FIHERE- EOS GET OUR NEW, FRESH STOCK OF CLO HUNG, HATS, SHOES, UNDERWEAR, Rubber Goods, Umbrellns, &c, &c, Makes Things U'volv With Us. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS EYEHIUGJLISIIOR: PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVEXLNG VISITOR PUB-CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, as cents per month. Hnces for mailing, ti per year, or 25 cenis per month. Office lysairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BliOWN, Sr., M'g'r, Raleigh, N. C. FRED. A. OLDS, - - Editor ROBERT L. GRAY, - City Editor UALeIohT DEO. 12, 180-1. The sugar trust is now trying a game of bluff to protect its own inter ests. The republic of Hawaii has been of ficially recognized by all the leading nations of the world Every bushel of grain which left New York for Europe last year was carried under a foreign flag. Canada has arrauged in London for a loan of $12,500,000 to continue its work of canal enlargement and gen eral improvement. It is estimated that the syndicate whi'.'h brought the recent issue of bonds will realize a profit of $2,000, 000 in the transaction. One of the needed currency reforms in a system of bank examination that will prevent an f'ISOO book-keeper from stealing .354,0O0 by the daily falsification uf accounts, as in the case of the Shoe and Leather bank of New York. The eighteen provinces of China speak aeveraidiffeivnt languages, and are loosely hold together by an admin istrat'te. polioy ..t Tcikis which is Bearing an end. The empire is evi dently about to break up. Half a dozen kinds of bullet-proof garments have been invented this year, and aim) . an infantryman's shield, which an be combined into breast works and a gun-rest. They will hardly cut much figure in the next war, but may suggest something new in armor for the sanguinary and bone cracking football crews. The low price of sugar is due in some degree to the same causes affect ing wheat, cotton and other agricul tural products. The , European beet root crop is about 9OO.C0O tons larger than last year, and the world's sup ply of raw sugar shows an an increase of 927,000 tons over 1893, making the crop the largest on record. Three million bales of cotton will go to market from Texas this year, and it is safe to predict that within a few years that state will produce all of the staple that is needed in the' Uni ted States. This not only indicates the greatness of Texas, but it also emphasizes the fact that the south should raise less cotton and more corn, hay, fruit and vegetables. The decline of the immigration to this country during the last fiscal year to 288,028, against 502,917 in 1893, is not due alone to the business depression. There are increased at tractions for immigrants in South America, Africa and Australia, and the tide that has been running so strongly in this direction has been partially diverted. In addition Brit ish immigration has been falling off steadily for ten years. These facts are not unacceptable to the American people, who have looked on the for eign tidal wave of the last dozen years with no little apprehension. ooooooocxxxyo ooooooooo BEST FREE TELEPHOHriE 150. UP TOWN OFFICE, UO. 117 FAYSITEVILLE GT- Large ships can get within 110 miles of Pekin, China. In winter the river is closed by lee and though tb. Uni ted States has a fleet of five ships in those waters, two must seek a safe winter harbor 385 miles from the Chi nese capital. Americans at interior points in China are now without pro tection, and dependent on the good will of the native authorities for safety. Tbe greatest danger is mob law. The medical prefession of Baltimore is deeply interested just now in an im portant discovery which has been made by an eminent southern physi- tian. The Morning Herald says if j the discovery proves to be what is at J present indicated it will rank among j the most important discoveries made ' by medical science and will re vol u I tionize the treatment of the deadly diptheria, for the discovery is claimed to be no less than a specific for that disease. From the information gained it appears that the great discovery has been made by Dr. Richard K. Gregory, of North Carolina, a ery I eminent physician, who has hereto fore given to the medical science some of its most important inventions and discoveries. He is a graduate of the university medical college of New York, of the class of 1860, served five years in the United States army, and during the late war was surgeon-in-chief in charge of the hospital at Charlotte. FRIGHTENED INTO RABIES. A Bitten Boy Died After a Few Days' Suffering. Mocht Holly, N. J., Dec. 11. Frightened into what seemed hydro phobia of the most acute form, 18-year-old Harry Lott, died last night. Five weeks ago he , was bitten on the linger by a pet dog. The wound was very slight and nothing was thought of it. Friday conversation drifted to the subject of hydrophobia. Young Lott became very much interested and nervous. His head went back, his limbs stiffened, and he gasped for breath. This soon passed off, and nothing more was thought of it until Saturday, when the boy had another attack of the same nature. From this time he rew steadily worse, and medical aid was summoned. When the doctor arrived he found the patient in a high state of excite ment. His arms would straighten out and stiffen, his head go suddenly backward and he would froth at the mouth. Then he would attempt to grab his attendants by the throat, and at other times would jump into the air with such force as to strike his head against the ceiling. Nearly all of this time he was conscious, and only at intervals was nnable to know what was going on. Water and liquids would cause him great pain, and, rather than take water to aid in swallowing a pill, he would chew the pill to atoms. Sunday evening the doctor called and found him sitting in an easy chair. After a few moments' conversation the boy said he would go up-stairs. He started, but, after taking a few steps, was seized with a convulsion and fell backwards. After recovering he said: "I will go, and when I start I want you to see that I do not stop." This time he was successful, and on getting 1 upstairs went to bed, from which he soon got up, and began his wild flights around the room, with such violence that it took three men to hold him. His cries were so loud they were heard in the street, and quite a crowd gath ered in front of the house. Finally, the poor lad gave up from sheer ex haustion, and went into a comatose state, dying about midnight. JOHMSON ANTHRACITE gooooH-oo AND BITUMINOUS, 6 j FROM DUST AND WASTE. coocmhxw For rheumatism I have found noth ing equal to Chamberlain' Pain Balm. It relieves the pain as soon as applied. J. W. Young, West Liberty, W.Va. The prompt relief it afford i alone worth many times the cost. 50 cents. Its continued use will effect a perma nent core. For sale by J. Hal. Ilnb bitt, druggist Extra bargains in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. Pate of Fredrick Vllllers. Verification of the death of Fred. Villiers, the famous war artist, is not yet received. But the fears are strong that the headless trunk of an Kuro. pean found on the bank of the Yalu river is none other than that of the foremost special artist of the time. His kinsman, Lord Clarendon, declares that China shall answer for his life. "It is a pleasure to sell Cliam'ier lain's Cough Remedy," says Stickney & Dentler, druggist. Republic, Ohio. "Because a customer, after once us ing it, is almost certain to call for it when again in need of such a medi cine We sell more of it than of any other cough medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For coughs, cold and croup, it is without an equal. For sale by J. II ul Bob bitt, druggist. Pine fiber mattresses at Thomas & Maxwell's. Pn? It leu's Arutca Solve. Tbe best alve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm. le ver sores, tetter, chapped hand J. blafns, corn and a'l skin erti$ Joiif, and positively cures piles, or ub pav reqnlred It is enaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. For sale by John Y Mana Hand polished curtain poles 30 cts, each at Thomas & Maxwell's. Among the proposed features for the Paris exposition of 19( ) will be an electric sun, a reproduction of the moon, a miniature voyage around the earth, a mountain higher than the Eiffel tower. When Eahy was Rick, we Rave her Cafttorla. "When fihe wan a ChiM, she critil fi t Cn-storia. When she became Miss, she clun to Ca.sU.ria. When she had Children, she cave thcui C.utoria. All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas & Maxwell's at 20 cents each. Commission er's Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of the superior court;of Wake county, made at the October term thereof, in the action of Albert P. Massey, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Solomon Augustus and Mary Ann Watson against Eddie A. Dunston and Samuel Watts, I will sell at public auction at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 7th day of January, 1895, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property to wit: All that lot or parcel of land situated in the c'.ty of Raleigh, and county of Wake, bounded and abutted as follows: Begining at a stake in the eastern line of lot No. 31, upon a plat or map of the homestead lot of Charles Manly, deceased, made by Kings land & Miller, and running thence easc wardly 129 feet to a stake on Fayetteville street, or near; thence southerly along said street 56 1-2 feet to a sake on the side of said road at the junction of Lookout street therewith; thence along the northerly line of Lookout street 129 feet to a stake cor ner of lot No. 31; thence northwardly 56 1-2 feei along the line of lot No. 31 to the place of beginning, being lot No 9 on the map or plat of said lands; it being the lot of land referred to in iterajt of the will of Solomon Augustus, recorded i.i the office of the Clerk of the Superior court of Wake county, in book 35, at page 338, and like wise in item 10 of the will of Lucy Powell, recorded in sail Clerk's office, in book B of wills, at page 413. Terms of sale, one-third cash; balance upon a credit of six months with interest on deferred payments at 8 per cent. Title to be retained until purchase' money is paid in full. oaw 3od ALBERt P. Massey, Commissioner. mm I These tiny CnpauirN nr. Mftf In AU k..M ..7.1 , . j inconvenience, nflrctionnf MPTY I i and Inleetlana lull. mm El V I Indigestion, Billiousnes, Dyspepsia And all stoma, h troubles ar cured by P. P P i -I, i.,vn,w. i,,ll.,tMMiiim 1 111 i ..'-" " . - J i lUiMum.itism is cured by P. P. 1. j Pains and aches in the back, shoulders, : knees, ankles and wrists are all at tacked and conquered by P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleansing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. . Nothing is so elHcacions s P. P. P. at this season, and for toning up, in- Tigorating and as a strengtnener ana . appetiser take P. P P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con I dition. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint cures all corns, warts and bunions. Bnrwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents. Charlotte. N. C. Curtain Poles and fixtures, any , color, 18c, cheap at 25c. j Linen Window Shades, any color, from 25c. up. Lace Curtains from 63c to $3. Drapery Hooks 4c. a set. Drapery Chains 9c. to 2-1". Curtain Net 10c, worth 15c. Ladies' Vests 22c; all wool 98c. Children's Shirts and Pants 24j each. Just received a line of boys' hats at 10c, worth 25-. Men's Crush Delbys fl.00 the biggest bargaiu in Raleigh.- THE LYON RACKET STORE. HARRY BASSET!" A PURE RYE WHISKEY. This is to certify that we have care fully examined J. 15. BROWN'S CO'S Famous Braud, "HARRY BASSKTT" OLD RYE WHISKli.r. and "d no im purity resulting from a Cromi-.- Acid test and recommend it for medicinal purpose.". James MoKee, M. D., Raleigh, N. C. W. F. H. Cobb, M. D., Goldsboro, N. C. For sale in Raleigh by the following dealers only : Star Saloon, R. K. Parham, John U. Smith, Nick Debov, Carroll & Harris. ' : : .ORDERS SOLICITED: : : THE J.IOKOWN CO., dei6 Baltimore, Md. SOLID PIECES OB Sterling Silver Inlaid In the backs spoons' Forks At Pointi Host Sipoudte Waat AND THEN PLATED FOUR TIMES AS HEAVY AS Standard Plate. To Wear 25 Years. fiiiusi iiimia, MORE DURABLE THAH LIGHT Sterling Silver AND HOT ' v HALF THE COST. 1 EACH ARTICLE IS STAMPED "L tTttilM HU11 'I V W. II. HUGHES, 127 Fayetteville Strbet. , no 24.1m KrotuNcf . SILVRJ 1 V I MOO f ' 0000 gz: QOOOOOOQO-OO 0-00--0-00-0 I IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH ! f X BY COMMON CONSENT t IT IS ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT A MAN If be indulges D the luxury at all should smoke only the BEST CItiARS. Among the many brands I carry the following are popular with CONNOISSEURS: El Soltero, ... 5 cents. Solon Shingle, ... 5 ealB. Bobbitfs 108, - .... 5 cenU. Tansill's Punch, ... 5 centaf Sporting Club, ... 5 cents. La Elita, . . . 5 cents. Cherokee, ' . 5 cents. Salorosa, - 5 cents. Resagos (all Havana), - - 6 cents. Lady Gertrude (all Havana), - 6 cents. Live Indian (3 sizes), . - 10 cents. Flor de Teller (Londres Perfect), 10 cents. Duke de Cuba (Havana, 3 sizes), 10-15 cts. La Fortuna, Perfect, - - 10 cents. DeWitt Clinton (Key West), - 10 cents. Coronet Bouquet(Key West),- 10 cents. Lyceum Bouquet, Invincibles, 15 cents. Roig's Cabinets, - - 20 cents. X o CO 111 X H - CO h 2 3 O u w Hal. 0 or 6 u 6 3 o i 2 CKW0X-00000 MotgageSale. By virtue of authority conferred in a mortgage, executed by G. J. and H. B. Thomas and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 597, in Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C, we will, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1805, at the court house in tbe city of Raleigh, at 12 o'olock m., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, two certain tracts of land of 43 aores and 22 poles, and 23 acres and 21 poles, respectively, . described in said mortgage, and lying and situated in House Creek township, Wake county, about five miles northwest of said city, adioining the land of Osborn Branch, Berry O'Kelly (formerly Joseph Blake), Ruf us Horton, John Smith and others, containing in the aggregate 66 aores and 43 poles, more or lass. This December 10th, 1894. Pbblb & Maynard, . Attorneys for Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed December 1, 1890, by James H. Ray and wife, duly recorded in book No. 113, at page 255, in Register of Deeds office of. Wake county, N. C, we wdl, at the request of said Ray, on Monday, the 7th day ot January. A. D., 1895, at t2 o'clock m,, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, for sh, lands described in said mort gage, lying and situate in House's Creek township, Wake county, N. C., about four miles northwest of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of T. W. House, Mrs. Ann rlirrison, James Lynn, John and BarzMa Emery, and others, containing 40 acres, more or less, being the lands whereon said Ray and wife now live - . Peele & Maynard, -'Attorneys for Mortgagee. This 28th of Noemoer, A. D., 1894. SEASONED OAK AND PINE, LONG OR SHORT, - YARD, FOOT V7; Bobbitt. Sale of Land. By authority of a judgement of the superior court of Wake county, made in special proceedings the sale of land to make assets, entitled J. C. Mar coin, administrator, vs. Viney Powell and others, No. 701, I will sell, on Monday, December 24, 1894, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, to the highest bid der, a track of land in St. Mathew's township, Wake county, and bonnded on the east by Joe Horton and NorHeet Kelley, on the south by Dr. Marsh burn and James Temple, on the west by James Temple and J. W. Upcharoh, and on the north by lands of 8. Paoe, deceased. Terms of sale one-half cash balance in six months from sale day. J. C. Maboom, nov!9 tds Adm. and Com. GUT FLOWERS, Bouquets, &o. Roses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and tlorat designs at short no tice. . IMPOBTBD BULBS ' ' for winter blooming. Just arrived, a splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. - ' ! PALMS, FBBNd and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees.' Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flowerpots and fern dishes. r Phone 113. ., Stbihmbti, the Florist. . , Thomas & Maxwell has just received -a large lot of spine fiber mtttresses ' for people sutferiug with' bronohioal or lung troubles. . . - - HAflQjETT 'GT ; C t c

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