T TH OUR NEW, FRESH STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SIIOES, UNDERWEAR, Rubber Goods, Umbrellas, &c, &c, Makes Things Uvelv With Us. CLOTHIERS H NATTERS EL1S EVEUIHG VISITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOOiN, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, US cents per month. rVices fur mailing, f J per year, or 25 cents per month. Oifice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd Uoor. W. M. BROWN, Sr., M'g'r, , Raleigh, T. C. FRED. A. OLDS, ROBERT L. GRAY, Editor City Editor BA.LEIUU, DEC. 10, 1891 A new trial was granted treasurer Barrett Scott, of Holt county, Neb., who embezzled $85,000. W. H. Corrigan, a brother of the Archbishop of New York, has become insane while risking in Florida. The young lady who sat down on hot stove is wondering how anybody ever managed to steal one. To hare other people's babies named after you is a fame in this country, and Ollie Teall achieved it A law bill passed in South Carolina Saturday compels clergymen to work on public roads, as well as other citi zens. In view of business improvement, Fall Kiver spinners and weavers will demand the restoration of old wage rates. George Gould is through hunting game fur a time, and will return to hunting dividends with more than his accustomed energy. In a grade crossing smash-up at Lakewood, N. Y., Mr. Sherman and little daughter were killed and Mrs. . Sherman fatally hurt. Adams express officials Saturday, at Frederifkdburg, Va., interviewed fc-eaivy, the Acqui Creek train robber, with an unknown object. Attacked by three masked men in his house, Buck Summerlin, aged 74, of Buchanan, Ga., fatally stabbed one of them, but was mortally wounded. President Adams of the state uni versity of Wisconsin stands up for football. The Badger state doesn't want to confine itself to the badger game. Mexican cotton is prolific, but the uu.e uenoratee iruu, ,cr unless renewed from northern plants, ! precisely as does the wool of Texas sheep. Mexico imports potatoes from Call fornla instead of raising them, which ! she might easily do. This year the ! price is very-high, and potatoes are regarded as luxuries. Mexico is interested in the Madagas car question, as one of the objects of the French invaders of the Hovas' kingdom is to drive the Mexican dollar : out of circulation. In two days last week $3,300,000 of the gold supply dizzied through Mr. Carlisle's sieve. ; At this rate, inside of a month it will be necessary to issue $50,000,000 more bonds. The transfer of that famous In dian fighter, Gren. Nelson Appleton Miles, from the west to the east did not tend to discourage the red-skinned promoters of the next Indian war. It is stated that Mr. Thomas A. Edi son has already expended nearly $1, 000,000 in his experiments to find a commercial method of reducing low grade ores by electricity. Shonld he finally succeed, he says it will be his greatest'electrical invention. The insurance companies have found a supposed dead man in Arizona. And where should a dead man be found if not in tombstone? The east side woman who pawned her late husband's ashes for a Uenty flte dollar loan will do to go with the Jerseyman who had his wife's body dag up in order to remove the gold from her teeth. Chinese at Tort Arthur are giving dramatic entertainments to amuse the , ha8 th8 pian for botn investors T - :. Tl... .1 ....J Thii'..J is... nftrA Sj- tom-tom is not an available military ' new circular. We have control of sev . , . .if -a ' eral nice 4-roora i-ottages for sale at weapon against breech-loading rifles, ; prjce Loang proinpf but as an implement of conciliation it j- on cjtjr property. d7 6t is more aggravating than any other known to the uncivilized world. William Potter, ex-minister to Italy, and L. C. Vanuxem of Philadelphia, have bought all the valuable relics of Abraham Lincoln, sold under the cap tain of the Lincoln memorial collec tion, and exhibited as such at the world's fair. They propose to place the entire collection on their new of fice on Jan 1. Mrs. Heiakiah Watson celebrated her 100th birthday anniversary near Oqnawka, 111., yesterday. Her maiden name was Beecher, and she was a cousin of Henry Ward Beecher and j Harriett Beecher Stowe? Mrs. Wat-' son has been blind for ten years, but otrwise is in possession of her fa culties, and enjoying good health. Her sister lived to be 104. Zebras broken to harness can now be seen drawing carriages in London, three animals having been sent there from the Transval as a proof that they can be domesticated. This may partly solve the question of transpor tation in Africa, as the zebras are not attacked by the teste fly or by sick ness. "Women Lash a Woman. Chicago, Dec. 19. Jennie Reese, of 514 Melrose avenne, Gross Park, was belabored with : rawhides by three other women today, while she was waiting in the Northwestern depot for a train. Trey lashed her- nntil her face and head were covered with blood, and then left her on the tracks, where she had fallen from the platform, in sensible. The names of the assail ants are unknown. They were heard to say something about letters and their husbands as they plied their lashes. It is presumed that they were prompted to their assault by jealousy. Mrs. Reese is an exceedingly hand some woman. it is a pleasure to sell Chamber Iain's Congh Remedy," says Stickney & Dentler, druggist, Republic, Ohio. " Because a customer, after once us ing it, is almost certain to call for it when again in need of such a medi other cough medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For oougns, cold and croup, it is without cine. We sell more of it than of any an equal. For sale by J. Hal. Bob- bitt, druggist MerclfuL The citizen struggled. "Let me alone or I will call 'the po lice!" he cried. The highway robber wavered. "Do yon mean it?" he demanded. "Yes." "You will really call the police?" "Most assuredly!" The outlaw turned on his heel and walked away. "I don't want to be the cause of his getting clubbed," he said. Detroit Tribune. For rheumatism I have found noth ing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves the pain as soon as applied. J. W. Young, West Liberty. W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the cost. 60 cents. i Its continued use will effect a perma nent cure. For sale by J. Hal. Bob bitt, druggist. For fine head lettuce, celery, col lards and cabbage plants for sale by Kobt. M. Utzmam, dec6 6t Cor. Dawson and Jones Sta. Gratuitous Hardship. Mother, did Qod make me? Yea, my son. Did he nuke pop? Certaiuly. Well, I think after he sa whit a failure pop's face was ha needn't have been mean enough to put the same face on me. Hand polished curtain poles 90 cts ch at Thomas & Maxwell's. The Mechanics' and Investors' Union Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with bronchitical or lung troubles. Bnrklen'g Arnica Nlve. The best salve in the world for core bruises, sores, nicer, salt rhenm. fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hand ebt! blalns, corns and all skio eruptions, and positively cores piles, or no nav required. It is frnaraoteed to giv perfecr satisfaction or moDey reruDd ed. Price 815 cents per pox. For sale bv John Y IfaeRe Extra bargains Thomas & Maxwell. in furniture at Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. When Baby was sick, we (tare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried tor Castoria. When she became Sites, she clung to Castoria, Whan she had Children, she cave them Castoria, All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas & Maxwell s at 20 cents each. Headache Indigestion, Billiousness, And all stomach troubles are cured by P. P. Fo PricklyAsh.PokeRoot andPotassium. Hneumatism is cured by P. if, if. Pains and aches in the back, shoulders, knees, ankles and wrists are all at tacked and conquered by P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleansing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so efficacious as P. P. P. at this season, and for toning up, in vigorating and as a strengthener and appetiser take P. P. P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con dition. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte, N. C. "HIT FLOWERS, j Bouquets, &o, Roses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and floral designs at short no tice. J IMPORTED BULBS for winter blooming. Just arrived, a splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. PALMS, FERH8 and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Stbinmetz, the Florist. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed December 1, 1890, by James H. Ray and wife, duly recorded in book No. 113, at page 255, in Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C, we will, at the request of said Ray, on Moi day, the 7th day of January. A. D.. i8o. at i o'clock m., at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, for s h, the lands described in said mort gage, lying and situate in House's Creek township, Wake county, N. C, about four miles northwest of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of T.W. House. Mrs. Ann Harrison. James Lynn, John and Barzilla Emery, and others, containing 40 acres, more or less, being the lands whereon said Ray and wife now live Peele & Maynard, Attorneys for Mortgagee. This 28th of November, A. D., 1894. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERI On or about Xmas we will present a handsome Dress Pattern, valued at f 7. 50, to any cash customer w ho will buy (mm us 525-00 worth of W goods between now and that time. T We will not charge anv extra prices on that account rut will i oiler all goxls as low as the lowest. w We nuke the above offer in order to reJuce our lare stock. Have received today a new line of Ladies' Cape3 and Jackets. Our stock of MILLINERY. Is of the lattest creation and our cut prices will move it. Closing out Zephyrs at 5c. an ounce. I. ROSENTHAL, 211 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. moil .Curiam Piles and fixtures, any color, 18c, cheap at 25c. Linen Window Shades, any color, from 25c. up. Lace Curtains from 68e. to $3. Drapery Hooks ,4c. a set. Drapery Chains 9c. to 24 . Curtain Net 10c, worth 15c. Lidies' Vests 22c'.; all wool 08c. Children's Shirts and Pants 24c each. Just received a line of boys' hats at 10c., worth 25c. Men's Crush Derbys $1.00 the biggest bargain in Raleigh. THE LYON RACKET STORE. HARRY BASSETT" A PURE RYE WHISKEY. This is to certify that we have care fully examined J. B. BROWN'S CO'S Famous Brand, "HARRY BASSETT" OLD RYE WHlSKIiv, and fiud no im purity resulting from a Croiuic Acid test and recommend it for medicinal purposes. James McKee, M. D., " Raleigh, N. C. W. H. H. Cobb, M. D., Goldsboro, N. C. For sale in Raleigh by the following dealers only : Ptak Saloox, V, R. E. Pabham, 1 John U. Smith, Nick. Deboy, Carroll & Harris. :::0RDERS SOLICITED::: THE J; B. BROWN CO., det-6 Baltimore, Md. SOLID PIECES OK Sterling Silver Inlaid In the backs OF BURLING! SPOONS at Politi Host Xxpowd to we AND TEES PLATED FOUR. TIMES AS HEAVY AS Standard Plate. WARRANTED To Wear 25 Years. I1U UST A LiFETlltt. MORE DURABLE THAN UOHT Sterling Silver AND HOT HALF THE COST. , EACH ARTICLE IS STAMPED 'l JIEUlKDlUlJ'H.r" 1 iterling 1 SILVER J eooo S oooa Jf W. H. HUGHES, 127 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. no 24.1m 0HHK09HH00-0000 IN EVERYBODY'S MONTH ! BY COMMON CONSENT IT IS ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT A MAN If he indulges in the luxury at all shonld smoke only the BEST CIGARS. Among the many brands I carry the following are popular with CONNOISSEURS: ElSoltero, ... Solon Shingle. ... Bobbitt's 108, Tansill's Punch, ... Sporting Club, .... La Elita, . - Cherokee, ... Saborosa, - - - Resagos (all Havana), Lady Gertrude (all Havana), -Live Indian (2 Bizes), - -Flor de Teller (Londres Perfect), DuKe de Cuba (Havana, 3 sizes), La Fortuna, Perfect, DeWitt Clinton (Key West), -Coronet Bouquet(Key West), Lyceum Bouquet, Invinoibles, Roig's Cabinets, - - X o m hi X H - 00 h D O U 03 J Li CO JJ. Mai. 0KKKKKHKKO-C- Commission er's Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of the superior court,of Wake county, made at the October term thereof, in the action of Albert P. Massey, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Solomon Augustus and Mary Ann Watson against Eddie A. Dunston and Samuel Watts, I will sell at public auction at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 7th day of January, 1895, at 12 o'clock m the following described property to wit: All that lot or parcel of land situated in the city of Raleigh, and county of Wake, bounded and abutted as follows: Beeining at a stake in the eastern line of lot No. 3t, uDon a Dlat or map of the homestead lot of Charles Manly, deceased, made by Kings land & Miller, and .running thence east wards 129 feet to a .stake on Fayetteville street, or near; thence southerly along said street 56 1-2 feet to a stake on theide" of said road at the junction ot Lookout street therewith; thence along the northerly line of Lookout street 129 teet to a stake cor ner of lot No. 31; thence northwardly 56 1-2 feet along the line of lot No. 31 to the place of beginning, being lot No 9 on the map or plat of said lands; it being the lot of land referred to in item 3 of the will of Solomon Augustus, recorded in the office of the Clerk, of the Superior court of Wake couniy, in book 35, at page 338, and like wise in item 10 of the will of Lucy Powell, recorded in said Clerk's office, in book B of wills, at page 413. Terms ot sale, one-third cash; balance upon a credit ot six months with interest on deterred payments at 8 per cent, iltle to be retained until purchase money is paid in full. oaw 3od ALBERt P. MASSE Y, Commissioner. Special Notice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will eoutiines the business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at S10 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at Dughi's, on Fay etteville street. Bobbitt. Sale of Land. ' By authority of a judgement of the superior court of Wake county, made in tjpecial proceedings the salo of land to make assets, entitled J. C. Mar. com, administrator, vs. Viney Powell and others, No. 701, I will sell, oa MondayDecember 24, 1894, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, to the highest . bid der. a track of land in St. Mathew's township, Wake county,' and bounded , on the east by Joe Horton and Norfleet i Keller, on the south by Dr. Marsh- Durn ana James xempie, on ine west by James Temple and J. W. Upchuroh, and on the north by lands of S. Pace, deceased. Terms of sale one-half cash; balance in six months from sale day. J. C. Maboom, novlQ tds " Adm. and Com. Land for Sale. ' By virtu of a decree of the superior court of Wakeounty, made at October term, 1894, in th case of G. W. Nor wood vs. Oscar Ligon et als., I will sell for cash, at the court house door, in Raleigh, at 12 m., on the 15th day of Deoember, 1894, two tracts of land situate in House Creek township, Wake county, one tract containing 101 acres, : 4c, adjoins the lands of J. J. Lynn, Thos. Edwards and others. The other v I i tract joins the above described tract ' '' ' . - j ere T" . V . i ana contains oa Acres. rom ucw are land lately own by Washington Ligon, deceased, and upon which be lived st-. j the time of his death. One tract eon. V,;-. tains a dwelling and out-houses. Both tracts have land in oultiva . Hon and original growth woodland j upon them, and are sitdated abont six miles from Raleigh, j J. H. Fleming. Com'r. uui Wltf una. JOHNSON, KKKHkKKKKHOK3-CH0 OH flU ?EST ANTHltAClTE "1 tin; fin i n xT-r-n-v A -rr A urv ' -,,, X I it'i j M ' x AJND BITUMINOUS, PINE, ; LONG Oil i SHORT, X' u 0WXHKMXOK SON &