s RALEIGH'SNEW MAJOR Popular Capt. Williams Suc ceeds Major Rodman. The officers of th. Fiiyt regiment, North Carolina state guard, met in Guldtboro Saturday, and electd the following officer : Mij.W.B.Kodmin.if the Pint regi ment, was elected colonel of the Flmt regiment, vice Col. Wood, resigned Capt. Alfred Williama, Jr.. of the governor's guard, to succeed Maj. Rodman ; Maj. Hughes, of Louiaburg, tosuceeed lieutenant colonel Macon re signed, and Capt. Meadowa to aoeceed Maj. Hughes. Maj. Williams has for several years commanded the governor's guard, and his election to the rank of major is in recognition of his true worth as a soldier. Ha is a great favorite in military circles, and at several state encampments has been a valuable aid to his superior officers. We extend congratulation to all these gentlemen, and are proud to see this honor con ferred on our gallant young captain. Mai Will ams in the youngest officer of this ranis in tLe guard, only37, bu Le will laiTvlhis honors with dignity aud discharge his duties'well. News and Observt-r. RALEIGH APPOINTENTS Those "Who Will Return to this District, and Where Former Raieiga Divines Go. The North Carolina Methodist con ferenee. which has been in session at Ditrbam, adjourned at noon today. The Visitor is enabled to give apar till list of the appointments, ;thos who will be sent to Raleigh district aud where those preachers, to whom local interest attaches, go. The new Dresidinir elder will be Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, formerly of th Durham district, while Dr.;Cunning triin becomes presiding elder of the Durham district. Rev. Dr. L. L Nash, who is so favorably remember ed here, has been transferred from 5uh St. church, Wilmington, to New bern. Following is a list Raleigh district appointments: Edenton street, J. i Cole; Central, D. H. Tuttle; City mis sion and Brooklyn, R. H. Whitaker Cary circuit. V. A. Sharp; Rolesville Kenneth Holmes; Yanceyvllle, Mr Draper; Franklinton, N. H.D.Wilson Loiiisbursr. J. A. Green; Tar River circuit. F. B. McCall; Granville cir cuit, Mr. Aired; Oxford, J. B. Hurley Oxford circuit, Mr. Perry. Officer Matt. Jones, in rubber boots and on a dead run, was "the street' onlv cause for excitement today. He was chasiuer a runaway, or rather walk away, horses and wagon he captured triumphant. which He Caused a $15,ooo,ooo Loss Sax Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 8 The grand jury today indicted George L Brander for purjury in connection with the failure of the state invest ment company, of which he waspresl dent. Brander manipulated the wheat deal in this citv several years ago, in which $15,000,000 was lost. He left for Scotland a few months ago. Three Months Idleness for 700 Men. ' SHESANDoah, Pa., December 8. Orders were received this evening by R. C. Lusher, general superinten dent of the Philadelphia & Reading coal and iron company at Shenandoah, Pa., to shut down the Shenandoah City colliery for an indefinite period The work of tearing down the old breaker and erecting a new and more extensive one will commence on Mon day. Seven hundred men and boys will be thrown out for at least three months. . Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate, the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit ters. This medicine does not stimU' late and contains no whiskey or fther intoxicant, but aots as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion Old people fina it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bot tle at John Y. MacRae's drug store. Lenon E. Nief Badly Hurt. Pitcsburo, Pa., Dec. 8. During last night's performance of "Fantasma," the East End Theatre, Leon F. Nief, the well known baritone, was badly injured. While standing behind the scenes, one of the fountains used in the play, weighing 300 pounds, fell from its place, striking Mr. Nief across the back. He was rendered unconscious. Two liJves Saved. ' Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had oon- amption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her fife. Mr. Thos. Eegers. 139 Florida St . ban Francisco, suffered from dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried with out result every tninir eise jiuev uuugut uuo bottle of Dr. Kimfs Hew Uiacovery ana n two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. It is suCU results, of which these art simples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free tiat bottle at John I. MwRae'i drugstore Regular sixe f Oo and II. - Pine fiber mattresses gLvxwaU'a. - at Thomas ft TORTURED BY INDIANS- Indian Territory Cheroktes Subject Col. Blackwell, an American, to Terrible Treatment. GuTHBit, O. T.. Dec. 9. Col. A. J. Blackwell, a fall-Hedged American, well known in the West, was arrested some time ago at David, a small town in the Indian territory, charged with selling land, and, according to the Cherokee laws, sentence to death for his treason On Monday, Blackwell, after being cleatr shaven and stripped of his clothes, was taken before Chief Oha, who wa then holding a conncil, and asked to confess. Blackwell answer ed that he had no confession to make, that he was the victim of a malicious conspiracy, and asked to be released. Then, he was carried bodily to the ' Needless," a place of torture ad joining the prison, where he was subjected to treatment horrible in the extreme. Ten bucks danced around Liin, and each thru-it a steel, used for the pur pose, into his naked flesh. Their cries of ' Ki-yi," and tortures were kept up until Blackwell, bleeding an faint from the dozens of punctures in his flesh, sank to the ground. In thi condition he was taken back to hi former cell. He still remains in irons, hand and foot, notwithstanding ferrent appeals of his relatives and friends His trial has not been set, and what further indignities await him, remai to be seen. Late on Thursday night four men called at the home of King Berry near Cusbing, in the Sac and Fo country, and riddled him with bullets when he answered their knock at th door. Tbey then set fire to his home and escaped. Berry had been a dep uty United States marshal, and sever al tough characters in that neighbor hood, that he had under surveillance are believed to be his assassins. Dressed Carefully for Death Lebanon, Fa., Dec. 8. After care fully dressing herself, Rebecca Fore man, aged 46, a daughter of Joh Foreman, committed suicide before daybreak yesterday morning by plung ing headlong into a cistern. The cistern was locked, and she had to first tear loose a plank. She had been ill and was despondent, but never spoke of suicide. WANTED to rent a 5 or 6 room cot tage near postoffice or on car line Address X., care Visitor. Knights of the Maccabees. The state Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying- other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King' New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves that it cures where all other remedies fail." Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at MacRae's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Marvelous Kesults From a letter written by Rev. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King s New Discovery, as the re suits were always marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not- survive them. A friend recommended Dr King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. MacKae s drug store. Regular size 50j. and $1.00. FURNISHING GOODS. Collars, cuffs, neckwear, Bhirts, soi, knit shirts nnd drawers, pants, coats, vests, collar buttons, cuff buttons, scarf pins, shirt studs and other and various kinds of famishing goods. In fact, one of the most complete depart ments in this big store is the f urnish- ng goods department at i D. T, Swindell's. SO." AA to $50 00 per wO.UU and selling e week using selling old Reliable Plater Every family has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping in melted metal No experience or hard work; a good situation. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. Motgage Sale. By virtue of authority oonferred in a mortgage, executed by (i. J. and H. Thomas and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 597, in Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C, we will, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1895, at the court house in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, two certain tracts of land of 43 acres and 22 poles, and 23 acres and 21 poles, respectively, described in said mortgage, and lying, and situated in House Creek township, Wake county, about five miles northwest of said city, adioining the land of Osborn Branch, Berry O' Kelly (formerly Joseph Blake), Rafus Horton, John Smith and others, containing in the aggregate 60 aores and 43 poles, more or less. This December 10th, 1894. ' 1 Pbbli Sc Matbabd, 'Attorneys foi Mortgagee. WEALWAYS KEEP FOR ANY OPPORTUNITY THAT CAN BE TURNED TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, AND WE HAVE JUST STRUCK A SNAP. M OF Exactly what yon need, if yon used anything. We got them cheap because w bought them all and "planked down" the pot cash for them. They are honest CbeioU, in heavy business wear or even a littlejbetter perfect in Ut. We guarauUe the make-up Every pair of them is worth 3.50. YOUR CHOICE FOR 82.00. THE GIFT G1VERSP GUIDE Our store is like a monstrous Christmas tree, loaded down with the best and most serviceable for man or boy ready for the great siege that is coining. Every department, every counter, is filled to its utmost and stand ready for you to Melet-t. We hive painted the holiday picture in the strongest colors moderate prices, in the mscthlesg variety, and framed it with our confidence, an inspiring guarantee of satisfaction. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. $7 50 to $30 00. BOY'S LONG PANTS SUITS, $5 00 to $15 00. BOY'S SHORT PANTS SUITS, $2 50 to $10 00. The largest and best selected line of everything in Men's and Boy's Furnishing)), Hats, Neckwear, etc No other house here has ever shown an ill a complete line as ours, nor at such moderate cost. S. & D. BERWAfUGER, BE WARM AND COMFORTABLE. The cold weather has fairly set in and with it comes the desire to be warm and comfortable. What so insures warmth and c-nnfort as a good Overcoat? We have on our overburdened c-iuuter the largest and finest display of Overcoats ever offered, in all f;Ci'U", .Wili.n, Chinchilla, Beaver, Cheviot, Tweed, Homespun, in all colors aud weights, and at prices ranging from $3 to $30, the .product of the finest manufacturers iu the country, and made especially for us, after our designs. IMZEILST'S CLOTHIJSTQ. Every gentleman desires to be well dressed. Au inspection of our stock will convince you that we have clothing which for perfection of workmanship and fit will please tha most fastidious. To be faultlessly attired you should wear one of the celebrated F. B. Q. garments. None surpass; few equal them. We have reduced them in price. SUITS THAT WERE $30 00 25 00 20 00 18 00 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 TTMflUDWU A D ' We offer the U 11 1 llv V Lr.l,. everywhere per girment. Wright s renowned all All grades of underwear sold by Cent lower thau they can be purchased elsewhere. ROSENTHAL CLOTEHXO CO., 305 FA YETTEV1LLE ST.. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. IToiflareeordiallyiii vited to attend the HOLIDAY of RALEIGH STATIONERY GOiP'Y. Decembei M9 Fayetteville St W. G. SEP ARK, MANAGE R Oil EVES SEPARATE PASTS. weight, and neat in pattern, will do for the proper and appropriate. AH is of quality, in the brighter lights of YOUR HOLIDAY OUTFITTERS. GO THIS WEEK FOR $22 50 18 75 15 00 13 00 11 25 9 50 7 50 6 00 celebrated Tuxedo Underwear, sold at $1 paV garment; our price 50 cents wool sanitary underwear. us are guaranteed, and at prices 40 per the 4, 134. - - OPENING WOOLLCOTT & SON. Our business for the past five or six weeks has been immense, owing to our closing out. Our Mr. "Wm. Woollcott will retire from active business on Jan uary 1st, and we have marked nearly all the stock at or near cost. To satisfy yourself in reference to the low prices we would like you to come and see our new prices. DRESS COODS.j In this department we have had an awful rush. There is plenty left for you. We are closing out this department on an average reduction of 20 to 25 per cent. You save enough to buy your linings on a $5 dress pattern. You save from $1 to $2. Shoe Departmorlt. We want to remind you that we have about 7,000 pair of good shoes in stock. Shoes that were in stock November 1st a'e being closed out at cost. TICKING. Mattress Tick 7 1-2'!., 10., 12 l-2c. Feather Tick 12 l-2c, 15c, 17 l-2c. The 17 l-2o. Feather Tick is the best quality made; regular 25c. goods. Buy your ticking from us and we will tell you where to have it made. When you read our advertisement yon can depend on one thing and that is that we always have what we advertise. Good and judicious advertising pays. Always advertise honestly. After January 1st the business will be conducted by Mr. Walter Woollcott. We are going to rearrange our store and sell goods lower than ever; then we are going to buy goods cheap and give the cus tomers the benefit of the low prices V Our Xmas Stock is now have everything a3 usual. The prices are less than last year. Come and make your selections before the stock is broken. OUR TERMS ARE CASH ONLY, WOOLLCOTT & SOW, WASH COODS Our 10c Gingham's are now, Our 71-2i " Our 5o " " Our 10c Outings are, Our 71-2o " Our 20o Lensevs. are 71-2c 61-4o 412s 81-2o 61-4a 17 l-2o Standard prints are now 6 eta Blues areSt! former 7 l-2c. price for these goods Shoe Department. Infants' shoes, 25, 60, 75, and $1.00. Childrens' shoes 50. 65, 75, 00 and $100. $1 25, $1.37, $1.50. $1.65 and $1.75.' Misses' shoes, 50c to $2.00. Ladies' shoes, 50c to $2.50. Boys' shoes, 25o to $2.00. Men's shoes, $1.00 to $3.00. TO ORDER. We are making a reputation in our Tailoring Department especially on trousers. We cut and make to order trousers at half the price you can get them from a tailor. A good pair of working pauts for $2.75 or a pair of Dress Pants for $4.50. open and being shown. We

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