vo EacelT oa New Years Eveft ' Ing. I 0 Dw yer' tening, from 8 "tjl IS o'clock, chrmiu3 new year reception will be LelJ at the r.iJeor of 0. M. Uiubea E4., to Ja honjr k '65. Tb followiug young Udie wijl reccbe: Mis Luabe. Soph!. Bust, Hit Cotton, of FalUaud, Mi McKesson, of Morgantou, Miw Doggeti of Wilmington, His lick, Jlisi 'ao Bia Jones, MUa Floirie Jouea, Min Kathariue llaywood, Mis Annie Bus bee, Mist Carrie Holt aud M.bs Blanche BJake. Weekly Cotton Report. The receipts for the week ending yesterday Lave keen heavy late iu tU. Beaaon. lleceipts for the seasou t.. date, 25.S93 bales, last year 20,3X1 receipts for the week, 2,121; corres ponding week last season, l,jy7. Bales on platform, Otd. Shipments foi week, 2,133 bales. Price of strut j middling 4 3 4 tents. I l'resideut Marion U.itler, of tl. national farmers' alliance, names tL- j Becoud Tuesday iu Levi Ftl ruary n- . the date of its annual meeting hate I lo day later it will lay the coin:- ! stone of tbe L. L. l'oik monument The monument will L t a shaft ofirrau- j lte thirty feet high, to cos: j2,.'00.j j Tbe board of aldermen did nothing about reducing tbe market rents. There are many v ho tbiuk l!ie rents too high. Something should be done quickly. Miss Addie Little left this niorniiii: for Salisbury and (iold Hill to spend the holidays with relatives ifmi frinds.J . Already many s . ial events have been arranged for the holidays. Christmas iu the air, at the dep. t. on the streets e ery where. Bat'kleo Arnica Slve. The beet salve ir. 'he world for cote bruises, sores. u!?frs, sa't rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, cb tipped hitids, cln blaios, corns aud ail skia eruptioiv and positively cures piles, or no pr required. It is jrnaranteed to 'iv perfect satiefactioQ or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. f'ors.slt by John T Htsf , For the finest fruit go to Dughi's. .' Delicious Jlandartn and Tangerim oranges, just from l-"lurida,at Dughi' -. We believe in offering you the pu rest candy we can make. Jim-bee & Pope. Don't listen t the " oyster Led ' story so often 'told you, but come to us and you will get guod oysters. G. . Ive & Co., city market. We have fine oysieis at 23 and S k-. at D. Bell Si Co.'s deciSit Don't forget to rry our 2;) and 3.n oysters at D. Bell Co.'s. deo3n As to fouutain pens we are leaders. $1.50 buys the liest ben made, with -i full guarantee.. Kaleigh Stationery Co. - -at I J.T J., JOILV, lliu Jeweler See his line of novelties hefore mak ing your holiday pur -bases. If any dealer- iu Italeigh will in size and flavor the oysters v sell ill 23 auu ooc I'er iu.iii, e wiiiij:, the soldier's home live gallons Xpias : G. X. Ives it Co., city market. . Raisins and nuts of all binds, at Dughi's. ! '' NEW FEATHERS Picked from live geese at : : ! D. T. JoHS.SO.N-.s. . Grapes, . Concord and :. 'Catajft-.br maks a tasteful Christmas present At Dughi's. ' :.: FIXi2. IV'PLES -At D. T. JoiiKdos ' Bananas iu - great quantity Dughi's. Cheap andmce. California pears, the finest flavored. at Doghi's. - . KiLiMAZOO CELERY Cheap by the bunch at 1). T. Joiisaos NOTICE. This is to insist that the! taxppJcers of Raleigh township coniet:jrwar settle their taxes without turther and dc- lav. I am forced to make my sel merits and it is impossible for mje t settle unless the taxes are cancelh the tax books. I do not desire t oe tue forced to distress any one, but tales must be collected. M, W. I'aoe, Sheriff : Tn avow one who. between now Christmas, makes a 50 cent pnrcliase j a i ia . ii... "i - . . J .. nr. lVnhi ul I crl in retail iraue. jiii. "8"' o- " chanoe for two fine talking pa Cone African and the other Austral rots Je' I worth fa eaqn; vu jjai.vu - livered Christmas day EORTGAGP SALE. Rv virtue of autho4if inferred in a cer- I tain mortage, execute VecemDer 1,1 .ta,' a b; ..nit f 4dulv recordl Kyo, u in SSok No. Vi3; at pageVs, m R.stJr of needs office of Wakejri" "-.ft" SWINDELL'S. ( 1 m k My KID GLOVES. This depaftu-iit v.-i-v )' ;lr S!.'i'j is h 'A j.iir mi l in i i . lies til -HI We ever t!. Uu il ! "'ipp'-l Why? t'lir ii-.v 1 a'-'iit t'l imi' 'ak weli. lits w- li I 1- r :.'!'" !- ' , 1,1'S c f ..tfi- I I .-! !' i. r. . i- i:-:i.is. 'rv for r!ie.V'.ii.i.-t. is iu lit. when i hihlren. t!.-y 'e' ehanniuj ii'M.,:iv ot 70 vs. 1'uy in-' tl.it w-igi-n. 'ii.iuima. ' h. what a lmely doll ! -ihat- lire Vi, tjine!" Such are a f-.-.v o f the ei-la illations e daiiy hear, ote its si,; nilH-am-e. Ir means y.o. must pi-..vi..h iinuseiiieiit f.r the l'isir.u' -eU'-iaii tl ilcni.iffc ba-.e wiii-s. an 1 liy t.-l ria ls customers'. . V.'.'i-;iiiu-i i-ee.ill th.-u. We WollIJ 11' t if We could. W.- are , 1 lie . strike kaoekjiig. d-'wu-' pric-. a.'ed. cents will jingle in your pocket: if y ui- deal '.villi n. Ii(t.LI. id'.i 1' it F.S Who has the'iiirg.-i.st t.,ek of I.-!!s I. iu l!,ileii;li? Ves l.e has, and .yen is seiliug l).i!1.'for Mia' st no price ,n J all. -Nice, pretty-:. 1) .ii f- iv all f! -' nice nreitv i;;t!e "-iris in liaieit-'u. civ- j amine the Dolls and To:, s at. . . . " . :nk.i.i.' . CLoTlllXii AM) CilKCKIiiiV. We ha . e a lovely stork of clothiai- for men ami boys As pretty a Hue .! ciockery :is one e ei- see,--, A.A we jire . -now f-e.liiug -both tlo'se lines at :uii'.!e ! sale cost, l'o y.iil belie', e it, .or don't I yon : elleie it ? If don't beliee i it you certainly s.ou't gam auytliinj : if you do I t-Hew-, yi-u won't lose a:,; -; thing. : '. '; . D..T 'VVl.MiKLl. I . .: ;.:; Ti.ilKAl :ai: I " be old yell of 'selling out has the ! l iniT of iif.'1'eat big lie, but ring or no i-.l'ing.-we'are ru'mpelled to say to you ; auaiu that ail our stock of dress goods, j clotliiug and crockery, is now .;: being ( sold at cost, at stvvtxuKix's. ; "WITLiT.' 33-HJ ' 'Ol'H.N MtillTS TILL 1). T. r5l'Dl'.LL. . .- . eo.iii . hr1 i I .N-t so a -tive -as we" are in sell rn.r ;o.)Ki A.N I) ,M l'A I lO-M'.lt i . Wy ! i h,'. 'it '.,m i I'eoiile like it come a;r .in for more, tiurely, it. must oe good. ' 11,,' al-ouf presents Vve hive somet I 1 . i , . we ni'Oclaiiii the merits of our books I . vv- tnveii the resources of -tsauta Clans to tlie utmost 11 naum ni"i . . . r :.i i,..n,l , ,r ui-,.,.1.- "I'ill Vast cut down in prices. In fact, people wonder where our piolit is very i.o luriiisuuui u.-.ii'ij' jvy-. . ii ..... .,nni l l i- SlUiVU. We UO-suie f n... Uele..ii,,n nf our iroods for gotten you by you we mean everybody So often is it difficult to tind some thing for a gentleman, but thisyear we b.'ve mule special provisions for men. We do not care how littla you ha.c to -peud. your can surely find with ns something at v.mr price. Wish we had tile space here to tell you what we have Every one in ltaleigli suoum visit Uoods awiudell's dlore will oe Kepi MILLIXKK V 'I'll.- li iu'liest ambiti.'U ( a -.v 1-bred la y i.- i.i In e a styli-i'a an 1 n-'Stly l"i.ltiicd ll.it and she d.i. s l...r ,'bjei-l i:' li sa es a il.'llar hv buy; if.- the Hat at hwiui'.ell'tt Miliin-ry part-in.-nt. -i A 1 '" X 1 J V. We Have Cu: i J. V T-T- 1a.aV -i 1 .Uk.'i Peep through .r portals at our popular prices. Hiclies spring troin ecou one. Let us help. I). T. SWiNDKLL. ($& A3 ' js-'; -'t T ABOUT CARPETs7 You ought to see those We are sell ing, "i lie skilifnl ininIiiig of oolurs is admired by all who behold them The fabrics where the colors play . Across the wool i!i rainbow h the, Or meet and link a nd interlace. We cannot say, but we know that ymi will be pleased with our stuck. Our carpets are made nf material to stand hiird wear and look well, and many sell at tempting lo.v prices, D. T. SWINDELL. ClIRlfl.'MArt TRKK HOODS.. An iniiiinise lot of Christinas tree oriiain.'iits and toys nf various kinds, hori.es, wagons, dolls, horses, downs, jumping animals, rattlers and a thou sand otlier kinds of toys nameless, at tirtces well, merely nut lung what ever ymi see fit to give, (.rockery and glass ware at cost. D. T. f-WlXDELL. 1,11 ii.iiA.ui An ri 1 vn 1 en 1 nn lung for everybody. With bugle blast - t .. i..- ...II .1... aim nianoiiery ,- uur wu.iu iub . make voiir eves ir Utter with irladuess. - T firpi-Mlll holiday trade this year, we haven't for our two noors, auu see our uiiabuian opeu eacu nigui, ini vun"u t i . DON'T YOU HEAR THE BELLS ? Whit a I ! i-f in ti :nii ii: t a,- r i Y.. i i'i h.-ir I i r i-1- j,:., ini.' I ,..-. 1 . 1 , . " . . L .I" ' -( -. 1! 'lid i.v ,.. kin.-. V. .. a; tU.. n. eh-'i. ,vl t --ir b ni'i' t .i.. ii.i 1. i y.Mir ( vif! .'.., u.. 1 I in .f conn- t i. - i :.. . i y.'i v :.l tind lire Xtl'l'k. 111.- I, mm' l i l.s .!. i'Kl' !; !'.!; . t A I i i- i ! ; U" .illt" 1Uvl tl,. i i:i t y.iud iiiili:y .m i - mi fi.i!. I'm ti t r i u i. .iir i i' i i-. ' M.vle: i' 'i;;id us r, a y a . ! wli at il i,.: i.iii. . ,'i . N K 'K ':X l V. i- j.- i t i ii.- : in .. i . , .ppr-'.l I.e. I I. I- I -s l .ia :i 7"l . 11 . MAi KIN 1M- Ii.- i. .., ('ape IV.,! I' m- .si' Ve li I . e lii -.'li t 1 1' i -1 . lie. u i,i v i :.- : ... ,:,i ... om sir.- a ! i .1 1: .1 . . ' te1 S :: .-.- .. ..,-.- ,- f .1 i s v,.:i; n , ''"I- . I.-;I ,,.1111 '.It. :' iM ' ,.-ivl. . !', '! i !: :. il ill--, 'i i. I'uti.. :i. i. GHKT HOLIDAY I m ail . ;r -, '-l- c' .on of o :r l:i it.-i-.a1. v. . ! n i'li-v'. i.iirM-. es ;.. lid Tijli O, in a ! - vies t'aS.-iiil-..'.':-. i' e b y s a u.1 , !i.!d:e Oil:, of our i prN- the !) , w ! lie eit V. j'l ii--,i-.V ml C In I ill i ii' if ul !: 'i : f !1'' V I re 1 H). . i..ts i -red and Hi: ,1 ii in after our s,-iec; il - ."n, .i.i-i .i re Wd faults -1 io 111 ye n s .u t .v.. pi OVKUCOA'J' - S, Ne.el- has s::ch a dipl.i.v f il 1 1 i lir C " llit-is; we b.He S"ld Ml I at prices ;oer ti.-.n ill- ! , '.--;.- Wl.eu y,,i i-:, 1 "11 II. ' -I- IllV ' ! .. 'or it i i iii-rive. We a:e e : " .. 1 1 v r-ki-epin ; wiili the tii.i.-!... (i.i:- in .'li. satisfaction una ran' eed." OSKNni.V!. CLoiMIVi; )., -305 KAVK'i"l'.ii'U.LK ST.. :,l.,i.S!'i'K PuST-iiTi'tli;. : Rill HI iammoth Display of F m: Good We are n cv lea 1c t n-c- ffer for r'lesr ifispei ti .1.1 ;i Oar so, - in IJo- pas! . i-'.'ai.il -In. -i a- iloo-oii:, ; ui it. be, ;p .'.-f ..:;is-:;.. - a .' We- t. . ' iit.-ieased 'oai- s.- 0-1 r ! r:.-)i ;ifi,l A-s-.i ' ! -"l !.Tl He U S h- e !Stali:-.; '..he i ' i a.r.d L k & I i 4 a j GqzmI & (ilass and Porcelain Novelties, Frames, Tlacques, &c., 'I oil"l asos, Work Boxes, -Manicure and bbavtinf- Cases, WritiiiL'-Decks, Mn-'kei-,,-is, Jewel Boxes, &c, l'lmtograpli, Aatotrraph and h.-i.ip Al aims, B'ass and Celluloid Novelties, 1- me Leal ..er (.omls, Traveling t ases, &c,, Hau.iiet Lamps, i.e. Books n'ud Booklets. Wc are showing the handsomest line ever opened in t ie city. In oi ler to increase interest in our .stark' and to indiice customers io .b-iy. largely we will give a tiket with everv c.isii inirchase of ,;1. 1 li is t n-set will be n um bered. Oil the fiU'lit of D-ceuibcr 21-li. hiiiiibers will be f i nd in the f 'Mow ing articles: First, n;ie laiire Wntm : D-sk, -.'value ''?.'; sen :i I, .me. (tent' a Dressing Case, va' !ie '). t bird, one I. a lies' Uuld . I'eii. able .:,5, loiirtli, one (.ent's (iold Ben, value :;3; tilth, on- . aid case, alue .;2.5(); su.li, one i oiiti. taiu Ten, value cl oil. Niini ers callinu' for the ii:io.e articles will be published iu the .News and Ol'sen er I'liristinas nay , ml t lie articles will be given to tne luck v holders. N u nib is will be pla ed in the eiuelopes, and o.io ciic.i plac-d in t he a inclc to i j. i i-n awiiv. Articles on exlnuiliou now. With large and beautiful stock, Low Prices, Polite and Etncient Salarnsn, we horx to merit cue PATADNA3r3 Oi" rHtl?J3iiJ. The Ealeigk Slationary Ojjapi iy, 309 FAYETfs VILUE STRHiaT. i W.G. PKPaRK,ma.vgej. .. l-ly C. r-s -l 1 - '. m i-v.ry u k .hi 1 cm .i -r ( '.lie ol-ire, ....' .' ... '. ...... -...I f..r j - n f : Ci!. -;r .i.t.r v ... i: - .'., m ...ir i it i.'U.-e, s. i e j : n. Vie ti'i.-r iu li e -ek ! s. t.-. v. reeiej you'll liud ;'i.- j h i 1 ta alv e .iiipl-te lia f l-i .ui . u i.iihvu'. (il u s, i ti .. . M.i-i .. in . u ii I' i .;.u AT :0 CEXT u e ti 1 . vi -. . i. v 1 W" ! 1 1 , -I -r - .iiipr yri.nc 1 re: - l 21. 1' i i ! he .i v -k-.u 'i Ii isn't 1 a k i !lto.'i ; a X h i ::!' 1 Itesl .1.).:. I.i - 1 21 . -ny. II n l v . i i-in ti.i !. .v- I . (fit. V J ,::. v. . ii-:i'Y. L i t.. io the l-t lit. ly ap- . . f..r ;li. -r i .1' -r - :l I's. .1.1' II ...1 U) :-) 1 'M :i; (K). - 0 KjU'OA 'S. a -.I'- to 'the ,.. i ; :'!! aiay st , 1 "; :!).');) I- It. III,! e I'll i:-.-. its a... I oa. . ,'i. -on 1 i. ei I ii.a a ; I.- It as ii" . s to ,;. c. nd . the public -genenllly, and lit ot lloliday Goods. . .- .le'eiiiiinalloii to keeji 111 the - a nd l-'a iicy (joods Store, to the iz. us ...f i, ,1- i. iaciirties and c the patronage of all. W00LLC0TT & SOW. ; uir Dusness lor tne past iinisnse, owing to ou;' closing out. Our Mr. Wm. Woollcott will retire IVooi active business on Jan uary lot, and wa havo aiarked nearly all the stock at or near cost. To satisfy yourself in reference to the low prices we would like you to come and see our new prices. DBS3 COODS.I Iu thin departm lit we ha e had in awful rasu. There is pleuty left for you. We are closing out this department on an average reduetinu of 20 to 2.1 per cent. Von save eii.nit'li to buy your linings oil ii $.1 dress pattern. You sa-. e truui jl to We want to tetiiind you that r have ah nit 7, OtX) pair ul gud mIhwh in stock. si,p?.s that ere in stu.-k NiMi'iubei lit. a-e being tlosed out at oust. Mattre-s Tick 7 1-2-., K)-., 12 1-2- lM-atl.er I'iek 12 l-2c. 15c , 17 1 2-. 'I he 17 1 2;. l'eallier Ilk 1 Ihe est unal.ty in i.le: i-eg-ilm 2.") . L.-iods. Unv voiir tic.iiiu' troin ns and .-e .Mil tell yen .li-ie to liaie it made. lien you read our advertisement you csu depend on nne thing and that is that we always have what we advertise. (iood and j idle s advertising pays. Always advertise honestly. After .lauuary 1st, the business will be conducted by Mr. Walter V colli ott. We are goiug to rearrange our store and sell goods lower than ever; then we are going to buy goads cheap and give tbe cus tomers the benefit of the low prices Our Xmas Stock is now open and being shown. We Inv3 everything as U3uil. The prices are less than last year. Come and make your selections before the stock is broken. OUR TERSflS A WOOLLOOTT & SOW. live or six weeKs nas been W&SH CGODS ; Our 10.! Ginirham's lire now. 7 l-3a ! Our 712 6 l-4o Our 5 4 1 20 Our 10c Outing are, 8 1 3o Onr 7J-2j 6 1 4o Our 20c Leiisej-s, re 17 1 2o M mida rd .rniis ire n.j.v (J -in. liium HI'-5 l'. lle pi-ice lor these go.ijs 7 1 2c. Infants' s'u. 7, 50 75, mid fl.OO, iiiiuieiis' Mi .-s 50 tf.r), 75, 00 and K). ..i 2... il 37, :1 50. il 05 Hid jl.7". ..iNr' sli-ies, 50- to i200 Ladi-s sIii.ph, fit) - to i2 50 Dims shoes, 25 - to 2 00. i - i s s.ioes, .;;i.oj '.i cr3.o;). to ovTder. '.Ve Hie niakiiiit a reputation in or ;.ui. inig Depa: niii'iit especially on ti. us. rs. .. , at au'd make to order ll-olls-ei-s at lull! The .vi. y.n c-IU get tli- in truui a i a ilo i-, A tooil pair of noikiii;; pii.us, ..- f 9 75 or a pair of Dre.ss I'ii ii. ;.-4 50. IE CASH ONLY. Uv, the 7th dav of Januar ,t 12 the 1 1 1 S il 21 xx ooo ooooooooooooooo 0 ut ViA Vh est bid hr, BEST ANTHltAClTE s mm SEASONED OAK AND miles nortli,.' .i -A;n,J "'w:, aaioiniiii the uTaaaiaaaOSJ.

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