I OM HAND aoo CORDS WOOD. Gaytoa 1Ud Ash, Stml-Antntaclt ( Coal (fur stove or gratea.) Pocahontas, Small Lump, Pocahontas, Large Lamp, Bansell freek, large Lamp, Seml-KitamiDoaa t (or grate or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, ) Bitaminoo. Jellieo Splint Coal, Biasing grate TennMe Splint Coal. ) coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Siie Stove " .. .. Kgg " Furnace ' All Fresh From But Minki in this country. SKASONED Pine and Oak Wood, cat aud utlit for Mtoves and fireplaces, or in 8 foot lengths. SHINGLES, Laths. C.rin, Hay, Meal, Kran, I , Ae., wholesale and retail, at lo test pri. es by JONES & POWELL Ralkioh, N. C. P'CAHONTAS steam still stands above all others in quality and priee. Several cars always on track, ou 4'Scb side of the city. TRY JOHN U. SMITH'S lieulator Pure Corn Whiskey and Rock Candy Syrup. It enlivens the tongue, freshens the m-'inory aud tuilds up loss of appetite. 1 carry the largest stock of W hiskies of any house in the city. I can give you food from six mouths old to sii yen 8 old. After the ball is o'er, " After the break of morn, Give me a drink of John Smith's old Corn. Johnnie has got the corn, made not far from this place, Neither addles, your brains nor rwells your face. t Don't forget me, I'm still in the ring, With the best to drink of everything. Go on away and let me pass it For I'm going to John Smith's fora drink of Harry Baasett; Go away and let me be For it is prescribed by Dr. Jim. McKee. - Your respectfully, JOHN U. SMITH. PROMPTNESS IN THE ' Laundry Busings Means prompt calls and prompt delivery. To give satisfaction is to give HONEST WORK At Legitimate Prices. If anyone gets ahead of the OAK CITY LAUNDRY IN" THIS, "THE MULE IS-HOT." L. R. WY ATT, Prop. . PHONB 87. Andbiw J. Johib, Lin. H. Riystks Business Manager. Aicb't & Supt. B'ld'r B. I. Pask, in charge yards ana shops. HOYSTER, PARK & CO. (Successors to Ellington, Boyster Co.) MAVTJFACTUBIBS Of Doors, Sasj, Blinds, Scroll Work, r STAIR HAILS ' And all Other Kinds of Bnlldln(i Material. .Will contract to bui'd anywhere in tnc State, or furnish any kind of material de aired. Onr shop is equipped with the latest and . 1 3t wood working machinery. - We are lo oatei on the S. K. L. Railroad, which rum through the best timbered lands in North Carolina, from which- we get onr logs anil out our own lumber. This enables as to fill order of any rse or dimension on short notice We can oat 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry itiln has a rapacity of 60.000 feet, and we eat, dry and dress lumber for the publif at reasonable rates. . Telephone No. 135. Onr yard and shops are on West street, at tenrlr.nt of Erlonton street,. .. febj' J nMceptialaglne ! (Anti-oephal-algine.) The Great Headache and Neuralgia Kenedy. Cores quickly andsafely nedanhe In all iu various forms. Manuf.only by Prop , Jas I Johnson, Raleigh. 25,50o not. For sale by all druggists. - Q, : a. joajTMOtf, tapis anl Faoiy Grocer ies, vine uigura sua Tobaaios. Fruits, Vegetables, A a, 131 fluliborO Street, A Christmas Ly rlc- Sweetheart, Ijuind asy greet inf Aero the world of snow, Lot' tender pledge to l.reak the edge Of winter winds that blows The on word still repeating The ward 1 dared to ay, Whea all the hoar were sweet with flowers. And melody and May. In these December ashes That fill the valley' urn. Now sleep the fire of spring' desire Which yet shall wake and barn; And when once more It flashes And lights with bud and vine, Shall you I e here with love to cheer And light this lifeof mine? Across the frosty isthmus Of winter, white with drifts, Love, like a bird, flies with a word To you who hold his gifts; Ob, at the dawn of Christmas, When be returns to me. Bid him to sing of such spring, And you his song shall be! Ladies' Home Journal. A WOMAN SHERIFF. She Has Long Been a Brave and Efficient Otlicer. A Delvidere, 111., special says : Af ter 12 years of active, hazardous and exciting life as chief deputy sheriff of Boone eounty. 111., Mrs. Sarah J. Ames has hung up her handcuffs, quit carrying a gun and delivered the keys of the county jail into the hands of her successor. She has, in fact, been high sheriff for the last two years on account of the ill health of her husband. Republicans tried to pre vail upon her to accept a nomination for sheriff last fall. During the time she occupied the sheriff's office with her husband she served papers, open ed court esi-h morning, was in charge of the county jail and personally ad mitted aud discharged all prisoners, made more arrests than any man con nected with the sheriff's office, arres ted several criminals at the point of a pistol, tracked fleeing criminals into other counties and states and appre hended them, unraveled several mys teries of crime and brought the perpe trators to justice, made all arrange ments for the execution of a condemn ed felon and was the happiest woman in the state of Illinois when the gov ernor commuted the sentence, organ ized a ladies' cavalry club for politi cal purposes and personally conduct ed her husband's last campaign. TRAGEDY BEHIND THE SCENES- A Stage Carpenter Murderously Assaults the Managers. NoBRiaTowNPa., Dec. 11. Prior to the ringing up of the curtain in the opera house h'ere tonight a murder committed on the stage by Frank Mor gan, stage carpenter. He was intoxi cated and insisted on going into the green room where the actresses were dressing. The four Byrne brothers.p roprietors of the show, attempted to stop him, when he drew a penknife from his pocket. Opening the blade, the in furiated man succeeded in cutting one of the brothers through the nose and another across the throat. He then held the remaining brothers at bay until the arrival of an officer, when he was knocked down, and, af ter a scuffle, taken to jail, pending a hearing on the charge of murderous assault. ; The brothers were unable to appear this evening. Their injuries are con sidered serious. Marvelous Kesults. From a letter written by Rev. J, Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re salts were always marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hoars with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. MacRae's drug store. Regular-size 50j. ahd $1.00. During the past five year-;. Including the one just drawing to a close, the eity of Philadelphia has Bpent the enormous amount of $130,401,514 in its municipal expenditures, and can Bhow today for all that vast outlay absolutely noting of importance. It My do as Much for Yon. Mr Fred Miller, of Irving, 111, writes that be bad a severe Kidney irouoie ior many vean. with severe pains in his back and also Uiat his blaider wis affected. He tried muiy so raHfft kMney cures but withrut any good result. About a year am) he began use of Eiectrin Bitters and found relief at once: Electric Bit'ers is especially adapt vl to nu re of all kidney and liver troubles SLd often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our state -nert Price only 60 for large bottle, at John Y MaoiUs'i drugstore. Can't Sell Oleomarparlne. WaJnu.wo-, D. a. Dj. 11. Th opreme eoart affirms the validity and constitutionality of the law pasaed by MaMaehusettt, prohibiting the man ufacture or sale in it territory of ole margarine, colored so a to resemble butter, par cream or milk. The ease cam up on appeal from th judgment of the supreme eoart of the state la refusing to releas a man on a writ of habeas corpus from a term of Impris onment imposed ly the municipal eoart of Boston for alleged violation of the statute. Any one who has children will re joice with L.H. Mulford, of Plainfield, 2. J. His little boy, five years of age, was sick with croup. For two days nd nights he tried various remedies recommended by friends and neigh bors. He says: "I thought sure I would lose him. I had seen Chamber lain's Coagh Remedy advertised and thought I would try it as a last hope and am happy to say that after two doses he slept nntil morning. I gave it to him next day and a cure was ef fected I keep this remedy in the bouse now and as soon as any of my ehildren show signs of croup I give it to them and that is the last of it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt. druggist. Johnson's Oriental Soap Is the most delicate f.cUl soap for ladles' nse In exisfeooe. absolutely pore and highly mediaated tor sale b John Y if acRae W P Draper, druggist. Springfield, Mass writes: Japanese Pile Core baa cored a ladv 8 years sfllii'ted; coold not wa'k half a tnMe in the last three veM-p; now walks any distance. For sale by Jobo Y MdcRae. John Y Mac Rao, druggist, will tell yoa that Johnson's Magnetic Oil al ways gives satisfaction a,ud is th cbeai est. $1.00 size 50 cents ; 60 cects size 2-5 cents.' Peeped In 300 Windows New Castle, Pa., Deo. 11. It is es timated that 300 houses have been vis ited within the past six months by a "Peeping '"om," and Miles Maxwell, Jr., has recently been arrested as the culprit. Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real estate agent of San Angelo, Tex as, has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for .several years as occasion required, and always with perfect success. He says : " 1 find it a per fect cure for our baby when troubled with colic or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not complete without a bottle of of this remedy at home or on a trip away from home." For sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horse brand is a wonderful liniment for rheuma tism, neuralgia sprains and braises for man or beast. $100 size ISOc, 60c. size 2o. At John Y MacRae's Fhumatisui. neuralgia, headache and pains of every kind Instantly re- lieved by Johnson's Magnetic un. i size 5 c; 50c size 25c. Sold by John Y MacKae. Spoond Hand UTTTIR, TM"IT TJRE AND OTHER ARTICLES FOR SALE CHEAP. 6 Walnut Parlor Chairs, 1 Tete-a-tete. 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Ash Extension Table, 8 feet long, 1 large Kitchen Safe, 1 small Kitchen Safe, 1 round Marble Top Table, 4 large Dining Tables, 6 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet 3 inches wide, 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 large Mirrors, best French glass, 1 Trundle Bed, 1 Feather Bed, 1 high Desk, 4 feet long, 1 Iron Safe, : 3 Show Cases, 1 Indian (cigar sign), 1 Spice Cabinet, 4 Tea Cans, 1 Turning Lathe, Several pairs of S ales, 3 large Saloon Lamps, 1 large Cooking Stove, 2 Pool Tables, 1 Delivery Wagon, 1 Rockaway, 1 one Horse Power Steam Boiler, A. W. FRAPS, East Davie st., 2d door from Fay oc!8 2w etteville St., Room No. 1. Execution Sale. Under and by virtue of a certain ex ecution in my hands, issued from the superior court of Wake county and returnable to the February term of said court, to be held in Raleigh on on Monday the 25th day of February, 1895, in favor of C. H. Belvin vs. Jio. Devereux, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate at the court house door of said county at 12 o'clock m. January 7th, 1895, to-wit; One track of land lying and being in Raleigh, Wake county, described and bounded as follows : Beginning where Johnson street extension reaches the eastern line of the land of ; the late Paul C- Cameron, late Mrs. M. B. Mordecai's line, thence northerly with said Cameron line to Peace street ex tension, thence along Peace street crossing St. Mary's street, to Boylan street, thence south with Boylan street to Johnson street, thence west along Johnson street to the beginning. Ex cept that part thereof heretofore con veyed to Frank Brooks, the trustee of Brooklyn church and 'Geo. W. Poe. The part levied on being about five and one-quarter acres. This Deo. 7, 1891. M. W. Paqk, Sheriff. J. B. BvroHHLoa, Atty. for Infants and C'utorl a I Kim II Ltitl lo children that I n-CTMninrtut It amupHrWtuany mrriitiiHi too n to n-" H A Aw lira, M. I)., Ill 8a Olforvl Pruoklj-n, JS. Y. 'Th tt? of 'C&storU l unltvriial and lu uieriw fto well known Uut it tm a work of uTpriH;alIon to end. it. Tew are the InteUlRent fumlUns who du But kn-p CautorU witoin easy rr-h " CAtW Sliarvs, I. I)., J.Vw York City. DDirwivAQU onvv onm and potassium Makes Marvelous Cur:3 in Blood Poism asBMaWBaHaMHMHMh a Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies thsb'ood, bQlMsnir thu weuk and tiubUituted, Rtvea Btronih to weakontMi nervws, expels dieHoa.j'lvln; the pntinnt boaitb and Lnitpiiifst whore fllcknoaw, Blo(my feeling und lassitudfc llrdt prevailed. For itrimiiry.H ooadiry andtorttary pyphfli.-j, tnrblond poiaonlup, nionm rial poison, inolarin, dynpupsia, and in nil bloid aod si: in diaeasea, like olotohca, pimpioa, old PUronlo ulcera, tetter, aoald htsati, Iuila, erysipolas. eczorna- wo nip.v my, without fear of fout-adlotton.ih it P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world.and makes positive, 8peody and permaoeot cures In all cases. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is In aa impure condi tion, ilue to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly In noUted by the won det lul tonic and bloo-i eloabslnfr prop erties ot P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium. P PR inc. field, Mo., Aug. 14th, fJ3. I can speak in the highest terms of our medicine irom my own persuuu: Knowledge. I wasaflcted with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out rinding relief, I have only taken one Pottle of your P. P. P., ind can cheerfully say it- has done me moro good than anything 1 have ever taken. I can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. MltH. M. M. YRAEY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. BfBV BLT. & DUNN. Wbolanal V Lani Sab. By virtue of a decree of the superior court of Wake county, made in the, case of John M. Sherron, adminis trator of S. S. Mangum vs. Jos. H. Mangum et al... I will sell for cash, on the premises, on . the 15th day of December, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. in., a tract of land contain ing about 47 1-2 acres, situate iu New Light township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of Ridley Medlin, Elias Allen, Wiley Pervy.Wm. Hocka- day and others, being the land lately owned by S. S. Mangum, deceased. Title good. Sale for assets. John M. Sheeron, Com'r. . nov. 13 tds. Morva.?3 Sala Bv virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortise, executed by Mrs. Sophronia M. and N. H McCullers and wile, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 769, in Register ot Deed s oitice ot Wake county, N. C, we will, at the request of said N. H. McCullers, on Monday, the 7th day of Jan uary A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that valuable tract of land, described in said mortgage, lying and. situate in Barton's Creek township, Wake county, N G., ad joining the lands of W. H. Edwards, Rachael Fen-ell, A. T. Byrum, T. H. Poo!, H. E, Hol- lovvay and Dr. L. P. Sorrell, containing 309 acres, more or less, being the land wnereon the sold N. n, McCullers ana wile now live, This the 4th day of December A. D 1894, Peele & Maynard, tds Attorneys for Mortgagee. Land nr Sala. By virtue of a decree of the superior court of Wakecounty, made at October term, 1894, in th-i case of G. W. Nor wood vs. Oscar Ligon et als., I will sell for cash, at the court house door, in Raleigh, at 13 in., on the 15th day of December, 1894, two tracts of land situate in House Creek township, Wake county, one tra,;t containing 101 acres Ac, adjoins the lauds of J. J. Lynn, Thos. Edwards and others. The other tract joins the above described tract and contains 55 acres. Both tracts are land lately own by Washington Ligon deceased, and upon which he lived at the time of his death. One tract con tains a- dwelling jaud out-houses Both tracts have land in cultiva tion and original growth wood land upon them, anl are situated about six miles from Raleigh. J. E. Fleming. Com'r. nol IS tds. MB 1 S unn.iiimj Children. Taslurlm run Colic, CoutlpaUoa, Kour SUMuarh, Diarrhu, urLaliin, kill Vt'urau, give akviH and promou- dt- Wtlbout injurious medii-atioa. ' ytr spti ral yttrs I ham rwommeadfd your 'CasUtria,' and shall alway continue to do ao u it has invariably produced beneflci' rwulu." Edwim F. Pakdkc, M. D, lr.th Ktrwt aud th Ave., w York City. Th Cnrr-Am Cohpawy, 77 Mi khaT Sneer, Nw You Cnr. Pimples, Blotches; and Old Sores z Catarrh, malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely remove by P.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potae- slum, the greatest blood yurifler oo W earth. AnFRDF?ir. O.. Jay 21, 1991. g Mkbirs. Lippuan Bros., Savannah, Ga. : 1par Hirs I bought a bottle of f our P. P P. at Hot Spriiies.Ark.,and t9 t has done me moro pood than three months' treatment at the Hot Springs, Hend three bottles C. O. D. -9 Respectfully yours, tm JA8. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. -nf9 fi.pl. J. D. Jobnalon. To all vhom it may eonrern: I her- by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with an un slprhtly and disagreeable eruption on nn laoe. i irieu every kdowu reme dy but in vain.untll P. P. P. was used, 1 and am now entirely cared. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, . a avail naii, Ga. - Skin Cancer Cured. Testimony from the Mayor of Seguin.Tex, ' Skquin, Tex., January 14, 1893. Mkshrs. Lippman Bros.. Savannah, Qa, : Gentlemen have tried your P. ( P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years standing', and found great relief: It purities the blood and removes all lr- 1 rltai Ion from the seat of the disease . and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken Qveor six bottles ' and feel confident that another course , will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from Indigestion and stomach 1 troubles, xours truiy CAPT. W. M. RUST. Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Diseases lon Free, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. PROPRIETORS, ' J !Jppman'sUlock,SaTBnnali,G and Retail Apentfl. CI arlotta, N. 0. Laad in Oak Grovs Townsh'p Ftr Sale. By virtue of a decree of the super ior court of Wake county, in the case of J. 0. Marcom, administrator, d. b. n, c. t. a., of Chas. W. Brown vs. Covin- na V. Ferguson and others, I will, on Saturday, Dec. 22 J. 1894, at 12 o'clock in,., sell at the court house door of Wake county the following described lands belonging to the estate of Chas. W. Brown, deceased: One tract containing 54 1-4 acres adjoining the lands of W. A, Martin, a. C. Jones, Marion Jenkins ard others. One tract containing about 77 acres, part of tract conveyed to Chas. W. Brown by C. R. Lassiter and wife. adjoining the tands of E. P. Ferrell, W. J. May, Thos. S. Cozart and others. One lot containing 1 1-2 acres pur chased of Mary F..Grady by Charles W. Brown, adjoining the lands of M. H. Crowder, J. J. Cozart and others. One lot containing 4 acres, conveyed to Chas. Brown by W. J. May and wife, adjoining the lands of W. J. May, Mary Brown and others. All of said lands situated in Oak Grove township, Wake cohnty. Terms of sale of 54 1-4 acre tract, one third cash; balance in 12 months time, with 6 per cent interest from day of sale. 1 he balance of land will be sold for one-fourth cash, with 12 months time and 6 per cent interest on residue. J. II. Fleming, nov21 tds Commissioner. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of power conferred in a mortgage executed by Wm. Dickerson and wii'e, recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Wake county, book 121, page 322, l win on Monday Dec. 31, 1894, at the court house door, in the citv of Ral- eign at 12 m., sell to tne highest bidder tor casn tne tract ot lana described by metes and bounds in said mortage, situated in New Light township, Wake county, N. C, adjoining the lands of L. A. Wilson, C. C. Keith, -Wi D. Ray, John M. Crenshaw and others, containing twenty-one and a half acres. i hos. R. purnell, Attor. for Mortgagee. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. cor sale uy uruggists at io cents per box. TO hobsb7wnbbs. For putting a horse in a fine healthv con dition try Dr. Cada Condition Powders. They tons up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct Kianey disorders and destroy worms, givini new lite to an old or over-worked horse. ; lento per package. For tale by druggists. Vtliub'.e l.id hi int. B. P. Irl'.B r'ii!-ff. ti A. B !!- nt, 8. l. Ccok acil uu Sui r:or roort. On Vrix'aT. Ih S4th dr or IVrrmlrr. 1KH. by virtu, of lu'boril roofrned Uvu id in thhoY iDi'il.d ciril action UirlT diwodiDK io Wsk f iirior rotirt. I w'll iro ior a I, at ib court houe doo, n Kalriyb. at IS o clock m. n.l we 1 to ibr bivbevt bidder (or fash, a'l iliat trct or rl of land in U'akrointy, North ( i ui tia. in V bit t.k towrtphir, Irinir tl Hint . IHw1 o'd bumr?teriL acloinino tbelanda Of N.Dry Uonrll, H. . lk)it 11 li'n i-r acd otbrra and Dior fully dtwriocl in ' oocnpl.iflt and in a ie- nour.led in bjok No 1 10. pace 45, in be c lliee of tbe lln is: er of Decda fcr ikf cuuutv, oo'ilaiuiUK 11? acrea, mora or leu. w. J. fra- k, ' oru r. Pill ft Mayharo, AttoiMt-yj. Notice to rity TaxPa?e;s. The city tax-lint for 1S91 lias been placed in my bands for collec tion. 1 will be in uiy office for tkit. purpime every day from 9 a. tn. tn . p. in. All tstes not paid by D.'i-c? nb-r 1st are aubject to a peualty uf 1 perct. and an addititional 1 per cent on tlm lirst day uf each mouth tliereaiter un til paid. W. B. Hltchix.is 60V18 30d City tax collector. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By irtue of authority roufenvd on me by a deed of tr tst, e.xecute'l by 4. N. Denton and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. 1 wiii, on the 29th day of December, lS3t, at No. 17, Exchange Place, sell at aui ti in for cash, the Block of liquors, cigars, ygures aud other personal property in the store house, No. 17 Kn-hauge Place, N. C. Hour of sale 12 in. Terms cash. E. V. Db.nto.n. dec 4 tds Trustees. Sals of Land. By authority of a m .it3';ige from Lynn B. Parrish and wife, recorded in book 79, page 247, otlh-e of H '- ister of Deeds for Wake couuty, 1 will on Saturday, 15th day of December, 1S91, at 12 o'clock m., at the court lipase door of said couuty, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of land in Panther Branch township, said eounty, adjoining the lands of J. J. Young, Troy Britt, Simon Tuni 'i' and others, containing 100 acres, and ';aovu as the Justus Parrish home place, and which is particularly described in the. aforesaid mortgage. Also the interest of the said Lynn B. Parrish and vvite. in a tract of land of 12 acres which adjoins that above described and par ticularly described iu the aforesaid mortgage. W. X. JONES, Atfy. nov. 13 tds. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal P0L1PLEXI0 3 POWDER, POZZONl'S Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Insist upon having the genuine. IT IS FOil SALE EVERYWHERE. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. 4 MAGNETIC NERVINE JsrSLSMfe' restore Lost Manhood. Cartw woukDoesos, Nervous Debility and all the evils from ourly or later ex cesses, the remits of overwork, worry, sicknefts. etc. Full strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the bouy. Improve ment immediately seen from the first box. Thous ands of tetters of praise on file in our office. Can be carried in vest pocket. Hcnt by mail to an i address on receipt of price. One month's treat merit in each box. Price SI .00, bhoxes, $5.00, with Written Guaranteeto refund money if not oured. Bead to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free John Y. MacRae.'Druggist, Ruleig x O. Norfolk and Carolina Railroad Condensed schedule, in effect December 3, 1893. No 23 No 103 Stations Daily Ex Sun Lv Norfolk. 8 40 a rn 2 10 i in Ax Suffolk, 9 44am 405 pro. S-wJl Tunis, 10 38 am 3 .07 p ni Hobgood, 11 48 a m 5 25 p ru Tarboro, 12 07 p m 5 50 p rrt Rocky Mount, 12 45 o m 6 25 p m WiUiamaton, 7 50 p m Plymouth, 9 20 p in Washington, 7 35 p m Kinaton, 7 35pm Wilson, 1 45 n m 11 2,5 p m Goldsboro, 2 55 p m 7 20 a m Wilmington, : 5 3'Jpml00Jam Fayetteville 4 20 p m 115am Florence, 7 05 pm S :'7,a m Charleston 11 00 p m 6 5 ) a m Columbia, 10 Oo p m 11 05 a n August. 8 30am 412pm Savannah, 214am 8 23 am Jacksonville, ;8 40am 1 lo a m Selma, 2 45 p m 13 05 a m Raleigh, 4 05 p m Greensboro, 17 20pm : Asheville. 4 00 p m No 23 daily connects with ACL train 23 - tor al' paints south. No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes clone connection at Hobgood for Washington, Kinston, Mymouti and all Kaatern Dar in na points; also at Rocky Mouut with A 0 h train 38 for all points south. - Tra'ns arrive at nohoik st o oo p m aauv also at 10 25 a m daily eziept cluarlip. ..... J A XSKUCJ rja U tjitt, Pttwner and Cioket Aeent 'l - JA.MB3 V M4TJPIN, General Forwarding- geut, General Freight an t Paswager a.?iat. ' a M aaOPSUi, Qawral U aj.

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