1 - - V EVENING VISITOR. VOL XXXII. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1894. NO. 47. TUB BET CHRISTMAS GIFT GOOD AND BE AUT1FULB00K ALWAYS IN GCTD TA'TE, ALWAYS APPRECIATED AND 13 i JOY FOREVER. Oar elegant line of the best and newest Hooks for the Holidays in now displayed and wo can furnish , just what you want. Make your selection early before the stock is too much picked over, besause many of the choicest books we cannot dupli cate this season. We will carefully store your purchase aud delirr at any time and place y a desire. Come and exam ine the thousands of new and beautiful things and make your self at home in oar store. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. ill Mil REE8L Winter llliieiry OF ALL KINDS. A FULL LINE OF CHILDREN'S GAPS AT ALL PRICES. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. Zephyr, 7 cents. Wool, 18 cents. SLIPPER SOLES 25.48., at PERMIT To show you our stock of sweet meats for Christmas. Every article new. We have the best CITRON, CURRANTS, MINCE MEAT, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, &c. Our PURITAN OATFLAKES iu 3-lb. cartoons or in bulk are not excelled by any brand. Don't forget also that we keep constantly on hand ALL PORK FRESH SAUSAGE put up for our trade especially. Only 12 1-2 cents per pound. We offer today a small lot of sugar cured hams for 11 1-2 cnnts perpouud. Don't postpone your purchase as we have only about 800 pounds of them left. J. Q-. BALL & CO. SHERWOOD'S. TH-E1 ETHICS O.E7 Lore is the underlying law of Christmas time, just as Justice is, or ought to be. of all the times. Cynics call Annual Game of Swap." We give because we love, and are glad to give be. cause we can. We can because at our to buy. TO SOLVE THE ANNUAL WE SUBMIT THE fvi:' ( Tailor fUfl " VV U IVI C Vt or Fancy Dresses, Kid Gloves (all colors) wove and silk Gloves, Gossamers, white and colored hemstitched Handker chiefs, Initial Handkerchiefs in silk, Silk Mufflers, Embroidered Lawn and Linen Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs, Fan?y Hair Pins and Combs, Hair Brushes, Garter and Dress Buckles, Feathered Fans, Paiuted, Gauze and Silk Fans, all-wool Skirts, Umbrellas, all-wool Vests, any size and price; small waresand notions, Pocket wood s solid service Shoes. White Dress I" Ull IY1iLN f Hair Underwear,-Half Hose, in cotton and wool (!nllra ana Duffs. Silk Scarfs. Tecks and Four-in-Haads. SusDenders. Canes, Umbrellas, plain and trimmed Sticks, white and colored bSrdered Hemstitched Handkerchief, Gloves in wool, kid, castor and dogskin, Silk Hemstitched and Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, Black Bows, Solid Service Shoes. a kim mihi'm ( Handkerchiefs, Suspenders FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Collars and Cuffs. Windsor'! Kmbroidersd Silk Handkerchiefs, Capes, Tam 0'J3hanters, a box of Misses' or Boy's Hermsdoff 's Hosiery, Misses' Jackets and Long Garments, Gloves, in Wool and kid, a school Umbrella, uooas, Und a pair of Sherwood's Solid Service mm f't a ' ' ( Dress Patterns, Trunks, Blankets, and a pair of Sher SP LCIAL. good's Solid Service Shoes. .... V ; OPEN EYENINGS ; C A SHcROOO & COMPANY Slaters to Wed. Mr. 'S. F. Fool, of Mount Airy, passed through today on his way to Henderson where tomorrow at 1 o'clock he will wed Minn Sallie Wyche, a charming young lady of that place. Tomorrow afternoon they will go to Greensboro where they will make their home. Miss Wyehe is a sister of Dr. Wyche, Greensboro's leading dentist. A norel and. at the same time, a pleasant feature of their marriage is - that they will reach their future home just in time to be present at the nuptials of Miss Wyche'a sister. Miss Martha I Wyche, of Greensbro female college, to Mr. Cradd'ck, of Virgiuia. Both , the Misses , Wyche are popular young ladies, well known throughout the state and many friend will witth them , a happy and prosperous journey . through life. I If any dealer in Raleigh will equal : in size and flavor the oysters we sell at 25 and 35-- per quart, we will give the soldier s home five gallons Xmas. G. N. Ives & Co., city market. Perfumery iu cut glass or plain bottles is the most generally accepta ble gift for Xmas you can buy any kind by the gallon, quart or pint in bottles or in your own bottles at Spelling & Hicks, drugstore. Don't listen to the " oyster bed" tory ho ofteu told you, but come to us auu you will get good oysters. G. N. Ives & Co., city market. We have fine oysters at 25 and 35c. at D. 1MI & Co.'h dec3tf ' Dmi't forget to try our 25 and 35c. oysters at D, Bell & Co.'s. deiStf Bring your orders to us for select oysters and you will not compain of size, flavor or measure, G. N. Ives & Co., city market. We will sell you for Christmas, best French candies at 40c per pound. de 14 3t Nokth Side Dhug Store. Our new oyster refrigerator makes customers among people who prefer the market flavor to ice water. Come and see it. G. N. Ives & Co., dec 18 4t. City market For Christmas presents go to the North-Side Drug Store. If you want solid measure oysters at 25 and 35a. a quart go to D. Bell & Co.'s stall in the market house. U CHRISTMAS the interchange of the season "The store, at least, everybody can afford QUERY WHAT TO BUY FOLLOWING : - made Coats, Capes, Fur Capes, Black Books and Purses, and a pair of Sher Shirts, White, Gray. Red and Camel' Silk Mufflers, and a pair of Sherwood rocset boors, comns, uair Brusnes, Shoes. DOTS AND DASHES MADE ABOUT TODAY'S HAPPEN INGS. Items Gathered In and Around the City. "'"he farmers want to see some cold weather, so they can kill hog. Travel on the railroads is picking p. There i already a g-od deal ol travel. Mr. W. H. Moore is building three cottages on East Martin street, in the Womble addition. Today the legislative joint commit tee is at work on the books in the state auditor'sorfice. So far as can be learned there will b a Christmas tree at each of the Sunday schools in this city. The cotton receipts today were very heay. It was worth one's life almost to walk through the exchauge. At the Park hotel this afternoon Miss Myrta Laura Mason of Chicago, lectured on psycho-physical culture. The Raleigh boys at college at hapel Hill will come home for their Christmas hodidays tomorrow, Thurs day and Friday. The holiday trade here appears to be quite up to the average. The coun try people, low as is the price of cot ton, all appear to have money. Raleigh, when the Caucasion and the Lodge make their appearance, will have seventeen daily, weekly and monthly publications. There are intimations of some other changes in the personnel of the offi cials of the S. A. Iu. changes that will by:no means please the people in this state. Why don't the fair management have that editorial prize awarded? There has been delay enough and many of the state's brilliant editors are on "tenterhooks." There is only one of the three to bacco warehouses open this season, this being the Farmers'. Last Fri day there were heavy breaks and to day these were again large. Over $2,000 worth of leaf was sold each day. , Royster, Park & Co., today began work on two extensions of the power house of the- street railway ; one be ing 50x23 feet and the other 18x30 feet. In these the engines, boilers and dynamos will be placed, and more room for cars will be afforded. The Carolina cotillion club will give its holiday dance on the 26th in stant, instead of on Christmas. The Capitol club will also give a dance during the holidays. That of the cotillion tlab will be given at the Yar boro orthe Park. A rustic passenger who was await ing a train at the union depot today had evidently been making extensive Christmas preparations during his stay in the city, having on the seat beside him two immense "jimmy- johns" of pure old rye and two bottles of rock candy. The official list of members-elect of the legislature, as prepared by Capt C. M. Roberts, keeper of the capitol, showing their seats, shows 8 demo crats, 17 republicans and 35 populists in the senate, and 46 democrats, 38 republicans and 36 populists in the house. The Visitor welcomes to the city G, S Cotfieshall. who has recently remov ed here from Oxford, and who has opened an office in room No. 2, Pullen building and will engage in the prac tice of medicine in the community. He is said bv the Public Ledger of his former home to be a skillful surgeon and eminent physician. This evening at the chapel of the blind institution the Raleigh musical association will give its first regular rehearsal. Among the singers will be Mrs. H. H. Chandler, now of Raleigh late of Nebraska, and Miss M. L. Ma son of Chicago. The new amateur orchestra will furnish the music. The ooncert begins at 8 o'clock and adniis. sion is only upon invitation. In conversation with Mr. Len. II Royster toA&y the latter said to a re porter that in the will of the late John Rex, the giver of Rex hospital two springs in this city were set aside for the permanent use of the people of Raleigh, a quarter of an acre being set aside at each place. One of these springs is in a few yards of the Mills wagon factory and the other near the Seaboard Air Line shops. This is a queer piece of news. Can any one give more of the facts. Deputy Charlie" Walters left this morning for Goldsboro carrying with him Mary Horton, the colored woman who has been confined at the county home for over two mouths. She will be placed in the Goldsboro Asylum, a vacancy having been made at that much crowded institution. Mary, it will be remembered, is the woman wh nearly caused a stampede among the prisoners in jail a month or so ago by itotf wild "taking ou." THE WEATHER. Tho Conditions and the Fore cast. For North Carolina: Fair and cooler in eastern rortion to-night. warmer in western portion Wednes day. Local forecast for Raleigh and icinity: Wednesday, cooler tonight. fair and slightly warmer Wednesday. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. today: Maximum temperature '63; minimum temperature 32; rainfall 0.00. The high area extends from Mem phis to Buffalo, with a barometer of 30.50 inches. The weather is clear and cool everywhere except in upper Mississippi valley, where it is cloudy, due to the approach of another storm the northwest, as indicated by southerly winds and rising tempera ture north of St. Lonis. The temper ature has fallen considerably over the states bordering the Atlantic. As to the Streets. The street question is a vexinruie. Th'ut Ralegh the capital city an ' nat urally the prettiest place in the -late, should be def ined by such thorough fares as it has is indt-ed hard. Mr. Stronach, the chairman of the street ommittee certainly hnsthe good of the city at heart. He is handicapped by the action of the aldermen, and that he has done the best he could under great disadvantages; and should not get the ((lame. But Raleigh is away belli ud on street improvements, com plaints are not groundless. Somebody is to blame. Who is it ? Although au ordinance was passed months ago requiring the different railroads to put th?men at their crossings nothing has ben done. It is said that the railrords have been notified, but why have they not been compelled to carry out the order? Mr. Stronach was asked why t he ordinance was ignored and could not answer. This matter seems to be gross negli gence on somebody's part. The neglect to guard the crossings is a nuisance to the public safety. The Fayetteville street crossing is especially dangerous and Mr. Stronach says that he himself had narrowly escaped being run over there. Illicit Stills Captured. Collector Simmons was today in formed of the seizure and destruction of three illicit distilleries. Deputy E. A. Moflitt reports the seizure and destruction of a 70-gallon copper dis tillery and outfit, 1,500 gallons of "moonlight" beer and two barrels of corn liquor. The still was situated on an island in the Pee Dee river, Rich mond county, and was owned and op erated by J. R. Mcllae. Deputy A. F. Rhodes reports that he has seized and destroyed an illicit dis tillery of 80-gallons capacity, 1,900 gallons of beer and three barrels of whiskey in Caswell county. Dink Bigelow was the owner. Deputy Rhodes also reports the seizure and destruction, at McRae's Dostoffice. of an illicit still and outfit owned by John and Will Page. The State Lands Option. The state board of education met here today . The most important bus iness transacted was giving a new op tion on the large tract of state lands, comprising three hundred and fifty thousand acres. Many gentlemen made appl cation for the option but it was renewed in favor of Hon. C. M. Sted- inan, of Asheville, who has held it for years and who, it seems, has made ex tensive sales of the lands. A sale of a small tract of state land was also made. Pell Far and Hard. At Chapel Hill last evening Mr James Stevenson a university student, fell over the low banister on the third story of the south building to the lower floor, thirty-five feet, but strange to say, with the exception of a shaking up and a sprained ankle was not injured. The accident occurred on account of the utter darkness of the halls. A little over year ago a Davidson student fell, on "the same account, and die from his injuries. Deputy collector K. A. ..-Mounts re uorts to collector Simmons the seizure of a double barrel shot gun. What class of liquor the gun comes under however, is making clerk Steed scratch his head thoughtfully. Rev. Dr. R. H. Graves, who has been a Baptist missionary to China for thirty years and vho only recently retuned home, is here. Last evening the dootor delivered a very interesting lecture at the nrst Baptist church. Ladies' gold peris, pearl staff, $1 25 $1.50, $2.00, $3,25, $2.50; Gents' gold pens, perl staff, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00, $2.50, $3 00. The above prioes I are one-third less than ever sold In i this city. Iialeigh SUUojiery Co. PERSONAL POINTS. ABOUT PROMINENT NORTH CAR0 UNA PEOPLE. Here And Elsewhere State. in the Mr. Aldrich returned to the city to day. Judge and Mrs. Boykin, of Clinton, arrived this afternoon. Mrs. J.Ludlow Skinner left for a short trip to Baltimore this morning. Mr. Charles D. Benbow, of Greens boro, becomes chief clerk at the Park hotel. The supreme court will in a day or two close up its work for the fall crin. Capt. R. B. Peebles,, of Jackson, Northampton coanty, returned home today. Mr. C. F.Upchurch today qualified s administrator of the estate of Asa Elwaras, deceased. Dr. Chas. Raskrrv ille, assistant pro fessor of chemistry at the university, rmed today. of r. Brown Shepherd, who has been ttending the university, returned for the holidays this afternoon. Miss Isabel Fairly, of Manchester, N. C, who has been visiting Misses Bessie and Mary Dinwiddie, left for home today. Mr. John White, one of the oldest nd best known merchants of Warren- ton, fell dead last evening, just after reaching his home. Mr. William H. Worth, state treas urer-elect, says Mr. J. W. Denmark, now business manager of the Progres sive Farmer, will be the chief clerk at the treasury. The other changes in the clerical force are not yet an nounced. To my Customers. From Saturday night December 23 J, to Thursday morning, December 27h, the Oak City Laundry will be closed in order to repair and fit up the wa- chirery for the coming year. Those having work will please send In as early this week as possible. I would add that the work done now is equal if not superior to any work ever, sent out. Respectfully, L. R. Wyatt, Phone 87 Proprietor. Ladies' gold pens, pearl staff, $1.25, 1.50, $2.50 $2.00, $2.35, $2.50; Gents' gold pens, dearl staff, $1.25, $1.50, $2 .00, $2 50, $3.00. The above prices are one-third less than ever sold in this city. Raleigh Stationery Co. Express Wagons. Your boy wants an express wagon Get him the wagon and anything else he wants (if you can). He will not be a boy long and will not pass by this way again. He will soon be a man and pass out from under your care. , The kindness you show him now will be remembered by him pleasantly all along life's journey. So do all you can now for the boy. One of those wagons from Swindell's will not cost much. Swindell has two hundred wagons and no room to keep them, because the big stock from Durham will soon be here. All waerons have been marked down to cost, at D. T. Swindell's; Get a Suit of Clothes. Right now you can get a' nice suit of clothes from D. T. Swindell's for a very little money almost no money at all. Big stock and small prices, for clothing, at D. T. Swindell's. The legislature is to be asked to create three new counties. . "It is a pleasure to sell Chamber lain's Cough Remedy," says Stickney & Dentler, druggist, Republic, Ohio. "Because a customer, after once us ing it, is almost certain to call for it when again in - need of such a medi cine. We sell more of it than of any other cough medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For coughs, cold and croup, it is without an equal. For sale by J. Hul Bob- bitt, druggist. Extra bargains in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with I .i l. -Ul i.i - ' UBL&cuBuie uiatirBsntsn a specially.. For rheumatism 1 have found noth ing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves (he pain as soon as applied. J. W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the eost, 50 cents. Its continued use will effect a Derma. neut cure. Por sale by J. Hal. Bob- hitt.. drn.TC-ist. ' uo 'i . 0k 00 10 r000 p wek asing u'uu Ud selling nld RHnhla I 7? iku.vco, luiAs, Diuou9t ebv. - tmcaiy plated by dipping in melted metal. No experience or hard work; a good situation. Address W. P, Harrison & Uo Clerk No. 14? Columbua, Ohio. these are 05LI A FEW LEFT. -AT To make room for other goods at $6 05 $6 50 $6 75 $8 00 $6 65f $8 60 j; $9. 25 RALEIGH, N. J. W. BARBER & SON, Mabtin Street, RALEIGH, .. . FURNITURE, BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Wh desire to call special attention to our line of FURNITURE. It can not be excelled by any in the city for prices and quality. We have the BEST, as well as the CHEAPER grades, and can please the most fastidious. WE CARRY A LINE OF BUGGIES and WAGONS, Made by the best manufacturers of the country, and invite you to examine our stock before BUYING. We take pleasure in showing our goods. D.T. JOHNSON, New Crop California Layer Raisins, iu whole and quarter boxes. Cooking Raisins, 10c. pound. Florida Oranges, "Hurlbut's Brand." These are among the sweetest grown, and are sent to me direct from the grove. I offer them by the box or retail. Fancy Red Apples Arriving twice a week. These are bought expressly for the Xmas trade and are tine aud sound. New Crop Nuts. Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans and Brazils, mixed or separate. COCOANUTS by the bag or at retail. CANDY, Plain, Cream mixed and fancy. RITTER'S Pure Fruit Preserves and Jellies, in glass and tins; small packages. D.T.JOILNSO.V'''- declS PHONE 28. DO NOT iJUT OFF Do n at put off the selection of vour Chrismas Presents until the last few davft before Xmas- If a gift is wanted for either a man, wo man or child, that grjf; shOUld I10t b9 O I I. .. l A. . a!I oou&ni . until a visu has been m ide to CO