SMITH. Norfolk -and Carolina Railroad Condensed schedule, in effect December 8, 1893. No 23 Daily 8 40am 9 44 a m 10 38 a m 11 48 a m 12 07 p m 12 45 Dm No 103 Ez Sun 2 10 nm 405pm 3 W p m 6 25 p m 8 60 p n 6 25pm Stations Lv Norfolk, Ar Suffolk, Tunis, T'obgood, Tarboro. Rocky Mount, Williamaton, Plymouth, Washington, Kinston, Wilson, Ooldsboro, v Wilmington, Fayette ville Florence, Charleston, Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Selma, Raleigh, tf reeiisboro, Asheville. No 23 daily connects 7 ou p m 920pm 7 31pm 7 35pm 1 45 n m 11 23 p m 2 55pm 7 20am 5 3'Jpm 1000 am 4 20 p m 1 15 a m 7 05pm 327am 11 00 p m .6 50 a m 10 00 pm It 05 a n 830am 412pm 214am 823am , ;8 40 a m 1 36 a m 245pml3 05m 4 05pm 1720pm 4 00pm with AOL train 23 lo all points south. i No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes close connection at Hobgood for Washington, Kinston, Plymouth and all Eastern Carolina points; also at Rocky Mouut with AOL train 3 for all points south. Tra'ns arrive at Norfolk at 6 06 p m daily also at 10 26 a m daily except Snndap. . , JlNEUGSBAUKR, I Passenger and Ticket Agent JAMES FMAUPIN, General Forwarding gent, T M EMERSON, General Freight and Passenger Agant. Q M SERPEUsGeoeral Manager? A SUMPTUOUS FEAST Ml . TflANKSGING WEEK- A feast that will tempt tempt the appetite of the most economical byer. Note the following lit of Seasonable, Fashionable and Serviceable Goods: Men's Suits and Overcoats. The sale of our (IS Suits and Overcoats bas been so grt-at that we are euthusiasti.' over our leadrihip at that frir. This - week yon have choice at f 15 oer all Suits and Owcoat uiai ked 10, $17 and (18. Mackintoshes. Ws made a firm an offer for 300 of 'em and they accepted. They s re checks, plaids color. The prices originally were $7. (7.60, $8 and (8 60. Our Thanksgiving week price, $5. Children's Suits and Overcoats. We never forget the boys ver. This week yon have the privileges to select auy boys' long or short pants suits or any overcoat in our extensi e itiveiiile department at 15 per cent lews than the regular price. Mothers! This is our I hanksgiving week compliment to your b..ys. A few more Reefers at (3 93; not half what they are worth. Single Vests. We found about 200 in our sto. k. Their values are $1.25. (1.50, 41.75, (3 to $3 50. Our Thanksgiving week price 9S rent, lie qui. k andarly to catch one of them. Tho fall weight Over. oats, whnt is here yon hate choice of at half price. I Underwear. Twenty doxen natural wool Fudershirt and Drawers to mstcbj the regular price is (1 50, our Thanksgiving week price (1 Ail sues in cluded. British Hose. About ten doxen in all; sold at 25.;; Thanksgiviug week price, 2 pairs for 25t:. Neckwear. We had not the time to make a wido v display, yet we give you ihoice of all our25 . Neckwear. Come and sele t what you like for 19c. this week only. We have many more attractive prices all through our stock and expect to do double the usual business this week. 1 'rices are made accordingly. S. & D. BEF.WANCER, LEADERS OF FASHION AND LOW PRICES. BE WARM AND COMFORTABLE. The cold weather has fairly set iu and with it co-iics the desire to be warm and comfortable. What s iusurcs warmth a ml comfort as a good Overcoat? We have on our overbu-dened counters the largest, and finest display of Overcuais ever offered, in all fabrics, Melton, Chinchilla, Beaver, Cheviot, Tweed, Homespun, in all colors and weights, and at prices ranging from $3 to $30, the prod act of the Hnest manufacturers in the country, and made especially for us, after our design-). MEN'S CLOTHIJSrO-. Every gentleman desires to be well dressed. An inspection of our stock will convince you that we have clothing which for perfection of workmanship and fit will please the most fastidious. To bd faultlessly attired you should wear one of the celebrated F. B. y. garments. None surpass; few equal them. We have reduced them iu price. SUITS THAT WERE (30 00 25 00 20 00 18 00 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 HVnPP WE A 1? We offer thfl elt,brate(1 Tuxedo Underwear, sold U iM 1 ' E lv V V Cil Iv. everywhere at $1 per garment; our price 50 cents pergirment. Wright's renowned all wool sanitary underwear. All grades of underwear sold by us are guaranteed, and at prices 40 per cent lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. ROSENTHAL CLOT HE TO CO., 305 FAYETTE VILLE ST.. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO., Manufacturing Stationers. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. Manufacturers and importers. TATlOfMEIRY Wholesale and Retail Dealers. . i ... flicecliooi u9plies A SPECIALTY. We can Furnish You SODS) Fay ette viMe t Oxp03it3 Po3t Offioa: W.G. SEP ARK, MANAGER. (23 50 18 75 15 00 13 00 11 25 9 50 7 50 6 00 Anything Ynu May Desire. 9 GO THIS WEEK FOU WOOLLCOTT & SOW. Our dosing Out 9alo is a Grand Success and Will Only Last Six More Weeks. bo Come at Onco nd Secure Some of the Bargains. Remember We A'o Selling Our Present Stock at Cost. LOOK AT CROCKERY. $ 6 50 Tea Sets Reduced to $ 4 75 7.50 " 6.00 SO.OODinuer setsreduced to$16 50 15.00 " 12.00 Tea Plates reduced to 34c. Dinner Plates ' 40c. Serai-Porcelain Cups and Saucers redui-ed to 60c. a set. Steak Dishes, Dishes, Bowls and Pitchers, all at reduced prices. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S CAPS. 75i!. Caps reduced to 49i. $1.00 " ' 60c. V BABY'S CAPS AND HOODS. A large assortment and at cost. PANTS CLOTH 15. a Yard Reduced to 10c a yard. 17c. 12c. " 20c. " ' 16j. " 25c. " 20c. " 30c. " " 25c. " 40c. " 30c. 50c. " " 40. " 60.-. " " 50c. 75 1. " 68. $1.00 " 80c. " CLOTHING FOU MES AND BOYS. If you want any clothing look at our stock. You can buy what we have for New York cost. Men and Boy's Hats 25c. Reduced to - 20c. 50c. " - 43c. 75 " - 63.-. $1.00 " - 80c. 125 " - $105 1.50 " - 1.25 1.75 " . 1 45 2.00 " - 1.60 2.50 " - 2.00 THE ABOVE ARE BARGAINS. We are Closing Out These Lines of Goods Preparatory to Settling up the Present Business On January 1st, Our Senior, Mr. Wm. Woollcott, Will Retire From Active Business. Our Mr. Walter Woollcott Will Con tinue the B usiness After That Date and Will so to New York About Jan uary to Buy a New Stock. s WOOLLCOTT & SOW. OUR PRICES. All Edgeings, Laces and Embroideries reduced 20 per cent. Yd-wide, Umbleached Domestic, 4 1-2j ' Heavy Unbleached Domestic, 6c. 0 4 Shirting reduced to 17-18 12o. iu 4 blurting reduced to 19-21c. Bleached Domestic from 4o. yard. 2,000 yards Outing reduced to 6c yard. All shades and widths in Ribbons, and prices cut 20 per cent, except 5a. Ribbons. All the latest shapes in Ladies' and Misses Sailor and Walking Hats at greatly reduced prices. Straw Sailors 10 cents each. The prke of Trimmed Hats is cni in half. CANTO NFLAHHEL 2,000 Yards 5 a yard, worth 7c. 2,000 6 l-2o " 8 1-S 1,000 " 7c. '10c. 1,000 " 9j. 121-a 500 ' 101-2j 15c. SHOES and BOOTS. 35c. 00 Shoes Reduoed to ' 25c. 75 to 82o. 05 to $1.10. $1.15 to 1.30. 1.50 to 175. 1 1.25 1.50 2.00 TRUNKS. ALL TRUNKS AT COST. WE MAKE PANTS TO ORDER AND GUARANTEE A FIT. PRICES $2 TO $5.