J 5 V. IS. 4, EVENING VISITOR ( VOL. XXXII. RALEIGH, N. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER '21, 1894. NO. 50. r. CITY FATHERS. PERSONAL POINTS FHOM COVER TO COVER. 3f our holiday Books you will not Hud iall page, 'i hi- should be i he hap piest season of h year, and v e are Joing everything r nuke it MO that v e ;an. Aehav- the best line ofjjoli lay honks that we ould secure. Wb ..ought rhein cheap an we nun Id and irll them too cheap for profit, but. ua eheap eii.i.i.'U for enjoy ineut. V vant tu make e eryone happy that we an. Kverylody that wants a book hould have one Th it in why we have s at all pri.-es from ' op. 'inn- in and look around and you will urely Hnd aometl inn yon will want i take away. The price will be so mall yon w 11 do it, too. LW'KKI) WILLIAMS & CO. JjJJiASjjIBEESr CF ALL KINDS. FULL LINE OF AT ALL PRICES. FANCY GOODti. OVEI.TIES IN Zephyr, 7 cents. Wool, 18 cents. UPPER SOLES 25ct., at !ss li$.$iz Reseps, Thi i it is ,S Maxwell has just received large lot of pine fiber mattresses r people suffering with broucbicsl r luiiif troubles. I PERWT US To showyou our stock of sweet meats for Ohrtstmas. Every article new. We have the best. "CITRON, CURRANTS," MINCK MKA f, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, &c. Our PURITAN OATFLAKE3 in 2-lb.. -cartoon or in balk are not excelled by any brand. Don't forget also that keep constantly on haul ALL PORK FRESH 3AUSAUB put up foe our tradf- especially. Only 12 1-3 cents per ponnd. We offer today a sin ill lot f sugar cured haras for 11 1-2 cents perpoand. Don't postpone yonr purchase as we have, only about 800 pounds of them left. aBE B.THICS Off Lovi'is the underlying law of Christmas time, just as justice is, or ought i be. of all the times. .Cynics call the interchange of the season "The FOR BOYS AND GIRLS.J- Embroiaersd Silk Handkerchiefs, Capes, Taui O'S ill? V Y Tat. It HI v. in- iine Oianges, Raisins, Nuts. . IV. Apples, California Pears, mas, '..(-o.iiiuts. Mala,' lirmwx ' lies. C ii !y, Concord aud Catawba, pes. ii i i ac v r i.ii:ns:. II'v io I r!(x ?. (jo ! nir: . 1 have beeu eating else where. hat do 1 lnok li!;e? I am ashamed to AdminLifcrator's Sale. As administrator of l'eyton J. lirown, decease, I, will expose to pit1 -lie "ale, mi Wednesday, January 10 18U:, at 11 o'clock a." in., Hill of tile personal property of the deceased, consisting of Beds. Beddinft, Parlor and Bed-room Furniture. Cirpets, &c. Terms of sf.le cash. Sale to take place at. St ro'.iach's warehouse. de,-20cds. L. T, liuowjf, Adm'r. Get a Suit of Clothes. Right nc v you can get. a nice suit of clothes from 1. T, Swindell's for a very little money almost no money at all. Ilia stock and small prices, for .dothing.. at D. T. Swindell's. nnuai Game of Swap." We give because we love, and are glad to give be nuse vie can. . e can because at -our store, at least, everybody can afford j buy. ':'.''':...' '..;'. :0 SOLVE TilS ANNUAL QUERY WHAT TO BUY V. E SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING : M - - , x . f Tailor-made Coats, Capes, Fur Capes, Black 'OR WUlYlr.i.! . or Fancy Dresses, Kid Gloves (all colors), rove and silk Gloves, Possum s?s, white and Colored hemstitched Handker hiefs, Ia!tial Handkerchiefs ia silk. Silk ..Mufflers, Embroidered Lawn and iinen Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs, Fany Hair Pins and orabs, Hair Brushes, Garter and Dress Buckles, Feathered Fans, Painted, Jauze and Silk Fans, all-wool Skirts, Umbrellas, all-wool Vests, any size and irice; small wares and notions, Pocket Books and Purses, and a pair of Sher tood8 Solid Service Shoes. rnn . t White Dress Shirts, White, Gray, Red and Camel's rUn IVlfc.N.1 Hair Underwear, Half Hose, in cotton and wool; Jollart and Cuffs, Silk Scarfs, Tecks and Four-iii-Hands, Suspenders. Canes, Jmbrellas, plain and trimmed Sticks, white and colored bordered Hemstitched Handkerchief, Gloves in wool, kid, castor and dogskin, Silk Hemstitched and 3ilk Initial Handkerchiefs, Black Bows, Silk Mufflers, and a pair of Sherwood's 3olid Service Shoes, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Collars and Cuffs. Windsor's I'M nau Turn (I'Mluint.era n hnr of Misses Or DUIUSVIHVIOU uouunc7Abudor vno, - " H Boy's Hermsdoff s Hosiery, Misses' Jackets and Long Garment, Gloves, in wool and kid, a Hcliool Umbrella, Hoods, Pocket Books, Combs, Hair Brashes, Hnd a pair of Sherwood's Solid Service Shoes. f I . . ( Dress Patter is, Trunks, Blankets, and a pair of Sher SP EUI AL. ( wood'a Solid Service Shoes. DOTS AND UAS11HS MADli ADULT TODAVS H.MTr.N INGS. Items Gathered In and Around the City. One drunk before the mayor 12 hours. Holly trees are plentiful and yet in demand. The plan of a Ncbraskau to estab lish a emuery here finds much faT. One trucker nays he lau f'iruish ten tons of tomatoes uext season. All the trains today were crowded, fhe stude its of St. Mary's and Peace .nstit ute left for h.iine. Most of the A. and M. students left today. Loiifr hair v. ill be no longer allowed t the A. aud M. college. The stil lents have been notified to have their 'iir cut in proper military style. The examinations at the A. and M. colleire wer- qiiir seTere this term md ii is said th it many of the stu- lents ha.e been fiund deficient and ill be seen no more. Two years a-ro the weather here was pite mild nearly up to i hristmas, out afier that, time was nipping iu-1-ed. So far the winter is entremely peu nearly all over (he country. he depot, emwd-d as it N with all kinds of humanity at the holiday -t-II, -. to " '"ie extent a leai.ty show today. The crowds of holiday . -.ling scftool gins ga a pretty c -lor-ing to the other .' ise dull looking throne. A lett-r from Nash county today brought the srd news that the condi tion of Mrs. Nellie Thorpe, daughter of ap'. R II. I'.n.oks was extremely critical and that her death was el cected at any moment. It is learned that Mr. S. A. White, a republican, has blossomed out as a strong candidate for railroad commis sioner. The populists, it is quite posi'i elv alleged, want this position, ut Mr White proposes to see whether oue of his party cannot get it. Mention was made yesterday that a Nebraska man wants to establish a flouring mill here. He has been in formed that if be desires to do sj he can take stock in the mill now being constructed and that Us capacity will be increased correspondingly. Deputy revenue collector S. G Wlods reports to collector Simmons the seizure of no less than seven illicit distilleries, six in Person county and one in Caswell. Some of the seiz ures were made last caturday. Deputy collector E. A. Mollitt reports the seizure of three illicit distilleries. It is said that Raleigh is to have new law firm; judge JaiuesC. MacRae, of Fayetteville, and W. H. Day, of Welson. Judge MacRae is one of the state's best lawyers and as an advo cate Mr. Day is unexcelled. The pair will make a strong firm. While there does not appear to be any doubt, if statements be true, that moduli members are pledged to vote for Mr. Z. V, Walser to insure his election as speaker of the next house, yet it is stated that Mr George Z. French, of Wilmington, has many warm supporters in the eastern counties. The board of agriculture in its re port, which was completed last even ing, recommends that this s;ate make an exhibit at the great exposition at Atlanta next year, and asks the legis lature to consider the matter and make an exhibit. To do this will re quire at least $18,000. Governor Carr will endorse the plan. The executive committee of the trus tees of the agricultural and machrni cal college has made a contract for furnishing a 200-light W estinghouse electric lighting plant and also for a water supply, pump, tanks and five fire hydrants. The S. A. Tompkins company of Charlotte, whose repre sentative, Mr. Stuart W. Cramer, was present, was awarded both contracts. In the course of an interview with Mr. William C. Stronach, superinten dent of soldier's home, he said there - nn At... -..11 . are now luu veterans ou iue ion. that 20 more applications are on n'ej that a flO.OOO appropriation for 1895 will be needed, out of wuicn a new huildintr. to accommodate at least ao, can be constructed andthe homejnain tuiued. This year's appropriation was $8,000 There is to be a jolly Chiist- mas at the home ana tne veterans are anticipating it with much pleasure The supreme court has taken a re cess until December 27, when it will be in session a day or two, filling opinions. About 40 opinions yet re main to be tiled ana it is saia mat not over six of these will go over until next term under advisaris. It other words, there never were so few cases continued from one terra to another. As yeti there is no decision in the much-talked-of Dunning ana loan as sociation case, in wnicn tne uia Do minion building and loan company, of Richmond, is involved. If the justices can agr.ee an opinion will be filed in this case. A Strong University Man. Rev. Baylus Cade, who will be edi tor of the Caucasian, is a strong uni versity man. Although a prominent Baptist he Is violently opposed to the tight being made by that denomina tion against state aid to the univer sity and io expressed himself at the Nothing Done as Yet About the Rents. The l'.ird "f aldermen met in (he mayor's i llice Sat nteuiiig, m.iyor Badger presidium. The rncetin, was special one and as n!!e,l io r-cei the reptrts of I t 1 1 committers, one to cons' ler i's - :d-isa'iiiiy of equaliziv? tne rei f- r market house stalls and the oiii- r of (.rM.ting a liceus to r.-'ail I: 'r to I'ott.-r i S-ott.on E. Mni'i i street, iu Johnson's stables. After in'iflt w.f-tcd talk and a good deal of rather heated argument, th question of market stall rent wa piit off for a week. In the meantime the renters, one ly one, are shaking the dust of the mti ket from their heels, "frozen out." as they say. This u why nothing was done about the matter: Alderi.nn Corr-ll slated that lie, us a ineui'-r of the special commitle' on market tents, had a minority report to submit. In a mo ment al.teimau C. K. John-"ii jumped to his f.-.-t md made a few cutting remarks abou' Mr. Convll's ' report," saying that, as the romniirt-e had ne er had a meeting, n-'ilher it or Mr. Correll, .vho was i chairman, h I any report to make. Jir. Correll re--- oled that he had seen both Mr. J i.ison aud Mr. Cross, the third men-. . r of the committee, and that, th had seemed so i lent! app- sed luc tion of leiiis that he had tY Ut it useless t i i a'l a .u ling. Tins . .ised a lot i'f dis u 1,0:1. which i eel me general, aldei nia i j l. lohusoii Hiisiug quite a stir by :--y.'i ihat 'i- had heard i stated 'hr. )-his..iis !i:id been commissioned t ru : p rice ion th. stills by lioli iou:. oij . !h! state ments. ! e. -r, A i i i i ligna:;' ly de. nied by . hief liear;i. who sa, ! that he hitMsvf had i-up-n 1 the bidding on the falls. Alder. Mi' Lee pita, quieti!1- o i t! e lis,- s i by a tno'i 'n. which v. .is passed. !. iun' tee a week in which tu t he commit make i;s r- - port. After the special oinmittee ap pointed to look into the advisability of granting the retail li-ense had re ported favorably and tin report had been accepted, the board adjoujned TIIH MISSION ROOMS. Some Talk About Next Year's Work. Mrs. Hayes, the in itroiiof the King's Danghiers mission rooms, was seen by a repoi er yesterday and had some iu terestin; things to saj about the work for the ensuing year. In ad lilii.n lothe circiila-inglibrary which w.is mentioned in -yesterday's VislTOP, se.eral new features in King's Daughters work, will he established with the new year. Among them will be an intelligen e bureau and an in dustrial department.." While the mis sion rooms are primarily a charitable institution, the ladies of the "mission" circle, that will especially devote ilself to mission room work, have decided to try to raise money by arious means meet the expanses for the rent -of the rooms, 1 hi matron's salary, charita ble work, etc. This they propose H do by coinbiuditig business principles with charitable effort. The intelligence bureau, they think, could tuus be made to pay a nice sum into the treasury of the cir. le, Dur ing the past year Mrs. Hayes has pro cured for numbers of the deserving poor psople and d-'sirable situations. Now, the ladies argue, there is no reason why one who, however worthy of charity he or she may be, has profit d by 1 he c:,:,rity ..I' the ch trity of the cjreie. should not, upon pro curing a paying situation, pay a small sum for the same. Then, too, an industrial department will bo opened. The object of this will le to furnish poor people who have liaadi.virU, or any . article ".for sale, a p'ace to i x .libit it. Displayed at the m.ssion rooms the article would be more likely to be sold than else where. For everything sold the cir cle will of course get a small com mission. The rooms have lately been greatly improved and rearranged and no,v present, an exceedingly cheerful and very handsome, appearance. Tlie in stitution does a great work reaching with kind charity numbers of people who could be' reached in u 'other way and ir, is to be hoped thar, the ladies' efforts to make it. as far as possib'e, self-supporting will be as su cessful as they fife commendable. THE WEATHER. The Conditions and the Fore '. ; cast. For North Carolina: Fair, in western portion tonight, Warmer Warmer Saturday. -' ' "' JLocal forecast for Raleigh and vicinity Saturday, fair, much warmer. Local data for 2-1 hours ending at 8 a. m. today: maximum temperature 54; minimum temperature 34; rainfall O.dD. High pressure and clear weather prevail everywhere except in the lake region. A storm of considerable intensity is central over northern Michigan'. It is causing cloudy weather and high temperature in the lake reg'on. but as yet no precipita tion. Brisk to high southerly winds prevail in the vicinity of the center of low pressure. The storm will very likely continue its course eastward of the extreme northern part of the Uni ted States, causing thewlnl..toiihft AWUT l'Kd.MINhNT NORTH CAR0 1.INA I'KOPLK. Here And Elsewhere State. in the Col Hev T. S. Kenan is sick. Mr. Watson, of Chapel Hill, is iu the city. Mr. Ii. L Thompson left for Wilson today. Mr. V. A. liatchelor, of Nashville, v.as here today. Mr. J.C.Carroll, of the university, arrived today. Mr. II. A. Wilkinson returned to the city today. Judge Jamei C. MacRae left for Fayetteville this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blacknall, Jr., of Waterbury, Conn., are visiting relatives here. Miss liusbee and Miss Sophie Bus bee left this afternoon for a holiday trip to Wilmington. Dr. J. M. Ayer left this morning for Ijoiiisbitrg where he will attend a ger inai . Kev. Dr. W. S. Black and daugh ter have gone to Honda on a visit to relatives. Miss Margaret Hinsdale left for Fay etteville this afternoon. She goes to spend the holidays. Mr. Kugeue Grissom, Jr., formerly of this city, was married at Washing ton, I). C, a few days ago. Mrs. Hayes, superintendent of the King's Daughters' mission room, left for Wilmington today to spend the holidays. Cad-1 Jones .Fuller, of Horner's school, is here. He was badly scalded there some weeks ago and, while get ting on very well, is still on crutches. Messrs Grimes Haywood, Charles Ii. Turner, Stanford Harris, R. H. Lewis, Jr., and Hiram Worth, all of the university, returned home for the holidays today. Miss Minnie Crittenden Palmer, of Washington, D. C, who was on a visit here a couple of months last fall, and who made many friends, is to be mar ried January 2 to Air. Walter J. Stan ton, of the Postal telegraph company, ,'ew lork. The wedding will be a (fuiet aliair, at Washington. DOSE OF ANCIENT EGGS A. & M. Students take Revenge on a Smart Senior, The old saying that " boys will be boys" is as true of the A. & M. college s u ients as elsewhere. As tl e Christmas hoidays approached and examinations drew to a close several of the students indulged themselves in various pieces of "sky-larking" The "scrapes" were kept very quiet though, they thought, and consterna tion resigned anv ng the student body when several students were " had up" by the faculty and their number if demerits considerably increased. Sus picion as to the man who had acted as informant fell on a grand and rever ent senior, named . Suspicion became certainty and the boys deter mined to have revenge. Last evening a number of students visited the various green grocers" establishments and -i procured there from a choice selection of ancient eggs. Then the luckless senior was lured from his room iu the domitory into the hall. All entrances of es cape were cut off and the fun com mended. It lasted until the eggs gav,e out and when they did, the senior, " Oh, where was he." The last seen of the gentleman was when, in the charmingly cool night air, he was prostrated under the oollege pump with a sympathetic fellow senior kind ly working t ho handle. The A. and M's. New Captain. At a meeting ot the Athletic asso the Athletic ciation held at the A. aud M. college last Wednesday evening, Mr. M. R, Viok. who for tbrsp ytars Jjtis played as rush ou tne toothail team, was elected captain. Jir. nitaier was re-elected but resigned. Mr. John Howard was elected msnftssr, The selections give general satisfaetion the team will next season nave a trainer and will give any team in the state a hard tight, A Graceful Act. The stockdroking firm o f Cuthbert & Co. did a gra eful thing the other day. Mr. Wilkinson, the manager, received from Mr. John S. Ernest, an order to draw on the firm for a nice um to be given as a Christmas present to manager Hughes.of postal telegraph company ana nis corps of messenger boys. It was done and popular Mr Hughes a ad his hustling boys are now in possession of some exceedingly at- trative "green backs," mark of the firm's e3teem. There was a rumor this morning that there would be m special train A SPLENDID DOM- Was That Given by She; in W. Page. The board of county commis-o ner inet today at eleven o'clock. Af'era good deal of routine business had bi, transacted, the board proceeded to I examine tne bond offered by sheriff Page. It will be remembered that he was gitenl5days from the time he was re-elected by the commissi.. tiers in which to Hie it. The tane evpired today and Wake's Ht-rliug sheriff ed the mark exactly on time wi.h th- ! bond that has ever been present.-1 ly a county official. The men who signed it are all r- i re- senta'ive men. men wl:o are i- .-c- niied throughout the stale as mu who are leaders in wealth, ieiit, busiuess, politics aud religion All . lasses of good men, all'profess. ,.is. were represented iu the signers of the bond and it all proves with what bui esteem, even affection, M. V. I'sij- U held ly the men of Wake county md how great is their faith iu his si', i-'imr honesty and businesslike nb.l'tv. Sheriff Page is a man whom it d ieii,i- ake county to honor. Business men who should and do know- that the property represented 1 signers of the bond will aui,n ;,, ,., ; more than a million and a half .1, The commissioners examined ihe bond, as a matter of form, and tii n adjourned. 1 lie V isiToli i-irt i a' uia teg sheriff Page but. more e-i.e, i,.oc. . Wake county on h.i-. iug such a sheriff. ; A better man could not have beeu ' found for the place aud th- honor '' done him by his bondsmen is well de served. The best mixture in town ! cents at Barbee & I'. The best assortment of fruit-, nuts raisins, etc , you .an buy at Barbee & Pope's. Perfumery in cut glass or plain botties is the most generally ac ci ta ble gift for Xmas you can buy any kind by the gallon, quart or pint in bottles or in your own bottles at Snelmnu & Hicks, drugstore. The handsomest box of candy for a holiday present in the city at Barbee & Pope's. A lot of those beautiful "iud- Glove" oranges at Barbee & Pope's. All kinds of curtain poles at Thomas Si Maxwell's at 20 cents eeb. Come to see us. We will try to little folks happy. make you and the de 20 3t Barbee & Pope. orders to us for sele'.-t Bring your oysters and you will not compa iu of sue, flavor or measure, G. N. Ivbb & Co., city market O L Rire, Mpndotn, III, wrprp : Have osfd your Japanese Pi1" Cure and found it a sure and neruinoin our ." For sale hv Job n .Ma" -. Our new oyster refrigerator makes prefer customers among people who the natural flavor to ice water Come and see it. tt.'.X. Ivks & Co , dec 18 4t. City -market. If you want solid measure ovsters at 25 and 35:. a quart go to D. il & 'o.'s stall in the market house Join son's M'.giiefic bom br i;(V wonoi r ul hniinect for "r! i..u Mstn, neiirs'gia. spr.ii.os and hru seg ir inan or benst. M OH s ze lc, aUc size 2re. At Jnht. Y -M ;pR.'s Tucker's Xmas Exhibition, Our big store filled wi'h beautiful , as well as practical gifts, -.suited" i'-r men, women or children, Nowhere in this country can be found under one roof such a collection. .. where can such variety be had. Nowhere are prices lower. Every body can And something no matter how little they wish to spend. Our store is an interesting place for the mas shop pers, whether they be rich or poor. , W. II. & U. S. Tucker ii Co. To my Customers.; From Saturday night Dei-ember 22 1, to Thursday morniug, December 27th, the Oak City Laundry will be closed, in order to repair aud fit up the, ma chinery for the coming year. Those having work will please Send in as early this week as possible. 1 would add that the work done now is equal tf not superior to any work ever sent out, Respectfully, L. 11. Wyatt, Phone 87 Proprietor. W P Draper, druggist Springfield. tfass. writes: Jnpaoese Pile Cutenttp cored a ladv 8 years alllicted; e ;uld not walk half a mile in the last three veers; now walks any distance For sale by John Y MacRae. Express Wagons. Your boy wants an express wagon. vrei, uiui me wngou auu auytntug else he wants (if you can), lie will j not be a boy long and will not pass by this way again. He will soon be a man and pass out from under your care. The kindness yon show him now will be remembered by him pleasantly all along life's journey. So do all you can now for the bov. One of those wagons from Swindell's Will not. cost mnnhSifciTJiuJVWJ- O.NLT 4 FEW LErr. E-xactSy Cost, ii make room for other goods. 58 75 6 65 J8 00 ;$"8 50 $9 25 Ie3 t. lXkaleigu, n. c av innns i XJfyoa ish to purchase 2.,nMo suit ot QpflTUUE 4 DINU BED JJifoj your daugher, fggU" ROLLER TOP DESK for .Voir sou's office. fXf T " CHJAU for "grandma" or Anything in the Furni- ' tur4 line, w e w ill be pleased -:-Ut kave you call. ocJU are First-Class. uu contemplate buying a Y Oil WAGON '., rCCLL ON A im BARBER &.S0N, Mabtji.v Street, It' N ' VPRBSS WAGONS for tha bo ft, i JHNS0N, AGENT. -v - . -i- T . . . v.. Layer Raisins, in. Jaquarter boxes. ; Raisins, 10c. pound. ?5iges,"" '' '. Brand." These are Bweetest grown, and loine direct from tha I "tier them by the box Ipples a week. These are tessly for the Ima e fine and sound. ItS. , : ifnonds, Pecans and f d or separate. ie bag or at retail. I'aiU i COi'O. CAND a, "vream mixed and , lUTTil Ptuit Preserves and ass and tins; small S0N,AGENT- PHONE 28. ) OT OFF Ut off the "of vour 'resents ast few i Xmas. J if: iff - - i wanted jian. wo- foreif man Id, that 1 not be 1 a visit deta las ml ALESMA ell tTi Rapid Si f i I, I y f i' r f. IV::: " ", :, : t "v 5: fc;-4-.-'.-ii; 1 Jl ft-4'.

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