THE LEGISLATURE TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS IN BOTH BRANCHES. Toe Vote for State Treasurer la Canvassed and Declared. SENATE. In the senate today principal the new billi were to reduce expenses of State Guard; to repeal tai or license of piano and organ dealer; to reduce salaries of atate and county officer; to reduce official bond of county officer! of 1'itt; to inquire into the case of Mrs. Pattie D. B. Arrington; to change the date of Thanksgiving day to one earlier; to abolish county boards of education; to regulate the business of life insurauve; to authorize Alleghany Ahe and Watauga to attaint in build ing a railway. Effort was made to adopt a resolution instructing sena tors and representatives to vote against all bill which did not advo cate free coinage of silver and aboli tion of all banks of issue. It was re ferred. HOUSE. In the house speaker Walser pre sided. Petitions were sent in concern ing seven election contests. The con testant in one of these is J. E. Person, of Wayne. A resolution was intro duced nrging senators and represen tatives to secure the election of sena tors by the people. The principal lulls introduced were to amend the charter of Winston; to repeal the pro vision of the code regarding public printing; to repeal the railway com mission act; to abolish the death penalty; to strike out the provision limiting auctioneers fees to 2 1-2 per cent. At noon the senate and the house went in joint session to canvass and declare the vote for state treas urer. Forty-seven senators and 114 representatives were present and pres ident Doughton of the senate presided. BEAT HIS WIFE'S LOVER. Traveled 2200 Miles to Give a man a, Thrashing. Norrittows, Pa., Jan. 14. Ei-sen-ator Samuel B. Newell, made an as sault with brass knuckles today upon E. S. McPherson, agent in this city for the Northwestern life insurance company. Newell claims McPherson has been criminally intimate with his wife, McPherson formerly resided at Central City, and was befriended by Newell, who a well known politician. Two years ago McPherson left Color ado, and since then has been corres ponding with the sonator's wife. Newell,got hold of some of the letters, and learned that McPherson was in Norristown, so he left Denver on Sat urday night with the intention of com ing 2200 miles to give McPherson a severe beating. On reaching Philadelphia Newell registered under an assumed name, and disguised himself by having his mustache dyed black and donning a wig. Thus prepared to surprise his foe, he knocked at the door of Mc Pherson' 8 office. When McPherson responded the senator landed his right on the insur ance agent s head, following with a left-hander on his face. As Newell wore steel knuckles McPherson was severed punished in the short time the twot men were together. They are both ahout 40 years of age. Law yer Jerry B. Larzelere rushed in from an adjoining room to assist McPherson but the senator was too active and too powerful to be subdued by Lagzelere and McPherson. Two other men, who heard the cries for help, rushed in and separated the men, and McPher son disappeared, probably to hunt a surgeon. Some minntes later a policeman took Newell into custody and escorted him to the police station. As no one ap peared against him he was discharged from custody. Before leaving he nar rated the story of the entrangment, in support of which he exhibited several of McPherson's letters to Mrs. Newell. He left for Philadelphia and Pitts burg, where his wife is visiting rela tives. She was unaware of his visit here. : - Dughi has fresh cocoanuts. I know you like fresh oysters. Dughi is the man to get them front. If yon want good California pears go to Dughi's. i All kinds of curtain proles at Thomas A Max wall's at 20 cents each. ' Nagles' Certain Congh Cure, and HiokV Fragrant Almonds guaranteed to sure or money returned 25o. . ' SHKUOHa & Hicks,1 Druggists. PLANINGJIILLS. The Mills Manufacturing Com pany's New Departure. There it to be still another large Raleigh industry. It ia good to see them start and the Visitor delights to to publish them. This latest move ment towards Raleigh's industrial ad vancement is the Mills manufacturing company's planing mills. The company has lately increased its eapital stock for this purpose and has contracted with another flim for one fifty horse-power engine, twosixty horae-power boilers, dry kiln, etc, ma chinery for the plant. The machinery is eipected to arrive daily and large sheds for saw mills purposes are now being built. The company will do a large business, sawing, drying and drawing lumber for the northern mar kets. The capacity of the mill will be from 10,000 to 15,000 feet of prepared lum ber per day and will furnish employ ment to a number of hands. It is ex pected that work will commence with in sixty days, at least. REPUTATION, MERIT, HONESTY. When an article is found in use in all parts of the civilized world, it is proof positive that such an article is neecssary and does its work well and effectively. Especially is this true when the ar ticle is only purchased because the buyer believes it is not wise to longer do without it. Such an article is WARNER'S SAFE CURE. A remedy that can be found in the bazaars of India, at the fairs of Rus. sia, on the equator at Singapore, in the far north at Stockholm, nnder the Southern Cross of Australia, and in every city and hamlet in Europe, Can ada and the United States, must pos sess remarble power for the healing of the nations. WARNER'S SAFE CURE is a medicine with a history. It has revoluntionized the treatment of Brlght's disease, and today stands without equal for the cure of all kid ney, liver, urniary and female dis eases. The inhabitants of the civil zed world say so. . Offices and laboratories are estab lished at London, Rochester, N. Y Melborne, Aus., Toronto, Ont., Taris, France,, Frankfort, Germany, Dune din, N. Z., Kreuslingen, Switzerland, Bombay, India. You make no mistake in buying and using a medicine which beas the stamp of the world's approval. Hand polished curtain poles 20 ots -ach at Thomas & Maxwell's. TODAY'S MARKETS. BY PE1VATB WIRB TO MESSRS. E. B. CUTH BERT & CO. Liverpool, Jan. 14. 4 p.m. Cotton Market closed quiet; sales lOjOOO bales;January-February 2.63 1-2; February-March 3.00s; March-April ; 3.01s April-May 3.03s; May-June 3.04s; June-July 30.6a3.06; July-Ang. 3.07s; August-September 3.08s; September-October 3.09 1-2; October-November 3.10 1-2. CHicAoo.Jan. 15. The following are the leading futures: Month. High. Low. Wheat May 583-8 581-8 JulyP9 1-4 581-4 Corn May 483-8 477-8 July 48 1-2 47.3-8 Pork May 11 80 11 75 Lard May 7.00 6.97 Ribs May 6 00 5.97 Closing. 5818 583-4 477-8 473-8 11.75 6.97 5.97 MBW YORK CSTTON. New York, Jan. 15. 3 p. u. The market closed dull with sales of 55, 600 bales. Month. High. Low. Closing. Jan. 5 58 5 54 5 55 Feb. 5 60 5 52 5 55a 56 March, 5 61 5 58 5 59a60 April, 5 67 5 62 5 63a 64 May, 5 71 5 66 6 68a69 June, 5 74 5 69 5 72a73 July, 5 79 5 74 5 76a 77 August, 5 83 5 79 5 81a82 Sept. 5 88 ' 6 82 6 84a86 Oct. 6 94 5 90 5 90a92 MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authority conferred upon me in two certain mortgages ex ecuted by C. B. Jonican and wife, 8. B. Jonican, duly rendered in book 78 at page 452 and book 89 at page 695 respectively in register of deeds office of Wake county, N. C, I will on Mon day, the 26th day of February, A. D 1895, at the conrt house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m sell to the highest bidder for cash, that valuable house and lot lying and sit uated in the village of Morrisville in Wake county. North Carolina, in Ce dar Fork township, adjoining the lands of the late J. M. Pugh. . S. R. Horfk, Mortgagee. Peelb & Hatbard, Attys. This 14th day of January, 1805. ;" Timet is Flying! Have yod Tet Taken Advantage of OUR GREAT DISSOLUTION iSALE? February 1st, 1895, we Close theUooks. W. C. & A. B. STRONACH. WHOLESALE A NO. RETAIL GROCERS. Besides the No-Tariff Priees we have made you on Canoed Vegetables, Fruits, Jellies. Preserves, Pinkies, Ac, we effer this week Special Bargains in Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Brooms, Buckets, Blatking and Stove Polish. Cigars and Cheroots, Cigarettes at and below manufacturer's prices. Call early and Amid the Rash at the Last. tAODLLCOTT & SOU, 1 1 4 East Maitin Street. BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. 1,000 yards 9-4 unbleached sheeting, 13 1-4 cents a yard; worth 18 cents a yard. 2,000 yards Sea Island Domestic, 1 yard wide, 3 7-8 cents a yard. 500 yards Crash for Towels at 4 3-4 a yard; cheap at 7 1-2. Dress Goods. All wool suiting, 30 and 33c. a yd., worth 50c. All wool Serge i, 48 inches wide, 60c, worth $1. Fancy Suitings, 20-worth, 40c. All wool fan y Suiting, 28 inches wide, worth 50c. Henriettas, $1 a yd. worth $1 50. Hosiery. Regular made Mack hose, 25c a pair, worth 35c. 1,000 pairs Misses seamless hose, 15o a pair, worth 25c. 1,000 pairs ribbed hose, 10c; a great bargain. A lot of ladies hose, 5c a pair. Stationery Department. Writing Paper, Pads, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Blank-books, etc. Corsets. A fine one for A good one for A better one for An excellent one for 25c 48c 73c $1.00 Crockery and Glass Ware Department. Since the 1st of the year we have made a large addition to this depart ment You can find what you want at a very low price and all first class goods. "WOOLLCOTT & SOJST, 14'East OVCax'-blia. St. Holiday Goods ! ' If you wish to purchase a : nice suit of FUKMTURE OR A FOLDING BED For your daugher, A fine OAK, ROLLER TOP DESK for your son's office, AN EASY CHIAR for "grandma" . or anything in the Furni ture line, we will be pleased to have you call. Our Goods' are First-Class. If you contemplate buying a BUGGY OR WAGON CALL ON J. W. BARBER & SON, Martin Stbbbt, It VLKlUlt, K, V IRON EXPRESS WAGONS for the boys. Just a Few Words. Christmas is over. The repairing and overhauling of our machinery is completed. Our employes have had their holidays and return to work with renewed energy and happier faees because of the merry Christmas they have spent. We will be at the same old stand in '95, and eitend to all a cordial invitation to send ns any thinir they have that needs laundering. This is not a meaningless invitation. We extend it in all earnestness. The work done by us for the nasi two mont as cannot be excelled by $xff launary, nortn or soutn, ana we are determined to keep it to U is stand ard. Try ns once and see. 'Respectfully, OAK CITY SIKAJ. LAUNDRl, . '. '. - L. R. Wixr, Phon87 ; Propriatoi Shoes. Ladies' Srroes, solid wear, f 2.25, worth $1.50. Ladies' shoes, stylish, $1.50, worth $2 00. LadieM' shoes, first-class, $2.00, worth $2.50. Childrens' School Shoes for 60c a pair. Our Men's Shoe at $3.00 a pr. is as good a shoe as you want to wear. Tailoring Department. Trousers made to measure $3 and $4 a pair. A fit guaranteed. Send for samples. - All wool suits to measure $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00 a suit. Calicoes. 1,000 yds. good dark calicoeB, 4 1-1 a yard. 3,000 yds. Indigo blue calicoes, 5j a yard. 2,000 Silver Greys, 5c. a yard. 2,000 yds. Simpson's Silver Greys. 6c a yard. 200 Patterns, 10 a yard in a piece, 60c a pattern. 3,000 yds. solid colors at 5o a yd. White Goods and Embroidery Departments are full of everything desirable in those lines. Rubbers To fit your baby. To fit your son. To fit your daughter. To fit your mother, father, uncle and aunt and yourself. All styles and prices. I Andbiw J. Johib, ' Lib. H. Roybtib Business Manager. Aren't & 8upt. B'ld's I B. F. Pabk, in charge yards and shops. ROYSTER, PARK & CO. (Successors to Ellington, Royaler Co.) HAJTOTAOTUBIBS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Scroll Wort STAIR HAILS And all Other Kinds of Bnild'ng Material. Will contract to irai'd anywhere in tnt State, or furnish any kind of material de sired. Our shop is equipped with the latest anc best wooa working machinery. We are lo cate.! on the 8. K. L. Railroad, which rune through the best timbered lands in North Carikoa, from which we get our logs snU out our own lumber. This enables ns to nil orders of any S'ze or dimension on short notice. ' We can cut 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a capacity ol 60,000 feet, at d we cut, dry and drees lumber for the public at reasonable rates. , Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops are on West street, at vast termiiins of Kdenton street. febSl From this Date nntil Jan 12 I will make 1 large photo, 3-4 life size, and 1 doz. best cabinet photos for $3. I have arranged to re move to : New York on, Feb. 1st and after my removal photos of this kind cannot be produced in Raleigh at-any price. Do not fail to avail yourself of this offer. W. L. JKoobb, j ja4 6t Photographer. Making Ready for 1895. Satisfied with the business of 1894, wears hvving a Christmas "cleaning ap" of stock. We offer irresistible inducements. v C. A. SuuwooD & Co. ' Bead our "ad." Cutting A Stand ready, everybody, to catch the qualities as they fly. We've gri.p.d the knife this time with the grip of determination. Nothing shall stay oar band. We'll turn our lck on the loss of profit, and soap oar fingers at the aerifies of eoat. The truth of it is just this, while the tables hold so many Winter Weight Boys' and Childrens' Suit and Overcoats, our hands are tied, for you know we won't dabble in the future ootil the present is settled, so we sre going to settle it NO W. At this " stage of the game" a mite of money is worth a mountain of stork, to L'sl. While there yet Mm in weeks of ser vice, for yon, in these gariu -uts. Deif will be the ear that d ies not hear the breaking of these prices. H!ml the eyes that canuot see the beneHt nf th.s opportunity. Poor, in. lee I, the pure thit cannot claim a share of the m n ster sa.ritloe ; it's wilful wit, but at whit a fort a late time, for yu, it comes in the lot for youl to .hoo. from. Th-re are bun Ire Is of B 'ys' and children's SUITS and OVERCOATS that will be offered to you, begiuniug today at ONE FOURTH 0V TUB ORIGINAL PRICli Until Every Garm3nt in tha Lot i3 sold. Think of it I 25 per cent. Discount. Givethissale your prompt and nndi.lded attention,. We have liberated qualities that, have uo equals in any store in this city. Even at the original prices, they are worth more than they are marked, rather than less, but quantity makes quality a prey to policy. They were bought by us, paid for long ago, and we 1.1 do with our own as we will. Let competition gape and wonder. Let them put their heads together and trump np whatever scheme they will to meet this price ) a flooring blow we have dealt these errand, good qualities. It will be a tempest iu a teapot.. They can't fool you. Genuineness worth is stamped on every one of OUR garments. When Herwangers put their name the faintest courage can heboid. Your boys will be delighted with such fitting Suits and Overcoats, such stylish patterns, and you will be the gainer of a saving of 35 per cent. On sccount of the extreme Low Priees made in Boy's Suits and Overcoats now we will sell every one for spot cash only. None will be sent out on ap proval and positively none charged. Mail orders will have prompt attention when accompanied with money. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase bring the goods back and we will refund the money. S. & D. BERWANCER, High Art Clothiers. GREAT HOLIDAY ATTli ACTIONS. In all our experience we have never devoted so much atteution to the selection of our stock, as we have this yea Hon. Everything is perfect fit, material, workmanship and styles, superb in every detail. We especially ap plied ourselves to selecting great attractions for the holidays. MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. In all styles, single and double-breasted, in Cheviots, Homespuns, Serges, Casaiuieres, Tweeds, etc. We would call attention to our novelties for the boys and children. One of our beautiful Kilt Suits, 2 1-2 to 5 years, is just the thing to sur prise the boys with; they are perfect gems; uothiug ever ottered like them in the city. Price 14.00. All-wool Cheviots and Serge Suits, 3 to 8 years, long flaring collars, em broidered and trimmed in most suuperb fas'iion. They , are manufactured after our special design, and are exclusively for enleby us. Price $5.00. All wool Suits 4 to 16 years (in two pieces) $1.00 to $10.00. oVercoats, overcoats. Never has such a display of Overcoats been offered to .the public ait now fill our counters; We have sold so many at prices tower burnt me lowest, sveruoata 94. uu to ou.uu. When you call on ns for anything we have it, aud we do not have to wait for it to arrive. We are constantly receiving new goods and our prices are in keeping with the times. Our tnotio is, "prices lower than the lowest, and satisfaction guaranteed." ROSENTHAL CLOTHING CO., , 805 FAYETTEVILLE ST.. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. RALEISH STATIONERY CGHP'Y, 3s?I Fajet4eville St., RALEIGH, IT- C. Mammoth Display of Fancy Goods We are now ready to receive our friends and the public generality, and offer for their inspection a Beautiful Assortment of Holiday Goods. Oai success in the past strengthens our determination to keep in the lead, and conduct a thoroughly live Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, to the mutual benefit of ourselves and the citizens of Raleigh. We have increased our stock and facilities and conrt the patronage of all M (tioods Glass and Porcelain Novelties, Frames, Plaoques, &o.f Toilet Cases, Work 'Boxes, Manicure and Shaving Cases, Writing-Decks, Smoker Sets, Jewel Boxes, &c, Photograph, Autograph and Scrap Albums, Brass and Cellaloid Novelties, Fine Leather Goods, Traveling Cases, &c Banquet Lamps, &o. Books and Booklets. We are showing the handsomest line ever opened in the city. In order to increase interest in our stock and to induce customers to buy largely we will give a ticket with every cash purchase of $1. This ticket will be num bered. On the night of December 24th, numbers will be fonnd in the follow ing articles: First, one large Writing Desk, value $5; second, one Gent's Dressing Case, value $5; third, one Ladies' Gold Pen, value $3; fourth, one Gent's Gold Pen, value $3; fifth, one card case, valne $2.50; sixth, one Foun tain Pen, value $1.50. ' Numbers calling for the above articles will be published in the News and Observer Christmas day, nd the" articles will be given to the lacky holders. Numbers will be placed in the envelopes, and one each placed in the article to be given away. Articles on exhibition now. With large and beautiful stock, Low Prices, Polite and Efficient Salesmen, we hopa to merit the PATAOMAflR OP Tffri PfTRT.Tf! The Raleigh Stationery Compiiiy 1309 FAYETTEVILLE CTREET, . i 1 Clearing' and have -itill may styles ioow 1 II I II 1MI.MI 1. - - w , - g li H,l