r EVENING VISITOR. VOL. XXXII. RALEIGH, X. C, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1895. m 92 (ffi r TA 6 Wl i ' -' For the New Ycr, We are not cleaning out a lot 'f old bonks anil shopworn stationery, but we are rlenuiiii; out some nf the tnoHt readable books, in Btylish bind ings, you ever Haw. Sinni- of the tinest stationery that pen or pe icil eertrav eled over. Wbeu you learn that we are selling the famous standard books for 2.i . we know you will be surprised. Wiisit a pleasure to read sucli books at such prices. The best of ink and the lies: of puis help the lingers kelp t'i' brain in do some good work. We have just stocked upon l'.lank Hooks, Day Books, Ledgers, Pass Hooks and everything a business man wants to begin a new year's work. Prices lower than you have eer bought before. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. Willi E- GOODS ! Just received a beautiful line of INDIA LINENS from 8 to 24o. NAINSOOKS from 5e to 14c; cheap at 10ii and 25.;. LONSDALE CAMRKIC, good qual ity at De, worth 13 l-2c BLEACH DOMESTIC, 1 yd wide, 5c, worth 7c anywhere. Hamburg!) and Laces. A nice line of light calico at 4c. A new feature added to our busi ness Glassware cheaper than evr. Come ad get our prices. We feel sure you will buy. LYON RACKET STORE. Lost, Borrowed or Stolen. The gentleman (V) that borrowed (.J) my gun will confer a tavor by relum ing it. 21 3t C. D. Aktiii ii. Thomas & Maxwell has just recked ' Miss Uuth Klutz, of Salisbury, who a large lot of pi a fiber mattresses j,as (,(ll,n visiting Miss Kate Stronach, lor people stiueruig wuu uniuruir.u all IdBg troubles. RALEIGH IS PROUD OF IT. A .VucniiiiVM S'lowini; from the Sixth An nuil Kepi ir t i'l the Southern B- & L. A- SiK-i.i!ion, til KnoxvilU'. Ti'inv The Old est Assnvutii'ii in the South and the I trees! in Anu'riii. -ccmber 31st, 1S!H. assets $4,924. I .14. Total profit from the com. l . :ic ineiit ,,f the association to De- .. ..tier 31st HI jl, 208,883. 20. Tratis feied from the expense fund (which w:,H'not needed) j23O,50O.0O to loan ' fund. KereiptH during the year lt-Ot .l..ri39 019 01, of which amount i only T(i('o 79 was on haud January ; 1ft. '0, showing that all of the j amount was loaned ou real estate to ; its members in the usual way. The Southern received in rents from the . Hmne Ollice liuildiug in 1894, f4, 409 05. j I he expense of the management is less p. r share than in any other j Building and Loan Association, therefore the profits are larger than iu anyother liuildiug and Loan As sociation The Kaleigh branch of the Southern was estalilished here over live years ago and has more members aud more shares iu force than any other Building aud Loan Association doing business here. There never has leu a single complaint of a borrower or investor, but all speak a good word for the Southern. Kaleigh citizens show their appreciation and confidence iu the Southern as an investing medi um in the fact that they are the own eis of more than 1,200 shares, repre senting 120.000 v.orthof stock. (Over 135 members iu Kaleigh.) The Southern is fortunate in having --- ii !-! the services of Mr. C. C. Me- loiiald t" manage the Kaleigh Branch, ile is a husiler. Mr. McDonald informs us that he has rented the office iu Jones & Powell's store, and will fit it up and occupy it after February 15th. .Mr. McDonald, in addition to thellal eiyh ollic, has been offered and has accepted the State Agency of the Southern, ami will have supervision over North Carolina. If we are to judge from his sue. ess ig managing the Kaleigh Branch, we predict for him a line business iu the state. Mr. McDonald, though, modestly says it is the Association he represents that is the drawing card. A New Store. Mr. V. N. Suelliug, who is so well kn-'wn iu this community, will, on j March 1st. open a wholesale and re tail grocey at No. 300 South Wilming ton street, between Ed. II. Lee's cot ton "Mice aud Capt. J. J. Thomas' store. Mr. Suelliug is an old aud reliable man at this business and his many friends and former customers will be pleased to learu of his return to it. is now visiting Mrs. T. K. Bruner. THREE POINTS OF SUCCESS GOOD GOODS. i HONEST VALUE. PROMPT DELIVERY. guarantee all goods to please or they may be returned without expense to the customer. I guarantee prices as low as any house in the trade, quality considered. I nake every effort to delivergoods I as soou as purchased. TELEPHONE 77 CT H SSB G-. B Jk.XjX, fe2 HL iSf Tf)e Li v Mao Of today is the man who. succeeds, and the individual who waits for his neigh bor to set the pace generally brings up the rear. It is pretty lively with us. The LOW cash prioes we are making on all winter dress goods, flannels, la dies' wraps, men's and boys' clothing, overcoats, etc., causes our worthy com petitors to be seized with the mad spirit of imitation and drop in line in the rear of the leader and take their respective medicines with much murmuring. They are coming in droves and all go away happy with the greatest bargains in snoeB, carpets, rugs, etc., ever seen in nuieigu. My entire line of crockery, glassware, lanips, etc., at prime cost. . Respectfully, JDz T. SWINDBLLj,, :: 400 Fajetteville St., Kaleigh, N. C. OX Till-HUSTLE THAT'S THE WAY THINGS ARE OX SATURDAY. Bui the Visitor's Note Book Was in the Rush, After News. Regular March weather today. One convict arrived at the peniteu tiary today from Halifax today. Mr. t has. McDonald has moved iulo his new ollice, with Jones and Powell Again too late the trains. They came iu greatly behind time today, all of them More cotton was brought to town to day by the farmers than has come be fore iu over a month. The receipts mounted up to 40 bales. A colored man was arrested and put iu jail today to awaif trial for assault, which consisted of shaking his list in the face of a timid brother. Mr. Charles Murphy was not a Ral eigh boy as stated in the Visitor of the 19:h bua Greene county boy. aud his father and m ither are both dead. The regular meeting of the Wo man's Christian Temperance Union will be held at Mrs. J. W. Carter's Mon day, Feb. 25th at half past three o'clock. There is new arrival iu the city not new, either, for he comes every spring. His name is very laminar to people everywhere aud is Mr. Bock- beer. Governor Carr has granted an ex hange of courts between judges Gra ham and Robinson whereby judge Robinson will hold the Madison court and judge Graham the Mecklenburg. The legislators who attended the Newbern fair came back last night. They expressed themselves as having had a delightful time. Some of theiu of them felt sore when they he:rd about that Fred Douglass action. Yesterday afternoon Mrs Marina Blake, an old Wake county lady, 62 years of age, died at her home 8 miles north of Raleigh. Relatives came to Raleigh this morning to make arrang ments for her burial. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Joseph Potts will speak to men in the parlor of the Y. M C. A. His subject will be " The Manhood of Nf.hemiah." All young men should hear this talk. Good singing, a warm welcome. It is learned that the moonshiner, Harman, whsse capture was reported a day or so ago, was once informer against those who made "dew" with out license. He went in the business, himself; some one imposed on him and he had to take a dose of his own medi cine. Miss irferrirnon last evening enter ta'ned a number of friends at a "George Washington party." Questions were asked about the "father of his coun try," and the lady and gentleman an swering them were awarded prizes. The party was given in honor of Miss Hull, of Athens, Ga. Over shoes thieves are becomiug ex ceedingly numerous these days. Every day some poor citizen, whose pedal pro tectors have been appropriated from his door step, can be heard talking in pesssiuiistic manner about thiugs geueially and sneak thieves-in partic ular. . As the weather has decided to do the "geutlemauly thing," work on the new flouring and lumber mills and the ice-factory has been coram 'need again. By the way, prognosticator Von Her mann didu't prognosticate yesterday. Even the weather bureau honored the immortal Geurge. But the weather goes on, just the same. Several of the pages of the legisla tnre who went to Newbern were shown a bogus telegram from Raleigh stat ing that both houses had passed a res olution discharging all absent pages over or under the age of 12 years. Thereupon the pages held a meeting and decided that each one's birthday, the 12th, came on the day the resolu tion was passed. ; Hicks' Fragrant Almonds For chaps and fever blisters and Dr. Nagle's certain cough cure are guaranteed satisfactory or money re funded. 15o at Hicks & Rogers, suo eseora to Snelling & Hicks, druggist. LADIES UUi IN FOU'E To Hear the Confederate Monu ment Debate In the Senate. At noon today the senate took op the special order, the bill to appro priate ilO.OOO from the direct tai fuud as a loan to the ladies of the monumental association with which to complete the confederate monument. , The Ldies were out In force. All three of tha galleries and the lobbies were crowded with them and their pretty faces and the bright color (lashing from their variegated dresses lent a cjerfu! and pleasant effect to the sombre walls of the chamber and visably affect -d many a grave and solemn senator. First came senator Moody. Besides being the most popular senator on the Hoor, he is ever jovial and fill of life and humor. He also, along with his cherry manner, has the admirable characteristic of being fond of woman kind in general. But he has patriot ism in plenty. His speech, as every one knew it would be, was in favor of granting the ladies' request. He spoke for some time earnestly urging the loan. His style is pointed, blount and sometimes evenl uugrammatical, but is nevertheless forceful and his speeches always take well. Senator Westmoreland then spoke. He is a typical fnsiouist. "refawm" and economy expressed in his appear ance and in every word that comes from his lips. He spoke against the bill, of course, and said he wanted the money given to the poor, school chil dren. The ladies got out their note l ooks and jotted down his name. His speech was very, very, coldly received by the spectators. After the speech-making was over those senators, those hard-hearted senators, with the eager ladies gazing at them intently, voted to kill the bill by a vote of 28 to 8. Many of them lacked the nerve to vote and were excused. They give nothing to the monument. But they adjourn for Douglass. MAYOR'STCOURT. Two Cases-Not to Mention the Usual Drunk. Mayor Badger had several cases to settle this morning. The , first that at tracted his attention was that of Joe McCommick, who was pulled for steal ing a banjo from Ned Bryant. Music had charms for Jo, but he didn't have money enough to purchase an iustru ment. So he appropriated that of his more fortunate neighbor. He was sent on to the March term of superior court. The next case was a "good'um " It seems that Theo. Williams is in love with the daughter of Seth Christmas. All the parties are colored. Theo. ca'led on his love last night, but at 10:15 o'clock her stern patermade him depart. Christmas said that Theo. had cursed him most vehemently; Theo said it was Christmas who did the cursing. Each showed a marked familiarity with the art of "cussing" though each said, "I never cuss Mayor Badger put off the case to settle the question of veracity. The usual drunk got the usual pen alty 12 hours. II EIGI10 ! Stop a While and Talk a While With These Vititor People. Mr. Albert P. Massey, who has been hors du combat from the effects of grip, is out again. Mr. W. A. Neal, of Laurinburg, ar rived this morning. He is at the Park. Mr. John B. Kenney returned from Newbern last evening. Dr. Ayer, who also went down will be back Monday. Mr. B. F. Joyce, of Mount Airy, is in the city. He arrived early this i morning. Mr. Percy Gray, a well known rail road man of Greensboro, arrived here this morning. Messrs. R. T. Daniels and Garland Upchurch, tw students of Wake For est college, artived here today. Mr. Charles R. Turner, of1 the uni versity, returned to Chapel Hill this afternoon, having spent yesterday and today at his home. DEAD P0R HOURS liKlOkl: ni-.k 1'iODY WAS HOI) liY A SHRVAXT. Mrs. M:'.'-y r Speight, of an Il lustrious Family, Dies Suddenly. Mrs. Mary E. Speight is dead. The announcement came this morning like a thunder bolt from a clear sky, for Mrs. Speight, while quite an old lady, was thought by no one to be so near death's door. Death cam with awful suddenness aud claimed his victim while she was alone ia her bed chamber. No one, not even the ser vant in the bouse, knew she was ill, so speedily and quickly did death come. This morning at about 6:30 o'clock the servant girl, who had been em ployed by Mrs. Speight, entered her room according to her custom and was much surprised to find Mrs. Speight sitting up near the bed. The servant spoke and received no answer; she looked at the face of her mistress and something in the expression of the features struck terror to her heart; she rushed to the neighbors crying out that Mrs. Speight was dead. Sev eral persons rushed to 'he house and found that the girl's statement was only too true. Mrs. Speight was dead. Then Dr. Knox, the dead woman's physician, was sent for. He made an examination and discovered that she had been dead for several hours, at least, lie stated that in his opinion Mrs. Speight died of some brain trouble. He had only a few weeks ago examination her heart and found that organ in perfect health. Arrange ments for the funeral have not yet been made. Mrs. Speight was an old lady of a lovable disposition and had hosts of friends who will be deeply pained to hear of her sad death. She belonged to an illustrious family, being a daugh ter of the late Hon. John H. Bryant. She had several relatives here. She was a sister of Mrs. A. P. C. Bryant, Mrs. John Winder and Mrs. Andrew Symme. She was at. the time of her death in her 70th year. Mrs. Speight was a charter membei of the ladies' memorial association and always took a great deal of inter est in that organization. She was a vice-president from 1860, when tin association was founded, to the dayi her death. The Monday evening club will hole its regular meeting Monday night at judge Montgomery's. The subject for the evening will be "Humor." Papers will be read by Messrs. D. E. Asbury, and D. II. Hill. Readingt and criticisms by Misses Knox, Bates and Burkhead. Each member will come provided with a spicy criti cism. Mr. W. E. Ardney, a hustling citi zen of a hustling town, Charlotte, arrived here this morning. Mr. S. N. Betts, a Winstonian well known, arrived here today. He is ai the Yarboro. SEED HUSH POTATOES. Fine New Orleans Molasses. Old Fash ion Country Sorghum. Evaporated and Home Dried Fruits Wfc VtrrsLijt Ever Q-s We Set!, WD 100 nts?pp BOYS AND OIKLS. LADIKd. MEN d. WOOD RIMS UP TO DATE 1805 B1CTCLB4, 28 INCH WHEELS, 50. Factory crowded with ordersSPEClAL in stock; orders out for others. Expect soon. Don't buy un til yon see them. RALEIGH. N. C. VIRGINIA. .TT A AfiLNORTH -L-i-iraxvxkj-nARnT.iVA That will please any one. "MELROSE." This celebrated Hour guaranteed tin best fancy patent. Old Fashion Buckwheat Flour, Pre pared Buckwheat, etc. We deliver goods promptly. I11U1EEW 2 MG1E REB Winter iilliiery OF ALL KINDS. A FULL LINE OF AT ALL PRICES. NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. Zephyr, 7 cents. Wool, 18 cents. 8LIPPER SOLES 25ets., at SHERWOOHS IVCETHIOIDS! WINS. AND LowPricPS combined with big values, bring the business. We might quote prices, but you an't tell anything about the values until you see the goods. The "great price cutters" and "big bargain givers" make significant fail ures in eatching the trade after our oods have bee a seen and the prices heard. NOV f rEastirDiresies Complete assortment of early spring voolens have just been received with m elegant line of trimmings to match. Full line of the best fitting Corsets n the market. DRESSY SHOES FoPrSSY Right goods at right prices, backed y a warrant of full satisfaction, or no pay does the work for us. Examine our stock to your heart's lontent. You are not urged to buy. : A. Sh:r:;::i k Co. Telephone No. 125. TURNER & WYNNE, f22 Cor. Halifax and Johnson Sts. From Over NORTH CAROLINA X Are People Sendm? (or our Men's "or the e.ison that Some were 7 00, Some $6 50 iome f 5. There ; - Vasa Good Sprinkling of the 00 ones. : Ml TOM (MJ0E DUE HEFOREIT BS TI0 UTE imiri TivTHT