w EVENING VISITOR VOL XXXII. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1891. NO. 40. TUB BK'T- CIIUISTMASGIFT G00DANDBEAUT1FULB00K ALWAYS IN GO' D TA'TE, ALWAYS APPRECIATED AND IS JOY FOREVER. Our etejrant lineof the best and newest lU'ka for the Holidays in now displayed aud we ran famish jiint what you want. Make your aele.tinna early before the st'M'k In tn much picked over, because many of the choiiest books we. i-minot dupli-i-ate thiH season. ill r-fully store your porchaae mi I v deli.t r ai any time and place o desire, dome and exam ine the .thousands of new and Leautifal thing nd make your self at home i n o a r Hture. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. OF ALL KINDS. A FULL LINE OF AT ALL PRICES. FANCY GOODS. NOVELTIES IN Zephyr, 7 cents. Wool, 18 cents. SLIPPER SOLES 25 ts., at AS WELL AS W ' JI IE Y BUY (Christmas Presents. WE PROVIDE WELL FOR BOTH. No matter tow little you have to spend we make that little go a long y ways. Your dollar gets you . more this Christmas than it ever did before. Begin your selections now. Don't wait until ths last few days before Christmas. W.H.&R.S. TUCKER! co f 1 f) nrv A DAY to agents selling 3) I Z.U U the Royal White Metal Plater or taking orders for plating Trade secrets, formulas, receipts, etc., furnished free A Rood agent can make two to three thousand dollars Tier vaar with the Roval Plater. For terms, etc., address Gray & Co Plating Words, Columbus, Ohio. ' . A SPLENDID BiBfllll. A handsome delivery turnout for aale cheap. Horse, wagon and harness Especially suited to fancy grocery or Arr arooda business. Apply at this office. : . no, 28tf. V0 A L i COAL II COAL III j Lartre canto of Egg, Nut and Store Anthracite, and 20 car Bitu ruinous ooalof all kinds now being un loaded." dot5 tf T. L. EBERHARDT. The Mechanic' and UTeitorV Union has the bast plan for both Investor! nd borrowers ever offered. See our nw oireular. Ws have oontrol of sev aral niee 4-room cottages for sale at very low price. - Loans made prompt ly on citr property. d7 flt uss make kek. Winter DOTS AND DASHES MADE ABOUT TODAY'S HAPPEN INGS. Items Gathered In and Around the City. Mr. Wooten, of Wilmington, was in the city today. Tr. W. H. Bobbitt returned to the city this afternoon. State treasurer-elect Worth armed from GreenKboro this afternoon. Mr. R. L. Thompsou left this after noon for an extended trip to northern points. Mr. W. B. Snow, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is rapidly con valesing. Judge James C. MacRae, of Fay etteville, left for Wilmington this af ternoon. Mr. Will Ashe, a Raleigh )y now on the geological survey, arrived this afternoon. "Jagged" yesterday 12 hours to day. The tale of one solitary drunk before the mayor. Mr. E. 3. Rnffin, of Norfolk, Va., has been appointed a commissioner of deeds for North Carolina. Governor Carr baa appointed Messrs W. H. Oliver, Craveu lounty, J. Y. Atkinson, James A. Madlin, of Bertie, nd W. 11 t arroll notary publics. K irlv ris-vs this morning say they nought it hid suowed during the night, ho heavy v. as the frost. At ten o'clock it was dropping from the trees like melting snow. The Visitck is delighted to have erred yesterday in the statement that .... . . IT .. engineer watson was aeaa. lie was better this morning and, although seriously hurt, he now has a very good chance of recovery. Many people stopped on their way lown town last evening to listen to the excellent music that was furnished by a company of Raleigh musicians n Ludden & Bates piano store. Sheriff Page is again sheriff and he and his deputies have a chance to do some fine work capturing "Shackle foot Charles" and the two negro boys who are sti.l at large, charged with murder. A strange fatality seems to have been following the S. A. L. system in this state and Virginia. Wreok after wreck, accident after accident and a big "hold up" hae been reported in the last few months. The witnesses who are here in at tendance upon the federal court, that is in criminal cases, are fairly taking the town. Many of them would create a sensation, for toughness, in the lowest b 'wery dives. Mr. Fred. Mahler and Mr. Rowland returned today from' an extended hunting trip on the lower Cape Fear. They bagged, besides a large wild turkey and numberless birds, two fine specimens of wild geese, the largest of whioh weighed 15 pounds. ' The Christian missionary associa tion adjourned last evening after a most successful apd encouraging meet ing. Most of the delegates returned todav. This was the first meeting of the association and Kaleign is proua to have been the place selected. The north bound Atlanta special, which passed through early this morning carried no mail agent and no letters were mailed. The wrecK w responsible for the irregularity as the airent did not have time, owing to tne delay.to go to Rutherfordton and then catch the special, as is his custom. Wednesday night telegrapher Scar let sent for train despatcher Williams, You will hear of a wreck In a few minutes." said he. He was told when the doomed freight passed Hamlet and knew it was impossible for a col lision to be averted. He tried to have the train stopped at Wadesboro but the operator there was out of his of fice. The steam roIleT, that monstrous and expensive "jigger," has been making a bold bluff at working several times during the past two weeks From latest advloes, however. Its at tempt at work was so troublesome that it. is asrain playing the role of "Weary Walker" and has gone quietly to rest in the mud, near the governor's mansion. State horticulturist Massey has re ceived a letter from the Blue Ridge horticulturist society, of Highlands, stating that the society would petition the next legislature lorturtner legis lation in the matter of preventing forest fires and asking other simila societies to also petition the Jegisla ture. How the the -society expects the legislature to stop the fires does next appear. ; The cltr ordinanoe that compells the policemen to make rounds every night putting out street lamps is as unfair as it is ridiouloua. This is not the province of a policeman, if it is neces sary for anyone to put them out, and besides all could be extinguished at one time iy simply cutting off the UDPlr in the main pipe. But th lights should, by all means, barn all night. STILLAL1VE. Mr O. L. Watson not Dead as Reported. The Straight of the Wreck- Owing' to the disposition of the rail way officials, in a position to know, not to give anything about the fatal wreck near Rockingham, no official account could be obtained. The Visi tor, and all the papers in fact, there fore got the story slightly mixed. The teport was general yesterday morn ing that Mr. Watson was dead, but when the Atlanta special came in late yesterday afternoon it was learned that siifh was not the case. He la badly injured haing sustained a frac- ure of the skull, his most serious mind, and a fracture of his left leg, esides being ! adly bruised. His in line are not tnongnt to De latai, (though his leg may have to be mputated. The wreck was caused by conductor Bran h failing to look at the register at Hamlet to see where the regular trains were. The wreck occurred at a sharp curve and it is this fact that caused the two trains to collide while unning at such a high rate of speed CIRCUIT COURT. The Cases Disposed of Todny United States vs. James I. Moore, Franklin county. Indictment making pport unity for party to defraud U court. Continued for defendant as pon amdavit; U. s. vs. .Lucy Ann dherron, Granville county. Judgment stricken out and judgment suspended pon good behavior ; U. 8. vs Chas, Henderson. Guilty of retailing. Judge- ment 30 days in Richmond county jail nd $ 100 fine ; U. S. vs N. J. Barker, retailing. Defendant pleads guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of license and costs ; U. S. vs W. G, Harrell, Edgeconi'e county, late P. M tOld Sparta, N. C. Judgment six months imprisment and $440.97 fine ; U. S. vs Win, Reese, Vance county retailing. Verdict Kuilty, SO days imprisonment and $100 fine; U. a. vs Guilford Duun,' Richmond county; retailing. Verdict guilty, 60 days inprisonment and finej U. 8. vs. Bet- tie Gooch, Vance county, 30 days imprisonment and $100 line ; U. S. vs D. Draughan, Sampson county, ll licit distilling. Verdict guilty, six months imprisonment and $1,000 fine. The iury in the case of U. 8. vs Postmaster Boddie, charged with send ng a libellous postal card to Mrs. P. B. Arrington, yesterday afternoon brought in a verdict of not guilty. Raleigh Musical Seclety. Many people will probably not know what the heading refers to as the society is quite a recently organ ized association. The society, which is composed of Raleigh's most talented singers and musicians, was organized for the pur pose of encouraging and elevating the talent of Raleigh's many talented musical lights. It is the purpose of the society to give concerts, from time to time. The first one of the serieB will be given early in January at, Met ropolitan hall, and Raleigh people will then be treated to a home concert which will surpass in excellence the performances of many much lauded and loudly advertised "operas" that often visit the city. Mr. John Simpson is president of the society and Mr. Bryaut, the musi cal instructor at Peace institute, is musical director. It is a pleasure to announce thas Mrs. Bryant, whose beautiful voice has entirely captured Raleigh audiences on several occasions, she is a member of the society and will sing at its concerts. The society has been rehearsing faithfully and the success of its first concert is already assured. Meetings are held every Thursday evening. The board of county commissioners met today and transacted routine bus iness. The keys, &c, of the treasu rer's office were delivered to Mr. Knight. Mr. Wilson came before the board and made a talk saying that he thought the board should reconsider and allow Mr. Adams time to streng then bis bond, No action in this mat ter was taken by the board. To every one who, between now and Christmas, makes a 50 cent purchase in retail trade, Mr A.Dughi will give a chance for a fine talking parrot, worth $25; the parrot to be delivered Christ mas day. Dog Lost. My red Pointer ' Postal" strayed from my lot on Tuesday, Dec. 4th. A suitable reward will be paid for his return to me. Job F. Feebbll. CLOTHING & CROCKERY. We have a lovely stock of nice new clothing for men and boys, and as pretty line of crockery as one ever sees, and we are now selling Dotn these lines al wholesale cost. Do you believe it or don't you believe. , If yon don't believe you certainly won't gain anything; if you do believe you won t lose anything.. D. T. Swindell. The trial for laroeny of Capt Dreyfus, the Frenoh army efficer, who was accused of selling Frenoh military plans to a foreign power, will take plaee on Deo. 19 AGRICULTURAL HOARD The Legislature to be Asked for a Small Appropriation for the A. and M. College. The board of agriculture, which has been in session here for the past few days, adjourned yesterday afternoon after having performed the regular routine work of the department and mapping out the work for the ensuing year. A committee was appointed to pre pare a report to be presented to the neit general assembly. This commit tee will meet sometime during the hol idays. Ihe committee of the board of trus tees of the A. and M. college met yes terday afternoon and, in view of the very large and satisfactory enrollment at the college, found it neccessary to provide a safeanl more economical sys tem of lighting in the buildings and dormitories and to provide a water supply sufficient for both dormitory and fire purposes. While they have the most scanty means at their dispo sal, this work seems imperative. The committee decided, in view of the rapidly growing attendance at the college, to ask the general .ai nibly for a small special appropri.it -u to meet the demands made upon it. A Good One on Mr. Ay rock. A funny incident occurred in fed eral court yesterday during the Hod- die trial. Sheriff Arrington, of 'ash county, testified that, in his opinion, there was no resemblance between the writing on the postal card and the money order. On cross-examination by Mr. Aycock, when asked if he had any grievance against .Mrs. Arrington, he replied that he had. "What is it?" said Mr. Aycock. "She roasted me in her paper ' just about as bad as she did you," responded the witness. The answer brought down the house. College Baseball. Early in January the different col leges will commence training baseball teams, In the state the university and Wake Forest will both have strong niues and should they meet the strug gle will be very interesting. There is said to be a hitch, however, the uni versity claiming that Wake Forest will play professionals. This hap pens to be case so it is very doubtful whether or not a game will be ar ranged. A Raleigh boy, Mr. Charles R. Turner, is manager of the univer sity team. Lecture on Education. Miss D. Ellen Caddell, a pretty young lady from Florence, S. C, will deliver a lecture at the court house this evening at 8 o'clock on "Educa tion." Admission free. All should go and hear her. "Ilm Crow" Cars Not Wanted. Richmond, Va., Dec. 5 In the house of representatives today a bill requiring the railroads to provide sep arate coaches for white and colored passengers was reported unfavorably. Bills similar to this have made their appearance in every legislature of re cent years, and have been invariably defeated. England's Aristocratic derer. Mur- Dublin, Dec. 6, It is reported that )1. Saunderson has visited his son, Col Reginald Saunderson, who is confined in jail at Armagh awaiting his trans fer to London, where he will have to answer a charge of murder. It is said ' that the prisoner has tried to commit suicide since his ar rest, but the jail officials refuse to give any information. Successor Anti-Toxine. Kansas Cm. Mo.. ' Dee. 6. Local physicians are enthusiastic over the dyphtheria remedy, a quantity of which has been received here and put upon its merrits. Two doses of the serum were given to an infant child having an advanced case of diphtheria, and in one day's time the child was pronounced out of danger. Another case, that of a youth who had been ill nine days with the dis ease, has shown like results, the pa tient nearly being cured after two doses had been administered. Fur ther experiments are being made every day. ' -THREAD BARE! The old yell of selling out at cost has the ring of a great big "lye," but ring oi no ring, we are compelled to say to you again that all our stock of Dress Goods, Clothing and Crockery is now being sold at cost, at D. T. Swindell's. Mr.Thomas H. Briggs, commissioner for the sale of the "Oakdale" lands. northeast of the city, will sell them December 10. The site is very at tractive. .. By a fall of a stage scanold in a Memphis theatre seven men were hurt and two fatally. Hand polished curtain poles 20 eta. lMb at Thomas A Maxwell's. . i t: . - . FURNISHING GOODS. Collars, cuffs, neckwear, shirts, sox. knit shirts nnd drawers, pants, coats, vents, collar buttons, cuff buttons, scarf pins, shirt studs and other and various kinds of furnishing goods. In fact, one of the most complete depart ments in this big store is the furnish iug goods department at D. T. Swindell's. OWING TO! Three weeka from now we will moe our big Purham stock to Raleigh and must have room to put same in our store. To do this we must sell (roods. lots of them. So from this day on w will sell all Dress Goods and all woolen goods at cash prices. Dress goods and clothing ehpecially will go at cost, at D. 1. Swindell's. Execution Sale. Under and ly virtue of a certain ex ecution in my hands, issued from the superior court of Wake county and returnable to the February term of said court, to be held in Raleigh on on Monday the 25rh day of February, leitu, in favor of v. a. Kelvin vs. Jno. Devereux, I will h11 to the highest bidd r for cash at public auction the following described real estate at the court house door of said county at 12 o'el ckiin. January 7th, 1894, to-wit: One track of land lying and being in Rtleigh, Wake county, described (and bounded as follows: Beginning where Johnson street extension reaches the eastern line of the land of the late Paul C Cameron, late Mrs. M. B. Mordecai's line, thence northerly with said Cameron liue to Peace street ex tension, them-e along Peace street crossing St. Mary's street, to Boylan street, thence south with Boylan street to Johnson street, thence west along Johnson. street to the beginning. Ex cept that part thereof heretofore con veyed to Frank Brooks, the trustee of Brooklyn church and Geo. W. Poe. The part lived on being about five and one-quarter acres. This Dec. 7, 1894. M. W. Paoe, Sheriff. J. B. Batuhelor, Atty. PERMIT To show you our stock of sweet article new. We have the best CITRON, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, &c. Our PURITAN OATFLAKES in excelled by any brand. Don't forget also that we keep constantly on hand ALL PORK FRESH SAUSAGE put up for our trade especially. Only 12 1-2 cents per pound. We offer today a small lot of sugar cured hams for 11 1-2 ennts per pound. Don't postpone your purchase as we have only about 300 pounds of them left. J". Gk Every face at home, and every glance question, "What shall I get or give first depends upon the love and upon your own means and given with love is more OUR PLACK IS NOW ... ssMiMSBaBaasBBBMSBsaaB.BaBSBisnBiBJBBaBiBMS) FILLED WITH ITS HAPPINESS. 0000-00 ooo Nothing j jy (J LjJ) SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. CLOAKS. lhey sister GENTS' SCARFS I AND FOUR- IN- HANDS, CHILDREN'S I AND BOYS' CAPS. NOVELTIES. Do not throw your money awar will please you ail. . THESE ARD bargains OHLT A riW LEFT. AT exactly Cst, To make room for other goods. at $6 06 $6 50 $6 75 $8 00 $6 85 $8 50 $9 25 PS. H. BRIGCS & SK. RALEIGH, N. C. DOLLS, BIG DOLLS. Who has the largest stock of dolls in Raleigh? Yes he has and yes he is selling dolls for almost no price at all. Nice pretty dolls for all the nice pretty little girls in Raleigh. Exam ine the dolls and toys at D. T. Swindell. XMAS TREE GOODS. An immense lot of Christmas tree orniments and toys of various kinds, horns, wagons, dolls, horses, clowns, jumping animals, rattles and a thou sand other kinds of toys, nameless at prices, well merely nothing, what ever you see fit to give. Crockery and glassware at cost. D. T. Swindell. Don't forget to try our 25 and 35c. oysters at D. Bell & Co.'s. de, 3tf U m iats for Chrtstmas. Every CURRANTS, MINCE MEAT, 2-lb. cartoons or in bulk are not BXiXj &c GO. into our inviting windows suggest the for Christmas?" The answer to the lilerality of your friends; the second generosity. Keinember that a little than much given because you can. WEALTH OF SOLIDIFIED SELECT YOUR i'KESENTS NOW. better for you brother or your sistee than one of our silk Mufflers. All prices 50c. 75c . $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60. Oar big sale in this line of Goods last year was the reason we have such a large one this year. Gentlemen's large, plain white, hem-stitched, 25c; larger 50c. Large initial silk (special value), 60c Ladies' Jiinb. Silk, 15c, 20c, 25c. Special line of Linen Einb. all prices. and 50c The talk of the city, "Our Ladies Silk Einb. Handkerchiefs," only 5c. Nothing like our line of Handkerchiefs. will not last long and your mother or may need a Cloak this winter. Our pricei move them. W call your attention to this line. Notice the quality of silk in our 25o. line. Our large line of 50c goods, bought for this Christmas trade. No old stock. New ideas in Neckwear. Complete line of Winsor's at wholesale price. We are selling quit a lot of Caps now. Styles up to date and prices move them. Just received 10 dozen Misses' Caps in velvet and oloth. Nothing better for Christmas. In Pooket Books, Purses, Hair Brushes, Combs, Buokles, Umbrellas, Ladies' and Children's Under wear and Hosiery. this year. Buy your Christmas gifts that

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