V 1 i DUKE Cigarettes yiGnETTESS MAOC MOM I ABSOLUTELY PURE Motgage Sale. By virtue of authority conferred In mortgage, executed by G. J. and H. B. Th'ma and wife, duly rei-orded in bonk No. 121, at ppe 597, io Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C, we will, on Monday, the 14' li day of January, 1805, at the rourt bouse in the city of Ksleigh, at 13 o'clock in., del) to the highest bidder, for essh, two crtain tracts of land of 43 acres and 23 poles, and 23 acre and 21 poles, respectively, described in said mortgage, and lying and situated in House Creek township, Wake county, about Are miles northwest of said city, adjoining the land of Unborn Branch, Berry O' Kelly (formerly Joseph Blake), Rufus Horton, John Smith and 'others, containing in theaggregate CO acres and 43 poles, more or less. This Dei-ember 10th, 1894. I'EELB & M'YKARD, Attorneys for Mortgagee. t'CT KLl WKKS. BodV.!ET9, C. Roses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and Uoral designs at short no tice. IMPORTBD BULBS for winter blooming. Just arrived, a splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. PALMS, FERNS and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other Hotter pots and frn dishes. Phone 113. Steinmetz, the Florist. PEMSYLYAHIA' IP Leadincr NEWSPAPER In ill the attributes that .suffice to mnke a first class journal. Tit spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news ot th Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat tuily ot maters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, THB FARM, woman's world, sci bscs, art, litrraure, finance, : thb real estate world. Presenting a complete magazine every day v SUBSCRIPT10S RATES: Daily, one year, ' $3 00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 0C Address The Record Pub3o. 917-916 Chestnut Street, PhiUJlp!iia. THillMulU ;' FOB1894. The publishers take pleasure iu aunouno- lug mat "ine juorring ueraui" nas recent it been enlarged from four to eight uaireg. and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or $3 per jr to mril subscribers eal edition contains as much news acd more general reading matter thau is printed t . . t. I . - i i J : 1 : The Telegraphic Uervioe of " The Morning ,T Ulll 1 1 .1 U L .. - tl-i.I neruu la uuuvwini ity uiuer jiuvi- mors paper. Its News Service V the counties is thor- onsh and reliable. ft Market Reports are fall, complete and accurate. lis illustrated woman's page is a feature tnat will not oe lonna in any otner Haiti mora dsilv. i A verbal im report of the Sermon by Rev Dr Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in aonaay morning edition. " the Morning Herald" will continue to a nn IndeDendent Newspaper fair and im parual in its statements and fearless in the expression oi wa opinions "THE SUNDAY HERALD," of 34 p iges, is the best Sunday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at So per copy, or 1 50 for a year. i 'THE WEEKLY HERALD' Is the cheapest and beat eieht-page weekly newspaper published in the United States, taeannual subsoriptioo being Mo. ' HT'-The Mining Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any person sending his or her address, enoloeing 5 cents, to the HK&ALD PCBIJSHINvi OU., Baltimort and Charles Streets. VQaxanunit Osncml Haaaga . Better Times. Country's lo kin' all alite. Better timea for Ninety-Are! Doa't care what tus crook jrs say Coaotry'a happy on the way! Ban's still ahinia' round aboat. When Us night ths stars corns on,t; An' when thsy ain't ahinin' right, 'Long tomes the eUetrio light) Keep on goin toil and atritej Better tim-s in Ninety. flte! Country's lookin' all serene, Though the woods is stripped o' green Borne a here underneath the snow There's a daiay that'll grow! If its eold it does n good; Eiercise in ch ippin' wood! An' if wood comes pretty high, Summer' 11 be here by an' by! Keep on goin' look alive! Batter times in Ninety-five! A TOUCHING PLEA. The Judge Refused to Send Him Back Because a Prisoner Had Been Lynched. Cincinnati, Jan. 2 In court, be fore judge liuchalter, yesterday there was a remarkable scene, many of the spectators were moved to tears. In the space fronting the judge knelt a colored man, whose long arms were clasped above his head. His face, almost white with fear, worked con vulsively as he cried: "Oh, massa (judge, doan send me to Kentucky. I ain't no coward, but dey wants to lynch me. Dat's the way dey do down dab. I'se seed 'em do it. se got letters from my friends tell ing me they would string me up. Duan send mo back, jedge, I'll have no chance." The prisoner was A. II. Hampton, alias Jackson, who is wanted in Marion coiiiiiy, Ky., lor shooting a farmer. C, Diirli.iin, wlio, though alive. Is beieft of his lower jaw because of the negro's bullet. beside Hampton's kneeling figure stood, with folded arms, a typical mountaineer, W. W Fears, wno, armeU with, the proper requisition papers, had demanded the ugitive. Judge Buchwalter heard the negro's prayer and turned sharply to Pears. "Have you heard threats against this man ?" he said. "Yes, sir," was the reply Then the judge, with forefinger pointed out at the deputy sheriff, said impressively: "Four months ago was served with extradition papers from your state, and I sent to your authorities a fugitive from jus tice as this man seems to be. He was lynched after he left the train. The authorities broke their word with this court, the state of Kentucky broke faith with her sister state of Ohio in the protection of human life. I will not send this man away from these courts until I have a letter from yonr governor, and from the presiding judge of your district that Hampton's life will not be placed in jeopardy and that he will hare a fair and impartial trial-" Applause arose from the spectators Hampton was returned to jail. Pears said he would appeal to Kentucky's governor, and that official would no doubt communicate with governor Mc Kinley. The latter has already been notified of Buch waiter's ruling. Hamp ton was addressing a colored congre gation last night when arrested, and the policemen were compelled to draw their revolvers to keep back the negroes, who threatened to rescue their pastor. A FAMILY'S FEARFUL FATE. Killed His Wife anJ Child and Attempted to Burn Their Bodies. Bay Crry, Mich., Jan. 2 In a freak of insauity Daniel J. Trombley killed his wife and eight-months-old baby in bed, and then tried to burn the bodies by saturating the bed- clothing with kerosene, and then setting it 7on fire. The fire department was called and put out the flames. Mrs Tromb ley was found lying on her bed, with her feet partially burned. Her throat was cut from ear to ear. The baby had evidently been smothered, as no marks of violence were found on the child's body. Trombley had disappeared, bnt his b )dy was found later in a well at E sexville, a suburb of Bay City. He had committed ssicide by drowning himself. ' '.. ' All Free. Those who have uied Dr King's New Dis covery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Uall on the advertised druggist and get a tri al bottle, free, blend your name ana address toHKBucklen ot Oo, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pills fre, as well a a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, f roe " All of wu ich is guaranteed to do vou good and oosts yon nothing at John x MacKae's drug store. Hand polished eurtain poles 20 ets. aah at ThoaM JUxweU'a. Looted a Train. BiRaiJtiHiH, Ala., Jaa.'Jl. Sooth bound eipreot train N. S on the Queen and Cret-ent road, which left here for New Orleans today, was rob bed at Livingston, Ala. The robber were disguised a passengers and af ter the train was in motion entered the eipres ar and with revolvers eoered the eipress messenger and baggage master, who occupied the same car. The former was forced to pen the safe and hand out all of the money packages, supposed to be nearly 20 (XX). The robbers backed out of the rar, and, pulling tne bell eora, step. ped off and took to the woods wheu the train slowed np. Henry Wilson, the postmaster at Welsbton, F'nrida, says he cured as of diarrliipa of long standing in mx hours, with one small bottle of Chain -erlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrliipa Remedy. What a pleasant surprise that must have ben to the snlferer. Such cores are not unusual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses are required to give permai ent relief. It can always depeuded upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. For sale by J. Hal Holibitt, druggist. As a basis of a peace proposition. the Japsuese newspapers suggest that, among other things, an idemnity of t500.000.000 in gold should be d-. manded from China, and that the money thus realized should he used for introducing a gold standard into Japan. Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horse bran ! If a worjHrful liniment for rheum . Hsm, UPnrnlgia. sprains and hrn s.-i f r man or benst. 1 00 sire 80c, 5(Ks size 2"c At John T MacKae's. Some of the labor leaders are show ing good sense iu protesting against the lionizing of John Burns, the Kug- lish labor leader. He has certainly violated all of propriety in his savage criticisms of American institutions, and a foreign visitor of that kind is not entitled to hospitable considera tion. He has abased some of the laboring men and their plans in coarse language. Croup is a terror to young mothers. To post them concerning the first symp'oms, aud treatment is the object of this item. The first indication of croup is hoarseness. In a child who is subject to croup it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamber lain's Cough lieinedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the rough cough has appeared it will prevent the attack. It has never been known to fail. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal Bobbin, druggist. Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache and pains of every kind instantly re lieved by Johnson's Magnetic. Oil. tl size 51 c; 50c size 25o. (Sold by John Y UaoRae. John Y MacRae, druggist, will tell von th t Johnson's Magnetic Oil al ways gives satisfaction and is the cheapest $1,00 size fQ cents ; 50 cents size 25 cents. pOAL ! COAL ! I COAL ! ! ! vy Large cargo of Egg, Nut and Stove Anthracite, and 20 cars Bitu minous coal of all kinds now being un loaded. , nov5 tf T. L. EBERHARDT. Mortaace Sala By virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed by Mrs. Sophronia M. and N. H McCullers and wife, duly recorded in Dooic No. 121, at page 709, in Register ot Deed s ottice ot wake county, N. u., we will, at the request of said N. H McCullers, on Monday, the 7tli day of Jan uary A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh sell to the highest bidder, for cash, that valuable tract of land, described in said mortgage, lying and. situate in Barton's Creek township, Wake county, N C, ad joining the lands of W. H. Edwards, Rachael Ferrell, A. I . Byrum, T. H. Pool, n. t. Hoi loway and Dr, L. P. Sorrell, containing 309 acres, more or less, being the land whereon the sold N, n, McCullers and wite now live This the 4th day of December A. D 1894 Peele & Maynard, tds Attorneys for Mortgagee Execution Sale. Under and by virtue of a certain ex eoution io my hands, issued from the superior court of Wake county and returnable to the February term of said court, to be held in Raleigh on on Monday the 25th day of February 1895, in favor of 0. H. Belvin vs. Jno Devereux, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate at the court house door of said county at 12 o'clock m. January 7th, 1895, to-wit One track of land lying and being in Raleigh, Wake county, described and bounded as follows : Beginning where Johnson street extension reaches the eastern line of the land of the late Paul C. Cameron, late Mrs. M. B Mordecai's line, thenue northerly with said Cameron line to Peace street ex tension, thence along Peace street crossing St. Mary's street, to Boyla street, thence south with Boylan street to Johnson street, thence west along Johnson street to the beginning. Ex cept that part thereof heretofore con veyed to Frank Brooks, the trustee of Brooklyn church and (jteo. W. Poe, The part levied on being about Ave a n one-quarter acres. This Dee. 7, 1894 ,M. W. Pahs, Shwrilf. i. B. tUxaiubOB, Atty. ry isi wjsm for Infants and Tninrla S will U4t to rhfklrrn tluU I rvctimitMfttl it as Mjjri.jr t-ianr .rT-niUon knuwD to cir." . A. An, ji u, IX. P.. Ill Su. OlfurJ Lruulij u, X. V. T1m m of 'Castoria ti m universal and Its i.wrin mi well kn n t hut it bittus a work of riperemrvtioa to i o r- it. Few are the ItiU'llisi-at famlllm who du nut kwp Caetoria wlUiin eahy t'ii h." LjmUm Mautvm, I. Knr York Oty. U l urn PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT fZ AND POTASSIUM ir Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purines the Mooi.balldnp tho weak and riehilltntod, gives ptron(?ih to weakened nrvs, expels dMea.seH.Rlvlnic iLe patient health and b:iiins:) where Hiekneaa, Klnomj fi-eitngs aud lusattudo iim prevailed. For primary, n nondnry and tertiary nypnui.', lor uiooa poisonmK, raurcu; rial poisnii, malaria, dyspepsia, and In nil bio d and akin diseases, like olotebes, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema- we may n.iT without fear of e.mtrnJli-Mr.u.Lhrit P. P. P. Is thebesfi blood punlUT in tho world, and makea positive, speedy and permanent cures in all casea. rifc I,aiic:i who"e systems are poiaoned nnd whose blood is in an linnure condi 7rr - tlon. due to menstrual irreKularlties, are poculiariy bcneiltcd by the won Cs ' derfnl tonic and blon-i cleansing prop-ifr- pniesof P. P. P. -Prickly Asb, Poke hoot and Potassium. jraifc 6puinokikli, Mo., Auk 14th, 1S93. 1 cm speak in the hiKhest terms of youi medicine from my own personii Ate ' knowledse. I was affected with heart " dijase, pleurisy and rheumatism for jfl 3f years, was treated by the very best phvsicians ana spent hundreds of dol- lars, tried every known remedy wlth tfjT out findiiiff relief. I have only taken one notrle of your P. P. P., nd can W cheerfully say It has done nie more fi - Rood than anythinp 1 have ever taken. ZZL I can recommend your medicine to ail Bufierers of the aT ove diseases. pM MRS. M. M. YE ART. SpringQeld, Green County, Mo, BFRVKLL ft DUNN. Wholsnsls MORTGAGE SALE. Bv virtue of authority conferred in a cer tain mortgage, executed Decemlur 1, 1S90, by James H. Ray and wife, duly recorded in book No. 113, at page 255, in Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C., we will, at the request of said Rav, on Monday, the 7th day of January. A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the cityf rUlei ; i , s;ll to th highest bidder, tors i, ti; I aui de;cribea in said mort eaire, lying and situate in House's Creek township, wake countv, N. C, about four nvles northwest ot Kaieigii, aajoming tne lands of T. W. House. Mrs. Ann Harrison, James Lynn, John and Barzilla Emery, and others, containing 403 acres, more or less, being the lands whereon said Ray and wife now live Peele & Maynard, v. Attorneys for Mortgagee. This 28th of November, A. D., 1894. Notice. Tn tVio North Carolina, f a . Wake County. 1 Dec. 21, 1894 W. H. Sorrell vs. Emma Sorrell. NOTICE: To Emma Sorrell, the de fendant in the above action: Take notice that the plaiutiff has begun an action against Emma Sorrell for a divorce f roua the bonds of matrimony and that summone has been isHued therein, returnable to February term of Wake Superi-r court, which sits on the 25th day of February, 1805, in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, when and where you are hereby notified to appear and answer or demur to the complaint which will be tiled in the Clerk of the Superior court of said county of Wake, during the first tin days of the said court, or the plaintia will pray the relief therein demanded. 1). II. Young, Clerk Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina. de22uaw6w Land in Oak Grove Town ship for Sale. ; By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Wake county, made in the case of J. C. Marconi, administrator of Chas. W. Brown, vs. C.V. Ferguson t als., I will sell by auction, at the court house door of Wake county, on the 31st day of January, 1895, at 12 m., a tract of land containing 64 1-4 acres, belonging to the estate of Chas. W. Brown, deceased, and known as "The King plaoe," adjoining the lands of W. A. Martin, M. C. Jones, Marion Jenkins and others. Terms of sale, one-third cash and balancu on twelve months time, with 6 per cent interest If rom day of sale. J, U. FumiBa, Com'r. I B Children. Taoturla runti folk', ('.nt!rallll, HuurSbriia-!!, l'L-urWa, tKiatija, k.Us Wkctiu, fcivc al-i, and prowou-a dl- Without injurious m.ili-ati..o. Tor acwd yean I hav rtfommend.- your 'CaKtoria,' and sliull always rtwtiDue to do to as it has invariably produced boneflcis result. " Edwih X. Pardee, M. P, VC th Street aud Ttli Ave, Now York City. Ths CraTArs Cohfaxv, 77 Mistur Bnucrr, Kw Tons Crrr. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 2 Catarrh, Malaria 3 and Kidney Troubles Arc riiHrcIy wmovrd by P.P.P. Prickly Asb. Poke Root and Potas alum, the greatest blood puriQcr on earth. AnEiTOFKit, O.. Jo'-r2l,lfi01. tlT Messkm. Lifpman Bkoh., Bavannah, Ga. : DKA.R8I1W I bought a bottle of f our P.P. P. at Hot Hpriiifrs.Ark.,and t has done ma more Kood than three months' treaunent at the Hot Springs. Head thrHebotiUs C. o. L. 9 BeaptiCtfuliy yonrs, rt JAS. 11, NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. 0Qp Ci.pl. J. D. Johnmon. To till irftom it may ennrnt: I hero bv testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P fur eruptions of the akin. I PufTerod for several years with an un- "sW sightly tud disatrri'oaMo eruption oo 0 my fac e. I tried evry knowa rt-me-dy hut in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. . (SiKuedby) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Ga ' 9 Kklu Cancer Cared. Testimony from the Mayor of Sequintfex Sfqi in. TRit., January 14, 1S03. jl Mkshks. Lh'I'Man Uhos.. Savannah, "fcr Ga. : (' itilfinett1 hav tried your P. mm P. P. for a disease f the skin, usually known as akin ca.icer.of thirty years' m$ stan-lu.tft and found jrreat relief: It puriiles tlie blood and removes all tr ritation from tho sent of the disease ami prevents any spreading of the aores. I have taken live or six bottles "" nnd re id contldeut that another course aB will efft-cta cure. It has also relieved m from Indigestion and itomach 1 'JF troubles. Yours truly, , ny CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. ir Book on Bioofl Diseases Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LI PPM AN 3R0S. PROPRIETORS, Llppman'i BIocU, Savannah, Ca nnd BMsil A?vt. Ctsrlotte. N. C Commission er's Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of the superior court of Wake county, nu.ieat the October term thereof, in the action of Albert P. M.issey, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Solomon Augustus and Mary' Ann Watson against Eddie A. Dunston and Samuel Watts, I will sell at public auction at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 7th day of January, "1S95, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property to- wit: All that lot or parcel of land situated in the citv of Raleigh, and county of Wake. bounded ana abutted as follows: Begining at a stake in the eastern line of lot No. 31 upon a plat or map of the homestead lot of Charles Manly, deceased, made by Kings- land & Miller, and running thence east wardly 129 feet to a stake on Fayetteville street, or near; thence southerly along said street 55 1-2 feet to a stake on the side of said road at the junction of Lookout street therewith; thence along the northerly line of Lookout street 129 feet to a stake cor ner of lot No. 31; thence northwardly 50 1-2 feet along the line of lot No. 31 to the place ot beginning, being lot No 9 on the map or plat of said lands; it being the lot of land referred to in item 3 of the will of Solomon Augustus, recorded in the olliee of the Clerk of the Superior court of Wake county, in book 35, at page 338, and like wise in item 10 of the will of Lucy Powell, recorded in said Clerk's olliee, in book B of wills, at page 413. Terms of sale, one-third cash; balance upon a credit of six months with interest on deferred payments at 8 per cent. . Title to be retained until purchase money is paid in full. : Oaw 3od AlBERt P. Massey, Commissioner. W.L. Douglas 53 SHOE IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KING. CORDOVAN". FRENCH a ENAMELLED CALF. 43.50 Fine Calf tiKANGAMia 3.5? POLICE, 3 SOLES. 2so2.W0RKINeMEN'(S "EXTRA FINE- 2.17-5B0YS'SCHOOLSH0tt LADIES k run fop r.ATAi net it wW'L-DOUGLAa oivwkiv ivnria9i Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for tke money. They equal custom shoes In style and fit. lean, lurnai Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, --stamped on sole. from l to f j saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by HELLER BROS. mesa tiny -n putties ar ret In 48 hours without i inconvenience, nil actions! waico ipaiDa t;u- and infectiAnafmlls k IS IF A LDrS TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POnPLEKIOf! U POWDER, l POZZONi'S Combines every element of beauty and parity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Insist npoa having ths genuine, Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restore!. MAGNETIC NERVINE ten guarantee to restore Lost Manhood. 4'uret( weaknesses. Nervous Debility and ail the evils from early or later ex cesses, the results of overwork, worry, sickness. etc. Fail strenfrth, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the bouy. Improve ment immediately seen from the first box. Thous ands of letters of praise on h ie in oar office. Can be carried in vest pocket, bent by mail to an address on receipt of price. One month's treat raent in earn box. Price $1.00, 6 boxes, $5.00, with Written Guarantee to refund money if not cured. Bend to ns for the Genuine. Circulars Free. John Y. MacRae, DruggUt, Baleigh, If .0. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. COHDENPED 8CHBDULE. in kfkkct July 8 , '91. Trains Leave Raleigh, 1 26A MPaily, "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestltinle for Hen derson. Welrlon, Pfterp burg, Richmond, Wf,gbini.' too, Bultimore. PbiUdeU phia. New York and al poiLts north. Bufft draw. inKrooni sleepers and Pull mqQ coaches Atlanta to Washington, parlor cars Washington to New York Pullman Sleeping car An- gusta to FortsD'oat. 51 60 A M Daily except Monday, for Uenderson. Weldon, Suf folk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and intermediate stations, connects at Portsmo'i li with BavLineforOldP t, and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washington meaut boat Co., for Wasbingtoa, with N. . P & N. R. R. for Philadelphia and points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philaaeiphia aud New fork. Through sleepers Weldon to New York ani with Scotland Neck Branch for Green ville. Washington and Ply mouth. 5 S3 A if Daily. "Atlanta Special,' Pullman Vestibule for 8j. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester, Clinton, Green wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Chattai nooga, Nashville, Memphis and II polots south and sou'hwest. Through Poll man Huffet, Sleepers and day couches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverging lines. 3 80 P M Daily, for 8onhrn Pines, Hamlet : Miton, Wilmington, Wadeeboro, Monroe, 'har lotte, Lincoluton, biielby, r Rutherforltonandall local stations 0. O. H. R and R. & A A. L. R R. " raineJArrive Raleigh : 5 17 A M Daily. "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poiuts north. Parlor ears New YorK to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and dav coaches Washington : to Atlanta. 8 SO F M Daily from Portsmouth and points nort h via Bay Line N . Y. P. & N. R. R, also from Greenville, Plymouth, V Washington and Eastern Carolina points via Wei don.Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlantic Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 1 20 A M laily, "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athene, Abbeville, Greenwood, Chester and points south., Pullman day coaches and sleepar Atlant ta to Wash! ngton. 11 86 A M Dally from Wilm i ngton, Shelby, Lineolnton, Char lotte and all local stations O. O. R R and R. & A. R. f3 IT fU i SALE .VUIYt?HERE. A I R ; also from Fayetteville and Greensboro via Ban '".ford.. Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Henderson and intermediate Btatlons 6 00 p. m ; re turning arrives Johnson Street 9 08 a. m. Passenger leaving Raleigh at 8 SO p. m. arrives at Charlotte 9 45 p. in., returning leaves Charlotte at 9 45 a. m., arrive Raleigh 11 45 a. m. , No. 40aand 403, "Atlanta Special," are solid Pullman vestibuled trains, composed of magnificent day coaches and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepen between Washington and AtUnta without change, on whiah there Is no extra fare oharged. For Information relative to sched ule , 4c, apply to ticket agent, or A. J. Oooke, SPA, RaUlgh. JOHN H. WILDER, Geo'l Man'g'r. T. J. AHDKRBON, Gen 1 Pus. Agt, VTTh Tl.m. TTk inn

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