1 V EVENING VISITOR. VOL XXXII. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1895 KO. CD. GAVE HIMSELF AWAY. THSSe ARE "T1 1 t For the New Year, We are not cleaning out a lot of old books and shopworn stationery, bat we are cleaning ont some of the most readable books, in stylish bind ings, you ever saw. Some of the finest stationery that pen or pencil ever trav eled over. When yon learn that we are selling the famous standard books for 25 -. we know you will be surprised. What a pleasure to read sach books at such prices. The best of ink and the best of pns help the fingers to help the brain to do some good work. We have just stocked upon lilank Books, Day Books, Ledgers, Pass Hooks and everything a business man wants to begin a new year's work. Prices lower than you have ever bought before. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. LANKT 'LAKKET We have a full line of goods to meet the cold weather, viz: Blankets, Quilts, Comforts, Horse Blanket.1), Buggy Robes, Gloves, Shawls, Cloaks, Kubber Shoes, , Rubber Coats, Boys' Sleighs, SHOES for everybody. If you ar going to take a trip, bny your Trunk ur Valise at the LYON RACKET STORE. FLASHES BY WIRE. People who investigate before they invest w 11 purchase their Dress goods, linings, trimmings, at Swidblis Dbpabtmest Storb. " Man wants but little here below But wants that little long." A Kng ulster at a little pride is about what most men want at this season of the year. See the line at Swindell's Department Stoub. An inquest over the body of high prices) of silks, velvets and drse sgoods will be held today at Swindell's Dipatts Store. All wideawake men want wool i.i their garments, but none war t to bo fleeced in the purchase. See o ir line of clothing and gent'? furnishi ' SWIHDBLL'8 DBPARTMEXT 3 "UB. If you have been wearing shoes that fit badly, we will improve your tem per as well as your understanding at Swindell's Dkpartmbht Stoke. - We are offering ladies wraps at (I ares that would make high pr tnrn over in his grave and look ; his pocket book in order to buy nt SWINDELL'S DEPARTMENT S 10.. , Beginning this day I will offer my entire stock of carpets, rngs, & ;., at special prices. Respectfully, D. '!'. SWINDELL. - For fresh fish and oysters a !y, st. low prices, go to W. H. Hiok-t, stii.i 13, city market. COAL I COAL 1 1 COAL! II Large cargo of Egg, Nut anc fitove Anthracite, and 20 cars Bitu tninous coal of all kinds now being an loaded. oovS tf T. L. EBERHARDT. If you want solid measure oysters at as and sac. a quart go to D. Bell Co.'s stall in the market house. ; Thomas & Maxwell has just received j" ft large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with bronohioal all long troubles. Royster's Peanut Brittle ' Made fresh every day. Its popularity attests its merits. tj u. auo. per pound. . - PERSONAL POINTS. A BOLT PKUMIXKXT NORTH CARO LIXA PLOPLK. Here And Elsewhere in the State. Mr. W. J. Boykin, of Wilson, is here. lift. Mr. Duffy, of Dnrbam is in the city. Miss Mary Davis left for Louisburg today. Jeter C Pritchard, of Marshall, is in the city. Mr. H. W. Fries, of Winston, is in the city. Mr. Thomas Rollins, of Asheville, is in the city. Col. Hinsdale left for Fayetteville this afternoon. Prof. Poteat, of Wake Forest col lege, arrived yesterday. Mr. Charles U. Turner of the University arrived today. Hon. Lee S. Overman, of Saliubury, arrived yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Parrish is ill with pneu monia on West Edeuton street. Hn. J. B. Batchelor left to attend court at Louisburg this morning. Messrs. Bradsher, J. A. Carver and J. W. Adams, of Roxboro, are in the city. Mr. J S. Coff. of Bethania, has been appointed a notary public by governor L-arr. Miss Lalla Raney, of Kittrell, is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Raney. Mr. George G. Lobdell, Jr., of Wil mington, Del., is registered at the Yarboro. Little Willie Hicks, son of Mr. W. J. Hii ks, manager of the Park hotel, is suffering with pneumonia. His many friends will be" sorry to learn that Mr. W. J. Cooper of the Y. M. C. A. is quite ill. '" Mrs. T. S. Spruill, of Louisburg, who has been here several days, re turned home this morning. Mr D. S. Avera is very ill at his home on Newberne avenue. His son, Mr. Will. Avera, has been telegraphed for. Mr. Grimes Cowper left a few days ago for Tennessee where he will be come superintendent of a coal mine in that stat THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE Th'.s Important Body is Soon to Meet Here. Early in February the national farm ers' alliance meets here. Heretofore it has usually met at large places. The co.nplimant of its meeting here is pai 1 because the cornerstone of the monument to the memory of Col. L. L. Polk, a noted president of the order is to be laid. Several hundred mem bers will be present at the meeting. What arrangements are being made by the Raleigh people to give these visitors, who will come from all parts of the country, one of those hearty welcomes for which this city is so no ted? The chamber of commerce ought to take the matter in hand at once. It is given a line opportunity to show its influence and publio spirit. ; What is done must be done quickly. A ban quet or a reception or both might be arranged. A great deal of news will luring the session be sent to papers l all parts of the United States and be sure a capital opportunity is at. i'orded Raleigh to make a good show Rev. R. G.Pearson's revival meeting at Chape' Hill began yesterday, the service being held in Gerrald hall. The .acilty have shortened the recita tion periods and are doing all in their power to make the meeting a good one. Nearly all the students attend. All the business houses close for services, The choir is composed-of the best col lege and town singers. Elder Lawrence will preach at the Primitive Baptist church on Sunday the 37th.' Servioes commence at 11 o'clock. Elder Wyatt at night. Pine fiber mattresses at Thomas & Maxwell's. The Story of a "Nigger" and a Diamond Ring. H.iue weeks ago Mrs. W. H. Bob bitt placed her engagement ring on a mantle in her home. She returned to get it in a few minutes but the ri"g was gonv. It was very evident that it hid been stolen, but the question was who ws the thief? Mrs. Bobbitt was, satisfied that her servants were all per fectly honest mo she did not suspect them. There was no clue to the r(ing or the thief. Yesterday "Doc" Jeffries, the boy who is Dr. Bobbin's driver, asked the doctor for some money. He wanted to go to Millbrook, he said, to attend his grandfather's funeral. It hap pened that Dr. Bobbitt knew the old negro had been dead three years and bis suspicion was aroused. He tele graphed to Mill Brook, found thatthe boy had gotten off there and reported the case to till sheriff. OAicer Oaks drove out in a buggy, arrested Jeffries and had him jailed. He admitted stealing the ring, but would not tell where he had left it or how he dis posed of it. Now the question is how to make a jail bird that won't talk, talk. "An Ounce of Prevention ." Every time the academy of music is crowded the attention of the people is called to what a horrible catastrophy would occur theie in case of fire. Thare are very few exits aud they are hard to reach. If fire bad broken out last evening, for instate ., loss of life could hardly have been prevented. The attention of the board of alder men has been called to this matter several times, but it seems that the evil has not been remeidied. Let some thing be done. There is nothing so true as the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of A Game Test. Mr. A Dughi wants to' test the gameness of Raleigh's gourmands. To do this he agrees to furnish to the gentleman, who first takes him np a quail every evening between 8:30 and 9 o'clock. The conditions are that the gentleman must be on hand every evening and eat the bird in ' Mr'. Dughi's restaurant. If he eats one every evening for 30 days he gets the birds free of charge, but if he gives up he must pay for those he has eaten. Now if yon have any "sport ing blood" you can show it. Ralph Bingham Coming. On January 24;h this celebrated ar tist will appear at Metropolitan hall. Mr. Bingham is a monologist, humor ist and violinist. He comes here at the invitation of the ladies of the First Baptist church and deserves hearty recognition. The press notices every where he has appeared speak most highly of him. The program is filled with attractive numbers and is a de lightful mixture of the dramatic, mus ical and humorous. Seats may be procured in advance at Snelling & Hicks' drugstore. Center Lodge Of fleers. Last evening the newly elected officers of ceutre lodge, K. of P. No. 3, were installed. Mr. J. R. Gattis was first installed as D. D. G. C, and he then installed other officers who are: C. C, Shelly Swain; G. C, W. H. Martin; P., L. W. Smith; M. W., C. H.Beine; M. A., J. H. Raby; I. S., J. G. Steed; 0. S., P. II. Denton; M. E.. Wayne Alcott; M. F., T. P. Sale; K. R. of S., C. B. Passmore. V To Make a New County: A committee of five citizens of Max ton, Robinson county arrived here to day to press the legislature to make a new county out of a part of Robinson. rue committee is composed ot nine people, four of whom have been here for two days. Among those who ar rived today are E. F. McRae and M, J. Aydlette, of Maxton. At Metropolitan hall tomorrow even ing Father Marion will give a conoert. It will have some new features, par tioularly one introduced by the Ral eigh minstrels, "Base-ball; Charleston vs Ralegh " - Nagles' Certain Cough Care, and Hicks' Fragrant Almonds guaranteed to ears or money returned. 25a. SBkLusa & Hicua, Druggists, Jauiai " DOTS AND DASHES MADE AP.OlT TODAY'S HAPPEN 1XGS. Items Gathered in and Around the City. The winds are blowing and la grippe is here. People who come in from the conn- try report the roads very heavy. The confederate monument fancy ball will be held this evening at the Yarboro. Travel on the railroads is very heavy. The street from the depot at train times looks very "metropolitan." The chamber of commerce meets in the mayor's of&Ve this evening. Busi ness of importance will lie transacted! The mayor's court was barren of excitement this morning. One drunk went the way of all such but that was alll A number of people visited the leg islature and crowded the galleries to witness the election of U. S. sena tors. A colored man was quite badly hurt at Caraleigh mills yesterday by ap proaching carelessly a piece of ma chinery. One convict arrived at the peniten tiary yesterday ; two came today. All are sentenced for short terms for larceny. There have been upwards of 100 illicit distilleries reported to the col lector's offiVe within the past three in mths. The Wake county jail has been full of p'-isoners for the past year. Every court cleares them out to some exten but the jail immediately fills up again. This morning there was a lively fight in the rear of the Park hotel. Two negroes participated but were parted before serious damage oc curred. Persons who like to hear classical music should attend the concert at Metropolitan hall tomorrow evening. A noted Virginia performer on the violin will be heard.' A white man, Orlando Kirkman, was arrested at Greensboro for passing a number of counterfeit nickles. He failed to give a $500 bond for his ap pearance and went to jail. Deputyjoollector SUelburn reports the seizure and destruction of a 180- gallon illicit copper distillery and out fit in Durham county. The still was owned by James Weaver. Mr. Green, curator of the museum, says that there have been over 1.000 visitors there within the past month. Several new and interesting exhibits have been promised the museum, he says. The "grip" that has taken such a violent hold on New York, has reached Raleigh. Many citizens are laid up or are walking about with weeping eyes and stiff limbs and talking in awed whispers. There is some talk of the legisla ture attempting to get rid of Dr. Mur phy, superintendent of the Morgan - ton insane asylum. They will have no trouble in doing so as Dr. Murphy will resign if any thing of the kind is attempted. He is one of the best phy sicians in the state. V. The last two attractions at the academy of music have been first class in their line. It is a pleasure to note that both were well patronized. let good companies be engaged always and there will be no cause for com plaint on theground that Raleigh peo ple do not appreciate them. There are now 175 students at the A. & M. college. Last fall there were over 200. The decrease is caused by a rule which prevents a student who fails on examinations from remaining at college. The college made a good showingr only 37 students failing to pass all their examinations. The Ellen Beach Yaw company will appear here at the academy of music on Feb. 6th. The entertainment will be given for the benefit of the eonfed rate monuinsat. Miss Yaw is a cele brated singer and a fine audience should greet her, both to help the monument fund and to hear some ex cellent operatia singing. FOR ARE0RMAT0RY. The Commit.ee of Asheville Citi zens Here. The Visitor some weeks ago printed in interview with captain C. B. Den son about the pressing need of a re formatory for young prisoners. As stated then a reformatory on a small scale Las already been started in Ashe, ville and is doing a great work. It was also stated that a committee of Ashe ville citizens would come here to urge npon the legislature the necessity of a reformatory. Today the - com mittee came. Mayor Patton has been here for some days. Those who came this morning are W. H. Deaver, N. A. Reynolds and J. H. Tucker. They say that they have gr-at hope of the bill being passed. It is strictly a non partisan measure and one that should meet with the hearty approval of men of every party. The need for a reformatory is pressing. It is a humane measure de signed to improve the condition and teah a trade to those unfortunate young'erlrainals who are no sentenced to the roads or to the penitentiary. When a man suffers this punishment n nine cases out of ten he is ruined. When he goes to a reformatory he is made to work, to be sure, but he is also taught and every effort is made to improve his moral atn'-i and his education. The bill should certainly pass. THE WEATHER. The Conditions and the Fore cast. For North Carolina: Showers to day. Fair, colder. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity: Wednesday, fair colder. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperature 57; minimum temperature 43; rainfall, trace. The storm which was central over Illinois yesterday morning has moved to New England, and is now apparent ly passing off the Atlantic coast. It caused high rains over a large terri tory east of the Mississippi yesterday. This inorningsnow is falling at several stations in the lake region. The weather is now generally clear in the south and west, where the pressure h rising aud westerly winds prevail. with slowly falling temperature, lbe conditions are favorable for a day or two of fine weather. Hi Henry Last Evening. Those who went to see the minstreb ast evening, and the academy, both orchestra and galleries, was packed, witnessed a splendid performance. It was amusing and instructing and remarkably free from the little touches of coarseness which so fre quently mar performances of the kind. : Among the features especially good were the tumbling feats, the stereoptican exhibition, which was the best ever seen here. Fairly gooO jokes, good music and several novel features combined to' make the per formance an almost ideal piece of minstrelsy. The large crowd present was no more than the company de ¬ served. Come again. Hi Henry. Raleigh is Growing. A gentleman tells the Visitoe that there are now no less that forty hand some residences being built within the limits. This does not include stores, of which several are being built and two remodeled. ""This is very encouraging and shows that Raleigh is continuing, in even greater proportion, the wonderful strides in the improvement line which were shown in the Visitor's detailed account on January 2ud. A walk in the surburbs will show an observan person inmy signs of Raleigh's ad vancement. It is good to see and the Visitor delights to note it. Should be Seht to an Asylum, John Roan, a demented old negro man, has wandered away from home no less than five different times. . H walks some times as far as 20 miles from Raleigh. He was brought back from Apex yesterday after having taken one of his jaunts.. He should be placed in an asylum and efforts have been made to get him in one but the Goldsboro asylum is so crowded I that there is not room tor even a single other inmate. : .: ORLT FKW LEFT. Cost, To make room for other goods. at 6 05 6 50 $6 75 $6 85 18 00 $8 50 $9 25 S. liU. iK & SID, RALEIGH, N. C. III IlSS:ffiiEJ Winter JOF ALL KINDS. A FULL LINE OF J AT ALL PRICES. NOVELTIES IN 'FANCY GOODS. 2 Zephyr, 7 cents. Wool, 18 cents. SLIPPER SOLES 25cts., at IMPORTANT. Hard K!iis!Ks Ot) Prices Astonished ourselves the low prices will be no less astonishing to our friends and customers. A new invoice of early spring Dress Goods, direct from the factories at the reduced tariff rates. Note 'tl)e. Difference. January prices averages fully 30 per cent, lower than in December. Those with OLD STOCKS of woolen ;oods on hand, will be loathe to meet he new prices on our clean, fresh. iarly spring offerings of Coverts, Hen- 'lettas, fancy Mixtures, Granites, Plaids, Serges, and Scotch Effects. . SS DeparSimjespL Shoes of Established Reputation. Burt & Packardb Korrect Shape. Geo. E. Keith's Incoiuparables. G. Gerstle & Co.'s, Cincinnati Line. Williams, Hoyt & Co., Rochester nade. Every pair made expressly to our rder and fully warranted in every .espect. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ' Purchase money refunded to all dis ;atisfied buyers. Our constant aim is to please our customers, make friends and enlarge the business. Best goods at lowest prices is the secret of our success. 0. A. SHERWOOD & CO BLACK Dress Goods. We are now showing late shipments of Black Dress WOOLLENS, which were brought in under the NE W TARIFF, (Jan. 1st, 1895.) These new fabrics clearly show the re markable difference between the old and new prices. mm & oo. lull