i CnrUin Poles tod fixtures, any color, 18c., cheap at 25e. Linen Window Shades, any color, from 35c. op. Lae Curtain from 68c. to f3. Drapery Hooks 4c. set. Draper Cbaina 8c. to 24 -. Curtain Net 10c., worth 15c. Ladies' Teats 23c. ; all wool 08c. Children's Shirt and Pants24e each. J nit received a line of boys' LiU at 10.-. worth 25 . Mali's Crush I-rby $1.00 the bi;.'KKt bargain in Ksleigh. THE LYON RACKET STORE. PROMPTNESS IN THE Laur. fry Busings Means pr.mpt i alls and prompt deliwry. To give sn tisf action iH to give E: NE3T WORK J At Legitimate Prices. If anyone gets ahead of the OAK CITY LAUNDRY IX THIS, "THE MULE ISHIS'N." L R. WYATT, Prop. PHONR 87. ON HAND Am TONS COM , WW CORDS WOOD, 1 Gayton Red Ash, Semi-Anthracite Coal (for stoves or grates.) Pocahontas, Small Lamp, Pocahontas, Large Lump, RusHell Creek, lare Lump, Smni-Bituminons, for grates or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, 1 Bituminous, JeMico Splint Ooul, Blazing grate J'ennessee Spliut Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Size ' Stove ' " " Egg " Furnace " All Fresh From I?kst Mines in this country. rKASOXKD Pine nuJ Oak Wood, cut O and wilit-for stoves and flreplaceB, or iu 8-foot lengths. OHINGLKS, Laths, Grtin, Hay, Meal, 0 Bran, Le, &c, wholesale and retail, at lo.vest prices by JONES & POWELL Raleigh, N. C. . : . t POCAHONTAS steam still stands 1 above all others in quality and price. Several cars always on track, on each side of the city. AN EVERY DAY MATTER : at' THOMASPESCUD'S. You will flud always a complete stock of the best . . Family Supplies, Carefully selected as to quality , at lowest possible prices.neatly put up and promptly delivered. The very best Teas and Coffees, ' Staple Canned Goods, Canned Fruits. Burnett' 8 Flavoring Extracts (the best.) Canned Sweetbreads (something new), Canned Sausauge (also new.) au8 tf THOMAS PESCUD Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of power conferred in a mortgage executed by Wm, Dickerson and wife, recorded in the'oftice of the Regis ter of Deeds of Wake county, book 121 , page 322, 1 will on Monday Dec. 31, 1894, at the court house door, in the city of Ral eigh at 12 m., sell to the highest bidder lor cash the track of land described by metes and bounds in said mortgage, situated in New Light township, Wake county, Nt C., adjoining the ladds of L. A. Wilson, C. C. Keith, W. D. Ray, John M. Crenshaw and others, containing twency-one and a half acres. Thos. R. Purnell, , Attor. for Mortgagee. Thomas tt Maxwell has just received large lot of pine fiber mattressog for people suffering with bronohitieal hug trouble. j Something New. There's something new at our house; I'm s'prised you didn t know it."- It makes papa awful proud, although he hates to sbow it The thing is not so tery big, but money eouldn t buy it; If any fellow thinks it could, I'd like to see biro try it. It's half a dozen things at once a doe, a love, a flower; Mamma calls it a hundred names, and ' new ones every hour; It is a little niusie-loi, with tunes for every tuiuute; You haven't got one at your house, and so you are not in it It puckers up its wee, wee mouth, as if it meant to whistle; A gold mine weighed against it then were lichter than a thiatle: Papa said si. the other night; I thought it souiuiea spienaia. And said it to myself until I fell asleep and ended. Of course you've guessed it by this time, our gift that came from heaven: Mamma declared the darling thing was by the angels gi. en; But then some folks are very slow, and some are stupid; may be I ought to say, right straight and plain, come home aud see our baby! Tomorrow al the Churches. KTHCOPAT. OHEIST CUl'RCH REV. IR. X.VBSUALL. RECTOR. Firs Sunday in Aclvmt. Sunday Pcho l at '0 a. m. Divine service and Holy ron m'inion 11 a m. Eveni" 'ervice at 4:3.1 p in Services during the w ek : Wednesday at 4:30 p ni ana rriusy id m. Fre seats. All invited. 8t PAViore's fnvriL, corner West and Johnson ptrrets. ilev Georg V. tiilreaib, deacon in charge Sunday ouoo' at '0 a f. Dlvin erviro an' sn rmon at 11 a m. Fveni a l r er 8 p m. Pc.Hal1 iree. K very one welcome. CHt'lx'H OF TM K ooon SHEPHERD RKV. I. MCK 1'ITTINOER, RKITOB. Hint Sunday in Adv.t t. Wrriiing. prayrr seimm rnd HoI Com munion at 11 a in Humlav sc.. Oil at 3:30 p m. Kveni"K prayer at;d sermon t 7:30 p. m. Perv cs riming the week: Wednesday at 10 a m . Ft May 5 pjn. Seats free. All cordially invited. MKTHODI3T. KDKNTON ST. M. E. C HKV. .1. ft. COIE, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a m anil TO n m Sunday school 9:30 a.m. V .J.Young.Supt L'fNrnAL M K 11KV D H 1UTTLK. P.VSTOB. Preaching nt II a m iind 7 3) p m. Sunday school at 9:30 a m CITY MISSION AND BllOOKLYN R. H. WIUTAKTB PASTOR Services every Suuday a id weeily prayer meetings as follows: EPWORTIC C1IAPBI Sunday Srhoolat 9:3J p in.TC Williams, Sr, saperijiend' ut. i'r.a-liiug at 11 a m, by the pastor, Rev K H. wnuaser. BROOKLYN. Suuday school ? pm.JH Porter, Supt. Preaching t 7:30 p ni, by lb pastor. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30. BAPTIST. FIRST RKV. DR. J. W. CARTER, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Praver meet.n? Wednesday uitrht 7:30. All seats free. Poliu ushers at church services. Sunday school 9:30. S. W. Brewer, Supt. BAPTIST WEST END MISSION. Funday -ichool 3:30 p m. riervices 11 a. in. and 7:30 p m. TARERNACLE REV. A. M. B'MMH, PASTOR. Preaehine at 11 a m and 7:30 n m. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. AYR'TKV1I.I.E STREET. REV O L STRINGriKI.D, P8TOR. Sunuay School at Ui'S a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN. CHRISTIAN REV , 1. L. FOSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Pleaching at 1 a m aud 7:30 p m. All cordially invited. PRE3BYTERIVN. FIRST REV EJiiENK PANIEI,, D D, PA8TOR Sunday chool at 9:30 a m. . Preaching ac 11 a no and 7:30 p m. Cordial invitation to all service?. ' Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep less, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at John Y. MacKae's drug store. Made No Appropriation. "Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 30. Consterna tion reigns in the ranks of the volun teer militia of Georgia over the fail ure of the legislature to vote the usual appropriation for thtir maintenance. For several years the legislature has aside from $20,000 to $25,000 annually for the military, but the present one has declined to give a cent. This will necessitate abandonment of annual encampments aud will probably result in disbanding a majority of a ma jority of the companies now doing service. .- . . The Disco very Saved Llfr. . Mr. G.Caillouette, druggist.Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. ;King'8 New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but to no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and be gan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We can't keep sfforeor house without it." Get a free trial bottle at John Y. Mae- Bae'a drug store. : GETTING READY FOR TROUBLE- The Authorities at Montgomery, Ala., Pre paring for Kolb. Mohtoonbbt, Ala., Nov. SO. Not withstanding the authorities here dis claim any alarm oier tbe contempla ted actions of Kolb and his threat to be sworn in as governor on Saturday, there are warlike preparations going on in the city. Two loads of sabers have been sent around to police head quarters and guns are being looked after in the armories. Not only this, but the military of the state will at tend the inaugural ceremonies, aud there are other indications that the authorities are expecting trouble with Kolb and his followers. The Kolbile mem1 ers of the legisla ture are sullen and silent. They are non-committal and affect to know nothing of Kolb's intentions. Kolb was in the city yesterday and reitera ted his purpose to be SAorn in as gov ernor and to denounce the incoming governor as a fraud and usurper. He said: "If there is any trouble I will not be responsible for it. I will adopt only peaceable means to secure my rights." A trade maker that pleases I titt customer: Our Nppctaity Cigars at J. Hal Babbitt's. A Woman Candidate for Con gress. Towanda, Pa., Nov. 29. Mrs. Sarah Ulrich Kelly, of Homesdale, today announced her candidacy for the un expired term of the late Myron B. Wright, member of Congress from the Fifteenth district. When Ba!y was sick, we Rave her Castorla. When sue wan a Child, she cried or Castorio. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Und'Mibedlv tli finest for 5c. Our Spict.iUy t igar at J Klal Bobbilt. The German government is about to place or has already placed a propo sition before other countries for an international postage stamp. It is in timated that only certain European countries are expected to adopt such a stamp, but the hope is expressed that the United States will enter the agreement. JobDSoo's Oriental Soap is tbe most delicate facial soap for ladles' nse in existence, absolutely pore ana highly medicated for sale b John Y M acBae The Colorado potato beetle has about thirty enemies, but continues to attend strictly to business without seeming to be aware of their existence. The scientists who are so greatly excited on the subject of microbes should go to the potato bug and be reassured. JohDson'sMsgnetio Oil cures cramps and colic arid Internal neuralgia aDd headache and backache iLstcntly 25 and p0 cents, for sale by John Y MacKao. A fine smoke without a fancy price and with iii reach ot all tor o cents. Our Specialty Cigars at Bob bitt's. It is estimated that the czar of Rus sia's manifesto remits about 50,000, 000 roubles ($27,900,000) in taxes to the poor. Monroe Whalen, of Birmingham Ala, wrifes: "I purchased six bottles of your Japanese Pile Cnr from Mr mzi Godden snd it has entirely cored me of b case of piles of 22 year stand i'lft; will advise n v friends to use it." For sale by John Y MacRae A new lot of baby carriages just re ceived, at Thomas & Maxwell's. For colio, senir, sprain , bruises pavin, swellings and all diseases ol horses and cattle Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horse brand, gives excellent sat' isfacf ion. $1 00 size 5 cents ; 50 cent siZM 85 cents. Sold by John Y Mac Raej, druggist. An undisputed fact! 5 rents. Our frpcctufly igarsat J.Ual Bobbin'. Johnson's Magnetic Oil. hone brand &c, is a powerful liniment ef p cially prepared for external use for poisons and tll diseases of horses and cattle 1100 size 50 cents. 50 cts size 25 onts, Headache, Indigestion, Billiousness, o And all stomach troubles ar cured by Po F Po , Prickly Ash.PokeRoot andPotassium. Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aches in the back, shoulders, knees,, ankles and wrists are all at tacked and conquered by P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleansing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P. P. P. at this season, and for toning up, in vigorating and as a strengthener and appetiser take P. P. P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con dition. v : . ., Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell A Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte. N. C. for Infants (ul or I a hi so well adapted tochlldren tliat I recommend it aumiptviorWany preMcriHi known to me." II. JL Aw nr. a, M. I., Ill So. Oxford St, Urooklyu, S. Y. "The u.w of 'Castoria it m universal and III meriu so well known (hat it ki'iiii a work of supererogation to endorse it. w are the intelligent familiea who do not keep Castoria within ea-.y iva. h," Ciutfis SUhtyx, r. I)., New York City. Tea Ckstavr lOOOO - IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH! BY COM MX IT IS ADJTDGED AND DECREED THAT A MAN If he indulges in the luxury at all should smoke only the BEST C'HrARS. Among the many brands I carry the following are popular with CONNOISSEURS: El Soltero, Srilun Shingle, - - -Bobhitt's 108, Tansill's Punch, - -Sporting Club, - -La Elita, ' . - - Cherokee, - - - Saborosa, Resagos (all Havana), - -Lady Gertrude (all Havana), -Live Indian (2 siz's), - -Florde Teller (Londres Perfect), Duli-e de Cuba (Havana, 3 sizes), La Fortuna, Perfect, - -DeWitt Clinton (KeyWest), -Coronet Bouruet(i(ey West), Lyceuin Bouquet, Invincibles, Roig's Cabinets, - - Q (KHKHKHK0K00 IB DDIPII V ACU D(WC onnT and potassium g: Makes z Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifles the blood, bnlldsnp the weak and debilitated, Klves strongth to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. For primary .sr oondary and tertiary syphilis, lor blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema- we may say, without fear or contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes fiositive, speedy and permanent oures n ail eases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure oondi 1 tion. due to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benettted by the won derful toulo and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. Springfield, Mo, .Aug. 14tn, 1893. I oan apeak in the nlghest terms of our mediolne from my own personal nowledge. I was Affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every Known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., tnd oan cheerfully aay It has done me more good than anything I have ever taken, lean recommend your medicine to all uflerera of 'the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YE ART. . Springfield, Oreen County, Mo. BUBWKLL DUNK, WbolMtl S B and Children. Cantoris cun Oolic, Cotutlpatlon, Sour Ktoinach, Diarriuna, Eructation, Kill Vt'omu, give sleep, mad promote dl g.stiun. Without injurious medication. For several years I have rvcomnirtidrd your 'Cafctoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced benefici' results." F.uwm K. Pardee, M. D., 1.5th Street aud 7th Ave., New York City OoMPiNT, 77 MirbaT Stbxct, Vkw York Cm. O - OOOO - CONSENT Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, malaria and Kidney Troubles -ITlCKiy ASM. ruiLV xwviu buu ruuw nliim. thA creatnRt hlond Durifler on earth. Aberdees, O., Juiy 21, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros. , Savannah. Ga. : Dear Sirs I bought a bottle ot your P.P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark. .and It has done me more good thsn three months treatment at the Hot Springs. ' Send three bottles C. O. D. , Respectfully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County , O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all irlimn U may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my faoo. I tried every known reme dy but in vain, until P. p. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J.D.JOHNSTON. Savannah, tia. Shin Cancer Cured Tettimony from the Mayor of Sequin,TtX, Biquih, Tex. , January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lippman Bros.. Savannah, Ga. i Gentlemen have tried your P. P. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years' . standing, and found great relief: ic purifies the blood and removes all lr 1 rltation from the seat of the disease , and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken flveor six bottles ' and feel confident that another course , will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from ladigestion and stomaon troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Diseases Hmi fibs. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. ' LIPPMAN 3ROS. ; PROPRIETORS, IJppman's Bloek,Savauinl,Cla ad BUU CbirlotU, N. 0. 1 1 ''f. JOHN U. SMITH'S Regulator Purs Cora Wbiakry and Rock Candy Syrnp. It enlivens tbe tungo, frehbf us tli memory and builds op loss of ap . tii. I carry tie largeHt stork .f li.,ki.s cf any bouse in th city. 1 t-.iu pivn you goods frein sii luouibN .. t fix years' old. After tbe ball is u'er. After the break of morn. Give me a drink of John Smit h'a oM Corn. Jobnnie has got the mrn, m.i'l.- wi far from this plac.-, Neither addles your trains imv swells your face. Dou't forget me, I'm still in the riii, With the beat to drill k of e rrv tiling. Go on away and let ine j is it For I'm going to John Smith's fir a drink of Harry Uansett; Go away and let me be For it is prescribed by I)r. Jim. McKee. Your respectfully, JOHN U. SMITH. Extra bargains in furnitur.- nt Thomas & Maxwell. Hed loungeK wiih detachable mattresses a specialty. Ahdsiw J. Jos is, Len. H. P'lYTKS, Business Manager. Arch't & Sunt. H IJ'g B. F. Park, in charge yards anil shop. ROYSTER, PARK & CO. (Successors to Ellington, Koystsr Co.) KANCrACTCBKBS OT Doors, Sasii, Blinds, Scroll Work, STAIR HAILS And all Other Kinds of BuiMit.g Material. Will contract to bui'd anywhere, in tue State, or furnish any kind of material tip sired. Our shop is equipped with thelate' t and best wood working machinery. Ve n.m lo cated on the 8. L. Railroad, which runs through the best timbered lands in Nonh Carolina, from which we get our ios n 1 out our own lumber. This enables us to ri 11 orders of any size or dimension on Bliort notioe. W can cut 18,000 feet a dav. Our Dry Kiln has a capacity of 50,000 feet, an I we cut, dry and dress lumber for the public at reasonable rates. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops are on West street at west terminus of Sdenton street. fehi! Hand polished curtain poles 20 cts. each at Thomas & Maxwell's. .; . rt.ni in nours winiout .1 inconvenience, nlli cliuiiHl HlnY in which Copaiba, Oi-VIUU' J hu iinrriiiins mil. V? A LAVTS TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POMPLEKIOIf J POWDER, f POZZONIS Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Insist upon having the genuine. T ft w it is ran sale everywhere. rM W.L Douglas CMOlV IS THE BEST. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF". 4-.-5.sp FlNECALf&KAfJeARDl . 4 3.5? P0LICE.3 Soles. 2.I. Boys'SchoolShqes. LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE W I.' DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MAS3. Von can aaTe money by purcbaaiug W . L.. UouElna rSnoea, BecauBe, we are tbe largest maniifai-turers ot advertised shoei in the world, and cunrnnU-e the value by stamping the name and pnceoii the bottom, wmen proicci yyu ngauiM ii't;ii prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitlinjc n"J wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices lor the value given man any other make. Take no substitute. It yout dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by HELLER BROS, JAPANKP?I1 S3 A New and Complete Treatment, cnmifUn ot SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and to Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for 1'iU.g if every nature and degree. It makos an operation : ivitb the knife or injections of carboll'T at-il, whinh T9 painful and seldom a permanent cu, , nuI of ten resulting in death, unnecessary. Why endure) this terrible disease? Wf ejuarantea S boxes to our any ease. You only pay for benefits received. II a box, 6 for fA Sont by mall. Guarantees Issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION CuNMl- p,le Pfeven'ed, VUnO I ITM I IUI1 brlapanese Liver Pellfls the great LIVER and 8 TOM AOH KEGUI.ATOK and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and plonsaut to take, especially adapted for children's use. tu Dose 46 wnts. , 'UA8AKTKEB lamed only by John I. BltwjRae, Dragglst, RaleigU N 0. S3 fiSBF

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