) r,.v ,-. THE WEATHER. The Conditions and tbe Fore- cast. Local forecast for Raleigh tnd vicinity : Clearing thia evening; fair, colder Thursday. Local data for 24 hour ending at 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperature 63; minimum temperature 53; rainfall 0 2 J. An area of low pressure ia central over the eastern lake region, with a troagh of low pressure extending southwardjto North Carolina. It ia causing rain throaghout the northern nd middle atates unusually high tem perature. An area of high pressure and clear ing condition, with cold weather, ap peara over Kanwis. Thia will spread eastward todajr and Thursday. "Uncle Randal" Is 1 14. Asbcbi Park, N. J., Dec. 11. "Uncle Randal" Jones, known far and near, celebrated his 114th birthday anniversary today. He is well and healthy, and is upon the streets daily. He was born in New Jersey, and never put his foot across the line. He shook the hand of Gen. Wash ington when he was crossing the Del aware on his triumphal march to take the oath as flist president of the United States. He was also an eye-witness of the battle of Monmouth. Randal bought his liberty of Dr. Woodhull, for $35, in 1808. Panic in Newfoundland. St. John's, N. F., Dec. 11. New foundland is experiencing, complete commercial collapse. Banks are Bus pending, most of the large mercan tile firms have failed and business is paralyzed. It is the worst financial convulsion that was overcome any country in recent years. Nearly every bank on the island lias gone under, as well as most of the important commercial houses. The general public blame, the administra tion for tho crisis, and the feeling jigaiutt it is intense. Wnat Wlllthe "Winter Be? A lunar cycle is nineteen years; and if the moon has the same pull in aerial as in ocean tides, as many per sons believe, it may be inferred that thejpresent winter will be mild. At tempts to establish periodicity in win. ters, whether on a lunar cycle, sup ported byother basis, has so far yielded too meagre results to serve as start ing points for a prsgnostic system; but it will be at least interest- ing, as a matter of curiosity, to note whether the moon's supposed sway upon our .atmosphere will produce results this year similar to those of nineteen years ago. Really a Great New York. The present area of New York city, thirty-nine square miles, will be in creased under the plan of consolida tion adopted at the recent election to 317 fquare miles, embracing a popu lation of 3,000,000. Thus New York will become second in the list of the great cities of the world, being out ranked only by London, which has a population of 4,231,431, according to the latest census. Burials at Night. A New York undertaker is authori ty for the statement . that the custom of burying the dead at night has be come more general in that city. The innovation has been prompted by con siderations of economy of time. Delighted With Matrimony. Katie "Well, Ethie, how do you like married life?" Ethie "Oh, it's simply delightful. We've been married a week and have Lad eight quarrels, and I got the best of it every time." Xmas in Our Store In the selection of cur goods for holiday trade this year, we haven't forgotten yon, by you, we mean every i ody. So often it is difflcnlt to find something for a gentleman, bat this year we have made special provisions ior men. We do not care how little you have to spend, you can surely ' lind with as something at your price; "Wish we had the space here to tell you what we have. Every one in Raleigh should visit our two floors and see our Xmas display. W. H. & R. S. Tucker, Co. Don't forget to try our 25 and S5o. oysters at D. Bell & Co.'s. decStf . , A new lot baby earriages just re Reived at Thomas & Maxwell'!. TTT I Railroad News. At Wilmington yesterday, partoant to a decree of the circuit court in the ease of the Baltimore trust and guar antee company, trustee, against the Wilmington, ChadUurn and Conway railroad, Col. John D. Taylor, special matter sold at public auction the Wil mington, Chadbourn and Conway rail way. The first bid was $50,000, made by Warren 0. Elliott. W. 8. O'B. Robinson bid off $51,000 and Mr Elliott bid $53,000, and it kwas knocked down to him for Mr. B. F. Newcomer, of Baltimore. The sale includes 53 miles of railway running from Con way, 8. C, to Chadbourn, N. C, and thence to Hub, Columbus county. All the locomotives, cars, shop, ware houses, depots, lands, franchises, right of way, and all belongings of the road go with it. The terms were cash. The road becomes a part of the Allan tic Coast line. FURNISHING GOODS. Collars, cuffs, neckwear, abirts, box, knit shirts nnd drawers, pants, coats. vests, collar buttons, cuff buttons. scarf pins, shirt xituds and other and various kinds of furnishing goods. In fact, one of the most complete depart ments in this big store is the furnish ing goods department at D. T. Swindell's. S.).- f)A to $50.00 per week using wU.UU and selling old Reliable Plater Every family has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping in melted metal. No experience or hard work; a good situation. Address W. 1'. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. Special Notice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will continues the business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at 310 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at Dughi's, on Fay etteville street. HILLIARD BELL, Lock and Gun Smith. I haveenened mv shoo ayain and m I j r o prepared to do any and all kind of iron worn, sucn as repairing guns ana locks, fitting keys, opening and filing saws, bell banging, umbrellas repaired and any work in that line. Satisfac tion guaranteed, f noes moderate. Give me a call at 115 East Hargett street, rear Central hotel. 11 6t FORSYTH E BROS, PLAIS AND FANCY 3-Roa ebi ins. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. 122 EAST MARTIN STREET. HAVING A limited quantity of fine imported Press Pat terns and also Ladies' Fine Trimmed Hats, which I would like to dis pose ef before the holi days, I will offer them at strictly COST. Zephyrs at 5 cents an ounce. Just received a new line of Ladies' Cloaks and Capes At extremely low prices. We have full lines of goods suitable for Christmas Presents. I. ROSENTHAL, 211 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. PEfflSYLYAHIA'S Loading NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that .suffice to mnke a first class journal. THE spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of th Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to THS HOUSEHOLD, THB FARM, womah's WORLD, SCIBSCB, ABT, liITBBAUBB, HHAHCB, THB BBAL BSTATX WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every day 8UB8CBIPTI0H BATBS: Daily, one year, 13 00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 0C Address " ;;;r7' Tho Record Pub.Co. 917-916 Chestnut Strwt, Philadelphia, ; PHILADELPHIA WE ALWAYS IQEEP FOB ANY OPPORTUNITY THAT CAN BE TURNED TO YOrR ADVANTAGE, AND WK HAVE JUST STRUCK A SNAP. 600 PAIR8 IF ' SEPARATE MTU. Eiactly what you nerd, if you ued .anything. We got them ( heap because we bought them all and "planked down" the spot cash for them. Thet art honest CbeioN, io heavy business wear or even a littlejrmtter perfect in fit. We guarantee the make-op Every pair of them is worth f 3 50. YOUR CHOICE FOR 82.00. THE GIFT GIVERS' GU1P1 Our store is like a monstrous Christmas tree, loaded down with th best and most serviceable for man or bo the proper and appropriate. All is ready fur (he great siege that is coming. Kvry department, every counter, is filled to its utmost and stand ready for you to "elect. We have painted the holiday picture in the strongest colors moderate prices, in the im.tnlets variety, and framed it vtitb our confidence, an inspiring guarantee o. satisfaction. MEN'S SUITS AND OVKRCOATS. $7 50 to $30.00. BOY'S LONG PANTS SUITS. $5 00 to $15 00. BOY'S SHORT PANTS SUITS, 3 50 to $ 10 00. The largest and best selected line nf everything in Men's and Boy's Furnishings, Hats, Neckwear, etc. No other house here has ever shown snsh a complete line as ours, nor at such moderate cost. S. & D. BERWAWGER, YOUR HOLIDAY OUTFITTERS. BE WARM AND The rold weather has fairly set in and with it comes the desire to be warm and comfortable. Whit so insures warmth and comfort as a good Overcoat? We have on our overburdeued counters the largest and finest display of Overcoats ever offered, in all fabrics, Melton, Chinchilla, Beaver, Cheviot, Tweed, Homespun, in all colors and weights, and at prices ranging from $3 to $30, the product of the finest manufacturers in the country, and made especially for us, after our designs. nUCEHST'S CLOTHING-. Every gentleman desires to be well dressed. An inspection of our stock will convince you that we have clothing which for perfection of workmanship and fit will please the most fastidious. To be faultlessly attired you should wear one of the celebrated F. B. Q. garments. None surpass; few equal them. We have reduced them in price. SUITS THAT WERE f 30 00 25 (JO 30 00 18 00 15 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 UNDERWEAR. everywhere vwhere pergirment. Wright's renowued all wool sanitary uudenvear. All grades of underwear sold by us are guaranteed, and at prices 40 per cent lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. ROSENTHAL CLOTHING-CO.,' Hi 805 FAYETTEVILLE ST., OPPOSITE POSTOFFICK. Yon are cordially -.Jii- vi ted to attend t lie HOLIDAY of RALEIGH STATIONERY COIPT. December 88D iFayetteyiJle St. W. G. SEP ARK, MANAGE R OUR EV weight, and neat in pattern, will do for of quality, in the brighter lights of COMFORTABLE. GO THIS WEEK FOR $23 50 18 75 15 00 13 00 11 25 9 50 7 50 ' " 6 00 at ! p brated Tuxedo Underwear, sold at .Ti ler irarment: our price au cents OPEMIN the 4, 184. WOOLLCOTT & SOW Our business for the past five or six weeks has been immense, owing to our closing out. Our Mr. Wm. Woollcott will retire from active business on Jan uary 1st, and we have marked nearly all the stock at or near cost. To satisfy yourself in reference to the low prices we would like you to come and see our new prices. DRESS GOODS. In this department we have had an awful rush. There is plenty left for you. We are closing out thia department on an average reduction of 20 to 25 per cent. You save enough to buy your linings on a $5 dress pattern. You save from $1 to $2. Shoe Department. w waut to remind you that we have about 7,000 pair of good shoes in stock. Shoes that were in stock November 1st are being closed out at eost. TICKING. Mattress Tick 7 1-2'.., 10c, 12 l-2u. Feather Tick 12 l-2e., 15c, 17 l-2o. The 17 l-2c. Feather Tick is the best quality made; regular 25c. goods. Buy your ticking from us and we will tell you where to have it made. When you read our advertisement you can depend on one thing and that is that we always have what we advertise. Good and judicious advertising pays. Always advertise honestly. After January 1st the business will be conducted by Mr. Walter Woollcott. We are goiug to rearrange our store and sell goods lower than everj then we are going to buy goods cheap and give the ous-' tomers the benefit of the low prices Our Xmas Stock is now have everything as usual. The prices are less than last year. Come and make your selections before the stock is broken. OUR TERMS ARE CASH ONLY. UTOOLLGOTT & SORI WASH COODS. Our 10c Gingham's are now, Our 71-2j " " Our 6a " Our 10c Outings are, Our 7 l-2c " Our 20c Lenseys, are 71-2o 61-4o 41-2o 81-2o 61-4o 17 l-2o Standard prints are now 0 eta. Blues are 5 j former price for these goods 7 l-2c. Shoe Department. Infanta' shoes, 25, 50, 75, and $1.00. Childrens' shoes 50, 65, 75, 90 and 1 00. $1 25, $1.37, $1.50, $1.65 and $1.75. Misses' shoes, 50o to $2 00. Ladies' .shoes, 60c to $2.50. Boys' shoes, 25o to $2.00. . Men's shoes $1.00 to $3.00. TO ORDER. We are making a repntation in onr Tailoring Department especially on trousers. We cut and make to order trousers at half the price you can get them from a tailor. A good pair of working pauts for $2.75 or a pair of Dress Pants for $4.50. opven and being shown. We

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