i THE LEGISLATURE TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS BOTH BRANCHES- IN Butler and Prltchard Elected U. S. Senators. SENATE. a the senate the molt important new bills were: ,To award the public printing by contract. To exempt cotton mills and iron f ur ns. es from taxation if built by pri vate corporations. To enlarge the jurisdiction of mag istrates. To reduce salaries of state officers. A bill passed allowing widow to draw duting widowhood the pensions which the former husband drew. Bill to regulate the rate of interest wis tabled. - A joint committee of 30 was raised to investigate public expenditures, particularly in the agricultural de partment, the bureau of labor statis tics and the geological survey. A resolution appointing a joint com mittee of 20 on election law and coun ty government passed 31 reading. At noon the election of senators was held. Fortune nominated Jeter C. Pritehard, Adams nominated Lee 3. Overman. Mewb.irne noiuiuated Ma rion Butler and Abell nominated Thomas V. Mason. The vote was 43 for Butler and Pritehard, 4 for Over man and Mason. HOUSE. At the session of the house the prin cipal bills introduced were the follow ing. To aid public schools by local as sessments. To repeal the law which gives la borers' liens a priority over mort gages. To establish an additional term of court forJEdgecombe county. To allow special elections in Cleve land county on the question whether liquor shall be manufactured or not. To establish a criminal court cir cuit for Rutherford, Henderson and Polk counties. To amend the code so that the plaintiff or defendant in'case a demurrer is overruled can introduce further evidence. The special committee on elections ms also made the special committee on county government and all bills on those subjects are to be referred to it. A bill passed making ."0 the fee fur the charter of all corporations save benevolent, educational and reli gious, by the legislature. A bill also passed fixing the fees of solicitors in the ca:ie of appointment of receivers of the estates of infants. A bill to reduce the bonds of the officers of Pitt county other than the sheriff was tabled. At noon the house went into the election of senators. Hunter of Madison nominated Jeter C. Prichard, for the short term, and Turner of Mitchell seconded the nomination. Ray of Maconnom inated Lee S. Overman and Robinson of Anson seconded the nomination. The vote was Pritehard, 66; Over man 41. Mitchell of Franklin nominated Marion Butler for the long term, and Phillips of Pitt seconded the mo tion. '. Monroe of Wayne nominated Thos. W Mason, and Grizzard of Halifax and Smith of Gates seconded the nomina tion. The vote was Butler 66, Mason 41. William H. Worth was sworn in as state treasurer, associate justice Walter Clark administering the oath. STATEJEWS. : Items of Interest Gathered Here and There. Fire at Warrenton Sunday night destroyed nearly a block. , The fire originated in a carriage shop. The hotel was burned. . A nnmber of persons have arrived to urge the passage of a prohibition law, embodying the principal features of the Mississippi prohibition law. Mrs. M. B. Brown, of Washington, gives her handsome home to the King's Daughter's of the state, to be cond no ted under their mangement as an as sylnm for the imbecile children of the state. TO MAKE BIG MONEY selling our Electrical Telephone. Best seller en earth. Sent all complete ready to set up; lines of any distance. A prac tical Electric Telephone. Our agents making $5 to $10 a day easy. Every body bays. Big money without work. Prices low. Any one can make $75 per month. Address W. P. Harrison A Co., Clerk, Nq. Columbus, Ohio. HUNDREDS STARVING. Awful Tiles ol Suffering from Nebraska- Help Needed. Gbeelit ClRTBt, Neb., Jin. 31. The distress in this part of the state is appalling No picture of the suf fering has been overdrawn, and a great many sad eases hate been sup pressed. Thus far stock has lived by pasturing on the dry gass, and there has been but little cold weather and no snow. Hundreds of families have nothing to eat and no fuel, and children are so nearly naked that they are kept from School. At least one-fifth of the people of this county have become county charges, which has depleted the treasury and depreciated county paper until it is not worth more than half its face value, and is still going down. It is impossible for the people to care for the destitute, and unless a large amount of outside assistance is received at onre some of the worthy farmers and their families will perish The (people mostly need clothing, and auything in that line cannot fail to alleviate the suffering. Some of the best farmers, whose lunds are unincumbered, are as des titute as tenants, because they cannot realize on any kind or class of secuti ties. A great many of the floating population left the state last fall, and all who are here are actual residents, most of them owuing their homes. All the hogs and salaUe cattle bave been sold and shipped away, and they have only to depend upon harity,and f that fails, it is certain death. A BIG BLIZZARD. It Will Descend Upon Kansas and Nebraska Unfortunates. Denneb, Col,, Jan. 21. Reports from western Colorado indicate that a big blizzard is working rapidly east ward. The wind is high and the tem perature is rapidly falling. The snow is very heavy in the mountains, and great damage, with possible fatalities from snow slides, are expected. This storm is general and will work hardships to the sufferers on the Ne braska and Kansas farms. FOR A MAIDEN'S HAND. The Farmer Boys Battle for Thirty-Two Rounds. Hessessy, Okla, January 21 Two farmer boys Dick Moore and Ike Flood, were courting Anna Swaeringer. As she showed no preference for either, they decided to settle it between themselves. Seconds were chosen and a well known sporting gentleman of Hennessy referred the fight, Queens bury rules governing. Moore weigh ing 183 pounds and Flood 175. They fonght with bare knuckles. It lasted thirty-two rounds. Knock down af ter knock down was scored by both Flood and Moore, and in the thir teenth round Flood lay on the floor eight seconds, but got npand severely punished Moore. As time was called for the thirty second round, Flood rushed at Moore, landing heavily on his heart with his right, following it up with a terrible swing on the point of the jaw. Moore fell, striking his head on the hard floor and was unconscious for nine minutes. Both men are sights to behold. Their bod ies and their faces are masses of brui ses. It was the bloodiest encounter that ever occurred in this part of the country. Wanted! A boy tkat has had one or two year's experience in a book or job office. Also a press boy. E. M. Uzzell, Raleigh, N. C. Lost! A shawl, between Amanda's restaurant and first Baptist church. Finder will please return it to this office and be liberally rewarded, and oblige, AMAirna Dusntoh. - Hotice. The nndersigned will apply to the general assembly of North Carolina during the session of this legislature to create a new township in Wake county to be called Leasville township, ont of parts of House's Creek. Barton's Creek, Oak Grove and Cedar Fork townships. This Jan 19. 1895. ' L. P. Sbwell, M. D. . W. M. Jackson, " Jao. W. WlOOIWH. jaaagod J. 8. Oauti. THE LAST CALL. We only care to clear ont what stock we already have opened op. The First comae reaps the benefit. OUR GREAT DISSOLUTION SALE? Closes Janaary 30ih, 1805. W. 0. & A. B. ST RON AC H. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. On scronnt of dissolution of copartnership (jreen Tea 50s lb was $1 00 .Green Coffees 30c lb. was 35c. Blenched Tea 40a lb. was $1.00 " " 2i 30c. California D-ert Peaches in heavy svrnp. 31b ans 25c. $3.50 dot. were 40c $4 00 dot. Finest Main Sugar Corn Tomatoes $1 00 dot. 31b Cans Yellow Cling Peaches 15 can. 71b Bx Finest Layer Fv 75". Solid Packed ples 25c. 3lh l eaclieo 13 1 3, 31b Apples 10 Dry pi ked liisporated Ap ples 10-per lb. California Evaporated Peaches 13 12-. California Prunes need no Sugar 10c. California Figs 10c lb. Dates 5.t lb. Roast T ainb and Vesl 31b cans 15c. 35c. Preserves in glass jars 35o were Job lots S.iucs, Pickles, Saled Pressings. CIGARS. V,r! by Rot at manufactures prices by case 25. 5c cegars for 75c. 500 Cijrare'tes for 50. Ask for special price Colgate Toilet 8'pr.s 40c dot. were morrow, bale closes January 30tn, ltnfc. The Rage of a Miser. Chillicotub, O., Jan. 21. Last eve niug James O'Brieu, aged 60, aboil-e-miiker in the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern shops, shot at his wife four times wliil-i in a fit of rage, two shots takiug effect, one lodging ba -k of ihe left eye aud the other in the right shoulder. He then turned the weapon upon himself, the charge landing in his in testines. O'Brien is a miser, and the shooting was occasioned by his wife selling four chickens and using some of the proceeds to purchase sugar. Both are dangerously wounded and will die. Ladies and Children's Jan . uary Sewing. We advise our patrons to have their spring aud summer sewing done now during the winter months between seasons at a time when good sewing help can be had. Our new lines of white goods, laces and embroideries are on sale and prices rule lower than we have ever known. W.H.4E. S. Tucker 4 Co. Wg WAST YOU TO KNOW That you can buy the best 4 year old pure apple vinegar at 35 cents per gallon. Country pickle in strong vinegar at 50 cents per gallon. Kin gau's sugar cured hams and thin breakfast strips at 11 1-2 cents per pound. Best creamery butter at 30 cents per pound Country butter 20, 25 cents. : Old fashion buck wheat flour at 5 cents per pound, and 1001 other things of best quality and low prices at D. T. Johxsos's. jan21 2'. Phone 28. Sit room house for rent, corner Oakwood avenue and North East St. Apply to P H. Huohbs, Jan 19 tf Postal Telegraph Co. We have One oysters at 25 and 35c. at D. Bell & Co.'s dec3tf Don't forget to try our 25 and S5o. oysters at D. Bell & Co.'s. decStf Notice. VoRNt Carolina. I " .tnt Wake County. J Jg W. H. Sorrell vs. Emma Sorrell. NOTICE: To Emma Sorrell, the de fendant in the above action: Take notice that the pin in tiff has begun an action against Km:na Sorrell for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and that summons has been issued therein, returnable to February term of Wake Superi-r court, which sits on the 25th day of Feoruary, 1895, in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, when and where you are hereby notified to appear and answer or demur to the complaint which will be filed in the Clerk "of the Superior court of said county of Wake, during the first three days of the said court, or the plaintiff will pray the relief therein demanded, D. H. Youno, Clerk Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina. de22oaw6w NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will i.e made to the neit session of the general assembly of N. C, for the passage of an act to incorporate "The Cedar Lumber and Shingle Company," a corporation for the de- veloDment of timher lnnria th manufacture and sale of lumber. dec24 30d . W W. Abchibald, F. H. Busbbe, Solicitor. Aciministrator's Sale. As administrator of Peyton J. Brown, deceased, I will expose to pub llo sale, on Thursday, Janaary 24, 1896, at 11 o'clock a. m., all of the personal property of the deceased, consisting of Beds, Bedding, Parlor and Bed-room Furniture. Carpets, &o. Terms of sale ca.tu. Sale to take place at Strouach's warehouse, deeaotda. ,,L.' I. Baows, Adm'r. fl 50 dot. was j'3 50. 31b Cans Best Pie Fruit. G1. Pea he 85?. Gsl Ap Finest imported Olive Oil 25. 05c pts 75c. card. 60 . Buy today, don t put off until to Dressmaking. I am prepared to do all kinds of di-eHsmaking in the most fashionable sty'es and at reasonable prices. Mrs. LipH.v Fowleb, jl3 Fayetteville St., near N. C R. R. Xollc. 1 Having taken the Agency for Ger man Electric Belts, for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kiduey disease. Weak luns, Lame back, Paralysis, Spine disease, Nervous debility, etc. Iain ready to supply those, in need of them at short notice. Samples kept on hand. A. W. FRAPS, No. 4 East Davi, secoud door from Fayetteville street. eod A 5-room house for rent next to my residence, on Person street, just re modelled and in perfect order. Best water and healthiest part of the arply to L. H. Adams. PUT FLOWERS, Vy Bouquets, &o. ! Roses, carnations and other flowers. ; Baskets and floral designs at short no tice. ) IMPORTED BULBS i for winter blooming. Just arrived, a j splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calls bulbs, best for forcing. PALMS, FERNS and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sagar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Stbismetz, the Florist. Eitra bargains in furnitnre at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. Just a Few Words. Christmas is over. The repairing and overhauling of onr machinery is completed. Our employes have had their holidays and return to work with renewed energy and happier faces because of the merry Christmas they have spent. We will be at the same old stand in '95, and extend to all a cordial invitation to send us any thing they have that needs laundering. This is not a meaningless invitation. We extend it in all earnestness. The work done by us for the past two mont is caftnpt be excelled by any laundry, north or south, and we are determined to keep it to t) is stand ard. Try ns once and see. Respectfully, OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, - l. R. Wiatt, Phone 87 Proprietor Asdbiw J. Jonas. Lllf. H. RoYSTIB Biuiness Manager. Arch't & Bupt. B'ld'i B. F. Pask, in charge yards and shops. RQYSTER, PARK & CO. (Successors to Ellington, Royster 03.) jfAnvrACTBRiBS or Doors, Sash, Blinds, Scroll Work STAIR KAILS And all Other Kinds of Bnlldlng Material. Will contract to build anywhere In th Elate, or famish any kind of material de sired. Our shop is equipped with the latest anc best wood woilung machinery. We are lo ceted on the 8. L. Railroad, which run through the best timberacTlands in North Carolina, from which we get our logs and out onr own lumber. This enables as to fill orders of any se or dimension on abort notice. W oan cut 18,000 feet a dar. Our Dry Kiln has a capooity or 90,000 feet, and we cut, dry and dress lumber for the public at reasonable rates. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops are on West street, at west torminu) of JCdenton street. fb2 For Rent. Wilmington sl,-W. front, ttim. t. ries and basement, of store now occu pied Dy W,(J,4A, a. Stronach. Also one (1) four room oottaira. Annli t 1M W.Q A. B. gTftoaaott'a. We haven't a bit of time, money or room to speed Im camphor tt storage. That is why we offered you our entire stork of Boy'e and Children's Sotts and overcoats for One-Fourth Off the Regular Price. H will be a week tomorrow aince we gave you these redactions. And 'routing out" at the rate they have been Ibey will not stay here Ion. They are n. it a lot "f "picked op" patterns regular stock cry suit and overcoat. Did not have an hour's preparations for this sale. We looked, found we bad too many for this "stage of the game," announced the fact and have been rnshed ever sio -. We would have been surprised if we had not lieen. Now think sharp. Can't your boy nse one of these Suits or Over, oats between now and spriiiK? ttouldn't you buy him one if yon were eure uf saving 25 per cent! We'll promise to do it, if you give ne Ihe opportit right off. Boy's Suits and Overcoats. : HAT WERE $10 00 ARB NOW 50 THATWERE$15 00ARENOWfll25 9 00 8 75 " 12 50 9 38 8 00 fl 00 1100 8 25 " 7 00 " 5 25 " " 1000 7 50 " " 6 00 4 SO 9 00 6 75 " 5 00 3 75 7 50 " " 5 63 4 00 ',8 00 " " 6 00 4 50 8 00 " 9 25 " " 8 75 " 8 78 2 60 " 188 Every garment for boys in our house is included in this "slaughter sale." Cheviots, Cassimere, Diagonals, Wo.-steds, etc , and sixes to tit your boy are now here but we cannot promise to have them later, ao better come at once. CAPS We have about six dozen Children's Caps, worth 35a and 25j. this CATS j week lOc. UNDER WEA.. . jR EVERYBODY We are not over-stocked in this line, only our rule has to be followed up. To make a clear, clean sweep we give you 15 per cent off the regular prices. Hokenxo'lern Sanitary Underwear and Woolen Night Robes are included in this reduction. Hadn't yoa better supply yourself no? S. & D. BEftWAftlGER. tRJOOLLCOTT & SOiJ, 14 East Maitin Street. Our Mr. Walter Woollcott has returned from New York and wnile there purchased ona of tne cheapest and most desirable stock of goods ever placed on sale in this city. SOME OF THE BARGAINS. 2,500 yards Indigo Blue Calico 5c a yard, worth 7 1 2 , 2,500 yards Silver Gray Calico 5u a yard, worm 7 1-2,!. table: COVERS. At $1.48, Chenille Covers, worth $2 00 " 98-., ' " a 50 " 64, ' " 95 " 1 00, Derby Table Covers. DRESS GOODS. 40 in. Fancy Outings 17c yd, w'th 30j 38 in. " 25c yd 42 in. Serge 40j yd, w'th OOo 3G in. Henrietta, all shades, 20.;, ' 30; 48 in. all wool Serge, 60c,for.p'ce,f 1 00 50 in, " " " 75o " 125 India Cashmere 12 1-2 a yard t Everet Blazers 10j Calla Dimity 15o ' Taffeta Morie 20c " ! Oiiole Duck 15 . " Corean Duck 12c " STAMP'D LWEH We have placed on sale a lot of Stamped Linen, Pillow Shams, Bu reau Scarfs, Splashers, Tray Cloths and I'aule. Covers. We offer this lot at half their value. WIND'WSHADES 200 Felt Shades, complete, 21o each 200 Opaque Liuen Shades 40c each Curtain Goods and Draperies. White Lace Curtains 75c, $1, $1 25, $2 and $3 a pair. Golden Draperies 23 1 2j yard; en tirely new. Doable Face Draperies 17, 20 and 23c a yard. Cretonnes 10, 12 1-2 and 15o a yard. WOOLLOOrT &c so xsr, 14 East IMIairbiLa. St. Headquarters for Legislators. After the excitement incident to the great political contests that have been waged the minds of the people naturally tend in other directions. We eon gratulate the successful, aud feel for those who have suffered defeat) every body could not succeed, and bo the world goes on. When your minds run in the Hue of CLOTHING remember that we are headquarters. Headquarters for Honest values and Low prices. MENS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING in great variety and Styles, Sack suits, Frock suits. Prince Alberts, Regents. OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS In Chinchilla, Melton, Beaver, CI evicts, Serges, etc., a large assortment for stout and slim gentlemen, and all the latest fads in loug medium and short lengths. While you are looking after your own comfort you should remember the boys. OUR STOCK OF BOY'S AND CHILDRBNS' CLOTHING is the finest and best assorted in the state this one branch of our business that we. take especial pride in and we are continually replenishing with new .took. TRUNKS AND VALISES. We have just received a large and varied in voice of Trunks and Valioes, eonsisting of traveling Trunks, in xiao and can vass the newest thing out. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS. Stiff and soft hats. Collars, Cuffs, NecktieB, Jewelry aud Underwear.. We are the exclusive agents for -Wright's Celebrated Health Underwear, in white and oolors Everything ujualfy kept in a first-olass establishment is offered for sale by us. ROSENTHAL CLOTttLVG CO., SOS JAYETTJSVILLB 8T., WltU) You. Children's Suits & Overcoats PtRQAl E3. New styles at 7 l-2c a ) .. t " " 10c" 12 1-3 j " Embroideries, Laies and White Gocls. Iuthis department we have every thing that is new, pretty and stylish and these goodn are sold at greatly reduced prices. SHEETING. 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting 13 1 2: a yd 9 4 " " 17c 10-4 " 19c 10 4 Bleached " 21o 9 4 " " 17 l-2c 42 m " lOj 46 tu " Ho 30 in " " 5o 30 in Unbleached " S 3 4o KID GLOVES. Our one dollar Kid Gloves areas good as other firms sell for $1 25 a pair.,. A large assortment of Tinware. Common Water Buckets 12 1 2c. 2 Hoop Juniper " 20,5 3 ' " ; ' 23o Crockery and Glassware, a large assortment. Buy your shoes of us. Our Tailoring Department is a Suc cess. We can fit you and save yoa about 40 per cent on your Trousers aud Snits. pPPOSITB P03T0M KW.