Ml I I A KIM ur nANU nithrh IONS C01I, vv. CORDS WOOD, Gaytun Red Aih, tkmi-AnthraciU Coal (for stove or grates.) Pocahontas, Small Lamp, Pocahontas, Large Lamp, Rotsell Creek,' Urge Lamp, Semi-Ritaminoas, for grate or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, I Bituminous, JeUico Splint Coal, Blaiing grate Tennessee 8plint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Six " " Btove " Kgg ' " Furnace ' All Fresh From Bust . Minm in this country. SKAHONED Pine and Oak Wood, rut inl split for stoves and fireplaces, or in 8-foot lengths. C MINGLES, Lath. Grain, liny. Meal, 0 Bran, Ire, &c, wholesale and retail, at lowest pri. es by JONES & POWELL Raleioh, N. C. pOCAHONTAS steam still stands 1 shove all others in quality and price. Several cars always on track, on each side of the city. JOHN U.SMITH'S Regulator Pare Corn Whiskey and Rock Candy Syrup. It enlivens the tongue, freshens the memory and builds up loss of appetite. 1 carry the largest stock of Whiskies of any house in the city. I can give you goods from six months' old to six years' old. After the ball is o'er, After the break of morn, Give me a drink of John Smith's old Corn. Juhuuie has got the corn, made not far from this place, Neither addles your brains nor swells your face. Don't forget me, I'm still in the ring, With the best to drink of everything. Go on away and let me pass it For I'm going to John Smith's for a drink of Harry Bassett; Go away and let me be For it is prescribed by Dr. Jim. McKee. Your respectfully, JOHN U. SMITH. PROMPTNESS IN THE Laundry Busings Means prompt calls and prompt delivery. - To give satisfaction is to give EC NEST WO BR . At Legitimate Prices. If anyone gets ahead of the OAK CITY LAUNDRY IN THIS, "THE MULE IS IIIS'N." L. R. WYATT, Prop. PHONR 87. A.TOBIW J. Johis, Lin. TT. Roystm Business Manager. Aren't & Snpt. B'ld'g B. B. Pabk, in charge yards ana shops. ROYSTER, PARK & CO. (Saooeesori to Ellington, Royster Co.) MANCrAOTURIBS Of Doors, Sub, Blinds, Scroll Work, STAIR HAILS And all Otber Kinds of Bnildirrp Material. Will contract to hui'd anywhere in tut fitate, or furnish any kind of material de aired. Our shop is equipped with the latest and best wood working machinery. We are lo cates on' the 8. K. I.. Railroad, which run through the best timbered lands in North Carolina, from which we get nnr logs an ' out oar own lumber. This enables us to till orden of any t'ze or dimension on short potion W- can out 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a capacity o' 60,009 feet, and we cut, dry and dress lumber for the pnbll' at msonahi rates. Telephone No. 136. - ' Oar yard and shops are on West street at Vest terminnn of Kdertton rtr-W, fb2 AuticpphaVaglne t (Anti-oephal-algine.) The Great Headache and Neuralgia Remedy . Cures quickly and safely netdaoha ' - in all iu various forms. Manaf.only by Prop ,Jai I Johnson.Raleiph. 26.fi0o hot " For sale by all druggists. . 9, H JOHNSON, DBALBE IS Itaple an 1 Fancy Grocer ies, rine ugars ana Tobaccos, Fruits, Vegetables, Ac. SSl&illaboio Street. Tb Cherished Gift. Oa the wall by a ribbon suspended It ranka with the things I bold dear, With the" antlers, to flanntingly splen did, And the oils which no foeman seed fear. I see it with truest affection, Sovenir of a sweetheart of mine. Ab, that dark, Davy hair, that com plexion. An those eyes, which no stars could outshine) 'Twas at eve, when the sua to an ember Had reddened the cloud just above, That you sought m how well I re member! And murmured, "Take this with tny loe." So I cherish with sentiment tender, Whstn'er the temptation may be, That basely suggests its surrender, The cigar that my wife gave to me, MURDER OF A GIRL WIFE. Young Mrs. Cheery Hacked to Death in Zanesville Her Old Husband is Missing, Zanksvillb, O. Dec. 8. A neighbor of Mrs. Jacob Cheery, on going to her home to-day, found the house locked np, bnt on looking through a window a ghastly sight met her gaze. Lying on a bed was the nndraped form of Mrs. Cheery, with her throat cut and her body hacked to pieces. She was the second wife of Jacob Cheery, who was her senior by many years, and when he proposed marriage his children violently opposed the union, and had him arrested on an insanity charge, bat he was acquitted, and married the young girl. The husband is missing. When the bo3y was found it was cold, and life evidently had been extinct fr hours. It is supposed that the old man was grazed by jealously. Searching par ties are out all over the country. ON A RUNAWAY TRAIN- Thrilling Experience of Railroad Men on a Pennsylvania Mountainside. Hazletox. Pa., De;. 8. Residents of White Haven were appalled yester day at the sight of a runaway freight train coming down the. mountainside. The road winds into the town and passes through the centre of it After striking the grade engineer Reese lost control of his engine, and the air brakes refused to work. There was nothing to do but to whistle for the brakes. The brakesmen rushed for the brakes, but the train gained head way so rapidly that the men could not walk on the cars and had to cling to the footboards for their lives. The noise of the train was terrific as it sped through the town at the rate of 100 miles an hour. The people rushed from their homes terror stricken. How the train kept the track is a mystery. It ran all the way to Bridgeport, a dis tance of several miles, before it was stopped. HIS BABE THE ONLY WITNESS A Wife Slayer Convicted of Murder in the Second Degree Sumbet,, Pa., December 8. Vincent Rogush, of Shamokin, on trial here for shooting his wife on May 22 last, was found guilty of murder in the second degree Saturday by a jury which was out but two hours. JThe evidence was all circumstantial, the only witness to the tragedy being the two-year-old daughter of the couple. The defense was that the child was playing with Rsgush's loaded revolver. He said he took the weapon from the little one, and while explaining to Mrs. Rogush its danger, it was acci dentally discharged, the bullet pass ing through the woman's head. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable.' They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25o. per box. Sold by John Y. MacRae, druggist. The Next House. Washikoton, Dec. 9 An unofficial list of members-elect to the fifty-fourth congress has been complied by the elerk of the house. The list is cor rected np to December 5th, and gives the republicans 245 members, the dem ocrats 105 and the populists 0. All Free. Those who hare uwd Dr Kind's New Dis covery know its value, and those who have not. have now the opportunity to try it free. Gall on the advertised druggist and get a tri al bottle, free. Send your name ana address to H B Buoklen & Co. Chicago, and get a ksample bottle of Dr King's New Life Fills iree, as weu a a copy oi uuiae to - ueaiin and Household Instructor, free AU of which Is guaranteed to do vou good and costs you nothing at John Y HciUe'i drug store. Monroe Whalen, of Birmingham la, writes: "I purchased aix bottles of yonr Japanese Pile Oare from Mr mzt Uodden and it has entirely oared me of a ease of piles of 23 years stands ing; will advise but friend to tue it." For sale by John, I M.AO&&0. Died of Too Much Beef. Richmoiid, Va., Dee. 8. A starting aegro, killed himself yesterday by ating eight pound of beef. He lived near Lola, in Pittsylvania county, and for some time has suffered for the necessities of life. A neighbor yes terday killed a beef and loaned him about eight pounds of it. Late last night be was found dead in his eabin, with not a scrap of the borrowed beef on the outside of bim. The doctor, nadly shaking bis bead, said: ''too much beef on an empty stomach." Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real estate agent of San Angelo, Tex as, bas nsed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for several years as occasion required, and always with perfect success. He ssys : "1 find it a per fect cure for our baby when troubled with colic or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not complete without a bottle of of this remedy at home or on a trip away from home." For sale by J. Hal. B .bbitt, druggist. It-Mnar, tmrning, seal and crust, softies of infant cleanond and healed, nd qulef sleep restored bv Johnson's Oriental Soap at John Y MacRae's. Constipation and sick headache per marenrly tjnrd. aDd piles prevented by Japanese Liver Pellets ; especially adapted to cMMreo's nee- For sale by John Y MacRae. A Minister Elopes With a Mar ried Woman. Rev. Conrad Haney, of Chicago, who has been nsstr.r nf T.abw lianna evangelical church in the aristocratic pan. ox tun city, caueu nenwooa, since he organized the church in 1890, eloped last night with the wife of Geo. W. Brandt, manager of the Price baking powder company, with whom he had been intimate for several months. Any one who has children will re joice with L.B. Mulford, of Plaiufield, N. J. His little boy, five years of age, was sick with croup. For two days and nights he tried various remedies recommended by frionds and neigh bors. He says : " I thought sure I would lose him. I had seen Chamber lain's Cough Remedy advertised and thought I would try it as a last hope and am happy to say that after two doses he slept until morning. I gave it to him next day and a cure was ef fected. I keep this remedy in the house now and as soon as any of my children show signs of croup I give it to them and that is the las of it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. We guarantee Johnson's Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aches and pains, internal or external, man or beast, tU. 00 size fiO Rents: R0 Rents size 85 cent at John Y MacRae's. Ladles, if yoo want a pare, delicate- soap for the complexion, d ruga lets will alwavs recommend Johnson's Oriental Medicinal Toilet Soap at J Y MacRae's. Pine fiber mattresses at Thomas & Maxwell's. Spoond Hand IN" IT TJB3D AND OTHER ARTICLES FOR SALE CHEAP. 6 Walnut Parlor Chairs, 1 Tete-a-tete. 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Ash Extension Table, 8 feet long, 1 large Kitchen Safe, 1 small Kitchen Safe, 1 round Marble Top Table, 4 large Dining Tables, 6 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 large Mirrors, best French glass, 1 Trundle Bed, 1 Feather Bed, 1 high Desk, 4 feet long, 1 Iron Safe, 3 Show Cases, 1 Indian (cigar sign), 1 Spice Cabinet, 4 Tea Cans, 1 Turning Lathe, Several pairs of Scales, 3 large Saloon Lamps, 1 large Cooking Stove, 2 Pool Tables, 1 Delivery Wagon, 1 Rockaway, 1 one Horse Power Steam Boiler, : A. W. FRAPS, East Davie st., 2d door from Fay ocl8 2w ettevilie st., Room No. 1. Execution Sale. Under and by virtue of a certain ex ecution in my hands, issued from the superior court of Wake county and returnable to the February term of said court, to be held in Raleigh on on Monday the 25th day of February, 1805, in favor of C. H. Belvin vs. Jno. Devereax, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate at the court house door of said county at 12 o'clock m. January 7th, 1805, to-wit: One track of land lying and being in Raleigh, Wake oounty, described and bounded as follows : Beginning where Johnson street extension reaches the eastern line of the land of the late Paul C. Cameron, late Mrs. M. B. Mordecal's line, thence northerly with B&id Cameron line to Peace street ex tension, thence along Peace street crossing St. Mary's street, to Boylan street, thence south with Boylan street to Johnson street, thence west along Johnson street to the beginning. Ex cept that part thereof heretofore con veyed to Frank Brooks, the trustee of Brooklyn church and Geo, W. Poe, The part levied on being about Ave and one-quarter acres. , This Dec. 7, 1894. M. W. Paqb, Sheriff. , J. B. Batghblob, Atty. for Infants C udirii Is so vrell adapted to children that I racotuiiM-ud tt as rajieriurtoaiiy prescription known to mp." II. A. Aarma, M. IX, 111 So. Oxford St., Kruoklyn, H. Y. "The im of 'Castoria It to universal and lu merit so well know a tiiat It bccius a work of (upen-rorcation to endorse it. Few are the lnu-liient familim who do Dot keep CastorU ilbin cos. it-ach" CutlM Mabttn, D. 1)., Kew York City. The Cnn-Arm 2 DDirt'i v acu Dfwr orm I iiivixui nun, i uvui and potassium Wakes Marvelous Cur r saaaaaiaaaaBBBBBBMMSMs,sB 0 in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Snrnfiila , ' dJ 1 P. P. P. pnrfflos the blood, builds np - the weak and debilitated, gives 2 BtreiifftJi to weakened uervus, expels fct" diseases, givlnp tbe patient health and feelings and lassitude flrat prevailed. For primary, sr oondary and tertiary syphilis, lor blood poisoning", mercu rial polsun, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood im-1 skin diseases, like blotches, piropk s, old chronic ulcers, totter, scald bead, boils, erysipelas, eczema- may Bay, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood puritier in the world, and makes fiositive, speedy and permanent cures n all cases. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Bl'RINOKIELD, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own person knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana npeut hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., nd can cheerfully say it has done me mora good than anything I have ever taken. I can recommend your medietas to ail suiterers oi the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY, Springfield, Green Oounty, Mo. BCBKLL & DUNN. Whotl Land Sale, r By virtue of a decree of the superior court of Wake county, made in the case of John M. Sherron, adminis trator of S. S. Mangum vs. Jos. H. Mangum et al., I will sell for cash, on the premises, on the 15th day of December, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. m., a tract of land contain ing about 47 1-2 acres, situate in New Light township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of Ridley Jledlin, jiiiasAnen, wney rerry, win. nocsa day and others, being the land lately owned by S. S.. Mangum, deceased. Title good. Sale for assets. John M. Sh euros, Com'r. nov. 13 tds. Mortece Sale By virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed by Mrs. Sophronia M. and N. H McCullers and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 769, in Register of Deed s othce of Wake county, N. C, we will, at the request of said N. H. McCullers, on Monday, the 7th day of Jan uary A. D., 1S95, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that valuable tract of land, described m said mortgage, lying and situate in Barton's Creek township, Wake county, N C, ad joining the lands of W. tj. Edwards, Kacnael Ferrell, A. T. Byrum, T. H. Pool, H. E. Hol- loway and Dr. L. P. Sorrell, containing 309 acres, more or less, being the land whereon the soid N, 11, McCullers and wife now live. This the 4th day of December A. D., 1894. Peele & Maynard, tds Attorneys for Mortgagee, Valuable Real Estate lor Sale. By virtue of powers conferred in a deed of mortgage from the Capital City Land Co., dated August 24, 1891, and recorded in book 117, page .246, to which reference is made, I will ex pose to publio sale at the court house the city of Raleigh, on Monday December 10th, 1894, the tract of land described in the said deed, ex cepting lots Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 23, sec tion 1; the home of Fabius M. Brigg's, Nos. 22, 32 and 33, section 2, plotted and known as "Oakdale." This prop erty adjoins the land of the estate of Dr. W.J. Hawkins, deceased, on the north, Grassy branch oq.the east, Oak dale avenue and lands of the C. C. Land Co. (bought of R. H. Womble, deceased) on the south, North Person street extended and the Louisburg road on the west It will be sold in parcels and as a whol e. Terms of sale cash. A plot of the land can be seen at the store of Thomas H. Briggs & Sons'. Time of sale 12 m. . THOMAS H. BRIQGS novlO tds : Commissioner, &c. : as and Children. C Astoria cum Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gina sleep, and promotes dl ROStiOU, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommendi-d your 'Caxturia,' and shall always continue to do so as it bos invariably produced beneflci results." En win F. 1'ajidis, M. D, lXlh Street and 7th Ave., New York City. (PiKT, 77 MrauT Sttlmt, Nnr You Crrr, Pimples, Blotches; and Old Sores f A L. II I ' Catarrh, malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root snd Potsa- alum, the greateac blood yuri&or on m& earth. Aberdeen, O. , July 21, 191. Messhs. Lipphan Bros.. Savannah. Ga. : Dkak Sirs I bought a bottle of '"T your P.P. P. at Hot Springs. Ark. .and -sSj It has done me more good tann three months' treatment at the Hot Springs. " Rend three bottles C. O. D. Eeapectfully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. 49 1. D. Johnston. O To all whom U may concern: I here "s by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the akin. 1 sufl&red for several years with an on sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but In Tain, until P. P. P. was used, "ow and am now entirely cured. ai) (Blsned by) J. D. JOHNSTON. J? Savannah, Go Skin Cancer Cored. Tettlmony fromthe Mayor of Sequin,TtX. Seqoin, Tex., January 14, 1893. Mehsrs. Lipphan Bros.. Savannah, Mmw Ga. : Gentlemen I have tried your P. -.gsSB) P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually " known as akin canoer.of thirty years standing, and found (treat relief; It purifies the blood and removes all lr- '" rltatlon from the seat of the disease ea and prevents any spreading of the m sores. I have taken flveor six bottles w and feel oonudent that another course p.ggsB will effecc a eure. It bas also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach mtw trouoies. I ours truly, OAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Bid Diseases Har Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN SROS. PROPRIETORS, IJppman'a Block.Savsmnah, Om n5 Retail Agents. CI arlotta. N. 0 Lard for Sale. On the 14th day of December, 1894, at 12 in., I will sell at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, 100 acres of land in Mark's Creek township, Wake county, being the land alotted to E. V. Richardson, in special pro ceeding No. 639, entitled E. E. Cham blee et al., ex. parte, recorded in book B, at page 248, clerk's office, adjoin ing the lauds of H. Hunneycutt, W, H, Richardson's mill pond, Dr. Pair and others. Also a lot containing one half acre at Wendal, adjoining the lands of J. B. Nowell and others. Also the interest of E. V. Richardson in the lands of J. A. Richardson, deceased, situate in Johnston county, described in the deed of trust, executed to me by E. V.Richardson and duly recorded in the register's office, book 121, page 713. . Sale made under and by virtue of powers conferred in the deed of trust above referred to and at the request of the cestui que trust. Terms cash. Thos. R. Purnell, nov 14 tds Trustee. Land in Oak Grcva Township Fir Sale. ay virtue oi a decree ot tne super ior court of Wake county, in the case of J. C. Marconi, administrator, d. b. n c. t. a., of Chas. W. Brown vs. Covin ua v. ferguson ana otners, 1 will, on Saturday, Dec. 22d, 1894, at 12 o'clock m., sell at the court house door of Wake county the following described lands belonging to the estate of Chas. W. Brown, deceased: , One tract containing 54 1-4 acres adjoining the lands of W. A. Martin, M. C. Jones, Marion Jenkins and others. One tract containing about 77 acres, part of tract conveyed to Chas W. Brown by C. R. Lassiter and wife, adjoining the lands of E. P. Ferrell, W. J. May, Thos. S. Cozart and others. One lot containing 1 1-2 aores pur chased of Mary F. Grady by Charles W. Brown, adjoining the lands of M H. Crowder, J. J. Cozart and others. One lot containing 4 acres, conveyed to cnas. Brown by W. J. May and wife, adjoining the lands of W. J May, Mary Brown and others. . All of said lands situated in Oak Griwe township, Wake cohnty, Terms of sale of 54 1-4 acre traot. one third ! cash: in 13 mnnf.ha 1.1m. villi 16 per cent interest from day of sale. , n.tut The balance of land will be sold for one-iourcn oasn, witn la months xima and 0 per cent interest on residue! ' - J. K Flkmiho, .'.. nov21 tds ' Commissioner. Valuable Land lor Sale. R. B. Ptillen. vlainUff. n A. B I'lras- Dt, B. D. Cook aod otbera. euienor eoort. On lfondar. U S4th day of IWemher. 18b4, by Tirtu of au'faorit conferred umu roe in lha above intit led civil action UirlT 6 pending io Wake Superior court. 1 w ll expose for aale, tt tbe court fouse dro', in K Irish, at 12 o clock m . and kU in tbe hurbert bidder for cash, all that met or par cel of land in M'ak.rounty. North Carolina. in White (ak townsbir, I eitiR tbe rUi k w. Uowd old homrvteixl. soiomirg tceunoa of Nancy Howell, H. . I'owd. It I'lwn ore ardotbera and more fully dearriuel id H e compltinl and io a deed n corded in hook No 110. psee 44. in thecttice of tbe Kfpister of Deeds for Wske county, ooiitaiuiu 217 acres, mora or less. w. j. rriti.K, i om r. Pm & oIatvabd. attorneys. Notice to City Tax Payexs. The city tax-list for 1801 lias been placed in my bauds fur collec tion. I will be in my office fur that. purpose every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to penalty of 1 per ct. and an addititional 1 per cent cu tLa first day of each month thereafter un til paid. W. B. HUTCHISdH, tovl8 30d City tax collectur. TRUSTEE'S SALE. " By virtue of authority conferred on me by a deed of trust, executed by J. N. Denton and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deed, I will, on the 29th day of Dei-ember, 1S04. at No. 17 Exchange Place, sell at auction for cash, the stock of liquors, cigars, ygures and other personal property in the store house, No. 17 Exi-hauge Place, N. C. Hour of sale 12 m. Terms cash. E. V. Deston. dec 4 tds Trustees. Sale of Land. By authority of a mortgage from Lynn B. Parrish snd wife, recorded in book 79, page 247, office of Register of Deeds for Wake county, 1 will on Saturday, 15th day of December, 1S94, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of land in Panther Branch township, said county, adjoining the lands of J.J. Young, Troy Britt, Simon Turner and others, containing lOOacres, and known as the Justus Parrish home place, and which is particularly described iu the aforesaid mortgage. Also the interest of the said Lynn B. Parrish and wife in a tract of land of 12 acres which adjoins that above described and par ticularly described in the aforesaid mortgage. W. N. JONES, Att'y. nov. 13 tds. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of power conferred in a mortgage executed by Win. Dickerson and wife, recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Wake county, book 121, page 322, 1 will on Monday Dec. 31, 1S94, at the court house door, in the city of Ral eigh at 12 m., sen totne nignest piiwer lor cash the tract of land described by metes and bounds in said mortgage, situated in New Light township, Wake county, N. C, adjoining the lands of L. A. Wilson, C. C. Keith, W. D. Ray, John m. Crenshaw, ana others, containing twenty-one and a half acres. Thos. R. purnell. Attor. for Mortgagee. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment; Is uneaualled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. tor sale by druggists at io cents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine health v con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure ions oi appeine, relieve cousiijuiuoii, cui rem fcidnejr disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 tents per package. For sale by druggists. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POUPLEXI U POWDER. POZZONI'S Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Inalst upon having the genuine. IT 13 im SALE EVERYWHERE. 31 The, tiiiv CnntiuiPH or- inconvenience nflectionrjKn in which I nn nihil. I n-V'tl J DeDs and infections fall. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINE to' restore Lett Minhood. Cures weakn old with writ. d guarantee to vMkiifliflM. Nervous. Debility and til the erile from early or Utar ex esptee, the results of overwork, worry, sickness, etc, Full strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improve ment immedittely seen from the first box. Xhous suds of letters of praise on file In oar ofHco. Can becarriedln vest pocket. Bent by mail to an 1 tddreet on receipt of price. One month's treat mentineaehbox. Price $1.00, 6 boxes, $8.00, with, Written Chiarantee to refund money it not cured. Head to u tuc tt ttetiuiue, Circulars Iree, John Y. MacRi j,.Drag lst, iUlelgi m I

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