THERE EL! OUR NEW, FRESH STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, UNDER WE VR, Rubber Goods, Umbrellas, &c.v&c, Makes Things L:velv With Us. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS EYEHIHG VISITOR- PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB-CO- THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, US cents per month. Prices for mailing, fi per year, or 25 cents per month. Orfice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BROWN, Sr., M'g'r, Kaleigh, X. C. FRED. A. OLDS, ROBERT L. GRAY, Editor City Editor UALEIUU, DEC. 1, NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If subscilbers fail to gettheir paper in future they will do a favor by re porting the failure to this office. Subscription to the Visitor may be lft at N'o. 327 West Jones street, 324 West Lane street, and 610 East Davie street. A great effort will be made to get the legislature to revive the office of public printer, which two years ago was abolished. The young czar of Russia is suffer ing from insomnia, but he is a little crowded at present, having taken the job of ruling a sixth of the earth and getting married in the same month. The new navy now consists of four first-class and two second-class battle ships, two armored cruisers, six coast aud one harbor defense vessels, sixteen cruisers, nine gunboats, one dynamite gunboat, and six torpedo boats. The five civilized tribes of Indians in the Indian territory are marshaling their influences and their attorneys at Washington to fignt legislation looking to the dissolution of tha tribal system. They are relying on the shortness of the session to help them through. A leading baker in New York offers to make a contract to supply bread it large quantities at 2 l-2c for an 18 ounce loaf. Wheat is down in,price for an indefinite time apparently, an signs of a cheaper bread supply are now to be observed in all the cities. Joseph Brown, Georgia's war gover nor and ex-senator, died at his home in Atlanta yesterday. He was one of the most striking figures in the history of the Sv,uth. He was twice governor and was also chief justice and United States senator. He was a successful business man and worth $3,000,000. His age was 73. The Shoe and Leather bank of New York yesterday offered $5,000 reward for the arrest of Seely, its defaulting cashier. He is in Canada. His pho tograph is identified by the employees of the train on which he went to that country. Ten indictments have been handed down against him by the grand jury. Detectives "jure on his track with warrants. Wei-Hai-Wei, which the Japs will next attack, is the jreat military ar senal of China, but it is not nearly so strongly fortified nor so important from a strategic standpoint as Port Arthur. No doubt exists in well informed circles that Pekin will be in the hands of the Jaranese within a fortnight or so, unless the negotiations for peace are agreed upon in the interim. Kolb, of Alabama, will be wife. than his Rhode Island prototype. Dorr. His designs on the governorship will not reach the "rebellion" stage. "Dorr's Rebellion" occurred in 1842. Both Dorr and King went through the form of inauguration on the same day, as Kolb and Oates will if Kolb carries out his programme. The national government recognized King as gover nor, as it will do in the case of Oates if there be any contest: King was fur nished aid by the government, " Oates will be if he asks for it. Of course Dorr was beaten, though with out any sericas resistance on his part, and on his trial for high treason he was sentenced torimprisoninent f or life, but after being locked up for about three years he was released. i Bradstreet's to day says: "There is no general or radical improvement in business at the south, the southwest or the northwest. But in the central western states, and particularly st some important cities in the old mid dle and New England states, the re verse is true, a material gain in de mand for many seasonable staples haiug itself with a correspond ing increase in volumes of goods dis tributed or orders for f utnre delivery." A New England exchange, in speak ing of the prosperity of th South, says that it is due in no little measure to the great efforts on the part of its people to develop their section. Bnt back of all this, it says, is the supreme faith in their great natural advantages, which only need development to pro duce the most ample return in the way of riches; consequently, to a man they are at work to open up their resources in every direction. There is a strong probability that Georgia will have in full operation a dispensary system similar to that es tablished in South Carolina. The Bush dispensary bill has been pend ing before the general assembly for several days, and the senate temper ance committee agrees to report a substitute providing that in incorpo rated towns where liquor is now allowed to be sold a vender may sell it only on a petition of a majority of the freeholders of the town or city to the mayor and council. He shall then give bond to the ordinary in the sum of $5,000 for the faithful observance of the law. He shall pay $100 to the state and all municipal and national taxes for one year. He shall only purchase liquor to sell which has been pronounced by the state chemist pure and unadulterated, and to retail in quantities not less than one-balf pint and shall not sell to minors or habitual drunkards. No liquor shall be drunk on the premises. GIRL AND MAN DEAD And the Throats of Both Cut A Ghastly Discovery. Watkins Depot, N. Y., Nov. 30. Yesterday morninj? Jennie Caldwell, employe of the hotel Kendall, went to the room occupied by Kate Quirk, another employe, to call her. She did not receive any answer. It was found murder and suicide had been committed. On the front side of tin bed lay the dead body of Kato Quirk. A large carving knife was on the bureau at the foot of the bed. This knife had been stuck into the girl's throat and then turned and withdrawn. She was undressed and covered par tially with the bed clothes. On the other side of the bed lay Charles N. Richards, a restaurant keeper and former landlord of the Jefferson house. He liv in a tool of blood, as his throat was cut in a very ragged manner. He was unconscious but was Dreaming. Tim irirl had evidently been dead some hnnrn. There was a larze Dool of blood on the floor, and it looked as if Richards had held the girl on tne noor and cut her throat. There is a mark on her neck as if she were choked to prevent her making an outcry. The only blood in the bed is the pool in whii h Richards was found lying. Richards was found to! be under the influence of morphine. He died with out regaining consciousness. This morning he trot a small bottle of laudanum from a druggist, and went back to the hotel. It is rue gen eral belief that he had killed the girl before that time, returning after pur chase of of the drug. The intimacy between Richards and Kate Quirk had been a matter of town talk. Made Sic by Red Pepper. Newburo. N. Y., Nov. 30. Pupils of Shiloh colored Baptist chur.h ar ranged last night for an anniversary entoitainment. The Broadway ath letic club was downstairs. Some mem bers secured cayenne pepper, a tin pall and a poker. The pokes they heated, the pepper was placed n tne pail and then the poker was added. l'he result was a sickening smoke that scattered the andience, and made the children so ill that several vomited blood. Two of them it is feared, will die. Warrants are out for the arrest of the club members. An llatUble recipe to win : Hniok ar Specialty Ciirars at Bobbin's. finely, the bunk thief, s'rikes back. Throne h counsel he asserts that high er bank officials are in danger. He aska how could $354,000 be drawn without the defloit showing up. The accused inanliftndled no cash. Karklfo'H ArnlcN Nlv. The bt In the world ' cots, braises, sores, o'cer. salt r-ct o. f er sores, tetter, ehnnp'! t-Mt ehil blslDS, corn" and " sk'n enrMfn, U1 tv'tlelT enr nV. er ro par required. Tr l finrrt1 rr jr've perfee Natt'faeMo" or iione refund ed. Price fi rent per poi. For sn'e by Jobo Y VePn Piue fiber mattresses at Thomas & Maxwell's. Branson's Almanac for 1895 Single copies per mail 10 ceuts 20 copies per mail $1.(10 1 dozen copies per mail 75 1-2 gross per express 3.75 1 gross per express 7.00 Merchants and others will send in their orders at once. To the am. unit of $5.00 in exchange for the same amount in alamanacs. Levi Buanson, publisher. nov 3 tf Raleigh, N. C. Pine fiber mattresses a specialty, at Tbouias & Maxwe"'. We re pea' it. 5 -m(s: Our Spi'lalty ctgitr at J. IIh' Bobbin's. Special Notice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will continues the business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at 310 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at Dughi's, on Fay etteville street. All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas & Maxwell's at 20 cents each. 5 cnts Our Speoitlly fftriir 5 cents, at Bobbin's WHO ARE TUB CHEAPEST JOB PRINTERS IN RALEIGH? For the first ten correct answers to the above question a nice pack of VISITING CARDS will be given to each. OPEN TO EVERYBODY. Contest closes Wednesday, Novem ber 28th, 1894. Address "B. B.," Lock Box 314, Raleigh. - SIGN YOUR NAME PLAINLY. All correct answers received before Thursday, the 29th, will be put to gether and shaken up. The first ten taken from the pile will ' receive the cards bearing name of winner neatly printed thereon. Each contains 00 ) very nice Visiting Cards. SOLID PIECES ok; - Sterling Silver Inlaid In the backs or SPOOKS Forks At Poiit! lloit Iiposcl to Veu AND TH&N PLATED FOUR TIMES AS HEAVY AS Standard Plate. WARRANTED To Wear 25 Years. WILL LAST A LIFETIME. MORE DURABLE THAN LIGHT Sterling Silver AND ROT HALF THE COST. EACH ARTICLE IS STAMPED "L STERLKG IJUID W. II. HUGHES, 127 Fayettrville Street. no 24.1m BE SURE YOU GET TURNER'S N. G. Almanac THI OLD RELIABLE, AND ANNUAL... STATE RECORD. 0 A book of 64 papes the only STANDARD published. Carefully calculated oaoh year lor NOBTH CABQIa, and tuU DA ATS ALMANAC? And God HRid lt then be lights in the firmament of beaven to divide tbe day from the night, and let them be for SIGNS and for SEASONS and for DAYS ana YEARS. Gen. Chap. 1, vere if. of valuable FARM.... HOUSEHOLD in STATE INFORMATION compiled each yen. Sent Postpaid for 10 cents. Address JAS. H. ENN1SS, PUB., RALEIGH, N. C. For sal by merchants, booksellers, drng gUtsy and postmtw UireagkoatUM ft tat. 1 CO OO M ' 0000 j REMOVAL. The undertaking extsblitlnneiit of John V. Hrown is now in new iuar tern, at the i-orner f West llargett and Snuth Salisbury Mrot. 'i he es. talilifthnieiit is ireiinred to furnish collins ami caskets, ( all styles, at all prices, ud to pay spe i ll attention to undertaking, mlaltnui, & . Notice to riy Tax Pa? s. The city tavlist for 1S94 has been placed in my hunls fur collec tion. I will lie in my ollice for that purpose every day from I) a. m. to 5 p. in. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to s penalty of 1 perct. and an addititionil 1 per cent on the lirst day of each mouth thereafter un til paid. ". 1?. HlTTCHIXOS, novl8 30d City tat collector. of AuiniMiMiof Having qualified as administrator of th late KLzabwIi K. (tlenu, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to the uuder.sigued and all person having claims against, the said deceased will present the same to me on or before he 27th day of October, 1S95, or this notice ,vill be plead in lar of their recovery. V. II. KLAKG, o. tSOO.v Administrator. Land Sale. ' By virtue of a decree of the superior court of Wake county, made in the case of John M. Slicrrou, adminis trator of S. S. Mangum s. Jos. H. Mangum et al I will sell for cash, on the premises, on the 15th day of December, 1S94, at 11 o'clo k a. m., a tract of land contain ing about 47 1-2 acres, situate in New Light township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of Kidley .Medlin, Klias Allen, Wiley Perry.Wm. llucka day aud others, heiug the laud lately owned by S. S. Mangum, deceased. Title good. Sale for assets. Johx M.Shekkon, Com'r. nov. 13 tds. Sale ci Land. By authority of a mortgage from Lynn B. l' and wife, recorded in book 79, page 247, ollice of Register of Deeds for Wake county, I will on Saturday, 15th day of Deceijiber, 1S94, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of laud iu Panther Brauch township, said county, adjoining the lands of J. J. Young, Troy Britt; Simon Turner and others, containing 100 acres, and known as the Justus Parrish home place, and which is particularly described in the aforesaid mortgage. Also the interest of the said Lynn B. Parrish and wife in a tract of land of 12 acres which adjoins that, above described and par ticularly described iu the aforesaid mortgage. W. T. JONES, Att'y. nov. 13 tds. LAXD IN K LIGHT TOWV SHIP I'Oli SILK, By virtue of a decree of the supe rior court of Wake county, made iu the case of J. B. Lowry, executor of W, J. Lowery vs. W. J. Lowery and others, I will on 'Monday the 3d day of December, 1894, at 12 in.,' sell for cash, at the courthousedoor in Kaleigh a tract of land containing 81 1-4 acres situate in New Light township, about 4 miles from Wake Forest college.'ad joining the lauds of J.M.Crenshaw, P. M, Matigumund others, being part of the tract of the late W. T, Lowery, deceased. Sale made for assets. Title good. J. II. FLEMING, oc29 tds. Commissioner. Valuable Land tor Sale. 3. 8. Pollen, plnin'iff, v3 V K Pleas sntr, 8. D. Cook atid Otlie's.Su, trior conn On MoU('av, "be 24tb rtf.y of Itr'f ember, 1814. by virtu of au h'ify ronf rei upon rue in tbe above iut t) ci civil action latel" depending in Wa'ue upTio- court I will expose, for sale, at he cou't house doo', in RaHsh, at VI o'clock a , and se'l tt the hiahe?t bidder f- r cash, all that trrct or par cel of snd in ak- county. North Carolina, in ""hits Oak township, teing tbe Potri-k . Dow J o'd homrs e d, idjoini'p tie laid of riaDcy Hon el , d. . 1 owd. B Va'snsore ipd others 8nd nior-' fully descrioe 1 in tre O'upli'int and in a dee-1 rcrded in book So 110, page 45. in he effloe of the Register of Deeds f r rtak cojntv, co:itining 2tf acres, m .re or leos. . . v W J. PrK k, ora'r; Pes e&Mays un Itturueys. : MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of autliorityj:onferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed December 1, 1890, by James H. Ray and wife, duly recorded in book No. 113, at page 255, in Register o Deeds pttice ol Wake county, N. C, we will, at the request of said Ray, on Mo. day, the 7th day ot January. A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, forai h, the lands described in said mort gage lying and situate in House's Creek township, Wake county, N. C, about four in les northwest of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of T. W. House, Mrs. Ann Harrison, James Lynn, John and Barzida Emery, and others, containing 40 acres, more or less, being the lands whereon sad Ray and wife now live . Peele & Maynard, ' ; .....' Attorneys for Mortgagee. This 28th of November, A. D., 1394. Mortgage Sole. Ity virtue of authority conferred in a rertaiu mortgage executed by Hugh Campbell and wife, duly recorded iu 1 1 ok -No. 121, at page 513, in Hegister ol UeJ ollice of Wake county, C, e ill, uu jlundy, the 3d day of .icceiirber, A. 1). 1894, at the court .."umi door in the city of Kaleigh, at ii oVlock m., Hell to the highest bid der lor cash, that tract of laud lying andtmuate in Cary township, Wake cuuiiw, M. C, on the U. aud A. A. L. railroad aud waters of Swift i-reek, near tbe village of Cary, adjoining the lauds oi Mrs. Hawkins Jones, Eli Yates, John H. Winder and others, containing 109 46 100 acres, more or j less, more fully described in the afore- mu uioiingr, nuu ueiug a parb ui lue tract formerly owned by Peter H. Knight. This October 31st, A. D. 1894. Peele & Maoabd, Attorneys for mortgagees. Notice of Executor. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Louisa Uooch, deceased, this is to notify all persons iudebted to said estate to make immediate paymeuttothe execu tor, and all persons having claims against said decedent will present the same to me on or before the 23rd day of Octooer, 1895, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Levi Bba.Njjon, Executor of the will of Louisa (ioocl , October 23. 1894. Land for Sale. By virtue of a decree of the superior court of Wake,county, made at October term, 1894, iu th case of G. W. Nor wood vs. Oscar Ligou et als.,I will sell for cash, at the court house door, in Kaleigh, at 12 in., on the 15th day of December, 1894, two tracts of land situate iu House Creek towusbip, Wake couuty, oue tract containing 101 acres, &c, adjoins the lands of J. J. Lynn, Thos. Edwards and others. The other tract joins the above described tract and contains 55 acres. Both tracts are land lately own by Washington Ligon, deceased, and upon which he lived at the time of his death. One tract con tains a dwelling laud out-houses. Both tracts have laud iu cultiva tion and original growth wood laud upon them, and are situated about six miles from Raleigh. J. H. Fleming. Com'r. nol 13 tds. Sale of Town Lots. By virtue of an order of sale by the clerk ot the Superior Court ot vVake county, in a special proceeding to make real assets, entitled. Marion Johnson, admr. Emily Johnson, de ceased, against Cuaries Juhuson et als, the undersigued will offer for sale at the court house door to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 31 day of De cember, 1894, at the hour of 12 in, the following described property, situa ted on Sinithtield street, iu the city of Raleigh, adjoining the laudd of Ma rion Juhnson, Ashley Home aud Cas well Pollard, fronting about 35 feet on said street and back about 240 feet. Terms, one-half cash and the balance in six months with interest at eight per cent per annum from date of sale. Mabion Johnson, no3 tds : Commissioner. Va'oab.e Heal Estate tor Sal . By virtue of powers conferred in a deed of mortgage from ' the Capital City Land Co., dated August 24, 1891, and recorded in book 117, page 241$, to which reference is made, I will ex pose to public sale at the court house the city of Kaleigh, on Monday December l'Jih, 1894, the trajt of laud descrioed in the said deed, ex cepting lots Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 23, sec tion 1; the home of Fabins M. Brigg's, Nos. 22, 32 and 33, section 2, plotted and known as "Oakdale." This prop erty adjoins the land of the estate of Dr. W, J. Hawkins, deceased, on tbe north, Grassy branch on the east, Oak dale avenue and lands of the C, C. Land Co. (bought ol R. H. Woinble, deceased) on the south, North Person street extended and the Louisburg rad on the west It will be sold in parcels and as a whole. Terms of sale casu. A plot ol the land can be seen at the store ot lhoinas Li. Briggs & Sous'. Time of sale 12 in. THOMAS' H. BKIGGH, novlO tds Comini.viiouer, tia. Auticep'ia'airlite t (Anti-cephal-algine.) I'll, (.treat Ji laoue aud Ne.iraigii 'te-vviy. Cares quietly and s.ifeiy heidiJie . in a.l us vncjuj urms. Manaf.only by Prop ,Jss I Johnson, Ualeigh.'&.SOc not. for sale by all druggists. OU J lISTiOIf, a DSALBB IN otaple anl Fancy Grocer ies, Fine Cigars and Tobao -oj. Fruits, Vegetables, Ac, til HUlsborc Street. Land in Oak Grove Township Tit Sale By virtue of a decree of the super ior court of Wske county, in the case I 4.C. Marcom, administrator, d. b. n, e. f a., of Chas. W. Brown vs. Coin iia V. Ferguson aud others, I will, on Saturday, Dec. 22d. 1894. st 12 o'clock ui., sell at the court house door of ! Wake county the following described lands belonging to the estate of Chas. w. iirown, deceased: Oue tract containing 54 1-4 acres adjoining the lands of W. A. Martin, M..C. Jnnen, Marion Jenkins and others. One tract containing about 77 acres, part of tract conveyed to Chas. W. Brown by C. R. Lassiter and wife, adjoining the lands of E. P. Ferrell, W. J. May, Thos. 8. Cozart and others. One lot containing 1 1-2 acres par chased of Mary F. Grady by Charles W. Brown, adjoining the lands of M. H. Crowder, J. J. Corart and others. One lot containing 4 acres, conveyed to Chas. Brown by W. J. May and wife, adjoining the lands of W. J. May, Mary Brown and others. All of said lands situated in Oak Grove township, Wakecohnty. Terms T sale of 54 1-4 acre tract, one third cash; balance in 12 months time, with o per cent interest from day of sale. The balauce of land will be sold for one-fourth cash, with 12 months time and 0 per cent interest on residue. J. H. r LEMINO, nov21 tds Commissioner. Sale of Land. By authority of a judgement of the superior court of Wake county, made in special proceedings the sale of land to make assets, entitled J. 0. Mar coin, administrator, vs. Viney Powell and others, No. 701, I will sell, on Monday, December 24, 1894, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, to the highest bid der, a track of land in St. Mathew's township, Wake connty, and bounded on the east by Joe Horton and Norlleet ICelley, on the south by Dr. Marsh burn and James Temple, on the west by James Temple and J. W. Upchurch, and on tbe north by lands of S. Pace. 'deceased. Terms of sale one-half cash; balance in six months from sale day. J. C. Mabcom, novl9 tds Adm. and Com. Lard for Sab. On the 14th day of December, 1894, at 12 m., I will sell at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, 100 acres of land in Mark's CreeK township, Wake county, being the land alotted to E. V. Richardson, iu 'special pro ceeding No. 639, entitled E. B. Cham blee et al., ex. parte, recorded in book i5, at page 248, clerk's oiHce, adjoin ing the lauds of H. Hunneycutt, W. H. Richardson's mill pond, Dr. Pair and others. Also a lot containing one hlf acre at Wendal, adjoining the. lands of J. B. Nowell and others. Also the interest of E. V. Richardson in the lands of J. A. Richardson, deceased, situate in Johnston county, described in the deed of trust, executed to me by' E. V. Richardson and duly recorded in the register's office, book 121, page i3. Sale made under and by virtue of powers conferred in the deed of trust above referred to and at the request of the cestui que trost. Terms cash. Thos. R. Pdbnbll, nov 14 tds Trustee. Viiaabta Lanl fir Sa . ; By virtue of authority conferred on me as attorney in fact, I will on Mon day, the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, expose for sale at the court house door in Raleigh, North Caro lina, at public outcry, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Wake, in the state of North Carulina, in Cary township, ad joining the lands of E. P. Maynard, H. G.'Morriss, C. H. Clark and H. h. Jordan, containing about 160 acres, being the same formerly occupied by Jefferson Goodwin, dee'd, np to the time of his death. This land lies about a half a mile southeast of the village of Cary and contains valuable improvements. W. J. Pbblb, Atty. in fact. Pbklb & Mainabd, Attys. n3 id CUT FLOWERS, Bouquets, &o. j.--. Roses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and floral designs at short notice.'-; IMP0BTBD BULBS for winter blooming.- Just arrived, a splendid collection of hyaoinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi-. nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. PALHS, FEBN8 . .. and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sagar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Stbinicbk, . the Florist. Tkb Visitor 26jayv25'3

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