.3, t,....m, . V V V V ifi .1 7A DUKE Cigarettes f r J . A so is 11 blGARETTCSs 0 ach mow G;3 Tcfcseco A r-, ..-,- . Commission er's Sab. Purtu.tnt to lul-menl .if the w;p -rior court ol Wjkeciunty. mi.teat the (Molvr term tlierej;. in tie lot ion ol Albert I Massev, ail.ntnistr.itnr J. b. n. c. t a i Solomon A'.u.tu; id M.uv Ann Wits. r. k'liit-t EuJi; . Oans .innaSimuel W.iU., I wili H'll .t public auction at the coiirt .h .iise -l .fr, in the cii.v .t R Ueili, on i'.u 7th d.yol Jmiiirv, 1S5, .t 13 o'clook m.. the lollowiiis' described property t wit: An that lot or pare. I ol land situated in the otv of R.ile i-h and munv of Wake bounded and abutted as follows: ininij it a ;.ie in me ei;e i! 'UK ui !i' :s . ?i, up n a pi tor imp of the hoivstead lot of OnarL -s Manly, d.-ce.tsed, made ny Kins lani At Miller, and iuni.ini; tiv:iue easi ly irdly l.'Vteet to a siake on Faveilevtlle street or ne:r. thence southerly abun: said street S t-2 feet to a stake mi' the side ol said roid at th.' junction ot Lookout street therewith; tne.uv il o.nr the m.nherlv line of Lookout street n uet t a stake cor ner of lot Ni 31; th-.-.tce noi iiuvardh v 1-2 feet jIo ij; the line 01 lot No. 31 to Uic place ot lie in n i-. '.:,' lot ,. 9 ,,n tiK. map or pi u o! s u.li.iu .; it bei.i,' the I .; ot .and re.erre l in in nem i ot the w II ! Soloiuo.i Augustus. 1 ecorded i:i the o.liv of the Cler ul the Superior court ot Wave cutuvy, in book 35, at rue 33s. and like wise in item to ot the will oi Lucy Powell, recorded in sai I Clerk's o.lice, in book iJ ot wills, at pae 413. Terms of sale, one-third cash; bilM.e up on a credit ot six mont'i., win intere-t on .leferred piv uents al 8 per ce.it. Title to be retained until purchase monev is paid in full. OawJod . ALBERt P. Massey, Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE. l!y wrtuu of authority umfrrd n me by a deed of trust, executed by J. N. Deut.ni nnd duly recorded in'the olli e of the H-'gister of Deeds, I will, on 'he D9 ;i day of December, 1891, at No. 17, r.xi-U.'iiiiie I'lace.sell , auction fur ciisij, tii-st .k nf li(ju.ir.-i, ciai-n, yi-'iiieN ,u,d other personal properd in IUm sr house, No. 17 Kuchailge l'lu.'e, S. (J. II .ur of sale 12 111. Terms oa-li. K. V, Denton. ce 1 Trusteen. THI It lh ftoontiJ ni i tolem pete Brooded o'ar dl tad down, o'er wood tod woldj Tie aatumii anthlB quivered o tht trt. And kioted their lock of gold. Altt! too toon will all tbelr glory Itaes The m..rd of death Lnth leapt from out fta HbeatB; And it hal Mrew their leaflet., torn andfMved Trou the earth beneath. Vet ere tbeir little, leas, of life be Kre the blanl, rend them from their Ue, fuster ree. Their dyinj: hour are cheered with warmth and mm. Aud wrap, iu perfect pea.. The ruienian outrages are not yet ended. It is ii. iw alleged that the arch .isliup lm been hanged by he luiks. Tn other Armenian arch- :iHiopa have been condemned to leath. ister Klir.ib.-th and twenty-fne ih-rs are in one prison, and a priest tad liiio.-n others in prison at Aleppo, nd a lii-li. p is exiled to JeruKtlem. Ir. .lewett, who was told by president leveland Kigoto Armeuia to invest i- at the hi rases, says he will go at nee. A letter from Armenia, telU f flesh horrors there, iu. luding weuty-t'uree villages laid in ashes, seven other ullages pillaged, and rty priests massa -red. TheDlHCovcry 8Ted HI Uf... .'ir. i.s iiiuoueim, urug rist, oeavers- ,, in .... M i-- . v- ale, 1:1., says: "to Dr. Kiu s New Disoovei-v I owe mv life. Was taken tu l;t grippe and tried all the physi- ins for miles all ur, but to no avail id was Lriveii up and told c ml i not vm. 1I.1.1114? In-. .Cinq's New Oisco.ery 1 Hi y store 1 s'li: for a bottle aud be an iis no- and from the first .lose t better, and after using ;'' ,.':. y.i np an. I about, again. '. .I. its wig'it in gold. y 1. (, sior.'or house without it." et a f trial : utile at John V. Jlar ae's drujf store. At. A oiitreal, Canada, yesterday er 10.00;) lineuiploy.'d workingmea crowded around the city hall for the purpose .if demanding work, but the mayor being absent from the city nothing practical was done f..r them. Pur . for ll !ilnc)ie. As a remo'i' r nil forms of bead ehe Klectric Pit'ers tuts proved to bp He verv beHf.. It. otTeets a iierinanepf. tur au'l Mv moot, drended bsbitaal si.'k he iKf-'ies vild to its influence. VVx urir 1 01 who iue nlllicted to pro cnr u tjf.ttle, and trive tbis retnedy R. ffiir trie I In ch" of hahit.ual eonRti t.rfMnu r3'trie Jrtite" cures bv giv irg ',h Ufede.t tiue to the bowels, hint f w esses ionji resist the use of thip 'ovi icine. 'i ' It Ht once. Tip.'p boftH ouly 50b at Jobu Y MycRne'ii iANTA CLAUS NEVER MAKES iP II B I T il E x v JlA AIL A rJ A II A 1 A m MM ;t 1PT( Toy Bonks, Art Bccte Standard NoygIs, Children's Bocks,. Teacher's Bibles, Fireside Games THF LNSANE ASYLUM. A Very Fine Shoinf of Itl ArTairs it Made. At tbint.tne aritita itr, for two rar enlin? N'uTiiubtr 30 Ut thtr 1 onn ," . . ' . . ' 1" - --. o r , mtle and 77 femtle were admit- J I ted, makiug total Lumber under treat- ,,., 471. Mrty.ii werdicbarged j .... , eaT,ei' inil'r"- re " I""- I bation. and fortv-Keven died. The dHlU rate is only live per cent, the i '"'"' in "ntry in asylum. bring een per cent; and fifty per cent of tlirtse ixlinitted recosered their uiiuda, the general aterae iu asylums beiug thirty-li e p-r ceut. The annual appropriation for the asylum in ..":),r(X. ami the p r capita cist is flS), this including nil eipen aea of maiiit-oiati'-e, cl.ithin r. etc., as well as repairs uf the buii'l; ij.r. Dur '"'H lU year n lie v loiil.linc rnntaiii- ing wards f r 7." f-malen and a con gregate din, lie room, large enough to accommodate 2."jjj females, has been j completed, at a cost of '10,f80. The i legislature appropriated $14,500 for i l,u' by " unfortunate oversight failed to make provision for furnish- inr nd consequently it is as yet un- i oc upied. To e(nip ami lilat it and J t 1'r.n idt for the 3S2 patients who j : can nien u treated win cost $u.i,24;i, , ' or $15,640 in addition to the regular ptewM ,, !lI,1,,pi.iatin. . .. , . .. i I lie male patients now work on the, , 1 i farm, Rardeu and grouuds, and are . (rreatly l.enelitted tlo-ivby. The women j work iu the Linn dry, but they need j exercise, as the men under its infill-; ' ence are improving more rapidly than the women. It is reeomeiided that the asylum l e connected with the city water mains and fire alarm telegraph, athere is now 110 protection against' lire. Hand polished curtain poles 30 cts ch at Tbon-.as ft Atanwell's. Honors Sal Bv virtue of autli. n itv conferred in a cer tain mortjrajie, executed by Mrs. Sophronia ' iM. and N. II McCullers and wile, duly recorded in book No 121, at p:ii;e 769, in Register of Deed's otlice of Wake county, N. C, we w ill, at the request of said N il. ; McCullers, on Monday, the 7th day of Jan- ; uary A. D., IS'jj, at 12 o'clock m.. at the ' court house door, in the city of Raleigh, ! sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that ' valuable tract of land, described in said . mortgage, lying and situate in Barton's Creek township, Wake county, N C, ad joining the lands of W. H. Edwards, Rachael Ferrell, A. T. Byiuin, T. H. Pool, H. E. Hoi- ' loway and Dr, L, P. Sorrell, containing 309 . acres, more or less, being the land whereon the soid N. H, McCullers and wife now live. This the 4th day of December A. D 1894. f'EELE & MAYNARD, tds Attorneys for Mortgagee, if 1 for Infants and Culnrls ir u m '. .i.la; -! to.lilI.lren th.il I reromiiK-nJ it a- ri.s-1 .:ui- -nr1!i..u knuira to lit.'." !I A Ak. '.i ::, TI. 1... 1.1 1 il Oif. I i I , ::r.ii!-n, S. V. T!ie n-ff tt 'Cast. I;s iuTi4 wcUkn. f bii.tt.i - ion to l I ; . universal mi.l i :' .1. .v..:iiair..rk : r . ... 1,-waretlM-il . li. t l.,ij Casturia iut.-Uint f;cr.li w!io .1 votliin cay r. :; h.1 . I'. I'.. : . v VorUC:' mn n-iv t PRICKLY AoH, i-'OKE ROOT AND PQTA3::ut1 et- in Blood Prist 3 of.(l P. T;.'Ol '.. (53 in. f ti" Mi ; 11. -n . Ks?!i: VI I mmm- tt-j , K...' IT'I;'. 1 Ril I:.-, o, rial 1 ..! ill ul h'.. il..;. .., ... ,-.0. r :" ; nii-l terti-ry ... mii.i: i.icri ii ir -...-p.-- :i, nil i:..i--es- I'rO . .,;:ir uluT, "ri;cl.-s, .LliMUl :. ar "f 1 . i: i' O t. 1. 5 ..t.:':i'i m.o - s . rin:inc:il cm vs 1)1 .0 1 1. j.o-.itivt In ..I'. ."J r.ii. i' tr t" t3 :i ;u! iinp'j.-e c.t:. .;i 11.1I irreKiilnr'tie.., I'.o1.; hy thi- w.M r..' -iLsinix je i .'ru My Ash, PuUi lii.-U'l; ..II. 1 !' !. I' Ri.rlS'i.'i'-r..i, ...a I col .:k m t" t 14th, ivn. ti'.ri! ttTin or V. vr Hl'.MllclDl: irni 1... V:i.w!edre. 1 ' ' art " iliv, .i?e. p:i UT : Jv :onl rli 1 n-n mts. .n:.: '1 with U M 1 Ik' very t i'rMis f -I''!- oolv ta': .1 i.ii.H .! '! cut; ,t .-ir. est - in )'. i'. P., vii'l r-n U IS t'.njl.' tUt' TiliTU f Ivivt' tVrt.;. ';-.:.. , tur trc'iiein j to ull ;. V.. YKRY, , f.!iH,..ii County, Mo. .'vr-.i t. .i "ii; BV7T TT1 T A Dr?C!f VhoUoalo WHEN HIS IS A fc-J G.' ' jl li'll.i ...... 1.1 t.cai.'i . ....r-.Ti.-ii. tJI" jfcw iwaw wiwwr.i 1 HI ill Children. ai.lrla run Vi!i , C .nsHpail.si, Sir; i4,:iiat, liarrh.iA, Kruct.ui.ai, KiSLs S'i.n.is leej and pnouot.' li Wlttio :t l;ijiirl .iM nie.ll.-atl to. Fr it'vvr.il .ian I have lvcomro.sid.-4 y.tur ('a..t.-i.i,' and fluill alirayt (siiilinue to do m. as jl La iiivariililr pr.luc-d U nefici rcsulu." V.i.mis V. I'iHi.tic, M. P, lJT.th Ktruct and ;tU AcM New Vrk fit. Tn fEirrm forAvr, 57 MimuT Strict, Kr You Crrr. ra; I ni.i.L.. nmpies, diqiuhks and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria g and Kidney Troubles Are rullrfly rmMl by P.P.P. Prickly Afh. Poi;o Knot ami Potas- "Z. etum, the greatest blood purltlur oa eartU. 9 AnrnnFrv, 0.. Ju y 21, 11. TT TtfFt-i:s. LiiM-M.vs Bh"-., t:ivnnnah, m Oa.: Iikak Hi;--! ImuIit a bottle uf 1 mM yi-urp.l V. at il"t spri'.iirs, Ark. ,anl tfl& It (.(nt'iiic iiiT jrno.t tli.in thrwo iTionth-trfaiir.tMit :i( the Hutiipnuga. ' heua fir.-.- hnitii-s r. ti. 1). 4gP Ke-spt'LLHir.v yuurs. . JAS. M. N'FWTON, Aberdeen, Bmun County, O. . C'f.pl. J. B. JoIiuhI on. 70 n.'.' trht-.m i' nwu cr.r.rn; I hero-t-v tti :iy t' til ' wnn'terlul prrtportleB vi P. P. I'- lor erui'tiuUM oi the skin. I p i!It-rctl lor evtTftl years ivlth an un-t- nhtiv aul 'rewible oruptiinun D'V l;ice. I tri.'J -'Vfry known reme dv but in Tnn .until P. P. P. was used, nd am now entirely cure1. tBisea by) J. D. JOHNSTON. tia van nub, tia SUlu Cnnrcr CnroJ. Testimony from the Mayor of Scquin,TeX 8rgriN, Tex., January H. Mk.--i:h. I.ifi'MAN liKi.s., s ivunnah, Ga. : ll' H--V1 have tr!e your P. P. P. for a f the !-kin, u.'UJilly Lnowi as skin "i.u.'tr,tf thirty ynrs n' in-iK.rf. iiutl !ounl ;r'at relief: lc puri!i'-stlie bloml ami removes all'r rtta'.ioii from tin seat of ttie tliweise and (irevent! anv snrfnthntr of the sores. I have t:i';en rtvenr six bottlea and fel cuiilUieat that annf her enur.to will ertect a eure. It has also relieved me from indicestton and BtumacU troubles. Yours truiy, CAPT. w. m. rust, Attorney at L&vr. bgqk oa b: ''rut II5CSSG3 free. ALL DRUOOISTS SELL IT. LIPPiVlAN SROS. PR0PIIIET0U3, and Bftail Agents, Oarlotte, N. 0. l MotgageSale. Br tlrla of authoritr r..DferrJ ia tnortgago. nut4 If U. J. ud H. B. Tb..m nJ lie, Uulr tnr.lfa e book No. 121. t ig 5l7, in IWf 'it of Undl otlicf f V k- county, . C, w will, uo Monday, lh ll'h day ol January, lrtl.'i. at lh .ourl bouh in tb city of Kl-if h, it 13 o'clock m., sell to tb high't bid l-T. for tU, two certain tract of laud of 43 . r and 23 (j.jUh, and 93 a.-r.- au I 21 hj1, ri"p'ctivf ly, d-. ribed iu aid uortgag-. ao.I lyxux ami aitualv I in liouiu- tfwk touhii, Waki eou jt.v. about flc unlet uilh -t of mid city, ad'oining th land .f C),b..ru Branch. Berry O k-lly (formerly Jo-con Blake), liufuit llortoti, J liu Smith an 4 other. eoutaiuiu, in the a,,'(.'rb'at 00 acrea and 43 ole, iu..rf or Usa. Thia De-euiuer lOih. l.Jl. 1'liELBA: M1XK1), Attorncya f..r .Mortgagie. Sale of Land. L'nder ind bv vi tue ol P"er conterred in a niortijane execi.teJ by Win. Dicker n and wife, recorded in the othce "I the Ketiv ter ol Deeds ol Wake countv. t'ooK ut. pace 322. 1 will on Mond iv liec. 31 s '4, at the court house d.r. in tiie city ' Hal eih a' t2 in., sell to the hilust bid. u tor ea-.h t.ie tract of land described by netei anl bounds in said m rti;ai;e. situai Iitfi . c. and ull N .v Linht towniip. Wake county, . adjoining the lands of L. A. Wilson, ' Keith, W. D. Kay, John M. Crc.iiiaw others, fontj'ninsj tweniv-one and i aero. Thus! K. l'lkMLI AUor. tor Mortsai . Execution Sale. Under and ly virtu.- of :t i.vr'.", ecution in my handH, issn.-d frm Huperior court of Wnk.f county returnable to the February ten i said court, to be helo in K.i ! -itr ; i.i ; i hi on Monday the 25th day 1895, in favor of C. H. H Devereux, I will aell to bidder for cash at public following deR. ribed real court house door of s i id o'clo. k m. January 7th, One track of land lyiiu' i.f Kebru ry, -1 V 1 1 1 vs. I uo. the hi:.'iiest auction t he estate at ' lie county .v. 12 lri'.t"). to-Air : j i ud b.'in .' in i Haleigh, Wake comity, d.-M i-ib d bounded as follows : l'..'..-iiiuiiiL' ,v Johnson street exteiii..n r.-u h.-s eastern line of the hind of the Paul C. Cameron, late .Mrs. M Mordecai's line, theu e northerly and ' l-ei'-i ; r he i; I'lte I . H. . it u said Cameron line to Pence s'reete tension, then.e aloiii Ivace street prosine St. Marv's street, to Boylan street, thence south with Boylan s'.i-eet to Johnson street, thence west along Johnson street to the beginning. Ex cept that part thereof heretofore con veyed to Frank Brooks, the trustee of Brooklyn church and Geo. W. Poe. The part levied on being about five and one-quarter acres. This Dec. 7, 1-9 1. SI. W. Paoe, Shtriil. J. B. Batchelok, Atty. Special Notice. Mrs. Thaddeus Olive will continues the business of cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothing as conducted by her late husband at 310 South Salis bury street. Careful attention will be given all work sent to her. Orders may be also left at Dughi's, on 1'ay etteville street. A MISTAKE P1ESIIT l AK TUB BEST Portfolios, Inkstands. Writincr Desks. Card Cases, II Gold Pens and Peit:i'.-! Fountain Pens, &c, &c. &c. Sala of Land. T r aotbority of a Jadg.mant of th . r eoart cf Wak. conaty, mad ii, fit- ial roceedin(ra tb aaU of land ... u,ai, aaacta, entitled J. C. Mar iu. adminitrat..r, Viney Tovell I .'bera, So. 701, I ill tell, o M...l.y, December 21. 1H1, at 13 '. i. in., at the court hoaae door of tr county, to th higheat bid-a-i.a track of land ia Si. Mathew' t Wake loiinty, and bounded , i til east by Jo Morton and Norfleet I-. . i . ..ii the Mouth by Dr. 11 a rah -I rt," and Jatnea Temple, on the weat I . i j,!;.r- Temple and i. W. I'p. hurch, .m i i thrt north by land of S. Pace, d-. .us -1. Term of sale one-half eaahj i .linn ; j iu ail uiontha from aala day. J. C. Mabcom, ii nl'i. ds A din. and Com. 9 A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal PQMFLEXIOn I POWDER. If POZZONI'S Combines every element of 1 ; uity and purity. It is beauti fy ig, soothing, healing, health ' i , and harmless, and when i .i'htly used is invisible. A most .J icate and desirable protection he (ace in this climate. . t-X upon having the genuine. IT IS FOK SALE EVERYWHERE. r . erlain's Eye and Skin Ointment iiallcd for Eczema, Tetter, Salt i ic:dd Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped lulling riles, liurns, Frost Bites, -ore lives and Granulated Eye Lids. . !.y druggists ut 25 cents per box. to eorsb"ownebs. i ittintr a horse in a fine healthy con ii t y Dr. t'udy's Condition Powders. i .c up the system, aid digestion, cure f . .petite, relieve constipation, correct i . winlcrs and destroy worms, giving iiie so an old or over-worked horse. 25 por package. For sale hy druggists. Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGKETIC NERVINE&Sr& t"strti Lost Man hood. Caren weakneeaes, Nervous i .-hi lit y and all the evils from early or later ex CfVf. tit result b of overwork, worry, sickness etv. Full Btronth, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improve vr.owx. iiaiaotliutt'ly seen from the first box. Thoue 8'dh -if letters of raiHe on fileinoaroffioe Can bo f.arrii4iu vest pocket. Bent by mail to an V addn h oa rweipt of price. One month's treat r - t ineaehbox. Pnce$1.00, 6boxee, f 5.00, with, Wrtttf n Guarantee to refund money if notourecL bvt;4 u uu far the Genuine Circulars Free. . . John 7. MacRae, Druggist, Raleig N C. CIS ;T ; Disn washe retail trade, r. S tjf ... "'. " , i e '. ' ' ..; " ; S-.'' '- -v J if- & Ill; 'e ' i . " 5t ?"'."..- v, r'-Ti',4'-'- '.' '' ' (. ' "i, ; :. ' " i?.--V: vf : ' ' v ..T' ;'' . ' - p,1 .'..'' A , ." !. a. U '.'. '- : .y, pi', ..,:.. . it" " N I -m . Li'4r . ' 9r,?:.S"'. r ' F;.'... ".:''"' SisbpsM tmo

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