"Woman's Soliloquy In 105a DUKE Cigarettes SlGARtTTESU made rnoM N AH ABSOLUTELY PURE The New York Recorder. AN AMERICAN HOME NEWSPAPa Th Recorder for 1334 will sustain the promt e of its vigorous youth. It was born a full-grown newspaper, and It is bigger, better and brichtor day by day. Th Reoorder Is a paper of Id. -as. It b a paper for the Home. It is tha womau's favorite daily. It i the fried and upholder of Rood government and common sense, and Its motto Is FIRST OP ALL, THE KZWS. The subscription rates ot The Recorder are as follows: Ona yaar, daify and Sunday $H.SO tita month, ouitt ana aunawi Vftrva mnth, daily mil Sunday., On ytar, daily only Kin month; daily on. y Thrmm mj.I ii. tiittltl otttu 4. xn X.IS a, oo l.sn Ouynr, Sundny only g.B't ft month, Sunday only l.'ii Thrro month, Sunday only 3 frricK I.T, one yrnr "" WEJCK LY, HB month . BO Generous premiums am offered for eub icrlbers to all editions. Wrilo for particu lars. The magnificent bollochromes given with The Sunday Rocorder are the delight , and ornament ot tho home. THE N. Y. RECORDER. 15 Spruce St, N. Y. Cft CHAPLOTTE-- ..., OBSERVER, A Democnt'ic Paper, a panrr devoted tc the industrial development of North faro linaaoi thefionth. fbe best advertisirr Bwlimii between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 18 f( pr year WEEKLY, tl 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J V CATrwuLL. Fd'tor, Charlotte, N C. javj-o; a"1 at hitter' M Ehufffr's news Itard Be V.. h. N . olfi PENNSYLVANIA'S Leadincr NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that .suffice to mnkc a nrst class journal. M PIM11LPM BfiCQHD spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of th Old and New World. Its several dspartments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to THB HOUSEHOLD, THB FARM, ; ' V WOMAN'S WORLD, BOUNCE, ART, LITEBAURB, FINANCE, THB RBAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every day SUBSCRIPTION RATBS: Daily, one year, f3 0C- Daily and Sunday, one year HOT Address The Record Pub Co. 917-9l6Cbestnut Street, Philadelphia. FOE1894. The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Moning Herald" has recent ly ! en enlarged fr"m four to eight uasea, and that while the price remains at oue cent per copy, or vt per year to mm suDsunoers eai;h euition coutains as much news anc more general reading master than is printfi by me Baltimore iwo-cenc names. The Telegraphic Service of "i'he Morning Hexbld" is unexcelled by any other Bait) more paper. its Newsservice the counties is thoi nnch and reliable. lis Market Keporta are full, complete and accurate. lis illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not tie loona in any ouier Balti more dailv. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Dr la) mage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appear in Monday morning' i edition. ' "ine Morning Herald" will continue to am an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in its statements and fear lea in tht axprtnuoa oi us opmuuu "THE 8UNDAY HERALD," of 24 p-tges, i the beet Sunday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3o per copy, or II 60 . fur a year. "THE WEEKLY HERALD' is the cheapest and best elght-psge weeklj newspaper published in the United State, theanunal subscription being fiOo. The Horning HeraM" will be sent on trial for one week to any person sending - hi or her address, enclosing 5 cents, to the HKKAliU PUBUBUINtf CO., T i.. i ,11 i ..... BalUmutj, Aid. . aVSJOKBQrijy Gooanl tUaa;cr I know my baabaod really trie A pleasant bom to make. Bat be can't SMtn to make such As father used to bake. pies He keeps the parlor very neat; Care for the biby, too. Bat, Oh! be doena't roaittbe meat As papa oned to do. He tii good taste in cutting out And sawing bin own doth. Tbat mian eeomroy, no doubt. Bat father' cooking goes! I really moat insist tbat Jske Shall ek a co., king set ool And learn to make auch pies and cake As father does, I y rale. And then bow proud and glad I'll be. When ma brings father bere, To bear her say: "Its plain to see Jacob can cook, my dear." New York Recorder. Charges Against a Congressman Elect. Austin, Tex., Jan. 14. J. T. Terry, of Galveston, lias filed in the Texas senate a memorial charging senator Mile Crowley, congressman elect, with preparing a bill for introduction in the Teias senate that would hae been hostile to the Pullman palace car company, In order to force ine company to give him a pass. The pan was given and the bill was not at all pressed. Mr. Terry desires that the senate take action in the matter with a view of impeaching Crowley. The matter was referred to a committee. Mr. Crowley laugbes at the charges. SHUT WIFE AND BABY. A Prospering Farmer Then Hangs Himself LEA'iamrRft, Pa., Jan. 14. The most startling murder and suicide that ban ever occurred in Union county took place this morning Weiley Pawling, entered the bedroom of his wife and 4 weeks-old babe, and, drawing a re lag a revolver, shot the child through the forehead. His wife was awakened and as she -arose Pawling fired. By her movement in arising she saved her life, but she will carry the wound she received to her death. Pswling, seeing his wife had not been fatally shot, again raised weapon, and she, by a quick movement, managed to wrench the revolver from him. Pawling left the house, and, taking a carriage, drove to the Home ot nis wife's mother. Walking into the house, he said : " Mrs. Bohr, the ba by has been shot, and 1 want you to come to the house right away." Accompanied by her he returned to the house, left her there and then drove to a neighbor. He told Mr. Muff his child and wife were shot and that he wanted Huff to go for a doc tor. Returning to the house again he went to his wife and asked her if she could forgive him for his act. She said, "Yes," whereupon he kissed her and went out. A little later his body was found hanging in his carpenter shop. He had committed suicide. - Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache, ijor mala-ria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by John Y. MacRae, druggist. - A New Disease. A peculiar new disease, "amusia" by name, has been added to the long list of ills that flesh is heir to. There is nothing amusing about this partic ular ailment, despite the appearance of its title, for it is the loss of the mu sical faculty. in i i ' All disraes of the akin cured, and lout cotDp'eiiiij restored by Johnson'r Oriental Boap. for Bale Dyjotinx ttaoRae, - Johnson's Orient! Boap is the most delicate facial soap for ladies' nse in existence, absolutely pure and highly medicated for sale b ' JohaY MacRae A Preacher 70 Years. In a firm, clear voice, with perfect enunciation, the hearty nonagenarian, Rev. Dr. William Howard FurneBS, preached his seventieth anniversary sermon as pastor of the First Unita rian church at Philadelphia, last Sun day. THIS Is for YOU. If you are a subscriber to the Visi tor and are in arrears, pay up. In order foi you to get the paper in fu ture you must settle up. Be ready for tbe oolleotor when ne cans ana whaok up. If you fail to get your caper In future it will be your fault J you have not paid. p. WOMEN GET STRENGTH NO EXCUSE FOB DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS. Whit Pi ine' s Celery Compound Does in Few Short Werks It Mikes a Tremen dous Difference With Tired, Sickly Women. bostoji hibald In thousands of home some onr father, mother or brother, i actually dying from starvation of the nerves anJ blood. This lack of nutrition of lome'iital part Is not usually called by the harsh word "starvation," but it amounts to the same thing. It i called dyspepsia, neuralgia. Bright' disease, rheumatism or nervous pros tration, headaches or sleepiuleess. This general feeling of dUcomfor' throughout the body show a literal starvation of some of the important organs of the body, either heart, kid neyi, stomach, liver, or nervous centres. Scores of men and women showing their first gray hair, who in business and society wear a smiling counte nance, are tormented in private by a desponden-.-y they can scarcely ex plain, which renders their life almost unendurable. Such mental depression, falling short of insanity, occurs most often at the "turning point" of life, or soon after it, and is a lamentably common complaint. After middle life the body often be comes UoodlesH, the nerve tissues im povt rished. Then paine's celery com pound supplies building material for used-us blood and nerves. It makes people strong, ruddy and well. It regulates the nerves, feeds their wasted, exhausted pt.rts, purifies the blood of all dangerous humors and brings back strength and health. Where there is a gradual loss of strength, a growing thinness, irrita bility and-nervousness, Paine's celery compound keeps up the strength and resists the final breakdown to a state of invalidism and of constant suffer ing that is likely to come where noth ing is done to check the wasting pro cess. It is upon women that the great burden of tiring, exhausting and petty duties fall. Hundreds of homes might be saved from sickness and unhappiness if the wife or the husband, or some member of the household cotjld only see how near aid and comfort is to the dear ones who are slowly drooping and re laiing their interest in the things about them, preparatory to leaving them forever. Paine's celery com pound is within the reach of every home in the land where is illness. It has met the unqualified approval of reputable physicians of every school. W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good for children troubled with colds or croup as Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and always keeps a bottle of it in the house. After hav ing la grippe he was himself troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies without benefit and then con cluded to try the children's medicine and to his delight it soon effected a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, drug g'st. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When ska was a Child, she cried tor Castorla. "When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. Whan aha had Children, she gave them Castorla. Johnson's Magnetic- , Oil. how brand, &o, is a powerful liniment e ptclally prepared for external OBe for persona and all diseases of horses and cattle. $1 00 size 60 cents. 50 cts size 85 cents. Call for the Horse Brand of John son's Magnetic Oil. It has no equal for the diseases of horsei and oatr.le $1.00 s'ze 50 cents :K cent size 25 cts. Foe sale by John Y MauRae Statu8 of Dell's Case. Wabhingtoh, Jan. 14. Mr. C. S Darrow, of Chicago, counsel for presi dent Debs, of the A. R. U., will make application tomorrow to justice Har lan, as justice of the seventh U. S. cir cuit, for a writ of error from that court direct to the U. S. supreme court, at the same time offering bail and asking for a supersedeas and a stay of execution pending the writ of error, The court may decide to hear arguments on the application within afew days. HoMnir. burning, soalv an1 crust, i .ces of infants oleanied an-l heled. I and aale sleep restored by Johnjja's Oriental Soap at JoUu YIlM&ae'a. E R fl R PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT Z AND POTASSIUM gr: Wakes iE: Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. Triflestbeblno4,bnl1diiti the we Ik and ibuitat4, treoK'ti to w3tkpcei oerraa, expl iJise .sta.glTln tb patient health and lenlinKA aDd itwitttd ttrat prevailed. Kr rimanr.M ooodary and tertiary BTprjiiis. lor Diooa poison id, merciv rial roiBoti. malaria. drateDla, and In all blood and akin dlneajtea, like blotches, pirn plea, old chronic ulcers, tetter, a. aui bead, boils, eryslpalaa. eczema we may bat, without tV-ar of contradiction, tbat p. p. P. Is the best blK)d partner in the world, and makes f.o.'i-ive, speed? and permanent curua n all cusc3. Lilip whoe systems are poisoned and whoso blood im in an impure condl tlon, due to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly bcncilted by the won fk'nul tonic nd blocU'leanstng prop . prth'anf P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium. QDDiHiDiiri n Mn intp. 14th. 1H4'4. I can speak in the highest terma of Iou mndicine from my own persontu nnu-Iuti-n 1 wnanffeftfwl With heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for f7 i 3,-, years, w a treated by the Tery best zZZ- plivr.iciana ana apuot hundreds of dol- lar. tried every known remedy wttn 43r out hndlnff relief. I have oniy taken , one bottle of your P. P. P. tnd can cheerfully any It baa done mo more r "la- - good than anything 1 have ever taken. I can recommend vour mediclr.a to all auaerera oi the above aiseases. MRS. M. M. YEAST. Cpringfield. Groan County, Mo. BtBVKLL ft DCNN, Wtolacal and Chamberlain's Eye and Shin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, .Veald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Tiles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Kyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 'lo cents per box. TO HOBS3"bwNEBS. For putting a horse in a tine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 lents per package. For sale by druggists. Sale of Valuable Lands in Swift Creek Township. By virtue of a mortgage executed to me by W. H. J. Goodwin and Cora A. Goodwin, his wife, on the 30th day of Oct., 1889, recorded in Register's oflu-e of Wake county, in book 110, page 143, I will sell at public auction, at the court house door in Raleigh, on February the 11th, 1895, at 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder, for cash the following described property: That tract of land situate about 4 miles southwest of the city of Raleigh adjoin ing the lands of R. E. L. Yates, C. E. J. Goodwin, W. J. King and others, containing 292 acres, more or less, being that tract of land conveed to W. H. J. Goodwin by Thos. H. Briggs and wife by deed, recorded in book 45, page 170, in the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Jons Gatliso, jan 8tds Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of authority conferred in a mortgage, executed by Gt. J. and H. B. Thomas and wife, duly recorded in book No. 121, at page 597, in Register of Deeds office of Wake county, N. C, we will, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1895, at the court house in tbe city of Kaleigh, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, two certain tracts or iana oi 43 acres and 22 poles, and 23 acres and 21 poles, respectively, described in said mortgage, and lying and situated in House Creek township, Wake county, about five miles northwest of said city, adioining the land of Osborn Branch, Berry O'Kelly (formerly Joseph Blake). Ruf us Horton, John Smith and others, containing in the aggregate 00 acres and 43 poles, more or lass. This December 10th, 1894. Peelb & Maysabd, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Land in Oak Grove Town ship for Sale. . By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Wake county, made in the case of J. C. Marcom, administrator of Chus. W. Brown, vs. C.V. Ferguson et als., I will sell by auction, at the court house door of Wake county, on tne oisi aay oi -auuaijr, v- m., a tract of land containing 54 1-4 acres, newng.ng to u - W- Brown, deceased, and known as "The Kins: olace." adioming the lands of W. A. Martin, M. C. Jones, Marion Jenkins and others. Terms of sale, one-third cash and balance on twelve months time, with 6 per cent interest from day of sale. J. H. Flbmino, Com'r. IIILLIARD BELL, LOOK and GUN SMITH. I hare opened my shop again and am prepared to do any and all kind of iron work, such as repairing guns and locks, fitting keys, opening and filing saws, bell hanging. Umbrellas repaired and any work in thai line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate; (live me a call at 115 East Hargett street, rear Central hotel. , . dt223w Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores ZZZ 3 H a II I Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles 111 Mrktv A.h vtoka Rnnt and Fotaa alum, lb (raalort biuud yul-lflor oa ana. Anri. O.. JoiyTJ.l"!)!- , BfniaV (Ur fMJ.lt Rao., Oa. : lma him-1 b.Hiiriii a uula ur UAH hbom. . uvianiB, your P P P. et hoc npriap.i It haa rion rtm more Ctl tu- Ark., o tbr Bioniha treaimentai tlie Hot SprUnf. toad three i mes l. u. u. Abardeea, aruwa Ouuncj. O. Curl, t. O. Jahuloav. To n h it may timrem: I taera by tetlfT to tha wi.mlerlul ppoperttea of P. P. P. lor ruptl'iD. of tlia akin. I aufferrd for .everal jraara with on alirhtly aad di.aicrrtsablo eruption on mr l.oe. I tried evry known rema dy but In Tain, until P. P. P. waa lued. oxin am now antlrely carw. . , 481,-ued. by) J. . JOHNSTOSN kla Ctuieer CatrcU. TfxHmont ramtii4 Mayor of StiiTtx. ' Bwjrtu, Tux., Jannsry 1, Mkxbrb. Lippmam Bkoh.. Savannah. ' Ga.: Gfhtlemvnl have trlfMl your P. ( P P. fur a ilease of tha .kin, uunllr kuown aa .kin caaeer.of thirty yenra1 . atan-llnv, and foual irreat relief: It punflea the blood and remove, all Ir ritation from the seat of tha dlfteane , and prevent, any .preadinir ' the aorea. I have taken flveor six battles and feel conlldent th.t another course , will effect a cure. It ha alo relieved me from Indigestion aud atomaoa troablea. Kours truly, . OAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. Boon bo Blood Diseases W. Free. ALT. TJBUOalSTS BELL IT. LI PPM AM SROS.c PBOPEIETOES, IJppmaB'Black,9aiTaanitn,Ga fjj Retail kftv. Ctarlott. N. C tW.L.DOUCLAS SI CBIAIT is THE BEST. wJ QIlWEL FIT FOR AKINGt, . COEDOVAlV, FRENCH. EN AMCLLED CAJuF. '43.SP FINECALF &KAMCARWI 3.P POLICE, 3 SOLES. aoS.WORKINGME,, " EXTRA FINE- .l7BOYS'SCH00LSH0a LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE . W-L-OOUGLAa. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally .satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom ihoea In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. C-nomo. C a n C -a n.,.. a.haa If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sotd by HELLER BROS. Tilt' linv ('iniKiiicu nr. inciiiiveiiU'iirc, iitlct'lionHi MlHY 1 ill vbi li ( uimibit, 'n-V"uWI J uvdh and iiitei'tions lull. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will he made to the next session of the general assembly of N. C. for the passage of an act to incorporate The Cedar Lumber and Shingle Company," a corporation for the de velopment of timber lands and the manufacture and sale of lumber. dec24 SOd W. V. Archibald, E. H. Busbeb, Solicitor. Libel Notice. ; Collector's Office, Raleiuh, N. C. Notice is hereby given of the seiz ure for violations of the Internal Rev enue iaw9 uf tae ij, g, 0f tne follow I ing property: 1 Three copper stills complete, with caps ana worms; 4 Darreis containing about 130 gallons corn whiskey, seized from B. H. lelverton, Clayton, N. C. Any person having an interest in the above property will file claims at this ofhee within thirty days or the prop erty will be forfeited to the govern- - ment. F. M. Simmons, Collector. Jan. 4th, 1895 oaw4w Notice. In the North Carolina Superior Court. Wake County Dec. 21, 1894 W. H. Sorrell vs. Emma gorrell. NOTICE: To Emma Sorrell, the de fendant in the above action: Take notice that the plaintiff has begun an action against Emma Sorrell for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and that summons has been issued therein, returnable to February term , . . f F(.bruarv 1895 in the , are he notifi(jd . J or q i complaint which will be filed in the Clerk of the Superior court of said county of Wake, during the first three days of the said court, or the plaintiff will pray the relief therein demanded, D. U. Y0UNO, Clerk Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina. de22oaw6w Administrator's Sale. As administrator of Peyton J. Brown, deoeased, I will expose to pub- jlio sale, on Thursday, January 24, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. in., all of the personal property of the deoeased, consisting of Beds, Bedding, Parlor and Bed-room Furniture. Carpets, &o. Terms of sale cash. Sale to take place at Stronach's warehouse. decaOtds. Ii. T. Baowa, Adia'r. r ... mm mi A LADiS TOILET I not complete without an ideal nOHPLEXIOM U powder. g POZZOlil'S Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Irnlrt npon taring tht genulna. CURB A New and Complete Treo'mc- it, cm-i.- lli.i of UPP08ITOB1KS, Capsule, of tlinuc ot auj tw .J.zmof Otntmeut. A never-tallii' fure for ril'-l f .Ti-ry nature an.l depi it lu-Ve-nuoiienil: -T vith the knife or injecti-Hi of ar!--lie aci.i, abi- h re painful and eeljom a p.-rn.emDi - m.. ar 1 ;tf; leFttiunff in death, utim-e.tr.-w. Why e".!-''' this terrible diaeaa.V We gua.-cn.eo. J boaes to our. nny oua.. vu ouiy puy i--r oeneflu recelTed. It a boi. e for IS. Sent iiy mull. Guarantee, lumiod by our agent. bUriO I IrH I lull n Japanese LKerPHlett the (Treat LIVER and STOM AClf KElULATOh an 1 BLOOD PUKIFIEK. Small, mild and plen-.tit to take, especially adapted for cniidien'a use. to IJoat A -enta. '4IMBAHTXES laauad only by John Y. MacRae, Druggist, Baleiyli, N.C. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IH aFFJCT DEC. 23, '85. Trains Leave Raleigh, 180 AM Jally, "Atlanta Special," lo lin.n VeBtinuIe for lien dereou. VVeldon, Peters-, burg, Richmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, PhiU-lel. piiia, New York and al points north. Buffet draw log room sleepers and Pail man couches Atlanta to Washington, parlor cars Wasbington to New York; Pullman Sleeping car Mon roe to Portsmouth. 12 01 P M Daily for Henderson, Weldon, eur folk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and Intermediate stations, connects at Portsmouth with BavLine for Old Point and Baltimore, with Nom folk and Washington Steam boat Oo., for Washington, with N. Y. P. & N. R. R. for Philadelphia and points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Througt sleepers Weldon to Ne York and with Scotlar.d Neck Branch for dree. ville, Washington and Ply mouth. Pullman sleeper Atlanta ty Portsmouth. 5 23 A. M Daily. "Atlanta Special, Pullman vestibule for Ho. Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester, Clinton, dreea wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo-, bile, New Orleans, Chattaa nooga, Nashville, Memphis and p11 points south and southwest. Through Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diversing lines Pull man sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe. 4 00 P M Daily, for Southern fines, Hamlet, M a x t o n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Char- , . lotte, Lincolnton, Shejlrryf Rutherfordton, C jester, Greenwood, AtlaLti and Points south. TralnsiArrive Raleigh : 5 17 A M Dally. "Atlanta special. " 1 1 . IT ... I . - ruiiiuau yeswuuie irum New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north. Parlor cars New York to Wasbington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, 8 50 P M Daily from Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R-, also from Greenville, Plymouth, Washington anl Eastern Carolina points via Wel don, Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north via Atlautio Coast Line, sleepers New York to Weldon. 1 20 A M Daily, "Atlanta Special," Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athens, Aboe ville, Greenwood, Chester and points south. Pullman day coaches and isleepar Atlant ta to Wash! ngton. 11 60 AM Daily from Wilmington, Shelby, Lincolnton, Uhar lotte, Atlanta and pjin a south Mixed trains leave Johnson Street Station, for Henderson and Intermediate stations 5 80 p. m.; re taming arrives Johnson Street .9 00 a. m. No. 408 and 40?, "Atlanta Special," are solid Pullman veaibnled trains, composed of magnitioeQt day coaohes and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and Atlsnta without change, on whiob, there is no extra fare charged. For Information relative to sched ule, c, SDptv to ticket jent, o. A. J. Cooke. 8 P A . Ra'elgh. -JOHN H. vVIXDSa, feloa I Mao'rf'r. J X. J.AKOJSftSOJl, flea'i Pais. At

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