J, ;1 LEAVING NEBRASKA. Fimilu-s En Route from the LinJ uf Fim- ue to AUbanu. Covered wagou are on a midwinter voyage fr in Adam county. Neb., to l ilroneUe, Ala. They have consumed nine week in waking the trip' of COO miles from the barren plains uf Ne braska t. St. I.- ui-s and expect to be ah, .tit fi'iir more weeks on the way to th-ir destination, ul1-m the lueu aud boys i'au secure work at some inter mediate point. We Lave been iu Nebraska most of tue time f.r thirteen years," itaid one if the men, "but for the past three years we ba.c raided nothing at all, and it was a eas.-of get away orstarve. V.'e ba.e teen getting lng fairly Veil on th- way. We are out all the time. When w sfi'p at night we put up a teut an. I have a stove fr it. We d-taiued s uiewhat by trying to Lelp none of the rther faniil.es who were getting away without rueaus, ex cept their teams mid wagons. Lots of them are inowug that way. Some of those staying there have killed th.'ir stock rather thah see it starve to death. They (ouldu't sell it at any prion." Petrified Body of a Giant Found Ai.uia, to., January 31. Cousider a. le exci'i meut lias bei-u occasioned by the finding of the petrified body of a niau tint measures 20 feet long, ou 'Ihuiuas itavker's farm, near the Mou-roe-Appauo. s county line, about 20 Mi "s south of Albia. yesterday. The discovery as wade while Mr. Barker was making an evsivation u his farm to sink a coal shaft. t:ie of the men engaged in th" excavation, when down about 5 feet, sunk his pick into the ground, and it stuck fast in what he supposed to be a lock. But soon he dis dosed what appeared to le the features and part of the head of a huge man. The lace was a perfect 'stone image of a mau, with the eicep - twa of the nose, the end of which, a piece of ro-k fully as large as one's list, had apparently been broken off by the pick or shovel. The laborer notified Mr. Barker, and with the rest of the men set to work to excavate the . lody. Fur two hours they worked hard, and had only, brought to light the head and shoulders of the giant. Some of the men were sent to Center ville to summon assistance. A large crowd of meu went out to see the re markable discovery this morning. The excavation has only been completed to the ends of the giant's arms. The J fingers are as long and . lanre. as an ordinary man's arm and can be traced very readily in the rok they are embedded, The hands are of enormous proportions, and the arms are fully as large as an ordinary mau's body. Royalty In Disguise. A REAL 1'IUXCB SAID TO BE - IN THE CARO-I-1SA3. Under this heading a contemporary states that " for months it has been . known almost , to a certainty that a prominent prince of Europe is now in American in disguise and is canvassing for books, that he may in this manner learn more of the real life of the American people. Twice he has been identified in the east and each time changed Lis disguise and his field, of action, for to be known would entirely defeat the obje -t of his visit, A re porter yesterday accidentally fell Upon some data: which lead to tie conclusion that this same prince is now' selling books in the Carolinas." It is a well known fact that we some times harbor a ngeis unawares, This prince may be with us now in the garb of a book canvasser, selling the new up-to-date edition Britannica for the Charlotte Observer who knows? Might before last it was noticed that water was pouring out of a sewer man hole on . South Salisbury street, be tween West llargett and West Morgan streets. The sewer, which is a four inch one, is choked. From a manhole near the academy of music iron rods were put together in the sewer to a length of 177 feet, without reaching the obstruction. The water pouring out has cut a large opening in the street. It is thoug at a tin box or can has in someway got into the sewer. Manager Mears has received a tele gram from Charleston, S. 0., saying that Alias Ellen Beach Yaw sang to a crowded house there and created much enthusiasm. Miss Yaw will doubtless - Lave a big house here on February 6th. The box sheet will be opened to morrow morning at W. H. King's drug ' 1 tore. ' .v. , Fish and Oysters. If 70a want nice, fresh water flab, oysters, Ac, rail and ae. ma in the eity market. O. W. Bklvi.i. Fiu marshtnaHow drop 90.- pound at Riggan'a. Don'f'Miss The great lecturer and humorist, Mr. Henry Blount, at Peace Institute, February 1st, 1895. Good music by the faculty. Reception after the lec ture. Admission 50 rent. Ticket on sale at King's drug store. j30 3t For Rent. Wilmington street front, three sto ries and basement, of store now occu pied by W. C. Si A. B. Strouach. Also one (1) four room cottage. Apply at jaj'l W. 0 H. Stbonaoh'u. - Ladies Vici Kid Shoes. If a lady wishes a stylish dress shoe she should see our line of vici kid button walking shoe with mili tary heels. We price them now at f3. 50 though M 00 would be a just price. There were 90 pairs wheu we began, but fewer now. W. U. & K. S. Tucker i Co. 1.. 1 . For Rent. One seveu room house. Apply to Mrs Klla Harris, jau2S lw 121 East Davie St. Royster's Cough Tablets. Palatable, Efficient. Try them. 5c per package. Remember That Love's Cupid smoking tobacco is the best 5 cetit package you can buy. BEMEMURK That every nickel you spend for Love's Cupid tobacco will stay in Kal- eigh. REMEMBER That every nickel you spend for other brands will go out of lialeUh. Smoke Love's Cupid tobacco. ja30 Oi U'T FLVWKUS, lv Bol'QJETS, &C. Koses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and floral designs at short no tice. IMPORTED Bt'MVS for winter blooming. Just arrived, a spleudid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. PALMS, FERN'S and other pot plants for decorating the room. Hoses, evergreens and shade trees. Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and fern dishes. Phone 113. Steinmetz, the Florist. Don't forget to try our 25 and 35c. oysters at D. Bell & Co.'s. decStf Pine fiber mattresses at Thomas & Maxwell's. WTe have fine oysters at 25 and 35c. at D. Bell & Co.'s dec3tf 0. H. Johnson, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, fine cigars and to baccos. Fruits, vegetables, &c, 331 Hillsboro street. Notice! Having taken the Agency for Ger man Electric Belts, for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney disease, Weak lungs, Lame back, Paralysis, Spine disease, Nervous debility, etc. lam ready to supply those, in need of them at short notice. Samples kept on hand. A. W. Fraps, No. 4 East Davie, second door from Fayetteville street. eod If you want solid measure oysters at 25 and 35c. a quart go to D. Bell & Co.'s stall in the market-house. . Extra bargains in furniture at Thomas & Maxwell. Bed lounges with detachable mattresses a specialty. J)"t Art to J50.00 per week using (jfMU.vU auJ selling old Reliable Plater- Every family has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etsu. Quickly plated by dipping iu melted metal. No experieni-e or hard work; a good situathm. Address W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk No, 14, Columbus, Ohio. Closes Wednesdy, Our Dissolwtioia Natle If you wis advantage oi diso!w Hon s ale prices you Itare no lime io lose Hmle closes Jan. 3th5 mm. W; C. & A. B. STRONACH- Selected Seed Potatoes. Early Rum, Hebron, Barbaaka and Peerless. A big lot bow arming. Cheap by tb. barrell or measure at D. T. Johnson'. Jan29 4t Welsbach Lights. W ,nn furnish Ms ,(er Globe and Shades f r rbexr n..is at once. Jf-H'S I E.1H HtRDWAKK Co. jao as l. Fresh Cabbage. ArrUiuy daily Cheap by the barrel or crate at D. T. Johnson's. ACADDlYw MUSIC. F..;r.Y 4 s.rruiY. feb. 12. MATINEE S UUIUY 3 P. x. THK FA MOl'S NO I! HIS BROS, the world's in .st successful and bu uiaue auiiiial edmators, with their mammoth t-mnpnuy of 50 EDUCATE SHETLAND PONIES, DOG AND MONKEYS. For iuteliigruce, sagacity and ani mal cuteuess tneir ecjual does uot ex ist. Pri-eb 25, 3i and 50c. Children 15c. ; Seizure Sale. Collector's Office, Hallioh, N, 0., Jan 29. On Thursday. Feb. 7th, at 3 o' olock p. in., 1 will sell at the government buildiug iu tlie city of Raleigh the follo.viuK described personal property forfeited to the V. S. for violation of the internal revenue laws: Three copper stills complete, with caps and worms; i barrels containing about 130 gallons corn whiskey, seized from ii. H. Velvertou, Clayton, N. C ! F. M. Simmons, Collector. Jan 30th, lfef5 tds Washing Your Clothes. In days of old your good mother did it and you had no fault to tind. When it comes to laundering your soil ed linen We Will Be a Mother to You, and the perfei t satisfaction we guar antee will make you think of those happy days of old. Discard safety pins! , Away with bntcbelor buttons! ' The Oak City steam laundry sews on buttons and taoe. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, L. K. Wvatt, lJhoueS7 Proprietor. Andrew .f. Jokes I in. H. Roystib, B'luntss Manager. Aich't & Supt. B'hi'g P. V . Paek. in charge yards and shops. ROVSTtR, PARX & CO. (Succesj-oni to Ellington, Koytter Co.) MMtUfACTURIBE Or Doers, Sasli. BliDds, Scroll Work, &TA1R HAILS And all Other Kiwis of Bulld'ng Material. W'll mnt.rnrl to bui'ii anywhere in the "tat , r,r fnrriisiti any kip 1 of materia! de fired. . "i.r olioji is ,t:ipfxt with the latest boo best n.niC wo-H''i uwchinery. We are lo e.vt ' it. tbr . I.. Railroad- which runs through the it puibercd lands in North i riicH, from vuwh get our logs and at our own lunjnei. Ttiis enables us to till or:ers of aiiy s if or ' eation ou short notice Wi can cut 1 feet h uav. Our Dry Kill; has A caps', ny x;f oCi,(X)0 teet, and we cut, dry aitti ri: tuniber lor the j nbli it '.isf.'ii'jt'Je r;teti. 7 lpnone No. ISo. fu:r arf--otar on ,CC8! street.' a was rn!rn f. Vir'f' -" . iphs Jin; 30th, 1895. 9 EXPEDIENCY SALE! A sorplui is a good thin, but e hJ rather awap detl f merchandise for a little money. We r- not calamity howlers. If if is tolty i' n-ay be cold, r than tireeiilsnd touiorroA, but it is not business (u count o i futures. It is expedient to ell uow. It is imperative, fur if we wait we run the risk ot break in? au iron uUd rule and have aome old stock to worry with aext year. Losing is a bitter dose, but it does not help the ttsteof bad medicine to sip it. Better to il it down. One wry fce and it is over. Take you.-choice of huudreds of SINGLE BREASTFD SACK SUITS, DouMe Bieated Sack Suits, Piccadilly Hacks, Three Button Cutaways, Four Button Cutaways, Regent Outa ays, Piuiee Alberts, and every Overcoat inour entile btock at the euommus reduction 25 PFR CLNT DISCOUNT. There is eerv suit aud every overeat for men, 1-oys and children includ ed iu this One-Fo'-rth .1 .Sale." I h ale Ka today aud may end at most auy tim . We will give you n-tiee wheu it ends, t'.ir a good selection we advise you to come at ouce. t Kery sale must l-o for SI" T CASH. Yod dou't always have to ask us for a guarantee you ilways get it satisfaction or your inouey. S. & D. BEftWAtaGER. Heaciquartars After the ifvciteiuent iucideut to the great political contests that have been waged the nun. Is of tue people naturally tend in other directions. We con gratulate the successful, aud feel for those who hve suil'ered defeat; every body coul I not succeed, and so the w'orid goes on. When your minds ruu in the liue of CAM 1'Hl.NU remember that we are headquarters. Headquarters for Hones', values aud Low prices. . MliXS.' YOTTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING in great variety aud Styles. Sack suits, Frock suits, Prince Alberts, Regents. OVERCOATS Koll MUN AND BOYS In Chinchilla, Melton, Beaver, Cleviots, Serges, etc., a large assortment for stoutaud slim gentlemen, and all the latest lads in long medium and short lengths. While you are looking after your owu comfort you should remember the boys. Ol'R STOCK i)V BOY'S.AND CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING is the finest and best assorted in the state this one branch of our business that we take especial pride iu aud we are continually replenishing with new stock. 4 TRUNKS AND VALISES. We have just received a large aud varied in voice of Trauks and Valices, consisting of traveling Trunks, in ziue aud 'can vass the newest thing out. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS. Stiff and soft hats. Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, Jewtlry and Underwear. We are the exclusive agents for Wright's Celebrated Health Underwear, iu white and colors. Everything usually kept in a first-class establishment is offered for sale by us. ROSENTHAL CLOTHING CO., 305 FAYKTTEV1LLB ST.. OPPOSITE PO3T0FFICE. WQOLLCOTT...& SOrt, 14 East IVE-iitin Street. Some New B.irgaini for this I 2000 yards Silk, all shades, 21 l - 1000 " Unbleached Sheering, Table Linen, &c. ! Turkey Red Table Damask, 25, 35, 40 and 50c yard. Unbleached Table Damask, 25, 35, 50 and 75u yard. Bleached Table Damask, 30, 35, 50,75 and vl a yard. Table Napkins, otic a doz, worth 50j. " " 50c " " 00c. " 00, 75, $1, H 25, 150 , and H 75 yard. Some Towelling 4 3 4, 7 1-2, 10 aud 12 cents yard. Towels. 33 in x 19 4 3-4 each. 37 in. i 24 9 each 44 iu. x 27 10 each. Linen Huch Towels 12, 15, 20 and 25c " each. We have reorganized our Crockery and Glassware depart inent. In it you will hud most all you waut for use. Dinner Set $14 00, worth $17 50 10 00 " 12 50 Tea " 0 00 7 50 " 5 00 " COO . " " 4 50 " 5 00 Cups and 3aucers from 50c a set. Goblets from 30j a set. Handkerchiefs. 3000 Ladies' Hdkfs 10i, worth 12 l-2c 2000 " 12c' " 15 15U0 " 15c. " 20 1000 " 25c. " 35 1000 40c 50 All oti marked in ures One and sold for cash on delivery. WOOLLOOrT Sc SO 1ST, for Legisi.uors. C1 2c a yard; former price 40j. 9-4, 13 3-4j ayard.formerprice,!? 1-2. 500 Gents Hemstitched 10j" 12 l-2c 2000 " 5c " ,10 Black Dress Goods. 52 in. Serge 75c yard, worth $1 15 44 82c, ". 1 2A 40 ' 40c, " 75 30 " 20c, " 25 Our stock of Dress Goods is one of the most complete in the state, " White Goods. Lawns, Naiusook and Check Muslin 5, 0 1-4, 7 1-2, 10, 12 1-2, 15e and 20o yard. Our stock of Embroideries and Laces is one of the most complete in the- city. All new aud very cheap. A complete lot of Feather Stitched Braid. Your choice for 10c a piece. Genta Webb, new style, 10j yard. Our Gents .3 Shoes, in all styles, are the best ever sold here for the money. Our Ladies $1 50 and $2 but ton shoes, in all widths and styles, wear well and every pair warranted. Try a pair. Rugs an entire new stock, 500 Rugs for f 3 89 400 " 2 75 375 2 45 125 " 100 100 Coeoon Mats 85o 425 $1 15 goods are plain fig price to all Now Merchant is the ho dobasiness tbes time days must bustl . to kov If you do not peed. hustle you're M jou not "in it." wisli To "get in it" a good you must advertise. crop The Visitor is the plant paper to advertise So. your It goes into the best fnmilies in the of Raleigh and Yisi- is read by over tor 2000 people dairy. If you If you are not do not on the lit-t take send in your name the . or give your paper number and street now to the carrier. you ought to cents lor one m'nth ;ent ; to any oMce in the U.. on ecpt piice. Try it a ' in 9 nth V r

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