POLITICAL POINTS. Tta? Views of Mr. Prltchard, Who Will be One of the New Senators- Mr. Jeter C. Prit.bard, of Madison county, who is here, says county gov erntnent will be absolutely repealed by the legislature. The pr-sent elec tion law will be repealed aud a new one enacted. He says he is sure the republicans and populist will have joint caucuses, on some question at least. He does not eipect any jar or discord aud declares the legislature will be conservative, will only pass such laws that are absolutely neces sary and then "go home." He was asked whether there would be fusion in 1HJ aud said he thought the republi -ans and popnlists would again get together on some questions. All agrer on thSilViand for free coin age and this, he thicks will be the is Hue iu 1890. Mr. 1'ritchard says the republican party is greatly indebted to state chairman Holtou for his work during the campaign, which contributed largely to its sun-ess. ijr. Pritchard's friends think he will get a majority of the republican caucus for the United State senate, aud that he will get a majority of a joint caucus of the fusionists. They also say that it was well understood from one end of the state to the other that he was to be the republican sena tor. Pritcbard himself says Marion Butler will get the long terra senator ship, and that he fully deserves it. There are by his calculation twelve more populists than republicans in the legislature. His friends say Pritcbard has not committed himself to a joint iaucus or separate caucuses on the senatorial question. They regard Oliver H. Doikery as his most formidable opponent, Mott Het-ouu. H. Gr. Kwart third; A. E. Hol tou fourth. Under certain contin gencies Holton is a htrong man. SELF-CONFESSED INCENDIARIES- Seven Georgia Negroes In Jail for Applying the Torch. Svlvania, (la., Nov. 30.--A whole sale plot of incendiaries has been un earthed in this county, and seven ne groes self-confessed, are in the county jail. Two weeks ago the house and barns of state senator Wade, who was absent in attendance upon the legis lature in Atlanta, wereburned, entail ing a loss of !7000. The men arres ted todayj confessed the story. It was that following the recent elections they had 1 een advised by some white men to organize and burnout the people who deprived them of their right to vote. They then formed themselves into an oath-bound associ tion for the purpose of incendiarism. Their first work was on Wade's pro perty, because he had no right to rep resent them in the senate. They were to have burned the homes of two other well-known citizens if they had not been arrested. The officers have not yet disclosed the names of the white men who thus urged on the incendia ries to their work. The people are so enraged over the disclosure that the jail is strongly guarded tonight to nave the seven men from vengeance. Late tonight it was rumored that 1 ands of men were gathering near the jail, and that they would probably at tack it before morning. MANAGER ST. JOHN. Ruck Island Lets Him Go for His Attitude in Debs' Strike. Chicago, Nov. 30. General man ager St. John, of the Rock Island rail way, has resigned tinder pressure. He was president of the general man agers' assoi-istion during the recent Pullman strike, and in consequence the blows of Debs and his fellow-officers of the American railway union fell with greatest severity upon the Hock Island. Its trains were molest ed, while those of other roads were permitted to run. The war began on this road early, and the strikers at tacked it to the last. President Cable and the directors, who felt that Mr. St. John had acted unwisely in becoming president of the managers' association, soon made that gentleman uncomfortable. By a recent circular the duties of the general officers of the company were so readjusted that Mr. St. John, while retaining his position, had prao tically nothing to do. Some time ago Mr. St. John went east to look for an other job. He succeeded, and has tendered his resignation. He becomes the vice president of the Seaboard Air Line.. .. . Deliberately Scalded a Chl'd. Little Clinton, Io., Nov. SO. Two men named Rubrigbt ane Clark, while op erating a steam husker, caught the 9-year-old son of Charles Planthaber, and whileone of the men held him the other turned the steam on the child's legs until they were cooked in a terrible manner. The two fiends lave been arrested. Secretary of war Lamont reoom mends that the regular fore be in creased by about 4,000 men for the j nfantry arm of the service. The only reason he gives for this inerease is the desirability of establishing the bat talias formation in the army. But this tactical ohange can be made with with 25,000 men as well as with 30,000. i ... ' Dughi'a Special. " art v many people fetling wnk and run down at this season of the year? WHAT? HOW? is th cause of itr can they get well? THE ANSWER is easily given. It is correct because it is based on fact People always feel weak when their blood is ont of order; when it gets thin aad watery or clogged with imparities. Diseased kidneys make bad blood. The way to get well is to put the kidneys in a healthy lonJitiou and purify the blood. There is only one reliable, one certain cure for diseased kidney and impure blood, and that is Warn er's Safe Cure. This fact is acknowl edged by the world's greatest physi cians and by thousand whom it ha made strong and well. Warner's Safe Cure is popular because it ha stood the test of year. There is nothing like it for removing bad taste in the month, irregularity of the bowels, dis ordered stomach, heartburn, coated tongue, pains in the head and body, and many other distressing symptoms which make life miserable. A a strengtheuer and health-giver the great Safe Cure is and always has been unsurpassed. A Coming Team. Yesterday afternoon the A & M. college football team returned from Wilmington Hushed with their victory over the athletic association of that city on Thursday. Since the game has been played scientifically at the col lege, the work .of the team has steadily improved. The team's record this year has been exceptionably good and next year it will undoubtedly rank uext to the university team All the team's players, except, two will return to college, and, under the careful charge of captain Whitaker, it may be relied upon to keep up its good work next season. The record of the col lege boys is as follows: University of N. C, lost 44 to.O; U. N. C, lost 16 to 0, Trinity, lost 6 to 0; Wilmington atheletic association, Vwon 22 to 0. This is an excellent showing as Trinity and the University have both had years more experience than the A. & M. boys. Wait till next year, though. FINE NORFOLK OYSTERS this evening, at D. T. Johnson's. . Made a Fortune and Lost His Wiff. St, Joseph, Mo., November 30. Three years ago Frank P. Smith went to Helena, Mont., where he engaged in mining and grew rich. For more than a year he has searched for his Aife and two children in many states. I'onight detectives located them in this city, where the wife was living with J. N. Burns, whom she had mar ried in Kansas City a year since. Smith says his wife suddenly dis appeared soon after be left and he has- spent a small fortune searching for her. The children are with her. Blankets and Down Quilts. Here we give some of the new prices on Bed Blankets. These prices mean better goods than we have ever known. As low as 75 cents begin the White Blankets, then at $1.00, 1 75, 2.25, 3.00, 3 50 and higher. Grey Blankets alsoj begin at 75 cents, then $175, 2.50 2.75 and to 5.00. We show a full sized Down quilt at $3.50, a heav ier one at 450. You get better blankets now at these prices than you have been u9ed,to. Let us show yoa what i good in this department. W, H. & It. S. Tucker i Co. LOST A gold Locket, with black onyx on one side and a light brown stone on the other, and with a defaced ladies' photo in the inside. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office. For Sate. Parker warehouse, on South Blood worth street for sale next Monday at the court house door. novSO 2t Pbblr & Mainabd. 4 trade sec f3l : Helling a cigar made or (rood Havana is a compliment to every man who buys It Mmoke Oar Specialty Cigar. Sold only at Bobbitt'H. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I On or about Xmas we will present T a handsome Dress Pattern, valued at $7. 50, to any cash customer who j will buy from us $25.00 worth of ? goods between now and that time. we will not charge any extra prices on that account tut will offer all (roods as low as the lowest. We make the above offer in order to reduce our large stock. Have received today a new line of WHY? Ladies' Capes and Jackets. Our stock-of MILLINERY. Is of the lattest creation, . and-our cut prices will move It. Closing out Zephyrs at Sc. an ounce. I. ROSENTHAL, u 2U FAYETTEWLLB STREET. A SUMPTUOUS FEAST FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK. A. feast that will tempt tempt the appetite of the most economical buyer. Not the following li-t of Seasonable, Fashionable and Serviceable Goods: Men'a Suits and Overcoats. The sale of our $15 Suits and Overcoats has been ao great that we are Enthusiastic over our leadership at that price. This week you have choice at $15 over all Suits and Ovrcoats marked $16, $17 and $18. Mackintoshes. We made a firm an offer for 200 of 'em and they accepted. They are checks, plaids color. The prices originally were $7, $7.50, $8 and $8 50. Our Thanksgiving week price, $5. Children's Suits and Overcoats. We never forget the boys no never. This week you have the privileges to select any boys' bug or short pants suits or any overcost in our eiteiisi .e iuveuile department at 15 per ceut less than' the regular price. Mothers! This is ntir '1 hanksgiving week coiupliiueut to your boys. A few more Reefer at $2 98; not half w hit tli. y are worth. Single Vests. We found about 21X) in our stock. Tlieir values are $1.25, $1.50, &1.75, $2 to $2 50. Our Thanksgiving week price !S cents. He qui.k and early to catch one of them. The fall weight Overcoats, what is here you have choi. e of at half price. Underwear. Twenty dozen natural wool I'bd-rshirts and Prawers to match; the regular price is $1.50. our Thanksgiving week pi-i e $1 Ail sizes in cluded. British Hose. About ten dozen a all; sold at 25c; Thanksgiving week price, 2 pairs for 25c. Neckwear. We had not the time to make a vvido v display, yet, we give you choice of all our 25 -. Neckwear. Come and sele. t what you like for 19c. this week only. We have many more attractive prices all through our stock and expect to do double the usual business this week. Trices are made accordingly. S. & D. BERWAWGER, LEADERS OF FASHION AND LOW PRICKS. BE WARM AND COMFORTABLE. The cold weather has fairly set iu and with it cones the desire to be warm and comfortable. What so insures warmth and comfort as a good Overcoat? We have on our overburdened counters the largest and finest display of Overcoats ever offered, in all fabrics, Melton, Chinchilla, Beaver, Cheviot, Tweed, Homespun, in all colors aud weights, aud at prices ranging from $3 to $30, the product of the finest manufacturers in the country, and made especially for us, after our designs. nycEiT'S cLOTHiJsra-. Every gentleman desires to bo .veil dressed. An inspection of our stock will convince you that we have clothing which for perfection of workmanship and fit will please the most fastidious. To brf faultlessly attired you should wear one of the celebrated F. B. O,. garments. None surpass; few equal them. We have reduced them in price. SUITS THAT WERE $30 00 25 00 20 00 18 00 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 lIMnF PWP A h? We offer the celebrated Tuxedo Underwear, sold UiMlClv W -LA. IV. everywhere at $1 per garment; our price 50 cents pergtrment. Wright's renowned all wool sanitary underwear. All grades of underwear sold by us are gjaranteed, and at prices 40 per cent lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. ROSENTHAL CLOTHLNGr CO., 30ft FAYKTTKV1LLE ST.. OPPOSITE POSTOKFICE. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO., Manufacturing Stationers. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. Manufacturers and importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. : , Mceg School Su'plie s A SPECIALTY. We can Furnish You Anything Ynu May Desire. 3D8 layette ville St., Opposite Post Of f io8: W. G. SEPARK i MANAGER. GO THIS WEEK FOR $22 50 18 75 15 00 13 00 11 25 9 50 7 50 6 00 W00LLC0TT & SOW, Our Closing Out Sale will only last four weeks longer. It has been a great success. We are now offering one of the best stocks we have ever had for our Christmas trade. Santa Claus has his headquarters at our store. BOOKS. Cloth bound books by the most popu lar authors, 19c. a volume; would be cheap at 25c. Linen books for the babies. All kinds of story books for the little ones from 5c. to 45c. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. $2.50 Reduced to $1.75 2.00 " " 1 50 175 " " 1.25 1 OO ' - " . .85 .75 " " .50 .50 ' ' .40 .25 " ' .20 .15 " .10 Indestructible Iron Toys and Tin Toys. WAGONS. $4.50 Wagons Reduced to. $3 50 3 50 " " 2.75 2.50 " " 1.75-1.85 1.38 " " .95 100 " " .85 .75 " " .48 .50 " " .30 Velocipedes and Tricycles. CROCKERY. $ 8 50 Tea Sets Reduced to $ 4.75 7 50 " 0.00 20.00 Dinner sets reduced to$16 00 15 00 ' " 10.00 Chamber sets $2.50. $3 00, $4 00 and $5.00. A great- bargain. We want to make you a Pair Pants. We guarantee a fit. For the convenience of our customers we will keep open from now until Christmas until 9 p. m. Why are we selling out our Wm. Woollcott retires from active business on De cember 31st and we desire to have the stock a low as possible- by then. Our Mr. Walter Woollcott will continue the business after January 1st, and will go to New York about January 5th to lay in a New Stock of Goods' which will be the lowest priced stock ever brought to the city. WOOLLCOTT & SOW, DOLLS. $2.50 Dolls Reduced to $2 00 2.00 1.69 1.25 .96 .90 .40 .25 .20 1.60 " 1.25 1.00 .50 .35 .25 " Tool Chests for the small boy. Foot-Balls from 25c each. Rubber Balls, Games, Blocks, Climbing Moneys, Writing Desks, Work Boxes. Toilet Sets, Ink Stands, Whips and Guns. Vases, Fancy Ornaments, Fancy Cups, Saucers and Mugs. After Dinner Coffee Cups 15 cents each. A large lot of Yacht Caps 25 cena. All Clothing at New York cost. Grey Blankets reduced to 80c.;pair. OUR STOCK OF SHOES Is still good and we can save yoa from 25o. to $1.00 on pair. 7 l-2c Calicos for 6c. ' Standard Indigo Bln.s, 5c. Good Dress Prints, 4 l-2. Outings at 6 1 4 and 8 1 2o. new stock at cost ? Our Mr. . - - trwlnv far ice cream . U "S.- TlT,hone 123. All i fy an I all flavors of cream.